E&. it possible! YES INMEIJI! WHOLESALE AND BET AIL BUSINESS. fAHE Fifth New Supply for this cummer, In JR. the highly recommended Drug Btqre, with lio suitable natno HEALTH EMPORIUM. Tho subscriber has made arrangements with all the Importer!! of. Medicines, Patented and others, Toys, Perfumery, &c. in tho city of Philadelphia, and has received an appointment of Agency for most of tho Patent Medicines now in cxistenco in Pennsylvania, which ho oilers for sale as cheap as 'they can ho obtained in the State, at tho Health Emporium and Family Warehouse, Bloomsburg, 'Columbia County. D.B.TOBIAS. July SO. t PROSPECTUS For publislwig anew paper in the borough oj Murnsburg, entitled the State Capitol Gazette. ur iluLanooK, jiesiock fit JJhattox, nnilE Subscribers propose to publish o newspa- per m tho borough of llarrisburg, with the title of tho " Stato Capitol Gazette." The Gazette "will bo dewted to the support and advancement (if democratic pi maples, based upon tho political and philosophical truths of universal equality of right; and the sovereignty of tho people's will designated by tho voice of the mojoiity that all civil govern ment and, law cmiuate from tho people, exist only by their assent or potmission, and that thev have an unalienable right to remodel, alter or abolish cither at thoir pleasure, whenever they may derm it ne cessary for their welfare and happiness, and that cv- cry thing which tends to wcakpn or subvert those principles, goes directly to sap the foundation of our republican institutions, and should be checked with a prompt hand and vigorous energy. 'Measures and not men,' shall ever bo tlio mlehy "which the political .course of the Gazctto will be gorcrned. Wo shall never quarrel with our polit ical brethren about the individnal whom tho major ity may fairly select, to carry out any measures con sistent with our democratic principles. Is ho hon est is ho capable, aud will he obey the voice of his 'constituents, shall be the leading enquiries as to the qualifications of a candidate for oflice. If capablo lioncst and willing to acknowledge the supremo will of tho majority, every individual in society shall havo an equal claim on us for our countenance and support. Wo abhor all fiction and combination of individual interest to accomplish individual purpo poses. Evcrv thing of that sort, shall receive lrom us a most hcaity and decided opposition. Honcstv, -economy and strict accountability in all .public functionaries; and tneir disbursements ol tne public .moneys, shall be freely examined and fully discuss ed. Iheuazcttc mil sustain the administration o the General Government, upon the principles Tur sued by its present patriotic and enlightened chi o magistrate Martin Van Burcn, and will cheerfully lend its support to his re-election, to complete his measuie of two terms of office, in accordanco with the uniform practice exercised towards his republi can predecessors. In discussing national poiicy, ve shall advocate at all times everymcasuro tending to strengthen the bonds of the common Union, and to promote the peace, security and happiness of tho whole, so far as it can bo done without comproinit- ting any rights that may belong to an. individual stato as a separate and indcpcndcnl sovereignty. The Gazette will also support the administration ol our worthy Executive of I'ennsylvania uovcr Hor Potter, md iU editors will ever cherish the prin ciples which triumphed in his election, and which through all the desperate and dangerous machina tions put in rcquisitiou to defeat his inauguration, by a reckless and abandoned party, established in Hie cxecutivo chair, as the land marks of onrrepubli can safety -and happiness. It shall also be tho study of tho editors topromoto the best interest bf our vast chain of internal improvements, and urging to a speedy completion all the links necessary toeecuro its immense connection, and tp turn it to lasting and profitable use. Our foreign relations shall bo attended to, and the public seasonably adwscd of every transaction abroad, calculated to affect their political interests. or