The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 30, 1839, Image 2
rich o' t win, ulio was noted for owning many houses and being n griping landlord. The mid of money uyml for a moment from beneath a pair of shaggy eyebrows. ' 1 am told, friend, that lliou nrt very poor." , , "There is nri tlonyfUg Itio fact, Sen'or, it speaks fr itself. " I presume, then, vou. will be gla;l;of a Job, and work cheap!" " As cheap my. master as any man in Gien-1a " " That's what I want, I have an old rouse going t aecay, ttiat costs mo more than it's worth to keep it in -repair for no body will live in it j so 1 must contrivo to patch it up, and keep it together at as small an expense as possible, Tho mason was accordingly conducted to a hugp, deserted house thatTsecms going to tuin. Passing through several halls and chambers, he entered to an inner court, where his eye was caught by an old Moor ish fountain. " 1 seems to me," "Bald he, "as if I had been in this place before : but it is like a ilreant Pray who occupied this house formerly ?" . " nest noon him 1" cried the lanlord. "It was an old miserly priest, "who cared for nothing bit himself. It was supposed he would leave all his treasures to tho church. Ho died suddenly and the friars thronged it to take possession of his money but nothing could they find but a few ducats in a lcatlipr nurse. The worst luck has fallen upon me, for since his death the fel low continues to occupy my house without pacing rent, and 1 hint there s is no taking the law of a (load man. The people pre tend to hear the clinking of gold all night jn the chamber where the old man slept, as if he was counting his money, and some times groaning and mouaning about the court. W bother true or false, these stories have brought a bad name about my hous,e and not a tenant will remain within it." "Enough," eried the mason sturdilv "let me live in v our house, rent free, until sorn." belter presents, and I will engage to put it in repairand quiet the troubled spir its that disturb'it.' I am a good christain and a pour man, and not to be daun The otter of the' poor man was very readly accented to.ho moved with his family into the house and lulhlleu Ji(s engage ments. By little and little, ho restored it to its former state- There was no longer heard the clinking of gold at night in the chamber, but it began to be heard by day in the pockets of the living mason. In a word lie increased rapidly in wealth, to tho admiration of all his neighbors and be rime one of tho richest men in Grenada. lio cave Iare sums to the church, by way no doubt of satisfying his conscience, and Mm ii iiiiiUm tfi I mum i lal ifci.liE.umi Hi-tin ucaui oeu, to ins sun ant heir. ANTI-SUSPENSION DEMOCRATIC MEETING. At a very larce meeting, of tho Demo ns we said before, if they cannot b3 roslrlcl- ed to fair business transactions by wnicn wo mean, that they should not lend their credit, but upon tho security of labor per formed, or a commodity really existing, anu tho fal subject of commercial interchange, crane citizens of Columbia county, held a grecably to public notico, at the Court House,in Danvillc,,on Monday the 18th inat. on motion VALENTINE BEST, was called to the Chair, and Geouob Mack and Stephen Baldy, Esq, were appointed Secretaries. After the objuct.of the meeting was stated, in an able and eloquent manner by John Cooper, Esq., a committo of nine was ap pointed to draft a preamble and resolutions, to wit : John Cooper of Danville. Samuel B. Wilson of Liberty. Samuel Creasy Esq. of Mifflin. Benj. Keelerof Jackson. Col. M. It. Howor of Roaring Creek. B. K. Rhodes oDanvillc. John Stoincr of 1)erry. Peter Shultz of Cattawissa. CaDt. J. S. Follmer of Limestone. Who reported the following pteamble and resolutions through their chairman John Conner : Whereas The existing state of our currency, demands immediate deliberation and expression of opinion, in order that the leiriidature may know something about the state of nublic opinion, before measures of reform are adoptod. For this purpose wo have met. and in this meeting, we assume nothing, nor do we arrogate any right or niivilcce, but such as may be constitution ally exercised, by the humblest citizen of the Commonwealth. Scarcely two years have elapsed, since the last suspension of specie payments and now without any. run upon the banks or any assignable reason, other than the ur- trest necessities, and undoubted bankruptcy of " The Pennsylvania Bank of the United States," (which it could be ilearly shown, did the present occasion demand the exhi bition) has never been in a solvent situation; our banks are re-enacting the scenes, which disgraced them, and impoverished the coun try in 1837; and with one, or perhaps two exceptions, have voluntarily assumed the altitude of insolvents, and declared them selves bankrupts in the face of the world. Wo are not the enemies of banks, or those interested in them; nor do we contem plate with pleasure, tho distress and dis grace, which their own infatuation and fol ly have produced; we neither seek nor wish the ruin of any man or class of men. But we must, and