VAPJCTJS MATfcEKSa 1I011RID MURDER AND HOBBI?" Y Tho body of Mr. Jarcd Burr, a rpecta bio young man, aged 23, who f?" 1,13 r91" ilcnce at lladdam, Conn, tlio 30h ult. on foot to cmbarK at Cheslei Covo for New York, was found murdered in the woods on the road, his body covered with leaves, two balls through his head, and his pockets rifled of SGOO nnd a watch, which ho was linown to have with him. Tho Middlelown Sentinel of Wednesday furnishes further pailicutars. It says of the deceased. Jli's friends supposed ho had pone; but rii tho return of tho vessel on Friday last thev ascertained that he had not been in her. They then made inquiries, and found that ho had borrowed an umbrella at a house on Lis way and then took a shorter way through the woods; and that was tho last seen of him. On Sunday morning, a largo number of tho inhabitants turned out in search of his body, tinder tho impression that he had been murdered. Aftor searching about two hours, they found his body in a brook about a mile iron) tlio liouso ho had borroweu uic umbrella. It was covered with water, and concealed with moss grass, &c. with the exception of one leg which tho water had probably washed off so as to expose it to view thus leading to tho discovery. IIo was a respectable man, and has a fath er with whom he boarded, being a single man, and a number of connections living in lladdam. Ho had a peculiar movement of the eyes, and a head of hair as white as that of an old man. P. S. Wo have just learnod that a young man, of Middle lladdam, named Gilbert Brooks,' only about twenty year3 old, has been taken upon suspicion and an examina tion of him was to bo held at Chester. Tho New Haven Gazette gives tho fol lowing as the reasons for suspecting that in dividual ; He was in the storo with a gun in his hand, and saw Mr. Burr count and put his money in his pocket book. He told Mr. B. that tho routo by tho foot path through the woods was nearer than tho road, and finally persuaded him to go that way. He then purchased some powder and buckshot at another store, and went into tho woods ahead of Mr. Burr. Two buckshot were picked from tho wound, and tho wzllot con taining tho $10, which tho prisoner did not know to bo in tho possession of Mr. B. was found on the body untouched." THE INDIANS' Later accounts from the Cherokccs. The Ozark Standard of tho Hth nit., con tains advices from his Fayettoville corres pondent up to October 10, from which it ap pears that tho commanding officers t Fort Gibson and Fort Wayne have issued orders upon tho keeper of tho military stores at Fayettevillo for an additional supply of arms and ammunition, viz : for Fort Gib eon, 132, muskets; Fort Wayne, 100 mus kets and bayonets, 100 cartridgo boxes and belts, 100 bayonet scabbards and belts, 10,000 muskets cartridges, 10,000 rifle car tridges, and GOO muskets flints. As the Standard observes, "we wish to create no unnecessary excitement, but the informa tion we have received favors the contrary opinion. Tho whole matter looks very much like a note of dreadful preparation.' There are 20,000 Indian warriors upon our frontier.and it is impossible to foretell what will be the effects of tho first blow which may be struck. In tho event of union a mong the different tribes, tho forces of tho Government upon the frontier would be to tally inadequate to the protection ot our cit izens. Tho militia must be looked to as iho strong arm of defence and amid the 'pomp, prido and circumstances of glorious war,' tho recently organized corps of the 6th division may have an opportunity of eicnalizincr themcselves for 'deeds of valor and feats of arms." Singular Occident and Miraculous Es cape. Uno ot tho most singular accidents, accompanied by a most miraculous escape, that we have ever had occasion to record, occured yesterday in Portland-place. Mr. Holland, a resident there, on returning from his morning's work, to dinner, took into his firms his little child a girl about two years old and was walking with it playfully a bout the house, when, finding the scuttle in the attic open, he ascended the stairs to look out. While he was standing on the stops n favorito kitten of tho child's ran by them, and passed on to the