The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 09, 1839, Image 4

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'"t"-" PunoA titi!, the MiTcutKis (priccil)
AXATivt, or tin'1 other pills or compound bifore
the public, at certified to by Physicians anil others.
Let nnno condemn them until they have tried
them, and thsn wc aic crtain they will not.
It is now a settled point with all who have used
tho Vegetable Persian Pills that they are prc-cmi-ccnUv
tho best and most efficacious Family Medi
cine that has yet been used in America. If every,
family could become acquainted with their Sover
eign power over disease, they would keep them and
Ve prepared with a sure remedy to apply on tho first
nppiaranc of discaso, and then how much distress
would be avoided and money saved, as well as the
lives of thousands who arc hurried out of timeby
negloeting disease in its first fctages, or by net being
in possession of a remedy which they can place dc
ptndence upon.
The Resurrection, or Persian Pills.
Th name of these pills orginnted from tho cir
cumstanre of tho medicine being found only in the
cemctarics of Persia. This vcs"table production
being of a peculiar kind, led to experiments as to
ita medicinal qualities and virtues. In half a cen
tury it becarao an established mcdicino for the dis
eases of that country. The extract of this singu
lar production was introduced into some parts of Eu
ro c in theyesr 1783, and used by many celebrated
Physicians in curing certain diseases, where all oth
er mcdicino has been used in vain. Early in the
year 1792, the extract was combined with o certain
vegetable medicine imported from Dura Baca, in
the East Indies, and formed into Pills. The admir-
able effect of tliis compound upon the human sys-
t'Y "Vi iT . .!. b
u,e. 1 heir long established character their umver-
al and healing virtues, tho detergent nnd cleansing
qualities of their specific action upon the glandular
part ot the system, are such as will sustain their re
putation arid general lite in tht American Rcpub
I certify that I have, by way ol experiment, used
the Hygean, and most of the various kinds ol Fills,
in' my practice, which have borne the highest repute
in the public estimation, that have been offered for
ale in this vicinity for the last five years, including
those called the Resurrection or Pcrsain Fills; and
the public may rct assured that nono among the
whole catalogue has answered a better purpose, as
an easy and effectual remedy, than tho Resurrection
or Persian Fills, in most cases of disease.
Ciunirs Backus, M. D.
Rochester, N. Y. Sept. SI, 1837.
Messrs. E. Chase & Co. GcnU. Hearing
much said about the extraordinary effects of tho
Resurrection or Persian Pills, upon those about to
become mothers, wc were induced to make a trial of
them. My wife was at that time the mother of five
children, and had Buffered the most tedious and ex
cruciating pains during and after her confinement
of each. She had tried every means and taken
much medicine, but found little or no relief. She
commenced taking the Persian i'ills about three
months before her confinement (her health being ve
ry poor about this length of lime previous) and in a
short time she was enabled by their use to attend to
the cares of a mother to hjr family until her con
finement. At the time bho commenced taking the
Persian Pills, and for several weeks pi cvious, she
was afflicted with a dy hard cough, and frequent,
eveic cramps, which the use of the Pills entirely
removed before using half a box. It U with the
greatest confidence that wc advise all those about to
uecomo ror'hers to make use of the Persian Pills,
All those that have taken them
in our neighbor-
hood have cot along in the same easy manner, and
are about the house in a few days. There does not
appear to Lo aalf tho danger of other dangers setting
in after confinement, where these Pills are taken.
Wc unitedly i-ay,let none neglect taking them, for
they are in the reach of the poor as well as the rich.
Wo are truly thankful that there is a remedy which
females can easily procure which tends to lessen tho
world of suffering, w hich many of them have to bear,
and perhaps save the lives of thousands which would
athenvise be lest.
Rochester, May 14, 1838; corner of Callidonian
aquare, Edinburg street; for further particulars see
S. Roberts,
A.v.v 0. RousrtTf.
Rochester Sept. 24, 183S.
Mestrs. E. Chase $ Co.
