The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 05, 1839, Image 2

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Philadelphia, October 1, 1839,
1 deep and most painful sensation was
jxcilrd in the community this morning, by
the rumor or a deed of blood which it was
inceruly hoped at first was but a rumor
but which after inquiry, proved alas ! loo
Those who havo been accustomed to
Yralk in Ghcsnut street, in the neighbour
hood of Independence square, must have
fiequcmly stepped into the confectionary
etore and refreshment rooms of Mr. Wood,
opposite the State house. They must also
remember his handsome and attentive
daughter, whoso chief rare it was to attend
to the more tie gant minslrstions of the es
lablhhtnent. She was a faithful and dutiful
girl, jut blushing into womanhood. Amour
her many admirers, was a young man in
Sixth street, of tho name of Pr.AX, who
eucceeded in securing her affections. A
bout two weeks since, we understood, they
were privately married and on Thursday
evening lite young woman iuft the establish
ment of her father and joined her husband.
On Saturday shn returned, and all the cir
cumstances were known to tho former. Ho
instantly closed his chop, much to the sur
prise of the public more than particular
attraction being now in the ladies' depart
ment a striking likcnesr of Queen Victo
ria by a young artist of this city, having
been placed there for exhibition.
The demeanor of the fntlrr to the daugh
ter was morose and unrecotlitig, although
he had previously invited her home ; but
she strove by every means to avert his ill
feeling, which, so far as it was likely to end
in any thing desperate, he ingeuiouslycon
ccaled Yesterday morning, however, at
about ten o'clock, as the daughter was sil
ting in the room with her father, and we
believe with some other members of the
family, lie walked deliberately up to her,
an:1 drawing a pistol from hia bosom or
pocket, placed it almost her forehead
anil shot hsr entirely through the brain.
The ball, wo learn, passed through the skull
and fell in smother part of the room.
The murderous weapon was at once
thrown from the hands of tin dpsperaln man
in tlu presence of riving child, and himself
fecurcd. The sheriff of tho city was sit
ting in his offiiic, and was immediately n
Tvare that something unusual had occurred,
He crossed the Mreet instantly ; and ascen
ding to the apartment where the deed was
d ne, found the father his bark to the fi'e
place. & his daughterly ing prostrate and blee
ding on tho floor, with her held near his
feet. One child, a promising lad, was
clasping l is knee, and averring, with tot
fit) eyes and language of emplnrino pr'sioii
that "fciTtsr did not, father could not do
ill" rrb" other members of the family
were robbing and shtinkinc over the dying
sister stud child. On the entrance of the
S'lenff, W iod lifted his arm as if the act of
firing r Istol, and exclaimed "I am the
ma I shot her 1 shot her!"
' k rirl died about 1 1 n'clork.
Mr. V nod was an Englishman, who may
be remei'..bercd as a fruitseller for many
years in -the Cheenut street Thatet, and
tfcc-keeer if a littlu shop in tho Arcedo.
xvlm-h his daughter and" himself attended,
lie has revcral other children, who with
the r mother, are thrown into inconceivea
ble distress bv this dread act of murder a- d
iblood Phil. Gaz.
On Tuesday last, says the United States
Gazct'e, a gentleman called nnon Isaac
-Roach, Eeq. Muvot of the citv. and infor
rata him that h had teccmlv ariived from
Ireland ; ttiat previous to his departure he
- was requested Jo takechsrge of a handsome
mahogany box without fastening, and leave
it and' its contents with the Mayor of Jhi
ladelph'a be retained bv him until called
frr by the gentleman to whom it addressed.
Tn Mayor, having taken eognisauceof the
contends of the bor received it in charge.
wo nau occasion, yesterday, to lie in tin
M Sjos joom, and saw the bor. It eon
fair.eua er-'emlid massive nlvcr waiter
twenty one in diameter, with highly orna
mental d Mirations. In the centre of the
magnificent piece, is the following inscrip
tton, bjautifu'ly engraved:
?fRsenicd to M'Uiael Allan, Esq. of
.Pittsburg, United States!, fnrnii-Iv of Litter-
linny, Ireland, by his creditors, as a testi
-jnooial ot their high opinion of his
ant. honorable conduct m paying in full the
balance of their accounts, although provi
etisly discharged from ail legal obliga
Signed in behalf of the creditors at large
John M Ciheky
JJelfait, April 1839.
