The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, September 28, 1839, Image 1

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A naio hworu upon uie Altur of Uo5, denial Inutility to ucry lura oi" Tyiau.iy ocr lUc Aliuu of Man." Thomas JeH'emou.
' TTT-Y ' ' ' " " 1 ji .S , ii I . .1 'itrtWCH. ,i ii i S?mi,a&SSf
Opposite St. Paul's Cnimcii, Main-st.
published every Saturday morning, at
TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable
:half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars
Ilj'ty Cents, if not paid within the year.
'No subscription will betaken for a shorter
period than six months; nor any discon
'tinuance permitted, until all arrearages
'arc discharged.
Cffi) VER TI SEME NTS not exceeding a
sqitarc vnll be conspicuously inserted at
One Dollar for the first three insertions,
and Twenty-five cents for even subse
quent nsertton. ICJA liberal discount
made to thost who advertise by the year.
LETl'ERS addressed on business, must
be past paid.
Mr. Webb,
Please announce through'your paper the
name of
s o suitable person to fill the ofiicn of
PROTHONOTARY of Columbia county,
and oblige a.
To the Electors of Columbia County.
At the solicitation of a number my friends
in different portions of tho county, I offer
myself as a candidate for the offices of
Register of Wills,
Recorder of Deeds
tot Columbia County, and respectfully so
licit your support for tho same at the ap
proaching election. Should I be elected, I
will use my best cxertion3 to perform the
duties of the office to the satisfaction of all
Dloofnsbtirg, September 7, 1839.
Mr. Editor I beer lcave through your
caner to infntni tho Electors of I'olumhia
cointv that BENJAMIN P: FORT-
NEIi will be a candidate, at the next Eire
tior. foi the office of REGISTER and
RECORDER. Mr. Former undoubtedly
is a veiy cumpctant man for the office, bo
iag a good German and English bdvlar.
Will he held at the house of Samuel
Richer, in Orangeviltc, on Saturday, the
2Bth September, insl., when will be offer
ed for sale,
One Buggy Waggon, hung with eliptic
springs, an a one truck wagon, both new,
Willi two setts ol Harness; Ileus and Ued-
steads, Chairs, Tables, Bureaus, Secretary,
Crockery and Queens Ware, imported Car
peting, Waah btands, Corner Cubboards.
one coal and Wood Stove, and all kinds of
Household and Kitchen Furniture too nu
merous to mention. All kinds of Bottles
and Decanters; quart, pint, aud half-pint
flint glass Tumblers, &c.
Conditions made Known at time of sale.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Orangcvillc, Sept. 14, 1839.
NOTICE is hereby given, to the heirs
and legal representatives of James Dill, late
of the borough ol'PoitsvilIc,Skuvlkill coti'y,
Pa., deceased, that by virluo of a writ ol
partition or valuation, issued out of tho Or
phans' Oonrt ol Columbia county, to
mc directed, for the partition of the real es
tate of said deceased, situate in the town
ship of Hemlock, containing according to a
survey made in 183G, two hundred and for-
tv-acven and a half acies and allowance ot
6 per crnt , fec, amongst the heirs and le
gal representatives of said deceased, I will
hold an inquest on the premises, on Mon
day, the 21st day of October, 1839, at 10
,o clock, A. M., for the purpose ol making
partition of, or to value and appraise the
same, at which time anu pure you are re
quested to attend if you think proper.
VM. KITCHEN, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office,
Danville, Sept. 14, 1839. 5 4t20
gCThe Pennsylvania Reporter, atHar-
rifibuig, will please publish the above notice
r .' I I I I. Ill ... .1.- Ol
inur limes, cnarge anu trim uiu iu mc out
iff of Columbia county.
Having, with the approbation of the Dc
mocratic partv, made application, and re
ceived ftom the Coventor the 'ippniiitmunt
of Prathonntaru. and Clerk nf Hie Courts
rf Gmeral Quarter Sessions, Over and
Terminer and Orphans' Court, will be a
candi lato at the ensuing election, for those
August 14, 1839.
To the Electors of Columbia County.
