The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, July 27, 1839, Image 3

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early 800 emigrants arrived !n Now
York on Saturday last.
It appears from Mrs. Jarvis'a confession
to a friend, that she ascribes their domestic
infelicity to " marrying a man whom eho
had three times rcjc'ctcd."
William Picrca, aged 00, one of tho last
relics of the " Tea 1'uity," was present at
theFaneuil HallcclobraiLmof the Fourth,
at Boston. He was helped into his carriage
by anolhor revolutionary lad, aged eighty
are said to bo necessary, even at
this season of the year, on the top of the
Catskill mountain.
Fifteen or twenty soldiers of the Revolu
tion participated in tho 4lh of July celebra
tion at Hartford.
Mrs. Chapman, tho accomplice of the
murderer Mina, was recently in Wilkes
comity, Georgia, reciting passages from
A New York paper states that there are
471) legal practitioners of medicine and sur
gery in that city, and 173 undertakers.
Benjamin B. Philips has been sonlonced
to two years' imprisonment in New York,
for bigamy.
Tho recent frightful accident at Ithaca
was, it i3 said, the result of gross careless
ness. In addition to Morse, who was liter
ally torn to pieces, a man ns-Med Young was
iniurcd very severely, while several other
person wore shockingly mutilated
The Villafre Recorder stales that on tho
10th inst. a storm passed over the north side
of that borough about midnight, attended
with thunder, lifrhtnins and hail, which
caused considerable damage to ciops, build
jugs and fences within its track.
The Grand Jurv of Boston, have found
21 indictments for violation of tho License
Law. This law is likely to give the courts
abundant employment.
Thcro was a heavy fall of snow in Eng
land as earlv as the 13th of October, and an
other on the 13th of May, making an actual
winter of seven months.
A Fortunate Misfortune. Last week,
on Friday, Mrs. Colton, of Spring street,
in passing down Maiden Lano,lbund a pock-
. '..l:.,.., O'KIAA i. Unnh Kills mil
other valuable papers. Un returning, Mrs
C. who was making search lor the lost treas
urc, to whom she (restored it. Tho party
was a strancer in this city, a Leather mer
chant, who had just disposed oi his goods
and received the proceeds thereof from the
Hank. The lady did not think of inquir
ing the stranger a name, and he was proba
bly too overjoyed to tlunl; ot mentioning
himself. This is the most fortunate mis
fortune we havo lately heard of.
N. Y. Transcript.
t i-i-jvw i m. mii n
Beautiful Coincidence, During t'
morning of tho 4th inst. at Christ Church
Sdem street, an incident occurred which
would have been interpreted by the ancients
as a signal of Divine approbation. 1 h
Rev. Mr. Marcus, of Nantucket, gave out
to be sung the 85th Psalm, in which is th
following stanzas :
The birds more happy far than I,
Around thy temple throng;
Securely there they build, and there
Securely hatch their young.
While he was reading this Psalm, a dov
flew in at one of the windows, and alighted
on tho capital of one of the pilasters, near
tho alter, and nearly over the head of the
reader. A note of tho Psalm and Hymn
to bo sung had been previously given, as is
customary, to the choir; otherwise it might
have been supposed that there was design
in the selection, for tho minister announced,
for the second singing, the 7th Hymn, com
mencing Come holy spirit, heavenly dove,
With all thy quickning powers;
Kindle a flame of sacred love,
In these cold hearts of ours.
Tho preacher was unconscious of the
presence of the bird, until tho close of tho
service; and the innocent visitor was suffer
ed to " depart in peace"
Boston Transcript.
Valuable Medicine. Wo do nol wish to
commend one good mcdicino at the expense
of another, but wo cannot forbear to nottco
the valuablo properties possessed by tho
Carminative Balsam,' and lha" Ex
pectorant" prepared by Dr. Jayno,pf south
Thiidslreotin this city. Wo have forborne
to give evidence, until after a thorough trial
in our own family. They are invaluable in
a family of children, Saturdy Courier.
A lady who has found tho following rem
edy for the prevention of bed-bugs, wishes
to make it public : After cleansing tho bed
thoroughly, rub it over with hog s lard.
1 hu lard should be rubbed on with a wool
en cloth. Bugs will not infest such a bed
stead fui a whole season.