TIie Ricbmonl cE-quirrr, in noticing the
tieeeare r (Mrs. J . JuJJard, lato wife of Ro
i bert. Pollard of that city, mention's the re
mark jle facts, that Mr .P. was but 18 an
Mrs. P. 15 at-the time of tieir murriaee.and
that they lived happily Jogeiherfor tli long
peno'j oi jii years.
A bail storm of unusual w-euirenee pass.
d over Philadelphia, on Thursday ofla
week, wit.iog fearfully against the wijiupw
ior some live or ten mtnuic. uio nai
was utuuallv large, many pieces being of
the average fze of cherries, and one mea
euted by a gentleman, wa two .inches in
A DisgrtM to his Ancectry.
A grandson of the patriot and statesman,
Govenor Hancock, was brougnt up to tho
Boston Police Court on Thursday, as a com
mon drunkard. He had on a tatered frock,
out at the elbows, and rusty with age, coats
trowsers, dirty and rrggedi old pumps, so
broken that his unwashel stockings were
seen through them, and without vest or cra
vat. The times says: II is prospects once
were brighter than those ofay other young
man in town, but now the vital intemper
ance, has fastened upon him, and his blood
is poisoned with its sting. His parents
would have done any thing for him, being
abundantly able, but now it is too late. His
name blots the police records, and there his
history is in part written"
A Fall of Locust. Speaking of natur
al exhibitions, a full of locusts is beyond all
comparison, the most awful L have ever seen,
and I may, perhaps, be excused fur digress
ing from the immediate thread of my nar
rative to give my readers some account of
that dreadful scourge, which is considered,
in eastern and southern countries, the most
uufailintr manifestation of the wrath of God.
Travelling along the western coast of Afri
ca, I once beheld this terrible infliction.
These creatures fell in thousands and tens
of thousands around us and upon us, on the
sands along which we were riding, and on
the sea that was beating at our feet, yet we
were removed from their most oppressive
influence, for, a few hundred yards to our
right, darkening the air, the great innumer
able host came on, slowly and steadily ad
vancing in a direct line, and in a mighty
moving column. The fall of locusts from
this central column was so great, that when
a cow, directly under the line of flight, at
tempting ineffectually to graze in the field,
advanced her mntiih to the grass, there rose
immediately so dense a swarm that her
head was for a moment almost concealed
from sight, and as she moved ilung. bewil
dered by this worse than Egyptian pla.jue,
clouds uf locusts rose up under her feet,
visible cvjen at a distance, as c.ouus ol uust
when set in motion bv the wind on a stormv
ay. At tlto extremity o the field, I
saw the husbanmen betuimr; over itieir
slafi'ii, bud e'-sing with hopeless eves upoii
that host of death which swept like a de-
troving angel over thu land, and consign
ing to i vt i u all the prospects of the year ;
lor wherever that column winged its (light,
eneatli its withering influence the golden
glories of the harvest perished, and the leafy
honors ol the lot est disappeared. there
stood those ruined men, silent and motion
less, i vei whelmed with the magnitude of
their calamity, yet cousctotis of their utter
liability to control it ; while farther on
wi.jrc some wood land lay in the immedi
ate, line of the advancing column, heath ct
on lire, and trees kindled into a blaze, testi
tied the general horror of' a visitatiuii which
the ill-tatcd inhahitaiits endeavoured to avert
by such a frightful remedy. They believed
that the biiukt; r rising fiom the burning
foieat, and ascending into the air, would im
pede the direct match of the column, throw
it in to confusion, drive the locusts out to
sea, and thus deliver the country from
their desolating presence. Portugal and
lolluiu,uij Lord Larnurvon.
A Liverpool col respondent of the New
Yoik Star aays, under date of Slit of Au
"A singular fact has just oozed out that
the Emperor of Russa has made an offer to
the owners ot the imtish 4uuen and ureaj
Western steam vessels, at a price eaqtial to
titty per cent profit on the tuime cost of
these vessels, ou delivering them at Cron
stadt, allowing them to take their present
trips to jNew iorK. i he respective trans
Atlantic steam coinp nies arc understood to
have declined this very tempting offer, con-
Mderuig that hating allorded a certain ac
conmiodatimi to the public, they were not
anthouzed to withdraw or dimmish it, and
feaiiug :hat the loss, from interruption to
their stuhluhutciin;, would tar exceed the
proht tendered. In stating this on dit, 1
give it the exact words of a letter from a ic
spei table Loudon house, which has been
handed about here."