Fellow Uitw.i;ns. Having uccn
he Copartnership hcretofoie existing between
n,nm n. I. tih. Samuel Sliailman ana
George Fredericks,
tr.nlin'r under the lirm of O. 1). 1.1.111 & lo.. i
1'nii.v.tiira Fomidrv. was dissolved on incdinnay
of Julv last. All persons having claiiiw againsi im-
firm, nr knaivincr thrimclvc iiidel.teu; '
iu nn O. U. l.ii i. with whomtne nooss re it!ement. The Foundry tannics win
in future, Lo curried on by U. U. J.ciu aim ocorgo
uvi;i u. i.i.ii),
Caltawissa Foundry.Augubt i!7th, 1S3SJ. 18.
The life of the flesh is in the blood"
so sailh the cn;jrei. Leviticus c. xvii
v. u.
than Hcripture testimony can wc have of the
lilo of tho flct-h dcpendiiig upon tho condition ol
tho Mood? If impure or diseased, the flesh mus
of courso ho diseased thereby, and the whole sys
tem partake ot such disease. It Hie doctrine 1 true,
and there is not a doubl of it (for it is a fact arcee
ded to by all, that tho scriptures, are true beyond a
doubt,) then it behooves us to guard against tho
coiisequrnrcs of suili imiurill;r, tind thus preserve
Die llcsli licallliy. If the flesh he healthy, consti
tuting as it docs the principal portion of the human
rody, then mutt the whole body bo healthy.
In vegetables onU can wo tmd thcmeuiciue where
by nil impurities of the blood may be removed.
Upwards of ona hundred years cjpenenco of the
most celebrated, the wisest and bed physicians have
proved ccitaiu vegetables to possessi purifying proji
crties. These vegetables will not here be named,
and Dr. Lcidy wishes to remuuerato himself, and
profit by the long, laborious, and costly experiments
necessary to be made, that the active principles of
those vegetables might be retracted and reduced to
such form as makes them easy, safe and pleasant to
be taken.
These vegetables arc contained in the iu'tly cel
ebrated Blood Pills, manufantured only by Dr. N.
Lcidy, a regular Druggist and Physician, attested
by Drs. Physic, Chapman, lacksoi , Homer, Gibson
Ilewecs, Jamc. Hare, Cox, &c.
Tho Mbovc Pills may be employed as a mild or
active purgative. 1 heir action is env, and may bo
employed by nil persons under nil circumstances.
1 ucy w ill at nil times bo tound berviccable,
tne least sickness is present. J licy require no
change of die , restraint from occupation, or fear of
taking cold from their use. 1 hey are daily prescrib
ed by numerous physicians; certificates of the fact
accompany tho direction-!. J hey arc the most allec
tivo purifier of the blood and other fluids of the hi
man body ever discovered. Persons having onco
used, will ever after, a3 occasion may acquire, have
resourse to them.
Price 7'ivenfy Five Cents a box.
Sold by all resectable Druggists and Merchanst
throughout the Union, and in this city only at
Dr. I.cidy's Health Emporium, Second ttrcet bo
low Vine.
J. II. Smith & Co.'s 2d st. near tho Red Lion.
J. Gilbert & Co.'s 3d above Vine.
C. Clemens' North 3d above Wood.
r.Klctt'sSdnnd Callowhill.
For tale at the Health Emporium Bloomsburg
by D. 8. TOI1IAS Agent. .
Bloomshum Jul" -.loia -zz.-.
Tim subscriber inlorms his friends and
the public generally, that he continues to
carry on the BOOT and SHOE.MAK1NG
BUSINESS, at his old stand, in Blooms
burg, and that besides the hands he has
employed on common country work, he has
a first rate City workman on fine Boots and
Shoes. Those who favor him with their
custom, may depend on good work, aud a
neat fit insured.
Jnne 22. 8
China Soap,
fTy ! i . e itr , x . .
jwiv rumuving spois irom wooien, i.inen anu
Cotton Cloths, of every description of goods.
i is excellent for washing lino linens, and also to
cure all sorts ot wounds, contusions, burn?, chil
Mains, riiigwoims, and tetters, particularly wounds
on horses, It erases freckles, gives a fine and
emooth skin, preserves tho hair and makes it grow,
and is excellent for shaving. Manufactured by J A'
COB LENTZ. For sale by
Blocmsburg, June 22, 1830. 8
A superior article of Brack Leather Varnish for
baddies &c. just arrived and for sale, bv tbo gallon
... -...n- A..M,:,:Aa n. .i, ti i.i. v....... : t...
