The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, July 27, 1839, Image 4

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'SHOULD receive n preference over nil Pills now
3 in existence:
First Because they are composed of Vegctablo
extracts, free from minerals; ami may be taken at
nil times with perfect safety by young and old, with
out .restraint from occupation, temperate living, or
fear of taking cold.
Second ilecauso they arc composed nf such
medicinal extracts, as have been employed by all
the most celebrated rind respectable Physicians for
more than a century past, in purifying tho Ulood
and Animal fluid of the body.
Third Because they may bo employed as a
mdd or active purgative, according to the quantity
taken, and their operation will not bo attended with
griping of tho bowels, sickness at the stomach,
prostration of the system, &c, ps are produced by
other pills.
Fourth Because they possess a combined action,
not possosscu by any other pills, mixture or prepar
ation whatever. Thoir first eirect is in correcting
all impurities with which tho blood and fluids of
the body may bo aflcted, and by their gently opera
tive effect, removing such impurities from tho sys
4em. Fifth Because they aro the terror of Quacks
-and Importers, for most persons ato obliged to take
the Sarsaparilla Blood Pills, after taking their vile
and destruc.ivo notruins, to counteract and prevent
their mischiovons and baneful effects.
Sixth Because they arc the only pills in which
Physicians have sufficient eonfidenco to recommend
:to their patients, and employ in their ' practice, as
they know they aro Anti Quack, Anti Mercural.
Anti Billious as well as a good and safe purgativo
and purifier or the Blood and Animal Fluids.
Seventh and last But not tho least important,
bo because they aro prepared by a regular Apothe
cary and Physician, attested ry Drs. Physic, Hor
ner, Chapman, Dewccs, James, Gibson, Jackson,
Coxe, Hare, &c., &c, which alone is sufficient to
entitle them to great confidence.
Ccrtific-.tP!: and Recommendations from Physi
cians and others accompany tho directions around
each box.
KfPricc Twenty Five Cents a Boxj$
r .1 m - .
j-repareu only ana sold Wholesale and Retail at
Dr. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, No. 191 North
Second st.,a few doors below Vine street, Philadel
phia, also, sold by
J. Gilbert & Co., North Third street abovo Vine.
G.S.Clemens, do 3d do do Wood st.
J. R. Smith & Co. do Bd do next tho Red
Lion, and all respectable Wholesale and Retail
Druggist's in Philadelphia.
They are also sold by:
J. F. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
J. W. Rohrer, do do
W. Eberman I.itiz.
J. W. Oakly, Reading.
J. B. Mozer, Allcntown.
P. Pomp, Easton.
And tho principal Merchants and Drugisls in the
Uniied States.
For sale at the Health Emporium Bloomsburg
, D. S. TOBIAS, Agent.
Bloomsburg July, 13, 1839. 11.
COMMUNICATION. How few they arc that
happen to be afflicted with Coughs or Colds
pay attention to them. How many thousands from
such neglect shorten their days, and hasten their fi
nal dissolution. Parents neglect them in their chil
drcn, and thiu form tho foundation for Consump
tion, and hundreds of parents annually follow their
own children to the grave, having died from some
affections of the Brcat and Lungs, which wwe neg
lected in their first stages.
Coughs and Colds, whether existing amongyoung
or old, ought at all times be attended to early, and
not suffered to continue any length of time, for tho
Lungs once affeeted,discaso soon makes rapid strides,
villus m uwmosnatai ot alt diseases, namely Con
VATIVE for Coughs, Colds, Catairhs, Influenzas,
Shortness or Breath, Whooping Cough, Pain in
the Breast or Side, all affections of the Breast and
Lungs, and arrest of approaching Consumption, is
tho most popular mcdicino used throughout all Ger
manyis bocoming equally popular in tho United
.States, and has established for itself a reputation
not possessed by any other medicine for the same
class of -diseases. (See certificates and recommen
dations from Parents, Physicians, and others, accom
paning the directions.) It is a preparation perfect
ly safe and harmless, pleasant to the taste, and may
bo given to tho youngest infant. It is warranted
free from mercury and tho minerals, and is n prcpar
ation of a regular Apothecary and Physician, attes
ted by Drs. Physic, Chapman, Gibson. Jackson,
Horner, Dewces, Coxe, James, &c. a circumstance
nlono sufficient to induce a trial of it
Dr. N. 11. Lcidy, Proprietor or the abovo medi
cine, confidently recommends it to all, and assures
all most positively that it is an invaluable medicine,
and would not himself recommend it, but for its
known efficacy.