do, most solemnly protest, a gainst principles and conduct, which thus jeopardize periodically, the dearest and best Uhe.ji'mi. in or- 0. Resolved Thalwodisappro"eof the papercrcdit system, believing that it scrves to paralyze industry substitute cunning lor wisdom convert the honest and industri ous operative into a schemer and swindler and to introduce habits, manners and prin- equal to the amount of tho loan asked, or if ciples, at variance with those which ought Died, at the Dauphin county poor house on Saturday last, RANK, formerly a slave of Mr. John Harris, founder of Ilarrisburg. He W39 born about tho year 1745 where Ilarrisburg now stands, and consequently uas neatly .f not more than ninety years cf age. He was manumitted by the )ate Mr, Adam Orlh, of Lebanon (then Dauph in; county. Frank was undoubtedly the oldest, inhabitant of this county, well re membered whoii the Indian smoked his pipe, and when the forest covered what is inseparably, connected with tho credit sys now Ilarrisburg and its smiling vicinity. 'tern, and incurable so long as it exists, let lie used to.say ho had " turned many a fur the system be abandoned ! Let justice be bid craving for wealth, luxury and grandeur, of tho few. We will not endure, that the hard earnings, of the laborious and industri ous producer shall be wrung from him, to feed the pampered appetite for wealth and power, of money-broking, stock-jobbing, gambling, speculating, banking consumers. We demand, that measures be adopted, cal culated to fcecuio us from the destructive ef fects of the fraud and folly of those, who support, profit by, and direct the present system ol hanking. And we say more over, that it the evils illtncted on us aro so they cannot be prevented, from extending the time ol indulgence uy renewal oi mo notes of their debtors, after' the lapse of six ty or ninety days, or compelled to change thoir directors periodically and to submit their affairs to the supervision of public a- gents, appointed for the purpose. and that their charters oe at an times wiuim legisla tive control, without the interposition of ju dicial nroccedings, and the stockholders made liable for the ultimate failure of the institution, and in all other respects reform ed where reform is necessary for the pub lic safety. If this cannot be done then the sooner we get rid of them the better. Wo are wom out with reliance on pro mises, when our confidence only serves to botray our own insane folly and gullibility; and the utter treachery and worthlessness of those who make them and the promises they make. Wc say the lime for palliative? and patching, is at an end and. the disease must bo radically cured, or the system dis solved, and if the Legislature oxpect, that wo wilt sutler tho " wool to he drawn over our eyes ' any longer, thoy commit a mis take, and we wilt seek tor that corrective, in tho ballot-boxes, which it is in vain to look for, in our legislative halls at Ilarris burg; whero too many seats are filled with corporators, bank debtors and stockholders and where tho lobbies teem with borers of all sorts, for objects cilculated tlo enrich themselves and rob the public. 1. Therefore Resolved That tho expe rience of forty years has sufficed to satisfy us, that banks have not supplied a sound currency -and if they cannot accomplish this end, all arguments in their favor van ish into empty air; and no reason, can bo as signed, why these institutions should be en dowed with privileges1 unenjoyed by oilier money lenders, who risque their capital and aud liabilities, without the aid of a charter to screen them from tho effects of their own fraud and folly. 2. Resolved That unless banks can be reftticted in their loam to fair business transaction, conducted on pure commercial piinciples, it is worse than folly, to expect stability in the currency they supply, or regularity in our domestic or foreign ex changes. If their notes only represent val ue in expectancy, founded on chimerical schemes of speculation to supply luxury and extravagance, instead of actual ex changeable commodities of the valus of the paper in circulation, then banking will continue what it is, and has ever been, the plunder of industry to. support idlericsa and pride. banks cannot devise row between the canal and tho bridge acioss the river." lie posscssedv in an eminent rfrre(j the virtues and vices of his race being i hard worker, a hard drinker, a loun per, and exhibiting an uncontrollable tem per. Frank used to assert that he had often p'a cd and wrestled with Logan, the Min go I'liiof. then a young man; now so cele W by the speech he is said to have de livered, contained in Jefferson's Notes. W hf-ihr-r Logan ever resided on the batiks of the Susquehanna, we have no means of itertainiiii;, but Frank, when the matter Mas cxplniucdffo him, insisied that lie had, r,, id that ho left it before the expedition of toe " Paxton hoys," to Lancaster, If so, be must have pitched lib wigwam on the Wrt't-rs of the Great Knuawha, abou 1700 -1 1 years before he he mado the speech n'.lndcd to, making Logan's age at that lime about 29 years, which