The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, August 03, 1839, Image 3

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"muTU wrruot? rsn
For President,
Fort Vice Pkksident,
In complianco with tin request of a number of
Democratic cili.cns, the Dkmociiatic bTMit.v
CoMMiTTir. of Columbia County, recommend the
holding of a
st the house of Daniel Gross, in Bloomsburg, on
Saturday, the lOii of August next,
for tho purpose of mating arrangements for tho full
election, and to tako into consideration the situation
of tho party, and adopt such measures as hall con
duce to its best intcrcat, and that of the County
ntmocralicStandingCojnmitlec. of Col Co.
July 17, 1839.
Col. M. McDOWELL has received cop
PLINE for distribution. Each Field olli
cer will be entitled to one copy each Cap
tain of the Militia, one copy, and each com
pany of Volunteers to two copies, by giv
ing their receipts to him for the same.
Julv 29, 1830.
Appointment by the President.
"William Sntuns, of Virginia, to be
Treasurer of the United Slates, in the place
of John Campbell, superseded.
Appointments by the Governor.
Joscm B. Anthony, Esq. of the coun
1v of Lycoming, to be commissioner under
the act relating to the claims of this com
monwealth, against the estate of John Nich
olson and Baynton.
"Wo learn fioin all parts of the county,lhat
great satisfaction is oxprcssed by the demo
rals, of the act of tho Standing Committee
in recommending the County Meeting, and
thatlare numbers from almost every town
ship are calculating to attend. This
right. We should rejoico to see every d
mocrat in the county present, that all may
have a voice in the primary arrangements
for the fall election, so that we have union
and harmony, without dictation and with
out monopoly. No better time could have
been mentioned for holding the meeting,
The farmer will then have secured one of
ihe most abundant crops that he has been
blessed with for years, and he will want a
day of pleasure, a HARVEST HOME;"
and in no belter way can it be passed, than
"by meeting and shaking hands with his
brother democrats from other portions of the
county, and in placing his political rights
in the same state of security that he has
done the productions of his farm. We
have no doubt it will be one of tho largest
political meetings ever hold in the county.
The High Piiest and Grand Master of
Somersets denounces the friends of the re
moval as Pirates," thus adopting the old
game of " thief crying thief first;"
for if there ever was a set of " land
pirates," it is that of the Danville faction.
They originally, at the formation of the
county, pirated the upper section of the
county out of their jusit rights, by clandes
tinely and piratically procuring the location
of the courts at Danville, and have ever since
by their piratical conduct, retained them
to tho destruction of tho best interest of tho
, county, and that of tho democratic party.-
And they will hereafter, like pirates who
have obtained wealth dishonestlv, stick at
nothing to retain it from tho rightful owners
Therefore a bitter unrelenting warfare will
be waged by them against nil who shall dare
to step forward as the advocaies of, or tako
any part in, the removal
Tho High Prieot anil Grand Master of
Somersets complains bitterly becuusc he
was not furnished with a copy of the notice
of tho Standing Committee for the county
meeting, for publication simultaneously
willi ourselves. For this he has no grounds
of complaint whatever against cither of tho
two gentlemen who signed the notice. The
facts with regard to the publication are these.
The notice was signed by the two gentle
men whoso names appear,andforwarded by
mail, on Wednesday, to John Rhodes, of
Danville, one of the Committee, by one of
the signers, with a request that he would
sign it, and return It in time for publication
that week. It was kept by him until Sat
urday, when it was returned accompanied
with a refusal to sign. In consequence of
its not boing returned as desired, a copy
was withheld from us until Friday, when
there was no iime for us, or for cither of
the signers, to forward a copy to the other
papers for publication that week, as the Sen
tinel was published the day before, (Thurs
day,) and the Intelligencer on that day
(Friday.) If he has any reason to com
plain of any one, it is of his neighbor, Mr.
Rhodes, for he had the notice in his posses
if on, ttj7i the names of the two other
members of the committee attached, two
days previous to the publication of the In
lelligcner, and could have signed it and
given him a copy had he felt so disposed.
lint Here lies not the secret ol Ins chagrin.