awaken in private life a spirit of enquiry and rc- .rearcli in tne various licJiU ot philosophy, mechan ics or literature. The Gazette will bo printed un a fine double me dium sheet, and new type; and every attention be stowed to render its mechanically execution perfect, l ne lust number ot the Uazetle will appear on or about the thirteenth of June. Persons holding tho proposals will be punctual to teturn tho same by the thirteenth of May. Letters by mail, pct paid will receive prompt attention. M. D. HOLBBOOK, WILLIAM HEMLOCK. JOHN B.BKATTON, llarrisburg, March 15, 1S30 TERMS. The State Capital Gazctto will be published twice a week during tho sitting pf the Legislature; and onco a week for the remainder of tho year, the fol lowing prices in advance : Thcwholpyror, - . . $3 00 The session only, twice aivccW - 2 00 TO THE PRINTERS OF THE U- S. J- SPITXIAIjI;, ;. Wood Letter Cutler and Engraver, No. 21, Franklin Place, Philadelphia, TTg) ESPEOTFULLY announccs'to the Printers Un, of the United States, that he has commenced the iiunufaciuro of wood letters. Wood Letters qf every description, from four to thirty four lino Pica, or upwards, mado to order on tho shortcut nhtice. Ornamental Letters of ontirely now and most splendid patterns, (ur head ot news papers, title Hns,&c.ftom two lines great primer to anv size larger. ills typo will be made of materials of tho best assortment, wf II srusotied and prepared by machine ry, invented for the purpoto which insured tho moil exact adjustment,. Specimens will be publihsed as early as possible. EHGEAYXITC- W WOOD TJxcr.uledwith neafnesu and promptitude, .Heads for iiowspapcrs, fic-imiIos, ornamental and plain rules, &c.Scc. cut with the greatest accuracy In type metal or wood. Old cast metal 'cuU, ornament, &c engraved ever, and made erpial to new for lulf their original cost. A liberal discount for cosh. Six month credit on tbo ninit approved security. Orders fiom the country promptly attended to. Ali letters must be mo ,t lia'ul. fff Editors f papers Jntbo country who will give tho above u'l-. ilien'eni a lew insertions, anu ior--ward a paper containing the same to the adver tiser wi'l be paid therefor in any of the above men iioned matfi!al.n. AprJSf, 1S13 (apply OF FRESH Druggs and Medicines, CONFECTIONARY F1WIT, RTsils anil- oys, and numerous other articles in my line of business, which again renders my-assortmcnt complete. J. 11. JUUYUK. July 20. . DR. LEIDY'S 7SARSAPARILLA BLOOD PILLO, tHOULD receive aprefcrenco over all Pills now in existence: first IJccausc they are composed of Vegetable extracts, freo from mjncrals; and may be taken at all times witnperlcctsatety liy young and old, with out restraint from occupation, temperate living, or tear ot taking cold. Second Because they nro composed of such medicinal extracts, as have been employed by oil the most celebrated and respectable Physicians for more than a century past, in purifying tho Blood and Animal fluid of the body. t Third Becauso they may bo employed as r. mild or activo purgative, according to tho quantity taken, and their operation will imt bo attended with griping of tho bowels, sickncs3 at the stomach, prostration of tho system, &c, ps arc produced by other pills. I ourth Because they possess a combined action, not possessed, by any o,tker pills, mixture or prepar ation whatever. Their first effect is in correcting all impurities -with which the blood and fluids of the body may bo uuctcd, and by their gently opera tive effect, removing such, impurities from tho sys tem. Fifth Becauso they are tho terror of Quacks and Impostors, for most persons nro obliged to take the Sarsaparilla Blood Pills, after taking their vile and dcstruc,ivo nostrums, to counteract and prevent their mischicvons and baneful effects. Sixth Becauso they arc the only pills in which Physicians havo sufficient confidence to recommend to their patients, and employ in their practice, as they know they are Anti Quack, Anti Mcrcural. Anti Billious as well as a good and safe purgative i :n .i.