The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 30, 1839, Image 3
COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. xnotU wit uocr te.ii 1 4 gXimi.1V,'0VEMMlliaO, 1P39. r 11ES1D AT, KtifeCTION-1 840. y , FqK PhESIliKNT, MARTItf -VAN BUREIf. Ton Vicn 'l'misitJENT, niCIIvV.R'D. M. JOHNSON'. - AND Tim 'CONSTfrtfTIONAL TREASURY. Wo this- Weok. publish l,!io proceedings of the mooting hold in Danville on Mou thy of Cojirt ' wcek,t We have for some months been nwnrc that tho Danville Junto Were cherishing a hosfilo fecfiiig towards tho administration of Governor Porter, but WO will candidly confess, that" wo were not prepared to see them now 'doff the beaver,' .no unti nn nm-n u-nrfnrn ns'vas done UtIU IIUjWMMlll " " I' . ' in tho resolutions as originally icporleil to the meeting held at Danville, last week Wo say originally reported, because the re solutions as they appear in print, arc very different from those read in the meeting. Several of tho resolutions are very objec lionable in' point oflauguago.-nt the present crises injour monetary affairs, independent of other considerations. It is no time -for threats and criminations, when it requires all the sagacity, experience and prudence of our wisest sidesmen to correct tho evils which w.o now suffer from the present ill devised banking system. The people do not want denunciation for the past, but pro tection for tho future, and they look to the stern and uuyiclding'intcgrily of Governor Tortcr, and tho steady determination )ic has alrcadv manifested to sustain tho rights of tho people, and not lo liis fears of the chur lish snappishness of a few disappointed in dividuals, to recommend some judicious amendments to tho present system, that will insure tho protection required. i llnw:diflcrcnt the feelings manilestcil in f'the following article from those expressed . by the Danville Junto at tho late meeting. The one expressing enliro confidence that Governor Porter will exert his pvcry effort to sustain the interest of the State in the present critical crisis, and calling upon tho Democracy to Tally around him and encou rage him onward in his , patriotic course aeter, but a few days back appeared in a de ., , ..i..i.,ru;. ranged stale of mind which it is supposed ' 11 1 ' I noss and ability, and even hinting in.n nc may benwnyed from his duty by Ihe "flcsh pots ot ugypt," anu ureaiiiing vengeance i. he should happen to err m judgment, or waver from the path marked out by their superior-judgment. GOVERNOR PORTER. i Tho position ol uov. l'orter is now re nuirintr, on his part, the exercise of the vMnst nmitiiui. ?i .iiflnmtfi milt ii n1nml n rr ,i lliuat Ufllllltiua jf uuvjii.u itii uiiumiiuiig ?ti. !...! .,:..,- r ,i, liruiiicss. i nc iiiHiiiuii jiiumiiiijii3 " 'tiu Commonwealth, following the leail of the ureal head of tho Bank of the U. Slates are co-operating lo force matters to such an issue that the associaledwoalth of the Com monwealth may overcome the administra tion. It is. tho duty of tho Democratic press througnont the State to encourage and sustain tho Governor and tho Legila tuie to rrsist their onsst at every point. IFilktsbarrc Farmer. nrm wyw i i j j , mm The Whig. National Convention' is to as semble at Ilarrisbnrg on the -illn'tjf Decem- bcr'- . Messrs. While and Foster, 1J. S Sena tors fron Tcinesac?,. havo, resigned their ,ocals. . , ' Gen. M'Culliiugh thq Democratic candi date has licen olcctwl mmnbor of Congress from the. dilrcl lately leprisentod by the Hon. W. W. Potior, by a minority of a bout 150. The. II:irrisburg, P.i., Keyslono says, wp Tr egret to learn, that a fire broke out at Hum inels town in this county, on Tuesday morning, which reduced 'sixteen or seven- teen barns uid stublci tp iVihes., Ijt is pre sumed in havo bf on tho work rjf on inyendi aiy No dwellings wore destroyed. A smill house belnngingijlo Mr, Josiah Dixon, of Mncon, Ga was recently des troyed by Urn, und . a urgro map, with Ins wile .and child, ptuisjiod in tho ilanite. DELti AND MACLAY. Our friends in the. district misrci.rcscnled by these individuals, havo taken up the work of redress