The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 23, 1839, Image 4

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PSaifcSlAltf PILLS.
Sur-nnionta fnr.IttoKi.fliuxntTnn.BvAs
Isn'lAX 1'unoA tite, the Matchliss (priced)
Baxati vb, 'or an other pills or compound befor
tho public, as certified to by Physicians olid other.
Let iiono condemn them until they have tiicd
'them, nnd then wo arc certain they will not.
It is now a settled 'point with till who have used
the Vegetable Persian Pills that they aro pre-eminently
tho best and most efficacious Family Mcdi
cine that has yet been used in America. If every
family could become acquainted with tlieir Sover
eign power over disease, they would keep them and
be prepared with a sure rcmcdv to apply on tho first
nppcaranco of disease, and then how much distress
would bo avoided and money saved, ns well as the
lives of tho'OKunds who are hurried out of time by
neglecting disease in its first stages, or by not being
tn possession of a remedy which thoy can placo ue
-pondence upon.
The Besttrreclion, or Persian Pills.
Tho name of theso pills orcinatcd from the cir
"cumstancc of tho medicine being found only in tho
ccmctarics of Persia. This vegetable production
being of 3 peculiar kind, led to experiments us to
I. .!!! I II. .. t ..... t 1
tia uiuuituiui quunucs anu virtues, in nan a cen
tury it became an established medicine for tho dis
eases of that country. The extract of this singu
larproduction was introduced into some parts of Eu
rope in the year 1783, and used by many celebrated
Physicians in curing certain diseases, whero all oth
er medicine has been used in vain. Early in tho
year 1792, tho extract was combined willi a certain
vegetable medicine imported from Dura Bacn, in
the East Indies, and formed into Pills. Tho admir
able effect of this compound upon tho human sys
tem, led physiicans and families into its general
use. Their long established character their univer
sal and healing virtues, the detergent and cleansing
qualities of their specific actionupon tho glandular
part of tho system, arc such as will sustain their re
putation and general use in the American Rcpub
I certify that I have, by way of experiment, used
the Hygean, and most of tho irarious kinds of Pills,
in my practice, which have borne the highest repute
in the public estimation, that have been offered for
sale in this vicinity for tho last five yeais, including
those called the Resurrection or Pcrsain Pills; and
the public may rest assured that none among the
whole catalogue has answered a better purpose, as
on easy und effectual remedy, than the Resurrection
ct Persian Pills, in most cases of disease.
ClIAIlLEfl BaCKCS, M. 1).
Rochester,. Y. Sept. 21, 1837.
Messrs. "E. Chase & Co. Gents, Hearing
much said about the extraordinary effects of the
Resurrection or Persian Pills, upon thoec about to
become mothers, wo were induced to make a trial of
them. My wife was at that time tho mother of five
children, and had suffered the most tedious and ex
cruciating pains during and after her confinement
of each. She hud tried every means and taken
much medicine, but found little or no relief. She
commenced taking tho Persian 'ills about three
months before her confinement (her health being ve
ry poor about this length of time previous) and in a
hort time she was enabled by their use to attend to
ihe cares of a mother to lur family until her con
fmcmcnt. At the time she commenced taking the
Persian Pills, and for several weeks pievious, she
was afflicted with a diy hard cough, and frequent
bo.vkic cramps, which the use of the Pills entirely
removed before using half a box. It is with the
greatest confidence that wo advise all those about to
become mothers to make uso of the Persian Pills.
All those that have taken them in our neighbor
hood have got along in tho same easy manner, and
arc about the house in a few days. I'hcro docs not
appear to be half the danger of other dangers setting
in after confinement, where theso Pills are taken.
We unitedly saydet nono neglect taking them, for
they are in the reach of tho poor as well as the rich.
We ore truly thankful tliat there is a remedy which
females can easily procure which tends to lessen the
world of Buffering, which many of them have to bear,
and perhaps savo the lives of thuusands which, would
otherwise be lost.