A man was suddenly killed sometime
sinco at Ellisvillo, Vt. Ho was in one of
the stores of the village, talking about mov
ing his family to another house on that day,
though the rain poured down in torrents.
iV bystander observed to him, " Surely you
will not move your family in such a rain 1
Ho swore by the " Lord Jesus Christ, that
if it rained pitchfo;s,with the prongs'down-
wards, and it it rained ncll-iirc, he would
go 1" So saying, he sprang from the door,
walked about ten steps, and was struck in
the mouth by lightning his head awfully
mangled and his lips still quivering with
oaths burned and swelled till it wa3 dis
tressing to see him. Nothing else was in
jured the blasphemer only was killed.
MARRIED -On Sunday evening last,
by the Rev. Mr. Bahl, Mr. George Diet
terich, to Miss Mary, daughter of Ephraim
nvans, all ot linarcreelc township.
On the 14th. by tho Rev. S. Miller, Mr.
II. L. DiefTmbach, Editor of the Union
I'imcs, to Miss Maru Grossman, all o(
New Berlin-
On the 10th inst.,"at St. Joseph's Church
Danville, by tho Rev. James McGinnes,
Mr. John J. Gibson, of Cattawissa, to Miss
Mary Iiicharl, of Lycoming county.
On the 7th inst., by the same, Mr. Thos.
M'Guire, to Miss C. Filzpatrick, both of
In Jerscrtown, on tho 4th inst., by the
Rev. Mr. Patterson, Mr. John Johnson, to
Mrs. Malvina Shoap, of tho former place.
JUST received in addition to my former stock
on hand
Glenn's Roman Ifalydor, for pimples, tan, sunburn,
freckles, morphew, tetters and other affection of
tho skin.
llhilo Glue,
Extract of Sarsnpnrilla, and Sarsaparilla Pills,
White Mustard Seed, "
Barbadocs Tar,
Oil of Tar,
A few bottles of Lemon Syrup,
Fresh Prunes and Unions,
Violins, Accordcans, China, Glass and oilier Toys,
Having bought for Cash of honest dealers, I can
afford to sell the GENUINE article, as cheap as
they can bo purchased elsewhere.
July 27.
Yesterday, July 15th 1839, the marriago
of a son of Eugeno Beauharnois, was to be
celebrated in the Kremlin, tho Asiatic pal
ace of the Cr.ars, at Moscow, the ancient
capital of all the Ruus-ias, with tho eldest
daughter of the reigning Emperor. Thus
a son of the step-son of united
with the greatest imperial family of Eu
rope. It is not yet tweuty-soven years sinco
the Emperor Napoleon, attended by his son
Eugene, captured Moscow and burnt the
Kremlin; and was soon after with ovory sort
of malediction, proscribed and dethroned,
mainly by tho Emperor of Russia, and
chiefly because ho wai not the inheritor,
but only the conqueror of Empires. Yet
already i3 tho stem of his stock united by
marriago to tho daughter of tho imperial
head of absolute legitiniaoy.which expelled
him from power. AVhilo tho remains of
Napoleon lie, as it were tinsepulohercd, in
a distant island, and those of his mother
arc not permitted to reposo in any part of
-. . :.!.: g . , i
r ranee, noi even m inmr nuuvu oursicn, tuc
Krand-son of the mighty monarch, and great
" , . r l . ! - .1. t .1 ;.. i
grand-son 01 ma nuuiu uiuincr, is sougm in
marriage by the chief of the Empire, which
controls Europe and covets Asia.
Estate of ABRAHAM IIESS, late of
bugarlonj township, Columbia County,
OTICE i3 hereby given, that U tters testamen
tary, have been granted to tuc subscriber, up
on the above estate. All persons indebted to said
deceased's estate aro requested to mako immediate
payment, and thoso Inning claims or demands a-
rjuiitot tho same, to present them, duly authenticated
lor settlement, to JUiliN liuas, jr. iix'tor.
July 27, 1833.
JOHN SMITII,MountPleasantTownship,ColumbiaCounty,Pa.
I consider it my duty to the afllicted, to come bofoio tho public
and to mako it known, that I was afflicted for a long time, with a
very bad and dangprous complaint. 1 was unable to do any work,
Doct. , a well learned, and for a long time, an experienced
physician, thought it not worth while to give mo any mdro
medicine. Ho thought I had to change the present for thd
future in quite a short time. I sent for medicine out of Tobias1
Health Emporium, and under his direction, I took them, and aston
ishing is it to say, that I mended so fast, that I was able in a short
time to hire myself out to work. I would recommend all those who
are in a sickly'situau'on, to go in lime, to I). &'. Tobias1 Health
Emporium to get relief from their sickness, yc.
