THE HESURKECTION, OR KNcpEuion to TnsHtBKA!r,nnAxnETu's,EvA'B TDiAW Puni'ATirr, tho Match tfss (priced) hijfATiyx, or onv other pills or compound before thi public, its certified to by Physicians and others. Let nnno condemn them until they havo tried them, nnd th;n we aro certain they will not. It is now n fettled point with nil who have. used tho Vegetable Persian Pills that they ore pre-eminently' tho best and most efficacious family Medi cine that has yet been UBcd In America. If every Family could become acquainted with their Soier- ign power over disease, they would keep them and Ve prepared with a sure remedy to apply on tho first appearance of disease, and then how much distress would be avoided and money saved, as well as the lives of thousands who arc hunted out of limn by neglecting disease in its first stages, or by not being possession of a remedy which they can placo tie' peudenco upon. The Resurrection, or Persian Pills. Tho name, of these pills orginalcd from tho cir cumstnncc of the incdirino being found only in the ccmctariei of Persia. This vegetable production being of a peculiar kind, led to experiments as to lta medicinal qualities and virtues. In half a ccn tury it became mi eelablUlicd msdicino for the dis eases of that country. The extract of this singu lar production was introduced into some parts of Eu rope in the year 1783, and used by many celebrated 1'nyciciaus in curing certain diseases, where all oth er medicine has been used in vain. Early in the year 179S, the extract was combined with a certain rectaule medicino imported from Dura Uaca, in the Eai Indies, and formed into Pills. Tho admir able eficqt of this compound upon tho human sys- I.J l t ' I i- !, t tnu, icu j'iij AiiKau! nuu minutes into lis general use. Their long established character their univer sal and healing, the detergent and cleansing qualities of their specific action upon the glandular part of tho system, are such as will sustain their re putation and general use in tho American Repub lic. CERTIFICATES. I certify that I hare, by way ol experiment, used the Hvtrean. nnd nirittlrtf tha rnrtmlQ biriila n( Pilla. In my practice, which hive borne the highest repute I.. .1 . i nr i in uic jjuuuc esumauon, mar, nave ueen ouerea ior fcale in ibis vicinity for the last five ycais, including those called the Insurrection or Pcrsain Pills; and the public may rest assured thul none among the wuno catalogue nas answeren a Dcticr purpose, as in casyand effectual remedy, than the Resurrection tor Persian Fills, in most cases of disease. CiiAnLis Backus, M. D. Rochester, N. Y. Sept. 21, 1837. TO MOTHERS. Messrs. E. Chae & Co. Gents. Heating much said about the extraordinary effects of tho Resurrection or 7'crsian 'ilia, upon those about to become mothers, we were induced to make a trial of them. My wife was at lhat time the mother of five children, and had suQeicd the most tedious and ex cruciating pains during and after her confinement of each. She' had tiled every means and taken ranch medicine, hut found little or no relief. She commenced taking the Pcrtian J'illi about three months before her confinement (her health being ve ry poor about this length of time previous) and in a chart time she wa3 enabled by their use to attend to the cares of a mother to h n family until her con fine .lent. At tho time she commenced taking the Persian Pills, and for several weeks pi cvious, sho was afflicted with a diy hard cough, and frequent eveie cramps, which the use of the Pills entirely removed before using half box. It is with the Rrcu!e:t confidence that we advise all those about to become mothers to mike use of the Persian Pills. All those that have taken them in our neighbor hood have got along In tho some easy manner, and sre about the home in a few days, lliere does not appear to be half tho danger of other dangers setting in aficr confinement, -where these I'ilh arc taken. We unitedly say , let nono nelert taking them, for this, urc in the reach of the poor as" well as the rich. Vi'e are truly thankful that there ij a remedy which females rn easily procure which tends to lessen the v.-orld if suffering, which maoy of ihem hae to boar, and perhaps save the Uvea of thousands which would r otherwise, be lost. Rochester, May 14, 1838; comer of Callidoniau e'rpiere, Edinburg street; for further particulars see tubtcfilcra. 