COLUMBIA COUNTY ELECTION RETUMNS. 1839. ASSEMBLY. td o" o B 4 a 51 C3 a 2? u n ' M T- i i an O o B u c S' 3 3 1-1 5 P- a en T3 2. K I M o a o c a 3. a n. o Cj- r H O "WILLIAM GEORGE COLT. II. W1LLITS. 32 120 119 88 93 141 101 105 15 102 108 188 .G7 118 10 C8 138 06 67 104 PR 0 Til ONO TAR Y, $-c. JACOB EYRELY. 217 VALENTINE BEST. 0 REGISTER RECORDER, ' PHILIP BILMEYER. CHARLES HEFLEY JOHN M. CHEMBERLIN. COMMISSIONER. JOHN DIETERICH. DANIEL PURSEL. TREASURER. JEREMIAH WELLIVER. 100 132 BENJAMIN P. FOIITNER, AUDITOR, JAMES DEWITT. JOSEPH E. SANDS. POOR HOUSE. AGAINST A POOR HOUSE. 220 129 FOR A POOR HOUSE. 00 33 THE LANCASTER MURDER. 210 29 170 10 44 138 05 99 57 151 14 11 47 11 23 4G 36 20 ' 3 04 3 31 73 08 37 27 64 27 C5 34 "70 32 32 59 13 62 40 84 17 43 2 00 43 43 00 1 44 1 142 9 40 100 137 4 80 298 17 29 50 34 102 44 33 05 75 lfi 11 74 10 90 234 250 27 40 200 32 69 10 39 54 4 75 81 103 20 83 .GO 92 53 00 85 EH 02 65 91 44 3 04 89 2G0 2 80 12 MM 118 17 93 10 8 10G 8 23 100 25 33 54 15, 8 31 20 M ma 57 36 57 55 55 30 20 39 29 7G 00 130 4G 122 52 51 11 o 79' 22 80 10 20 29 27 127 9 '40 127 35 110 21 28 17 35 42 37 30 8 1GG0 793 1485 1115 1401 638 410 77 10 50 0 Meitnlain Advcnlure.lul Wednesday afternoon, a young man from Now York, by the name "of Dodge, started from the Mansion House on horseback, for the sum mit of Mount Hutyoko. He passed some- time there, and was detained uear dark by a shower before ho began to descend. Starting to return, he mistook the path and wandered down the aoulhorn side et tne mountain into a trackless forest Evening t . i i .... i came, and as lie did not return to ma noiei, some alarm was felt, and lute at night some persons ascended the mountain to the slop ping place for carriages, where it horse was lound' i.oud calls were maue, out no answer was retnrned, except the dull echo the lorcst gave back to the voices, l'ursuit was renewed by Col. Partridge and others early in the morning, and the wanderer was found returning home, near Rock Ferry. It appears from his narrative that he follow ed what he supposed to be the path, after he left the summit of the mountain, unt.l he found himself bewildored in the darkness, and lost the track. Turning himself in va rious directions, his bearings disappeared, and thcro he was iu the dense forest, the darkness becoming intense and a severe thunder shower rushing upon hi head. His situation was painlul and sgoniziuj in the extreme. lie was a slender young t i r. . man, clan lightly, nati pumps upon nis isci and both houseless and suppcrlcss at mid' mailt, far from anv habitation, in the midst of a vast forest scarcely ever before trod, except by the primative savage. He con tinued to grope his way about in the dark ncss for some time calling aloud until ex hausted, when lie sank down at the foot of a huge tree, which in some measure pro tected lum irom the rum which during the nisht. descended in torrents. The first sign of returning day enabled him to learn his-aosilion : and when liijht eame, by as cending a tree, he discoverod the far off spire of South Iladlcy. He directed his lens thitherward, and after some houra of weaned travel, reached a urm house, wher ho was kindly entertained nd cheered. Ills situation, when he was nrst seen, was un- M. j THE NICHOLSON -CLAIM Joseph B. Anthonv. Em . it, loner appointed under the act of laste8si0uv' to ascertain and report to the governor the'' amountof the commonwealth's ulnim John Nicholson, tho condition .,.a .1.. quanlity of the laud upon which the claim is-a hen, and tho private debts of John Nicholson, has been engaged in his office since the 25th of September last. He oc cupies tlio room appropriated to the 8ttsj0a of the board of pro,prty in the iand depart. went. G"S'.it iithnriv rtitrrxil imnH .t.. j . . . . "j " ' me an v ties of this commision in the early nsrt ,,r last August, but his personal attendant was not required here for mote than x .! or two, prior to tho present session- By the act of assembly all the nrivata .h.W J John Nicholson had to be reported on before the 1st of Oeloher inst., ottifvisebo barred. We understand that those dihi. nmunlto several millions. J he act requires him to make by the 1st of November. His future atten tion must therefore be