A Great Gun. The Boston Courier of
Saturday Males that " a ynn was cast on
Friday afternoon, at Algicr's Foundry, at
l I. !.:-!. I.. - I. . .
nomn uosmn, which is supposed to uc tne
largest ever cast in America, ltu similar
to those used bv the French in their attaek
upon Vera Cruz, and will carry a ball
weighing one hundred and sixty pounds
It is, of course, ot size. Fourteen
inns of melted iron wers rscd to cast it, and
is supposed that the gun, when, ready fo
use, win weigh ten tons, it will remain
in the mould, probably, until next Fri
The Salem, N. J. Banner says "Th
steamboat Pioneer, on Friday morning las
tell this town and arrived at l'hilabelplu
with a freight of 200 barrels of apples, 200
nasKCis mi peaciics anu potatoes, uu doze
brooms, several calvrn, Iwo wagons and
three horses, beside other freight, and about
filty passengers.
Cost of Linchintr. A verdict of $3,15
damage and costs was rendered at the las
term of the Common Pleas of Stark county
,UhiO, agmnst seven of the person who tar
ren and leathered iJr. v llson, at .New Uae
tie, last aprmg.
The "New York Courier stales that th
Gret Wester) took out 9535.800'
The Thames Tunnel is brought to low
water mark, and all apprehensions of anoth
er irruption aro now entirely removed.
This wonderful work will stand alone, un
equalled in grandeur of conception as well
as in the astonishing degree of labor and
perseverance which have brought it to a suc
cessful termination. Wo hope, however,
and indeed arc sure, that the enterprising
and enquiring spirit of our countrymen will
not suflfei it to remain long an unrivalled
work. The Mississippi, the Ohio, and
other great rivers, wldfih arc subject to sud
den rises and falls, and on that account diffi
cult to be bridged securely, may be well
adapted for tunnelling. Vo doubt not but
tho information necessary to decide that
point will be obtained very soon when the
tho opening of the Thames Tunnel shall
allow a general and particular inspection of
the plan and mode of construction.
Pali. American.
Knowledge it Power. Curious Illus
tration. At a meeting which took place
tho other eening for the purpose of form
ing a North London Mechanics' Institution,
Mr. Basil Montagu, an an illustration of the
maxim tiiat knowledge is power, related
the following anecdote : He was walking
a few months ago m Portland Place, when
h observed a largi crowd of people assem
bled, and that it was in consequence of a
large mastiff dog having a lesser one in his
gripe, persons tried, by splitting
the inastitTs earsand by biting and pinch-
ts tail, to make it let go its hold, but in
am. At last a delicate and dandihcd young;
entleman came up, and making his way
through tho crowd into the eirele, requested
to be allowed to sepaialu the dogs; assent
was given atutd jeers' and laughter, when
the dandy slowly drew from Ins pocket a
largo snuff-box, and having taken a pinch
himself, inserted In3 fingers again into the
box, and withdrawing a large pinch, delibe
rately applied it to the mastiff's nose. The
null operated so powerludy on the ant-
mal'i olfactory nerves, that it not only im
mediately let go its hold, but made its es
cape as fast as possible. The dandy was
loudly cheered, upon which he stopped for
moment, and said, " Uenllcmcn, 1 have
merely given voti a proof that 4 Knowledge
is Power.' " EnalUh paper.
Acting Governor Mundy has offered a re
ward of $1000 lor the detection of the in
cendiary who set iii c to the central railroad
lidge over the liver Rogue, near Detroit,
Michagau, by which a loss of at least
$5000 was sustained.
It is said the pntfits of Collcctsr Hoyt of
New York, will amount to $100,000, the
present year.
A Colored man . picked up a bank note in
'hiladelphfa, last week, which upon cxam-
uation proved to be of tho denomination of
Iwo thousand dollars. He was an honest
ellow, and the owiir got his money.