8. Ron hits, A.vx 0. liomnrs. RocnxsTER, Sipt. 21, 183C. .Messrs. E. Chase & Co. I think it my duty to let yon know what a great cure your rilu have performed on me I had been sick about 7 vers about 2 vcars and a half con fined to my bed. I had been given over as incurable, with Consumption, by twelve physicians of the first etandinjj; my lungs were seriously affected; 1 had 3 ulcers gather and break; my cough was dry and harsh mod of the time; my liver was much swollen, and ray stomach very dyspeptic. I had chills, feier. and night sweat, accompanied with extreme iriita blencn3 of the nervous system, and other difficulties which I forbear lo mention. After I was given over, I tried almost all medicines which were advcitiscd, but to no advantage, until I tried your Vegetable Persian Pills. I began to gain in a short time after I commenced taking them; and, to bo brief, before I took 3 boxes, I was able to rido out and to take con siderable exercise, and at this time I enjoy good health, and am ablo to do good day's work. If any !.l .!..,. n noc wuues a more particular uisiory oi my sutler tags, he may call on me, at the corner of Maui and Cuntaa-sUesU, Koclic.tcr. RUDY ADAMS. Fitb Conr.n The undersigned hereby certify, that we are the Parents of two children who have been afflicted with tits more or Icbsfrom their infan cy, and that we have spared no pains or expenso in endeavoring to effect a cure, but without any bene ficial effect, un'i! hearing of tho Resurrection or Per sian fills, when four boxes were immediately 'procmed, und before threo boxes w era taken, the fits had abated in frequency, and eeiv svm torn much improved, and now wo aro happy to stato that our childicn by the uso of the Persian Tills, with tho blessing of Ood, are entirely cured and buvo no gymtom or appearance of fits, will find in tho Persian rills a sure and perfect cure. JOHN & MARTHA JOHNSONt Canton N. Y. Dec. 10, 1837. The above pills may bo had of the following a- ?ccnu John Moyer, Uloointnurg; j, .Miller, Ucr. 'wick; J. Cooper & Sons, Hazelton; C, Hortman, ,J3spfyoivn; John fcharpless, t(Cattawbar Lyman 4jnwles, Danville. Era Taylor, agent for the Btnte of Pennsylva ttta residing at Roc heeler, N. Y. to whom all orders 'fan bt dddrcAscd. DR. LEIDY'S SARSAPAIUILA BLOOD P1LLH, HOULD receive a preference over all Pills now in existence! J-'ir-t Because thev are composed of Vcgctablo extra-is, free from minerals; and may be taken at nil times with perfect safety by young and old, with out rcstiaint from occupation, temperate lit ing, or fear of taking cold. Second Uecausc they are composed nf such medicinal extracts, as have been employed by all tho most celebrated and respectable Physicians for moro than n century past, in purifying the Ulood nnd Animal fluid of the body. Third because they may be employed as a nitM or active purgative, according to the quantity taken, and their operation will not ho attended with griping of the bowels, skkness at tho stomach, prostration of the system, &c, as are produced by other pills. Fourth 11 ecausc they possess a combined action, net possessed by any other pills, mixture or prepar ation whatever. Their first eifect is in correcting all impurities with which tho blood and fluids of tho body may be uffctcd, and by their gently opera tive effect, removing such impurities from the sys tem. Fifth Because they ore the terror of Quacks and Impostcrs, for most persons aro obliged to tako the Sarsaparilla Blood Pills, after taking their vile and destructive nostrums, to counteract und prevent their mischievous and baneful clfccU. Sixth Because they are the only pills in which Physicians havo sufficient confidence to recommend to their patients, and employ in their practice, as they know they are Anti Quack, Anti Mercural. Anti Billious as well as a good and safe purgathe and purifier of the Blood and Animal Fluids. Seventh and last But not the least important, be because they arc prepared by a regular Apothe cary and Phtsician, attested ny Drs. Physic, Hor ner, Chapman, Dcwccs, James, Gibson, Jackson, Coxc, Hare, &c, &c, which ulonc is tmlficicnl to entitle them to great confidence. Certificates and Recommendations from Physi cians and others accompany the directions around each box. tCPPrice Twenty Five Cents a BoxJM, Prepared only and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr. LEIDV'8 Health Emporium, No. 191 North Second St., a few doors below Vine fctrcct, Philadel phia, also, Bold by J. Gilbert & Co., North Third street abovo Vine. G. S. Clemens, do 3d do do Wood st. J. R. Smith & Co. do 2d do next the Red Lion, and all rcspcctablo Wholesale and Retail Druggist's in Philadelphia. They are also sold by: J. Y. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. J. W. Rohrer, do do W. Ebcrman Litis. J. W. Oakly, Heading. J. B. Mozer, Allcntown. P. Pomp, Easton. And the principal Merchants and Drugists in the IJniicd States. For sale at tho Health Emporium Bloomxburg by D. S. TOBIAS, Agent. Bloomsburg July, 13, 1839. 