He fears the sceptre is departing from Ju-
d;ih. He was not consulted as to the pro-
propriety of holding the meeting either as
to time or place. A majority of the Stand
ing Committee had complied with the re
quest of Hrtvcral respectable democrats to
notify a meeting at JJloomsburg, without
first asking his permission. This was te
ballion not to be forgiven. This was nt-
ratism, in his estimation, of the blackest
die. The interest and convenience of the
Democratic party, and not his and that of
the borough of Danville, had been taken in
to consideration, and he and his clan, in
considlalion, determined to prevent the
holding the meeting if possible. Hence the
retention of the notice, and the nfusal to
sign. In this scheme, thanks to the inde
pendence and firmness of a majority of the
Committee, they havo been defeated, and
the meeting will be held at the most conven
ient place for the assembling of the whole
democracy of tho county. And when as
sembled, they will adopt proceedings, not
to gratify the rage of a few pirates in Dan
ville, to procure the charter of a bank to be
located in that place; but they will bo "Au-ti-Bank,""Anti-Piratc,"and
and Anti-Selfish Policy, which has hereto
fore governed the exclusives of that borough.
And should the editor of the Intelligencer
come in for a share of their censure, he will
have the consolation of reflecting, that it
will he justly merited, for the abuse tint
himself and others, have heaped upon the
democracy of the county for expressing
their indignation at the late attempts to dl
vido tho county to impov; upon the coun
ty a worthless shaving shop, and their un
principled opposition to tho appointment of
any man to office who would not subject him
self to their selfish policy, and be a tool for
their aggrandizement.
Wecan assure the editor of the Intelligen
cer, that so far as we can learn, it is the de
'termination of the democracy of the county
to adopt such proceedings at the proposed
county meeting, as shall tend to the best in
terest of the party, and that of tho county
generally, and all his ravings and denunci
ations will not prevent it. The schoolmas
tcr is abroad, and dictation and anathemas
will not detoi them from taking tho man
agement of their own aflairs into their own
hands. Tho deceptive and selfish policy
of a few would be dictators has become too
well understood throughout the county to be
any longer wielded with success. Demo
crats havo become satisfied that they can be
Democrats and yot not follow in the wak
of the Prothonotary, or tho would bo Sena
tor, or be subject to the beck and nod of
the private contractors, and they havo tho
good of tho Dpmocralic party too much at
heart to allow it to bo rent asunder and th
county dastroyed, to advance the personal
interest of a few,or to gratify private malice,
OnThusday & Fiiday of last week there
was a quite a run upon tho Now York ci
ty Bank for specie in cousequenco of their
exporting largo quantities to England.
Much fears were apprehended that if they
did not immediately stop the 'exportation of
specie, that ttc should have another sus
Now we are satisfied that tho demoerals
who requested the call, and at least one, if
not not both, of the Comrnitleo who signed
it, did not intend it exclusively for piratical
use, but as a general notice to the democrats
of the county. Danville Intelligencer.
We too, believe that the notice was not
intended by tho commilteo " exclusively for
piratical use," hut as a " general notice to
the democrats of the county," and for that
reason tho place of holding tho meeting was
IJloomsburg instead of Danville and for
that reason was the signature of one of the
committee withheld. If tho meeting had
been called in' Danville, where it could havo
been made use of " exclusively for piratical
use," think you tho name of John Rhodes
would have been wanting, and would thero
have been any delay in the publication of
the notice in tho Danville Intelligencer I
Not a moment. It was only tho fear of hav
ing a fair expression of the democracy of
tho county, that has brought down the ire
of the Prothonotary upon the heads of the
Standing Committee, and induced him to
denounce the old democrats who signed the
request for the call, as " slool and flying
pigeon," and " hired pirates," and " im
ported imposters." This system of gene
oral denunciation is no new game with him,
and if he has heretofore profited by his bil
lingsgate abuse, he may rest assured it will
no longer have the desired effect, as the ob
jeet is now ooi apparent. His envenomed
shafts will fall harmless at the feet of those
for whom they are intended, and rebound
back upon his own head, and execute mer
ited and speedyjustico.
We aro indebted to the Keystone for the
synopsis of tho new Election Law which
this week publish. To do this wo have
been compelled to exclude our usual miscel
lany. But all will be satisfied with the
change willi the exception of our female
readers; who must occasionally give way,
as in duty bound, to tho greater advantages
vhich their husbands and brothers will ob
tain from a general knowledge of this law.