Prennmlnnlff nn.t Cm- rJ.ini i jn.,i i
, Dr. LEIDY 'S Health Emporium, No. 191 North
jvi-uiiu oucui u jbw uoors uciow vino street, I'hila
adelnhia also, sold liv
J. Gilgert .V Co., North Thi-d street abovo Vine.
CS. C ?,, i . .1 i i - ....
w. viujitiih, oo isa uo (JO Wood St.
J. 11. Smith Ar. tin. An ,1 U t.i
" m At IUU VU
Lion, and by all respectable Wholosale and Retail
They aro sold by:
J. F Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
J. Yi'. Rohrer, do 'do.
W. Eberman Litiz.
J. W. OlklflV. Iln.lir,
. ... j , ... ....... (, ,
For sale at the Health Emporium Bloomsburg
"v v. a. i ujjias, Agent
THE subscriber informs his friends and
the public generally, thai lie continues to
carry on tho BOOT and SIIOE.MAKINO
BUSINESS, at his old stand, in Blooms--burg,
and that besides tho hands he has
employed on rommon country work, he has
a first rate City workman on fine Boots and
Shoes. TJioso who favor him with their
custom, may depend on good work, and a
neat fit insured.
Jnne 22, q
" 77ie life of the flesh it in the blood,"
so saith the scriptures. -Leviticus c. xvif.
ii '
w n. T.Kinvs: tit. nn n im.T.s wi,i ui..
Lilian scrinturo testimony can wohavoof thn
life of the flosh dependinir upon tho condition of
uiu uioou i n impuro or uiscascu, inc liosu mu
of courso bo diseased thereby, and tho wholo sys
tem parlakn of such disease. If the doctrine bo true,
nnd thcro is not a doubl of it ffor it is a fact ncecc-
.1. - LI..11 rr . .. . .1 t f
ded to by all, that tho scriptures, aro true beyond a
uouiu,j tnen it ucnooves us to guard against tho
consequences of such impurities, and thus preserve
tho flesh healthy. If tho flesh bo healthy, consti
tuting as it docs the principal portion of the human
yody, then must tho whole body bo healthy.
In vegetables onlj can wo find tho medicine where
by all impurities of tho blood may be removed.
llmvnrila nf nnrt llllnilrnil Vftfii-a nvnnnnn.. nf l.n
most celebrated, thowhxst and best(phy6irians have
proviu ccriain vcgeiauios to possess puntying prop-
-. ..vou mil iiu. uuiu uu jjuiiii:u,
and Dr. Leidy wishes to remunerate himself, and
profit by the lone, laborious, and costlv e!m.5rimnnts
necessary to bo made, that tho active principles of
uioso vogciauitM mignt Do retracted and reduced to
such form as makes tlicm easy, safe and pleasant to
be taken.
These vegetables aro contained in the justly cel
ebrated Blood Pills, manufantured only by Dr. N.
Lcidy, a regular Druggist and Fhysician, attested
by Drs. Physic, Chapman, Jacksor, Horner, Gibson,
Pcnecs, James, Hare, Cox, &c.
The ubovo Pills may bo employed as a mild or
active purgative. Their action is easy, and may bo
employed by all persons under all circumstances.
They will at all times bo found serviceable, when
the least sickness is present. They require no
change of diet, restraint from occupation, or fear of
taking cold from their use. They are daily prescrib
ed by numerous physicians; certificates of tho fact
accompany the directions. They arc tho most affec
tive purifier of the blood and other fluids of the hu
man body ever discovered. " Persons having once
used, will ever aftci, as occasion may acquire, have
rcsourse to them.
Price Twenty Five Cents a box.
Sold by all respectable Druggists and Merchanst
throughout tho Union, and in this city only at
uf. i.i'iuy b ileum iimponum, Second street be
low Vine.
