THE -COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. "troth vithoct rr.An mtumkh; ocTttusn is, issa. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 1840. For Pkueident, MARTIN VAN BUItEN. For. Vion Prusidbnt, 1UCGARD M. JOHNSON. AND TIIK 'CONSTITUTIONAL TREASURY. ' Wb nre requested lo mention, that a pub lic examination of the school of Mr. New ton, will on had at the Methodist meeting house, i" Uloomshirfj, on Thursday next, the 17tU insl,, commencing at half past one o'eloJ.; in the afternoon. Addresses may be expected on the occasion. A general invitation is tendered to patents and all others who take au interest in schools, to 'be present. THE ELECTION Is over, and it may appear strange to our democratic brethren abroad, that Win. Colt should be elected by so small a vote as 1G00 in a county where last ) car he received abont2400 and that Valentine Dcst, the would bo dictator, should be defeated in his election for Prothonotary, after having re ceived the appointment from the Governor, by less than one half the number of votes polled for Colt last year, and hut trifle over two thirds of his present vole. Rut their surprise will vanish when they understand the reasons which have governed the uemoc racy of the county in their course at the late election. There is no county in the elate, in which the drmorrary arc more in telligent, indepcndenl'and true to their prin ciples than in this. They hate deception and trickery in their agents, whether in the humble station of an editor a delegate to nominating conventions, or in the more ex tended and important sphers of members of Legislative bodies. They are sincere in their principles, and advocate them because they believe them just and true They do not themselves change from day lo day as the wind blowelh. They are as firm as the rock of ages, and they want their agents to be possessed of the same stamina of charac i ter. Mr. Colt not having exhibited this trait in his Legislative capacity, but having . departed in several instances from the known t principles and wishes of his constituent?, l.roany of them could not give him their sup ' port, consequently his vole has been de ' pteased about one thiid. As for Valentine TlJest, although his name has gone abroad . as a tower of strength in the county, he nc- vcrhas had any real popularity or influence other than a certain artificial influence which liis station and associates gave him. No party or set of men could ever place any . confidence in him further than the present moment. lie ha emphatically been the ' f High Priest and Grand Master of Som ' crsets" for the county; and well has he sus tained ihe character. The people had be- . come disgusted with his course, and the 'first opportunity that offered, have shaken, as an incubas. Poor soul " We pity him." lie should learn wisdom from -tho past, and become an honrsl politician. VWe shall pursue thii subject hereafter. THE POOR HOUSE. The people will rejoice to learn that the Poor House project has been defeated by a largo majority, but few voting for it out of Mahoning. Wo knew it would be so if the people become acquainted with the real inerits of tho question. When we first bro2ched tho subject, we stated that we be Uieved it was a project of Danville to throw tho support of their poor upon he county generally. This was denied by the Intelli gencer, at the same time declaring that the .the votes of Mahoning would show who wero in favor of it. And they do show that wo were correct in our belief, as Mahoning polled 260 for, and only 27 against ii. oi more for it than all the test of Iho county Who wanted the Poor House, Mr. Rest, Danville or the county generally? and who cnt the petitions to Jlarrisburg, as you etatcd, from various parts of tha county ? Speak out and let us know Ihe truth from you for once. You can jI it with safety pow, as it cannot affect your ejtpiiojy " Some things can be done aj well as j others," was an original saying nf.Sani Patch, hut more recently adopted by Valen tine Rest, and still more recently by tha de mocracy of Columbia connly,as their motto whilu casting the votes against their Giard Master of Summersets. No man ever re ceived a more scvcie rebuke at the hands of au abused and insulted people, than he has receivd, at the late election from the de mocracy t this county. For tho last twclvo years he lus published, what ho pre tended to term a democratic paper, attun ing the power and authority