I think it my duty to let you know what a great
cur ourPilU have performed on me I had been
sink uout 7 years about 2 years and a half con
fined to my bed. I had been given over as incurable,
with Consumption, by tweh; physician: uf the first
standing; my lungs were seriously aiTccted; I had
S ulcers gather and break; my cough was dry aud
harsh moat of the time; my liver was much swollen,
and my stomach very dyspeptic. I had chills, fever,
and night sweat, accompanied with extreme iriita
blrftes.i of the nervous system, and other difficulties
which I forbear to mention. After I wa3 given ovor,
I tried almost all medicines which were advertised,
but to no advanUr;i-, until I tried your Vegetable
Persian Pills. I began to gain in a short time after
I commenced taking them; and, to be brief, liefore I
took 3 boxes, I was able to ride out and to take con
fidfi ible exercise, and at this time I enjoy good
liciith, and am able to do good day's work. If any
noe wishes a more particular history of my suffer
ings, he may call on me, at the corner of Alain and
Clinton-streets, Rochester.
Fits Cunirt The undersigned hereby certify,
that we are the Parents of two children who have
ton afflicted with fit more or less from their infan
cy, and that we have tunml no nains or expense in
endeavoring to effect a cure, but without any bene
ficiul cAVc, 1, mil hearing of the Resurrection or Per
sian Pills, when four boxej were immediately
procured, rih' liefore three boxes were taken, the
its had. abated in frequency, and every sym
itora much improved, and now we are happy to
4tate that our Uuldien by the use of the Persian
Pills, with the blessing of God, are entirely cured,
and have no symtom or appearance of fib), will find
in tha Persian Pills a sure and perfect cure.
OanttnN. V. D"-.:,,i, ia37.
The above pills may bt had of Ihe following a-
pent--J i'in Mover, Bloomsburg; H. Miller, Ber
wcU; J. Cooper '& Sons Hwlton; C. Hortinau,
Espeytown; John Sharpies, Cattawiisa; Lyman
Uholso, Danville.
Ezra Taylor, agent for the Btit of Pennsylva
ia residing at Rochester, N. Y. to whom tllerders
nia ba addrvescd.
110ULD rcccivo a preference over all Pills now
I in existence:
l,1irt because they arc composed of Vegetable
extracts, freo front minora' ; and may be taken at
all times with perfect safety by young nml old, with
out restraint fiom occupation, temperate living, or
fear of taking cold.
Second Because they nto composed of such
medicinal extracts, as have been employed by all
tho most celebrated and respectable Physicians for
moro than a century past, in purifying the lllood
nnd Animal fluid ot the body.
Third Because they may bo employed as a
mild or active purgative, according to the quantity
taken, and their operation will not bo attended with
griping of tho bowels, sickness at the stomach,
prostration of the system, &c, os are produced by
other pills.
Fourth Because they possess a combined action,
not possessed by any other pills, mixture or prepar
ation whatever. Their first cllect is in correcting
all impurities with which the blood and fluids of
tho body may bo alTctcd,and by their gently opera
tive effect, removing such impurities from the sys
tem. Fifth Because they ere the terror of ijuacks
and Impostors, for most persons arc obliged to take
the Sarsaparilla Blood Pills, after taking their vile
and destructive nostrums, to counteract anu prcvcni
their mischievons and baneful effects. .
Sixth Because they arc the only pills in which
Physicians have sufficient confidence to recommend
to their patients, and employ in their practice, as
they know they aro Ami tjuack, A11U Mcrcural.
Ami Billious as well as a good and safe purgative
and purifier of tho Blood nnd Animal Fluids.
Seventh and last Hut not trie least lmporrani, taking cold from their use. They are daily prescri
be because they arc prepared by n regular Apcthe- cj by numerous physicians; certificates of tho fact
cary and l'liv sician, atlesicu Dy urs. 1 iiyeic, i-
ncr, Chapman, Dewccs, James, Gibson, Jackson,
J, ' Hare, &.C, &c, which alone is sufticienl to
" ..r """- uv" . r .,
pniiiln them to rrreat confidence.