Rochester, May 14, 1838; comer of CalliJonian
square, Edinburg street; for further particulars see
S. Robehts,
Ass 0. Kuuehts
Rochester, Sept. 24, 1S3G
Messrs. E. Chase &- Co.
I think it my duty to let you know what a great
euro your Pills have performed on me I had been
sick about 7 years about 2 years and a half con
fined to my bed, I had been given ovpr as incurable,
with Consumption, by twelve physicians of the first
standing; my lungs wcro seriously oilectcu; 1 nail
a ulcers gather and break; my cough was dry and
harsh most of the time; my liver was much swollen
and mv stomach very dyspeptic. I had chills, fever,
and night sweat, accompanied with extreme inita
blcness of the nervous system, and other difficulties
which I forbear to mention. Alter 1 was given over,
I tried almost all medicines which wcro advertised,
Imt to no advantage, until I tried your Vegetable
Persian Pills. I "began to gain in a short time after
I commenced taking them; and, to bo brief, before I
took. 3 boxes. I was able to ride out and to take con
idcrable exercise, and at this time I enjoy good
health, and am able to do good day's work. If ony
noe wishes a more particular history of my sutler-
ings, ho may call on mo, at the corner of Alain and
tJinton-strccts, Kocnestcr.
Fits Conr.n The undersigned hereby certify
lhat wo aro the Parents of two children who have
neen afflicted with fits more or less from their intan
cy, and that wo have spared no pains or cxpenso in
rndeavorinir to effect a cure, but without any bene
ficial effect, until hearing of tho Resurrection or Per
sian Puis, when four boxes were immediately
-procured, and beforo thrro boxes wero taken, the
flu had abated in frequency, and ovciy eym
torn much improved, and now wo aro happy to
state that our childjcn by tho use pf the Persian
Pills, with tho blessing of God, arc entirely cured
and have no Bymtora or appearance of fits, will find
111 tho Persian j'UU a suro anu pcrieci cure.
Canton N. Y. Dec. 10, 1837.
"Tho above pills may be had of the following a.
Aunts John Mover. Dloorn.burc; II. Miller, Dcr
wick: J. Cooper & Sons, Hawlton; 0, Hortman,
Espeytown; John Sharpies, Cattawuaa; Lyman
fcholw, Danville. Tjvlor. spent for the Kt'Ua of Pennsylv
m-i w ilngatRotliotUr, N. Y. to whnnalord-s
cull be iired,
SiivjR.V kmso.vs win
1I0ULD receive n preference over all Pills now
in existence:
First IlecauBO ihcy are composed of Vegetable
extracts, frco from minerals; and may be taken at
nil times with perfect safety by young and old, with
out restraint from occupation, temperate living, or
fear of taking cold.
Second Bccauso they are composed nf such
medicinal extracts, as, havo been employed by all
tho most celebrated and respcctablo Physicians for
more than a century past, in purifying tho lllood
nnd Animal fluid of the body.
Third llecauso they may be employed as a
mild or active purgative, according to the quantity
taken, and their operation will not bo attended with
griping of tho bowels, sickness at the stomach,
prostration of the system, &c, ns are produced by
other pills.
Fourth Because they possess a combined action,
not possessed by any other pills, mixtute or prepar
ation whntover. Their first effect is in correcting
all impurities with which the blood and fluids of
tho body may bo uffcted, and by their gently opera
tive effect, removing such impurities from tho sys
tem. Fifth Because they are the terror of Quacks
and Impostors, for most persons aro obliged to take
tho Sarsaparilla Blood Pills, after taking their vile
and dctruc,ivo nostrums, to counteract and prevent
their mischicvons and baneful effects.
Sixth Bccauso they arc the only pills in which
Physicians havo sufficient confidence to recommend
to their patients, and employ in their practice, as
they know they aro Anti Quack, Anti Mcrcural,
Anti Billious as well as a good and safe purgative
and purifier of tho Blood and Animal Fluids.