of conttolling the actions of tho party. Always advocat ing, or pretending to advocate regular nom inations, he never has abided the decision of tho county conventions, only when they coincided with his views and wishes; he has, therefore, as often been found upon one sid; as the other, dividing anil distracting the party to subserve his own private cuds. In his editorial career he has never advoca ted with his pen, any particular measure of polity, but his only aim Im appeared to he to adv.ince the personal interest of a ftw would be great men immediately around. To effect this, ho has by turns, praised, flat tered, abused, slandered ami insulted, al most every prominent individual in the coun ty. Although he has at times, shown a good deal of policy and management in his electioneering campaigns, yet you could al most always see the spirit of malice or re venge peeping out from behind the curtain in the most of his transactions. lie has long known that he was hated and despis ed by a majority of tho democratic parly and thai he had forfeited all just claims to any influence by his coarse ribahry and per soual attacks on individual character, to ob tain his ends. Instead of acting upon prin ciplc.orfor principle, he has often attempted lo carry measures, by dnerting the utten lion of tho public from the real issue in question, by personally abusing individuals expecting by this means, to compel all ilnough fear, to submit lo his dictation. He has thus nominully obtained an influence in the county, which he verily believed to be rial. Under this impression he, last win ter, applied for and obtained the appoint ment of Prothonotary, not, as he stales, by the unanimous rccomendation of the de uiocratic parly ,but by their silence. They were willing he should have' it for the short term of sis mouths, that ihey might have an opportunity of expressing at the polls their disapprobation of his political course as an editor. That opportunity has been had, and long, loud and deep, has the voire of reprobation sounded in his ears. Thev have met him in the open field, and defeat ed him by democratic votes. They have taught him a lesson, that even he, as reck less of principle and feeling as he is, may profit. They have taught him that " low vulgar, scurility, are not a passport to the favor," of the democracy of the " STAR OF THE NORTH." We find tho following items of ' Demo cralic Reforms" in the Harrisburg Stales Capitol Gazette. As they entirely msel our views, we extract them. Wc cannot too strongly impress, upon the Democratic party the necessity of urging these reform in our Ranking system, upon the attention of the next Legislature. Meetings should be held in every county, nay, in every town ship, to this effect. If it is not done, the probability is that there will he a " batch of fifty new unrestricted Ranks during th coming winter, fastened upon the vitals of tho community, to suck out its lifes blood DEMOCRATIC REFORMS. Frst. The passage ef a law placing bankine oncrations. and banking institutions upon the same footint? with other kinds of business. Second. The passage of a law making the property of all the stockholders in a hank liable for any deficiencies lhatiiiay.a rise on settlement of its aflVns, Third. The passage of a law prohibit'' big, after a cerlian period, ihe issue or cir ctiUlion of any ba It bill of u less denomi twlion than ten dollars. Fourth. The insertion in all banfc char ter and all other nets of incorporation a provision placing them al tiny time under the entire control of the Representatives of the People. Thus enabling tho people, through their representatives, to pievent any abuses which they may perceiv growing out of the cxistsnce of such corporations. . Fifth. Tl e tutal and entire separation of a I the bmking influence of tho country from the administration of the General Gov ernment. . In our paper of to-day, will be found' the returns of the election ia this county, so far as received. It will be perceived that Colt is elected, and licit and the poor house de feated, Valentino Rest, is defeated' literally used ttp..y ., .He. iid.nol allow jidgemenl lo go by default, hut ho has, for the last six weeks, fought for his phire " IJe has visited from house to house, urging the peo pie to voto for him upon tile grounds of his having bpen appointed by the Governor, and that it was passing 'censure on him (the Goernnr.) by not confirming the appoint ment with