Certificates and Kccommenuations irom j-nysi-cians
and others accompany the directions around
each box.
fCJ-Price Twenty Five Cents a RoxJ$
Prepared only and sold Wholesale and Retail at
- W - - ... f Til
Dr. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, IN 0. tut ioriu
Second st.,a few doors below Vine street, Philadel
phia, also, sold by
J. Gilbert & Co., North Third street above Vine.
G.S.Clemens, do 3d do do Wood st.
J. R. Smith & Co. do 2d do next the Rtd
Lion, and nil respectable Wholesale and Itetall
Druggist's in Philadelphia.
They are also sold by:
J. F. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
J. W. Rohrcr, do do
W. Ebcrman Litb.
J. V. Oakly, Reading.
J. B. Moier, Allcntown.
P. Pomp, Easton. t
Ail the principal Merchants and DrugisU in the
Uniicd States.
For sale at th Health Emporium Bloomfhurg
by D. o. TUU1AS, Agent.
Bloomsburg July, 13, 183U.
iOMMONIC VriON. How few they aro that
J happen to bo afflicted with Louglu or olds
pay attention to them. How many thousands from
such neglect shorten their days, and hasten their Ii
nal dissolution. Parents neglect them in their chil
dren, and thus form tho fouuuation for Consump
tion, and hundreds of parents annually follow their
own children to the grave, having died from some
affections of tho Breat and Lungs, which wwc neg
lected in their first stages.
Coughs and Colds, whether existing amongyoung
or old, ought at all times be attended to early, and
not Buffered to continue any length of lime, for the
Luntrs onrn affected .disease soon makes rapid strides,
ending in the most fatal of all diseases, namely Con
VATIVE for Coughs, Colds, Catairhs, Influoiuas,
Shortness of Breath, Whooping Cough, Pain in
the Breatttor Side, all affection of the Breast and
Lungs, aud arrest of approachlnsg Consumption, is
tho most popular medicine used throughout all Ger
many is becoming equally popular in the (Jutted
States, and has etauiistieu ior iisch a rciuiauoii
not possessed by any oilier medicine for the same
CiaSS Ol UlgUa&CH. Bi WIUUMIH..IIIIU tvvuw.rn.i-
dations from Parents, Physii i. us, and others, accom
pamng the directions.) It is a preparation perfect
ly safe and harmless, pleasant to tho taste, and may
be given to the youngest infant. It is warranted
free from mercury and ihe minerals, and is n prepar
ation of a regular Apothecary and Physician, attes
ted by Drs. Phybic, Chapnn, Gibson, Jackson,
Horner, Dewecs, Coxe, James, &c. a circumstance
alone sufficient to induce a trial of it
Dr. N. U. Leidy, Proprietor of the above medi
cir.c, confidently recommends it to all, and assures
all most positively that it is an invaluable medicine
and would not himself recommend it, but for it,
known efficacy
Prepared only and forsaleWholesale and Retail at
Dr. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, No. 191 North
Socond street a few doors below Vine street, I'hila-
adelphia also, sold by
J. Gilgert & Co., North TliL-d street above Vine.
G. 8. Clemens, do 3d do doWood st.
J. R. Smith & Co. do 2d do noxt tho Red
Lion, and by ell respcctablo WholcsaU and Retail
Druggists in Philadelphia.
They arc
J. F Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
J. W. Rohrcjr, do do.
W. Eberman Litix.
J. W. Oakley. Reading.
For sale at the Health Emporium Bloomsburg
by D. S. TOBIAS, Agent.
r pursuance of the Constitution of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania Notjce is hereby
given by tho subscribers, citizens of said Common
wealth, that they and others, will make application
to the next Legislature, for the creation of a corpo
rate Body with Banking and discounting privileges,
of the named and stylo of the
Farmers and Mechanics Rank of Colum-
bia County.
to be located it such site or place within said Coun.
ty of Columbia, as shall lie fixed upon by Com
missioner appointed in such manner w tho Legis
lature shall direct for fixing the location of said
rianV .ml with a ranital of two hundred thousand
dollars. Said corpniate liody to bo created for tho
ubtcct Of securing IO 1110 ciuzcns m mo kuwuiuii'
;.i.n ...,1 f the County of Columbia, the bene
. .1 ..e .1 f'
a of a banking Institution, with the rights, pow
it. and miviliw of thBauk of Northumberland,
p k tlll'MAM,
9. t, CXAIO.