11. COMMUNICVriON. How fcwllicy arc that happen to lie ofilicted with Coughs or Colds pay attention to them. How many thousands from such neglect shorten their days, and hasten their fi nal dissolution. Parents neglect them in their chil dren, nnd thus fortn ibe fouiiiillou for Coiiuunifw lion, and hundreds of parents annually follow their own children to the grave, having died from some alfections of the Breat and'Lungs, which wcic neg lected in their iirst 6ses. Coughs and Cobb), whether existing amongyounc or old, ought ut all times be attended to early, and not sulf-red to continue any length of time, for the Lungs once allect d.discasesoun makes rapid strides. ending in the most fatal of all discuses, namely Con sumption. Dit. UECHTER'S PULMONARY PRESER VATIVE for Coughs, Colds, Cr.lairhs, Influenzas, Shortness of Breath, Whooping Cough, Pain in llio 11 realtor side, all alleclion of tlic Urcact and Lungs, and arrest of approachinsg Consumption, is llie most popular me 'heme ucd throughout ull Ger many is bccomh'sr equally popular in tho United states, ana lias cjUUisiicU lor itscit a reputation not possessed by any other medicine for the same cUi of dUeuM's. (See certificates and recommen dations from Parents, Physicians, and others, accom- thu directions.) It is a preparation perfect ly safe and lurmlcsi, pleaaut to the taste, and may be- given to tho youngest infant. It is warranted Ireo irom mercury and the minerals, and is a prepar ation of a regular Apotiiccary and Physician, attes ted by Drs. Physic, Chapman, Gibson. Jackson, Horner, Dewees, Coxc, James, &e. a circumstance alone sufficient to induce a trial of it Dr. N. 11 Leidy, Proprietor of tho above medi cine, confidently rctomuiends it to all, and assures all most positively that it is an invaluable medicine and would not himself recommend it, but for it, known efficacy. Prepared only and for salcWholesale and Retail at Dr. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, No. 191 North Socond street a few doors below Vino street, Phil adelphia also, sold by J. Gilgert & Co., NorthThi-d street obovo Vine. G. S. Clemens, do 3d do doWowJ st. J. R. Smith & Co. do 2d do next the Hed Lion, ond by all respectable Wholesale and Retail Druggists in rluludclphia. They are sold by: J. F Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. J. W. Rohrer, do do. W. Ebcrman Litiz. J. W. Oakley, lieadine. For sale at tho Health Emporium Bloomsburg y u. o. i UU1AS, Agent. T3"N nursunnrn nf llin r!tl!i,,i:n r n K 7 , " ...." ui ins Hum- n monwealth of Peminvlviinin T.",.i;. ! i. .i... given by the subscribers, citizens of said Corrmon- nrniui, wai uiuj' aim oiuers. will make application to the next I.e!iiiliiliirr. fnr tho rr..i!.t, f trato Body with Banking and discounting privileges, ui luu iiauiiai unu siyiu VI me Farmtra and Mechanics Bank of Coluni' bin County, to be located at such site or placo within said Coun tv of Columbia, us shall Im fiiejl unnn l,v missioncrs oppointcd in such manner as tho Legis lature shall direct for fixinr the location of said Bank, nnd with a capital of two hundred thousand dollars. Said corporate liody to bo created for the wealth, and of tho County of Columbia, the bene, fits of a hanking Institution, with the rights, pow. em and privileges of the Bank of Northumberland A, B. SHUMAM, fl. E, CRAIG, GENERAL ELECTION. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, by on act of the General Assem bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, entitled " Alt act relating to the elections of thi. Commonwealth, passed tho 2d day of July, A. D. 1833," it is made the duty of the Sheriff of cverv county to giro public notice of such election to be lloldcn. and to make known in such notice what of ficers ate to be elected: Therefore, I, WILLIAM KITCHEN, High ShrilT of the county of Columbia, no MAK). kxowjv by this advertisement to the Electors of saiu county of Columbia, that a General Election will be held in the said county, on Tuesday the 8th day of October next, at the several distikts tlicreot as follows, to wit : That part of BLOOM TOWNSHIP, Not included in the new Election district hereinafter mentioned, at the house of Charlie Doublet, in Uloonishnrg. BRIER CREEK TOWNSHIP, At the town house in Berwick. CATA.WISSA, TOWNSHIP, At the house now occupird by Stacy Marje ruin, in the town of Cata'vissn. DEItltY TOWNSHIP, (a separate election district) At the house of Jacob Scidel in said town ship. That part of FISHING CREEK TOWNSHIP, Not included in the nevr election district hereinafter mentioned, at the house of Dan iel Peeler, in said township. GREENWOOD TOWNSHIP, At the house now occupied by Joseph Lem on. HEMLOCK TOWNSHIP, At the house of John M' Reynolds, in said township. JACKSON TOWNSHIP, At the house of Joshua Savage, in said town ship. LIBERTY TOWNSHIP, At the house of Henry Gibson, in said