THE RESUR11ECT10X, Oil C1u?trnm'TO TiiElIrsri.rinAsnETii'i.IJvAN'K r3 lSlftAJC Pl'll'IATlVK, tllC MXTOIItX- (priced) yNT -., or anv other nllls or compound before tlio imLbriB certified to by Physicians and othcM. IjU nnno condemn thom until tlicy liuo tried them ami ttnd x.-o iir, certain they will not. U n n , h saihv paint with nil who have used the VciF'taM I'ernnut Pili that they are prc-rmi-i..-ul!.- .ho best and mojt efficacious Vnmily Medici-, hit yi been used in Amerien. If cicry Umdy could Income nrqunhncd with their Socr ci ,.i rmver over uincaso, they would l;cep them and be pr glared wilhuuro remedy to apply on the first appearance of diBerwe, and then buw mticli distress v.onU h avoided mid money wved, a well ns the Uvea of thurtsanJn who nre hurried out of timo hy reaiacting dicuro in iu first otges, or by not being iii i vucsaiou of a remedy which tiiey can place dc pemienco upon. The Resurrection, or Persian Pills. The name of lhre plIU orginatcd from tlie cir--cumetanu' of the medicine being found only in the cm''tiiriet of Persia. This vegetable production Iriue; of a peculiar kind, led to experiments as to iu id" lb-mat iiiia'.itics and virtue, iu half u ecu turj it iiscj no an established rncdicino for the ilij-e-iM of that country. The extr-ct of this sinrru-" production wai introduced into mina parts of Eu rope in the year 1783, and used by many celebrated Physicians in curing certain diseases, where ult oth er .ncdi'iuc nas been used in vain. Early iu tho year 1792, the etract was combined with u certain vc?et i'iiI" rncdicino imported from Dura Dew, in tli'j Indies, and formed into Pills. Tho admir able effect of tlii- compound upon the human y tem, led phyaiicans and families into its general use. Their long established character their univer sal and hcaline; virtues, the detergent and demising qualities of their specific action upon tho glandular part of the system, are such m will sustain their re putation and general use in the American Ilcpub lie. CERTIFICATES. I certify that I have, by way ol experiment, used tho Hygean, and most of the farious kinds ol Pills, in my practise, which have borne the highe.-t repute in the public estimation, that have been ollercd for ede in I ti vicinity for the last livcyeais, including ty called thu Resurrection or Terrain Pills; and thi" ,)L':i!ic may rest assured that none among tlio whole cat'logm has answered a better purpose, as an easy and effectual remedy, tlnn the Resurrection or Persian Pills, in most cares of di-caso. ClIAllLKS DACKL'ii, M. D. Itoclicstcr.N. Y.Sept. SI, 1837. TO MOTHERS. Mcsw. E. Chac & Co. Gents. licarwr; much said about the extraordinary dlccls of the Resurrection or Persian Pill.?, upon those ubout to become nvMier v:a were induced to make a trial of them. My wile was at that time the mother of five children, and had nuffcieJ tho most tedious and ex eruchtint,' poina during and after her confinement of r -ch. She had tried every means and taken much ineJicin", but found little or no relief. She commenced taking the Persian Pills about three months before her mfinomcnt (her health Icing ve ry pcornbout tnis length of time previous) and in a short time she was enabled by their use to attend to the cares of a mother to h ;r family until her con fmsaiint. At tho lime she commenced taking tho Persian Pilla, and for several weeks pi cviou3, she Wis oflhetod with a d'y hard cough, and frequent severe cramp.;, which tho inn of the Pills entirely removed before using huif a box. It is with the greatctec.f.denco that wo advise all those about to li.omc i:.n;.ers to nriUc usr of the Persian Pills. All t!.33C 'hit Vive taken tiiem in our neighbor hied hate ;ot ulougiu tho same easy manner, and nre about the house in a few days. There does not appear to be liilf the danger if other dangers setting in otter confinement, where these Pills arc taken. o unitedly sny.lct none neglect taking them, for tlicy an jr. the reads of tho poor ns well as the rich. AVc are truly thankful that there is a remedy which females can easily procuro which tends to losen tho world of surililiig, v I:.cit many of tiiem have to bear, on. perhaps save I'.ic lives of thousands which would ot'.n.."'i-" U lost. RocVoster, May 14, 1R38; comer of Callidonian square, Edinburg street; for further particulars sco lubscribcw. 