The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 16, 1839, Image 3

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"tiiuth vituout feaii
s.iTirni.iv, .vi'?.wfjtnj, ipso.
Foil PllllSIUUKT,
Foil Vice Prusidcnt(
We wcro unable to attend llic meeting
held at Orangevillo on Saturday last, but
we understand that it was fully attended,
and soveral spirited resolutions passed. Not
having received the proceedings, we cannot
of course publish them.
Although the Democracy of tho Empire
Stale have not entirely regenerated their
Legislature from Whig rule, yet llioy have
gained much of which to boast, that gives
.undoubted assurance that the whole etato
will be redeemed another year. The city
.of Now York has done nobly, having gain
,cd a complete victory by electing their
.whole democratic Legislative ticket.
'Thomas Ritchie, tbo veteran editor of tho
'Richmond Enquirer, hasjicen spoken of as
ihe democratic candidate for Governor of
"Virginia. Tho party could not select one
moro deserving or bettor qualified.
,U,pon llio recent visit of President Van
Buum to Philadelphia, in reply to the ad
dtcsa.of the committee ho pays the follow
ing just and merited compliment to Govern
or Porter.
Allnw mo. sir. to sav. that amonrr the inci
dents of my tour, I shall ever regard as one
of tho most gratifying, the opportunity
which it allordeJ meol becoming pursonai
lvnp.nuainled with tho distinguished individ
not who Imnnraim with his nresenco to-dav.
whoso many sterling qualities have, for tho
fust time, been prcseiueu to my personal
nhsprvntion. nnd who will. I am ouilo cer
tain, continue to justify tho high confidence
which has been placed in mm oy mo pcopic
vof this state.
Fnr terms in which vou liavo been
pleased to associate my name with his, and
with that ot my illustrious menu nnn pre
decessor, as the support of a piinciplo which
T Have, nlivnva cherished, and for tho kind
.manner in which you have performed the
Juty assigned you by your lenow citizens,
I make you my warmest acknowledgements,
witli assurances ot my sincere pcrsomi ro
sped and esteem."
Several instances have been given in tho
Newspapers, of tho production of largo
vegetables, but wo have seen none to beat a
common Turnip, raised tho passed season
by S. J. Sloppio, of Cattawissa. It weigh
cd 124 pounds and measured 31. inches in
Mr. mbb,
Some of tho papers in your region of
country, have contained tho recommenda
tions of the soveral editors, of individuals
to represent the Stato in tho Senate of the
linked States. But one can ho elected,
and of course ma.iy will be disappointed if
they have permitted themselves to feel much
upon the subject. The course, however, is
not t,o bo condemned. It is a privilego
which any one may exercise, and the cus
tom, too, is not without its benefits. What
others have thought fit to do for their friends
jpormit me to do through your columns, for
.one in whoso rising reputation I am pleased,
as while it reflects honor upon himself,
shews also the benefits of our republican in
OVID F. JOHNSON, Esq. would
make n most excollonl Senator. The Pre
sident of the United States, Martin Van
Burcn did not commenco his brilliant ca
rcer with moro of the requisites of a patriot
and statesman, than Ovid F. Johnson. 0
id F. Johnson springs directly from tho
peonle. He has a love for his country am!
Jier democratic institutions written deeply
in his heart. Ho has all tho requisites to
renrcsent Pennsylvania most ably. Wo
sincerely Iiopo ho may be selected. T,
Philip Teots McGrath, wa3 last weekf
tried and convicted at Wilkesbarro, of pass
mg counterfeit money. Sentence fivoyoats
to the Eastern Penitentiary.
A public dinner was Given lo Mr. Dallas
upon his return to tho city of Philadelphia.
Botwcon forty and fifty wagons freighted
v. . . . viui biucill illlU
books, papers and furniture ot the different
'upanmouis, nave leu Houston lor the
ly of Austin, tho now scat of Government
p n .
i exas.
The intelligence from Mobile is still gloo
y. Tho Rccistcr of tho Hth instant has
the following: Wc are informal liu ilio
lost rcspcctablo physicians, that tho opi
cmic is on tho increase, both in mnliimiiv
and tho number of new cases, which onrnr
daily, of the worst typo. Two of our oi
liest and most rospeclablo citizens that havo
resided hero for twenty years, wcro yoslcr-
dav taken down willi fever." Emrtire
There was a terrible fall in stocks ves-
terday. The market is now lower than
ever before known
U. S. Bank at 07 ! This stato of thinss
cannot last long. Umpire Slate.