town ship. LIMESTONE TOWNSHIP, (a separate election district) At the Union School house in said town ship. MAHONING TOWNSHIP, At the Court House in Danville. MIFFLIN TOWNSHIP, At the house of John Keller, jr. in said township. MADISON TOWNSHIP, At the house of Jeremiah Welliver, in Jer sertown. That part of MOUNT PLEASANT TOWNSHIP, Km included in the new election district hereinafter mentioned, at the house of Fred erick Miller in said township. MONTOUR TOWNSHIP, At the house of Leonard Lazarus, in said township. SUGARLOAF TOWNSHIP, At the house of Ezekiel Cole, in said town ship. ROARING CREEK TOWNSHIP, At the house of John Yeager, in flaid town ship. THE DISTRICT Compospcl of parts nf the township o' Ulonin, mount rieasant ami l'isliiiig Creek, whiiih by an act of the General Assembly. passed the 15th day of April, 1835, was t'stahlishediiitti a separate election 1 CJolinson, in the town of Orangeville, THE DISTRICT Composed of that part of Mifflin townshin. laid off fnr a new township, to be railed Paxloii,' which hv an act of Assembly. pasbed the first day of Apnl, 1830, was es- laiiliMietl into a separate election district, shall hold their election at the house of Ad am Michciil in the said district. At which time and place are to be elected by the Ireeinen ol the county of Columbia. ONE PERSON for member of the House of Representatives ot me uommonweaitn ol Pennsylvania, ONE PERSON to fill the offices, of Prothonotary, Clerk of the Courts of General Quarter Sessions, Oyer and Terminer and Orphans' Court. ONE PERSON to fill tho offices of Register nf Wills and Kecoruerol Deeds. ONE PERSON for Commissioner. ONE PERSON for county Treasurer ONE PERSON for county Auditor. The nualified electors of sa d countv are alsn r. quired to vote for or against the erection of a Poor House in the saidcounttfof Columbia in nursuanm of an act of assembly, passed at the last session of me legislature. The general election and election for inspectors and judges to bo opened between the hours of 8 and 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and shall continue without interruption or adjournment until 7 o'clock in tho evening, when the polls shall be closed, The qualified citizens of the several districts and townships shall meet on the Fridiy next preceding the fcccond Tuesday of October next, to witi on Friday tho 4th of October, 1839, at the several pla ccs now prescribed by law for holding the district anu towntnip elections and cacti or said qualified citizens shall voto by ballot for one person as Judge, aAd also for one person as Inspector of olection, and die j-trson havinj; the greatest number of vptw for Judge shall be publicly declared to bo Jliilge of elco tions, and tho two persons having the greatest num ber of votes for Inspector shall be publicly declared 'o be 'nspectors of elections. But when any town- dup lias been or shall be divided i'l forming nn dec .Ion distiict, Judge ind inspectors of the election thai I be chosen in the manner prescribed in the sev enth section, as follows l " Whcro any township Has been or shall be divided hi foiming nn election district, the qualified citizens of each part of such iivided township shall severally elect in the manner and at the time and place aforesaid, TWO inspec tors for each bf tho said election districts, and ohall also elect one person to servo as Judge of the clcc tions in each district. In pursuance of an Act of the General Assem bly of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, enti tled "An act reluting to the elections of this Com monwealth," passed the 2d day of July A. D. 1839, Notice is hereby given, " That every person, except justices of tho peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the government of the United States, or of tliis Slate, or of any city or incorporated dis trict, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who is, or shall be employed under the legislative, executive or judicia ry department of this State, or of the United States, or of any city or incorporated district, and also, that every member of Congress, and of the State Legis lature, and of the select or common council of any city, or commissioners of any incorporated District, is by law, incapable of holding or exercising at the same time tho ofhec ot appointment or Judge, In' spector, or Clerk, of any election of this Common' wealth, and that no inspector, Judge, or other officer of any such election, shall be eligible to ony ofiico to bo then voted for." And tho said Act of Assembly, entitled "an Act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth," passed July 2d, 1839, further provides as follows, to wit: "That the Inspectors and Judges chosen ai afore said, shall meet at the respective