The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, August 31, 1839, Image 2

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    The Democracy of Bedford county,, and"
norc unflinching ono do not oxislt, proffdr
f il m Gov. P. oii lib! tecent visit to tlte
Springs, the hospitalities to couiUy, to
which" tho Gov. made the annexed manly
and excellent reply.
Ukdioud, Pa. August 3d, 1839.
Gentlemen: Tito state of my health,
, corporations. '
Mr' Editor For some time I ham been
obscrving-tho progress of incorporations iii
our beloved state, to the great injury of
what I have been taught to believe is de
mocracy. From the present aipcet of tho
public journals, there is" a probability that
the' nest session of our legislature, applica
tion will bo made from different parts of
this commonwealth, for at least twenty or
-,rwl n ilknnertlinit In avoid nnrndc. will doilV
to uie, what otherwise would be, tne picas- unny cw i.uijM,i.,nuiiB wmi uaiiKing pnvt
ure of partalnng of a public dinner with ligos; togcther with applications for exten
sions ol manors, rail road and coal compa
panics, &c. (Sic. Where ibis state of things
is likely to terminate, requires not a prophet
ic spirit to tell. The dearly bousrht experi
ence of the past, should teach us lessons of
ure of nartakme
my Democratic friends of Bedford county
to wlncii your leueroi mis munuuu
AnioU3, however, to maintain and pre
serve an unrcstfaintcd intercourse between
the people and their publitrfunclionarie3, it caution lor iho future. At all events, the
it niv mn arnnt. nlnasiirR durinr mv so- Dcmocatic Press should unceasingly warn.
iourn at Bedford, to see and converse with 01 speak forth in language that cannot be
" . f it . .: .1 :. I miallmtnrutftrwl nllrt irroil lliic
uiiu iii.a LIII3 iltlJWlllli UV1I
before it entails upon us nllil3 concomitant
curses. The community has alieady suffer
ed by this licensed swindling system to an
alarming extent in many places, and if not
arrested in its rapid career, and consequen
ces will undoiibdly prove deplorable wheh
too late to bo remedied. I presume it is
such of my fellow citizens as, may find it
convenient to call.
For the (littering manner in which you
have been pleased- to-advert to my public
course be pleased to accept my thanks. 1
was but the candidate in whose election do
Hiocratic principles triumphed, and it was
in the. ni nmitablo lirmness anu muexioie
icpublicanism of tho people of Pennsylva- scarcely necessary to advert to one single
nia and not to any personal merit of claims argument to prove that incorporations are
of the candidate that we are indebted for the inconsistent with the principles of plain do-
result. Still after the crujsado against pri- mocracy. The simple fcet that they po-
vatc character to which you have referred, sess rights, powers and privileges, they
it would be worse than affectation not to ad- are denied the honest yeomanry ofourcoun-
that the result was personally gratilying try, wno are cquany meritorious, sum-
cienuy ueini nsnrair-s my assumed position.
Akin to this, is the famous or ill -famed
doctrine, none but wealthy freeholders shall
havo a vole at tho polls: while tho stuidy
sons-of toil must stand in the river, and let
the landed lords curb and relax at pleasure.
Why it is that men professing the most
This case of libel upon Governor Pou
ter, wns tried m llio Huntingdon sessions
just transpired, and-resiilted in an acquittal
r il .1 f 1 . I .. . -I - . I
oi tuc ucienuani oui niso in maKing mm
pay the costs. The anti-masons affect to
bo triumphant in the issue, as if tho won
der of all sober men was not excited in find
ing, that in theso limes of political ciTerve
sence, an anti-masonic jury could bo induc
ed to visit an ami masonic defendant with
the heavy penalty of paying about five hun
dred dollars of costs Campbell wrote a
letter during the last gubernatorial canvass,
in which he charged David K. Porter, with
having purloined or destroyed the record of
his taking the benefit of the insolvent laws
a necessity of relieving himself from con
finement brought upon him by his partners,
and pressed by vindicative creditors, and al
so charging him with being a common loaf
er. The jury was composed of eleven nn-ti-inasons
and one democrat. Notwithstand
ing all this, and the lamentable fact that the
antimasonic party have held and advocated
as a part of their political creed, that it wns
right and proper to carry into court and the
jury box, the inquiry of political predelio
tiotis, and such a jury, so impressed with
the propriety to stand by political associates,
found Oampbell guilty enough to impose
upon him the payment of a bill of costs suf
ficiently heavy to punish him severely.
