, An old bachelor at' WindlmrnviilagoVer mont. atlvertisea.that ho will receive, sealed ' 0posalB from old maids for entering into marriage contract. Notio under-35 years of 'ago nccil apply, as he wants nothing to do with giddy, flighty, young things. Wo learn from the Philadelphia Ledger, that the Wilmington Whaling Company's ship North Amurica, Oaptain Simmons, ar rived yesterday, at the mouth of the Ohris- ( tiana Creek, from a voyage ot 14 monins, with U.400 bairels of whale oil, 00 barrels eperm oil. 2,000 pounds whalebone, and a bout 400 in specie. The first railroad constructed In the Uni .,i Sum was the Qtiiucv Railroad, in Mas- sachusetts, something more than a mile m length, and loading from a granite quarry. The next was a railroad made by the Le high company, from their groat coal mines to Mavteh Chunk, on the Lehigh canal. The Fotichkcepsie Telegraph saysDan iol Thomasnnd Daniel Woodward, mowed on the farm of Win. Tabor, on Quaker hill, on the 1st inst-, five acres of large grass, in six hours. These men use no ardent spir its. A domestic informed his master that tho house was on fire. " Tell your mistress ol it," said he, " for 1 do not meddle with household affairs." It is Elated in the agreeable book just pub lished uprm tho " White Sulphur Springs,' that in Virginia, whenever a man kills a black snake, his is made a Major on the spot. A company is, in fact, forming at Norfolk for n.unu factoring raw silk, and the paupers of the Alois House, arc at work in the bu siness of cononni. ( Cure for Dysentery, 'Yt Times givf-s 'the folio tfitig as an excellent remedy lor dysentery. . Tike of Indian corn, mailed and ground in the- manner of coffee, (or of coarse meal browned,) and boil in a sufficient quantity of water to produce a strong liquid liko cof ffp, and drink a tea cup full warm, two or three times a day. One day's practice, it i3 said, will ordinarily effect a cure. The Trenton Emporium speaks well of -the uipoaranTx and evolutions of the troops sit tymp Washington. Tho whole force were reviewed last Saturday, by Brig. Gen eral Eustis, when they mad? a fine display. The Rt. Augustino Herald published a statement of the debts of the several states of the Union, showing an average of $13 jcr head, while that of Florida alone is SH0. The chief cook at the United States Ho- U tel. Siratoga, reccivrul, it is said, 5300 per rnonlli rnr 'us services. The Globe stales that tho Hon. Charles Shappard has been elected to Congress in the Northern District of North Carolina. Two thousand five hundred names have been obtained at Rochester to memorials for the releaso of Mackenzie. It.U slated that Dr. Joseph E. Muse, of I MJ.. has n field ol 4 acres of corn, which will yield 105 bushels of shel led com to the aero. Ho, made 70 bushels to the acre la t year. A "Wisconsin jinper mentions a head of timo'hy, the growth of Jefferson county, .in that territory , which, when taken from the jrromiu, measured over eighteen iuches. The Gettysburg Star notices n tomato from the founds of Mr. Peter Diehl, of Oxford, in "that aounty, which meesure 15 inches in circumference, and weighed one and a half pounds. Tho public lands now Veld in the U. S. are cstim ited at 900,000,000 of aorcs. The crops in Canada arc said to be excel lent. Tho corn crop of Maryland is said to be remarkably fitio. Tho yield, it is bclievod, will equal that of 1837. At the last dates, the plaguo was.prevail ing at A'r-undria. Electoral Vote of the States. As a means of information wo have thought it proper to givo the following list of the voters of the several States in the next Prf-.