The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, September 21, 1839, Image 3
TJITi COlAWBU DEMOCRAT. "TIICTU WITIiOV"? VEAll SJlTUtt'n.lY, SEVTUJflJSKlZ 21, li3!. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 1840. For PncsiDBST, MARTIN VAN IHJREN. For Vice PrtusmENT, ItlCIXARD M. JOHNSON. AND THE 'CONSTITUTIONAL TREASURY. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Assembly, WILLIAM COLT. For Protlionolary, JACOB EYERLY. For llegiitcr and llccordcr, PHILIP BILMEYEK. For Commissioner, JOHN DIETRICH. For Treasurer, JEREMIAH WELLIVEB. For Auditor, JAMES DEW ITT. As Valentine Best, contrary to tho timn imous direction of tho County Convention has stricken Mr. Eyerly's name from the ticket, we take tho same liberty with his Tho Rt Rev. Bishop Onderdonk, will preach at tho following places m Columbia county, at the times stated Bloomsburg, Wednesday, Oct 9th, Morn. & After, Danville, Oct lOtU Jcrscytnwn, Friday, Oct lltli Sugar Loaf, Sunday, Oct 13th Morning Orangeville, Evening, 7 o'c, Derrv. 14th Afternoon 2 o'clock Tho other papers in the cunly ate de sired to copy The Peov Efosssc, Week before last wo briefly reverted to tho nroicct ofbuildinn a County Poor House, got up by a few individuals in Dan ville, to throw the expense of tho pour of jSlahoning upon tho county generally. o 1hen expressed a belicl that it would entail upon the county a large annual expense, in dependent of tho original cost of the farm . and buildings. Wc have since been con firmed in this belief, by reading reports of -tho Directors of the Poor House of Bucks' county for the yeard 1835, 1830, and 1837, '. furnished 113 by a friend.. It is now about 20 years since tho first establishment of a poor house in that county. They have a farm of 3 or 400 acres, upon which has "been erected buildings. Notwithstanding tho original cost of the property has been paid; yet the yearly expenses of tho estab hshmcnt are continually increasing, as ap pears from the following statements which wc gather from the reports before us For the vcar 1835, it cost the county to sustain the poor house establishment, indc- pendent of the income from the farm, about 01000. In 1830, 5500 In 1637, 0000 averaging about per year for every pauper lemainining in tho poor houso on the first day of January, of each year, inde 'dependent of the interest upon the original cost of the farm and buildings, Wiion we tako into consideration tho fact, that in the winter season, thc number of pauper in the Jiouse is much greater than in the summer, tho actual average cost will be increased ito mora than fi.Sft. which is mnrn. t'innnn average cost of tho paupers of Columbia County under the present arrangement. 1 hero are items of expenses 111 the poor house accounts of Bucks County which .liclp to swell up tho enormous expenses of tho cstablishmct. and to which wo should bo aliko subject. Wo refer to tho salaries of thc officers ol the institution, and the cx pense of transporting paupirs to thc poor liouse. Tho average salary paid to officors and their assistants, is about 1000 dollars, besides about (00 dollars paid to constables aud justices fur their services in carrying jiaupers from the different townships to tho institution, as no pauper is received unless brought by a constable, upon the order of a jnsttnn of the jipace; making tho round sum of nearly $3300 for salaries and fees which Is alnios entirely disponscd with un dcr tho rprfisoiil flyslcrrl. 1i!.m like iho other oxpenscs of the institution) is equally divided among the taxnblcs of the connty; a township having no pauper pays an equnl ptoporlion according to her assessment, as the ono having twenty. Prom other coun ties, where Poor Houses arc established, we hear statements which show that they ate more expensive than tho present mode, but not having official reports, wo cannot give certain statements from any other coun ty than tho above. But this is sufficient to show the impolicy of our county cnteiing into an experiment which, to say the least, will not decrease, if it does not increase, their poor