Ui BJUMUVt lUUVIIllB, dl kill- lAUaUU 1JI1IJIU! 1UU1 Uy
I D. o. lobxas liloomburg.
Compound Syrup of Prunes'
anna, or Wild Cherry, for Coughs, Colds,
A sthm , Coiismnption3,&c., for sale at the
Tobias' Health Emporium, Bloomsburg.
ENGAL Indigo; Spanish do. Verdigrics, blue
Vitrial; White do. for sale cheap and good, at
ttio liloonisburg Ware House, by
noii.ted by thcGovernor of the State, Regis
ter of With and Recorder of Deeds in Jan
uary last, anb having leceived the nomina
rion ol the County Convention, I offer my
. self to votir consideration for the offn e of
ct the nest October election, and respect
fully solicit your suffrages.
An almost certain Cure.
Also, a quantity of
Just received and for sale by
Atigust 21.
Zmportant to Farmers
Sclins Grcve, Union County, Pa.,
WILL ho kept constantly on hand, for sale by
nn a nr. rs nORHLER. Jiloomshurg.
Tho above Mills arc a superior article of the kind .imiiM 1m without one. Sevcril far-
mers in Bloom township will testify in their favor
from actual use,
August 3,
TjHtlRBB Tiusscs are in many particulars, on an
sniirrlv new nlan. and their advantages over
Uollier Trukses, lmvo been attested not only tho
most rneelabts of the medical fjeultv, hut by tho
ctuil oxpciimentof thoso afllieted with the disease j ft'on
whbh lh"v aro intended to alleviate. Tho most n Cei
. . ... 1 T .lila I . i 1
eminent I'liyficians upon nn exniuiiiuiiuii "
Truss, aro so decided as to Us superiority, that they
havo cheerfully and voluntarily given certificates to
the proprietors to bo laid beforo public. For salo by
French Klreunirtlism Doctor,
From Reading,
inC,rm !, miliUc that ho has returned to Bloom
burg, artcr an absence sinro April last, and can be
found nt tlio Jtoici oi tanici oiiyuui.wuw..
ho at all times ready to attend to patients who arc
alllicteu wiui niieiinwuu .auio... , V
Bloomsburg Aug. 3, 1BJU. '
i3PAHRnIf vnudont believe that Doct, LEI
the best Pills that ever came beforo tho public, I ad
vise yon to ask tho?o persons who have tried them
,,.!, vnu will fml hundreds and hundreds in
this neighborhood, who havo tried for many years
all kinds of medicines, and could get no relief until
.u , ninoil Pills. subscriber since he
was appointed Agent for the Pills, he has sold 900
ii. ' '...,.1 il.m kin less than two vears. But dear
friends, h careful what you buy. Tho world
r..n -,,,nirfMt esncciallv of tho Blood rills.-
one aro geiiiiine mat nro oiiere u iur ,
.1 c.nin ni nnnoinimcn a nB
Leidy. For ealo in Uloomsoiug ny
D. S. Tobias Agent Health Emporium
M r-T ?7! Subscriber hereby announces
. T . r.:...i .....I .1... .,i.i: .1.... i,B
1(1 ill lliriius .uiu uiu iuiuii-, inn. .iw
as purchased that old and well known
atelv owned and occupied by S f'OUFER
HARTMAN, situated in liloomsiiurg
Cohiuibia Countv, where lie Has com
inenced the business, and intends to carry
it on in all ils brandies.
He will shortlv have a number of elegant
ioht BUGGIES and DEAKUOKWo, ot
vanons patterns, mushed tor sale; anu win
Stave Coaches, Coaches, Coachees,ttiggs
Sulkies, Ruggies, Dearborn tVagons,
Sleighs, i$-c. iS-c $'C.
nf pvmv variotv of natteni to order, on
... j j ,
short notice.
icy Repairs of all kinds will be prompt
hi attended to
lin also manufactures LLlPllO ami
mbor. CARRIAGE SPRINGS, and wil
-- - - - . , ...
warrant them to be eoual to any maao in
this country.