their votes. This has eiven him hundreds of votes which ho would not oth erwise havi uV.sined, and we verily believe, had lie not this plea; his vote would have been at least one third if not one half lets iliuu it is, so limited is hi personal popu larity, arising out of the disreputable coarse hu has pursued in his editorial career. " Damn that little Cimnnbia, how she kicks," exclaimed Valentine Rent, as the returns of the election of J'rothonoUry cam- pouring in upon him from all quarters of the county, or. Tuesday evening last. " I really thought I had drawii the chains so taught thai they could not be slipped ; iuit it seems both heels havo been used as if the devil was in them. It must be that I oiled them too much." GREAT FIRE IN NEW YORK. New York has again been isited by a ost destructive coiifugratinn. On Satur day evening last, about 6 o'clock, a lite broke out in Albany street, and consumed three buildinga,inil seriously injuring sev eral more. Retwcen 12 and" 1 o'clock, Sunday morning, another broke out in El driilge street, which destroy :d G buildings, and injured several others. Whilst the fire in Eldridjje street was still raging, another broke out jji Water street, and raged with great fury for several hours, consuming about GD very valuable buildings. The c-ntirc square, bounded by Front, Curling Slip and Water, street was destroyed, be sides a large number of buildings on Water street. Loss estimated a $1,000,000- In surance, $650,000. The election for Mayor, in Philadelphia, on Tuesday last, resulted as follows : Swift, 3343 Kane, 3291 Montgomery, 2670. As neither candidate had a majority of ill the votes .polled, in devolves on the city council to elect one of the two highest. As ownt is a wing ne win unuouuieuiy be e- lecled. The Democracy o( Maryland has covered itself with glory at the late election. They have effected an entire revolution in that state. They have elected five, if not six,. out of eight members of Congress, and a large majority of tho' House of Delegates. The delegation in., tilts Lst Congress, stood 5 federalists to 3 democrats. O.that odious oui) 1 re-isurv bvstem! What havock it makes among the whigs. AWFUL CONFLAGRATION: Destrudign ofmore than -17 buildings, and a greater loss of property than has fallen upon Philadelphia ly a iimilar ' calamity for many years! J! ffith loss cf life to three firemen .' .' 1 ! .Philudtlpliia, Oct. 5. Phialdelphia was. visited last niMit and this morning with one of the most disaster ous fins that hasfjllen upon (is for perhaps the lest twenty years, attendant with los i f life to at least two daring firemen I At half past eleven the. alarm was invcn that Mi. I'resc.plt's large provision store No. 19, South wharves between Market and Chcs nut streets was on fire, which wiihin ten or fifteen mimifrs was a solid sheet of fl.unes, from groundflnnr to far above the roof, the fire broke out in the immediate vicinity cf the warf and shipping which a strong high wind from North East carried iulo the city, saving the sliippint;, but dealing almost en tire destruction to the whole blocks of stores -and houses from Water lo Front streets. The Times, the paper from which the above cxtrac( is made, here gives a lengthy description of the buildings and property dcstioyed, from which wo gather the fol lowing list of their number and location. On Front street below Chesnut, 4; above Chcsnut, 10, and 2 partially injured. On Water street above Chcsnut, lower side 9; upper side 3, two slightly injured. On Water Hlreet below Chesnut, upper side 3; lower side 2. .On Chcsnut street, below Front, upper side 3, and the largo steamboat Coffee House on the lo, wer side kept by Thomas D. O'Connor. A double store houso op Taylor's alley. Tho tailoring establishment of Enoch Allen, at die corner of Chesnut and Water and adjoinjnipf one belpw wero alio con The walls of a building corner of Chetnut and Water street fell and bHried beneath its ruins several human beings., , . The same paper adds, Repeated explosions of gunpowder or salt-petre woro heatd among tile burning ru ins. The wind, we repeat, was strong right upon the city, which with the narrowness of Water street, enabled the firemen, thougu they never evinced more alacrity or daring energy to save little or no property. About one half of the square between Market and Chestnut is injured or destroyed by the fire. 