8. Ronr.riTs, Ajf O. HoutnTS. RnctissTEn, Sept. 21, 1830. Sleisrs. E. Chane Co. I thin1; il my duty to let you know what a great cure y -ur Fills have performed on inn I hail been hc1' about 7 years about 2 ytars and a half con fined to my bad. I hud been given over as incurable, wit'i Ltiuaaiption, by twelve physicians of the firet -Eta:iding; m;- lungs were sericusily ullectodj I had 3 u-'rs cither and licsk; my cough was dry and lii -h most of tlio lime; my liter was much swollen, u ' "iv ctomach very dytpe i.tir. I had thills, fecr. ! mit awet, accsmpanied with extreme iriitn .b'cnf i of the norvaUJ system, and other difficulties v iii 'h T forbear to mont;'n. After I was en over, T t''. 1 ahnaat ail inedb-'mes wLi-h wore adverltsicJ, 1 , i.o advanUige, until I tried vour VrectsMe 1'. .i :n Pill". I bjan to jain in a nhort time after I ,'.h:nncej taking tiiem; and, to ho liriuf, before I t J1''. -1 boxes, I was alilo to ride out nnd to take con ri ii le ca'feie, and at this time I enjoy good t . h. and am a'-!o to do grfod (ley's work. If anv n,u wi-hea a mnro jiarticular hutory of my sullW i i -r, he may call on mu, at tho corner of Main ar.d Li.ulon-atreettf, Kochoster. RUB V ADAMS, Fjts CoatD The undersigned hereliv certify, tht uaaro the Parents of two children who hae bcn oft.icteJ w.'.'i tlu mors or luefrom their iufaii cy.nn1' that m- bve spured no pains or expense iu ciKo'orMig to ettert cure, but Without any bene f.i-m! rib-el, until lieRring of the Cesurroction or Per- fcian Pid, wutu four boxes wcro immedi-iU'ly pr .cured, and before threa itoxux wore taken, tb j'.ts had Abated in frequency, and eveiy sym trti li.uoti improved, and now wn are liajipy tu t',,1.' tlwl oar cniidieii py the iwc ol tlm J'ersian I " with the blarfimr, of God, uro onlirely euro.!, v. . '.l.ce no syrutom or appearand of fi(, will find in tlu. I rruieji rU a mm mxl (Hvfrct eurt. JOHN & MARTHA JOHNSONt Cartwlf. Y. Dec. '10, 1S87. '1 Lj "'ioTe ; 'U:i niay l had of lb following a i- n John Mo'-l , filojin.buiii; H. Miller, Hor a; J. (Jue-per & Sons, Ha7(dton; C. Hortmsn, K.i.ej' n; John Sharplem, , Cattawino; Lyniirn '-ok., Dei. villa. Ezra Toi lor, age m for tbo Sfitp of Pf nnijflfa n' rcidlwf pt UotWtw, N.Y. to v hopiollurdeis jjci'r.vflr.mvfl wav m. LKIDY'S SAHSAPAlilLLA 1IL00D P1LLH, (CjOlOlild) reccitc n preference over all PilU now 1,3 exislcncci rirst Bccatl50 they arc composed of Vegetable extiacls, free from minerals; mid may bo taken nt all times with perfect safety by young nnd old, with-' out restraint lrom occupation, temperate living, or fear of taking cold. Second liccuuso they arc composed of such medicinal extract, as have been employed hy all tho most celebrated and respectable Physicians for more than n century past, in purifying tho lllood ami Animal fluid of the body. Third llecuuso they may be employed as a mild or acthc purgative, according to tho quantity token, and their operation will not be Attended with griping of the bowels, sickness nt the stomach, prostration of the system, &c, us are produced by other pills. Fourth Hccauso they possess a combined action, not posresrd by any other pills, mixture or prepar ation whatever. Their first elfect is iu correcting idl impurities with winch thu blood and fluids of the body may bo ull'ctcd, and l y their gently opera tive clfcct, rcmoing such impurities from tho sys tem. Fifth Uccauea they nrn tlin terror of Quacks and Impostcn, fur most persons arc obliged to tako the Sarsaparilla lllood Pills, after taking their vilo nnd dcstruc.ivo nostrums, to counteract and prevent their mischicvons and baneful effects. Sixth Dceauso they nro tho only pills in which Physicians have sufficient confidence to recommend to their patients, and employ in their practice, as they know they aro Anti Quack, Anti