-i lcntial election. Every xtato has allium! -r of ballots equal to her Senators and Representatives in Congress 1 ftlainr a New Hampshire 3 Massachusetts 4 Rhode Island 5 Connecticut '' 0 Vormont 7 Now York " 8 New Jersey -0 Pennsylvania 10 Delaware 11 Maryland 12 Virginia 13 North Caroljna 1 i South Carolina 10 7 It 4 8 7 42 8 30 3 1Q 23 15 11 11 15 .15 21 0 4 5 5 4 7 3 3 15 10 18 1U 20 21 2 2'1 ai 25 20 Georgia Kentucky, Tennesseo Ohio Indiana ' Mississippi Illinois Louisiana' Missouri. Alabama Arkansas M'tc.igan, Total, 201 M"j"iity sufficient to constitute an elcc ion, Ho, . FROM TEXAS. ' ? Baltic between the Texian troopi and j the Indiana. , The following highly interesting letter to tho editor of the New-Oileans Beo, was re ceived by tho steamer Velocipede, from Red River : Nalthitochea, July 25, 1P30. Gentlcmtn : Inclosed you will herowith receive an official report of an engagement which took place on the 10th inst., and a letter from General Rusk, dated the 17th inst., seventy-five miles noithwcst of Na cogdoches, Texas, between a large body of the Chcrogees, Caddoes and other Indians, and the troops under the command pf Brig adier General K. It. Douglass, from which it will be seen the enemy sustained a heavy loss. Taken from the Red Lander, a newspaper published at San Augustine, Texas dated Ju ly 20, 1839. HEAD QUARTERS, Camp Carter, July 10, 1839. Hon. Sydney Johnson, , Secretary of War. Sir: On yesterday, the ncgocialion on tilt; part of tho commissioners having tail ed, under your order, the whole force was put in motion towards tho encampment of Bowles, on the JXechcs. Oolonol Landrum crossed on the west side of the Ncches, and marched up the river, tho regiment under Colonels Burleson mid Kuslc, moved duect ly to the Camp of Bowles. Upon reach insr it. it was found to bo abandoned. Theii trail was ascertained, and a rapid pursuit made. About six miles above their encamp ment, in tho vicinity of the Delaware vil lage, at the head of prairie, they were dis covered by the spy company, unnpr Uap mill S. Carter, and a detachment of 25 men, from Captain Todd's company, led by Gen eral Rusk. The enemy displayed from the point of a hill. General Rusk motioned to them to come on, they advanced, and fired four or five lime, and immediately occupied a thicket or ravine on the lelt. As we advanced, the lines were immedi ately formed, and the action became gener al; ' Tho ravine was instantly charged and flanked on tho left by Colonel Burleson and a part of his regiment; the rest of Colonel Burleson's regiment waaled by Lieut. Col. Woodleff. A portion of General Rusk's regimenl.charged at the same time and a liothcr portion took a position on a point of a hill to the right, and drove a paity who attempted to ll.ink us from that qnarter. TIiuh instantly driving the enemy from tho ravine, and thicket, leaving eighteen dead on the field, that have been found, and car rying off, as usual, their wounded, n-j was seen by our men. Our loss was two killed, one wounded mortally and five slightly, wit : D. II. Rodjr- ers. of Capt. Tipp's company; John Crane, ot Harmons company; 11. r. Uronson, ol samp; Hooper, H. M. Smith, and Ball, of Burleson s company; James Anderson, ol Capt. Lew's company; Solomon Albright, of Capt. Vansickle's company; Geo. S Laughter, of Capt. Box's company, slight- Col. Landurm was not able, having so much further to march to participate in the engagement, but has been ordered to join this morning. All behaved so gallantly, that it would be invidious to particularize. The action commenced about h-ilf an hour before sunset, which prevented pursuit. Most of thpir baggage was captured,!! kegs of pow der, 250 lbs; lead, and many horses, cattle, corn, and other property By order of K. II. DOUGLASS. Brigadier General commanding T. A. James S. Mayfiehl, Aid-de-camp. A letter from General Rusk, dated the 