roof, The child exhibiting a wish to catch tho kitten, the father thoughtlessly placed her (tho childlon tho ndrc-polo of tho house, (a brick house, three stories high,) while lio went on tho roof to catch young pussy Jle had left the Ichild but a moment, when it lost its balance, rolled over, and sliding from the roof, was procipitated on to the pavement below ! To the utter astonish ment of tho spectators of this awful scone, the child was takon up, not only alive, but without the fracture of a bono, or any signs of internal hurt or harm. Her flush was slightly bruised, but this morning alio was ns cheerful and, apparently, m as irooil health as ever, particularly at breakfast tiino when she laid to as if nothing had happen ed, Boston Transcript. JJflicla of flutteru. An unsucccstfu hivcr was asked by what menus he lost his ilivmity : "Alas," cried ho, "I flatteroi! Iter until alio got too proud to speak to mo." AN ANTI-BANK MEETING Of tho democratic citizens of Allegheny cdunty, was held in the city of Pittsburg, on tho lOtli ult. for tho purposo of publicly expressing their sentiments in relation to the suspension of specio payments. Tho Pittsburg Gazclto represents tho meeting as being one of the largest and most respec lablo ever hold in that city. Tho meeting was addressed by Messrs. Van Amringo, Gnzzam, Kerr, Callagham, and Avery. Tho following resolutions wcro adopted without opposition : Resolved That the tale put forth by per sons interested, and the agents incorporated banking companies, that the banks can stop payment for three months, then resume, and again suspend at pleasure, is an absur dity, and contrary to law. Resolved That the mode pointed out by act of Assembly for individuals to cn foicc their claims against banks refusing to redeem their notes docs not altar or impair the manner of proceeding by tho common wealth on a writ of quo warranto. Resolved That every bank which has stopped payment of its notes, in gold and silver, has by misuse, abuse, and contraveu lion of the conditions on which it hold its charter, forfeited said charter and rendered null and avoid. Resolved That the public good aiid tho laws demand, that all hanks which have stopped payment in gold and silver, should forthwith bo proceeded against thro' tho proper tribunal. Resolved That His Excellency David R. Porter, Governor of Pennsylvania, ho requested to direct Ovid F. Johnson, Esq., tho Attorney General of tho commonwealth to issue immediately writs of quo warranto against any and overy bank within this State, which has suspended payment in gold and silver, the legal and constitutional currency of tho land, to tho end that a de cision may bo had according to law. Resolved That a copy of the procee dings be sent to President Van Buron and Governor Porter, and that they bn published in all the democratic papers of the State. A J Faming Voice. " To prcservo our indepondanco wo must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. Wo must make our selection between economy and liberty, onr profusion and servitude. If wo run into such debts, as that was mustbcltax- cd in our meat, and in our drink, in our nn cessarics and our comforts, in our labors and our amusements, for our callings and our creeds, as the peoplo of England arc our people like them, must como to labor sixteen hours in tho twenty-four, givo tho earnings ot hltccn of theso government for thoir debts and daily expense, and tho six teenth being unsulllcictit to afford us bread, wo must live, as they now do, on oatmeal and potatoes ; have no tiino to think, no means of calling he misrnanagcrs to ac count, but bo glad to obtain subsistanco by hiring ourselves to rivet their chains on the nocks of our fellow sufferers. Our land holders, too, liko theirs, retaining indeed, the title and stewardship of estate called theirs but held really in trust for tho trea sury, must wander, like theirs, in foreign countries, and bo contented with penury, obscurity, exile, and tho glory of tho na tion. 1 lus cxamplo reads to us the saluta ry lesson thatpri-atc fortunes arc destroyed by public, as well ns by private extrava gance. And this is tho tondancy of all hu man governments. A departure from prin cipal