agrees with the tradi tion upon the subject. Ilarrisburg Reporter. President JJoyer. A correspondent of the N. Y. Observer, written from Franco, Javs : "1 was sosted in tho diligonco bo sides a well dressed man of very respecta ble appearance, who, , after spmo conversa tion, ashed me if Bover was still President of the United Suites'!" Fifty years wwA-.Half a centutv .120. Ohio was a wildernirs In tho year' 1830, f:is Statu has a population rif one million ti t 1. undred thousand inhabitants; one largo si-udid, and densely populated city, and li. Ii a dozen thriving towns; 1,010 post es; 5 incorporated cities; S3 banking companion; 20 colleges jtuti prujeipal omi j am of learning, together wilij publics in e i.iiiioiiB for the ir.sane, il 10 deaf and dumb, jhH the blind. Cincinnati Pott, The select iiir-u of Now Haven, hayn f 'l 'iuhed a rcruihMte, in which thoy hUle 1 '.'v.! Alrt' .is ol t!io Anustad are com- sitH.iifJ, " i'fi ;m.pfi, well ' moms, mid tiist they are apparently 1 ' '. jud !. -j'py. done thou"h the heavens fall ! Wo believe that labor is the foundation as well of national as individual wealth, and that it is the true measure of value, reg ulated by the means of supply and the ne ccssities of demand. That whatever is sub stituled as the medium of interchange or barter of commodities on which labor has been expended, must itself be of the value it represents; and must represent labor I ac tually performed, and existing in the article bo it manufactured or taw material which it leports to represent.1 of equal value. We do not believe, and can 110 longer be gulled, by the doctrine that commence is the mcas ure of value or that paper money accom panied by confidence, although of- no iutrin sic value, furnishes a circulating medium c qual with specie gold or silver, which con lain in themselves the qualities requisite to a measure of value.- First, they aro small in bulk,, and divisible. Second, their very scarcity makes them valuable, from the la bor and expense necessary to obtain them, and tnereloro- are not like the paper rags which cost little or nothing to manufacture, and which can be issued by individuals or chartered companies with little cost or trouble, and used as thoy have been used to drain the earnings of the working mm in to the pockets ol him who lives by his wits on tho labor of others. We have no confi dence in banks, or their paper, as at present condncted; who substitue, their financcering quackery, and air-built nothings, consisting of worthless promises and rags.forthe more substantial and immutable standard ol gold and silver, as tho basis and measure of val ue of our circulating medium. Wo repeat that no currency can be entirely sound whnse vehicle ol transmtsson, .is not intrinsically of the value it purports to represent, and represents that, which is of cnual value .with itself. But wo have become accustom ed to bank dealings, and bank paper, and although we believe it would have heen bet' ter for tho country had no bank ever exist ed, yet we nro'nnt prepared to say. if a method, by which their issues and circulation, shall bo confin ed within tho limits prescribed by prudence; for the use ol their paper, 1. e. a medium of exchange of one commodity of value for another of qual worth, then ought the whole system to be exploded as a scheme for robbing tho laborer of his hire, aud in dustry of its earnings lo enable the idle, pampered and luxurious few, to trample un der (not the lights of the many. 1. HtHolved I hat the practice of vot ing by proxies at me election 01 uank-om-cers, and directors, is a serious evil and ought to be done. a way and that at least one third of thc.diregtorsor all banks,oughl lo be annually changed aud replaced with new men, because we arc satisfied, that ii the same persons havethu conduct and man agement of a bank for a series of years, all attempts at investigation ot its concerns are idle mockeries. 5. Resolved That we view tho creation of banks and other corporations to the ox tent hitherto carried, in no other light, than as a grand political scheme, devised by the to characterize tho citizens of a republic. 10. - Resolved That tho acquisition of masses of wealth in tho hands of individ uals, is an cvilj we therefore nro opposed to the extension of the Legislative aid to such accumulation, we aro aware that it is an o vil inseparable from human transactions and admits of no remedy, but that society should assert its own dignity ard frown into insig nificance and contempt, those who consid er money, however acquired, tho snro and only passport to respect and deference, while ijs possessor may be utterly destituto of ev ery attribute which distinguishes the honost man from a rogue, or a human being from a beast. 11. Resolved That we can no longer endure, that tho common and every day bu siness of our lives, our contracts, our deal ings, our domestic concerns and interests, shall be subject to the contiol of lawless soulless, unprincipled corporations who have no motives of action but avarice and cupidity ; and wo will do all that men may or can do, to put an end 4o the vampyre reign of these irresponsible bodies. 