I'lic Abolitionists have hard work in Illi
nois. Their Stato Convention at Quincy,
was a failure, and somo of the delegates
caiuo near being suspended by the mob"
It is stated that 85,000 members havo
boen added to tho Methodist Episcopal
church in tho United States during tho past
two years.
Tho Judges of thcDistrict Court of Phila
delphia have threatened to get the grandjury
to indict themselves, for not providing a
suitable place for the said court to sit.
The Worth of Them. Tho Philadel
phia Ledger of yesterday 6ays that Phila
delphia Bank Notes were bought by the
jjroitcrs on 1 liursuay tor 80 cents ou the
dollar, and sold for 87s conls real depre
ciation 15 per cent. Halt. Sun.
Editorial Occurrences. Tho editors of
tho York (Ta.) Republican, arc, or at least
ought to be, a pair of tho happiest fellows
alive, about these days. I he senior was
elected the other day to the honors of the
Senate; and the junior to tho sweet felicity
of wedded bliss. What kind of" triumph"
do you call that, you pair of happy ras
cals JJullimorc aim.
Tho income of Ilia Biblo Society in Eng
land, for the last year, amounted 8105,000,
being 'the largest since its establishment.
Mr. Bronholt, the master builder, engag
on tho Becond Presbyterian Church, at St.
Louis, lately fell about midway of tho Cu
pola, to tho scaffolding, on tho top of the
wall, without sustaining serious injury.
The preservation of his life was deemed al
most miraculous.
The trial of Mrs. Kuowles and Mrs. Sim
mons, for the murder of their husbands, in
Wood county, has just terminated. The
former escaped, but tho proof against the
latter was too conclusive, and sho has been
sent to tho Stato Lnnatic Asylum being
insane at tho timo tho offence was commit
ted. The Georgetown D. C. Advocate says
that on Friday morning last five young la
dies, belonging to wealthy families in tho
District, took tho veil at the convent of the
Sisters of the Visitation.
A Case of Crim. Con. was recently tried
at Foblesville, la. by a man named Lowis
Fuiman, against a little tailor, Caleb Col
lins, for seducing his wifo. A mass of tes
timony was brought forward on both sides,
which occupied the Court livo days, when
it was clearly proved, that instead of Col
lins running off with Mrs. Furman, she had
actually run oil with him 1
The officers, seamen and marines' of the
U, S. ships Macedonian, Eric, Levant, and
Vandalia, contributed 3578 for tho Mobilo
sufferers. Tho total amount raised 'has
been $1 3,589. Except 620, it all came
from tho far South.
A lump of gold, valued at $320, has been
found at tho Abacoocheo mines, Alabama.
Tho nows from Natchez, (Miss.) contin
ues appalling, tho pestilence rages with
unabated fury. On the first 23 days of
October there wcro 100 interments of yel
low fever, On tho 21th Oct. seven inter
ments. Five of the physicians are down
or dead with tho disease.
Awjul Warning. A Philadelphia paper
gives an account ot the execution ut a mur
derer, who, in his dying speech attributed
tho origip of his crime (through u long
course of Vices gradually leading from this
source) to the practice of borrowing news
papers. Having indulged in this mean
nnd sordid habit, knowing that by every
act of tho kind he rubbed some poor prin
ter, and snatched tho bread from thu mouths
nf Inninrv children, ho becamo hardened in
iniquity, and fitted for the performance of
any low and sneaking vitiany 01 which nu
man nature is capable.
Tho New York Courier and Enquirer
frankly admits, that tho election in tho city
of Now York was fairly conducted ; that it
is a fair oppression of tho present opinion
of tho majority of its votors ; and that its
general aspects was in tho highest degree
honorable to Ihe city authorities'
MARRIED On tho 12th inst. by tho
Rev. William J. Eycr, Mr. JOSEPH
FULTON, of Limestone, to Miss ELIZA
CETII RHODES, of Danvillo.
On Tuesday last, by tJic Rev. I, Bahl,
Mr. JOHN McCORMlCK, to Miss SA
RAH CLINE, both of Bloom township.
DIED In Somersett, Pa. on the 9th ult.
of inflaination of tho stomach, the Hon.
CHAUNCY FORWARD, aged about 40
JOHN BOWER, of Middloburg, Union
county, put a peiod lo his cxistonco on Sat
urday tho 20tli ult. by hanging himself.