in one instanco, become a precedent for a second ; that second for a ihird ; and so on, till the bulk of tho society is reduced to bo more automaton of misery, to have sensibilities left but for sinning and suffer ing. Then begins, indeed, tho bellum o- milium in omina, which somo philosophers observing to bo so general in this world, have mistaken it for tho natural instead of the abusive statu of man. And tho foro horso of this frightful team is public debt. Taxation follows that, and in its train wretchedness and oppiession." Thos Jtf- erJion.j Democracy." The system of democrat ic government is most beautiful in its struc ture, and benevolent in its operations. It is a transcript of the government of God. It is supported by tho profoundesl research es of philosophy, by the sublimcst teach ings of religion, tho purest piety, tho deep est virtue; the firmest faith, tho brightest hopo, tlio most expensive charity. It gives to each the rights of all. Each man is es timated a unit, the sum of which makes up tho whole. What is tho .light of one is the right of all. It confers no titles; it bestows no immunities. It makes each accountable of the whole, and pledges tho protection to tho whole for tho good of each, The man that is born in insjgnifioanco, and bred in a corner, may, by a continuance in well do ing, rise to the centre of glory and honor. Merit is the only avenue to success. And tho sons and daughters nf tho rich, by tho neglect of virtue, by indulgence in vice, will sink into merited insignificance. The man in oflico may bo removed without a revolu tion, whilo vacant scats arc open to tho ora ulation of all." I can conceivo no form of government so perfectly compatible with the sublime principles of Christianity, or so directly cal culated to piomoto tho happiness ot all mankind, as a democracy, It needs only to be understood in theory, and adopted m practice, by a qualified to tost its qualities to secure tho admiration and support ul ovo ry philanthropist throughout tho world." Hidih Fatality of Fashions. It is a Blartling fact that human life is shorter in New Eng land now than it was fifty years ago There are diseases now which wcro hardly known then ; and which bring thousands to a pre mature graze. What is tho cause of nil this ? Has our climate csscntally changed? No unless it bo for the belter. Tho cause is to bo found, doubtless, in the corrupting fashions of tho times, which regulate the food and the dress of tho people, and which make idleness more respectable than hon est sturdy industry. Wo depiecato these fashions ; tiiey aro rapidly leading us, ns a people to these cxcossesgwhioh have prov ved the ruin of other and earlier nations. It is time this subject were looked into with as much solicitudn and caro as politicians look for tho causes of civil liberty and the public good. In olden times in tho days of the revo lution when sons worked willingly in the forest and tho fields, and partook" of tho simple but substantial faro of their own farms ; when daughters woro thick shoes, loose gowns, and labored at tho spinning wheel and loom, such diseases as con sumption and .dyspepsia wcro seldom or ever known. Doctors wero raro acquain tances then. But, now, if a young man would appear respectable, ho must carry a green bag to court rather than a bag to mill, ho must wield a yard-stick rather than a hoc or shovel ; and, as for young ladies alas 1 their shoes must be of kid thin as wa fers ; their chests must be pont up in corsets as closely as a Chinese foot, and their time must be spent, in spinning slrect-yarn, thumping the piano forte, or discoursing sentimental song. All those fashions are prejudicial to human lifo and ho.dth. Oh, that fashion would over take the right direc tion, and ! go upon tho maxim of sanc tioning nothing which interferes with tho aws of health. 