Seventh and last But not tho least important,
bo bccauso they are prepared by u regular Apothe
cary and Physician, attested ny Drs. Physic, Hor
ner, Chapman, Dcwccs, James, Gibson, Jackson,
Coxc, Hare, &c, &c, which alone is sufficient to
entitle them to great confidence.
Certificates and Recommendations from Physi
cians and others accompany the directions around
each box.
ICT-Pricc Twenty Five Cents a Boxjyk
Prepared onlv and sold Wholesale and Retail at
Dr. LEIDY'S 'Health Emporium, No. 101 North
Second st.,n few doors below Vine street, Philadel
phia, also, sold by
J. Gilbert fe Co., North Third street above Vine.
G. S. Clemens, do 3d do do Wood st.
J. R. Smith & Co. do 2d dp next the Red
Lion, and all respectable Wholesale and Retail
Druggist's in Philadelphia.
They aro also sold by:
J. F. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
J. W. Rohrcr, do do
W. Ebcrman Litiz.
J. W. Oakly, Reading.
J. B. Mozcr, Allentowu. '
P. Pomp, Easton.
And tho principal Merchants and Drugists in the
Uniied States.
For salo at the Health Emporium Blooms-burg
by ). S. TOBIAS, Agent.
Bloomsburg July, 13, 1830. 11.
COMMUNIC YTION. How few they are that
happen to bo afflicted with Coughs or Colds
pay attention to them. How many thousands from
such neglect shorten their days, and hasten their fi
nal dissolution. Parents neglect them in their chil
dren, and thus form tho foundation for Consump
tion, and hundreds of parents annually follow their
own children to tho grave, having died from some
affections of tho Breat nnd Lungs, which weie neg
lected in their first stages.
Coughs and Colds, whether existing among young
or old, ought at nil times be attended to early, and
not suffered to continue any length ol time, lor llic
Lung3once affeclcd.disease soon makes rapid strides,
ending in tho most fatal of all diseases, namely Con
sumption. JJ11. BKUHTEfl S PUliMONAHV J'KKSJSJt-
VATIVE for Coughs, Colds, Catairhs, Influenzas,
Shortness of Breath, Whooping Cough, Pain in
tho Breast or Side, all affection of the Breast and
ungs, nnd arrest of approachinsg Consumption, is
tho most popular medicine used throughout all Gcr-
"rrrany is becoming equally popular in the United
states, and has established lor lUcn a reputation
not possessed by any other medicine for the same
class of diseases. (Seo certificates and recommen
dations from Parents, Physicians, and others, accom-
panmg tho directions.) It is a preparation pcriect
ly safe and harmless, pleasant to the taste, and may
be given to the youngest infant. It is warranted
free from mercury and the minerals, nnd is a prepar
ation of a regular Apothecary and Physician, attes
ted by Drs. Physic, Chapman, Gibson. Jackson,
Horner, Dcwees, (Joxo, James, o:c. a circumstance
alone sufficient to mduco a trial of it
Dr. N. B. Leidv, Proprietor of tho above mcdi.
cine, confidently recommends it to all, and assures
all most positively that it is an invaiuauio medicine
and would not himself recommend it, but for it,
known efficacy.
l'rcpared only and for sale W noiesaio anu Jieiau at
Dr. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, No. 191 North
Socond street a few doors below Vino street, I'liua
adclphia also, sold by
J. Hilgcrt fit Uo., rsorth l hi-d street anove vine,
G. S. Clemens, do 3d do doWoot st
J. R. Smith fc Co, do 2d do next tho Hed
Lion, and by all respectable Wholesale and Retail
Drugguts in Philadelphia.