tax. Can it be that we arc bet tor managers than tho pcoplo of Ducks county, or that we shall have officers who will be moro economical than theirs? They have had the experience of twenty years, and yol their expenses .increase every year. We arc to enter into it at a time when tho county is already burthencd with taxes in consequences of building bridges, and other expenses, and when, by so doing, we neat ly double them, fur years to come, and fas ten upon the county a debt that will remain a mortgage upon every man's farm, the in terest of which must be paid annually. The poor arc now sustained with but a small tax in most of the townships; so small tliat it is hardly felt, but we venture to say, that, should the poor house law go into op eration, their tax would be nearly threblcd. Arc the people prepared fur this ? If not, let every man attend the polls and cast hi vole acainst the law. Every exertion will bo used by tho people of Danville to pro cure its acceptance. It is for their interest, and all who know them know that when that is at stauc, no nams or expense ate snared. AVc arain rencat. let no man re- fusc lQ q Jw wo doM nQl volc a. gainst it, adds to the strength of its advo cates. TICKETS against the acceptance of the POOR HOUSE LAW, will next week, be prepared, antf may be had upon applica tion to this office. Valentine Best is riding the county daily electioneering for himself Protlionolary. We understand that he spends most of his time in the Fishing Crock townships. He lias almost become a removal man, so anx ious is he to secure the votes of this section of the county, anilis ready to make any bar- ga;n l0 advance his election He is more plianl ow lllall hc wa3 ast wintor wlen he pp0Sed the appointment of any removal man to oflico. He then thought ho was " cock of tho walk," and would crow at the sight of a removal man, and snap his fingers in defiance; but the tune is changed, nnd he finds it necessary to practice his old gamo of promi8ing 0flce. nc has already several Judges and Sheriffs on the carpet, and as manv candidates for the Legislature1 lie can not, however, succeed he will be literally used up, and will have " to wait until 18-iO" It is enough for him to do tho duties ol- the post oniuC) the pcopIe do not want to confer too many offices on one man, The law regulating elections, requires, tliat every voter shall bo assessed at least ten days before the Election, and his name cnlcrC(t u the Iist of volers to be rclurn. Cll bv thc assessor l0 ,1,0 Commissioners. A list of the volers of Bloom has been plac ed at tho house of Charles Doebler, which all should examine to see if their names arc enteied, and if not, make immediate nppli cation to the assessor. No man can vote unless assessed ten days previous to (hp 0- lectiou. Tho annual election in Vermont has rc sultcd'in the re-election of Gov. Jcnnison, u , ,maS0"IC canuiaale by a small ma- .1 . . ..... J0rlly Communicated Mr. U ebb I sec by the papers, that mv friend Charles Ilefley, is a candidate for the offices of Register and Recorder and I ask the liberty of saying to thc public, through your paper that he is a married man, and well qualified for tho oflico, being a good English and German scholar, and a first rate pensman, having performed the duties of Clerk for several years. As he is unable, from ill health, to l ibor, thc situation would bo a very desirablo ono for him, and should he bo elected, I have no doubt ho would perform the duties of tho offices with cor rectness, and givo gouoral satisfaction. In addition to his other qualifications, he is a strong friend lo the removal interest. . MOIN'TEUK. The Loan of $2,05-1,000 lias been taken. 