Mercurol, Ami IHIlious as well as a good and safe purgative and purifier of tho Mood and Animal Fluids. Seventh and last II tit not tho least important, bo because they aro prepared by a regular Apothe cary and Phj sician, attested ny Drs. Physic, Hor ner, Chapman, Dcwces, James, Gibson, Jackson, Coxe, Hare, &c., &c., which alone is sufficient to entitle them to great confidence. Certificates nnd Recommendations from Physi cians and others accompany the directions around each box. iCrPricc Twenty Five Cents a BoxJUl Prepared only and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, No. 191 North Second st.,a few doors below Vine street, Philadel phia, also, sold by J. Gilbert &; Co., North Third Etreet above Vine. G. S. Clemens, do 3d do do Wood st. J. R. Smith & Co. do 2d do next the Red Lion, and all respectable, Wholesale, and Retail Druggist's in Philadelphia. They are also sold by: J. F. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. J. W. R'lhrcr, do do W. Ehcrmau I.itiz. J. W. Oakly, Reading. J. B. Mozcr, Allcutonn. P. Pomp, Easton. And the principal Merchants and Drugists in the United States. For tala at the Health Emporium Bloomfburg by 1). S. TOBIAS, Agent. Bloomsburg July, 13, 1S39. 11. COMMUNIC ATION. How few they aro that happen to bo afdictcd with Coughs or Colds pay attention to them. How many thousands from such neglect shorten their days, and hasten their fi nal dissolution. Parents neglect them in their chil dren, nnd thus form tho foundation for Consump tion, and hundreds of parents annually follow their own children to tho grave, having died from some affections of the Urcat and Lungs, which wejc neg lected in their first stages. Coughsaud Colds, whether r-isting among young or old, ought at all times be attended to early, and not suiftrcd to continue, any length of time, fur the Lungs once allected,discaso soon makes rapid strides, ending in the fatal of all diseases, namely Con sumption. U. BECHTER'S PULMONARY PRESER VATIVE for Coughs, Colds, Catatrhs, Influenzas, Shortness ol Breath, Whooping Cough, Pain in the Breast or Side, all affection of the Breast nnd Lungs, and arrest of approachinsg Consumption, is tlie most popular mcdlcino used throughout all Uer inany is becoming equally popular in the United states, and lias established lor itselt a reputation nut poessed by any other medicine for the samo class of diseases. (Sec ccitificalrsnnd recommen dations from Parents, Physicians, and others, accom- paning too directions. It is a preparation perlect ly safe and harmless, pleasant to the taste, and may be given to the youngest infant. It i3 warranted frcefrom mercury and the mineral, and is n prepar ation of a regular Apothecary and i'hyucinu, attes ted liy JJrs. J'hysie, uhanman, Uibson, Jackson, Horner, Dcwces, Coxe, James, &c. a circumstance alone sufficient to induce u trial of it Dr. N. 11. Lcidy, Proprietor of tho above medi cine, confidently recommends it to all, and assures all most positively thnt it u an invaluable medicine nnd would not himself recommend it, but for it, known cllicacy. f rcparcu only and forsalcW holcsale and l;ctail at Dr. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, No. 101 North Socond street u few doors below Vino street, Philn- ndelphiii also, fold by J. lulgert cc Co., North Thrd street aliovn Vine. G. S. Clemens, do 3d do doWood st. J. R. Smith & Co. do 2d do next the ltcd Lion, and by all respectable Wholesale and Retail Druggists in ('luladclpliia. Tknv uro sold hy: J. F Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. J, W.Rohrcr, do jo. W. Ehcrmau Litiz. J. W. Oakley, Reading. For s,do ut the Health Emporium Bloomsburg ny i). S. TOBIAS, Agent. "H"N pursuance of the Constitution of the Conv J3. moneulth of Pennsylvania Notice fs hereby given by thu sulwcriliore citizens of said Common wealth, that they mid others, will make application to tho next Lrembituro, for the creation of u corno- trate Body with Ranking and discounting privileges, of the named mid style of the Farmers und Mechanics Bank of Colum bia County, to