1 hen would the hopes of our country brighten, and individuals would enjoy an amount of comfort which is now too willingly but blindly sacrificed in false state. Maine Cultivator. MOBILE. Tho editor of the Mobilo Advertiser, no ticing some of tho proceedings in that City niiikrs the following touching allusion to tho sufferings which have been endured by those who could not floe away from tho ep idemic. Few communities havo over been called lo suffer as wo havo suffered. Pestilence :ind Death has been in our midst, and havo lone their work. Most of our citizens fled from befoie tho destroyer, and loft tho fate of tho cily in tho hands of a few. Of theso n portion had been prostrated by sickness, andjtho romaiudor were borne down with fatigue consequent uponhhoir assiduities to tho sick and dying. Upwards of fivo hun dred of their fellow citizens had been swept away, and consigned to tho houso appoin ted for all living their associates, their bo som friends, their dearest companions, one after another had fallen around them they wcro discouraged, sorrowful, dispirited and sick at heart. At this time, this peculiar time, when tho city was defenceless, and tho energies of her citizens broken and prostrate, tho dumon ov ixcrndiakism, with torch in hand, appeared in our midst I In tho stillness of the midnight hour, tho torch is applied and behold ! our city is wrapt in flames I Night after night In con slent succession, were wo aroused finm our slumbers bv tho midnight alarm bell, and the starting cry of rim: 1 There vas no security no safety. J;.vory one felt when "o laid his head upon his pillow at night, that nhould ho sleep, tho roof over Ins head should bo enveloped in names before the morning dawn. All know theso horrid fires to bo the work of incendiaries of monsters, who wero of us, among us in our very midst. Under such circum stances isit to bo wondered that an unprece dented and almost uncontrollablo cxi'ito- ment prevailed ? It could not be other wise, l ho tact is, our citizens wero dri ven almost to a stalo of desperation. Perilous Jl tin fin 11 r p. Mr. RnlmMriri once related to us a story of two little girls twin sister, and the prettiest lasses in their tribe, belonging to the Star family, men tioned in his arliclo in the proceedings pa ges, which is not unworthy of record hero. Ml , I . j ncy wauuurcu away, on one occasion frnm tfmir fnlliftr'n r,n ilm ------ - - -in jiiiu.tii nil iiiu coast of the Pictured Rocks, and were found alter a search, sitting on tho edge of ono of tho highest precipices of this stupendous range. They had their feet over tho pro- cipico, and wcro gazing on tho vast oxpanso of water, nuito iinr.nn.irintm nf tlioir i1nrr.r The father had tho presenco of mind not to aiarm mem, ana called ihom away in a gentle, unconcerned tone, by which moans they wero rescued. Theso persons, now women grown, aio still living. Their brother, Muk Obwaum, of Sault St. Mario, is well known to Mr. Schoolcraft.- Knickerbocker. Jl Sterling Truth. Wo find the follow ing Horn in the Boonsvillo Rogistcr; it Bhould uu piiiiiuu in luuurs Ol goiu. Tho arrogant air of foppish indolence, al ways disgusts a man of common soniBe One honost. industrials nir-Mmm.- iv.irid the whole hord of perfumed exquisite, v)io infost our streets with their dickies turned Uowu und not a cent in thvtr pockets The Dark Side of Jlfalrimony. Lately, a slave in tho west Indies, who had been married to another Blavo by ono of the mis sionarics, at tho end of threo weeks brought his who back to tho clergyman, and dcsir cd him to take her again. Tho clergyman asked what was tho matter with her ? " Why massa, she no good. Tho book says she obey mo. Sho no wash my clothes (-41 -!. T . 1 . 1 mic no (io wnai i want tier to uo. i ho minister: " But the book says, you wcro to take her for belter or for worse." Yes, massa, but sho all worso and no better. She had too much worse and uo good at all. Mr. Elihu Burnet, tho learned black smith of Worcester, Mass, has acquired a knowledge of fifty different languages, laboring at tho samo tiino two thirds of tho day at an anvil. Professor Leo, of Oxford in England, was n carpenter until i , . somowucro in nis twentieth year, yet a student of languages also. He is now ono of tho most distinguished oriental scholars in Europe. Theso two individuals may serve lo illustrate tho difference which a series of years will show between ono who trifles away his hours of loisurc, and anoth er who employs them in somo useful un dertaking. Tho Montroal Herald says, wo aro in formed that lu3 excellency, the