Another Exrlaordinary production of
the Season. Mr. Philip Eyer, of tins
town, has left with us. a BUNCH of OATS
containing 8 large sized stalks, evidently
the production of I seed. As the iieads
had not come to' maturity, we cannot of
course tell how many grains it wbuld have
had were it full grown, but we counted over
a hundred grains each in several of them,
must therefore havo produced a yield
of some thousands. This, like the wheat
stalk, was the production of democratic
Scurrility is the corruption of wit, as
knavery is ot wisdom.
MARRIED In Hemlock township on
Tuesday last, Mr. Ziba Iiuzglcs of this YIjss Alary uearutrl ortuelormer
DIED In Monteur township, on Wed
nesday last, Mrs. Hester Bissel, aged 52
years, wife of Mr. John Rissel.
A .Touvsseyjuan
W wanted by tho subscriber. An industrious,
Jj. steady and good workman, will rcccivo steady
employ and good wagos, upon application to
Orangcvillo, August 3, 1839,
Important to Farmers-
Selins Grove, Union County, Pa.,
WILL bo kept constantly on hand, for salo by
Tho above Mills nro a superior article of thokind
and no farmer should bo without one, Soveral far
mers in llloom township will testify in their favor
from actual use,
August 3,
French Blicumatism Boctor,
From Beading,
Informs tho public that ho has returned to Dloom-
burg, after an absenco sinco April last, and ran bo
found nt tho Hotel of Daniel Snyder. whero ho will
bo at all times ready to uttend to patients who aro
. -.1. ni ..r ! ! II
aiuicieu Willi micuiuiiui; puiua in mu uuiua vi """j.
llloomsburg Aug. 3, 1839. 14
Crcditowtako notice, that I havo applied to tho
Judcos of tho Court of Common Pleas of Colum
bia County, for tho benefit cf tho insolvent laws of
tuo uomraonweaiin, ana mat taoy navo nppoinieu
Monday, the 19th dsy of August neit for the hear
ing of mo and iny creditors, when and whero you
can attend if you tuink proper. iuilN fylitill.
July 'dl, 1839.
THE Bloomsburg Artillery will meet at
the house of Chailcs Doeblcr, in IJIooms-
burg, on Saturday the 3d day of August
next, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon in com
plete uniform, for exercise and Drill.
By order of the Captain,
July 20.
For August Term 1830
Bloom Jacob Abbott, Henry Bittenbcn-
Bloomsburg Thomas Wiilits, John
Herring, Valcutiue Bidleman, Samuel Krest
ler. Briar Creel; Isaiah Salmon, Samuel
Herring, John Rucli, Johnathan W. Lan-
ing, John rreas, jr. Isaac Low.
Cataivissu V illiam Clayton.
Berry John F. Manville.
Fishing Creek John Sioker.
Crcenwood James Yocum.
Hemlock Isaac Wagner.
Madison Jacob Demott.
Mahoning James Childs, David Phil
ips. Mifflin Kleazor Brothwell.
liouring Creek John Kline, Samuel
Sugarloaf Alexander Collcy.
For August Term, 1830.
Bloom Daniel Fornwalt, John Edgar.
Briar Creek Jesse Bowman, Graves
Doan. Jonathan Cooper, Jacob Bomboy.
CatawissaVzsa ti. Uayliurst, Aiayucr-
rv wearliart, Jonn ocninicu, saum
Brady, George Iluges.
Berry Nicholas Snyuer.James Aicivee,
Jacob Martz.
Greenwood Johu Sands, Philip Reese,
John M'Henry, jr.
Hemlock William WUson.ucnry t en-
Liberty Hugh McWilliams, William
Limestone John ,1 lood.
Mahonma: Henry Yorks, Daniel Rnm-
c i i it ti-..:.i ill.,..
sev, Jacoo aeenier, uowuri uaviu uii
Henry Straup, jr.
Mifflin William Savage, John uruver,
Hiram Reynolds.
Mount IJlcusanl umvaru aicticnry.