I heir sympathy operated upon the rate so
far as to modify their sense of duty; and
tli.ii frnmnil vanlint t ena fV.-.m i .
... .1 t . . rlr.irw uct.ttnc . 1 !. Mamuu wir.i itiuil.k lu Drtic 1IVJI11 nil-
to me. But tlic trials oi me uemocra ic par- rr, w. 3Um.l-u position. :,., Wn, ... . r
ty of Pennsylvania did not end with the akhi io mis, sine lamous or ill lamed j . . ; . ' . ov,
known result of the election of the 2nd doctrine, none uut wealthy reeholders shall faC'torv evidence of llie innocence of Got
Tuesday of October last. A darmg altempt V fj- t o stu, y p? JfJ
was made uy some rccuica:, u....u.d. - -- - - - . ...., - M d , rossnts3 ,. ,ibel
tain, by force or fraud, situaiions o. T l:! "1 " ? iMUr!: by the defendant in Li, political zeal for an-
t ie puu .e voice nas ' ! ": ' ' . " " li-in:ory. to load i favori.einstrurnent or
iny, am. mu cn r u 7 " V" ' .r". J"?' ' " leader with so heaty a burden. Who in
i 1 " T JZ'm . w ".flbS cinles -nntaeV an c p. ' " d " -'. " . the
IliU tl 1.1 Li tUIIUIIUl w av w... , I . . - ... J 1
lamentable proof of what bad men will at- should lend their influence to multiply these
tompt, and gratifying evidence of what monuments of aristocracy among us, is,
In a land so flourishing and happy as ours
in order to preserve ourselves from the con
taminations of so many men, who would
sacrifice all principle at the alter of self in
terest, it becomes us to aiouse from our in
excusable lethargy, and guard our posts in
vincible sentinels. Perhaps it may be conce-
FREEMEN. determined to " ask for noth
ing but what is right qnd to submit to noth
ing that is wrong," can accomplish.
Tho Democratic republican representa
tives of the people and the Democratic mem-
beis of the senate descrvo immortal honor
for their firmness and patriotism during those
and the citizens, whom the
ed agaiiibt the govcrjior by Campbell were
not false a jury in favor of the defendant
would have not saved him from all punish
merit ; under tnese circumstances it is a
conviction, and must be so rcgarged by all
the world. Juporltr.
dispeusiblo should certainly bo watched
with great violence of care. Frnm ilm
occasion brought to the scat of government, "cu nidi in some instances thoy ought to
by their more than Koman tirlnness, as wen lu,ncrai uiv uiey oniy exist as ne
as moderation and prudence, have earned cessary evils, and such as are deemed in
for themselves never lading laurels, ami just
ly entitle them to name of " TJio Commit
tee of Safety." To them are the people
of Pannsylvania indebted for the frustration.
jf- the nefarious attempt of these traitors to
"?i!irt Jiliriift nf our eountrv: an attempt
which fer recklessness and corruption was ue connected with tlicso'lnstltutiorts: - The
never equalled since the davB of C' j consequences cf such a state of tli'iti;3 need
Terrifipd at the consequences to themselves not beportrayed by me. But some mav be
or their own guilt they lied tho halls of le- ready to say that our (ears are needless" and
gislatioa to brood in secret over some new groundless -that we where alarmed at a
and less dangerous mode of tampering with spectre that our imaginations have
popular rights, and much as they desired, oecome rather vivid through the heat of
ilinv dan-il nnt carrv out their declared nur- zeal; But let the past and present sncnU.
pose to defeat the expressed will of thf; peo- Wliere are the banks, safety fundsjij-c. thai
pie. The calling of troops to the seat of have shut up shop, with cotters filled, and
government to overawe the legislature and offer '20, 30,50 per cent, for there own
intimidate the people signally failed. .1 hey atjomrublc trash i Let experience speak,
worn called there without " and arrainst the But now the question arises, what li-.ill
authority of law; and it is fortunato that no ha done to prevent theire increase in lessen
excesses were committed by tho military their present number? This is an impor-
upou the citizens and their representatives wni question, ami requires more trleni and
or it might have beau lhaX-the instigators of wisdom than I posess, to answer properly
the mischiet rnigm nave dcrii muuq io an- mm irequenuy opens the way to
,swer with their blood for'their treason. great achievements, I offer as follows.