places appointed for holding the Election in the District to which they respectively belong, before nine o'clock in the morning of the Second Tuesday of October in each and every year, and each of said inspectors shall ap point one clerk, who shall be a qualified voter of sucn district. "In case tho person who shall havo received the second highest number of votes for inspector shalf not attend on the day or any election, then tho per son who shall have received tho second highest num ber of votes for judgo at the next preceding election, shall act as an inspector in his place, and in case me person wiiosliall have received the highest num her of votes for inspector Bhall not attend, the per son elected a Judge shall appoint an inspector in his place; and in case the person elected a Judge shall not attend, then the inspector who received the high est number of votes, shall appoint a judge in his place; and if any vacancy shall continue in tho board for tho space of one hour after the time fixed by law for the opening of the election, the qualified voters of the township, ward or district, for which such officer shall have been elected, present at the place of election, shall elect one of their number to fill such vacancy. " It Bhall be the duty of said assessors respective ly, to attend at the place of holding every general, nn!nl a. lm..l.m ..iIa.. .1 ! .1. T.-l .! .jfLvtwif ui iunii3ii ill-iui'll, UUIlIJg IMU W11U1U 11111C said election is kept open, for the purpose of giving information to the inspectors and judge, when cal led on, in relation to the right of any person assess ed by them to voto at such election, of such other matters in relation to the assessment of voters as the s-iid inspectors or judge, or cither of them, shall from time to time require. "No person shall be ncrmitfed to voln at inv c. lection as aforesaid, other than a white freeman of the age m twenty-one years or more, who shall have resided in this state at least one year and in election district where he nlfers to vote at least ten dnys im mediately preceding such election, and within two years paid a state or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least ten days before the election. But a citizen of the United States, who had previ ously been a qualified voter of this state, ond re moved therefrom and returned, and who shall have resided in tho election district, and paid taxes as aforesaid, shall lie entitled to voto after residing in this state six months. Provided, That the white, freemen, citizens of the United Statas, between the ages of twerity-ono and twenty-two and having te- siuuu in mis siaic one year anu in the election dis trict ten days ns aforesaid, shall be entitled to vole, although they shall not have paid taxes. No persons bhall be admitted to vote whose name is not contained in the list of tax-thle inhabitants furnished by the commis sinners as afnreaaid, unless. First : He nrn duee a receipt for the payment, within two years, ot a state or county lax assessed a creeably to the constitution, and nive satis factory evidence either on his own oath or aihrniation of another, that he has naid sucl a tax, or on failure to produce areceipt.shall make oath to tho payment thereof, or Sec ond : If he claim a right to vole by being on cicciur uciween me ages ot twenty-one and twenty-two years, he shall depose on oatn or ainrmaiion, trial lie has resided in the state at least one year next before his application, and make such proof of resi- ueuce in me district as is required by this act; and that he does verily believe from the accounts given him that he is of the age a foresaid and gives such other ovidenco as is required by this act, whereupon the namo of the person so admitted to voto shall be inserted in the alphabetical list by the in- apcuiurs anu a note maue opposite thereto by writing the word " tax," if he shall be admitted to vote by reason of havin paid a tax, or the word " age," if he shall bo ad- mittcu 10 vote on account or iiis age, and in either case the reason of such vnt lnii he called out to the clerks, who shall make nr.. .i. i- . f we i iivc nuico in me nsi oi voters kept by them. r ' In all cases where the name of th ,. son claiming to vote is not found on the list lurniiwieu oy me commissioners and assess or, or his right to vote whether found there on or not, is objected to by any qualified citizen, it shall he the duty of the inspec tors to examine such person on oath as to his qualifications, and if he claims to have resided within the state for one year or more, his oath shall be sufficient proof thereof) hut he shall make proof by at least one competent witness, who shall bo a qualified elector, that ho has resided within tho dis trict for moro than ten