A new argument in favor of a poor man
ha viiii; n wile, is that she is a species of
personal properly that no sheilf can lay a
legul aUavliment upon.
So great was the panic occasioned by
the fever in Mobile, that the newspapers
were published bill once a weef;, and thu
Custom house and Banks opened but one
or two hours during the day, The epi
demic proved nearly as fatal to natives and
long residents,- as to strangnrs.
A man with a pair of wooden lees ha3
been nominated for a seat in Congress in
Illinois. A New Orleans paper says he
makes the best stump speeches uf any can
didate out in "them digf ens.
Twelve person, six on aside, hunted
squirrels in Miami county Ohio, during two
days, on a wager of 200 bushels of corn
One party killed 1041 and the other 1032
squirrels in that lime.
Colonel Pluck died at the Philadelphia
Alms house, a day or two ago.
The Norrislou n Register mentions a
stalk of corn, the growth of that neighbour
hood, which measures ten feet from the
root to the car:.
The Colonial legislature of Jamaica have
it is said, passed n law granting an amount
of 50,000, towards the formation of mul
berry plantations.
The Canada papers are firing away at the
new Go ernor without mercy. Our neigh
bours in that quarter appear hard to please.
Mr. John B Sr.olt.of Richmond, Va. Inst
his life near Washington city, on Saturday
last, by the accidental discharge of his own
fowling piece.
The carding and cloth dressing mills in
Mucuy, niaine, known st Uopp's Mills,
owned by Joseph French and Alvin Drew,
wero uesiroyeu ny me last weeK.
The Oswego Herald, says, ten vessels
Iadrd wiih wheat from Lake Erie, arrived
at that place within the space of six hours.
Thev brine over 35.000 buslm!. Can mi,
friends up the lake in Rochester, or even
ths yueen uity," beat this ?
S.1TUKU.1Y, OCTOJ1E11 5, 1SOO.
Foil Pkl'sident,
Fort Vicr. Pkiisident,
For Assembly,
For Prothonolary,
For egUter and ecorder,
For Commissioner,
For Treasurer,
For Auditor,
'As Valentine Best, contrary to tho unan
imous direction of the County Convention,
has stricken Mr. Eyerly's name from the
ticket, we take the same liberty with his.
Register of Wills Recorder cf Leeds.
The Rt Rev. Bishop Onderdonk, will
preach at the following places in Columbia
county, at the times stated :
Dloom.buig, Wednesday, Oct Ctii, Morn. & After.
Danville, Oct 10th
Jcrseytown, Friday, Oct 11th
Sugar Loaf, SunJuy, Oct 13th Morning
Orangevillc, Evening, 7 o'c.
Derry, 14th Afternoon S o'clock
The other papers in the county aio de
sired to copy.
Of the citizens of Bloomsburg school
district will be held at the school house, on
this evening Saturday, to decide whether
the public mony shall be applied in payment
of the debt due for building the house, or
appropriated to the keeping of a school dur
ing the coming winter.
We arc authorised to say, that JAMES
DONALDSON has declined being a can
dtpatc for the office of Prothonotaiy at the
approaching election.
To the Electors of Columbia county.
At the request of my. friends, I suffered
my name to be brought forward as a candi
date fur nomination to the Legislature; but
it appears that I was defeated by unfair
means by my opponents, after I had a fair
expression of tho people in my favor. Al
though I was thus defeated against the wish
es of the people of a majority of the dis
tricts, I deleimined in my own mind not to
suffer myself to be in the field in opposition
to William Cult, the apparently nominated
But subsequently, at tho earnest solicita
lion of my friends, and in compliance with
the wishes of a Jemocratic meeting held in
Brier Creek, I consented to allow my name
to be used. Having now reason to believe
that my continuing to be a candidaie, un
der the circumstances, may tend to divide
and distract the democratic party, and, per
haps, secure the election of a whig, I think
it ray duly to withdraw my namo from the
canvass, at the same lime, expressing mv
gratitude to my friends for their good wishes
towards me. DANIEL SNYDER.
Bloomsburg, Seplemper 30, 1839.