0200,000 by the Berks County Unnk, nnd tho remainder by the United States Bank. MARRIED By the Rev. D. S. Tobias, on the 10th inst. Alt, Peter Ritchie of the Htate of Michigan to Miss Sally Larose of liloom township. MILITARY NOTICE. THE Bloomsburg Artillery will meet at the houso of Chailcs Doebler, in Blooms burg, on Saturday the 21st day of Septem ber, at 0 o clock in the torenflort in com plete uniform, for an excursion to Danville, tojoinintlto exercises of that Volunteer Uattullion. A punctual attendance is requested at the hour, as the boat will leave as soon af ter as possible. By order of the Captain, E. ARMSTRONG, O. S' Sept. 14. Mr. Webb, Please- announce through'your paper the name ot JACOB EYRELY, as a suitable person to fill tho office of PROTIIONOTARY of Columbia county, and oblige a HEMLOCKEB. To the Electors of Columbia County, At the solicitation of a number my friends in different portions of the county, I offer myself as a candidate for the offices of Register of Wills, AND Recorder of Deeds fot Columbia County, and respectfully so licit your support tor mc same at the ap proanhing election. Should 1 be elected, I will use my best exertions to perform the duties of tho office to the satisfaction of all concerned. CHARLES IIEFLEY. Bloomshtirg, September 7, 1839. iur. jj'tiror 1 beg leave through your 1r tin. - . paper to lnluira the Electors ol Columhi county tJ'at JSUiv.uliUA i' Jt uin NER will be ? candidate, at the next hlcc tion, lor the olhce 01 maui lilt an RECORDER. Mr. Former undoubtedly s a very compctant mail Jor the ofhee, be ng a good Herman and English scholar VALENTINE BEST, Having, with the approbation of thc Dd mocralic party, made application, and re ceived from tho Governor the appointment of Protlionolary, and Clerk of thc Courts of General Quarter Sessions, Oyer and Terminer and Orphans' Court, will be a candidate at tho ensuing election, for those Offices. August 14, 1839. To thc Electors of Columbia County. Fnr.Low Citizens, Having been ap pointed by iheGovernor of the State, Regis ter of Wills and Recorder of Deeds in Jan nary last, anb having received the nnmina rion of the County Convention, I offer my self to vour consideration for tht! offirp of REGISTER OF WILLS aud RECOR DER OF DEEDS, at the next October election, and respect fully solicit your suffrages. PHILIP BILLMEYER. DOCT. VICKER'S EMBROCATION, von THE An almost certain Cure. Also, a quantity of Just received and for sale by . J. MOYER. August 24. MARSH'S SUPERIOPv .Ji. i RrijUMtinAl f NHKSE Tiussea ore inimny particulars, on nn Q entirely now plan, unci their advantages over all other 'I'ruusos, havo been attested not only the moi.1 respectable of tho medical farultv, but by the actual experiment of tfcnso afflicted with tho disease which they aro intended to alleviate. Tho most eminent Physicians upon nn examination of this J rus, aro so Urcutcil n-i to its superiority, inaiiuey havo cheerfully and voluntarily given certificates to the proprietors to bo laid before public. For sa.'o by D. S. Tobias Agent Health Emporium. KKADER If youdont belicvo that Doct, LEI DY'S SAKSAPAHILLA BLOOD PILLS aro not tho beit Pills that ever came before thc public, I ad viso you to usk thoo persons who havo tried them and such you will llul hundrodx and hundreds in thi'i neighborhood, who havo tried for many years all kinds of medicines, and could get no relief until they got tho Ulood Pills. Tuo subscriber since he was appointed Agent for the Pills, ho has sold 000 Boxes, and that is in less than two years. But dear friends, b careful what you buy. The world is full of counterfeits especially of tho Blond Pills. None aro genuine that are offered for sale, without n ccrlificato of appoiutmen as Agent from N. B. Lcidy. For salo in Bloomsbuig by D, S. Tobias Agent Health Emporium. DOCT. J AVNE S CARMINITIVE BALSOM. A certain, safa and Spoedy euro for Dysentary, Diarrhea, Cholera Morbus, Summer Complaint, Cholic, Sour Stomach and diseases of tha stomach and bovdls. For salo at TWp' Health Emporium, filoatuiburg. Will be held at tho house of Samuel Richer, in OrmeivUlc, on Saturdau, the 29th September, inst,, when will bo offcr- u lor sale, One Buggy Waggon, hung with elintic prings, and ono truck wagon, both new, with two setts of Harnussj Beds and Bed steads, Chairs, Tables, Bureaus, Secretary, Crockery and Queens Ware, imported Car peting, Wash btand?, Uorner Cubboards, ono coal and Wood Stove and all kinds of Household and Kitchen Furniture too nu merous to mention. All kinds of Bottles and Decanters; quart, pint, and half-pint flint class Tumblers, &. Conditions made known at time of sale. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. SAMUEL BICKER. Orangeville, Sept. 14, 1839. ESTATE OF JAMES DILL, DEC'D. NOTICE is hereby given, to tho heirs and legal representatives of James Dill, lato of tho borough ofPottsvillo.Skuvlkill cou'y, l'a., deceased, that uv virtue ot a writ of partition or valuation, issued out of the Or phans' Court of Columbia county, to me directed, for the partition of the real es tate ol said deceased, situate 11; the town ship of Hemlock, containing according to a survey made in 183G, two hundred and for ty-seven and a half acie3 and ahowanco of G per cent., &c, amongst the heirs and le gal representatives of said deceased, I will hold an inquest on thc premises, on Mon day, thc 2 1st day of October, 1839, at 10 o'clock, A. M., for the purpose of making partition ol, or to value and appraise tho same, at which time and place you are re quested to attend if you think proper. WM. KITCHEN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Danville, Sept. 14, 1839. $ 4l20 EirpThe Pennsylvania Reporter, at Har risburg, will please publish the above notice four times, charge and send bill to the Sher iff of Columbia county. M.o Copartnership heretofore existing between Owen D. Lcib, Samuel Shadman and George Fredericks, trading under, the firm of O. D. LEIB & Co., at Caltawissa I oundry, was dissolved on tho Slslday of July last. All persons having claims against the said firm, or knowing themselves muubteU; will please call on U. D. Leib, with whom the boos re main for fsutlemcnt. Tho Foundry busines will in future, be carried on by O. D. Leib and George 1' rcdcricke. OWEN D. LEIB, ti. SIIADMAN, GEO. FREDErwCKS. Cattawla FoUndry.August 27th, 1830, 18, Important to Earners BRYAN'S PATENT MANUFACTURED BY AUSTIN & MYERS, .SWtns Grove, Union County, Pa., WILL bo .kept constantly on hand, for sale by CHARLES DUEI5MSK, JStoomiOUi The above Mills aro a superior article of the Kind and no farmer should be without one, Several far mers in Bloom township will testify in their favor from actual use, August 3, SVciicIi Rheumatism Eiocloi" From Reading, Informs tho public, that ho has returned to Bloom' burg, after an absence since April last, and can be found at tho Hotel of Daniel Snyder.whero ho will be at all times ready to attend to patients who are afllicteu with Kheumatic pains in tuo limbs or body, Bloomsburg Aug. 3, 1839. 14 A J"oviseyiiHan TO THE GUNSMITH BUSINESS S wanted by tho subscriber. An industrious, steady and good workman, will receive steady employ and good wages, upon application lo JONAS KISNER, Orangeville, August 3, 1830, BLACK LEATIIDR VARNISH. A suporior article of Brack Leather Varnish for Saddles &c. just arrived and tor sale, by the gallon. or smaller qunttties, at tlie Health Emporium by D. S. Tobias Bloomburs, S3 So WMWffiEOTBtf Against the World for good ARll-Siones and Dolling Cloths. T!TILLEIIS wishing the abovo articles, wIS rcnuosted to call and oxamino my Stock at Danville, Columbia County, Pa., or at Lcw istowu, on thc .luniatta. Danville, May 25, 1833. DR. SWAYNE'S Compound Sirup of Prunes' Virgini anna, or Wild Cherry, for Coughs, Colds, A 6thm , Consumptions.ctc, for sale at the Tobias' Health Emporium, Bloomsburg. rYEns open youji ryes. BENGAL Indigo; Spanish do. Vcrdigrios, Wue Vitrial; White do. for rale cheap and good, at the Bloomsburg Waro House, by n, S. TOBIAS, " T'te life of the flesh is in the Hood" so saiti the scriptures,'-Leviticus c. xvil v. ii. R. LEIDY'S BLOOD PILLS. What better than scripture testimony can wc have of tlirf lite of tho fldoh depending upon the condition of the Mood 1 If impure or diseased, thc flesh ruuii of courso bo diseased thereby, and the whole sys tem partake of such disease. If the doctrilio do true, and there is not a doubt of it (for it Is a fact ncccc ded (0 by all, that the scriptures, are Iruo beyond a doubt,) then it bchoovos us to guard