days next immedi ately preceding said election, and shall also himself swear that his bona fide residence, in pursuance of his lawful calling, is within the district, and that be did not remove in to said dislnttt for the purposs of Totin tularin. Every person qualified as aforesaid, ami who shall make duo proof, if required of his residence and payment of taxes, si a. loicsaul, shall be admitted to vote iu tho township, ward or distiict in ivhlcli ho shall reside. If nhy person shall prevent or atteihnt tri prevent any officers of nn election under this act from holding such election, or use or threaten any violence to any such officer, br shall interrupt or improperly interfere with l.! i.,1.. '.f I' J . .. nun in uiu vauguuuu oi i:i3 uuiy, nr glioil block upi or attempt to block up the window or avenue to uny window whcio the same may be liolilcn, or shall nolously disturb' the peace at such election, or shall use or practice any intimidation, threats, force, of violence, with design to influence unduly or overawe any elector, or lo prevent hin from voting, or to restrain the frcedoin o choice, such person on conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding fivehundrei dollars, and be imprisoned for any time no less than one or more than twelve monthSf And if it shall be shown to the court wlieri the trial of such offence shall be had, thai, the person so offending was not a resident of the city, ward, district, or township wcrrf tho said offence was' committed, and nut en titled to vote therein, then, on conviction1, he shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than one hundred nor more than one thousand dollars, and be imprisoned not less than six months nor more than two years. ' If any person or persons shall make any bet or wager upon the result of any elcctioa within its commonwealth, or shall offer to make any such bet or wager, cither by ver bal ptoclamaiion thereof, or by any written or printed advertisements, challenge or in vile any person or persons to make such bet or wager, upon eonviction thereof he or they shall forfeit and pay threo timet the amount so bet, or offered to be bet. If any person, not by law qualified, shall fraudulently vote at any election with in this commouwealth, or being otherwise qualified, shall vote out of his proper di trict, or if any person knowing the want of such qualification shall aid or procure such person to vote, tho persons so offenditiy, shall, on conviction, be fined in any sura, not exceeding two hundred dollars, and be imprisoned lor any tann not exceeding three months "If any person shall rote it more than one election district, ot- otherwise fraudu lently vote more than once on the same day or shall fraudulently fold and deliver to the inspector two tickets together with the in tent to illegally vote, or shall procure anoth er so to do, he or they so offending, shall on conviction be fined in any sum not lese than fifty nor more than liva hundred dol lars, and be imprisoned for any term not less than three nor more than twelve months. "If any person not qualified to votn m this commonwealth ageeable to law, (except the sons of qualified citizens) shall apptar at any place of election for the purpose of issuing tickets, or of influencing the citi zens qualified lo vote, ho shall, on convic tion, forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding one hundred dollais for every such offence, and be imprisoned for any term notexctod ing thiee months." Tho Judges are to make thsir.rctums for the county of Columbia, at the Cnurl House in Danville on Friday the 11th day of October, A, D. lf?39. God savo the Commonwealth. WILLIAM KITCHEN, Sh'A Sheriffs Office, Danville, ? Sept. 0, 1839. 5 IROST FOUNDRY, AND Threshing Machine, AND PORTABLE HORSE POWER MANUFACTORY. FjjnilE Subscribers tako this method of informin a their friends. Hint ilu.vr mntlr.... xr.n..e... ing Threshing Jlachtnca and Variable llort - uu mo mosi unproved plans, made ofth best materials and in thn inner ixnrl'mnnliL-a ncr.and which they will wanent to stand with far usage, and not injure the grain by breaking it. Thev have Ktirn:iR.l nil ml.... i been introduced, in Pennsylvania, Virginia a4 Pratt's Patent Smut, on, GRAI HULIil NG MACHINE, Tmnroved. An nriirTn nffrvAaf ti, for cleansing the grain for preparing it for flourinr . J heso machines aro manufactured of cast and wrought Iron, and arc supposed to last an hundred years. 1 hey are in general uso in the state of Nw i oik and in port of Pennsylvania. ft tts AND dUotelf3 ot,,rrachtncr C1U 1 fitted up,.r IIOk,OW WAHI3 kept on hand, and sold by wholesale. All of which in iw torn on me most reasonable terms, by LEWIS II. MAUS & Co. Oloomeburg, May 25, 1829, 77Q"W urn Mr ww IS T si