" The life of tht flesh ie inlHhlood"
so saith the scrtntures. Leviticus c. xvu
v. ii.
R. LEID'8 BLOOD PILLS. What better
than ceriittur'o tetninoiiy can we have of the
lite of tho flch depending upon the condition ol
the blood 1 If impure or diseased, the flesh mus
of courso be diseased thereby, and tho whole sys
tcmpartakoof such disease. If the doctrine be true,
and there is not a doubt of it (for it is a fact acccc
drd to by nil, that tho scriptures, aro true beyond a
doubt,) then it behooves us to guard against the
consequences of such impurities, nnd thus preserve
the flesh healthy. If tho flesh be healthy, consti
tuting as it does the principal portion of the human
yody, then must the whole body be healthy.
... ik , , , ,
t. -it imnri.iM r n,n Mnn.i m,v ,- T-mnvvd.
Upwards of one hundred years experience of the
most ccicuraieu, inc wisest anu ivcsi pnysicians nave
proved certain vegetables to possess purifying prop
erties. These vegetables will not hero be named,
and Dr. Lcidy wishes to remunerate himself, and
profit br tho long, laborious, nnd costly experiments
necessary to be made, that tho active principles of
those vegetables might be retracted and reduced to
such form as makes them easy, safe and pleasant to
be taken.
These vegetables are contained in the justly eel-
clrated Blood Pills, manufanturcd only by Dr. N.
Lcidy, a regular Druggist and Physician, attested
byDrs. Physic, Chapman, Jacksoi , Horner, uiuson
Dewccs, Jamcp. Hare. Cox, &c.
The aliove Pills may be employed as a mild or
active purgath r. Their action is easy, and may be
employed by all persons under all circumstances.
They wjn at a xmCa i,0 found serviceable, when
the least sickness is present. They require no
change of diet, restraint from occupation, or fear of
accompany the directions. Tliey arc tne most aiiec
live purifier of the Ucodand other fluids of the hu
man body ever disco.eicd. Persons having once
used, will ever after, as occasion may acquire, have
resource to them.
Price Twenty Five Cents u box.
Sojd by nil respectable Druggists and Merchanst
throughout the tnion, and In this city only at
Dr. Leidy's Hcalth.Emporiuin, Second street be
low Vine.
J. Ii. Smith & Co.'s 2d t. near the Red Lion.
J. Gilbert & Co.'s 3d abotc Vine.
C. Clemens' "forth 3d abovo Woodi "
F. Klctt's 2d and Callowhill.
For talc at the Health Emporium Bloomsburg
by D. S. TOBIAS Agent
Bloomsburg July, 13, 183U. 11
Tlircfiluus Mucluisc,
rcnHE Subscribers take this method of informing
j their friends, that they continue Manufactur
ing Threshing .Vitellines end l'oriable Horse
2'tnrera, on tho inot improved phms, made of the
bctt mutuiaU and hi tha most workmanlike man
ner, and which they will wanent to stand with fare
usage, and not injure tho grain by breaking it.
They havo surpassed all others where they have
been introduced, in Pennsylvania, Virginia and
Aorth Carolina.
IPraU's Patent Smut,
Improved. An article of jjreat utility to Millers
for cleansing the grain for preparing it for flouring.