against tho coiisumcncos of such impurities find thus preserve, the flesh healthy. If the flesh be healthy, con :'i tutiug as it does tlie principal portion of the human yody, then must tho whole body bo fieallby. In vegetables onlj can we find the medicine where by all impurities of the blood may he removed. Upwards of ono hundred years' experience of tho most celebrated, thc wisest nnd hot t physicians have proved ccitain vegetables fo possess purifying prop erties'. These vegetables will not here be named and Dr. Lcidy wishes to remuncrato himself, and profit by tho long, laborious, and costly experiments necessary to bo made, that the active princ 1 of those vegetables might be retracted and reduced la such form as makes them easy, safe and piea'aiit 10 be taken. These vegetable drd contained In thc justly eel cbralod Ulood Pills, mahtifantured Glilv by l)r. N. Lcidy, a regular DrtipgUt and Physician, attcctcl by Urs. Physic, Chapman, lacksoi , Horncf.Gib'ioii IJcwee;!, James, Hure, Cox, Arc. Tho above Pills may be employed as a mild or actlvo purgative. Their action is easy, and may he employed by all persons under all circumstances. They will at all times be found pcrviccablc, whin tlie least wellness is present. Thcv reauifc no change of diet, restraint from occupation, or fear of tailing cow trom their use. I licy are daily prescrib ed by numerous physicians; certificates of the fact accompany the directions. They arc the most affec- ive purilier of the blood and other fluids of the hu man body ever discovciol. Persons having ones used, will ever after, 03 occasion may acquire, have rcsourse to them. Price Twenty Five Cents a box, Sold bv all respectable Druccists and Mcrchanst throughout thc Union, and In tins city only at Dr. Lcidy's Health Empoiiunij Second street be low Vine. J. U. .With & Co.'s 2d si. nar the Red Lion J. Gilbert & CosHd above Vine. C. Clemens' North 3d abovo Wood V. Klctt's 2d and Callowhilh For sale at tho Health Emporium Bloomsbura l)y D, 8, TOBIAS Agent. Blosmsburg July, 13, 1833i 11.- A NEW ESTABLISHMENT, UPON AN OLD FOUNDATION, ME3 Subscriber hereby announces) to his friends and the nublic. Uiat ho hasj purchased that old and well known COACH AND DEARBORN WAGON MANUFACTORY,- lately owned and occupied by STOUFER A HAP.TMAN, situated in Bloomsburg, Columbia County, where he has com menced the business, and intends lo carry it on in all its branches, He will shortlv have a number of elegant light BUGGIES and DEARBORNS, of various patterns, finished for sale; and will make Slase Coaches, Coaches, Coachees,Gigg's, Sulkies, Buggies, Dearborn Wagons, Sleighs, fyc. S,-c. rc. $-c, of every variety of pattern to order, on short notice. Id Repairs of all kinds tvill be prompt' ly attended to Hc also manufactures ELIPTIC and other CARRIAGE SPRINGS, and will warrant them to bo equal to any made in this country. As lie has made arrangements for pro curing thc best material, and will employ none but first rale workmen, he hopes to be able to turn out good work, and thereby obtain the confidence of those who may furnish themselves from his shop. Orders from a distance respectfully soli cited. ZIBA RUGGLES. Bloomsburg, Juno 1, 1839. G if. BOOT AND SHOE THE subscriucr ininrms his Iriondsanu tho public generally, that ho continues to cjny 011 tl- HOOT and SHOEM AlvlNG HUS1NESS, at his old stand, in Blooms burg, and that besides tho hand ho has employed on coninon country work, he has a first rate City woikman on fine Boots and Shoes. Those who favor him with their custom, may depend on good work, and a neat fit insured. J. R. MOYER. Jnne 22. 8 China Soap, 70U removing spots from Woolen, Linen and ' Cotton Cloths, of every description .jf rnodd. Ii is excellent for washing fine linens, and al.'o to euro all sorts of wounds, contuiions, burns, chil blains, ringworms, anil tetters, particularly wounds on horse, Horaces frocklea, give 11 fr and smooth skin, preserves tho hair and makes .i grow, and ia axcellant fur (having. .Manufactured by JA COB LBNTZ. -ForwilBby : 1 J, U. MOVKK. BloMburg, Jun SS, 1889. 8