They aro sold by:
J. F Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
J. W. Rohrcr, do do.
W. Kbcnnan Litiz.
J. "W. Oakley, Reading.
For solo at the Health Emporium Bloomsburg
by JJ. B. TOBIAS, Agent,
N pursuance of the Constitution of tho Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania Notice Is hereby
given by the subscribers, citizens ni said Common
wealth, that they and others, will make application
to the next Legislature, for tho creation of a corpo
rate Body willi Banking and discounting privileges,
of tho named and style of the
Farmers und Mechanics Bank of Colum
bia County,
to be located ot such site or place within said Coun
ty of Columbia, as shall be fixed upon by Com
missioners appointed in such manner as the Legis
lature shall direct for fixing the location of said
Bank, and with a capital of two hundred thousand
dollars. Said corpiuto ln1y to be created for the
object of semiring to tho citizens of the Common
wealth, and of the County of Columbia, the liene.
fits of a banking Institution, with Iho rights, pow
er and priwliwivi of thr Hank of NorthumlK-rland.
' A. II. 8HUMAM,
' The life of the flesh is in lU hldoiV
osaith the scriptures. Leviticus ci vii
v, ti.
than scripture testimony can wo have of the
hie of tho flesh depending upon tho condition of
tho blood 1 If impure or diseased, the flesh mUs
of course bo diseased thereby, and tho whole sys
tem partake of Biich disease. 1 f the doctrine bo true,
and there is not a doubt of it (for it is a fact acccc
ded to by all, that the scriptures, are truo beyond a
doubt,) then it behooves us to guard against the
consequences of such impurities, and thus preserve
the flesh healthy. If the flesh bo healthy, consti
tuting 03 it dors tho principal portion .of the human
yody, then must tho wholo body bo healthy.
In vegetables only can wo find the medicine where
by all impurities of the blood may bo removed.
Upwards of one hundred years experience of the
most celebrated, the wisest and best physicians have
proved certain vegetables to possess purifying prop
crtics. Theso vegetables will not here be named,
and Dr. Lcidy wishes to remunerate himself, and
profit by tho long, laborious, and costly experiments
necessary to be made, that the active principles of
thoso vegetables might be refracted and reduced to
such form as makes them easy, safe and pleasant to
be taken.
Theso vegetables arc contained in tho justly cel
ebrated Blood Pills, munufanturcd only by Dr. N.
Lcidy, n regular Diuggist and Physician, attested
by Drs. Physic, Chapman, Jacksoi , Horner, Gibson
Dcwees, James, Hare, Cox, Ac.
The above Pills may bo employed as a mild or
active purgative. Their action is easy, and may be
employed by all persons under all circumstances.
They will at all times bo found serviceable, when
the least sickness is present. They require 110
chango of die!, restraint from occupation, or fear of
taking cold from their use. They are daily prescrib
ed by numerous physicians; certificates of the fact
accompany the directions. They aro the most affec
tive purifier of tho blood and other fluids of tho hu
man body ever discovered. Persons having once
used, will ever after, as occasion may acquire, have
rcsourso to them.
Price Twenty Five Cents a box.
Sold by all respectable Druggists and Mcrchanst
throughout tho Union, and in this city only at
Dr. Lcidy 's Health Emporium, Second street be
low Vine.
J. R. Smith & Co.'s 2d st. near the Red Lion.
J. Gilbert & Co.'s 3d above Vino.
C. Clemens' North 3d above Wood.
F. Klett's 2d anil Callowhill.
For tale at the Health Emporjum Bloomsburg
bv ' H. S'. TOBIAS Agent.
' Bloomsburg July, 13,1839. 11.
Tlircsiiisas Irfcichisic,
F!T"iIIE Subscribers take this method of informing
JS their friends, that they continue Manufactur
ing Throttling .T.'c)if.t and I'ortablc Horse
I'oicrm, 011 tho most improved plans, made of the
best materials and in the most workmanliko man
ner, and which they will waricnt to stand with fare
usage, and not injure the grain by breaking it.
They havo surpassed all others where they have
been introduced, 111 Pennsylvania, irginia and
North Carolina.
Frafi's Fatcnf Snaui,
Improved. An article of great utility to Millers
for cleansing the grain for preparing it for flouring.