governor general, intends lo proceed ot Upper Canada about tho last ol tins month, when ho will dis solve tho House of Assembly, in order that there may bo a now election, for the purpose of ascertaining tho opinion of tho inhabi tants on the subject of responsible govern ment as explained in tlio report of Lord Durham, and as supported by tho robcls iu the Upper Providence. Tho President having been informed that measures wcro on foot to take out to Eu- ropo n party of Sacs and I' ox Indians for exhibition, ho has directed tho District At torneys and Collectors of ports, to prevent their departure for such purposo. Tins is right, tor when abroad they would bo nioro than strangers in a strange land, as they would be altogether unacquainted with cus toms of civilization, and would be cnliroly at tho mercy of their keepers. Sir Jnhn Ilnrvi'V. llin Limit. Clnvnrnnr nf Now Brunswick, has issued n nrnrdain:itinn commanding all persons to abstain from nutting timber, or in any way trespassing upon any part of tho ' disputed territory," and giving notice that tho warden, J. A. Maclaughian, is authniizcd to seize, tako and destroy all timber which may bo cut in violation of the proclamation. A story is afloat about St. Louis, Cincin nati, and tho region thcro away, lo cflect that, whilo ia stoamboat lay. by somo whoro on tho Missouri river, ono of the hands ro fused to enter tho boilers, for the purposo of cleaning them, on tho ground that they wero too hot I that ho was then beaten and compelled to go in, and was taken out in a few minutes, literally baked to death. Tho names withheld , it is hardly crcdiblo. (Humbug.) Tho Administration candidates for the Assembly from tho city of Now York have pledged themcselves to oppose granting charters to any new banks, to tho circula tion of bank notes of n less denomination than five dollars, and to loan tho credit of tho Stato to works of internal improvement and in favor of the passaco of tho Sub-Trea sury Bill with tho specie clauso. Pete Gumbo and Sam Johnsing on the suspensian. " law, yaw, l'cto, said Sam Johnsing to his chum, yesterday, wha, look hca I yaw, yaw ! wat for you hab daldero bag hang roun your neck, liko wat littlo massa Willum toat ho books in when ho gwino to school 1 yaw 1" " Oh, oh. Sam 1 dis child lound out some thing white folks monsus unsarlin do hanks worser ! What's 1 got in dis hero bag, eh ? yaw, yaw ! 'Foro God, I hab ebery cent of twcnty-nino dollar and three picayuno, in dis littlo bag, an nil in do clar giit do raal specier I Sam, as do sayin is, I toats my own.' " Wat for could'nt you loab it wid your massa, liko mo, or hab it lock up in your trunk ! sposc you want's folks to seo you got specier." "I could'nt do dat, Sam, no how: causo as how you seo I wamted to subspend spe cier payments liko do great regumlator in Fillydelfy. Nigga, aint you hoard ob dat yet V ' Bless God, Pete, I aint. Wat 13 dat you calls him ? you always finds out do pollyticks; but wat is dat, Pete, any how I" " Well, I'nt zactly know, Sam; dat !b I can't comprumhend, myself; but dey tells mo its a great riino-ccrous, or some oder big monster, wat's mighty ob carry ing oder people's specier. But it don't get dis nigga's, I tells you ?" " IJy gHy, den I thinks, Pole, you hab acted parfaclly right. I'm bressed i'f I don't follow do Bute. I gwino now right strale to ax rnassa Charley for my epocicr yaw, yaw." Wo look upon this measure of Sam and Pete, as u formal resolution to suspend. N. O.l'ic. An aff.iirof honor como off hotweon two gentlemen of New Orloans on tho 20th ult. The distance was twenty paces; tho weap-ons-pistols. At the third fire one of the combatants roceived his antagonist's ball in the le u Jew lib h: i'oov'' 'ho ani . . i i Tiro in Natchez burnt Iho residence 0r Hon. Robert J. Walker, candidate fr I Till ml Hlnlna ..-... ... i .. 