Itottrine Creek Anthony Dengler, Pe
ter Kline Abraham Bcavei, Jonas Wolf.
Sugarloaf Daniel Robbins.
Sessions of tho Peace, and Court of Common Pleas,
and Orphan's Court, in the eighth Judicial District,
composed of the counties ofJN'ortlmiiibcrland.t'nion,
Columbia nnu j.ycnmuig; mm im.-i.ui.. ............
Mos-rnoMiaiY and Lkuxaiiu Rurr.ur, Lsquires,
associate Judges in Columbia county, hac issued
their precept bearing data tho 19th day fof Apjil
in the ysar of our L6rd one thousand eight hundred,
and thirty-nine, and to me directed forholding
A Court ofOucrand Terminer and G n-
eal Jail Betivcry, uenerai quarter
Sessions of the Peace, Common
Pleas, and Orphan's Court,
IN DANS ILLE, in tho county of Columbia, on
tho third Monday of August next, (being the 19th
dav) and to continue ono week.
'NOTICE is therefore lively given to tho Cor
oner, tho Justices of the Peace, and Constables of
tho said County of Columbia, that they be then and
there in their proper persons, at ten o'clock, in the
forenoon of said day, witu tneir rccorue, hhiuimuui
and other icmcmbranccs to do those things which
tn their unices appertain to be done. Anu moso
who are bound by recognizances to prosecute
against the prisoners that aro or may be in the jail
of said county of Columbia, are to be then and there
to proiccuto against them as bhall be just. Jurors
are ccqucstcd to be punctual in their attendance, a
grceably to their notices.
Uated at Uanvillc, tuo lom uay ui jui ...
the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hun
dred and thirtv-ninc, and in the G3d year of
the independence of tho Uni'-cd States of Amer
ica. ' WILLIAM KITCHEN, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Danville, ?
July 18th 1839. 5
JUST received in addition to my former btock
on hand
Glenn's Roman Kalydor, for pimples, tan, sunburn.
freckles, morphew, tetters and other affection of
tho skin.
N Into Glue,
Extract of Sareaparilla, and Sarfflparilla Pills,
White Mustard Seed,
narUadoc3 Tar,
Oil of Tar,
A few bottles of Lemon Syrup,
Fresh Prunes and Raisins,
Violins, Accordeans, China, Glass and other Toys
Having' bought for Cash of honest dealer'", I can
afford to sell tho GENUINE article, as cheap as
they can bo purchased elsewhere.
July 37.
Estate of ABRAHAM HESS, late of I
Sugarloaf townsiup, uouimuiu uuiuy,
T&TOTICE is hereby given, that letters testamcn
Jj tary, havo been granted to the subscriber, up
on tho nbovo Cfctato. All persons indebted to said
deceased's estate aro rcquosted t mako immediate
payment, and those having claims or demands a
gainst the same, to present them, duly authenticated
for settlement, to JOHN HESS, jr. Ex tor.
July S7, 1839.
A superior article of White Coach Body Varnish,
A superior Copal Varnish,
Iron Varnish, for stoves, grates, &c.
i ...i crmlt. nf tti nil of Snrurr. for mak-
in, stance beer, for sale at tho
,7,. v i ' -n b. i-nmAS. Bioomsburs
IIV4UU iUyvtuiU p'. - - .
WHEREAS, the honorable ELLIS LEW IS
President of tho Courts of Oyer and Ter
minnr nml General Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter
71ROM the pasture of Mr. ArptEMAS. In FlsH
" inrr Oreilc intvnsliinjfouror five wet
ins Creek township -four or fivo weeks sincdj
THREE SHEEP, with yokes on their necks.
Also strayed from tho pasture of Mr. RtrTER.iit
Cattawiisa township, thrco or four weeks since,
FOUR SHEEP, marked in tho right car with it
slit. Any person giving information where tho
abdvc sheep irlay bd found, to tho subscriber, or to
cither of the above named gCntlerriert, shall bo rea
sonably rewarded, ISAAC DAVIS.
July S7, 1830i
While and Itcl American IVinc,
A superior article, for sale at tho
Health Emporium, Bloomsburg.