12. Resolved That we are in favor of a Constitutional Independent Treasury,- and believe that tho passage of a law di recting the fiscal operations of government lo be conducted by responsible officers, and the revenue of the Union to be collected in the Constitutional currency, i. e. gold and silver, will be fraught with incalculable advantages to the happiness, and security of tho rights of our fellow citizens, and go far to counteract the operations of the de mon of speculation- 13. Rrsolvcd That we can discover no sound reason why those who invest their money in the stocks of a bank, or o ther associations, by which tkey expect to reap a pecuniary advantage: should be ex- mpled Irom liability, lor the want or integri ty or" prudence, in the conduct of officers and diroctors of their own choice, in whom they, and not the public, have reposed con fidence. 11. Resolved That wo cordially ap prove of the course pursued by our present worthy Chief Magistrate DAVID R. POR TER, and confidently relying upon his patriotism, integrity, firm-ess, and talent, we trust that he will continue to listen to the voice of the people ihcmselvcs, as to the measures necessary for their relief not exclusively tho relief of tho banks rather than lend his ear to the importuni ties of those who are over-attached to the flesh pots of Egypt, gold-headed canes, baskets of champaiguc, bank facilities, lor. izing any bank or ossof iation lo isstto fjotei j 1 a IC3S ucnominauon than lire dollars, as utteily unworthy oral! futuro trust and con fidence 31. Rcsolved'Yhul wo have tindimin ished confidence in the talents and palrloU ism of our worthy, talented, and patriotiri President Martin Van Buren, and the offij cers of tho General Governmeht, 22. Resolved-That the democratic par ty aro tinder great obligations' to the editor and correspondents of tint truly ablo democratic paper published at Washing' ton city, called "The Globe," and that Messrs. Blair and Rives aro ablo and faithful sentinels on tho watch-tower of liberty. 23. Resolved That wo highly approv'tf of the course pursued by the Ilairisburgf Reporter, and would recommend the con' duct and principles of that ably and well couductod patriotic newspaper, as an e.v ample to a neighboring print. Wo hoprf tho Democratic party will not forget wha is due to those who are faithful and true. 24. Resolved That in our opinion, n committed of inquiry, competent on the grounds of capacity aud integrity, ought to be appointed, to examine into the .-iltiatioir of tho different banks, in order that tho soundness or unsoundness ol these initilu tions jc ascertained and the wheal be sep arated from tho chaff. That the commis sion of supervision ought to bo permanent in its character, unconnected with the Stats Legislature, aud its members annually oleo ted by the people. Bank Cashiers, Directors, atistocracy of concentrated wealth, for the purpose of holding in check and controlling the Ircedom ol mind aud action ol their more worthy and honest fellow-citizens establishing privileged classes in the com munity finally prostrating our state sove reignities, and forming a consolidated gov ernment, through the agency of a national bank, as u stepping stone lo the annihila tion of our republican institutions. 0. Resolved That we are opposed to the present banking system, its tendency be ing to increase. tia. number of debtuis to uicsu monieu institution, 10 an alarming ex tent. Thereby, inducing a stale of depen dence on them, which necessarily begets political and private subscrviancc, and en ables the monied power to exercise complete control over their political conduct; thus in effect converting our frco and independent citizens into serf's and slaves. 7. Resolved That the reckless and un blushing disregard of their promises and en gagements by tho banks, and their debtors, weakens and undermines tho sense of mor al obligation, and furnishes pretext, for in dividuals to pay 110 attention to their most sacred engagements, and thus, demoralizes the country, and breaks down every barrior of distinction between honesty aud dishon esty right and wrong. 8. Resolved That we do not consider it as tho least of tho evils inflicted on us. by mercantile and bank depravity, that the ex amples sot by their votaries, of luxury and expense, beyond all sober calculations tho disease becomes epidemic, and spreads its 1 r.,i .1 1. .11 -1 ,.c thev pair be uroporiv reculated, wo ought 1 from the would-be meichant prince, to the m abjtain altogether from their use. Hut j But ; day laborer. of borers, &c. 15. Resolved That without presuming to dictate, we would gently insinuate, that profession and practice may differ, and that the voice of the 1500 majority of the "Star of the North," may weigh some thing in the scale on some futuro occasion, and it will not be in favor of those who comply with the fashionable practice of the times "row one way and look anoth er." 10. Resolved' That while wo equally commiserate aud condemn, tho infatuation and delusion of those whose extravagance and unhallowed hankerings alter boundless wealth and granduur, have suffered their characters and fortunes to be attracted with in the suck of the Malestrom whirlpool, the great "paper credit system," we cannot, nor will we consent thai the well being ol society shall bo any longer disturbed that they may be rescued from tho just punish inent ol their fully and extravagance. 