Ho had been in n melancholy way for some
time His circumstances wcro very easy.
On tho hank of Fishing Crook, n HAT,
tied up in a silk handkerchief. The owner
can have it by applying at this office, and
paying for this advertisement.
Nov. 10.
Is my only Agem for sale of
lai EEIoosnsfrurg.
The public may depend an those sold by
him as genuine. The country is flooded
with counterfeits of them, and tho Proprie
tor of tho genuine offers ONE HUN
DRED DOLLARS Reward to any indi
vidual who will bring to detection and pun
ishment, as tho law inflicts in such cases,
upon those engaged in counterfeiting them.
The Genuine may bo known as foliows .
Each box contains thirty pills; these Pills
arc of a bright black color. They are in
square boxes, with a yellow and black label
around each box, containing on two sides
the signature of Dr. D. N. Lcidy. All
may, however, bo closely imitated, and tho
public should bo careful from whom they
buv. Dr. N. B. LE1DY, Proprietor.
Philadelphia, Oct. 23, 1830.
THE subscriber has just received, and
is now opening, a largo and extensive as
sortment of
Fall and Winter Croods,
Crockery and China Wart',
FISH, LAMP OIL, &c. &c.
A quantity of
Plaster and SioneCoal,
All of which will be sold upon as reasonable
terms as can be purchased in tho county.
Bloomsburg, Nov. 10, 1835.
J y si c I'm Q ysl crs,
THE subscriber has just received, and
has made arrangements for a rcgulai weekly
supply through the season, Fresh Amboy
Oysters, which he will sell by the keg or
emallcr quantity. J, R. MOVER.
Nov. 10.
THE subscriber has received by the last
arrival from tho city, at his establishment in
Centre-Square, in addition to his former
stock of Drugs, Paints, Fruits, Nuts, Con
fectionary, Toys, &c. a new supply of ar
ticles in his line, among which aro tho fol
lowing: Solution of Tin, Pure Sulphuric Ether,
Spatulas assorted sizes, Pearl Barley, A r
row Root, Oat Meal, Rose Water, Sarsapa
iilla Root and Syrrup, Chomic Green, Roso
Pink, Chamomile Flowers, Flour Sulphur,
Oocuhis Indicus, British Lustre, Albion
Corn Plaster, Brandrcth'3 Pills, Hive Syr
rup, White Lead dry and in oil, Alchohol,
Spirlls Turpentine, liaisons, Figs, tfce. J.
Hawleys vegetablo Anli Billious Ptils, and
J. Hawleys Vegetablo Salvo for cuts, soars;
burns, rheumatism, &c.
All of which he offers for salo at low pri
Nov. 10.
Estate of ESAU GIItTON, late of Mad
ison township, Columbia county, de
ceased. NOTICE is hereby given, that letters
testamentary, havo been granted to tho sub
scriber, upon tho abovo estate All per
sons indebted to said estate arc required to
mako immediate payment, and those having
claims or demands against tho baiuc, lo pre
sent them fur uettlemcnl, duly authenticated
according to law, to
Nov. 10, 1839. 390
IL bo sold, nt I-mil.IC VENDUE, nn
tlio nicmiecK. on PrM.iv. ilm '.''itli ,1
November next, at 18 o'clock, noon, If not picvl
ously sold at prhato salo, a valuable l'AHM, con
taining uated nboul two miles from lilootmburg, Columbia
CoUlltV. Pft.. nnd nnn tniln Trnm Pcnm.fn.irt. .....1
linow In Urn occupancy of A Jam lllllard. Any
person wisning to purclmso can apply to Mr. Hil
lanl, on tho premises, or to tho subscriber, near
Moomsburg, who is duly constituted agent of tho
heirs to eaid property.
11 llio farm is not then sold, it will bo let.
Bloomsbujg, Oct. 20, 1830.
itY The Kastnu Sentinel will rnnv 4li nWii
llirco timed', and forward their bill to this oll'.co for
Will bo constantly kepton hand, and so'.d at
October 20
THE Vendue Notes of John Wertman ore in
my hands, and can bo settled with rao any
timo before tho first of November next, at which
timo all that remain uiif-cltled, will bo left with a
Justico of the I'eaco for collection.