As he has made arrangements for pro
eurinir the best material, and will employ
T . - i t j
none but first rate worKrnen, ne wipes i
be able to turn out 20od work, and thereby
obtain tho confidence of those who may
furnish themselves from his shop.
Orders from a distance respectfully sou
cited. Z'.BA RUGGLISS.
nionmsbnrir. June 4. 1839. 0 If.
A certain, safe and Speedy euro for DysenUry, 1
Diarrhea, Cholera niorpus, oum v....
Oholic, Hour btomach and diseases f tho stomach
aud bowels. For sale at
Tobias' Health emporium, uioowwt.
A. Journeyman
....i.i k ihn subscriber. An industrious,
steady and good workman, will reccivo steady
employ and good wages, upon ry u ''EB
Oranscvillc, August 3, 1839,
Sr. Brandreth's
njHHESE pills have pbtaincd a celebrity for cur
j) ing most dircascs to which tho human system
is liable, unexampled in the history of the healing
art. They expel by the action of the stonmch and
and howls, all bad humours from the Illuvd, causing
a free circulation of the IKr.ds.and restores abound
state of health.
The thousands who use and recommend thcm, is
proof positive of their extraordinary and beneficial
The subscriber has received the appointfac nt of
Aacnl, for the sale of Dr. Itrandcth'a Pills jn
Utoomsbnrir. None are genuine that ute ollcrcd tor
Kile, without a certificate of appcinlmcnt by
the proprietor and rountcr!';ued ity month yr'tu,
general a;cnt; and no rcrtif.catc is ever given, to
those engaged in the Drug business.
J. 11.
Bloomsburg Aug. H 1838. Iyl7
of the State to Henry Clay in 1840; Id
some counties dissatisfied politicians who
nave acted witti our party a short lime, are
the applicants thty know what thev art
to get, if successlul. A few democrat
have given notico of intended appliaatiox
under a desire to benefit the towns they
live in, but at the bottom of every bank nay
be found tho moving finger of the whig:
w c say, trust no man as a representative
who is in favor of establishing a riety bank
no matter what his reason! may be. .Throw
him uffarid vote for a man opposed to thid
scheme id break down Gov Porter and the
democratic paity Those complying will
combine all their interest and log roll srf
that if one bank will pass, 50 will diss.
rhen beware of bank influents. It is cal
culated to ruin our country, and to make
hewers of wood arid drawers of water out
of farmers and mechanics. Iron Grmu.
Perhaps the most prominent feature
which distinguishes tho democratic party;
is an avowed opposition to' banks Hot only
10 ute mamoiu oi an iniquity, the mighty
fortress in which the la3t hopes of tiie aris
tocracy are entrenched, the cbntemner of
all legislative and executive authority, and
the foul defamer of tho rulers! selected by
the, people for their wisdorH and piudenco
The United States BdnkbnUo all
banks. This opposition arises from their
aristocratic and dangerous tendency of soul
I..- i i : . : . i , i -
warn tuijiuiaic uuuic, iiucsitu ymil iptCUl
and exclusive privileges tho fluctuating
unstable, and unsafe currency with whicU
they supply the community, and the un
ceasing and loo successful operations of war
winch legislative assistance enables that pa
per to prosecute against the circulation of
the more durable and precious coins oigold
and silver. This is a fundamental princi
pal, with which the genuine friends of eV
qual rights will never allow themselves id
trifle. Indeed, so much ate wo. attached to
it that wc have no sort of confidence in any
individual who professes democracy, if he'
will attempt to excuse, or mstifv thf..m.n
munity. A bank democrat ..'why, thcrel
can be no such thing-j'tyi a coutradictioii
in terms' Vermont Patriot;
Against the World for good Mill-Stones
and Bolting Cloths.
TtkitriLLERS wishing the above articles, are
Mf U requested to call and examine iny Stock,
it Danville, Columbia County, Pa., or at Lew.