Messrs. Fornwald and Lcib, the dele
gates from Cattawissa, havnmade a furioui
attack on S. Baldy, Esq., through the Dan
ville Intelligencer, because he disapprovci
of their course in sustaining Colt in oppo
sitien to the wiihes of their constituents.
Mr. Baldy, in a communication in to-days
paper, has shown them up in a true Iii'l
They must wince under his flagellation,
and the resolutions adopted at a very large
democratic meeting held in Cattawissa, the
proceedings of which we also publirli,
The candidate of the people, 19 an uiiwav
ng dtfrfltferat, every way qualified to ner.
form the duties of the office, being a good
erman and Jinglull scholar, and, if elect-
will personlly attend to the duties of the
nice. He is a friend to the upper interest,
n is not bound hand tinu foot to the cat
tho Bank Junto. He will not use the of-
ce as an electioneering machine, to advanca-
0 Uanvtllo interest to the destruction of
e best interest of the county. JiOt eeri'
independent democrat then, cast his vole for"
IACOB EYERLY, the friend of the peo-
e, and not lor the supporter of a selfish
nprinciplcd faction.
His opponent professes democracy, hut
seldom, if ever practices it. He is as oP
ten found opposed to the regular lickct.-a
its lavor. In fact, ho never sustains it-
unless it is so formed as to advance his owrf
tcrcst, or that of the Junto. At the nits-
cnt lime he has broken into tho ticket, by
triKing oil h.yerly'8 namo and letlinsr his
own remain, contraiy to the express direc
tion ol the county convention. We ask
the democracy of the county, whether thiy
can or will sustain a man for any office wh
ill thus put at dchancc their wishes. H
too was one of the principal operators in th
plot of cheating and defrauding DanieLSny-
icr out 01 his nomination, and a majority
if tho townships out of the candidate of
their choice; and yet he has tho impudene
to claim the support of the friends of thers.
moval upon the grounds of being a demo
crat. If the ability and disposition to hcao
upon his opponents low, vulgar scurility
and personal abuse, be a qualification for
n office then certainly Best is entitled t
one from the hands of the people of Colum
bia county But we cannot yet be made to
bciicve that these qualifications are a jis.
port to their favor.
Let every man go to the Polls on Tues
day next, and vote against the POOR
HOUSE, and save the county thousands of
dollars annually for years to come. Every
man who does not vote against it addi
strength to the party that is in favor of iu
beirg creeled. For several years the Dan
ville parly have been trying to procure b
Poor House establishment in which they
might keep their own poor at the expent
of the county They have now succecdei
unbeknown to the county generally, in get
ting a bill through the Legislature for that
purpose, and the people should give sucli n
triumphant majority against it, as will for
ever alter put the question at rest.
Wc wera misinformed with regard to tha
course of a " certain Colonel in Roariap
Creek." Wc understand lhat so far from
being bound to the car of the Bank Junto,
he had taken an honorable and independent
stand in favor of the rights of the peopU
against bribery and tiickcry. It gives vt
great pleasure to be able to make this amends
honorable, as wc have always had a high
opinion of him as a man and as a democrat.
We will reply to the catd of . L. Tate
next week.
Mr. Webb Please give me the privilege
of talking a little to Felty, and some of his
blowers and strikers, relative to their hones
ty in political matters. It is a matter of as
tonishment, to behold how the honest part
of Columbia county has been duped for th
last ten years by a few dishonest political
blood-suckero' Now Felly has been, ever
since be was told by some of his tribe of
political asses who thought they were
roundly stocked with cunning, that he was
a smart man, the ring-leader, or rather chief,,
of the hair-tailed tribe; he to act as principal,,
and they in conjunction with him. Aid.
now mark. When any thing presents itself
to them as a matter of value, the chief
sounds his horn to call his forces, organ,
izes and fits them for the express busiuiio
of procuiing the fat offices to themselvii in.
any way they can gen them, honest or die
honest. Go ahead is their motto. Felty,
the chief, say, now you go in this direc
tion thiough tho county; and to another
go in that direction; and to tho third in some
other direction, and I will travel tho county
generally; and now boys, wo must go our
deaths. Wo must tell them all tho nice,
slick, smooth stories that we possibly can
invent; promise them any office they may .
ask for; and if they do not ask for any, oft
for them one, and eay ihey are imart feU