L'iven to the nnWIi account against John Nicholson, and th immense bodies ol land seuttored ovar th commonwealth, onee h'u, ?id from which must be ascertained what still is properly m lit .J rirtltl A Vast Estate The Cincinnati! On. zetto supplies u with a condensed tt- menl of particulars connected with a law uit which is to be tried at Now Orlenn. during the esuintr winter, in which Msior General Gaines, who lias recently married a second wife, lays claim, in her rif ht. to n estate now estimated to be worth twelve millions of dollars. Mrs. dames claims to be Icsitimatu daujhter oflhe late Daniel Clark. Mr- Clark settled in New Orleans, under tha dominion of Spain, and became an exten sive merchant and speculator, besides dis tinguishing limiiclf as a politician. He died in 1313, and Mr. Relf, jf the merehan. tile firm of Clark i Relf, of New Orlcnj took immediate posession of his immeuia Gl 6G 73 00 50 3G 42 2 00 51 37 3S5G rn an tod ft 75 0 101 000 33 111 4 86 00 pleasant enough, having exhausted himsell cslaegj f a w, executed AN INCIDENT. The Africans now in jail at Hartford are indictment, and your conscience not per mitting von a moment's oeace. and havin? On Monday Sept. 29; sentence of death disclosed to him, all the circumstances of yery far indeed from exhibiting the stolidity i t? ft....l . , ., ii. . ii . . . ... - was pronounceu on iicnry jvouicr this lout muruer, you men urgen mm 10 ana ina lack of intelligence so generally charac man, who was convicted at the last Uourt to your crime of Periuiy, in testifying to teristic of the Southern necro. On the con- of Quarter Sessions of Lancaster county your innocence. trary they are, almost without exception, for tho muruer ot tne merman pcuiar, nam- 'i'jie cup ot iniquity is lull to overnow- qick in their movements, animated in con ed Zcllkiioacii. I he sentence was pro- ; Whether you have ever received euh- versatiou. and. so far as can be iudeed by nounced by Judge Chajipnta's, aecompan- er moral or religious instructions, it is not those who do no: understand their language, ied by the following impressive remarks to ror the Coutt to inquire or know. But you tl,Cy ,aVe intellects quite as acute as those kuc jitiauiicj. in. uugni w uc uiiuiuiiu ,ui;uui'.iiA)itki nu ol our inuians, oroi anj UUCivillAcu peu1 which we referred to some siiice, was over- niercy from anv human tribunal, no relief pje, A little circiimstanco vecured on Fri ruled by the unanimous opinion of the from the executive. nav last, which afforded a eood illustration Court : But he, who left his throne on bigS and 0t their promptitude in "jumping at a con .. t i. n,.rt ..,.,.1.1 i; ,.. i .. r.. .i i....: " Ji.3 a general pnuci)jic, mo uuun in' gave nis uiuy uegimcii nun hit ihc ohkhuuh elusion. rot feel justified in adding to the weigm 01 0r sinners, is the lountain ol mercy; and to Mr. Gallaudet, the well known instruct the conviction of a criminal, any remarks him you must bow your knee and direct 0r of deaf mutes, has passed some hours or reproaches beyond the sentence impds- your supplication. every day in jail, conversing with the Afri ca by law. But the circuuibtanccs rnnnec- i'ne sentence of the law is therefore pro- cans by signs, and endeavoring to make up jpLwilh tho commission ol your crime are nounced. a vocabulary ot their language. We may with fatigue, worn out the covering to his ffft. and torn his clothes sadlv in Ins en counters with the tangled forest, aside from lbn chills and colds which he sntTered from his wet Douch on the mountain. Aorlh- ampton Cour. in 1811. From the N. O. Bulletin, 16th ult. From Jamaica. By the brig Gannic- leeft, Captain Jonas P. Levy, sailed from Kingston the 14th ult., we have received tiles ot Jamaica papers to the 1 in ol Au gust, l'rnm them extracts are copied, which indicate a bau state ot thinrs exist ing hi the island. 