Mrs. BERR, tuifc of John Berr, in Rohringcrcch Vally, Col. Co.
I wish to injure no man in his profession; neither do I wish to
exalt any one boyond his merits; but duty requires that I should
stale the great benefits I have derived from the medicine and advico
I havo received from D. S. Tobias, or out of the highly praised
Health Emporium, Bloomsburg. I was for a long time afflicted
with the following symptoms: great languor, flatulency, disturbed
rest, nervous sick head ache, diificulty of breathing, tightness and
stricturo across the breast, dizziness, nervous irritability and rcstle
ness, palpitation of the heart, costivencss, pain of the stomach,drow
siness, gieat debility, deficiency of the nervous energy, delirious,
flt3, &c. I gave up every thought and hope of recovery; dire de
spair salon tho countenance of every person interested in my exist
ence or happiness, and my physician, an old, learned and experienced
man, Doct. R. said it was impossible for mc to recover my health
again, which I am ready to prove; but by persuation, I sent for med
icine out of D. S. Tobias' Health Emporium, and I have now re
covered my health, and I must say, that I havo never felt better in
my life lime, than I have done since I recovered from my last sick
ness. I am willing to give any person who may call, full satisfac
tion respecting my dangerous and painful disease, and would sol
emly advise all those who are in any kind of sickness, to go to tho
highly praised Health Emporium, Bloomcburg, of D. S. Tobias.
Ll'BIA ACIIENBAUCH, wife of Peter Achenbauch, Orange
villc, Columbia County.
I would adopt this method of recommending your Health Em
porium to tho notice of the afllicted. I speak from a thorough ex
perience of tho medicine which I got of you, and of their value.
My complaint was as follows : Continued and obstinate costive
ncss, violent pains, frequent nausea sickness and burning pains of
tho stomach, rejecting the food, appetite bad, much troubled with
heartburn and flatulency, and a great many other symptoms which
are loo tedious to mention. My condition became alarming. Med
ical atlendancevas procured, and I was declared to be incurable by
more than one physician. I took lefugo to D. S. Tobias' Health
Emporium, and thank my God in a very short time 1 tolt better, and
came to my natural strength again. I would recommend all and ev
ry one who are in a sickly situation, to wait no longer, but get med
icine out of the Health Emporium, Bloomsburg.
Mrs. FOUST, wife oF John Foust, Mahoning township, Col.Co.
I have the pleasure ot intoriningjtlie public, ot iny perlect recov
ery from that dreadful malady called " Fluor Albus," which camo
so near causing my death that it appeard inevitable. I underwent a
course ol treatment prescribed by a celebrated physician, who visit
ed mo often, but still I got worse and worse, till I sent my husband
to D. S. Tobias' Health Emporium, and the very first time 1 took
his medicine the complaint stopped, and in a few days I was able to
do my work again. I would therefore advise every one who is in
an unhealthy situation to go to lobias Health bmponum.jwd sut
ler no ""more. l'Wlsh eVeTy"T5nblviicf reads "this would keep it iii his
MARICIIA LEI BY, wife of Jacob Leiby, Mahoning toivnship,
Columbia County.
Knowing by experience, tho effect of every reference the afflicted
receive of the beneficial results of medicine, I cheerfully offer mino
to the public, m behalf of D. b -lobias's medicine. I have been af
flicted for a long time with the following symptoms of general debil
ity: Sores of the body, scurvy, diseases of the liver and skin, rash
over the whole body, or a breaking out, sometimes called prickle
heat, pain over the region of the heart, breast and stomach, swelling
of tho feet and legs, so that it was impossible for mo to get on my
shoes. I have used a good deal of medicine from Doct. M., but
without receiving any benefit from them at all. I therefore took
refuge to that much and highly praised & celebrated Iieu'th Empori
rium, by D. S. Tobias. In conclusion, I recommend to everyone
who is in an unhealthy state, to get medicine out of the Health Em
porium, as I believe them to have been the means of saving my lifo
and restoring me health and strength. I am willing to give any per
son who may call full satisfaction respecting my case.
fN7 Will NLAJy "vl-
ETTrtOM tho pasture of Mr. ArrLEiriir. in Fish
bp imr Creek township, four or live weeks since,
THREE SHEEP, with yokes on their necks.