Thcso ri.icliines aro of cat and
wrought Iron, and are supposed to lal an hundred
years. They are in general use in the slate cf New
i oik and in part ol rcnnsylvania.
and all kinds ot Machinery, cast and fitted up,and
an eons 01
kept on hand, and sold by wholesale. All of which
will be sold oa the most reasonable terms, by
Hloonuburg, May 25, 1820. 3ml
TmnnTt!int tn'l B-nritCnc
-"HipOFT.aXlI. X.O u. ai HieFo.
Selins Grove, Union County, Pa
WILL be kept constantly on hand, for sale by
CHARLES D0EI1LER, Bloomsburg.
The above Mills aro a superior article of the kind
and no farmer should tic without one,
Several far
mcrs in Bloom townthip will testify in their favor
.. v v. . u u. u.v,
August 3,
French leiicuinnliMiu Doctor,
from Reading,
Informs the public that he has returned to Bloom-
burg, after an absenco incc April last, and can bo
found at the Hotel of Daniel Snyder,whcro he will
lie at all times ready to attend to patients who are
almcted with Kheuinatic pains in the limbs or body.
liioomsuurg Aug. J, ibiiu. 14
Against the World tor good Mill-Stoncs
and Rolling Cloths.
- iiii,r.uo wisning llio aliove articles, are
- lviL reiueted to cull aud examine my Stock
at Danville, Columbia
istown.on tha Juniatta.
vjuuiiit, 11,, or i ww
35Till, Msy 11, 183,
13 Subscriber hereby announces
10 ins inunus uuu 1110 mimic, mm no
has purchased that old and well known
lately owned nnd occupied by STOUFER
tf IMllTMJlJy, situated in Woomsburg,
Columbia fJounty, where he has com
menced the business, and intends to carry
it on in all its branches.
He will shortly have a number of elegant
various patterns, htuslieu lor sale; anu will
Stattc Coaches, Coaches, Coachees,Giergs,
Sulkies, tsuggics, JJearuorn Wagons,
Sleighs, "c. iyc. $c. yc,
of every variety of pattern to order, on
short notice.
tCJ"Repairs of all kinds will be prompt-
ly attended to
He also manufactures ELIPTIC and
other CARRIAGE SPRINGS, and will
warrant them to be equal to any made in
this country-
As he has' made arrangements for pro
curing the best material, anu will employ
none but first rate workmen, ho hopes to
bo able to turn out good work, anu thereby
obtain the commence ot those who may
turnish themselves Irom his shop.
Orders from a distance respectfully soli
Bloomsburg, Juno 4, 1930. 0 tf.
rwIIKSK Tiucsch aro in many i.articulan, on an
enurriy iiut puui, uuu ineir uuvuuuiges oer
all other TriisnC. have been attested not only the
most rcspectnbln of the niediral faculty, but by the
II . .... 1 1 1
actual oxpcnmcntol those nlltftnl witli tho Uifcac
vunrii tliev aro intonitod t' alleviate. Tho moi
eminent i'hysiciuns upon an examination of thU
J rustt, are to decided as to its bupnority, tuattliev
have cheerfully and voluntarily given certificate to
Ihe proprietors to be laid before public. For sale by
I). S. 1 olnus Jlgent IJeattli binponum.
l tii f!nirlni,rcliin liortf rtCi.T nvlfilin. linfnOAn
Owr. D. Leib, Samuel Shadman and
George Fredericks,
trading under tho firm of O. D. LEIB & Co., at
CatUwiasa I oundry, was dissolved on the 31st day
of July last. All persons having claims against the
said firm, or knowing themselves indebted; will
please call on O. D. Leib, with whom the books re
main for settlement. The Foundry lmines will
in future, be carried on by 0. D. Leib and Georgi
r rcdericks.
Cattawissa Foundry.August 27th, 1839. 18,
An almost certain Cure.