There is however a sublimity in the spec- J-'im. let it bucoiae a settled principle
tacle of beholding the sovereign people ojlm- in our legislative bodies, that in all charters
lVi vcit firmly and unflinchingly rebuking hereafter renewed, extended or created the
the usurper? of power and tf aching them private property of ull officers and stock
We fear that otir'frontier settlements "arc
likely to be still further and very seriously
annoyed by the indians along the borders
of the western states and territories. Scarce
ly a paper reaches us from that region,
that does not publish the particulars of some
scene of horror some sudden murder or
massacre committed in the dead of night, and
omens thaiUaly- present themselves, 1 iniirht at 3 fancied moment of peace and security
bo allow ed to conclude that ere many years " e ":,ve nlreudy given the particulars qf
shall have rolled bniu-ppn. tlirn i.liI.o r I tho slaughter of UO men between the Sioux
i bv iuuiiiis ui
our laxuulcs will cither directly or indirppilv
. ,
thony, and we are now sorry to receive fur
tlier indications oi trouble, trom a late mini
lier ol the Arkansas i lines. I hat paper
says: " Humour, with her ten thousand
tongues, has been busy for the last few days
in spreading reports concerninc iiostiuiifs
among the Indians, threatened attack upon
rort (ibson, etc. &c. By passengers who
arrived here in the steamer Cherokee, yes
terday morning, however, we learn that
there is a strong probability of a fight be
tweep the two parties of Cherokeos, on ac
count of the late murder of Ridge, the cluef
ol the emigrants. Koss s party lately held
a council, and proposed terms of peace and
unity, which the Ridge, or Brown (tho pres
ent chief) party would not accept, and they
where to hold a council to day, which Ross
had forbidden; and it was expected he
would interrupt tlieinleliberations; in which
o.-tse, a resort to arms would immediately
follow. It is said that several of the chief
men of the Brown party have said that
and all who hereafter would endeavor t do holder of ull intents and shall not ho restored until Ross, is
the like, that the pantile are the source and nUrpaien, iliall be JliiSPONSin Mi killed. It is also stated that Gen. Arbuckle
depository of all power, and that their uujt rui; UEUTS of the cornoration. "as cal""J 0,1 urennen, ol van Uureu,
will " must and shall be obvcd, and that secondly- Lei the public press, the orean t0 "avc- "ls company of severely five volun
he who darca to prevent the leeal operation 1 of power, sound the alarm, and hrinrr ilm teers in readiness at a moments warning
of the will of ihc people constitutionally subject befoie an intelligent, thinking public ". which account Cor Drenrien has sent to
cxpressao ai uic uajioi uux win uu pm u ioi iw coiumn ue open to warn and advue. i'"":c iUM""ij ui armu, aminuni
by -the strong and irresistable voice of pub- s Lastly. Let our representatives bo se- 'ion.dee. Another rumour is, that tlfe ladies
lie opinion. leeted with gieal discretion, and let them "ve nil ueen requestedto leave lort bibson
At the time of my induction into ofiice I be men, that without fear or fjior u-ill o, in order to prepare for the worst. Tho
set forth the principlcs on which I intended their' faced against them; such men as can 'a9t' a,u l'le most improbable of all is, that
to a t, and have tnus lar uiintuiiy enuea- not be bribed or bought with the " clinck nf inc ,r0n party or old emigrants, hare
orcd to live up to them, notwithstanding the the mammon s box." threatened to break open the arsenal at
un w arrantable and factious opposition which L(!t such a system of lee ialation n ih Fort Gibson, in order to furnish themselves
almost ovory measure recommended for the take place, and the number will be at once w'1'1 arins ani' amn,unitiori for their protec
pi'lid: good has had to encounter - in one, considerably, curtailed the inducements lor l'011 aS1,illst 'he Ross .paty; making as an
and that the least Uemocrauc uranca oi uie spaculution wi 1 uoibo ouitejso llattnrin.r excuse, iiiauue united states whero bound
lesilature.- Time and the deliberate action iie benefits of insolvency will no lo,r to protect them
of the people, the sure correctives of all a- consist in the hard carninzs of tha toilin.r" Meanwhile, tho trouble in Florida is still
ouseo in a uopuonu, m jiuiu; " sutionn" poor and that course which haii I a,v """B ' DC,"-l, surprise anu
wo mav than 8c a consistent arid harmoni- iifirtinrtim lewaiicil a nl.-irmro.i i..,.i , massacre of Col. UHrney's command have
ons action of all the dprlacnt8 ol ' Gpv- persigt ;n rru8tii to pay its honest debts. alreaJy ,ice communicated. to our reuders,
I .. .1 ... I ii... ri . t I
nment, ana wk hohuiuk while the tremb ntr son of want n dra(Td ,c """" ll,iu apiain Jione naa
ougVu to under unitwl Demorratie councils. from lls S01.ial hut t0 tho 00II a arrived at CharleSton.from Fort Mellon, via
' That Divino Providence has these bless- prison for the vory bread ho eats will be "'"k reek, having on board Lieut Hanson
ing$ in store' for tia I fervently believe and la6, t0 t)ie ow(j, , ftJ ,he ,'v ccrs of of tho U. S. .Army, with several U. S. who
iliat our vast trial may bo the cause of in- ,:. ,nu nn ,i jii,, ,..; .. ,. had in charge 10 Indians, consisting of men
c.reased'wiitchfulneas in prewrying inviolate
tiie sacred riulits to which we were born is
tho bincere prsyer f
Your fellow citizen,
To Mr. Nicholas Lyons, and others Com
mittao on hshatf of the Democratic citi
zens of Bedford.