10 iap'.ain i,6vv we are alto indebted for a communication de scribing the condition of Jamaica and its in habitant diirmi; Ins late visit, lie declares it to be his impression, founded upon accu rate observation, that this colony must soon become a scene of insurrection and massa cre a second Si. Domingo. It is quite a common occurrence he say.i, to see the ne- 1-rom that period to the present, Mr. Relf has controlled, conducted and (hsi-nr-d of Mr. Clark's estates without accountability to any one. Mrd. Games is Mr.' Clark's daughter. Her story is a romantic one. In 1802 or 1603, Mr. Clark marnnd is New Orleans a lady; separated from her liusband. The separation had taken plaea in consequence of proofs that he had a pre vious living wife but before theso preefs were eifectirely obtained. Upon this ac count the marriage was kept private. Mrs. Gaines was born of this marriage, and tim ed Myria. Disagreements arose between Mr. Clark and his wife which resulted in i a riual separations tha rear 1807, no pub-i- lie acknowledgement oflhe marriage having taken place. 1 he ludy in persuasion that her marriage with Clark was an illegal ons, from Ins retustng her a public acknowl edgement intermariied with a gentleman of Philadelphia, who took her to Frtnee. where they resided many years. He le now dead, and his widow, elaiminf to have lt.l uiw i.Miiinti"wi. i Iltlllllbu. A UUrtilumi T.llll,filili4ntt. i....iii .. i , --, . ocxtraordinary and atrocious and the Court That you be taken hence to the jail of here observe, by the way, that he finds lit- ges nome in from the country and buy lue been once the wife of Daniel Clark, is liv- deem it to strikinc an exception, as to jus- the countv of Lancaster from which you tla difficu tv in communicatinsr with ihem. arms anu ammunition. ms.andresides at Natchitoches. tify the brief remarks they aro about to came and thence n the plare of execution, using the signs employed in conversing During his stay at Kingston, a. Haytien In 1813, it is alL-ged. that Daniel Clark. make. The crime of deliberate mdidcr has and be there hanged by the neck until you with deaf-mutes that Is. ttie sigus relating schooner of war was captured, m the ai;t of made a will, written complete, in his own i iir 11115- hand writing, by which he rerognizsd the .. re Saill to be I mrv nf hit rianirhtnr . anft H;a.rl liia. been considered, in alleges, as the highest ar- Jcid; t,e Haid punishment to be inflicted to visible and langable objects ; the conven- landing arms among the negroes in the calendar of criminal ofiences, and the within the walls or yard fif the jail of said tional signs, representing If tiers and words, leaders of the expedition were individual who can bo ouirago, an mu awa county, tn the manner tnrecteu ny ths Ari sro of course beyond their comprehen of God and man, has been deemed deserv- 0f io'm April, A. D. 1834, entitled " an act" saion- His object on Friday was to aseer ing of deal'1, as the only expiation that to abolish public executions." tain .whether they had any distinct idea of a could be ofTered for the life he has taken, During the delivery of the above remarks, Supreme Being. as the judge and rnwarder and as an example to dcWr 0ilier3 from the the prisoner hardly moved a mufcle; belrav- or punishcr of human actions. To this end commission of similar olTeuees. ing, by no outward sign, the most trifling he began bv directing their altenlton to va The punishment of death which Ihe law interest in the judgement pronounced against rious natural objects an elephant the inflicts, is no more than auequaie 10 me ui- him. fence which you have committed. mmM-Mt The annals of crime hardly furnish .,, , . case, in which all the attenda t cireumstan- Emigrants. The emigrants still excite riro,l wiihitiiih n frrnmnus and attention, and their prolonged stay in our 1 j . ? . n men ol men .Handing auo great iiiuuence in Hayli. The attempt had caused great idarm among the white inhabitants, but re ceived ery little attention from the Govern ment, who appear not to be apprized ol the threatened danger. As to the agriculture of immense property to her. This will, it is charged, was obtained and secreted, if nat. destroyed, by Mr. Relf. In 1832, Myria Clark became the wife- of Wm. W. Whitney. She had besau brnnjht up by Mr. Davi3 in total ignorance- blood thirsty spirit, as was exhibited by vou city has led some to think that they would towards your unfortunate victim. "main during the winter, and become a lax v ,hi9ina bis confidence at Pitlsbure. upon us. No fears of that kind need be en- and became his companion and pretended tertained- The party now hero are from