Also elrayed from tho pasture of Mr. HITTER, in
Cattawissa township, threo or lour weeks since
FOUR SHU El', marked in the right car with a
slit. Any person giving information whero the
above sheep may be found, to tho subscriber, or to
cither of tho above named gentlemen, shall be rea
sonably rewarded, ISAAC DAVIb.
July 27, 18:19.
A superior articlo of White Coach Body Varnish,
A superior Copal Varnish,
Iron Varnish, for stovca, grates, &c.
And a Fresh supply of the Oil of Spruce, for mat
ing spruco beer, for sale at tho
Health Emporium, by E.S.TOBIAS, Bloomsburg
White and Bed American Wine,
A superior article, for sale at tho
Health Emporium, Bloomsburg.
A certain remedy for tho FEVER and AGUE
in less than five days, and produces a healthy ac
tion, and givos tono in tho stomach anil bowels, xc.
lor sale by D, o. TOIHAo, Agent, Bloomsburg
A New Supply of Dr.Weavcr'sWORM SALVE
which is altogether and alone used in Philadelphia,
and highly recommended in this neighborhood, for
iaIo at tho Health Einpori'im, by
D S TOBIAS, Agent,
IT almost immediately removes the pain, and in
a short time allays the inllamatlon, an! the sufferer
will bo speedily rclie.ved from the unpleasant affec
tion, ror sale at Me Health Emporium ol
A New andCerlainArticleJorkillingliats.
This is a euro article for destroying Rats in
short time, and with tho least danger, to sit in any
place in the house or barn For sale at the Blooms
burg Health Emporium; by D 8 TOBIAS,
SOLOMON NEWIIABB, Esq. Bloom township, Col. Co.
I hereby certify, that 1 had a child who was afflicted with that
bad complaint, called Phthisic and Choking Rheum. We had tried
several experienced physicians, but nothing would relieve the child,
until I wont to D. S. Tobias' Health Emporium, and got some med
icine, and astonishing as it is to say, the child got better the first doso
we had given him'
A certain cure for frost bitten limbs. To prove that it is a certain
romcdy, I would refer tho public to the following.
EMANUEL LAZARUS, Merchant, Orangeville, Col. Co.
I hereby certify, that I had a boy in my store, a son of my sis
ters, who had bolh'feot frozen, and they were so bad, thaUt was
impossible to wear siiocs. I had tried medicine prescribed by a
physician, but without any use or benefit, when I went to D. S.
Tobias' Apothecary or Health Emporium, in Bloomsburg, and got
medicine out of it, and astonishing is it tn say, that in quite a short
time, tho boys feet were well and sound. I would pray every per
son with frosten limbs, to go to this highly praised Health Empori
um, and get medicine for that painful complaint which is a certain
military notice.
THE Bloomsburg Artillery Will meet at
the hose of Charles Doebler, in Blooms-'
burg, on Saturday tho 3d day of August
next, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon in com'
pleto uniform, for exerciso and Drill.
By order of the Captain
July 20.
Bcsidincc in Columbia Countu.
Their money due thein on the first day of July
1839 is ready. It can be had at any timo by cat
ling or sending.
THE subscriber has on hand, and will
keep an assortment of
French Bedsteads,
a superior article, which he will sell cheap
lor casti or countryproducc.
Bloomsburg July 13, 1839.
TO all Legatees, Creditors, and other persons
interested in tho estates of the respective do
cedents and minors, that the Administration ac
counts of the said estates, have been filed in the Of-
ncc of tho Register of tho County of Columbia, and
will be presented for confirmation and allowanco to
the Orphans' Court, to be held at Danville, in and
tor the county aforesaid, on Tuesday the 20th day
of August next, at 2 o'clock, P. M.
1st. Tho account of John Ycttcr and Jacob Yct-
tcr, administrators of the estate of Samuel Yctter,
late of Catawissa township deceased.
2d. Tho account of Thomas W. Iddiwrs and
Sydney Ifreishcr, administrators of tho estate of
Ueorgc Krcishcr, late of the borough of Berwick,
I deceased.
3d. Second supplementary account of John Foust
and Christian Dcahl, executors of the lost will and
testament of Peter Dcahl, sen. late of Mahoning
township deceased.