J heso machines are munut.ic.urcd ol cast nnd
wrought Iron, nnd arc supjiosed to last an hundred
years. They are in general use in the slato of New
lurk nnd 111 part of 1 ciinsylvniiia.
and all kinds of Machinery, cast and fitted up,and
all sorts of
kept on hand, and sold by wholesale. Ml of which
will be sold oa the most reasonable terms, by
Illoomsburg, May 25, 1820. 3ml
Important to Farmers.
Sclins Grove, Union County, Pa.,
WILL bo kept constantly on hand, for salo by
Tho above MilU are a superior article of the kind
and no farmer should ho without une, bcvcral tar
mors in Bloom township will tettify in their favor
from actual use,
August a,
French SeiieutMHtlism Doctor,
Irom Heading,
Informs tho public that he has returned to Bloom'
burg, nfter an absenco sinco April last, nnd can be
found at the Hotel of Daniel Snyder,whero ho will
be at all times ready to attend to patients who aro
alllicted with Hhcuinatic pains in tuolimbs or body,
Bloomsburg Aug. J, leau. 14
Against the World for good Mill-Stones
and Bolting Cloths.
Mllilibllo wishing tho above articles, are
rccpiestcd to call and examine my Stork
at Danville, Columbia County, Pa,, or at Lew
Utovvu.on the Junialtn,
Uanvillr, May 2D, 1839,
J-DE Subscriber hereby announces
to his friends and tho public, that ho
has purchased that old and well known
lately owned and occupied by STOUFER
$ IMRTMAN, situated in Bloomsburg,
Columbia County, where he has com
menced the business, nnd intends to carry
it on in all its branches.
lie will shortly havo a number of elegant
various patterns, finished for sale; and will
Stupe Coaches, Coaches, Coachers.Gipgs,
Sulhics, Buggies, JJcarbom JJ'agons,
Sleighs, t$-c. iyc. yc. yc,
of every variety of pattern to order, on
short notice.
iCT"Pepairs of all hinds will be prompt
ly attended to
He also manufactures ELIPTIC and
other CARRIAGE SPRINGS, and will
warrant them to bo equal to any made in
this country.
As he has made arrangements for pro
curing the best material, and will employ
none but first rate workmen, he hopes to
be able to turn out good work, and thereby
obtain the confidence of those who may
furnish themselves from his shop.
Orders from a distance respectfully soli
Bloomsburg, June -1, 1839. 0 If.
TIIKSE Tiusscsnrc in many particulars, on an
entirely new plan, and their advantages over
nil other Trusses, havo been" nttcstcd not only the
most respcctablo of the medical faculty, but by the
actual experiment or tho.-e alluded with the. disease
which they are intended to alleviate. The most
eminent Physicians upon nil cxnmiuntiou of this
1 russ, arc so decided as to its superiority, that they
have cheerfully and voluntarily given certificates to
the proprietors to be laid beforo public. For sale by
D. S. 1 ol'ias Jlgcnt Health Emnonitm.
An almost certain Cure.
Also, a quantity of
Just received and for sale by
August 2-1.
Seml-Wcckly Stato Capitol Gazette.