Uloom, Oct. 5 1830 23.
it1 WW KS!3CCL
f land lying in Fishing creek township, Co
lumbia county, tho estate of William Parle,
late of Uiown comity, Ohio, deceased, will bo sold
at privato wile. Any person wishintr to purchase
will cmpiireof tho subscriber, in Madison too'iuhtp,
who is duly constituted agent of tho heirs of sail
deceased, for tho purpose of making salo of tho
same. Also,
3fS A3ie9
Adjoining tho above, is offered for sale, to gcthcr
with llio above, or Fcparate,us may suit. Indisputa'
ble deeds will bo made.
Jcrseytown, Oct. 5 1830. 23
During the approaching session of the legisla
ture, tho Ki'.isroNF. will, as usual, bo published
twiui: a wtr.K, and contain full reports ot tbo pro
cccdingo in both branches of tho legislature, inclu
ding the speeches of members, lcgitlativa reports
tic. I' or this purpose, the editors will Have com
petent reporters in both houses of our legislature,
aj well as at Washington city, thus enabling them
to lurnisli not only a complete report oi tnc proceed
ings of our own legislature, but also of the ap
proaching session ofOongrcss. Having made am
ple arrangcmcnta lor tho uct-towai oi ixcueaseii
attention to tho legislative department of their
newspaper, tucy cherish the conviction, that they
will render entire patisfudtiou in this lespect not
only to tho members of tho legislature, but to the
reading community generally.
As it is moro than probable, that tho all-engrossing
bubject of the derangement of tho currency un
der which the community i snow laboring, and the
condition of tho several banking institutions of out
state, will constitute topics of speedy legislative
action, the proceedings of the approaching session
will bw lraught with unusual interest, and render a
paper published at the seat government, which be
stows upon them constant ittention, a vehicle of
liitrlligenco "most devoutly wisheul
Wo would alto calt to tho minds of our rcadi-rs
that tho great Presidential contest of 1310 is ep
proaching Willi sapid htrido, which is to decide,
whether our National Government shall continue
to bo administered upon the truly republican prin
ciples of its present illustrious head, Martin Van
lluren, or whether tho reigns of power shall be
commuted to tho hands of ultra redcrahsts and
friends of a gri at and blighting monopoly in tho
bhapo cf a National Hank. Tho Keystone, being
mdissolubly wcudeil to tho support of tho republi
can cause, will in this momcntuous conflict, batllo
manfully on tho tide of Van Uuron and a Con
stitutional Treasury, and contribute its mile lo tho
advancement and ultimate triumph ot the demo
ciatic cause. Wo shall conlinuo unceasingly to
expose llio dangerous heresies of the redcrahsts
rind advocates of an overpowering monicd monopo
ly, and spare no cxertiuns, to render tho "Key
stone" mi cfl'cclixo weapon in tho hands of tho
Uemoc racy of tho State nnd Union.
Grateful for tho liberal patronage hitherto bes
towed upon them by, tho community a patronage,
which has given tho ""Kcystono" a circulation be
yond that of any other paper at tho sat of govern
ment they look forward with confidenco to its
continuance, and will eparo neither timo nor labor
to make it destined.
Tor the Kcystono yearly, twice a work, during tho
session nf tho Legislature, and once a week far
tho ro laindcr of tho year 3,00
During tho Session of the Legislature
twice a week 2,00
All Potnmteis, and other Democratic citittna
nro rcquootixl to rccicve atid forward iiubscripttons
to us,
ff -.'UTL On which Is erected a new
Jlpjyjlj AND HANK EARN, '
Tho 1'arm is in A rnml ulntr- nf, nhil it
tO TftE PUBLfc".
Serat-U'cckly State Capitol Gazelle"
The proprietors of tlio Stale dapilol daietto em
brace this opportunity to return their slnccro thanks
to their friends and the phhlic, for tho very ibcral
patronage which tlniv arc pleaded to havo it in their
power to say, has thus far been extended toward
them, and i-jspcclfully announce that tho future
course or their journal shall bo such as they trust
will continue to receive tho confidence nnd support
of tho Democratic party. They assure tho public
that no exertion on their part shall be wanting to
tlTcct tins object, nnd they (latter themselves that
tlicy will bo able to render their paper such a vehi
cle of Usefulness and information, as will not fail to
giyo entire satisfaction to every friend of republican
Ihe approaching FOsioli bt thsLcglstalUrC, will,
unquestionably, bo ono Of great and unusual inter.
. neiu ii.m hoi, pcrnaps, Loon a timo before,
hen the attention nf ilm
. " ow mum til
CanCU Unoil nnv nnn ciifitoft nti it i.