in a proper and spirited manner, petitions have been circulated in every part of tho district, and wo believe that a majority of the voters in the wholo district havo already attached their names. wo earnestly ilesire an investigation into tho manncr which ihes? gentlemen obtained their, seals ; and promise nil concerned, that no petitions will he held back, but that all papers lioui both sides will bo laid before lbs Senate. Exintrle investigations ended with the reiffii of terror in 1838 hence forth any one feeling aggrieved may c.alcti latc.upon a full, fair and impartial hearing. That a majority of the resident void's of that district voted for Messrs. Eycr and Frow, wo never questioned nor will any man pt clouding to a grain o candor doubt it. It is therefore evident that ihey arc not the representatives of the majority, and consequently should ho ousted, and their places lined by the choico ot the majori ty. Stale Capitol Gazelle.' atSC5SET2Z3I5512 PROSPECTS OF ANOTHER WATL Wo learn fiom Washington that we arc likely lo get into another war with tho Cherokecs and other tribes wc3t of the Mississippi rather sooner than wc expec ted" The policy of concentrating on our (oruors,MHi2e uouics 01 armcti auu hob we 11(1 r I if .In(ianS, smartill? ,lndcr sunso of receill injuiy, was gonerallv supposed to bo rather dangerous to the quiet of the frontier, and a war with the - removed tribes whenever it may arise will probably last as long and prove as expensive as the Florida war. It appears that our government, being bound by treaty stipulation, or protect emigrant uneroivces irum unmcsuc sirue, in incii now homes, inteifrrud between the liiilge anil Koss party. 1 he murtlerers of JCiilc were sought lot and an attempt made to punish them, the consequences of which is that the Ross party becamo much exas perated against the United Estates, the flame has been fanned bv ihe emigrant Scminoles and the danger of hostile inclusions upon the western frontier, this winter seems im minent. The government has sent an express to the commanding officer at Fort Gibeon, with directions as to the course to be puisu- cd in case of emergency. A war must be 'attended with unexampled distress 'to the settlers, who are at this time dniost wholly unprepared foi it. Sonio better means might be provided for the pro tection of tho settlers than tho employment of regular troops. The donation of lands lo armed occupants is one oi those means. Should a belt if territory, between the In dian territory and the settlements, be as- sicned to those who would occupy and de lentl it, it would probably do more to secure tho-poooa lltutT Ttrw.tltar.lct lliaLuuuULbo taken, Journal of Commerce. Suicide from mental derangement On "cunesiiay last L-tiaries unangst, a voting man in tho employ of Benjamin Tyson, in uocklanu township, UcrUs county, put an end to his existence by jumping into a well eigiuv jeec aeep- lie was a younc man of temperate habits and bore a pood clar, ;ipp I hns rmicfwl lnm In rnmmit tho act.' -Jejftr so jjem BwUd quvc,tq bmve irishman. Tho Piqusi Courier. (Miami County, Ohio) ha3 the following account of a fatal accident, and a noble ttiough inclleciual attempt to rescue a fellow creature from pending death. On Friday, the 1st inst., a man by the. name of Scolt, living: on a faun about sev en miles north of Piqua, on the Hardin road, in attempting to deepen his well, was buried by ihe caving in and falling of tho stones and earth all around him. In this situation he continue:! to live for some time before any one would volunteer to descend to his assistance, at length an Irishman by tio name of I oolv, came lorward and ofier' ed his services. "lie was letdown and had succeeded in releasing one of the uufortu nalo man's arms, and conversing with him until he was warned of his danger by a large stupe falling on linn. 1 hose above liar barely lime lo raise the bravo fellow to the surface when about eight feel more of iho wall am! earth fell in and litlerally ciushed and buriud.poor Scott alive. Great Piseon .Spooling. Mr- Henry Kcatt Mint last week, at eighteen