J. R. Smith & Co.'s 2d st. near tho Red Lion.
J. Gilbert & Co.'s 3d above Vine.
C Clemens' North 3d abovo Wood.
F. Klctt's 2d and Callowhill.
For sale at the Health Emporium Bloomsburg
D. S. TOBIAS Agent.
Bloomsburg July, 13, 1839. 11.
TI-OiJ Subscriber hereby announces
to nis menus and the public, that he
has purchased that old and well known
lately owned and occupied by STOVFEJl
t liJiKl AUHS, situated m Bloomsburg,
Columbia County, where ho has com
menced the business, ?nd intends to carry
n un in an us oranenes.
He will shortly have a number of elegant
various patterns, finished for sale: and will
SVftjrc Coaches, Coaches, Coachccs,Giggs,
Sulkies, higgles, JJearbom Wagons,
Sleighs, &-c. frc. S-c. &-t..
of every variety of pattern to order, on
snort notice.
tcyJlenairs of all l-imfa ;;; ho
hj attended to
He also mannfnntiirPfi FT.TP'PTr?
other CARRIAGE SPRING3, and will
ai i am mom to ue equal to any made in
this country.
As he has made arrangemcnto for pro
curing the best material, and vit employ
none but first rate workmen, ie hopes to
be able to turn out good work, and thereby
obtain the confidence of those who may
furnish thomsclves from his shop.
Orders from a distanco respectfully soli
Hloomsburg, Juno 1, 1839. 0 tf.
12 dozen Glass Boxes,
12 dozen Lockets,
12hIozcji Lead Pencils,
12 dozen Toy Prinls,
12 dozen Sand boxes, with the sand,
12 dozen Fifes,
12 dozen Doll babies,
12 dozen Conversation Cards.
12 dozen Toy Watches,
12 dozen Brass Walches,
12 dozen Hair Pencils,
12 dozen Breast Pins,
12 dozen Finger Rings,
12 dozen Spoons,
12 dozen Pass Rooks,
12 dozen Tooth Harps,
12 dozen Steel Pens,
12 dozen Tea Setts,
12 dozen Everpoiut Leads,
12 dozen Head Bands,
28 dozen bunches beads,
25,000 Fish Hooks,
12,000 Slato Pencils,
Just received and For Sale at tho cheap
Health Emporium, Bloomsburg, by
Juno 1,
For Chaps, Tan, Sunburn, Soro lips.&c.
For sale at r '
Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg.
Threshing Machine,
FjjrniE Subscribers take this method of informing
JH. their friend, that llioy contiuuo Manufactur
ing TircJiMitfr Machines and fortnbte IIorc
J'etvers, on the most improved plans, made of tho
best materials and in tho most workmanlike man
ner, and which they will warrcnt to stand with faro
usage, alid not injure tho grain by breaking it.
They have surpassed nil others where they hao
been introduced, in Pennsylvania, Virginia and
North Carolina.
Pvalt's Patent Smut,
Improved. An article of great ntility to Millers,
ior cicansing uio gram tor preparing it tor flouring.
These machines arc manufac.urcd of cast and
wrought Iron, and arc supposed to last an hundred
years. They aro in general use in tho btato of New
Yoik and in part of Pennsylvania.
and all kinds ot Machinery, cast and fitted up.and
all sorts or
kept on hand, and sold by wholesale. All of which
will bo sold on the most rcatonablo terms, by
Bloomsburg, .May 25, 1829. 3m4
THE Trustees of this Institution aro happy to
announce to the public generally, that it is
now in full tido of successful operation. The win
ter term has iust closed: and the semi-annual exam
ination, have given more satisractory evidence or
mo excellent quahucalions ol their teacher, E. vv.
CoxKMjro, than any rimrious recommendations
could have done.
The summer term will commence on Wednesday
the first day or May, and continue twenty-thrco
weeks. It is very important, that all who wish to
oin the institution, should be present on that day,
or as soon after as possible.
In ordci to make the school a public benefit, by
affording to all parents who desire the opportunity
or giving their children a first rate education, the
terms or tuition have been given at the following
low rates.
vr.n QuinTi:n.
Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, $3 00
English Grammar explained and illustra
ted, including the ubovc, 2 50
Geography, with uso or Maps and Globes
including the above, 3 00
Natural Philosophy and Cherni-stry, with
use or Apparatus, including tho a
bove, A 00
Latin and Greek Languages, including
all the nbovc, 5 00
The German and French Languages will bo
taught, but an extra charge or $5 00 per quarter
will bo made for either of them. All tho members
or the school aro required to exercise themselves in
written compositions and declamations, and will bo
expected at the cloeo of each term to give a public
exhibition of their proficiency in all the branches
they may havo pursued.
Persons at a distance are informed, that upon ap
plication to tho President, board will bo furnished
in respectable private families, on moderace terms.
Uy order of the Hoard.
D.M. 110LLIDAY, Pues't.
Jons C. Doru, Sccr'y.
Danville, April 10 1839.
Against the World fur good Mill-Stones
and Bolting Cloths.
MILLERS wishing tho abovo articles, are
requested to call und examine my Stock,
nt Danville, Columbia County, Pa., or ut Lew
istown, on tho Junialta.
Danville, May 85, 1839.
j -1
THIS lino has commenced running regularly be
tween Wilkes-Uarre, Northumberland, Will
amsport, Harrisburg to Piladelphia and all inter
mediate places. Tho Doats leave WhilkcvUarre
daily, at S o'clock P. M. and urrivo at Northumber
land noxt morning at 7J o'clock A. M. and Harris
burg the following 6vcningat 9 o'clock; whero pas
sengers will remain over night, and take the rail road
cars at 8 o'clock; A. M. nnd arrivo at Philadelphia
by 2 o'clock, P. M. At Northumberland tho North
and Wot IJrauch boatts connect : This lino arrives
at the junction of tho Junifta in tlmo to conncc
with all tho western lines fir Pittsburg.
Returningpassengers by this line will leave Broad
street, Philadelphia, every day at 8 o'clock A. M.
and arrivo at Harrisburg at 3 o'clock P. M. North
umberland next morning 8 o'clock, WiUiumsport
by 7 P. M, and wilkes-Uarre by 7 o'clock tho follow
ing morning through in 48 hours.
To fauilios moving west this line oilers great ad
vantage charges upon freight very moderate, and
persons with ther families may rely upon having all
ifii'ii Kuuua iukvii Willi mem.
Faro to Northumberland
" WiUiumsport
" Duncan's Island
" Harrisburg
For freight or nasaace annlv in
2 00
3 GO
J 50
4 00
8 00
Phccolx Hotel.
Wilke8-Darrc,May7, 1830 tf
f SJIIE subscriber informs tho public, that ho has
j taken the store Inlcly occupied by C. R. Fish
er, ut tho lower end or Maine street, where ho in
tends to permanently locate hiinscir, and has just
opened nn extensive assortment of NHW UO o'lS
lately purchased in Philadelphia, embracing almost
everv arliclo usually kept in a country store. A
mong which arc,
Consisting of Broadcloths from course to
the finest of 'superfine, Kcrscmercs, Sal
tintlls, Silks, Gingfi(tms,Calicocs
Cambrics, Muslins', Ribbands
Factory Cotton Cloth,
bleached and un
unbleached, very cheap and of tho best quality, and eve
ry variety in the Dry Goods Line. Also, a
general assortment of
Crockery, Glass, China and
ffcnccsi's Ware.
All of which he will dispose of as cheap, if
not encaper, than can be purchased at any
other store in the county.
BQAU who ate desirous of purchasing
good and cheap goods, are requested to call
and examine for themselves before they buy
elsewhere, as ho feels assured no one will
go away dissatisfied with his prices, or the
quality of his goods.
including CASH, will be received in pay
Bloomsburg, May 18, 1839.
RESPECTFULLY informs tho public
that he has removed his establishment into
the shop lately occupied by C. Kahlcr,
Esq. where he intends Keeping on hand
all kinds of
made of tho best of material, and good
workmanship. He manufactures, a now
and approved
Patent Horse Collar,
acknowledged bv all to bo stmerinr In nnv
ever before made in this county.
llo also manufactures LEATHER and
of any description that may be required.
