The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 07, 1839, Image 1
ClllWlSlIISA 1 I liuvc kWuru uiiou tho Altar of God, eternal hostility to otury foiiu of Tyranny over the Mind of Man." Thomas Jcllbrson. HUNTED AN J) PUBLISHED BY 11. wiii " Volume EM; BLOOMSBTOG, COLUMBIA COUNTY1, PA. SATURDAY, DECEMBER. 7, 1839. Ktainljcr 32'. i.Vl re- ute )B ft CM r. Ca. ni jd. iu- .nd if fin. burff ii the rs. umerl jtler, iydcrr M. I .ye lef OFFICE OP THE DEMOCRAT, Oprdsrris St. Paul's Cuuuch', Main-st. 1 igiMMwwafia yte COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be published every Saturday mornings al TWO DOLLARS pet annum payable half yearly In advance) or Two Dollars Fifty Cents, if not paid ivithin the year. 'No subscription will belalicn for a shorter period than six months; nor any discon tinuance permitted, until all arrearages are discharged: ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding a square will bi conspicuously inserted at One Dollar for the first three insertions, and Twenty-five cents for every subse quent nscrlion. . XCs"A liberal discount . made to thos'f. who a Ivertise by the year. LETTERS addressed on business, must be pdst paid. US3ffl2s2akKJI5W3a THE DISCOVERY. ' It's a nasty evening,' said Mr. Dornloii, the stor.kbroker, as lie fettled himself in the last inside place of the last Fuliiian coach, driven by our old friend Mat an especial friend in need, ho it remembered to the fair sex. ... 4 1 wouldn't be outside,' said Mr. Jones, another stockbroker, ' for a trille.' Nor I, as a speculation in options,' said Mr. Parsons, another frequenter of the A! Icy. I wonder what Mat is waiting for,' said Mr. Tidwcll, ' for wc are full, inside and out ' Mr. Tidwcll's doubt was srinn solved the coaoIt.ilffornpwicdrfnniK MaTeTvlfaf tostcnlaiinusly inquried. what indeed he ve ry well know' I .believe every place is took up iiiside V We're all hen',' answered Mr. Jones, on behalf of the Usual compliment old sta- er" . I told you so, ma'am,' said Mat, id a female who stood beside him, but still leav inc the door open to an invitation from with in. However, .lobody epoke on the con trary, I felt Mr. Ilindiriarsh, my nest neighbor, dilating himself Jiko the frog in the fable. I don't know what I shall do,' exclaim ed the Woman. ' I've no wheic to go to, and it's raining cats and dogs 1' 4 You'd better not hang about, anyhow,' said Mat, ' for ytiu may kelch your death and I'm the last coach an't I Mr. Aones V To he sure yott are,' said Mr. Jones, iather impatiently, ' shut the door. I told ihe lady the gentlemen couldn t inake room for her,' answered Mai, in a tone of apology 1 I'm very sorry, my dear' (turning towards tho female,) you should have my scat, If you could hold the ribbons -but such a pretty oifc an you ought to have a coach of her own.' Ho began slowly closing ihe door. Stop, Mat, stop !' cried Mr. Dorntoh, ind the door quicklv Unclosed again; ' I can't give up my place, lor I'm expected home to dinner, but if the lady wouldn t ob ject to sit oil my knees ' Not tho least in the world,' answered Mat eagerly; ' on won't object, will you ba'am, for once in a wav, with a married gentleman, and a wet night, and the last boarh on thu road V 4 If I thought I shouldn't tincommodc,' aid the lady, precipitately foiling her -wet hbrella, which she handed to one gentle man, whilst she lavoreu another witn ncr 4nuddy pattens. She then followed herself, Mat shutting tho door behind her, in such a h.bnner ns to help her in. I'm sure I'm obliged fur the favor,' she said, looking ound; ' but which gentleman was so kind. 4It was I who had the pleasure of pro ofing, madam,' said Mr; Dornton ; and before he pronounced the last word, she as in his lap, with an assurance that she ould sit as lightsome as she could. Both Lnrtics seemed very well plr-asr d with tho British king; but, unlike that class denomi Irnrgcrsenti but M y dj. accc jn.g to the natcd 4 toiics,' had done fom a lenss of tides of Lavator, the rest of tho company were but III at case. For my own part, 1 candidly confess I was equally out of hu mor with myself and the perstvi who had set riio such ad examplo of gallantry I wli'ii had read the lays of the Trouhadors Ihe.nrwards of tho "old Courts of Love' iho lives of the 4preux Chevaliers' the history of Sir Charles Grandison to be outdone in courtesy to the sex by a married stockbroker I How 1 grudged him the honour she conferred upon hint how I en vied his feelings'. , , . . I did not stand alone. I suspect; in this unjustifiable jealousy ; Messrs, Jones, Hind marsh, Tidwcli, and Parsons, seemed e qlially disinclined to forgive the chivalrous act which had, as true knights, loweicd all our eresls and blotted our escutcheons, and rut off our spurs. Many an unfair jibe was launched at the champion of tho fair, and when ho attempted to enter into ennvcrsn tion with the lady, he was interrupted by incessant questions ot What a stirring in the Alley ?' 