A briaf'i of promuHi case is about to be
enmmejiped in Boston by a young and brau
tiiJl widow a riiiwt her lovtv, wim, having
wnnoii a ! v "ii5r atlBOlHius uniwr tie
aj'cuuiiy uiiiii; li c ucruiu.
when demooraoy shall be perched upon the
pipauie oi an our institutions, and all our
acis bear tho motto of "Equal Rights."
Centre Democrat,
Counterfeit Arrested. John II. Beach-
oil, formerly a vernier of lottery tickets in
tli is place, has hePii arrested in tho city of
I'liiiaueipnta, tor.enueavorjng to pass a large
amount oi countorieu bins upon a person
Rjmeu josqpn wiiue.residing in theArcade.
women and children, captured at Fort Mel
ton on tuo 7tn instant, i ho Indian, as it
appears, had come in to receive tho nations
...i i. i....! i .i ......
which ii nau neon tno practice to distribute
among them, when Lt. II. beintr in posses
sion of infirmation, (received by express the
day previous,; respecting the massacre of
tol. Harney s detachment, nromnlv deter
mined to make them prisoners. In accom-
pusning mis, noweyer, u became necessary
to snooi two oi the Indians, who mado an
attempt to escape. The Charleston pro
ceeded to Castle Pickney.wlfere tlm Indians
idea th ,i. wailieireeB to the posMiions in He was accordingly taken before tho mayor ""I,410"0"6" he imprisoned until orders
which s'ii rrs.deJ: deserted her on finding.
thai ho was only a domestic in the family
Frash h-sef sidls in the market of Rio
Janojro at oveu cems for twenty live
jomid 1 Pity the market is jo far off,
of the ritv and after hearimr was cnmmlitnd oan UB received, as to their final destination.
to prison for want ol sufhoient ball to take
lu trial at the next court of Criminal Ses- The N. E, Jioundahi Rritiah Com
ion. The rj,unoi.a notes that wero fou,id missioners passed through Uantrnr rnMinlv.
in his pusession aoiounleJ to !552,O0O. wit'i surveymgand astronomical lintrumoiits
jawing uenmrai, tor the boundary lme.
The Madisonian. Wisconsin Inquirer of
the 10th inst.,saya: " The American Ho
tel in this place was on Sunday afternoon
last, the scene of a horrid occurrence of
this kind. At a bout 4 o'clock, tho atten
tion nf Mr. Fake, the keeper of the Amer
ican Hotel, was attracted by a gurgling noise;
and in casting his eye, observed standing in
the door of a room a short distance from
him, a man literally covered with blood,
pointing to his' throat, and beckoning hi hi
to approach. Startled and shocked, Mr.
Fake advanced towards and followed him
into tho room, where he beheld a scene hor
rid and sickening in the extreme. Tho floor
and bed covered with blood; an open razor,
the implimcnt of dcath,lyingon a chair, and
the self-murderer who had sunk upon his
knees, struggling for breath, with his throat
cut the trcacher completely severed ! bur
gical assistance was immediately called, but
nothing could be done for him, as he deter
minedly and frantically resisted every at
tempt mado to dress or even touch the
" His only desire was to see his wife,
who was in the family; and having obtained
a slip of paper, wrote With a pencil " I
want to see my wife. It's all 1 ask. N.