All of which will bo sold on the most
reasonable terms, and he will also be ready
to do any work in his line, on short notice,
and solicits a share of public patronage.
Bloomsburg, May 18, 183U.
Dr. XSrandreth's
rrnilUSK pills have obtained a celebrity for cur
, jil inb "lu "isimmjs 10 which mo nunian system
is liable, unexamnlrd in Ibn liisMrv nf 1, ,.!;,,
ait. They expel by Iho action or the stumach and
,ti.M.A..,ln u l.-.l 1 e .i ... i
ranis, u uuu IIUIIIUUTS lrOJll IIlO 11100(1, CaUSlllg
a Tree circulation of tho fluids, and restores abound
htalo of health.
Tho thousands who uso and recommend them, is
proof poeitivo of their extraordinary and beneficial
Tho subscriber has received the appointment or
ni;uil,JW UIU KUlO oi ur. Jiraiuiotii's 1'llIS ill
Uloomsbnrg. None are genuine that aro offered fiir
bale, without n certificate or appointment signed by
tho proprietor and countersigned by Branch Green,
general agent; and no certificate is ever given, to
Ihoso engaged in the Drug business.
, , J. R. MOYER.
Hloomsburg Aug. H 1830. Iyi7
SN pursuanco of tho Constitution of tho Com
monwcalth of Pennsylvania Notice is hereby
given by llio subscribers, ciUzensof said Common
wealth, that they and others, will make application
to tho next Legislature, for tho creation of a c po-
mln Itnik' will, ltnlilrimr nn,l ,i:t.
of the named and stylo of the
I'urmcrs ana JHecianics Bank of Colum
bia Count;,
J --w.. miu j'MMsv wiuiuieum lyoun
ty of Columbia, as thall be fiyd upon by Com-
r)lisi.Imirj nnnninl eA in .,.... ,i. t
JTMi,vg ... cum maimer us mo Legis
lature bhall direct for fixing tho location of said
Bank, and with a capital of two hundred thousand
dollars. Said corporate body to bo created for tho
objoct of securing to the citizens of the Common-
wnnltli. mill nf tlin (limiilv nf fl. .1... 1 ..
... www. ..J ui vuiuimiiu, uiu IJOI1C-
fits of a banking Institution, with tho riahls. now.
,.. ., ., 1 .. r .i. ,,....1. r .
ui iuu imura ui uiuujuKui norinumucrlanu,
B. 13. CltAIG.
For publishing a new paper inthc borouzh
of Harrisburg, entitled the
Slate fTJapitol G-asctte
Ut iloLiiiiuiiK, Heslock it Hn.vrro-, "
THE Subscribers propose to publish e newspa
per in the borough of Harruburg, with tho
title or the ' Stale Capitol Gazette." The CJnzetto
will be devoted to the support and advancement or
democratir principles, based upon the political and
philosophical truths or univcr.jil vtv ii;ty or right"
and tho sovereignty or tho people's will designated
by the voice, or tho mnjoilty that nil civil govern
ment and law emi.iato from tho p. ople, exist only
by their assent or peunission, and that thev have an
unalienable light to remodel, niter or abolish either
at thoir pleasure, whenever they may djem it ne
cessary for their welfare and happiness, and that ev
ery th'iig which tends to weaken or subvert thoso
principles, goes directly to sap the foundation of our
republican institutions, and should bo checked with
a prompt hand and vigorous energy.