Also, a quantity of
Just received and for sale by
August 24.
y V reeident of tho Courts of Oyer and Ter
miner and General Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter
cessions of the "eacc, and Court of Common 1'lcas,
and Orphan s Court, 111 the eighth Judicial District
composed of the counties of Northumberland, Union
Columbia and I.ycnimng ; and the Hon. William
Montoomkiit nnd Lrotaiid Rvfert. Esquires,
associato Judges in Columbia county, havo issued
their precept bearing dato tho 21th day of August
n tho year ol our Lord one thousand eight hundred
nd thirty-nine, and to mo directed for holding
,1 Court of Oyer and 'Terminer and Gin
-..1 T..ft rk.l.. r, 1 r
cat duu jjcuvcry, uenerai yuancr
Sessions of the. Peace, Common
1'leas, una Urplian's Court,
IN DAN ILLE, in tho county of Columbia, on
i hid iiiiiu juuuuiiy ui iiov. iiujii, i uviinr we ioiii
day) and to continue ono week.
PiU HUE is therefore hereby given to tho Cor
oner, tho Justices of tho Peace, and Constables ol
tho said County of Columbia, that they be then an
there in their proper persons, at ten o'clock, in the
forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions
and other remembrances to do thoso things which
to their offices appertain to be done, And those
who are bound by recognizances to prosecute
against tho prisoners that aro or may bo in the iail
of said county of Columbia, arc to be then and there
to pro.ccutn against them as shall be just. Jurors
are requested to be punctual in their attendance, a.
grccaoiy 10 ineir notices.
Dated at Danville, tho 11th dayOctober of
the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun'
drcd and thirty-nine, and in the 63d year' 0
tho independence of the Unt'-ed States of Amcr
aiierill 's UJlice, uativiuc, ?
Oct. 1 llh 1839.
A superior article of Brack Leather Varnish for
Saddles etc. jurt arrived and for sale, by the gallon
11 - ....!.: , it. 11..1.1. . , .
or smaller vJuuuhh,' 1110 iicauu emporium by
I). S. Tobias Rloomburg.
mollis lino has comtnenccdrunniiigrcguUirly U"
JL ccn Wilkcs-Uafre, Nonhumbcrliml, Wilk
lam-porl, Harrikburg t Pilndclphh md )" iRtcp.
lriodlnto plnrva. Tho Bonis It av V, liil'icr.-iw'
"l - ,;,oc" 1 and urrivo nt IVcrthiirubcr.
nd next nioniinn- nt 7i ..Vtr,,v A i ,r .
--- -o . j, - v,v. ... ,u,u Harris
burg tho following evening at 0 o'clock; where pM.
scngcra will remain over night, and take tho rail roaJ
cars at 8 o'clock; A. M. nnd arrive at Philadelphia
by 2 o'clock. P. M. AtNnrtlmn,lv,l.,i.lll..L. ,
d West Branch boalts connect i This lino arrive,
the junction of tho Jnniftn l itm. .
with all tho western lines for Pittsburg.
neiurningpaascngers uy tuts lino will iMvcBroni
street, Philadelphia, every day at 8 o'clock A. M,
and arrive at llarrisbnrir nt :i iiVI!, u r at"
umbcrlnnd next morning 8 o'clock, Williannpo
by 7 P. M. and wilkes-Barre by 7 o'clock the follow-5
ing morning inrougli in 48 hours.
To famlics movlnt? West tllin linn nir.,. . l
vantage charges upon freight, very moderate, and"
r1 liiniiiic.i may reiy upon lining all
. i hvuua ituivii mm iiicm.
Faro to Northumberland a qj
" WiIliani!,por t 35
" Duncan's Island 3 5
" Hnrrisburg. 4 nn,
" Philadelphia 88
Fr freighter passago apply to
. Phmix Hotel.
Wilkes-Barre, May 7 1339, if
Compound Tomato
Entirely Fcgeiablc,
A new and invaluable Medicine for all dii-nea.
arising from impurities of tho blood morbid secrj.
uon 01 me uvcr aim siomach. Alto, a substituta
for calomel, as a chathartic in Fevers and nil l.llii
These popular pills combinine a newlv ,l!crn.
crcd Alkaline substance extracted from the TOMA
TO PLANT, with other vcgctablo substances
which have been found to modify .and diffuse its ef
fi'cU, are believed, to be tho best Alterative and Ca
thartic Medicine ever discovered.