Im located at t uch site nr pUi e within said Coun ty of Columbia, as saall be tixcil upon by Conv wumoners appointed in such manner as tho I.euit,, Iiture sliall diroct fur fixing tho locnlton of said Bunk, nnd with a capital of two hundred thousand dolhtrs. Said corporate body to bo created for tho object ol securing to the citizens of tho Common wealth, and of tho Comity of Columbia, the bene fit uf a banking Institution, with tho rights, paw. m and pflvliegus o the Haul; ot Northumberland A. II. HUUMAM, & a, CIIAIG. GENERAL ELECTION. PROCLAMATION. HEREAS, by an act of tho General Assem bly of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, entitled "An act relating to tho elections of this Commonwealth, pabscd tho 2d day of July, A. U. '833," It is mndo tho duty of tho Sheriff of every county to give public notice of such election to be holdcn, and to mako known in such notico what of ficers ate to be elected: Therefore, I, WILLIAM KITCHEN, High Shciff of tho county of Columbia, no make mow by this advertisement to tho Electors of said county of Columbia, that a General Election will be held in thu said county, on Tuesday tho 8th day of October next, at the several distiicts thereof us follow s, to wit: That part of BLOOM TOWNSHIP, Not included in the new Election district hereinafter the house of Charles Docbler, in Blootitsburg. BRIER CREEK TOWNSHIP, At thu town house in Berwick. CATAW1SSA TOWNSHIP, At the house now occupied by Stacy Marjc ruin, in the town of Catawissn. DERUY iTOWNSIIIP, (a separate election district) At the house of Jacob Scidul in said town ship. That part of FISHING CHEEK TOWNSHIP, Not included in the new election district hereinafter mentioned, at the house of Dan iel Peeler, in said township. GREENWOOD TOWNSHIP, At the house now occupied by Joseph Lem on. HEMLOCK TOWNSHIP, At the house of John M'Reynolds, in said township. JACKSON TOWNSHIP, At the house of Joshua Savage, in said town ship. LIBERTY TOWNSHIP, At'the house of Henry Gibson, in said town ship. LIMESTONE TOWNSHIP, (:i separate election district) At the Union School house in said town ship. MAHONING TOWNSHIP, At the Court House in Danville. MIFFLIN TOWNSHIP, At the house of John Keller, jr. in said township. MADISON TOWNSHIP, At tho house of Jeremiah Welliver, in Jer sertown. That part of MOUNT PLEASANT TOWNSHIP, Nut included iu the new election district hereinafter mentioned, at the house of Fred crick Miller in said township. MONTOUR TOWNSHIP, At the hnuso of Leonard Lazarus, in said township. SUGARLOAF TOWNSHIP, At the house of Ezekiel Cole, in said town ship. ROARING CREEK TOWNSHIP, At the house of John Yeagcr, in said town ship. THE DISTRICT Composed of parts of the township Bloom, Mount Pleasant and Fishing Creek, which by an act of the General Afcsembly, passed the 15th day of April, 18U5, was established into a separate election ! C.Johnson, in the town of Orangeville. THE DISTRICT Composed of that part of Mifflin townyhip, laiil oti lor a new township, lo he called ' Paxton,' which by an act of Assembly. passed tho first day of Aptil, 1830, was es tablished into 'a teparale election district, shall hold their election at tho house of Ad am Mtcheal m the said district, At winch time and place are to be elected by the freemen of the county of Columbia. ONE PERSON for member of the House of Representatives oi me oommonwcnitii ol Pennsylvania, ONE PERSON lo fill the offices, of Protlionotary, Clerk of tlie courts oi ueneral Quarter Sessions Oyer and Terminer and Orphans' Court. ONE PERSON to fill tho offices of Register nf Wills and uecoroer ol ucciis. ONE PERSON for Commissioner. ONE PERSON for county Treasurer ONE PERSON for county Auditor. Tho qualified electors of sa d county are also re- quired to vote lor or against tho erect on of n Pnnr House in the said countyiof Columbia iu nursiiancn of an act of assembly, passed at tho last session of the legislature. The general election and election for inspectors and judges to be opened between tho hnnra nf R and 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and diall continue jvilhout interruption or adjournment until 7 o'clock in uio evening, wnen mo polls shall bo closed. 