shots fj'evcn hundred and niijhiypfour pigeons This is tho greatest shooting we ever heaid of, and wo question whether it ever .has been, or can be beaten. The place at which he shot them wjis on a sand bar, where lljoy alighted lor tho purpose of getting crave! and water. Jlrmtmis Mdvcrhser, The Fall emigration to Texa3 from Ten nessee, is cons derablc. Thu Memphis Kunuircr says scarcely a wagon passes destined for iho promising young republic without being crpbelliMied with that family appurtotiance, Western babies Tho Arkunsas Gazette suyg, Gen. Ar buckle hntt notified (he militia of the western counties of llm Slato to hold thomcselvus in readiness to repel any aggressions which an attempt was made in arrat tho murderers ol tho Ridgffl and Uoudinpt, try military ifrirco, may lond tho Indians lo fltlempt on . the whiles. Tho yellow fever is said (o prevail all a long the banks of the Mississippi, between New .Orleans and Natchez. The first shipment of Anfhtacito Iron was made from Pottsvillo Inst week. Twenty thousand barrels of flour were inspected in Baltimore during ' the last week. It is said that the Now York Custom House will cost moro than $3,000,000. There are twenty-four steam engines in operation in Schuylkill couulv. It is estimated (hat tho coal mines of Pennsylvania for 1839, will yield a pro duct worth 35,000,000. Wc allude as well to the western bituminous,- coal, as to the. anlhracito. The Albany Journal of Tuesday, announ ces ha death ot bolomou boUlhwiclt, Esq. A letter from Marion, (Ala ) mentions n dreadful drought in that vicinity. Water was selling in tho' cane brake, at 41 per galoti. The Mobile Advertiser of the Gth says that tho Mobile Hank, with tf'2.50,000 in specie, has a circulation oLonly;sS80,000. Wo learn that William 13. Conway, for merly editoi of the ' .Mountaineer,' at Ed ensburg in this state, and recently secretary of the lertilory ol Iowa, died at liurlntg ton, (Iowa,) on the 5lh iust. In Croydon, N. II. a house and wood shed were burned on Saturday night week, and had not the family been awakened by the crying of a child, they must have been burned to death. Squalling children are, then, good for someOiing sometimes. Mr. McKcnsic has memorialized tho President for leave to go into banishments to Texas, and offered to give heavy securi ty to do so, sooner than to' run the risk of his lifu in horrid confinement. No answer yet frqm the President. A person in Maryland has been sentenc- d to seven years imprisonment for stealing , Horse; a ncison in Kiioue isianu was late ly sentenced to seven inonths'imprisonment or killing a man. The noted Jacob Barber, who, when a Quaker broker and merchant in New York, gave tho first intelligence to 'the public in- 1815, that preliminaries of peace had been signed, received at New Orleans the intel- Inrence, " nobody knows how, ot the sus pension in Philadelphia 2 1 hours before anv one else, and drew $70,000 to truie oiu Tho citizens of New Orleans are about to take measures fur celebrating the ap proaching anniversary of the eighth of Janu ary, and meeting lias neon called lor ttie purpose of inviting General Jackson to be present on the occasion. mm.iji.i, i mm MARRIED Oil the 20th inst by the Rev. William J. Eyor, Mr. JAMES Mc- Dougall, of HollMavs, lo Miss FRANCIS CIARIv, of New Brunswick, New Jersey. By tho Rev. D. S. Tobias, in Miillin township, on the 28th inst. Mr. DANIEL SIENLEY to Miss POLLY, daughter of Mr. II. Lehr, both of that place. In Bloomsbnrg, on Thursday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Wnller, Mr. WIL LIAM MARSHAL to Miss HARRIET RUCII, daughter of Mr. Joseph Ruch. 9 SEVERAL thousand first quality of Brick for sale at the old establishment in Bloomsburg. Nov. 30 1839. j THE Subscriber offers for sale the TWO STORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE and lot on which he resides, situated in Market street in Bloomsbnnr. There is a small bam on the premises. Possession given ihe first of April next. JOSEPH STOUFFER. Bloomsburg, Nov. 30 1830, 31 if. EiiaAlii'iifliI'WEFaiJiri FOR SALE. THE subscriber offersiat private