T. D." It was deemed proper, however,
not to grant his request, and he, after a half
an hour of intense suffering expired. His
name wa Nathaniel T. Duncombe.
" As will be seen by the following letters
which we are permitted to publish, one of
which was addressed to hia wife an hour or
two before, and the other found on his body
after his death, the cause of his suicide wan
an unfortunate difficulty between himself -and
his wife, which it appears he could not suc
ceed in reconciling. This difficulty arose
from brutal treatment at his hands; and
which compelled her six or eight months
ago, to leave the family of Mr. Fake. The
husband who resided at Jefferson, came, to
this place two or three days days before his
death for the purpose of reconciliation.
" Ilavinjr failed in this, he came to the de
termination of destroying himself; and wai
led until his wile and Mr. rake s family
had gone to church, and then crawled in a
window into her apartment, wheie after cut
ting his arm?, which were found to be deep
ly gashed in several place, he opened his
wile's tiunk, look out her clothing, and be
smeared each separate article with blood.
wrote the initials of his name in glaring
capitals, with blood upon tho wall, and then
cut his throat I
" Duncombe formerly resided in the city
of New York, wheje he now has a brother,
and was a baker by trade.
' I find it impossble to brinu about a re
conciliation with my wife, and .1 feel
that H is impossible for me to survive. It
could hare been effected, and we should
have been happy, if it were not for a few
who have taken a mistaken view of my ac
lions. I forgive them. Let them remem
ber ' to err is human, to forgive divine.'
have striven hard in this new country to ob
tain a home for my family. My affeclions
were wholly placed on my wife, notwith
standing some things that have occurred to
mar the marriage. I freely forgive her, and
now I am out of persecution. I hope ohe
will forgive what has gone amiss on my side,
as she would not do it when I was still liv
ing. I used overy persuasion that I was ca
pahle of, but by the interference of a few
folks who wished
I have failed; on them rests a heavy respon
It is now Sunday, the
30th ol June.
" Alter writing the above, l havo come
to the determination to try once more; and
if fail, and she remain inflexible to my re
quest, as I find it is hard to part with her.
as well as with my life, my doom is sealed
and 1 have io leave mis world witn all tls
allurements, to find that rest which death,
the poor man s friend has for me.
. I . JUuNcoMr.r..
It is of vast importance, brother farmers
that your seed wheat be Well prepared be
fore sowing, if you would avoid smut. To
this end first of all procure the largest ripest
and dryest seed "you can find. Now take,
say half a bushel of it at a time, turn it into
tub rut clean water enough to cover it.
In with both hands wash it like a faithful
washerman. If you have a rough stick io
stir it violently, so much the better. Drain !
tho water off, and put in more clean water.
w ash it again, and continue the operation,
till all the chaff and dust arc turned off and
llio water appears as clean as when you
turn it in. Thus go through with all tho
half bushels you have to sow. So far, so
good. Now make a picket as salt as you
would for fresh pork in summer, add after
putting all tho wheat into due vcsel, if you
have one largo enough for it, turn'in brine
till it covors the wheat. Thpre let it lie
two or three days. Just before your ready
to sow' drain off the water, and add slacked
lime enough to cover all the grain and sep
erate them from each other. It can then bo
scattered" from the hand conveniently, in tho
act of sowing. If you do not do this orsomo
thing else in equal faithfulness, reflect not
upon Providence, nor eonplain of your land
next fall, if you then harvest smutty wheat.
Maine Cultivator,
The last number of tile Aiiioml-'..,, t...
nal of Medical sciences an intetesiinir ani.
cle descriptive of soma .Albino fliiT.U..
whose parents reniilp, in Cape May niuntv'
N. J. " The father and mother sue both
of African race and possets -ull tliu pecu
liarities of tho African in their features and
complexion. Thoj have always maintain
ed a character for indtistiy, integrity, ami
virtue, far above the majority of ihc nc.
groes in tho neighborhood. The mother
has given birth to six children- Her two
first wero fair malu representatives) of Af
rica, then followed two female Albinos.then
by way of punctuation, a blark female, and
on the first of June last, commenced anoth
er lino with another Albino male. llpr co
lored children have all died, and her pre
sent family consists of three children, pos-
sessing a skin of the moKt delicate white cev
loi. These Albino children have all tin
Icatures ol a regular built negro child, lht
foot and broad, leg innerled in llio centre of
the same, with a natural curve of the tibia.
km unusally delicate and fair, eves nf
light blue, cornea surrounded by a delicate"
ring of pink or peach blossom, the pupil en
circled with the dame colored ritic. eivinp t
the eye a peculiar appearancehair limn-
and curly, resembling combed worsted in
color, or a white spaniel eye brows and
eye lashes the same.a perfect lusus natural.''