The proprietors of tho State Capitol Cazeltp em-
mice this opportunity to return their sincere thanks
to their lriemis and the public, for tho very ibemi
patronage which thev aro pleased to havo it in their
power to say, has thus far been cxtcncle.l towards
them, and respectfully announce that tho future
course of tlieir journal shall bo such as they trust
will continuo to receive tho confidence and support
of the Democratic party. They assure the public
that no exertion on their part shall be wanting to
cllect this object, nnd they Halter themselves that
they will he able to render their paper such a vein
cle of usefulness nnd information, as will not fail to
give entire satisfaction to every friend of republican
I lie approaching session of Ihf Legislature, will
unquestionably, bo 0110 of great and unusual intcr-
est. I here has not, perhaps, been a tnno before,
when the attention ol tho public was so much cn
caged upon any one subject as it is at nrctcnt upon
the derangement ot the currency, nrnsing Irom the
abuses of banking; and as the deliberation of the
ensuing Legislature, will in all probability be main'
ly 'directed to this important subject, it cannot be
otherwise than that every thing which transpires at
the seat ot government 111 relation thereto, will bo
eagerly sought after. With these considerations 111
view, tho undersigned nave made ample arrange-
ments for laying before their readers full reports of
tho proceedings iu both branches of tho Slate Lc -
gislature, together with tho speeches of members,
reports, and other matter which they think will bo
interesting. In addition to this, it is llio intention
of flic undersigned to employ able correspondent at
tho seat of tho general government,)))' which means,
tliey will be able, also, to placo 111 their semi-week-ly
sheet early reports of the deliberation of Con
gress. J ho presidential contest of 1840 is rapidly ap
proaching. Tho flag at our mast-head indicates
luliy the course we intend to pursue in the relation
to this gicat question; and as wo hivo already given
our opin on at length, on this subject, in u former
prospectus, wo deem in needless ut present to tire
our readers, by going over the samo ground. Suf
fice it to say, that we shall give our united support
and energies towards tho re-clcctionjof present able
Chief Magistrate of the Union, and our humble aid
in behalf of establishing u Constitutional Treasury-
published twico n week during tho siltincs of llio
Legislature, und once a week for tho remainder of
of the year, at tho following prices
The wholo year, $3 00
The wwion only, (twico n week.) 2 00
Postmasters uud others friendly to the Democrat.
ic causo aro respectfully requested to receive and
forward subscriptions to this pajwr. Any person
sending us live good subscribers, thall be entitled to
the sixth copy gratis.
Harrjsburg, IMobvr 30, IH'iS.
to the Public,
Daring tho approachhnr session of t. ',.Um
turc, tho K ktstune will, as tisuol, be published
TWipE a wkk, and contain full reports of tho pro
cccdulgs in both branches of the legislature, inclu
ding the speeches of members, lcghlativa report,
ii una impose, mo cuitors will have com
potent reporters in both houses of our legislature,
a? vvell as at Washington city, thus enabling thcnl
10 iiiriusu noi only a complete report of tho proceed,
ings of our own legislature, but also of ilm ,-
proaching session ofCongress. Having made em-
pio arraugemcnts lor the bestowal of mciinsm
attention to the legislative "Jcuartment of ilirif
newspaper, they chcrih the conviction, that they
will render entire tatisfadlion in this respect no
omv io uie memucrs 01 llio legislature, but to thd .
reading community generally,
As it is more than probable, that the nil-engross.'
ing subject of tho derangement of tho currency nil.
dcr vyhich tho community snow laboring, and thev
condition of tho soveral banking institutions of our
stale, will constitute topics of speedy legislative'
action, the proceedings of the approaching session'
will be fraught with unusual interest, and render
paper published at the sent government, which fa,
stows upon them constant mention, a vehicle of
intelligence "most devoutly ivishedl"
Wc would also call to the minds of oar rc'adW
that tho great Presidential contest of 18101s ap
proaching with sapid stride, which is to decide,
whether our National Government shall continuo
to bo administered upon ihe truly republican prirK
clples of its present illuf-trious head,' Martin Van
Burcii, or whether the reigns of power shall be
committed to the hands of ultra Federalists and
friends ofa great ond blighting 'monopoly in tho
shape cfn National Bank. The Keystone, being,
indissolubly wedded to the support of the republi
can cause, will in this nioineiituous conflict, battle'
manfully on the side of Van Buren and a Con
stitutlonal Treasury, and contribute its mite to the
advancement and ultimate triumph of the demo
cratic eauf.e. We shall continue unceasingly to
expose the dangerous hcrcsicx of tho Federalist
and advocates of an overpowering monicd monopo
1.. -..i . . . ........ .1. . ..i
1;, unu ryuiv iiu i-jumun, 10 renuer 111c "Jcy
Mono" an effective weapon in tho hands of th,o
Democracy of the State and Union,
Grateful for the liberal patronage hitherto bes
towed upon them by tho community a patronage,
which lias given the "Keystone" n circulation be
yond that of any other paper at the seat of govern
ment they look forward with confidence to its
continuance, nnd will spare neither time nor labor
to make it deserved.