17th inst. has also just reached this place, in which ho remarks " We have had anoth er engagement to-day with the Indians, who occupied a very strong position. The con test lasted an hour and a half, when we chaigcd and drove them from their station, in which, however, they sustained consid erable loss, the amount of which is not yet ascertained. Bowles was found among the i dead. I Their number was very considerable, I Our loss was 2 men kil think 5 or- GOO. led and upwards of 20 wounded, umong whom was my brother and Maj. Augustine, of San Augustine county. We ato happy to lean that every precaution has been taken to cut on the retreat o the enemv. and thereby prevent protracted war. We shall anxiously wait farther Intelligence from that quarter, and will endeavor to keep, our lea ders promptly and corrccdy advised on this important subject. P. S, All the, above nws is corroborated by persons direct fioui Nacogdoches, (Tex as,) to this place. Curious announcement of a Suicide. The following is from thr ( uncord (N. II.) Courier : Cowardly Jonathan Butter fiold, Esq., of Hop'kintun, lato a tavcrncr in GofTstown, not having sufliciout pntvc to meet tho rcsponsibilitieN of Life, meanly stolo out of existence last Monday night, by hanging himself. A Manual Labour Jail 'has been erected in Norwich, Connecticut, for prisoners in closo confinement. OBITUAUY- DIED In Rush township.Norlhumber. land county, on Friday the 2d inst. Mrs. Elizabeth Dtpuy, in tho 70 year of her age. VALENTINE BEST, Having, with tho approbation .of tho De mocratic party, mado application, and re ceived Irom tho Governor tho Appointment of Prolhonotary, and Clerk of the Courts cj ucneral (tuarter sessions, Uycr and ferminer and Orphans' Court, will bo a randidale at the ensuing election, for those Unices. August 14, 1839. To. the Electors of Columbia County. l'Eixow uitizens, Having been an pointed by the Governor of the State, Regis ler of Wills, and Recorder of Deeds in Jan uary last, and encouraged by a number of my friends, I now (subject to a nomination by the County Delegates,) offer myself to your consideration Tor the otlice of REGISTER OF WILLS and RECOR DER OF DEEDS, at the next October election, and respect fully solicit your suffrages. PHILIP BILLMEYER. M A (7) DR. II. SMITH, Surgeon Dentist, respectfully informs the citizens of Bloomsburg and its vicinity, that he tnav be consulted in the line of his pro fession at the- house of Daniel Snyder in Bloomsburg, where ho will remain lor two or three weeks only. To those who want teeth insetted the present time presents an. opportunity which should not be neglected, as he has an elegant assortment" of teeth with him. Cleaning, plugging &c. will be also attended to; Charges moderate &c. Sic. Bloomsburg, Aug. 17, 1839. . LEFT HOME, On Monday last, my son CHARLES, aged 12 years. Ho had on a pair of check tmntaloon's and a palm leaf hat, but no coat. As it is uncertain whether he lias gone off, or whether some accident has happened to mm, any person giving informs tion with regard to him will conlcr a favor on his parents. If ho has absconded, all persons are forbid Harboring or trusting mm. SAMUEL PIUCE. Bloom, (McDowell's Mills,) August 17. DR. PIIELPH'S Compound Tomato PZX&S. . Entirely Vegciabe, A new and invaluable Mrdicino for all dicscases arising from impurities of tho blood morbid secre tion of tho liver and stomach. Also, a substitute for calomel, as a chathartic in FcVcrs and alt blllious U1RC3.C4. '1 heso popular pilta dominium; a newly discov crcd Alkaline substance extracted from the TOMA TO PLANT, with other vegetable Mibstanccs which have been found, to modify and diffuse its cf- ' fects, are- believed to be the best Alterative and Ca iliurtic Modinne