'I'l. f. 1 1 ...I 'i i i nc uMiiuui .urn nuiuoy ran roan oilic.o al ihe fool of Oneatnut street, was saved as if by a miracle. It was a low building, with old wooden roof, and was burned up to by the fire; how it escapnd destruction wc can uutdhine. Acintemporary who witnessed the scene says : " The showers of sparks which fell on the shingle roofs of scores of houses in the vicinity, thieatencd the whole neighborhood with danger and destruction. Rut the ,rGmcn exerted themselves :n the most becoming and manly spirit. They I risked life and limb and v. c every moment feared to hear of sonic disaster. We saw numbers of them in tiie most perlious situa ions, on roofs, walls and cliiiimics, with buckels and Hose pipes, extinguishing the llamei as fast as they appeared- Around ihe flaming edifices near which the heat was so intense that it was duTiouIt to lemain they placed their engines with a skill ex traordinary. Tim scpiie was at once sublime and terri fic. The light was sufficiently vivid to ren the Jersey chore perfectly dis'linguUhablp, ihe agitated water reflected ihe flames like a mirror; tne island the shipping two or mreo sloops sailing by; i'ie steamboats, and houses; roofs and stceules of all standinsr out in hold relief, presented a picture of a truiy remarkable and exciting character; i una. In Luzerne county, Chester Btitler.whig and Joseph Griffin, democrat, are elected to the Legislature, and Jasper Fassett, Pro thonotary. The Doylcstown Democrat mentions a stalk of Buckwheat, raised in Montgomery township, measuring 5 feet G inches in height, and containing 2158 grains. Lane, ihe sergeant of the guard al the Missouri Penitentiary, who recently shot down and killed a convict named Coatmere has been convicted of murder, and sentenced to be executed. DEATH 0FaN INDIAN CHIEF Died, on the 20th Sept. near tha Oneida Castle, Ondayaka, head chief of the Onoa dagas aged about ninety-six years. At the time of his death Omlayaka, with the subor dinate chiefs and principle men of his nation was on his way to join in electing a head chief of the Oncidas. Within a few miles of the council of the latter tribe, Ondayaka placed himself at the head of the deputation of the Onondagas, and commenced the per formance of the ceremonies observed on such occasions, when he was suddenly siezed with the billious cholie. Calling ihe next chief in authority lo fill his station he withdiew to the road "it was ihe will of the Grat Spirit that he should live no lon ger upon earth." He then sent for his people and took leave of them after coun selling them to cnliivate and practice tem perance and brotherly love in their councils and among the people of the nation and friendship and "ntegrity wiih all. lie soon after became unable to speak, and in a few hours his spirit was gathered to the Great Spirit who gave it. Oneida Whig. A windfall. Tho Quine.y (Mass.) Pat riot of Saturday, states that a young man, named Lewis Drigham, in Northhorongh. about ten days since in digging fur wood chucks, unearthed a metal kettle, containing near three pecks, by measure, of old coin, of various denominations, about one third of which was gold and tho remainder sil ver. The vessel was so completely decom posed as to be of no strength, and barely to ictau: its form. The exact amount of the money has not been ascertained." . The Buffalo Commercial Advcrlisersays: " Our severe equinoctial storm wound up yesterday with a full of snow, as liberal in quantity as it was untimely in season. It was followed last night, not by fiost, but a perfect congelation. At a distance from the lake, on the highlands, wo doubt not the depth of snow was at least six or eijht inches." Jl Nut for Geologist. It is slated in tho Brookeville (Indiana) American of late date that Messrs. Cummins and McNutl, who are digging a well for their steam niili in Union town, of that county, when about thiriy-fivo feet below the surface of the earth came upon several pieces of wood, limb? of trees, leaves, ttc. The wood was of the swamp cedar, nono of which is supposed now to grow in ihti West. That paper says: "The town of Union is in a flat, beech country, far removed from any stream or water course, and near tho well is the stump of a large-oak, which has just been cut down, and which lias stood thcjsiorrrjs of mnnv hundred winters. When were these leaves and limbs deposited e feet below tho root of this sturdy oak ! N. . New Era., An experiment has been In Scot" land, showing Ihe practicability of towing canal boats by means of