Peopled ' : In favor of MEMO VA& and jEfg UJJL RIGHTS, . Opposed to a division of the County, and the annexation of, Point and Hush townships to this jwmiy3 OPPOSED TO THE Balls And to an increase of Manlks and Imeorp&rwMiomu For MepreemS$Mwe 11 A I Tl I MwrmA m m nimi "WWW Large Fleeting. At a meeting held at the house of JOHN "HESS, in Brier Creek, on Monday, the 23d September, 1839, to take into view Blatters of great importance to the people of Columbia county, and to consult as to what measures ought to be taken in relation ie the manner in which the voice of the people was defeated at tho county con vention, ISAIH SALMON, was appointed President ; Jacob JJagenbuch, John IJess, Christian Newhard, Peter Miller, George Miller, and John Freus, Vice President ; Jlndrew Frees and Lewis Dietrich, Secre taries. After the object of jhe meeting had been slated by the chair, on motion, the follow ing poisons were appointed a committee to prepare and report proceeeding3 for the consideration of the meeting: Solomon Newhard, Daniel Jamieson, Jacob Hess, Daniel Zehner, Abraham Hess, Charles JIagenbuch, Michael Hagenbuch, Samuel- Dresser, William Hufman, and David Kocher. The .committee, after retiring for con sultation, returned, and reported the follow-, ing.through their chairman, Solomon New Jiard, which were unanimously adopted. WHEREAS The people of nearly ev ery district in the county are greatly dissat isfied in regard to the nomination of Wil liam Colt, by the late County Convention. And Whereas, it appears that some equiv ocal delegates were bribed to vote for Wii liam Colt, in opposition to the will of the people", and swayed from their duty by Bon)e few domineering individuals, by means of which, a small majority of two votes-was obtained for William Colt, who as a member of the last legislature, went mgainst the will of the people, by sustaining banks and other incorporations. And Whereas, the local question of our county, the removal of tho 6eat of justice from Danville to a more central position, is -of great importance to prevent corruptive divisions of the county, and give equal rights to the many. There foro Jlesolved That wd, as freemen of Co lumbia county, do declare it to be our firm determination no longer to be led or baffled by a few individuals, nor be compelled to vote for a man who advocates measures liMffeW.-C?jB.litlflr..j3iEatLHCtive to the best Uesolved That at the next election we shall support a man for the legislature on whose firmness and integrity wo can rely, and who will pledge himself against all ru inous banks and monopolizing incorpora tions, and who will endeavor to promote the removal of our seat justice. Jlesolved That William Colt, by advo cating the charter of a Batik at Danville and other incorporations the annexation of Point township to .this county and the di vision of our own county, has forfeited our confidence, and of courso does not merit and cannot receive, our support for his re election. llesolvsd That it is our decided and firm belief, that if Wm. Colt be elected, great exertion will be made by the citizens of Danville to procure the charter of a Bank in that place and to obtain the annexation of both Point and Rush townships to this county, and also to procure a division of Columbia county. Resolved That the course of the dpi,.. gates from Catawissa, and one of the dele gates from Paxton, in voting for William oou, in opposition to the known will nf their constituents, merits, as it shquld re- ceive, the decided disapprobation of all high minaeu ana honorable men. Uesolved That wc have full cnnlv?,n,.0 in the honesty, integrity, and sincerity of jjaiwivl. zs xuuu, and that he will re present our county, should he be elected, according to the will of the people, and the best interest ol the county In general. Jleiolvcd That a coinmitte be annuinicl to address Daniel Snyder, and request him to be a candidate for the Legislature at the October Election, in accordance with the expressed will of the people, as made known by electing a majority of the dele gates to the connly convention, in his fa vor. Jlesolved That if Daniel Snyder be e leeted, petitions shall be forwarded to ihn legislature in order to effect the removal of the seat ot justice in the county. Resolved That as wo know JACOB EYERLY to be a good dsmocrat, and eve ry way qualified to perform the duties of tho oflirse of Prothonotary, Sic, we will render him our hearly support, and cordial- ly recommend him to the electors gererally. Resolved That the proceedings of this meeting be signed by the officers, and pub lished in the democratic papers of the coun- ISAIAII SALMON, President. Jacob IIaoenhucii, "J John Hkss, CHRISTIAN Nr.WHAKD, Peter Millkr, Georoe Miller, John I'reas, Jlndrew Fraes. Lewis JJeitrich, V. Prest. Secretaries. Brier Creek Sept. 23 1839. Daniel Snyder, Sir In pursuance of a resolution ons- sed at a meeting held at the House of John Hess, in Brier Creek, this day, we address you and request that you will permit us to use your name as a candidate for the legis lature, at the approaching election. ISAIAH SALMON, ANDREW FREAS, SOLOMON NEWHARD Committee. Bloomsburg, Sept. 21 183!). Gentlemen In reply to your note of yes terday I will say, that, as I permitted mv- ,self to be named as a candidate for nomina tion, and it is evident fiom the best infor