ever discovered. For ordinary family nhvsic they arc uni versally approved, as the best ever ollered. A full account of this Medicine, and nu merous certificates from physicians and others, accompany each box. Just received and for sale at the new Drug Sloro by J MOYER, Agent. Aug. 17. ft TO SEALED PROPOSALS will bo receiv ed at the house of Mr. Nicely in tho town of Berwick, on tho 20lh instant, until sunset, for executing tho following work on the NORTH BRANCH DIVISION of Tim PENNSYLVANIA CANAL, viz : Rebuilding Aqiioduct on Mill-Creek, near Wilkesbatre rebuilding Aqueduct on Lodccs' run, near Northumberland re building Guard Lock at N.anticoke Dam rebuilding all the LiftLocks between North umberland and tho Nanticokc dam. Also, for erecting a Farm "Bridgn over the Canal on tho line between llorton s and dturue- vant's farms, and for rebuilding such road and farm bridges as may be deemed neces sary, a list of which will be posted at the nlace of lettiiiar. five days previous to tho dav ot lettniir' Also mr me constructing oi I a Towing Path along tho Pool of Nauticoke dam to be secured with the necessary slope wall or rip rap. Phus and specifications will be exhibited on tho day of letting. In the meantime any information may be had bv making application to A. B. Warlord, Engineer. DAVID N. KOWNOVER, JOHN SIIRINER, Supervisors. August 12, 1839. Estate of ABRAHAM HESS, late of Sugarlcof township, Columbia County, deceased. "V?vTOTICE is hereby given, that U He ra testamen- jyi tary, have been granted to the sulaeriber, up on tho above cstato. All jiersons indebted, to said deceased's cstato are requested to make immediate payment, arfd thoso having claiins or demands a cainst the same, to present them, duly authenticated 2 ... . inirw ni'uu ts.'i. lor sciuomcni, m j.. July 27, 1830. A certain remedy for tho FEVER and AGUE, in less than five days, and produces a healthy ac uon, and givis tone to tho stomach and bowels, &c for salo by D. B, TOBIAS, Agent, Bloomsburg Jfct'V is . . WANTED, A PERSON to take chared ofo IIoisoTeam dur- ring a journey to Michigan, to start about (he first of September next. This is a good opportunity for any ono desirous of visiting that state, as ample remuneration for their troublo will bo gl?cn to any ono who will undertake tho journey. Apply to AAKOJV HAUEHUUUlIi Bricrcrcck, August 10, 1839. PATENT Sausage Meat Cutter THIS machine is a valuable improvement in cutting sausage meat with little labor, as a boy can operate it, and cut the meat line; without bruising' One person will cut with it v or dUU pounds in an hour. Alsd a New Patent WASHING MACHINE. One of the best ever invented, as it works without injuring the clothes, and can be op erated by a child. The above machines can be seen at the house of Daniel Gross in Bloomsburg, for a few days, where people are requested to call and view them for themselves. JOHN G..CONSER, Patentee. August 10, 1839. A Journeyman TO THE GUNSMITH BUSINESS S3 wanted by tho subscriber. An industrious, steady and good workman, will receive steady employ and good wages, upon application to JUKA3 IvloiNUKi Orangeville, August 3, 1839, Important to Farmers. BRYAN'S PATENT FA1T1TI1TG MILLS, MANUFACTURED BY AUSTIN & MYERS, Sclins Groiic, Union County, Pa WILL bo kept constantly on hand, for sale by CHARLES DOEBLER, Bloomnburg. The above Mills are a superior article of the kind and no fanner should be without one, Several far mers in Bloom township will testify in Uicir favor from actual use, August 3, CAEBI3RT RSOYJSR, Frcnuk E&hcimmtism Doctor, I'Yom Heading, Informs the public that he has returned to Bloom- burg, after an absence since April last, and can be found at the Hotel of Daniel bnyder.whero ho will bo at ull timc3 ready to attend to patients who arc afflicted with Rheumatic pains in the limbs or body. Bloomsburg Aug. 3, 1839. . 