Recently, while at Cape May; we visit
ed tho Albinos noticed above, and found
them exactly as described by the writer in
the journal of Medical Sciences. They re
side about five miles from Cape Island, and
are generally visueti ny uie sojourncta at
that place, who usally leave's trifle with tho
mother' 1 he father who, as well as the
mother, is quite black, resides on the Island
during the bathing season, and fills tho situ-
ition of waiter at one of the hotels. He
appears to be an industrious and well bo-
naved man.
The Jackson (La,) Republican rolatea
tho following circumstance, the account of
which he received by letter from a lady,
for whose credibility ho is ready to vouch.
borne time since, the sheriff of a county
in the southern part of Mississippi had re
ceived, in his official characters large sum of
money say fifteen or twenty thousand
dollars. Under pretext ofa call from homo
for a day or two, he placed the money in
tho keeping of his wife, whom ho charged
to take good care of it-
Late in the evening of the day on which
he left home, a stranger of genteel appear
ance called at the house, and asked perinii
sion to remain over night. Dislikin'' to en
tertain a atrainger during her husband1!
absence, the wife of the sheriff denied the
request, and the stranger rode on, Directly
after his departure, however, the lady cams
to the conclusion that she had done wroug
in refusing to take him in, sent a servant
to call him. The gentleman returned, and
soon retired to rest.
Late in the night, three men disguised as
negroes came to the house, called up tha
lady, and demanded the money left in her
charge. Believing that there was no help
for it, she at length, told them that the mo
ney wns in another room, and that sha
wonld gel it for them. It so happened that
the money had been deposited in the room
occupied by the stranger; and on her going
for it she found him up and loading his pis
tols. He had been awakened br tho noise,
and had overhcaad most of the conversation
between his hostess and the robbers
Telling the lady to be of good heart, lie
gave her a loaded pistol, and instructed her
to go nut and present the money to one of
tho robbers, and shoot llio fellow whilst in
the act of doing so on her doing which,
lhe(the stranger)would do for the other two.
With a coolness and courage that it is
difficult to conceive ofin a womon, she did
as directed, and the robber who received
the money fell dead at her feet. Another
instant, and the strainger's bullet had floor
ed a second robber. The third attempted to
escape, but was ovcrtking at the gate by
the strainger, fell under the trust of his
soon as practicable the neighbors
were arlarrned, and washing the paint from
the faces of the dead robbers, tho one killed
by tlie lady proved to be her own husband,
and the other two a couple of near neigh
bors i
Case 6f Poisoning from Haling Eels,
Two families in Abmgton, (Va.) wero poi
soned lately by eating eels caught in a ftesh
water stream. They are rcpoverjng by
medical ssiisUnce,
Mr. Tailor, the celebrated sailor preach
er of Boston once related the following
anecdoto- A poor women who had onee
seen bolter days, was finally compelled, by
intemperance of her husband, to resort to
the wash tub to earn a' scanty subsistence!
for herself and children At length howov-.
er heart.brokon and destitute, she detcriniml
to purchase a lottery ticket, with tho hope
that if she should be enccesfnl, her husband
might once enter into business and become
a steady man. To of 10,000! Frantiq, she
ran to her husband and tlunwing her arm
round his neck, said, 'Oh "rnv husband
now we shall ho happy; now we shall livo
as wo once lived, 1 have drawn a prizo in
the lottery1."
Don't bo to surd of that, women,"aid
the wretch, looking her in llio face with the
utmost composnre, ' Dont be too sure of
that; for I found the ticket in your drawer,
and gave it to Mr , for a- glass of
rum." The transition from sudden joy to
suJden grief was so great that, no sooner
had he concluded than the unhappy women
dropped at his feet a lifeless corpse 1 Alas-'
these stories, touching as they are, ate nev
ertheless elcrn realities,