locomotives. Tho first trial was made on the Firth aid Clyde canal, on the banks of which a tail way had been laid when a large passenger" boat con taining ninety passengers with their bag gaga was drawn by Ihe engine through tho water at the rate ofsoventcen miles aahonr. The experiment was repeated several tirnea in the course of the day with equal suc cess tit each lime. Several heavy vesnels with'masls were taken, in tow aftcwards and carried along the rales varying from three lo five miles per hour. The engine em ployed being intended only for a slow trade was nbt made to go at a greater speed than eighteen miles per hour, but it was snpno sed by the persons who witnessed the ex periments that with proper locomo ivos boats on ennuis could bo caused to move with a velocity equaling that attained on llitr bast railroads. Aew York Bo. Pott. Murder and Suicide. 'The borongh of Johnstown in this county, was made the scene of one of those dreadful tragedies, last Moudaj , which have of late becurno very frequent in this ceur.iry, bui w be lieve never befine cnas'td in this ciitiuty. The cirmrstauces of the cane, as they e:mo to our knowledge, are as follows : Tho cry of murder was heard in the house of a man named Fulmcr. :boi't noon on Mondiy last, wnich alarmed the neighborhood, who forced their way into the house, aiid ton ml Fi'liufi and his wife wcllcring in ihui. own guru in the agonies of death. He had stabbed his wife twice in the alr tlmen and oiic? near tb- heart, and then slabbed himself in the abdomen and cut his own throat, severing the jugular '.ai . Wore those alarmed by her cries arrived on ths spot. We have herird no reason assigned for this horrible act, but learn thr.t Fulmer has frequ-.ntly threatened to kill his wife and then destroy himself. We know nothing of liis previous character, but learned that he was about GO years of age, and the fa ther of a large family. Cumbria (Pa.) Mountaineer. nJlHE Vendue Notes of John "Wciti-aiti arc in my hmiJg, and enn lo settled with mo nnr tuns bpfort! tlio firot of November next, r.i r. Licit lime all that remain unsettled, will be left with a Justice of the Peace for collection. PETEIi MENSH. Bloom, Oct. 5 1839 S3. 2 9 1 H Aeaees f land lyine; in Fishing creek township, Co lumbia county, tae estate ot William l ark. late of. Urovvn county, Ohio, deceased, will mi sold at private sale. Any person wis'iins to purchase will enquire of the subscriber, in M.iJisou to- ":liip, who is duly constituted agent of the Loirs of said deceased, tor the purpose uf uiaUng bale of tbo same. Also, It Adjoining tho above, is offered for sale, o gctber with the above, or srparate,as may suit. Indisputa ble deeds will be made. RUSSEL PAKK. Jcrseytovvn, Oct. 5 1839. 23 Dr. EseMy's Slood Pills. TUB Siibscribeis lias jt rcieiu'd a fresh sup ply of i)r. L-idy's Ulood Pills. Ctf A GENUINE ARTICLE, jp) I would state to rr.y customers, and the public generally, tbit they cipht to bo very caul!-"' in purchasing Or. Iicidy's Pills; as it is said, they j.-o counterfeited. I u nut.i..tue thattueh is tho fact but should strongly suspect iauzo who put euc. ic ports in circulation, fiuai sinister motivrs, to ba most likely to have rhs dtcej-Uvo article. J. P.. MOVER. Bloomsburg Oct. 1. 1833. prrVIE Subscriber haaj':t receded, an addition to hb .'-imer stock of goods, whLh ho oUcm at the most reduced prices. Amonj; the articL-s, lie haa received a fresh sup ply ofOonfeclionan-, Fruit", Nut mid Toys; Oih :f AmiirtJ, l'cppermint, Cinamon, Cloves, Wiiiier--refii, Hemlock nnd Lemon; Csis Llabtie, Saa tliiacand Copal; COPAL VARNISH China Soap; Raman Culydor. ' Waqon M'ts. Lady's Corsets of Wood, Whalo'-onc & Ptccl. fi J l, of Doll', n3S""t"d s'... -. ana quality, Ht)u!;st ami Les n sn-'eiior article. He hsiaUo many nl'.icr aitlrlrs in ,l Druj. '.'o'lfectionary, una l'nii'y of I is bufh..-i; s'l of which oro Crstruie, and clV.-rcd for na'.e "ry ehenp. JOHN R. MOVER. Uloom?'mrgOt. S, 133. A KHIJKE KiS.MdDyT TOR WORMS. Dcct. Morrisoni" VcgeUblo Vcruefu." "Com pound Eitract oi Pink Uot. For anie bv M. S. 1'obias ucuith Emporium' DYERS YOUR KYE. STfcENGAL Indian; SpanUh do. V'ertligrios, Uua JSO Vitrial; White do. for sale cLtap and good, at tbo Ulooniiburg Ware House, ly D. S. TO DI.2S. BLACi: LEATHDR VARNISH. A superior arlicla of R'.ek I :'t''". ...Tiiii fet Saddle Stc. jul anivid ood for rale, by the gallon, or smaller ijuntitios, at Ihe Helm Emporium b; D. S, Tobian Moomburg.