1 he qualified citizens of tho several dUtrirU nn.l towmhipa shall meet on the Friday noxt preceding tho second Tuesday of October next, to wit: on Friday the 4 th of October, 1839, at tbo several iila cos now prescribed by law for holding iho district mm uwimiiiji eigcuons aim each ol said qualified citizens shall vote by ballot for one person as Judge, and abo for one person as Inspector of election, and the person lining Iho tjtcatest number of totes for Judge shall bo publicly declared to bo Judge of elec tions, and the two persons having the greatesl num ber of voles for Inspector shall be publicly declared to bo Inspectors of chctions. But when any town ship has been or shall be divided I t forming an elec tion district, Judge and inspectors of thu election shall be chosen in tho manner presented in the sev enth section, as follows : " Whore any township has been or shall be divided in forming an election district, tho qualified citizens cf each part of such dividt d township shall severally elect in the manner and at the time and plnco aforesaid, 'J' WO inspec tors for each of the said election districts, and shall also elect one person lo seno as Judge of tho elec tions iu rach district. In pursuance of an Act of the General Assem bly of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, enti tled " All net relating to Iho elections of this Com monwealth," passed the 2d day of July A. D. 1830, Notico is hereby given, "That every person, except justices of tbo peace, who sliall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the government of thu United States, or of this Stale, or of any city or incorporated dis trict, whether n commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who is, or shall bo employed under the legislative, executive or judicia ry department of this State, or of the United States, or of any city or incorporated district, and also, that every member of Congress, and of the State Legis lature, and of the select or common council of any city, or commissioners of any incorporated District, is by law, incapable of holding or exercising at tho samo time the offico or appointment of Judge, In spector, or Clerk, of any election of this Common wealth, and that no inspector, Judge, or other officer of any such election, shall bo eligible to any office to bo then voted for." And tho said Act of Assembly, entitled " an Act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth," passed July 2d, 1830, further provides as follows, to wit: " Thnt tho Inspectors and Judges chosen as afore said, shall meet ut the respective places appointed for holding the Election in the District to which they respectively belong, before nine o'clock in tbo morning of the Second Tuesday of October in each and every year, and each of said inspectors shnll bji point one clerk, who shall be a qualified voter of such district. " In case the person who shall have received tho second highest number of votes for inspector shall not attend on the day of any election, then tho per son who shall have received the second highest num ber of votes for iudsro at the next rircccdimr election. shall act as an inspector in his place, and in case the person who shall hae received tho highest num ber of votes for inspector shall not attend, the tier- son elected a Judge shall appoint an inspector in his place; ami in case tho person elected a Judge f1iu.1I not attend, then the inspector who received the high cd number of votes, shall appoint a judge in bin plnce; and if nny vacancy shall continue in the board for thu spaco of one hour after tho time fixed by law fur the opening of tho election, the qualified voters of tho township, ward or district, for which such officer shall have been elected, present at tho place ol election, shall elect one ol their number to fill such vacancy. "It sliall be tho duty of enij assessors respective ly, to attend at the place of holding every general, special, or