14 GRAND JURY. For August Term 1839 Bloom Jacob Abbott, Henry Bittenbcn- der. Bloomsburg Thomas Willils, John Herring, Valentine Bidlcman,Samuel Krcst ler. Briar Creek Isaiah Salmon, Samuel Herring, John Ruch, Johnnlhan W. Lan ing, John Freas, jr. Isaac Low. Latawissa William olayton. Berry John F. Manvillc. Fishing Creek John Stoker. Grcmwood James Yocum. Hemlock Isaac Wagner. Madison Jacob Demott. Mahoning James Childs, David Phil- Jihfjitn t'.ieazor lirottiweu. Roaring CreekJohn Kline, Samuel Mcars. Sttgarloaf Alexander Colley. TRAVERSE JURORS For August Term, 1839. Bloom Daniel Fornwalt, John Edgar. Briar Creek Jesse Bowman, Graves Doan. Jonathan Cooper, Jacob Bomboy. CalawissaUzvi. S. llayliurst, mayuer- rv Gearbart. John Sc hmick, Samuel A. Brailv. Geonre Htifjes. Demi Nicholas Snyder,J antes mcivee, - - " - - . , Jacob Martz. Greenwood John Sands, Philip Reese, John M' Henry, jr. JJemlock William WHson.ucnry cn- man. r.iberly Hugh Mc Williams, William Wilson. : Limestone John Flood. Mahomnsr Henry Yorks, Daniel Ram- sey,- Jacoo oeciiier, iiowur; uanu iuc, . an II II - T..:.l 111... llcurv Slratin. tr. Mifflin William aavage, jonn uruvcr, : :: .'.;.-;.. t Hiram ueynoitts. Mount lueasnnl uuwaru nicuenry. Pouring Creek Anthony Dengler, Pe ter Kline Abraham Beavei, Jonas Wolf. SugartoaJ Daniel Robblns. UST received in addition to my former stock- on hand RUn'innmn Ifnlvdor. foroimnles. tan, sunburn, frp.-kl.is. mornhow. tetters and other affection of tho ekin. tlhiloGlue, Extract of Sareaparilla, and Sarsoparilla Pills, "White Mustard Seed, Barbadocs Tar, , Oil of Tar, A few bottles of Lemon Syrup, Freoh Prunes an" Raisins, Violins, Accordcans, China, Glass and other Toys boueht for Cash of honest dealers, T can afford to sell tho GENUINE article, as cheap as they can be purchased elsewhere. J, 11. MOYER. July.27, HHEREA8, tho honorable ELLIS LEWIS President of tho Courts of Oyer and Tei" Jid General Jail DeiivcryCourt of Quartet Sessions of tho Peace, and Court of Coaimon Plods, and Orphan's Court, In the eighth Judicial District composed of thrj counties of NortliUihberland.Unlon Columbia and Lycoming J dhd the Hon. Wiiliajc MonToojtEir and Lr.o.viau Ruieiit, Esquires, atsociato Judges' in Columbia county, 'have issued their precept bearing date tho 10th day of Apiil in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred, and thirty-nine, and to mo directed for holding A Court of Oyer and Terminer and Gm' eal Jail JDclivery, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common PlcaSf and Orphan's Court, IN DAN ILLE, in the county of Columbia, oil the third Monday of August next, (being tho 19 til day) and to continue one week. SHU VICE is therefore hereby given to the Cor- oner, the Justices of tho Pence, and Constables of tho said County of Columbia, that they.be then and there in their proper persons, at ten o'clock, in tho forenoon of said day, with their rccordi, inquisitions and other remembrances to do those tilings which to their offices appertain to bo done. And those who are bound by recognizances to prosecute against tho prisoners that are or may bo 'in the jail of said county of Columbia, are to lie then and thcro to proiecuto against them as shall bo just. Jurors ore cequcstcd to bo punctual in their attendance, a grceably to their notices. Dated at Danville, tho 18th day of, July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and thirty-nine, and in the 03d year ot the independence of tho United States of Amcr lea. WILLIAM" KITCHEN, Sheriff. onerilt s umcd, Danville, July 18th 1839. t 1TOTIGS IS HEREBY 5YEI, O all Legatees, Creditors, and other person iulcrcftcd in the estates of the rcsneclivo de cedents and minors, that the Administration ac counts of the said estates, have been filed in tho Of fice of the Ilcgister of the County of Columbia mid will be presented fur confirmation and allowance at the Orphans' 'Court, to be held at Danvillo, in and tor the county ofoieiiid, on Tuesday the 20th day of August next, at 2 o'clock, P. M. 1st. Tho account of John Ycttcr and Jacob Yet ter.'edministrators of the cstato of Samuel Ycttor, late of Latawissa township deceased. 