Uto(vn,on the Juniatta.
Danville, May SSlBaa,
The American Atlantic shores havo been
rr-r-finilv visited with one ol tho most vio-
int dtfirma ever beforo known. It occur-
-,i ihfi BR nf Aurust. I nousanus oi
dollars worth of valuable property has been
flMiroved . and what is still more to DC ue-
nlnred. the loss of human life has been very
r!.t. The whole cost is strewed with
wireks. amonir which are some of the most
valuable vcsels that sails out of our sea
ports. The Southern paper give ttte most
lamentable tidings of destruction caused by
ii. tnrm which thev say entirely baffles
descrintinn. Hundreds of houses have been
swept away, and their fragments scattered
. winds. Plantations have been de-
.tn,vil. und men who were before wealthy
are now reduced to the pinching wants of
unv. The a c continued lor tour aays;
on the' morning of the fifth, at day break,
..., tlm stnrm had suosiueu, mc worwi
Carolina Republican says a heart-aching
sicrht presented itself. "Vessels were sunk
ashore, capsized, dismasted, with exhaus-
tea crews clinging i mc
ploring succor by signals, as soon as the
sea was sufficiently calm, boats put off,
manned by our hardy pilots, and brought
many of the sufferers on shore. The news
from all sections is bad enough God knows,
yet we fear tho worst part is yet to
An Incident. "Hurra," said a little?
fellow' at he ran a long side of the carriage
in which we were riding in the processicu,
on the day of the reception of tho Preiij
dent "Hurra! I'll be President next time!''
and we looked closely at the little fellow:
H was about twelve years of age. had on
straw hat and was olherrrias plainly dress
ed in summer cloths, with his pantaloons
pulled up to his knees; it raining violently
at the time. 'Well, thought we, that may
be. for at vonr age, the cit'zen who now
holds the proud station of Chief Magistrals'
of this intelligent, powerful, and free peo
pie, and who is this dav being honnrsd,
had no better prospecb than yourself to at
tain the high eminence he reached. Inbuss
try the cultivations of good morals, and ap
plication untiring application, have ramea
Wm and will also raise you to distinction.
Well mav every boy in our land, to whom
the path of distinction is aliko open, tired
with laudibls' ambition swing his hat and
cry out as did the little fellow, "Hurra, I'll
be President next lime."
To us tho incident was art interesting
one. . .
Enduring Affection. Ayoung and pret-
Dect. Morrisons Vegdable Vermefuge or Com
pound Extract oi Pints Itoot. r or aie uv
D. S. Tobias Health Etnpor
ty woman made her appearance the other
day at the. gale of thb Pcre la Chaise ram1
etery, attended by a lootman, who netu un
der 'his arm a coffin-shaped box; richly or
nsmented. The keeper asked what werd
the contents of the box, to which the lady
replied, with tears in her eyes, that it con
tained the mortal remains of the being wild
in his life engrossed all her affections, her
beloved Pyramtis, an English spaniel, who
had breathed his last llie day before, and
whose body she wished to deposit in her;
family vault. Tho Madame de G -was
mont eloquent in depicting the many good
qualities of the deceased, which, as she
thought, Tully cntmeu mm to a piacc amoig
her human friends, the keeper was inexora
ble. The lady wept and insisted, and the
interference of the police, was necessary to
induce her to retire.
Every democrat should recollect, before
he casts his vote for members or the Legis
lature, that applicatioo wiU be made nl
winter for more than 50 NEW BANKS,
ZZ li.l over 7 MILLIONS 1 1 This
is a device brought up by the whigs to de
stroy the democratic parly and five the vote
A gentleman who represented a Corigres
sional district in this State for many years,
was remarkable for his minute kuouledjd
of the sentiments of his constituents. On
the occasion when on an electioneering tour1
having an active and popular opponent fo
contend with, his success seemed hope. ess,
and a friend so expressed himself. The
candidate thereupon, exhibited a schedule
with his calculations in reference every
precinct in the district, making his own
majority 100. The friend suggested a name
of one who had gone over to the othor aids;
that, said he, will make ray majority I05t
which was actuly the ease.