township election, during tho whole time said election is kept open, for Iho purpose of giving intormation to the inspectors and judge, when cal led on, in relation to the right of any person assess ed by them to vote at such election, of such other matters in relation lo the assessment of voters as tho said inspectors or judge, ur cither of thom, shall from time to time require. "No person shall be permitted to vote at anv c- lection as aforesaid, other than a whito freeman of the age of twenty-one years or more, who bhall hao resided in this state at least one year, andiu election distiict where he ollVrs to vole at least tfcn day3 im mediately preceding such election, and within two years paid a state or county tax, which shall have been assossed at least ten days before tho election. But a citizen of the United States, who had previ ously been a qualified voter of this tate, and re moved therefrom and returned, and ho shall have resided in tho election district, end paid taxes ni ntorcsaid, shall be entitled to vote alter residing in thu state six monthi. I'rovided, That tho white freemen, citizens of the United hluta, between the age uf twenty-one and twenty-two and bavins is. sided in this btate ono year and iu the election db trict ten days as .foresaid, shall be entitled to vote, although they shall not have paid taxes. JNo persons shall be admitted to vote whoso name is not contained in the list of taxable inhabitants furnished bv the commis sioners as aforesaid, unless, First : lie pro dure a receipt for iho payment, within two years, ol a state or county tax assossed a grceably to tho constitution, and give satis lactory eviuence eitner on ii is own oalli or affirmation of another, that he has paid such a tax, or on failure lo produce a rcccipl.shall msiKo oalli to tlio payment thereof, or Sec otid : If he claim a right to vote by beitir an elector between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-two years, ho shall depose on oath or affirmation, that ho has resided in the state at least ono year next before his application, and make such proof of rcsi doncu in the district as is required by this art; and that he does verily believe from the accounts given mm that ho is of the aire a foresaid and gives such other evidence as is required by this act, whereupon tho nama of the person so admitted to vote shall bo inserted in the alphabetical list bv the in speclors and a note made opposite thereto by writing tho word ' tox," if ho sliall be admitted to vote by reason of bavin? paid lax, or the word "age," il ho shall bo ad mitted to vote on account of his age, and in either case the reason of such vote shall bo called out to the clerks, who shall mako tlie like notes in the list of voters kept by ihem. In all cases where the name of the per son claiming lo vole is not found on the list luruislieil by the commissioners and assess or, or hi3 right to vola whether found there on or not, is objected to by any qualified ciiizcn, ti snau do mo duty ol the inspec tors 10 examine sucn person on oath as to his qualifications, and if he claims to have resided within the stato for ono year or more, his oath sliall be sufficient proof thereof, but be Hhall make proof hy at least ono competent witness, who shall be a oualified elector, that ho has resided within the dis trict lor more than ten days next immedi atel'y preceding said election, and shall also himself swear lhat his bona fide residence, in pursuance of his lawful calling, is within me uisinut, anu mat nc am not remove in .:.! r.1!i; . ! .i LI I BUM lUIUiriCL HIT IMA hllfrn . f ut vow. Every person qualified who shall make duo proof, if re,nietI f ins residence and navmcnt nf fotcsaid, shall bo admitted to vi.i.i,! .i! township, ward or disltict in u-hiei. i..i. ,, reside. 