, ii io ui, Jin-aunt upon
Hie derangement of the currency, nrriiinc from tho
nllllcna f l.nnl.!n. n .1 . I .. .
. -.uv,,,,;, ,, H3 lac ucmicraiion ol tho
ensuing Legislature, will in nil probability bo main
ly directed to this important subject, it'cnnnolbo
otherwise than that every thing which transpires at
B'"-"meiit in relation tncreto, Will bd
..ijji-i.j, ouugm uiier. wan theso considerations ill
lew. tho ulidcrsii'iipd li.ivn nml. ...i
- o ......ii, uuiiic UllUllgC-
merits for laying before their readers full reports of
iiu proceedings m now branches of the State Lc
islatuic, together willi lb
reports, and other matter which they lliiuk will bo
interesting. In addition to this, it U ilm li,f.i:..
if the undersigned lo employ able correspondent nt
lie seat of tho acncrnl frnvi'mmrnt 1
tliny will bo able, also, to place in their semi-weck-
7 vanjr it-nuns 01 mo uciiueration of Con
gress. Tho presidential rnntosl nf dAi : ..nMi..
PrOUClimer. Tho ll.m nt nnr m.l.l.n.1
lully tho coum wo intend to purbuo in tho relation
iu uuBieuiijucMioii; anil as wo hivo already given
ouropinouat length, on-this subject, in a former
prospectus, wc deem in needless at present to tiio
uu. .wutu, uj Kunig over mo same ground. Suf
fice it 10 RaV. that vn slmll irivl. mr ,u.;,.i .
, ... umhiu Bumiurt
and energies towards the re-election of present nblo
n.n ...uijisuuiuui uic union, and our humble aid
in behalf of establishing a Constitutional Trcasu-
published twice a week during tho sittings of tlio
Legislature, and onco a week for the remainder of
of the year, at the following prices!
x no wnoio year, 53 00
J he session only, (twice a week.) 2 00
Postmasters and oth
w -LiUUUIll"
ic cause arc reapcclfully requested to reccio and
forward Kiitisnnntirina in .
sending us five good subscribers, shall Le entitled tu
iiiutiiiii copy grans.
Harrisburg, October 30, 1838,
It is customary for papers nt tho Sent of Govern
mcnt to put out an annual prospectus at the approach
of the Lcg'slaturc, promising renewed exertion in
tho cause of their respective parties, and faithful re
polls of Legislative proceedings.
Wo do not feel tho necessity of recounting tho
articles of our political creed beforo tho mass of tho
Democratic party. We have ever been faithful lo
the principles nnd patriotic objects of (lie Democra
cy of ihe State and Union, and shall remain so,
come what will in jthc tide of time. Our best a
bililics have been devoted toils success and general
welfare. Asa central organ and exponent of its
views, wc shall not relax our crTorU in its behalf,
nor our adherence to ils principles.
llutwc desire to say to the public, that wo have
niado arrangements to givo our readers the cailicst
intelligence of congressional and legislative proceed
ings during the ensuing sessions, und,' also the ear
liest accountsof transactions in our principal cities.
Wc havo mado provision, for becuring full reports
of legislative action, in reference to the important
subjects which must cngugo its attention. And wo
respectfully solicit a coutiuucncc of the Haltering
patronage wo havo uniformly received hcrctofoi c,
from this State and elsewhere.
TiatMs or the RErOnTEn.
For tho session twico n week, in advnnce, 2
For tho whole year, y
Postmastuks, anil ollicrs of our friends
throughout tho Slate will be kind enough
to forward subscribers, and for every livo
subscribers paid for, they shall liavo a copy
of the Ruroruxit free.
THE Collectors of Taxes in the "several
townships of Columbia connty, aro hereby
required to proceed in the collection of tax
es to the extent of their vigilance and an
thoirty; those who disicgard this notice, and
neglect their duty may expect to bo held
accountable, at the November Court con
formably to the power vested in thu Com
missioners, in such cases.
CoMMissioNnns Orncn,
Nov. 1 1839.
A tFotirucym:ui
fS wonted by tho sulweribcr. An indutluoun
steady nnd good workman, will receive btcady
employ and good wages, upon application to
Orangevillo, August 3, 1830,
A certain, safe and Speedy cure for Dywntary,
Diarrhea, Cholera Morbus, Summer Complaint,
Cholic, Sour Stomach nnd diseased of tho ttouiach
nnd bowels. For snle at
TobiaS Health Emporium, Dloom&burg
EXECUTED at tins office