1 ,f the the v! i I 1 r """ ami a lite , VlPUMllMfir Ilia lm.. I l( -"6 """ uiu resiuchco of hi. opponent, tho Hon. Sargent S. Prenii,. Neither has ths udvantago of iho other therefore, in this particular. ' Tho total expenditures of the State of ermont for tho year ending 20th Septem .,uUl,UJ, , ho amount nr ti.n oiaio ocnooi J-una is $110,048 21, 'n, Bank Safety Fund amounts to 910,232 73. pi they were not ready to pay IhclrdkSS er iust or tin ust. Tim .l,pr:ir i ' 7," . .... i i J "vi,.1 nnew t in, UlllI M.TVInrr nn ... l .. of & , a iu-eieeiion, when called upon by the judgo to open tho conn" he handed in lii i-neii...,.,: . r . - : ""j,""iif wuicn the idee mused in it i. .. a . ,w x iiusimnii ihei cleared out the court could not co on JL And that s tlio way it was done, A public meeting was lately called at St UiniStmC. at wllifll rnenl,.i;.... ' ' ,. -""....iwiio wero pas sed recommending a division of Florid.. 1 erritory. i-or several years past this sut. has engaged tho atltcntion of the people of Iho Millcdgcvillo (Geo.) Journal has laced at Us head the namo of Gcorgo M 'roup as a candidate fur the Presidency. The hostilities between iho Koss and nine names Imvn mini.. l.r.,i- i , . : -, until om, A letter, bearing date Evansvilic, Sept 2"il ...... u.Sui previous, auout mid- ll'llt. lllU Rllliri! li:irlv nmti.wl !. lif i , cj t --wu.- u ,,(u ,vnsns iL'ton COlllllV line, mill .nnt-,lr,.,t It .... i ;woof the l:ii illrfnr tl,,. r. , r . ",u "ura i"" ly, which has caused considerable, excitement. The Ridge party aro flying to tho vh tea for pro teution. A lato number of tlm Tfnvm published m Hinds Co., Miss., contained twenty and a half colums of by sheriff), collectors, . and marshals. threo columns and more of notices of insol vent, election camliihttna. Am nn,i sovontcon and a half linos of reading mat- iur. At Noblc3villo, Intl.,. Lewis Furmnn re. covered one cent damages, in au action a gainst Caleb Collins, for the seduction of his (r. s) wile. The Louisvillo Journal' sneakinp of the Ohio Kiver, says it does not run very fast, but shows a good deal of bottom. An English paper, in civiiu? an nncnnnt of a lory dinner, says that " tho Queen Dowager and other state paupers, wcro toasted." . committeo has been annomted hv thnl Leuislatuio of Khodo Island la pnnuirn in. ' to the prominent causes which occasioned tho suspension of specio paymonts by the banks in that slate- Mosnrs. WatatA. Kim. mons, Blako, Whipple nnd Clarke, consil ium mo committee. Florida dates to the 19lh ult.. savs that a detachment of Dragoons belonging to Post ixo. 17 was nrcu upon while crossing tho Oscilh river by a partv of Indians, and sev en killed and others wounded. Two fami lies aro lcportcd to have been attacked by tuo lnuiaus, but their names are not given. An applo tree was in full bloom ut Kings ton, (It. I.) on tho first inst. A prisoner confined on acharco of larce ny, recently escaped from tho jail of Le high County, Pa., but returned in a few days, says tho Bulletin, aud surrendered, bocauso he found ho could rot maintain him self in the wido world. New Jcrsu. Tho cloarmaioritv. obtain ed by the democratic party, of the popular voto in tho roccnt elections in Now Jersy, is ascertained, by tho official returns to be 2252. A respectable majority this to be represented in Congress by Whig mom bcrs 1 Metropolis. A country greenhorn, aftor beincr joined in tho chains of wedlock, was asked by one of tho guests, a friend, if ho "had paid tlio parson; to which ho replied, " Oh no; he's owing father for a peck of beans, and we'll make a turn ofjit. Thcro is but ono man in i nil nt Nantuck et, aud ho threatens to prosecute tho town unless the building is mado more comtoria blc. Resumption in Tennessee. In tho lo gislaturo of Tennessee on the 2tth ult. Mr. Smith said he had just received intimations Irom a high quarter, winch rendered it not at all unlikely that all tho banks in Tennes see would resume specie payments within ten days. Resolutions havo been introduced into tho Senate of Tennessee, recommending Martin Van Buron for President, nnd Gov. I'olk of that State for Vico President. Damages to the amount of 2 10.000 havo been claimed in a suit aguinsl tho Philadel pllia and Baltimore Hail Road, by a ivir. Johnston; for what is not staled. Proba bly for killing a cow. Advertising. Advertising is to trade what steam io to machinery the praiid propelling goahoad power; and yet (hero are some pereons so blind to their own in' leiosiH, as to ponder over a cent winch yiulds them from a hundred, to a thousand per cent