'Measures and not men,' shall ever bo the rnlo by
which the polilioiil courso of tho Gazctto will bo
gowned. We shall never uarrcl with our polit
ical brethren about tho individual whom tho major
ity may fairly select, to carry out any measures con
bistcnt widi our democratic principles. Is ho hon
cstis ho capable, audwill ho obey tho voice of his
constituents, shall bo the loading enquiries as to Ilia
qualifications of a candidate for office, ir capable,
honest and willing to acknowledge Iho supremo will
of the majority, every individual in (society shall
havo an equal claim on us for our countenance and
support. Wo abhor all faction und combination of
individual interest to accomplish individual purpo
poscs. Every thing of that sort, shall receive from
us a most hearty and decided oppoxilion. Honesty,
economy and strict accountability in all public
functionaries, nnd their disbursements of tho public
moneys, shall bo freely examined and fully discuss
ed. Tho Gazctto will sustain tho administration o
the General Government, upon the prin.iples pur
sued by its present patriotic and enlightened chio
magistrate Martin Van Durcn, nnd will cheerfully
lend its support to his re-election, to complete his
measuio or tivo terms or office, in accordance with
the unirorm practice exercised towards his republi
can predecessors. In discussing national policy,
wo shall advocate nt all times every mra-uie tending
to btrengthen the bonds or the common Union, ami
to promote the peace, security and happiness or tho
whole, so raras it can bo dono without compi omit
ting any rights that may belong to on individual
state as a separate and independent sovereignty.
The Gazclto will also support tho administration
or our worthy Executive of Pennsylvania Gover
nor Porter, -md its editors will ever cherish tho prin
ciples which triumphed in his election, and which
through all tho deperate.and dangerous machina
tions put in requisitiou to defeat his inauguration,
by a reckless and abandoned party, established in
tho executive chair, as tho landmarks of ourrcpubli.
can sarety and happiness. It shall also be the study
or tho editors to promote the best interest or our vast
chain or internal improvements, and urging to a
speedy completion all the links necessary to sccuro
its immense connection, nnd to turn it to lasting
and profitable use.
Our foreign relations shall bo attended to, and
tho public seasonably advised of every transaction
abroad, calculated to affect their political interests,
or awaken in private life n spirit of enquiry and re
search in the various fields of philosophy, mechan
ics or literature.
Tho Gazctto will bo printed on n fine double me
dium sheet, and new type; and every attention be
stowed to render its mechanically execution perfect.
Tho fust number of the Gazette will nppcaron
or about tho thirteenth of June. Persons holding
the proposals will bo punctual to return Iho same by
tho thirteenth of .May. Letters by mail, post paid
will receive prompt attention.
Harrisburg, March 15, 1830
The Stato Capital Gazette will bo published twico
a week during tho silling of tho Legislature; and
once a week for tbo remainder of the year, the fol
lowing prices in advance :
Tho wholo year, - . . 53 on
The session only, (twico a week,) - 2 00
JFood Letter Cutler and Engraver, Aro.
ai, Franklin Place, Philadelphia,
UTS ESPECTPL'LLY anuounccs'to tho Printers
JOi, of tho United Stalos, that he has commenced
1110 uianuluciure ol wood tellers.
Wood Letters of every description, from four to
thirty four lines Pica, or upwards, niado to order 011
the shortest nhtice. Ornamental Lettcrsof entirely
new and most bplendid patterns, Tor heads or news
papers, titlo lincs,&c.fiom tuo, lines great primer to
any size larger.
Hi8 typo will be made or materials or tho bebt
assortment, well seasoned and prepared by machine
ry, invented Tor the purpose which insures tho most
oxar.t adjustment.
Specimens will bo publihsed us early as possible,
Kxccutcdjwith ncatnehs and promptitude. Heads
for newspapers, facsimiles, ornamental nnd plain
rules, &c.&c. cut with the greatest accuracy in typo
metal or wood.
Old catt metal cuts, ornaments, Sec engraved
ever, and made equal to new for half their original
A liberal discount for cash. Six months credit
on the mobt approved security. Orders from tho
country promptly attended to. All letters must bo
pout paid.
ajfEditors of papers in tho country who will givo
the abovo advertisement u fow insertions, and for
vyarda paper containing tho Hamo to the ndver
liker, will be paid therefor in any or tho abovo men
tioned matciinls.
April 27, 1830.
Tobias' Apothecary
ESciillli ItoapoviiiBu,
Lower end of Main-nlrect, Bloomsburg,
Where you can always obtain Frcsl"
Goods and Cheaji Articles, hu teiy
caroTul and not got olicated and buy oilit
(Cl'l'cit articles for 'ciliiiatu.
Palm Soap, Rosin Soap, Wash Balls,
Ladies' Soap and Healing Soap, for sale at
J obias' Health Emporium.