sale, his Apothecary and Drug Store, called " Health Emporium' situited in Bloomsburg. Co lumbia county, Pa. The Drugs and Medi cines can either bo bought alone, or the Shop, Drugs and Medicines together. It is tho only complete Apothecary in Blooms burg, and the subscriber is ready, to give full satisfaction to the purchaser, that itjs one of the most profitable establishment of the kind in a great distance. On account of great sickness, the subscriber is forced lo give up the business. Tho Heallh Em porium is appointed agent for the most and best Patented Medicines now offered to tho public in America, which Agencies will, of course, go with tho Apothecary. If any porson wants to buy tho establishment, and has no knowledge of tho business, the sub scriber is willing to givp air information ne cessary. Possession can be'given at any time. . DS. rTOBIAS. Bloomsburg, tfyv, 30 n830 . torn 1 1 Office of the Little Schuylkill and Siis-") quchantm llail liqad Company, Philadelphia, Nov. 12th, 183U. THE Annual Meeting of the-Stockholders of this Company will bo held, ngreea bly to the charter, at titer ofiico.No, 7 South Fifth street, on MONDAY, the 2d day of DECEMBER NEXT, at 5 o'clock, P. M.) for tho election of a President, six Man agers, and a Secretary and Treasurer of said Company, for the ensuing year. THOMAS HAYES. Secretary. XSooIts ! Boolis ! Books) ! From Philadelphia and Baltimore. Expositors; Emerson Readcrf; Geogra phiea and Atlassj Cobbs Books of all kinds, Gramriiersj Exercises; Conversation on nat Ural Philosopy; Emersons Books; Bonycas llc Mensuration; Map3 of all kinds; Letter Pancr and others, ruled mid unruled, colored antl uncolired; Bibles, small and large; Tes taments; Quills of all sorts and kinds; Ink stands; Ink and Ink Powders, Black, lied and Blue. And hundreds and thousand and again thousands oilier articles which can not bo mentioned.bccause it would fill twenty three newspapers. Don't doubt to get th s or that iiMhe Health Emporium, because lit tle of every thing is to lie had, equal almost to every ehop in Philadelphia or New York. Also, till kinds of Patent Medicines can be obtained for which tho Importer of Heallh assures tho Public to bo genuine, and for the most and best of them the undersigned ia appointeu Agent. 1 he impoiter ol Health has received again the appointment of Agen cy for several Medicines from New York of which tho public shall get notice in a short lime in our Newspapers. D. S.TOBIAS Just IKcccived at the BLOOMSBURG ARCADE THE Subscribers respectfully announce to their friends and the public generally, that thev havo received and arc now onen- iniT n cnlon.tiil ami vim n,,im... f ' ff3 i"3 o irwtT " 9 -V which with a stock on hand,embraces a va riety of seasonable Merchandize for the ac commodation of town and County. In Iho Dry Good line, they have all the varieties of course, fine & superfine Cloths, lmcra,i:ncttis7-JIcrtTCVexT-OllfiVi-Oiit--' icoes, Shawls, Ribbands, Laces, Limns, Mouseline de Lain, Ahtslins, Festing3, Stocks, umbrellas, Ludis Bonnets, JJimnet Silks', Trimmings; Furr, Cloth and Seal skin Caps; Boots and Shoes, Socks, 4yc. yc. yc. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF AND Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Spifes, Molasses, Brandy, Gin, Rum, Wine, &c. &. assorted in price and quality. Hardware, Saddlery, Iron, Sleel, Nails, Stoves, Stove pipe, Tin Ware, Cedar Ware; CHINA. GLASS, AND QUEENS WARE, Crotkcry-Ware, Salt, Fish, Oils, Bye Stuffs, Paints, .ye. iyc. yc. and almost every other article that can be called for in a country store all of which having been carefully selected and obtained at the lowest prices, will bo offered at small profits in exchange for cash or country pro duce. RUPERT & BARTON. Bloomsburg Nov. 23, 1839. 