4 is doing in Dutch .' 4 How arc the Rentes V To all t'lese questions Mr; Dornton in eontiuenlly returned business-like answers, according lo the last Stock Exchange quo tations; am! he was in tho middle of an elaborate enumeration, that so and so was Very fuui,aud so and so very low, and this rather brisk, and that getting up, and ope rations, and lluctuatious, and so forth, when somebody inquired about Spanish Bonds. They are looking up, my dear.' said Mr. Woinlun, somewhat anstr.ietcuiv j ami te- foro the other 3toek brokers, had doudt ii tcring, the stage stopped. A bell was ting, and whilst .Mat stood., beside the open coach-duor, Jii feTfwIo'j'iicafctsh and clogs, with a lantern in her hand, came clattering pompously down a front garden. 'Is Susan Peggo come V inquired a shrill voice. , 'Yes 1 be,' replied the lady who had been drv-nursed from town ; 'are vou, ma'am, number lent C! rove-place V ' 'This is Mr. Dornion's, said the digni fied woman ill the hood, advancing her lantern, 'uld morov on us! vou're in master's lap !' A shout of laughter from five of the in side passengers corroborated the assertion and like a literal cat out of tho bag, the ci deuanl lady, forgetting her umbrella and her pattens, bolted out of the coach, and with feline celerity rushed Hp tho garden and down the aiea, of number leu. 'Renounce tho woman ' said Mr. Dorn ton, as he scuttled out of the slage-4Whv the devil din't she tell mo she was the new cook !' Hood's Own. From the Southern (Illinois) Advocate; THE TORY'S DAUGHTER. 44 Mv dear father, do not go out to night upon this perilous undertaking, js you pro pose. M v Iieat t ."inks within me, as I think of the 'danger to which yoii will be expose and the sull'ering which you will endure. - Something tells me that its termination will bo disastrous, if not fatal. You say that vou have testified vour readiness for the ex pedition. Well, bo it so. Frame koiiic excuse lor the iiunlfilulmeiit o vour en gagement, and let some other supply your place. But, at any rate, do not leave me to night.'1 "Thus pleaded a lovely wcepiog she clung aroitnd the nook of her only surviv ing parent. Oliver Morton was a man rath or past the luiddlo stage of life. His natur al disposition was mild, gentle and amiable but bv a seiics of troubles and vexatious, u had become soured; and he was often crab bed towards all but his nhlv daughtor, who was thu pride of his life and tho object, of much louder solicitude. Tho time at which our story commences was in 1782, when large bodies of 4 lories,' as they wero called wero rava- ing tho States of North and South Carolina. Mr. Morton like many ol his deluded countrymen had taken up arms in defence of the unlawful claims of the duty. Being remololy desended from one of tho noblest houses in 4 England's Realm,' and having been taught that deep reverence for the 4 blood royal' which is so character eslie of 4 Britain's sons' he could not, for one moment, harbor the Idea of lighting a gainst his rightful lord and master. From the comforts of his home, and the quiet en joymcnts of domestic life, he had been cal led into the arena of civil strife; nor for one moment did he shrink from what he con- eived to be his duty, although it was with many a pang, that he contemplated the al most orphan statu of his only daughter (her mother was dead) who was then fifteen years ot age. lie was a (Japiain umlor Maj. Fugersou, ihe commandant of the to- y recruits in those Sales. The duly which he was now about to perform, was one ol considerable importance to the royal cause, md one requiting energy and resolution. Accordingly Captain Morion, on account of u combination of such qualities, was ohosen for the command. Tnu plan of the exjiediiion was as follows: Information had been received that a detachment of pa triot forces, was returning to General Ma rion's encampment then upon the gieat Po lice river, tho boundary between North and South Carolina, with supplies of provisions, clothing, &e. fur the sustenance of his ar- iii); which had been furnished principally by our own patriotic country women, who, Spartan like, disdained not, with their own hands lo assist by every means in their pow er, lo forward ihe glorious cause uf the A meriean fieedom. Tho instructions of Can- lain Mortan were, lo intercept, if possible, this band, at a place called Goodwin's feiry, about 20 miles from iho camp of M.j. Fur- gurson, yJicre,:itrv'TrtruppoCfl;iJifi,"W'!riiiU hall for the night. The precise number of their force was unknown, although it was supposed not to exceed 100. Aecoidinly, .Morton was ordered to lake a like number of cfi'eeiivc men and lo spare no pains nor labor in effecting the end in view. As he now siood just upon tho eve of departuie, with Isabella clinging to his neck, and .Scard her as she besought him not to go