- ri. i i t .... . uuu gunner m uiu uiuud unu Animal riuius. Seventh and last But not tho least important. be because they aro prepared by a regular Apothe cary and Phvsician, attested ny Drs. Physic, Hor- Ohapman, Dcwces, James, Gibson, Jackson. Coxc, Hare, &c., &c, which alone is sufficient to entitle them to great confidence. Certificates and Recommendations from Physi cians and others accompany the directions around each box. . icy Price Twenty Five Cents a Boxci Prepared only and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, No. 191 North Second st.,a few doors below .Vine street, Philadel phia, also, sold by J. Uilhcrt & Co., Worth Third street above Vine. G. S. Clemens, do 3d do do Wood st. J. R. Smith & Co. do 2il do neit the lied Lion, and all respectable Wholesale ami Retail Druggist's in Philadelphia. J hey aro also sold by: J. F. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. J. W. Rohrcr, do do" W. Ebcrman Litiz. J. W. Oakly, Reading. J. B. Mozer, Allentown. P. Pomp, Easton. t And the principal Merchants and Drmrlsts in tha Uniicd States. For sale at the Health Emporium Bloomsburir ly D. S. TOBIAS, Agent. llloomsburg July, 13, 1830. 11, COMMUNICVriON. How few they arc that happen to be afflicted with Couehs or Colds pay attention to them. How many thousands from such neglect shorten their days, and hasten their fi. nal dissolution. Parents neglect them in their chil dren, and thus form the foundation for Consump- 1 1 , . ...... . '. uuu, unu iiunurcus oi parent annually lullow their own children to tho grae, having died from some uuecuuns oi me ureal and lungs, which wcic neg lected in their first stages. iouginand Colds, whether cxuting amongyoung or old, ought at all times bo attended to earlv. ami not suflVred to continue any length of time, for the liungsonccauecicil.uibcasosoon makes rapid strides, ending in the most fatal of all diseases, namely Con- bUIUJIUUlI. Dm. BECHTER'S PULMONARY Pnr.SKR. A 1 IVE for Coughs, Colds, Catairhs, Influenzas, Shortness ol Breath, Whooping Cough, Pain in the Breast or "Side, all affections of the Breast and ljungs, and arrest of approaching Consumption, is the met popular medicine Used throughout all Ger manyis becoming equally popular in the United uuut;, unu uas established tor itself a reputation not possessed by any other medicine for the same class.of diseases. (See certificates and reepmmen dalionsfrom Parents, Physicians, and others, accom- l-diiuia ihb uirecnons.; it is a preparation perfect ly safe and harmless, pleasant to tho taste, and may bo given to the youngest infant. It is warranted free from mercury and tho minerals, mid is a prepar ation" of a regular Apothecary and Physician, attes ted by Dre. Phjuic, Chapman, Gibson. Jackson, Horner, Dewees, Coxe, James, &c. a circumstance alone sufficient to induce a trial of it Dr. N, D. L'cidy, Proprietor of tho abovo modi cino, confidently recommends it to allr and asfuros all most positively that it is an invaluablo medicine, and would not himself recommend it, but for its known efficacy. Prepared only and for saloWholasalo and Retail at Dl LEIDY'S Health I I.nnnrinm. Nn.'lfll Nnrtli Socond street a few doors below Vino street, Phila adulphia also, sold by J. Gilgert & Co., North Thi-d street abovo Vine. G. S. Clemens, do 3d do do Wood St. J. P. Smith & Co. do 2d do naxt tho lied Lion, and by all rospootable Wholesale and Retail Druggists in Philadelphia. They aro told by: J. F Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. J.W.Uohw, do do. . W. Bberinon Litiz, J. W. Oakloy, Reading, For sale at tile Health Emporium Bloomsburg by , D. S, TOBIAS, Agent. DR. S WAYNE'S Compound Syrup oj PruneP Virgin! anna, or Wild Cherry, for Coughs', Colds, Asthtn g , Consumptions.dic., for sale at the 'Tobias' Health Emporium, Bloomsburg, THute and Red American Wine, A superior article, for sale at the Health Emporium, Bloomsburg, Tfo lift of the fleih is in the blood " so saith thescrivlures. Lovilicus cv xvii. V. 11. BP. LEIDY'S BLOOD TILLS. What boiler than scripture testimony can wc havo of tho lite of the flesh depending upon the condition of tho blood I If Impure or diseased, tho