2d. Tho account of Thomas V. Iddings and Sydney Kreishcr, administrators of the estate ot Georgo Krtisher, Ifctc of the borough of BcnvicV, deceased. 3d. Second supplementary account of JohnFoust and Christian Dcahl, executors of the last will and testament of Peter Dcahl, sen. late of Mahoning township deceased. 4th. First supplemcntiry account of Casper Hartman, executor of the Usl will and testament of John Tomlioaon, late of Cattawissa township, de ceased. 5th. Tho account of John Mcnch and Peter Ifine bach, administrators of the estate of Micheal Iline-" bach, lato of .Montour township, deceased. fth. Tho account of James Strawn end William Hartman, administrators of the estato of Georgia Hartman, late of Hemlock township, deceased. 7th. The account of Jacob and John Fry, ctco utors of the last will nd testament of David Fry late of Montour township, deceased. 8th. The account of Samuel and John Itcichard, administrators of the estato of Frederick Ileichard, late of Madison, township, deceased. 9th. The account of David Kocher, administra tor of the estate of Joceph Hans, late of Briar Creek township, deceased. 10th. Tho account of Henry & Daniel G'gcr, Administrators of the estate of Henry Gigcr, lato of Hemlock township, deceased. 11th. The account of William Girton, Admin istrator of the estate of Thomas Girton, lato of Mad ison township, deceased. 12th. Ills ccount of John Pitner and Ellia Hughes, administrators of tho estate of Isaac Tom linson, lato of Cattawisss township, deceased. PHILIP BILLMEYER, Register. ' Register's Office, Danville, July 12, 1839. fTjUOM the pasture of Mr. Afflkmax, in Fish-' J ing Creek towuihip, four Of five weeks since THHEE SHEEP, with yokes ou their necks. Also strayed from the pasture ofMr. RUTEIt, in Cnttawissa township, three or four weeks 6inco FOUK SHEEP, marked in tho right car with a slit. Any person giving information where the above sheep may bo found, to die ub-icriber, or to cither of the above named gentlemen, sliail bo rea sonably rewarded, ISAAC DAVIS. July 27, 1839. Cre3itors take notice, that I have applied to tho Judges of tho Couu of Common Pitas of Colum bia County, for the benefit cf the insolvent laws of the Commonwealth, and that they have appointed Monday, tho 19th day of August noit fur the hear ing of me and my creditors, when and where you can atU'iid if you think proper. JOHN AGEK. July 31, 1830. DOCT. STOUSE'S. PILE OINTMENT, IT almost immediately romoves the pain, and in a short time nllays tho itijlamatlon, an tho sufferer will bo speedily relieved from the unplensfuit affec tion. For sale at tho Health Emporium cf D. S. TOBIAS. A New andCertainArticlcJor killinRGlj. This is a suro article for destroying Rats in a short time, and with the leatt duigti, to sit in any nlaco in tho house or barn For wi'o at the llloouv burg Health Emporium; by D 8 TOBIAS, TO PENSIONER5, Residing in CuUimlhi County. Their money duo tUu. on the irst day of July 1839 is ready. It con bo had at any timo by cal ling or sending. 8 JEREMIAH WELEIVER, Tre. A New Supply of Dr.Weaver'sWORM SALVE which is altogether and abpa ud in 1 h:' idelphia, and highly recommended in this neijUbomuwd, for t at tho Health Emporium, by