17. Resolved That we can frame no excuse for any bank refusing to pay out its specie in discharge of notes presented at its counter ; inasmuch as specie lying dead in its vaults can answer no good pur pose to the public or the bank, and that they would be more likely to secure the good will of the people by paying their debts so far as they were able, than by holding on lo their specie, and in effect saying, because we cannot pay all wo owo -rive will pay nothing. 18. Resolved That those banks which while they by refusing payment of their notes, proclaim their inability to pay hae nevertheless declared dividends of the very ineausnvhich ought to be used to redeem their paper and pay their debts have no right to expect lenity or indulgence, but wutild do well to prepare to wind up their accounts with as little delay as possible. ID. Resolved That we look upon the Pennsylvania Bank of the United States as bankrupt, and degraded in tho eyes of all commercial men, here add in Europe, and we believe that wo owe to hor all the mise ry and wretchedness which have followed the faithlessness and inability to meet theii liabilities, of the banks and merchants, and that such has been the character of her transactions under her present charter that it ought to be taken from her without tho slightest hesitation and that she should be compelled to employ the fag end of an ill spent life in making what preparation she can, for her monstrous acts of fraud and mismanagement. 20, Resolved That wo will consider any officer of government or other porson in or out of ihe employ of the people; who shall counionanue. advige. nr in nnv mnn. I tier aid, the passage of any law author- After tho resolutions were read, H, Webb moved that the li3d resolution bo a mended, by inserting the names ofthoKey stonc and Stato Capitol Gazette, and that the resolution be further altered so as to comport with the amendment. Tho no tion was seconded by S. F. Hcadly, Esq., and after a lengthy whichS.P. Hcadly and II. Webb advocated, and John Cooper and David Petrikin opposed, the amendment, it was withdrawn by ILWebb upon an understanding with Mr. Hcadly, who then moved that tho resolution ba stricken out. This motion was seconded by II. Webb, and carried by acclamation. The qucition wasthen immediately put upon the whole of the romainining resolutions. and carried by the feeblo response of a few voices. 25. Resolved That the proneedings of this meeting be signed by the officers, and published in all Democratic papers of thtr countv. V. BEST, Chairman. GnnnoK Mack, 1 Secfatar;e., Srr.rHKN.BAmvt S Tho 15th Resolution, as originally r ported, contained threats of an unrelenting warfare against the Governor, unless he explicitly obeyed the recommendation of tltsr rcsoluttons, aud spoke of commanding tho " 1500 Democratic majority of tho Star of the North," to enter the list in their cru sade against him, with as much confidenro as if they were menials and subservient tools, and could be made to adopt the trans atlantic opinions and feelings of the newly converted anii'bank chairman of tho com miltee.withouteven thinking for themselves Had there been a separate vote takpn up-, on it, the resolution would have received lit tle support from the meeting. So satisfied arc the movers of this fact, that they have profited by the old adage, of a word lo th wiso is sufficient," and stricken out a larga proportion of the offensivo matter it cerv-taincd. MISSISSIpn " PERPENDICULAR 1" The news from this State sufficiently in dicates the triumph of the Democratic Arms, From our exchanges we gather the fact that McNutt, the Democratic candidate for Governor, is elected; as also, Brown and Thompson, tho Democratic Congressmea; while the immdnse gains in the counties' heretofore against us give us both house of the Legislature, thus securing the re-election lo the U. S. Se;iate of the talented Democrat Walker, aud the defest of Mr. Spouter Soapsuds Prcntissi Tho Whig papers eive it un in despair. So wo So MASSACHUSETTS A DEMOCRATIC STATE .' The Boston Post of Thursday says, al lowing for scattering votes, (and the utmosi industry of all parties can detect but 238.) Morton is elected by about 200 majority. Wo feel entire confidence in saying lo our friends at homo and abroad, that Marou Morton has a clear majority of all tin vote cast for Governor, and the democracy mean they shall all be counted'. Missouri Special Election. 'Vh Mtf souri Argus of November 4, gives returns from seventeen counties, which contain most of the Federal strength in the State ; and the vote stands for Jameson, (Dem.) 4,57fj; Griinsley, (Fed,) 3,502. Do-no- ctaue majority at present, 1,077- 1 "e counties to be heard from will largely Hi- crease th Democratic majority .