flesh must of course be diseased thereby, and tho whole sys tem partake of such disease. If the doctrine be true, and thcro is not a doubl of it (for it is a fact accec ded to by all, that tho scriptures, nro truo beyond a doubt,) then it behooves us to guard against tho consequences of such impurities, and thus preserve tho llesh healthy. If tho llcsh ho healthy, const! luting as it docs the principal portion of tho human yody, then must tho whole body bo healthy. In vegetables onlj can wo find tho medicine where by all impurities of the blood may bo removed. Upwards of one hundred years experience of the most celebrated, the wisest and best physicians havo proved certain vegetables to possess purifying prop erties. Thcso vegetables will not hero be named, and Dr. Lcidy wishes to remuncrato himself, and profit by tho long, laborious, and costly experiments necessary to bo made, that tho activo principles of those vegetables might bo retracted and reduced to such form as makes them easy, safe mid pleasant to be taken. These vegetables aro contained in tho justly cel ebrated Blood Pills, manufanturcd only by Dr. N. Lcidy, a regular Druggist and Physician, attested by Drs. Physic, Chapinan, lacksor , Homer, Gibson lie wees, James, Hare, Cox, Ac. Tho above Pills may bo employed as a mild or active" purgative. Their action is easy, and may be employed by all persons under all circumstances. They will nt all times be found serviceable, when tho least sickness is present. They requiro no change of diet, restraint from occupation, or fear of talcing cold lrom tlieir use. 1 hey are daily prescrib ed by numerous physicians; certificates of tho fact accompany the directions. Thoy are the most affec tive purifier of the blood and other fluids of the hu man bodytivcr discovered. Persons having once used, will ever after, as occasion may acquire, have rcsourse to thein. Price Twenty Five Cents a box. Sold by all re.-fpcctablo Druggists and Mcrchonst throughout the Union, and in this city only at Dr. Lcidy's Health Emporium, Second street be low Vine. , J. R. Smith & Co.'s 2d st. near the Red Lion. J. Gilbert & C6.'s3d above Vine. C. Clemens' North 3d above Wood. F.Klctt's 2d and Callowhill. For talc at tho Health Emporium Bloom'sburg by . D. S. TOBIAS Agent. Bloomsburg July, 13, 1839. 11. MANUFACTORY- A NEW ESTABLISHMENT, UPON AN OLD FOUNDATION. S'SIiS Subscriber hereby announces to his friends ami the public, that ho has purchased that old and well known COACH AND DEARBORN WAGON MANUFACTORY, lately owned and occupied by STOUFER o liARTMAN, situated in Bloomsburrr, Columbia County, whero ho has com menced tho businoss, and inlands to carry it on in all its branches. He will shortly havo a number of elegant light BUGGIES and DEARBORNS, of various patterns, finished for sale; and will mako Stase Coaches, Coaches, Coachce.s,Giggs, Sulkies, Buggies, Dearborn Wagons, Sleighs, iyc. $c. eye; yc, of every variety of pattern to order, on short nolicc. ICfRrpairs of all kinds will be prompt ly auciiueu 10 lie also manufactures ELIPTIC and other CARRIAGE SPRINGS, and" will warrant 'them to be equal to any made in mis country. ' As he lias made arrangements for pro curing the best rpaterial, and will employ none but first rate workmen, )ie hjipes to no ama to turn out goou work, and thereby oui.iin iiiu comiiienco oi tnose who may lurnisti tiiemscivcs lrom Ins shop. Orders from a distance respectfully soli cited. 'IB A RUGGLES. Bloomsburg, Juno 4, 1833. 0 tf. .12 dozen Glass Boxes, 12 dozen Lockets, 12 dozen Lead Pencils, 12 dozen Toy Prinls, 12 dozen Sand boxes, with tho sand, 12 dozen Fifes, 12 'dozen Doll babies. 12 dozen Conversation Cards. . 12 dozen Toy Watches, 12 dozen Brass Watches, 12 dozon Hair Pencils, 12 dozen Breast Pins, 12 dozen Finger Rings, 11 dozen Spoons, 12 dozen Pass Books, 12 dozen Tooth Harps, . 12 dozen Steel Pens, iv uozon Tea fcsotts, 12 dozen Everpoint Leads, 12 dozen Head Bands, 28 dozon bunches be,ads, . 25,(100 Fish Hooks, 12,000 Slate Pencils, Just received and For' Sale' at tho cheap Health Emporium, Bloomsburg, by JJ. ti, TOBIAS. June 1. COLD CREAM, For Chaps, Tan, Sunburn. Goro lins.