friend: I, comnensated vou for vour servi- I'rusian Silesia, and number about 700. In ces, and on your journey, at a moment when he was unsuspreting and defenceless, you aimed a deadlyblow at his head, and follow ing it by a report to the knife, which you plunged", 1? accomplish your vile purpose, jnto every vital part of his body; And when nn half hour had elasped from the first at tach. ud the unfortunate Zellerbach show- suij the moon stars the wind, rain, &c. When hc'toiind that they peilectly under stood him, he asked signs, wehther they knew offny thing higher then the sun moon, stais, ivc. ; anu several ot them an swered in succession that they did that Goolr was ibove all these thiuirs. By farthei questioning Mr. Gallaudet satisfied himself that Gouly was the name for God ; and then he proceeded to inquire whether they believed lharGooly would punish im proper actions. 11c maue signs represetv ting the act of stealing that of striking, and other wronglul doings ; and asjied ifGooly would whip or puuisn, lor such things. 'I1!.!., ..Vfrtll nf fill, imamec ir .ui.ruil organization 01 me religious esiauiisnme.its. ; the aflirma.tive ; clearlv showing, all the 111 rniMiaiMvinp uceii ciircieu, me iving .:,... hv their nlcll ment ooks. and tlir the Island, the plantation are in a state of 0f her parents and of her alleged rights..,' dilapidation, and fat going to waste. The Afler ,he marriage of Whitney, iu examin-' a few days more ihy expect to be joined by about 300 more, next spring by 12GU, and during the next rummer by perhaps 1000 or 2000 of their countrymen, making in all not less than 4000. They are Pro testrnts of the Lutheran church. A new crops have fallen oft" more than three quar ters of the annual piouuct ptevious to the act of emancipation. In order to subject American captains to suspicion and injurious treatment, the v have been accused ol Kidnapping the blauKs; hence every negro is warned to shun them as persons having designs upon their liber ty. Notwithstanding the number u! manu mitted apprentices.grent scarcity of servants exists. In every white family complaints are heard of the diihculty ol obtaining me nial labor. To induce the lazy tree negro to work, either for " lore or money" is de dared to be impossible. These are a few of the first fruits of abolitionism. The fact is, that the island is lost to the whites they ed symptoms of returning animation, and ordered all his subjects to join it, threatning ciose Mtenlj0I, ,0 his motions, thaUl.ey not a,e kept inconstant dread and terror of their raised himself io supplicate for mercy, true for non-ponformity. Tin 0,,ly understood but were much interested lives all seem anxious to make their escape to your murderous and blondy purpose, you being, in many re dispatched him, and sent him to the bar of feelings of the old that omniscient Being, who witnessed your crimes; nd, by hi my sterious Provi nce, has brought to light all the' circum stances connected with this foul deed. And, when the murdered corpse was ly ing before you, at night in the midst of a Rtorm; and waiting to catch tlie glimpse of the moon; along-side of the unfortunate Zellerbach; you cooly, and deliberately, o nened his Pocket Book, to examine and as certain the value of your plunder. Such nn . . 1. , being, in many recpeets, repugnant to the establishment, the more firm and thoughtful refused obedience to the royal commands. People who would thus sacrifice long cherisbvd associations, and abandon the land of their fathers rather than do what their consciences forbade, are not likely to become a burden upon any cpmmv.nity. But we learu that Mr. W. A. Thompson, who acts as their agent, has been put in posession of a sum of money sufficient to place them for eight months, if in his proccedi gs At length, however, Mr. Gallaudet, still rising in his scale of inquiries, conveyed to them tho idea or murder by cutting the throat, and asked ifGooly would whip for this also. But tho moment the negroes caught his meaning they cant down their eves and were silent; nor could he induce one of them to resume the conversation, 01 indeed to hold any further communication with him. It occurred to him immediately that a suspicion had entered their minds of his being