A certain remedy for tile F'EVER and AG I E",
in less than five dayo, and qiroduces a healthy no
tion, and gives tone to tho stomach and bowels, fcc
lor dlo by D. S. TOBIAS, Agent, Bloomsburg
A New Supply of Dr.Weavcr'sWORM SALVD
which is altogether and alone used in Philadelphia,
and highly Teeommendod in thia neighborhood, for
sale at tho Health Emporium, by
D 8 TOBIAS, Agent.
IT almost immediately removes the pain, and ili
a short time allays tho inllamation, an) tho sufferer
will be specdily.rclievcd from the unpleasant affcc-
tion. For sale at the Health Emporium of
A ATew andCcrlainArlicle JorkillingBats.
This is a swo article for destroying Rats in a
short time, and with the leas danger, to sit m any
place in the house or barn For sale at the Blooms
burg Health Emporium) by D S TODIAS,
Iltsiding in Columbia County.
1 heir money duo them on the first day of July
1830 is ready. It can be had at any time by cal
ling or sending)
THE subscriber has pn handj and will
keep an assortment of
French Bedsteads,
a superior article, which he will sell cheaj
for cash or countryproducci
Bloomsburg July 13, 1839.
rgrO all Legatees, Creditors, and other persons
H interested in the estates of tho rtsncctue' dd ,
cedents and minor, that the Administration ac
counts of the said estates, havo been filed in the Of
fice ofthe Register of the County of Columbia and
will be presented for confirmation and allowance at
1 1 1 r- Ornliun J ( inurf tn 1ia linl.l T1imp1U it. nr,A
for thf) ccmnty aforcsa;1i) on Tuesday tha sotli da?
of AugU8l nif at S o'clock, P; M4
1st. TIlo account of Johri Yctlcr and Jacob Yet
tcr, administrators of tho estate of Samuel Ycttci1,
late of Catawissj township deceased.
2d. The account of Thomas W. Iddings anil
Sydney Kreuhcr, administrators of tho estate of
George Krtisher, late of tho borough of Berwick
3d. Second supplementary account of JohnFousf,
and Christian Deabl, cicculors of the last will and
testament of Peter Dcahl, sen. lato of Mahoning;
township deceased.
4th. First supplementary account of (Jasper5
Hartinan, executor of the last will and tcstamont of1
John TomUnson, late of Cuttawissa township, de-
6th. The account of John Mcnch and Peter jlinc-'
bach, administrators of the estate of Mlchcal HineJ
bach, late of Montour township, deceased.
Oth. The account of James Stfawji and VVilliairi
Hartman, administrators of the estate of Gcorgd
Hurtmau, lato of Hemlock township, deceased.
7th. Tho account of Jacob and John Fry, exec-
utors of the last will ind tcstameitt of David Fry
late of Montour township, deceased.
8th. The accdunt of Sarriueland JolinReichardj
administrators of tho estate of Frederick Rcichardj
late of Madison township, deceased.
9thi The account of David Kochcr, ndministra-
tor of the estate of Joseph Hans, late of Briar Crcok
township, deceased.
10th. Tho account of Henry & Daniel G:ger,
Administrators of the estate of Henry Glger, latoot
Hemlock township, deceased.
11th. Tho account of William Girlon, Admhv"
istrator of tho estate df Thomas Girton, latoofMad-"
ison township, deceased.
lllii The account of John Pitner nnd EIlU
Hu?hesi, administrators of tho estate of Isaac Tonv
linson, late of CattawUsi township, deceased.
Register's Office, Dauvillo, July 13, 1839.
- -i
Notice- . .
ALL persons are hereby cautioned n
gainst purchasing TAVO NOTES of hand,
for 7 dollars each, given by us to Ithiel
S. Ilichardson, dated the Oth day of De
comber, 183S, as wo havo received no val
ue for them, and are determined not to pay
them unless compelled by law.
Bloom, Juno 22, 1830.
Will bo paid to any person that will giyfl
information of tho person or persons th
broko tho subscriber's Flat loosoimmediato"
ly below McKclvy's dam, in Fishing creek,
so that tho scoundrels may be brought to
justice. DANIEL GROSS.
June 0.1
Palm Sonp, Rosin boap, Wash Ualls,
Ladies' Soapand Healing Soap, foralo at
Tobias- maim emporium