&P. For sale at Tobus Health Emporium Bloomsburgr AND ' Threshing ITIathinc, AND PORTABLE HORSE POWER MANUFACTORY. rHIHE Subscribers take this method of informing tj their tricnus, that they continue Manulactur- ing Threshing .llacliincs and Portable Horse Jl'oivcrs, on tho most improved plans, made of tho best materials and in tho most workmanlike mun ncr,and which they will waricnt to stand with faro u.sage, mid not injure tho gram by breaking it. They have surpassed all others 'whero they havo I been Introduced, in Pennsylvania, Virginia and worm Uarohna. JPrstft's Patent Smut, OR, GR A 1 HUIXJNG MACHINE, Improved. An article of great utility to Millers lor cleansing tho grain for preparing it for flouring. J'heso machines aro manufacured of cast and vyrought Iron, and aro supposed to last an hundred years. They are in general use in the stato of New i oil: and in part of Pennsylvania. AND s and all kinds of JlaeMntry, cast and fitted up,and alt sorts ol IIOLIiOW WARE kept on hand, and sold by wholesale. All of which will bo sold on the most reasonable terms, by LEWIS H. MAUS&Co. Bloomsburg, May 25, 1820. Sin i YJVWE Trustees of this Institution arc happy to U announco to tho public generally, that it is now in full tido of successful operation. Tho win ter term has just closed; and the semi-annual exam ination, have given more satisfactory evidence of tho cxccllcnt'qualifications of their teacher, E. W. CouiiNfi, than any niEvious recommendations could have done. Tho binnmcr term will commence on Wednesday the first day of May, and continue twenty-thrco weeks. It is very important, that all who wish to oh -tho institution, should bo present on that day, or as soon alter as possible. In ordci to mako the school a public benefit, by affording to all parents who desiro the opportunity of giving their children a first rate education, the terms of tuition have been given at the following1 low rates. FCH ftirAnTKH. Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, 52 00 English Grammar explained and illustra ted, including tho above, 2 50 Geography, with use of Maps and Globes including tho above, 3 00 Natural Philosophy and Chemistry, with use of Apparatus, including the a- bove, 4 00 Latin and Greek Languages, including all the above, . 5 00 Tho German and French Languages will bo taught, but an extra charge of S5 00 per quarter will bo made for cither of them. All o members of the school aro required to exercise themselves in written compositions mid declamations, and will bo expected at the. close of each term to give a public exhibition of their proficiency in all tho branches they may have pursued. Persons at a distance arc informed, that upon ap plication to the President' board will bo furnished ui rcspi-citiuiu jinvuiu lunuues. un muuerate icriuH. Ily order ol tho Uoard. D.M. 110LLIDAY, Piies't, Jonv C. Botd, Sccr'y, Uanvillo, April 10 18U9. . - Against the World for good Mill-Stones anil Moiling Cloths. llilitJUS) wishing tho aliovo articles, aro JVja. requested to call and examine' my Sjock, at uunviuo, uolumhw uounty, ru., ur ul JjOw- istown,on tho Juniatta. Dauvilid, May 25, 1839. SUSCIUEIIANNA lilNB. rPnilIS lino has commenced running regularly be .'Ja. tween Wilkcs-Barrc, Northumberland, Will iamsport, llarrisburg to Piladclphla and all intcr mediatp . places. Tho Boats leave Whilkes-Barre daily, at 2 o'clock P. M. and urrivo at Northumber land next morning at 7J o'clock A. M. and Harris burg tho following evening nt 0 o'clock! where pas sengers will remain over night, and tuko tho mil road cars at 8 o'clock; A. M. and arrive at Philadelphia by 2 o'clock, P. M. At Northumberland tho North and Wost Branch boatts connect : This lino arrives at tho junction of tho Jtulifta in time to conncc with all the western lines for Pittsburg. Upturning passengers by this lino will leave Broad. ttrect, l'lnladelpliia, every day at 8 o clock A. M and arrive at lfarrisbufg at 3 o'clock P. M. North umberland next-morning 8 o'clock, Williamsport by 1 P, M. and wilkes-Darrc by t