out to! iiigh,ho felt that a soldiers duly was a ).ard & imperative one; and 3 ho thought of the unprotected slate of his child, if in the un certain event of 4 maiiial sirile.' he, her on ly natural guardian, should be taken away, a solitary tear (no frequent visiter,) began to course its way duwn his care worn cheeks. It would have been no bad simile to have compared her, as she stood, like a 4 Niube in tears,' in all the wretchedness of woe, lo tho weeping willow, as to seeming sorrow anil humbleness, il bends its droop ing branches lo the earth, and him, in all the dignity of manhood, as ho stood beside his darling child, lo the m.ijesliu oak, as it waves aloft its broad arms to thu breeze of Heaven in apparent protection of the wil low's loneliness. 4 My daughter;' said the father to her thrice repeated request, 4 my duty as a sol diermy promised faith, and above all my allegiance to my king.' 4 Faihei,' said the weeping girl, looking up in his face and assuming an appearance of real diguiiy, ' do not not speak of your allegiance lo thai waked king, who for pur puses of aggrandizement, is sowing tho seed of civil discord, and deluging Ibis once happy country in an ocean of blood.' "Silence, maiden," interrupted the father eonsideiably excited, '.such language be comes no daughter of mine. 1 know how il is you hate suffered yourself to ho led away by the insinuating addresses of ihat rebellious niiscieant, Maj. Henderson. Toll me, girl, have you. not, contrary to my ex press commands, seen and spoken to this infamous ruboli" "Father, although your words do injus tice the greatest injustice to Major Hen derson and to myself, tet will I answer as a daughter should. 1 have within the last week, both seen and spol cn with this 're bellious miscfeaiil,' as he is termed. Still the mooting, on my part, was accidental and unavoidable. That I feel moro than 3I1U UliaVOlUUUie, ilHUl .... unusual degree of interest in the safety and welfare o? Major Henderson, yon arc 1 already aware. That 1 havo long since given him my plighted vows, I will hot de ny, and" , 44Away with your 'plighted vows,' I ton, have a. vow an oath rcgisteicd in Ilea veil, that never, while you are a daughter of 'nine, shall Henderson receive you as a wedded wife. This I long since determin ed. I hale him ss well us his rebel associ ates ; and although I never received injury fr'in his hands, yet it is enough for inc to know that he wields tbc sword of violence against his lawful king. You know my determination ; act accordingly, and you shall have no cause to repent obeying your father's commands. I am . not wont,' taid he in a softened tone, 4,to require any thing of my daughter which is difficult to per form." 'No my dear father, never. You havo always been too indulgent towards your wayward child, and in every thing I will try to obey so kind a parent. But oh ! that you might be permitted to remain in safety wiinin your peacciul auotle aim no more engage, personally engage, in bloody war." "My daughter, I too look forward with delight inexpressible to the lime when 1 shall once mote lay aside these martial trappings and be restored lo domestic quiet But now I must away to the performance of my duly. 1 tnist I shall be enabled to return within the space of two or three days. In the meantime, keen within doois, (ot these are times unlit for lonely maiden ram bles. 1-are well my einlu ; UoU mass you." So saying, he hastily mounted his horse and rode over lo thu oamp of his su pcrior.flfiieer1.tvliilo thcaiseoiisjuatc- ajitu Mcn life house." U was now about 3 o'clock, P. iM. Hasty preparations were made for the departure o ihe company destined for Ihe expedition, and about an hour and a half before suu-sct,they started fur their place of destination. The irreatest hiiantv was exhibited on the route on account of tho supposed easy conquest they wero about to obtain over the enemy, little dreaming of tho real lerminaliou of all their high expectations. A liille before dark they arrived within about ilncc-fourths of a mile of ihe before mentioned lerry, where a hall was ordered and spies sent out to icr.on noitre. In an hour they returned, staling that the ground was occupied by the bag gage of the lcbcl forces; but not a soul was lo be seen. The Captain's brow darkened. Full well ho knew the watchful and untiring spir it of the continental troops, who, always upon the alert, were seldom taken unawares. Indecision was not an ingredient of Capt.. Morion's nature. Accordingly, he imme diately placed his men in the most advan tageous position for an attack. His prepar ations were timely, for scarcely had the last-man stepped into tho ranks there they wore fired upon by a large body of troops who had been lying in ambush. Now was l.i.nnl ih "ilin of war" and tho clangor of arms," ami soon many a brave man lay weltering in his gore. Capt- Morton mid his little