30 if. Wheat 9 AND T3 A AND Will be constantly kept on hand, and so.d at Retail. JOHN R. MOYER October 20 MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS AND PHEO- NIX BITTERS. THE subscriber having boen appointed acent for the sale of the above valuable med icines, has just received from the propiietor a fresh supply at his Drug and Medicine Sioro in Bloomsburg. J, R. MOYER. No,y, 23, 18'JO,. JBslitiSlgJ fllli Bud TT JTi JW M W fwdOCl TllE subscriber has just rdceivod.iind Is now openinjr, a large and extonsivo as sortmcnt of rail afcdlBrisltetf&aods, CONSISTING OP GOODS Crockery afiid (China Wftt'dj FISH, LAMP OIL, &c. &c, ALSO, A quantity of Plaster and SfconeCJo&lj All of which will bo sold upon as reasonablo terms as can be purchased in the county. GEORGE WEAVER. Bloom-burg, Nov. 1G, 1835 THE subscriber has received by the last arrival from the city, at his establishment in Centre-Square, in addition to htstormar stock of Drugs, Paints Fruits, NuU.Con fectionary, Toys, &c. a new supply of af tides in hit line, among which arelhe fol lowing: Solution of Tin, P ure Sulphuric Ether, Spatulas assorted sizes, Pearl Barley Ar -row Root, Oat Meal, Rose Water, Sarsap lilla Root and Syrrup, Chomio Green.Roso Pink, Chamomile Flowers, FlourSulphur, Coculus Indicus, British Lustre, Albion Corn Plaster, Brandreth'sPills, Hive Syr- . rup, White Lead dry and in oil, Alchohol, Spirits Turpentine, Raisons, Figs, &c. J. Hawlcys vegetable Anti Billious Plls, and J. Hawleys Vegetable Salve for cuts, soars , bums, rheumatism, &c. All of which he offers for sale at low prl ces. JOHN R. MOYER. Nov. 10. Acres f land lying in Fishing creek township, do lumbia countv. tho estate of William P&rk, lato of Brown county, Ohio, deceased, will be sold at nrlvate sale. Anv nerBon wishing topurchaso will cnuuirc of the subscriber, in Madison township, 1 . ' . ..... t .1 f i.l who is duly constituted agent of tho heirs of said deceased, for the purpose of making sol of Ui same. Also, with the above, or may suit Indisputa ble deeds will be made. KUSSEL PARK. Jerecylown, Oct. 5 1839. Si il. alu . .. .lTaaXJiarsaIw. tA KCthSC. . PENNSYLVANIA REPORTER. It is customary for papers at the Seat of Govern ment to put out an annual prospectus at tho approach of tho Leg-'slature, promising renewed exertion in the cause of their respective parties, and faithful re ports of Legislative proceedings. Wo do not feel tho necessity of recounting th articles of our political creed before the mass of jhe Democratic party. Wo have ever been faithful to tho principles and patriotic objects of tho Democra cy of iho State and Union, and shall remain so, coma what will in thr tide of time. Our best a bilities havo been devoted to its success and general welfare. Asa central organ and exponent of iu j views, wo shall not relax our efforts in its behalt, .,, . n.ihnmni-n in its nnnciiilcs. JIM UUl HUJIViv."- " But wo desiro to say to tho public, that wo liav made arrangements to give our readers tho earliest intelligence of congressional and Icgislativo proceed, ings during the ensuing sessions, and also tho ear litist accounts of transactions in our principal cities Wo havo mado provision, for securing full reporti of legislative action, m reference to tlie importani subjects which must engage its attention. And w oiif,iUu Bnlirit a continuence of the flattcrine Ijpatronago wo have uniformly received heretofore rom tins otato ana ciscwucrc. Terms ov the IUronTJtn. For the session twice a wceK, in auvanco, s For tho wholo year, , . 3 , Postmastkrs, and others of our frienda, throughout tho State will be kind enuugh lo forward subscribers, and for every fiv subscribers paid for, tiioy shall have a copy of Iho Reporter free. BOAS & COPLAN. Estate of ESAU GIRTON, late of Mad- ison townsiup, uoiumuia county, an ceased. NOTICE is hereby civen, that letter testamentary, have been granted lo the sub scriber, upon the above estate" All per-1 sons indebted to saidesla e are required to make immediate paymen' and those having claims or demands against.tho same, to pre sent them for settlement, duly authenticated according lo law, to jamus uiuiuiN, Jiamr. Nov. 10, 1839. THE Vendue Notes of John Wcrtmn re ia my hands, andean bo settled with mo sny titno before tho fust of November next, at which time all that remain unsettled, will bo left; with t. Justice of tho Peacq for collection. PETER MENSH. Bloom, Oct. 3 1839. ' , H, A