an emissary of the ir Spanish nias- necesseiy 1- y : , 1 r, 1." . ..... ",- - instance of moral uepravuy, ana uesiuunon --i--"-... . , . ,. ..... teIS( aiuJ ut e was set.klng , ntrap of all the feeling of human nature, can il. ibMn into some confession of what took hardly be found amidst all the degredation Nto greater part or them will leave this ae(s on hoard the Amislad. and rerklfJisiicss disclosed iu the history of ff wr Mil wiukie. borne of the laborers Foriunately, just at this lime the inter- our Criminal jurisprudence. w, "TV') r V,r,nU- 'nl"P"nf- preter Vmy came i aim at Mr. Gallau- Since the commision of this atrocious L-W"'0 l ovmerctal Attverlntr. det's request expjainod to them that ho was ... . 1 .1 Ii. vq nvliililtnfl 1,1 vmir wammfmmtmmmamm .l.lw rlu.til i .. : I . ' . ., intJ woooy uecu, vm v..,-..wu ... ,vm men 11, sou, f.u ciiiriiuiiiuu against mem 1 up 1 eru in.) aziuc, 01 me 7111 inst., no sucn nnsuie design as they suspected; from a spot where death every where threat ens tli e 111 . Fur that reason property Im deteriorated enormously in value, u!ul(hous es anu lands are ticqucntiy sacrinceu lor one eighth of their cost, by persons who wish to flee from the country Indeed, the ncgioes openly threaten to drive ttu white population out of the Island; and from their sedicious behavior, it seems likely that ere long they will fulfil their threat. That they can ever succeed in establishing an inde pendent government is npt to be expected, but by hamssiug tho whites with perpet ual insults and ill treatment, their point may be eventually gained; and thus the blaukb get rid of their former masters, and acquire entire possession of the Inland. conduct aud declarations, tho earne utter dcsti'.ution of evny mural and religious ob- says that tOO.uoool Government funds pas- and tho good eTcct of this was quickly ligation. Having involved your servant sen tnrougn wiai piace a lew days belurc, in made apparent by their coming up in sue tv iiman iii so ruuch suepicion, from 4he cir- chargo of an efficient guard, lo the payment cession to shake hands with Mr. GallauiUt. cumstancu ofbis being ypur companion, as ground, to he immediately distributed among and then very readly resuming in the eon-' 0300,000 will be requited to sustain their jo subject h!ia to arren, nopruuiiuivm aim me uuaim iuuiuib. Tereauon.i-omwievctaf JtUvt'tlstr, , operations fur the present year The receipts of the American Board of Missions during the fiscal year just termina ted, were $244, 1G0 82. During tho same period, the Society's debt has been reduced fiom $35, 851 to $19, 173. Not.luss than ir.g some old parf rs, he first optained an intimation ol his wile a patronae, ana claims. He commenced an invstiration which has led to the full proof, as it is said. of all the facts here stated. In the hand. of Gen. Gaines, no donbt, every effort will be made to elicit all the facts, and to seeura for the wife the paternal heritage that hu been wrested Irom her. Daniel Clark was a native of Rlito in Ireland, and came to New ' . .r upoa the invirtation of a btiuhelor uncle, whe made him bis heir. He filled a large space in the polities of the country, and gave in formation that fully confirmed the Kentuc ky Spanish conspiracy, and fastened upon Gen. Wilkinson a corrupt participation in The Gazette nppendn .1 schedule of Mr.. Clark's c.Malo at the time of his death, valu-- ed at 55,137,000. The St. Louis Republican of the 13th. inst., eaye : In pursuance of the contract, by which the Bank of Missouri became the depository of tho Revenue of the United btatcs, collected in this and the adjoining States, she has shipped, and is now shipi ling, four hundred ami fifty thousand dol. lars in specie, to New York. The Wt ship ment was made yesterday, and it has all gonefoiward within a month. Tho Land Agents of Massachusetts and Maine, have just sold two and a half town ships of timber land situate on the Penob scot, at from $1 05toea 00 an acre. The wholo amounl?of sales is upwtrds of $900, 000 one fifth of which was paid down. The ship Edwiua, arrived at New Or leans from Liverpool, had on board for tho New Orleans Canal and Banking Compa ny, an iron steamboat, on the Ericson Dria fiple, iniended as a towuont for the oarial.