band fought with the spirit of des peradoes. Loud above the noise of battle was heard the voice of the American com mander ordering his men to "strike down all who opposed to slay none who yiel ded." Fiercely the contest raged, until Captain Morton, receiving a wound, fell from his horse to the ground, and tho re maining part of his men, hearing that their commander was taksn, si rreudercd at dis cretion. Sad arid gloomy was the spectacle pre sented the next morning upon thu halite field. More than half the lories weio either slain or wounded. In a state of insensibil ity, Capl. Morion was conveyed by means of a litter, to the patriot camp, where his wound was ptop'erly attended lo, by one of the soldiers considerably chilled in phar- . t ,. r. 1 m..: mary. upon recovering, ue luuuu mujui . ... . .. i -II Ucnilerson oonuing over mm v, mi an mc tender soliciltiue ot a lonu moiucr cuuru- - - . voring lo trace some auspicious change in the countenanco of her sick child, llccog- nizing him, he held out his hand and was about to express his gratitude, when Major Henderson, by the authority of the nurse, enjoined him lo keep siler.ce, as talking might injure him in his weak state. Towards evening the parly left their en campment and proceeded to the camp of Gen. Marion, whither the supplies wero destined. Two o'clock the next day they arrived. Having delivered up his charge. Maj. Henderson proceeded lo furnish com fortable quartets for Capl. Morton, his. late enemv. A week passed and the wounded man was fast recovering, and Maj. Hender son had again been sent out for the pttrposo of seeking supplies for the armyl In the mean time, a man by the namo of Caruv, a Capt. in Gen. Marion's army, and formerly a neighbor of Cant. Morton, but his implacable enemy, had industriously circulated the report that Capt Morion had formely belonged lo the continental troops and had, at the commencement of the war. been connected with the detachment of which ho was Captain : but had deserted to ' u the Biitiah. This was a seriour. accusation :ind one which Gen. Marion could not over look If Capt. Morion wa3 proven a deser ter, it became Iii3 duty lo execute him cs an example to others. He accordingly in stituted an inquiry which resulted in a knowledge that Ihe said Cams was ready to bring forward sufficient evidence of the truth of his accusation. A trial was there fore appointed, lo take place tho next week. Capt. Morion was allowed to de fend himself, ami every means' was taken to procure evidence of his innocence' lit the mean time, Isabella, the affeclionato jiiunhterijvas niJlllc.uil"vf5ifl--ia- hall. Sneiiatt procured tile promise ot two witnesses, who, for many years had been acquainted with Captain Morloni and knew him to have been a slauneh lo ry from the commencement of the dispute between England and ncr revolted colo nies. The day at length arrived, the anxiously expected day. which was to decide tho fato of the accused. The hour approached and yet the witnesses for the defendant did not arrive. Al last one came. The other, but the day before, was killed by the falling of a tree. Thus did It seem as if the last tay of hope was shut out from the wretched pa ruut wretched only in view of the orphan, stale of his daughter. Tho witnesses were examined. Those against tho accused lestified as Cams had before done. They were two in number lie for the defendant staled eleatly and dis tinctly what tho reader has already been made acquainted with ; yet, tho amount of evidence in support of the accusation was such that the court martial pronounced tho sentence of death upon him. Before the de cision was given Isabella had exhibited un cnntrolablegiicf, but as soon as she heard tho sentence which would consign herfathor to a disgraceful and ignominious death her tear ceased to flow ; her breast swelled with emotion, yet no oilier sign of distress did she exhibit. Her mind seemed occupied with some strong resolve some mighty purpose. Capt. Morton was kept under a guard until the day of execution should come which was to take place in eight days fiom the time sontence was pronounced. Isabella departed for homo with a promisd of returning in a fotv days. Time rolled away. Tho fata! period hastened lo ils con sumation. The eighth day arrived and yet the distracted father in vain awaited the re nin of his daughter. No tidings of her could bo obtained. She left her homo neailv a week before with the intention, as the neighbors supposed, to re-visit lather. Whilhcr she had gone, no her ono knew. . . . , Wretched, indeed, was the parent, as tho hour of execution approached. She in whose lifo his own seemed bound tip was absent, and he was about lo die without one last embrace from Isabella. The muf fled drum proclaimed that tho period had I . , , n Mnrtn, arnved when Captain wortoi to launrh m'o t .-t unfiiscov Morton wa aiut eovsrd cotih ,y I Is, TO