4th. First supplementary account of Casper
Hartman, executor of the last will and testament of
John Tornlinson, late of Cattawissa township, de
5th. The account of John Mench and Peter Hine-
bach, administrators of the estate of Micheal Hine-
bach, late of Montour township, deceased.
Cth. Tho account of James Strawn and William
HarUnan, administrators of tho estate of Gcorgo
Hartman, lato of Hemlock township, deceased.
7th. Tho account of Jacob and John Fry, exec
utors of the last will ind testament of David Fry,
late of Montour township, deceased.
8th. The account of Samuel and John Reichard,
administrators of tho estate of Frederick Reichard,
lato of Madison township, deceased.
9th. The account of David Koclier, administra
tor of the estate of Joseph Hans, lato of Briar Creek
township, deceased.
10th. Tho account of Henry & Daniel Gigcr,
Administrators of tho estate of Henry Gigcr, lato of
Hemlock township, deceased.
! 1th. The account of William Girton, Admin
istrator of Iho estate of Thomas Girton, late of Mad
ison township, deceased.
12lh. Tho account of John Pitncr and Ellis
Hughes, administrators of tho estate of Isaac Torn
linson, Lite of Cattawissa township, deceased.
I'HlLir lHLLMEYEu, Register.
Register's Office, Danville, July 12, 1839.
Remaining in the Post Office at Blooms
burg, Julu 1st, 1839.
s it possible!
flJHE Fifth New Supply for this summer, in
H the highly recommended Drug Store, with
tholuitablo name HEALTH EMPORIUM.
Tho subscriber has made arrangements wilh nil
the Importers of Medicines, Patented and others,
Toys, Peifumcry, &e. in tho city cf Philadelphia,
and has received an appointment of Agency for
most of tho Patent Medicinoa now in cxistenco in
Pennsylvania, which he offers for salo as cheap as
they can bo obtained in tho State, at the Health
Emporium ind Family Warehouse, Bloomnburg,
Columbia County. D. S. TOBIAS.
July 20. i
Compound Sirup of Prunes' Virgini
anna, or Wild Cherry, for Coughs, Colds,
Asthmas, Consumptions,., for sale at tho
Tobias1 Health Emporium, Bloomsburg.
Druggs andrrSedicines,
Nats and Toys,
and numerous other articles in my lino of business,
which again renders my assortment complete.
July 20.
SNFORMS tho public, that he has located him
self in Bloomsburg, at tho house of Mr. L.
Leight, where he will at all times bo ready to at
tend to all calls for hi professional service?.
July 20.
Baylor Elia,
Bittenbender John,
Baker Ascncth,
Barns Mr.
Crcssler John,
Dreher Frederick
Davenport Ira,
Everett Obed,
Emmons Mr.
Firman Capt,
Fleck Daniel,
Gaskins Rachel,
Howcr John,
Hagebuch Mr. owner
of Boat Superior.
Hefley Charles,
Keller John isq.
Kcanda Jacob,
Kendig C.
Ivromer roily,
Long Joseph Sr.
Larshy Ruben,
Mellick Andrew.
Mcndcnhall John,
Morton John,
M'Intosh Alexander,
Meyer L. Dr.
McDowell M.
Philips G. W.
Poor overseers of
Montour township.
Fctrikin Winslow fc
Rosenberger Bej
Ritter William,
Smith Georgo or
Smith Abm. H.
Squire E.
Squire Eben
Squire Mr.
Smith George,
Shipman Jacob,
Stono David,
Thomas Charles 2
Thatcher John M.
Vallarcharnp A.
Wertman John,
Workman John 2
Wells Henry,
Waller Rev. Mr.
Mier Lewis Dr.
Persons calling for letters on tho abovo
list, will please say they arc advertised.
Bloomsburg, July G. 1839.
ALL persons aro hereby cautioned a
gainst purchasing TWO NOTES of hand,
for i7 dollars each, given by us to Ilhiel
S. Richardson, dated the 0th day of De
cember, 1838, as wo havo received no val
ue for them, and are determined not to pay
them unless compelled by law.
Bloom, Juno 22, 1830.
Will be paid to any person that will give
information of the person or persons that
broke tho subscriber's Flat loose immediate
ly below McKelvy's dam, in Fishing creek,
so that the scoundrels may be brought to
justice. DANIEL GROSS.
June 29.