0"a11 If any person shall prevent nr nttr-irm. prevent any officers of an olfciion under thi, act from holding such election, or use or threaten any violence to anv st! b ... shall interrupt or improperly intctferc wul, turn ti. , 1111 in iii mu cAucuiiun oi ins duly, or sliall block tip, or attempt to block up'thu window nr nvnnun In J t . .i ... u iiiuuuw wueie the same I may bo holdcn, or shall tiototisly disturM I'u-iuu ui 8ucn cieci.on, or sliall use or pim-uuc .my iiuiiiiiuation, threats, Imcc, or violence, with design to influence undnW or overawo any elector, or to prevent liii,, from voting, or to rostrnin tho freedom 0f choice, such person on conviction ehtulbir fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred1 dollars, and be imprisoned for any time not ions Ulan uiiu or more man twelve months. And if it shall bo shown to the court whcrij the trial of such offciico hhall bo had, that the person so offending was not a resident of ll.c city, ward, district, or township VR,tt the said ofTencc was committed, and not en titled to vote therein, then, on conviction, ho shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than ono hundred nor more than one thousand dollars, and be impiisoncd not less than six months nor more than two years. H any person or persons sliall make any bet or wager upon the result ofany election wiuiin us commonwealth, or shall offer tr make any such bet or waccr, cither bv ver. bal pioclamalion thereof, or by any written or printed advertisements, challenge or'in vilo nny person or persons to make such bet or wngcr, upon conviction thereof he or llicy shall lorlcit and pay three limes the amount so uct, or oiicreti to uo bet. It If any person, not bv law oualified. ! shall fiauilulcntly vote at any election u-nli- in this commonwealth, or bring othenvu qualified, shall volo out of his "proper di.-t tricl, or if any person knowing the want of such qualification shall aid or procure such person lo vole, tho persons so offendiuc, shall, on conviction, be fined in any sum not exceeding two hundred dollars, and bo imprisoned foi any term not exceeding thrcu months "If any poison shall vote at more than one election district, or otherwise fraudu lently vote more than once on tho same day or shall fraudulently fold and deliver to tho inspector two tickets together with the in tent to illegally vote, or shall proetuo anoth er so to do, he or they so offending, shall on conviction be fined in any sum not less than fifty nor inure than fivo hundred dol lara, and be imprisoned for any term not less than three nor more than twelve months. "If any prison pot qualified to vote in this commonwealth r.geeablu to law, (except the sons of qualified citizens) shall appear at any plae.o of election for the purpose of issuing tickets, or of influencing the citi zens qualified to vole, he shall, on convic tion, forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding one hundred dollats for every such offence, and be imprisoned for any term not exceed ing three months." The Judges arc to mako their returns for tho county of Columbia, at the Court House iu Danville on Fridav the lllh day of October. A, D. 1839. God savo the Commonwealth. WILLIAM KITCHEN, JSh'ff. Sheriffs Office, Danville, ? Sept. 0, 18119. 5 AND AND PORTABLE HORSE POWER MAK UF ACTOR Y. TJIIK Subscribers talto this method of informing their fiUuds, that they continue .Manufactur ing ThrtxMng .Mocliinti and J' or table Hone 2'owrrj, on the moot improved plans, made of tho best materials und in the most worbiuanliKe man ner, and which they will warrent to stand with fare wage, and nut injure the grain by breaking it. They havo surpassed nil others where they have been introduced, in Pennsylvania, Virginia and North Carolina. Frati's Patent Sisji:, nit, CHAIN riULaLITTG MACHINE Improved. An urticle of (jicnt utility lo Millers for cleansing Iho grain for preparing it lur flouring. 'J'hohO machines aro mamifnc.urcd of cost and wrought Iron, and am euppoixd to la. t an hundred; yearn. Thry mi in eneral np in tho sluto of New Voik and in pnrt rfi-tmwyhunia. 'as ra AND and all Kinds of Machinery, cast and lilted up.and all sorts of HOffilLiOW WAKE Kept on hand, wul sold by wIipIomIo. Ml of which will bo sold on tho mont reasonable totm, bv LEWIS II. MAUS A Co. nioorasburc, May f, IHU), imvl