For the KcyMonc yearly, twice n week, during die
srsslon of the Legislature, and once a week fur
the remainder of the year f 3,00
During tho Sc'ion of the Legislature
twice a week 2,00
All Postmasters, and other Democratic ritizenj
are requested to recieve and forward subscription
to in.
Compound Tomato
Entirely Vegeiabk,
A new and invaluable Medicine for all dicicatei
arising from impurities of tho blood morbid secre
tion of the liver und stomach. Also, a substituts
for calomel, us a chatharticiu Fevers and all billious
These popular pills combining a newly discov
ered Alkaline substanco extractedjrum the TOMA
TO PLANT, with other vegetable snbstanecs
which have been found to modify and diffuse its ef
fects, arc believed to be the best Alterative and Ca
thartic Medicine ever discovered.
For ordinary family physic tliey arc uni
versally approved, as the best ever offered.
A full account of this Medicir.e, and nu
merous certificates from physicians and
others, accompany each box.
Just received and fur salo at the now
Drug Store by J- MOYER, Agent.
Aug. 17.
China Soap,
fTf . . . 1 . C . WA.tlnn T.lnnn nnrl
' Cotton Cloths, of every description of goods.
li is excellent for washing fine linens, and also to
cure all sorts of wounds, contusions, burns, chil
blains, ringwoims, and tetters, particularly wouudj
on horses, It erases freckles, gives a fine and
smooth skin, preserves tho hair and makes it grow,
and is excellent for shoving.. Manufactured by JA
COB LENTZ. For sale by
Bloomsburg, June 22, 1839. 8
READER If you dont believe that Doct, LEI
the best Pills that over came before the public, I ad
vise you to akk thoe persons who havo tried them
and sucli you will fin J hundreds and hundreds in
this neighborhood, who have tried for many year
all kinds of medicines, and could get no relief untiU
they got the Blood Pills. Tlio subucriber since h
waa appointed Agent for the Pills, he has boloJOO
Boxes, and that is in less than two years, Bui dear
friends, bo careful what you buy. Tho world U
1 full of counterfeits especially of tho Blood Pjlu.
Nono are genuine Uiat are offered for sale, without
a certificate of nnnointmcn as Aecnt fiem N. D.
. . . ... . h
Lcidy. r or sale In Uloonmbuig bv
S. Tobias Agent Health' Emporium.
Remaining in the Post Office at Bloomsburjf
at the end of the quarter ending on th
yuth Uuy ot September lbU'J.
Conrad Adams,
Noah Prenti33t
Grace Brewer,
Bernard Barbe,
Samuel Bulgier,
Charles Doebler,
David M. Davis,
Mary Davis,
Jauics Emmitt,
Aaron Fulmer,
Aaron D. Guild
M iss Maria Pott.
John Peatt,
John Rauch,
Franklin Rupert,
John Robison,
William Stoufer,
Joseph Summers,'
Samuel Stocks,
Chester Smith,
0. ..,...,.. u, tiii 1.1
Hister Ilalfiick, Jrsse Shellhammert
Patterick Ilane, Mrs, Maria Steller,
Paul Haaldeman, Miss Mavina Snyder.
John Jacoby, , Chapman Smith,
George Kuafman,Eeq. Jacob Woolevor,
Joseph M'Clure, Gcorijo Zeiglcr,
B- Needham. B. RUPERT, P. M.
Oct. I, 183!).
Thoso inquiring for any of Ihe above let?
ters will please ray it ja ailvcriUcd.,