For ordinary family physic thev aro uni-
iciaauy appiuvcu, .10 Ills UC81 CVCr Ollded.
iv iuii account 01 tnis meaicir.e, and nu-
mernus certificates from physicians and
others, accompany each box.
Just received and for sale at the new
Drug Store by J- MOYER, Agent.
Aug. 17.
China Soar).
0R removing spots from Woolen, Linen and
Cllttrin filntllK. If nVflrV llcrri,llln t? trnnA
i-... l ' '1 (.vin.
Ii h excellent for washing fine linens, arid abo to
euro all sorts of wounds, contusions, burns, chil
blains, ringworms, and tellers, particularly, ,wouuili
on horse?, It erases freckles, gives a fine and
smooth skin, privervrm the hair and makes it grow,
and is excellent forshaiug. Manufactuicd by JA
COB LENTZ. For sale by
Bloomsburg, June 22, 1630. 9
READER If you dont believe that Doct. LEI
tho best Pills that ever came before llio public, I J
vise you to a; thoc persons who have tried their
and such you will fml hundreds and hundreds if
this neighborhood, who have tried for miuiy yean
all kinds of medicines, and could rcI no Tclicf until
tliey got the Blood I'ills. Tile subxcrilier since lis
was appointed Agent for tho Pills, he has sold 009
lioxc.i. and that is in less than two years. But clear
friends, bo careful what you buy. Tho world ii
full of counterfeits especially of the Blood Pills.
lono aro genuine that are offered for sale, without
n ...i.nin nr . . r v it
U 111 IllllUviy VI UIII,Wlti;, na JtUCMk liUIUll. ,
..U.V.J. A V, ctllb XflUUHirvLIUIJ,
D. S. Tobias Agent Hcdlh Emporium
I...,, U i'nr nnl. an l,,.n I... '
Remaining in the Post Offico at Bloorasbmi
30lh day of Scplembei 1830
Conrad Adams,
Noah Prentiss,
Grace Brewer,
Bernard Barbe,
Samuel Brugler,
Charles Doebler,
David M. Davis,
Mary Davis,
Jatues Emmitt,
Aaron Fulmer,
Aaron D. Guild
Miss Maria Pott.
John Peatt,
John Raunh,
Franklin Rupert,
John Robison,
William Stoufcr,
Joseph Som;ncrs,
Samuel Stocks,
Chester Smith,
Susanna or Peter Heller, E. Squire,
Histcr Halfiick, Jesse Slu I'bainraer,
Patlerick Hane, Mrs. Maria bictler,
Paul Haaldcnian, Miss Mavina3nyilr,
John Jacoby, Chapman Smith,
UeorpiQ lvuafman,Esq. Jacob Woulever,
Joseph M'Clure, George eigler,
B Needham. B. RUPERT, P. JI.
Oct. 1, 1839.
Those inquiring for any of tho aborslel
ters will please say it i3 advertised.
Dr. Srandrefch's
r HlHESE pills havo obtained a celebrity fer cui
art. i ney expel by the action of the stomach aw
a imi ... .- J .
anu hnivia nil i.n,i immA... r- .1... rjr...j n,,rr
a iree circulation ol tlio fluids, and restores asounl
"WW Ul ilUUIUl, I
The thousands who use and recommend thcm.ij
proai positive of their extraordinary and bencto
The subscriber has received the appointment '
U'eiir, for the sale of Ir. UrandetU's Pills V
t . "IT- 1 . . . - . . I
. '.IIVl. V. T iiiuillfl VI I - -
Sv.,v,, 8tmi am, no ccrtincate Is ever gnnp1
those engaged in the Drug businesn. t
Bloomsburg Aug. H 1838.
' Vv .1?, "J ' " 6"..
r tnu unerry, for Uoughs, Coici
Aslhm, Consumptions, etc.. for sale at tli
i3Uiay Health Emporium, Rleomfbu