o'clock tho follow ing morning through in 48 hours. To famlios moving wost this lino offers great ad vantago charges upon freight very moderate, and persons withthcr families may jcly upon having all their goods taken with tliftn. Faro to Northumberland , 2 00 ' WilUainkpott 3 CO 11 Duncan's Islind 3 50 . " llarrisburg 4 00 " Philadelphia 8 00 For freight or passago apply to P. McC. GILCHRIST. Ph'fiiix Hotel, WilkcBarro, ,m ay 7, h ju tt AND mm Gi THE subscriber informs the public, that ho luj taken the store lately occupied by C. B. Vih. cr, at tho lower end of Maino street, where bo in. tends to permanently locato himself, nnd has just opened on extensive assortment of NEW GOODS lately purchased in Philadelphia, embracing almost every article usually kept in a country store. A- mong which arc, Consisting of Broadcloths from course to llicjincsi of sitpcrinc,Aerscmcres,Sat linetls, Silks, Ginghams, Calicoes Cambrics, Muslins, Ribbands Factory Cotton Cloth, bleached and un unbleached. vcrjr cheap and of the best quality, and cvc ry variety in the Dry Goods Line. Also, a general assortment of AND MQUGSS.S. Croclccry, Glass, China ami Queen's Ware. All of which he will dispose of as cheap, if not cheaper, than can be purchased at any other store in the county. ICAll who ate desirous of purchasinc good and cheap goods, are requested to call and examine for themselves before they buy elsewhere, as he feels assured no one will go away dissatisfied with his prices, or the quality ol lus gnous. All kinds of CUUNTUY PRODUCE. including CASH, will bo received in pa' mcnt. JOHN HORTMAN. Bloomsburg, May 18, 1839. SASDLH & HARNESS ALEXANDER RITTER, 'nrcSPK.rri'Ti'nrl.V infm-ms llm nnhlb. that ho has removed his establishment into the shop lately occupied by C. Kahler, Esq. where he intends Keeping on hand all kinds of DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS, AND SADDLES AND BRIDLES, made of tho best of material, and good workmanship. He manufactures, a new and approved Patent Horse dollar, acknowledged by all to bo superior to any ever before made in thin county. Ho also manufactures LEATIIhK and HAIR pf any description that may be required. All of which will bo sold on the most reasonable terms, and he will also bo ready to do any Work in his line, on short notico and solicits a share of public patronage. Bloomsburg, May 18, 1831). Br. Srandretla7s VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS. THESE pills havo obtained a celebrity for cur ing most diseases to which the human Kystcia is liable, unexampled in tho history of the lieaUng art. They expel by tho action of the stomach and bowls, all bad humours from tho Mood, causm? a free circulation of the lluids, and restores a sound stato of health. Tho thousands who uso and recommend them, u proof positive of their extraordinary and beneficial lri-cts. Tho subscriber has received tho appoint mcnt of Agent, for tho sale of Dr. KrandctU's I'llls m Bloomsbnrg. Nono aro genuine llmt are offered for wile, without a certificate of appointment sigueil '7 ihn Tirnnrinlnr nml rnimtpraiimoil liir JlrmrlL uf((Hi , - - j - v. .. . . j general agent; and no certificate is etcr gHcn, w those 'engaged in tho Drug business. J. R. MUyJiJC Bloomsburg Aug. Id 1838. Iyl7 TtTN pursuanco of tho Constitution of the Com H mouvvealth of Pennsylvania Notice is hereby given by tho subscribers, citizens of said Comma"' wealth, that thev and others, will mako tiiirlicat'iw to tho next Legislature, for the creation of a corn rato Body with Banking unil discounting privdojto of tho named and Mjlo of the Farmers and Mechanics Bank of C0I1W bia Couny, to be located at such sito or plaeu within taid Cobb ty of Columbia, as shall be fixod upon by missioned appointed" in such manner as the Iif? ' laiure snail direct lur iixing tlio locauon u ' Bank, and with a capital of two hundred thou y object of securing to the citizens of the (' n.'1"11!' wealth, and of tho CounV of I'ulumbm, t1, ' tits ot a banking Institution, wnh 'he ri -h'-, 1-' e,-s and priwlcijc of thrBut1' of oi'uumbcrl . V 11, . 111 Ml I I K, L, Ull