mation I can obtain, that the neonle of a jmnjority of the districts were in favor of my nomination, but through intrigue and management, their delegates were induced to voto against me, I see no reason why I should not permit my friends to sustam mn as a candidate lor the legislature should they uunn proper. DANIEL SNYDER. To Isaiah Salmon, Andrew Freaa. an.l Solomon Newhard, Committee. make Berwick tho county town, and that William Colt would go for such a division. Why did the Catawissa Delegates diso bey their instructions, and rote for Colt in to of Danville as a sett of Pirates and dis- this county. P Y ' fr PLAIN QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Why is the democratic portion of tho re Because one was promised by Best and Colt, the commission of Deputy Marshal, and both to be partners in contract on the canal, to be obtained by the Bank Junto. Why did tho delcgato from Paxton dis obey the unanimous instructions of his con stituents and vote for Colt ? Because he was promised thsir influence to obtain a contract at the Berwick Letting. Why was William Donalson. the onlv man in Danville whom Best would acknowl edge as a Bank Democrat, sent as a delegate iu me couniy convention from Mahoning ? of a man living in Rush township, and by that means effect their object of procuring tho annexation of both Joint and Rush, townships to this county. Thus defeat a 1 "f ' .ir kuiMing, from Dan ville and carry into effect their pledge to tho Berwick club, to divide the county that they, might have the seat of justice. ACTS SPEAK LOUDER THAN Wf)i?n And wc here exhibit some of the VOTES e ".'""'"M vu ; during the last Seman of the Legislature. They show what credit can now be attached to his assertions that he. is now opposed to Jianks (md incorporations. Who voted forlncorporations? W.COLT. W in till .1 . n , . V 110 Will nnnncn n ownnn w b i. . ) icsincuons upon Because it was thought he would be Ip '"corporations ? W. COLT. sparing ot the ready in procuring the nom-! SNYDFR f a'SlriclinS t,,era ? D inatiun of his friend and partner in his i Who was th . i Bank Stock Jobbing and incorporation spec for a DISiSn o ColumbTa W ulations, than any other man, as his inter- COLT. ou county . w. ftt Wnillfl Iwi I l . . I Wilf will inrnilA ?j X r- ... ..... .,n,usu u u oW i jjrr,. I.,. . .n eVP.ry raeans in llis l'ower ' J"two Jownships from Noiihmnberland annexed to Columbia county ? W. COLT. Who will onnnsn it ? n SMvntn Who advocated the establishing a Bank at Danville ? y. COLT. yy no will oppose it ? D. SNYDER. , SuMimr'!?"'1 roled establishing rP9PJLlI0"SH ' "'"'Ua county? . .. WUJ'1' , f's last act will saddle upo est would bo nioro immediately effected by mo iLjucuon. Why is the Bank Junto so particularly anxious to elect Colt to the legislature ? Because they want a Bank at Danville Point township annexed to tl.i, m... the county divided a Poor House estab- l.slied S10.000 more appropriated by the lo weir addition to '5000 ob mill i i v t jl ilia i:inl :irt ii'tii onfM tamed last winter, and SlflOOO h,fftM i i ' '? coumy a del" of G,Cd dollars, he. SSOO.OOOto widen Union fi.,. , n... I.'"" au snnual f aevcral thousand w x una- I a wna- grove, where they own large qualities of ua. which would be enha?-o. some hundreds of thousands dollars in -lue by the measure. Colt himself havj. a heavy investment in that quarter. Why is a certain gentleman of Mifflin township heretofore violent .... .l- election of Colt and Best, now as violently T uecauso Valentino Best has nrirnmvoro 7 i .... Became the Junto wish to have a tank ' CA'e 11 7,' 1IoaS ..i.i . . 1 " i'wi ui won and liffRt 7 t that place and retain the courts to the Because he has their promise of beW ,i of the best interest of the coun- next Sheriff. P ei"S ,he v- """i" which uio opposed by all who navo ins gond of the county at heart Why is S. F. Headlv and ih it Taction, opposed to the removal, and in fa- vor ot uolt i Became, as S. F. Headlv nnhlM. cd at Berwick delegate election, the coun ty was.tu be dinded, in such a way as to Wiy did Best and Colt snj,t...i.. buse Charles If. Hegins, the democratic representatives from Northumberland coun ty, immediately after the adjournment of the legislature ? and oppose his re-election ? Because he opposed their bank und tho annexation or 'oint township to this coUn ... .i . , . . -"uir pigBnoui tueirs II s t-and that thoy might secure the eleon 'curses are prevented, . more. Who is against it ? D. SNYDER. Who is against justice and equal rhjhU t Favors the minority, and nnnnn tS,"L m- jorily in the removal qntion, dnd allolhsr quesiions that do not K,v0 a direct or indU interest to D.nville I William Colt. Who is infavorofthe removal ofths seat orjustice to a central position, and tha in tcrerests of the many consulted instead of tho few ? Daniel Snyder, Let every man in tlm t.i. above p,,ture, and say which of the tw ".en w,u subserve the interest of the county ami of (he democratic par,y beat. Aj who ., ,here after reading i, will vote for Colt? None who do not want tho country I t n 11 P0r ""wec.labli.had-. both Point and Rush townships added to the county-tho county divided, and (ha Courts to remain at Danvilla. If Colt U elected the Bank Junto effect ,hfisn ,u,i; objects of theirs-if Snyder, the., nil 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers