The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, July 27, 1839, Image 1
illlIEArff, JSL M 1 have sworn upon tlic Altar of God, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny ovdr the Blind of Man." Thomas Jcilbrson. ' - PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY II. WEBlI Yolninc 113. BLOOMSBJKG-, COMMBSA COSJOTY, FA. SATURDAY, JUXY 27, !S33. Number 1 15. OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, OrrosiTB St. Paul's Onuncii, Main-st. t: 77ic COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be published ever; Saturday morning, at TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars Fifty Cents, if nut paid within the year. JVo subscription will be taken for a shorter period than six months ; nor any discon tinuance permitted, until all arrearages arc discharged. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding a square will be conspicuously inserted at One Dollar for the frst three insertions, and Twenty-Jive cents for every subse quent nscrt'ion. ICFA liberal discount made to those ivho advertise by the year. LETTERS addressed on business, must be post paid. From Waldio's Circulating Library. TIIETHREC FRIENDS OF BRUS SELS. A NAUKATIVE FOUNDED ON FACTS. Some years ago there resided at Brussels three young men, named Charles Daran court, Theodore dc Valmont, and Ernest de St. Maure, whose friendship for each other was of so ardent a nalure.that they were generally known by the title of The Insep arable. The first link which bound these youths together was the remarkable circum stances of their having been all three born on one day, and, being all of good families, they had been constant play-fellows in child lmod. had s'tudied at tho same academy as cflinnl.hovs. and had become members of the. same university in their more advanced years. Through all these stages of their existence, they had exhibited the same un varying affection for one another,' and had displayed great similarity in their taslc3, 'Onlinirs. and Pursuits. On reaching nian- lmArt. Imwntfer. circumstances leiltliom mVht havo keen expected, to adopt difier entTcourses of life. Darancourt, the son of .... nminnnt nhvsician. selected the profes sion nf the law as the road to eminence an v.anppltiriilitv 10 the world. St. Maure, whose father was 'a nobleman of decayed fortunes, chose the army as tno most suita ble to his birth and pretentions. De Val tnrint. on the other hand, preferred the cap rivaling study of letters jnd the fine arts to hn nnrsnit nf anv nos'uivc profession; and the circumstances of his father, a retiied colonel of engineers, enabled tho young for the lime, at least, to indulge his tastes in-this respect. Ernest de St. Maure, at the period whence this narrative takes its dale, had not yet ininml the armv. but the imperial mandate tCnr Brussels was then within the domin ions of Nanoleonl was looked for daily .mil Count do St. Maure and his lady were isadlv nrenarinir their minds for parting with their onlv and beloved son. At this timo it wns that Charles Darancourt, who haii been recently admitted a member of the masonic fraternity, took an opportunity of suggesting to young St. Mauro the proprie ty of entering the samo society. Daran court's counsel was founded on certian sto ries told of soldiers having fallen into the hands of the enemy, and having been sav cd by discovering a brother-mason in some of the captors. " Now, who knows," cried the young barrister, with the ardor of friend ship, "but you, St. Maure, may bo thrown into a similar nituation, and may escape by the like means V Though disposed to look upon the mysteries of masonry as a useless mummrrv. St. Mauro allowed himself to bo persuaded by his friend, and promised to undergo initiation at an early day. At the same timo ho would consent only on condition of Darancourt. himself acting as tole initiator, which tho barrister, however irregular the proceeding might be, professed his willingness to undertake. During tho Sunday immediately follow ing the day on which this conversation look place. Count de St. Manrc'n house va3 observed to be shut up bv the neighbors. 'None of the inmates, at least, wore seen lo issue from it, though they had ever been re markable for their punctuality in attendance on the services of the church. Tho neig- bors. however, merely concluded some of th'cm to be ill. But about eight o'clock in the evening Charles Darancourt and Theo dore dn Valmont called, in order to spend a social hour with ttie family. 1 heir repeat ed knockings at tho door remaining unau swercd. they at length alarmed the neigh borhood. Tho door was burst opsn, and til tho horror of Ihe spectators, four murder- ed bodies were found in the various bed rooms. Tho corpse, whoso throats were thockinirlv cut. were those of the Count do .81. Maurejns lady, and their servants. was also found that a desk had been broken open, and plundered of valuable jewels, known to have been there. On this appal ling, sight Darancourt, whoso friendship for the family was well known, appeared at first paralysed with grief. When he recovered from h'is trance-like stupor, he rushed from the house, exclaiming, ' My friend ! my dear Ernest I Where is my poor friend?" This exclamation called the minds of the spectators, for the first time, to tho circum stance of young St. Maure's absence. The authorities were speedily called to tho spot, and among other steps taken, a search was instituted for Ernest de St. Maure. Dc Vulmont, who retained much moro presence of mind than Darancourt had exhibited, con ducted in person tho search for Earnest. But the whole of Brussels was examined in vain, i he young man was to do seen nowhere. At the solemn investigation which took place into the whole of this tragic affair, circumstances .came oHt which tended strongly to fix the guilt of parricide on the missing youth. A penknue, marked with his initials, was found near tho scone of slaughter, covered witli blood. This, to all appearanco was the instrument wan which the murders had been committed. Howards were offered for the apprehension of young St. Maure, and in the estimation of all men he was accounted a parricide, until, on the sixth morning after tho mur ders, a new turn was given to tho affair by the discovery of the youth s body in a slag nant well in the outskirts of the city. At first, indeed, as no wound was seen on the body, it was thought that he had added self destruction to his other crimes; but on a moro minute examination a small puncture was detected on the breast, immediately over the heart. This had well nigh bee scratch. At the urgent entreaty of one sru geon, however, the chest was thoroughly laid open, when it was found tlratMhe heart had been pierced Is lis centre by a sharp. in strument of exceeding minuteness, in a di rect line with tho external puncture. This obviously had been o cause of death. As limsi! t. ant 1 hen .have convevm his bodv lo the well, it became apparent to' all that Ernest do St. Maine also had fallen a vic tim to the same conspiracy which had over whelmed Ins parents. 1 his, at all events, was strong presumption; and so satisfactory did the discovery appear to the authorities that they laid the son in the same grave with his parents, thus clearing his memory, as they could, from the dreadftd charge of be ing a parricide. The arguments of Charles Darancourt were chiefly instrumental in pro etiring this justice for his departed friend. The young advocate displayed in this cause all tho warmth of sorrowing affection, and all tho power of forensic genius No further light was thrown on the fate of tho St. Maurcs, until some weeks afle the tragical event, several papers were then discovered in an escritoire bv tho late Count's brother, which throw a dark suspi cion on one of the most intimate friends tho deceased on Theodore de Valmont ! It appeared by these documents that Do Valmont had fixed Ins allcctions on iMnuy Duplets a beautiful young lady, who re turned his passion, in spite of a long-stand ing quarrel between their families. Ernest de St. Maure and Charles Daiancourt had been do Valiuoni's only confidants, and had assisted him in procuring interviews will the object of his affections. Being thus oc casionallv brought into contact with the young lady, Ernest do St. Maure had him self been inspired wilh n deep and unhappy passion lor Emily Duplcssis. lie had con iesscd this to Darancourt, and had at the samo timo declared his resolution to root i out of his mind, and lo dio rather than in jure Do Valmont. But the passion had not been so easily otercomo, ami uc valmont had at length become aware of the truth. Tins ed to a series of letters between nun and St, Maine, which letters were now ilis covered, In some passages of these, D Valmont reasoned wilh Ernest as with brother on the subject of his misplaced pas sion, while in others Theodore used Ian gunge, that now boro a most unfortunate as pect. " You know mo too well," said D Vulmont in one letter, " not to feel convinc ed, that, independently of all other motives an innate sense of what is clue to my ow honor would urgo me to inflict the most am pie vongeance on the head of him who could avail Himself ol mv unbounded coniiuenc to estrange from me tho affections of my adored Emily." These, and other passages of the discovered correspondence, admitted of an inference so unfavorable to Theodore de Valmont, that the authorities, on havin the letters laid before them, immediately took him into custody. Various other cir cumstanees of a disadvantageous nature cams subsequently into view. It was re menibered, by those who had been piessnt Ithow comparatively little emotion had been hown by T.on tho discovery of the murder- bodies, while Darancourt had displayed uch ajitatinc urief and horror. Besides, De Valmont, it now appeared, had been met and recognised near tho scene of guilt on tho night of the murders. When asked to explain where he had been, De Valmont showed manifest confusion, and said he liadji been visitins a lncnd,and positively rctuscu to name that friend. And,moreover,a respec ble female came forward, who averred that, n the third or fourth day alter the tragedy, he had washed a shirt for the prisoner, the right sleeve of which wa3 clotted with blood. The explanation which Do Val mont gave of this circumstance was lame, confused, and improbable. On these grounds supicion, Theodore de Valmont was ap pointed to lake his trial for tho murder of the hit. Maures, though no one could oven imagine a reason lor his having included the parents in that revenge which Ernest a- one seemed to have merited at his hands. Charles Darancourt was unremitting in is attempts to sustain his imprisoned friend under the heavy affliction of such a charge as this. To Darancourt, Theodore confided the task of communioatiijg the intelligence t this accusation to Emily Duplcssis. Tho young lady was so dreadfully affected as to ink into a violent lever, during the ravings 1 winch stie revealed to her parents the fact of her having not only loved De Val mont, but of her having been recently united to him by a private marriage. I Ins infor mation, which she did not gainsay on recov ering partially from her illness, had the ef fect of widening the circle implicated in these dark transactions, since the parents of Emily had the grief ol seeing her late bound up with that of one on whom a charge res ted of the most atrocious kind. Their pre vious hostility lo the De Valmonts tho pa rents might perhaps have readily got over; but there was now deep disgrace attending any connection with the very name of De Valmonts. The discovery of the marriage was therefore concealed. The morning allotted for De Valmont's trial arrived. The officers went to tlte cell to remove him, but 16 1 life nlace. wns emn- iy. l nu prisoner n.m iiuiiuriiuiicu iiim uuii, and escaped by scaling the prison walls. On the table lay a letter addressed to Mad amoiselle Duplcssis, which was opeued by the authorities, and lound to contain an am mated and solemn assertion of the wi iter's innocence. But, seeing circumstances to bear against him, ho resolved (the letter said) to take the only visible mode of sav ing his life, in the hope of one day proving his innocence; and until this was establish ed, he never would return ho said to Brus scls. An energetic search was made for Theodore Dc Valmont, but it proved fruit less. Thus was justice again baffled, at a time when it had fixed in its own belief on the true criminal. But Theodore's letter, which was long and eloquetly pathetic, made a deep impression in Ins favor on ma ny persons, and, among others, on the pa rents of his wife, Emily Duplcssis, or rath er De Vahiiont. On conversing with their daughter, they moreover learned that The odore had been visiting Emily on the night of the murders, and had hurt his right arm in crossinc the garden wall of her father's house. Not knowing that Emily in her illness had revealed the marriage, De Val mont would not bolray the secret, and hence his confused answers were questioned, as already mentioned. Knowing those things Emily s parents longed for 1 heodore s re turn which misht have now been compara tively safe. But ho could not bo heard of anywhere. The parents now consented to an open acknowledgement of their daugh tcr's marriage with tho absent Theodore which consent lmiiy had stronc reasons for entreating from them. "When Theodore had been absent seven months his wife gave birth to a son, for whom Charles Darancourt stood sponsor at the font. Darancourt, on iliu occasion, aftor pledging tho mother and child, called on the guests present to ioiii him in drinking " to the happy rolurn of the absent father, and may his innocence soon he established 1" Strange to say, this wish seemed in some measure fulfilled, not many days after its uilerance, in a manner that deeply allected him who uttered it. cart was stopped one night at the city bar rier by one ol tho collectors of the impost! No contraband goods were found in the cart but, in the act of search, a small box fell off, and was crushed by one of the wheels Tho collector assisted in gathering up the contents, and while doing so, picked up a brilliant diamond brooch. Tho collector had been once in tho service of tho Count de St. Maure, and instantly recognized the brooch, which was ol great value, as hav ins belonged to that nobleman. The car ter was taken into custody, and on examin ation, staled that ho had been employed by a gentleman to carry trunks and various ar ticles o f furniture to a country-house about a toils distant from Brussels. Being asked tho gentleman's name, tho man readily gave it as " Monsieur Darancourt, the younger, residing in the Grand Square." Charles Darancount was ere long, as his friend De Valmont had been before him, consigned lo a prison on the charge of mur dering the St. Alauics. l ne strange iaie which had thus caused suspicion to fall on the very dearest friends of tho deceased, made the case most remarkable in tho eyes of all men. Charles Darancourt was brouc ht fairlv to trial. .He defended him self with equal calmness and ability decla ring the brooch to have been given to mm n a nrescnt bv the Count do St. Mauro. On the other hand the collector proved that the Count had ever seemed lo regard the brooch as the most valuable of his family ewels, and had once refused it, in the wit . '. . i run iipss's nearinff. to nis own buji. nmo was on the very face of it improbability in the notion that a man of small fortune like Count should give away a jewel ot such value as a meie friendly present. It was further proved that Ernest de St. Maure had been last seen entering the prisoner's house, on the night befoio his disappearance ; and bein" called forward to tell what they knew, Charles Darancourt's three servants were found to have been sent out of the way on various errands, on the night in question. A chain of presumptive evidence of this nature was established against Darancourt, and in despite of the talent with which he defended himself he was condemned lo die for the murder of St. Maurcs. Charles Darancourt solemnly protested his innocence, and continued to repeat the assertion during the interval spent in await in" the fulfilment of his sentence. The fa tal day at length came and the prisoner was ,i nnt in he scatlo d 10 UIC an luiiuiiumuua ito-iih in ihp nrpsnnr.o of assembled thou sands, who looked on with strangily ruin- clcd fee Migs of pity and satisiaction, caus cd by the ambiguous and mysterious nature nf the r.nse. The maiorilv of the specta- their minds to believe in the commission of such wholesale mur der JJv one man.and that man an ingenious ih tho suflcrers. US r fcS' ft-fTim; of' ffielaw " rtiough It C0U1U ; . i.-.,i nnt rr.mnvfi dodbt. wasinu 10 uu umiuabu. WliP.u nil was roadv on the scallotu, ana eternity immediately oeiorc mm, muro , m i Darancourt pulled from his uosom a auaiuu packet, and to the priest in attend ance, with directions that it should be given nfier bis death to his father. Tho fatal cord wno ?,l,n,ll In lip. flVPll. wllCll a loud SllOUt arose from the populace, and the crowd was c-ccn opening up to permit the passage of a horseman, accompanied tv several muiuiuu. " A respite 1" was the cry. The populace already excited by this event were still more so when they beheld the horseman Rnrinrr to the scaffold, embrace the prisoner, and then advance lo address themselves. It was Theodore de Valmont 1 He spoke at s irar. Innaih to tho multitude, telling them that, on hearintrof Darancourt's condemna tion, he had flown to Paris, and had detailed the wholo circumstances to tho emperor, who had been thus moved to grant a res niie. "I knew mv own innocence," con tinned Theodore, "and I could not doubt that my beloved friend was equally innocent as myself. Our intimacy wilh the unfor tunate deceased has well nigh brought death on both of us, for that intimacy is our sole crime. The mystery which hangs over this sad story heaven will clear up in its good time." The shouts of the people rose joyfully in tho air, for the words of De Valmont carried conviction wun mem. What were thefeciingof Charles Daran courlon being thus snatched from the grave Tip. retained all his calmncss.& merely utter pel n fpu- broken sentences, expressive of (ratification to heaven for his- liberation from tho charge of being a murderer and robber. Ilo then turned mildly to tho pries and ieouested the restoration of the packet Tho priest was about to comply, when one of the attendant olhcers snaicneu iiom iIih hnlv father's hands, declaring it to be his dmv to retain and show it to his supe riors. The prisoner quietly remonstrated asrainst the seizure of papers relating only In nrivato family affairs. But tho officer was obstinate. Darancourt and Do Valmon were then conveyed to prison, as the respite nr.lprnil till thn cmneror's will should be furthci known. On reaching the prison Charles Darancourt immediaiely cominuni fitful with his friends, and nrolcstcd anew arrmnst the seizure of his papers. Tho au thnrities did not lisieu to his request. Well might Darancourt struggle for the re possession of that fatal packet ! Believing death inevitable, Darancourt had there made a confession and what a confession I A confession of five cool and deliberate mur ders effected by him without an accomplice! The following is an abstract of that paper's contents : " Having formed a deep attach ment lo Emily Duplcssis, Dziancourt had resolved to cut off both, De Valmont and Ernest de St. Maure, aB obstacles in his way. Ernest lcll lirst into his power, inia victim had come to the house of Darancourt to be inilated into the mysteries ef mason ry. Under tho pretence of performing these, Darancourt contrived to bind the voung man so that he could stir neither hand nor foot, and then opened the victim's dress, and thrust a knitting needle between the ribs into the centro'of his heart! Ernest de St. Maure died instantly, almost without groan. Taking a key, by which tho de ceased let himself into his own house at nights, from Ernest's pockets, and also a penknife, Darancourt then carried tho body by a back road to a neighboring well, and threw it in. He then hurried to tho Count de St. Maine's house, let himself in, and murdered the master of the house, his wife, and his two domestics, while sleeping in their beds. The principal motive of Dar ancourt's entering the house was the desiro lo gain possession of a bond for 5,000 francs which tho count had lent the young lawyer to prosecute his studios. The mur der of the servants, and, indeed, of the other victims also, was committed lest they should islurb him in the robbery ol the house, which proved to be a temptation not to bo over come when the murderer found the chanco ii his power. Family jewels and to a con siderable amount were the price of his guilt. By leaving the penknife, Darancourt hoped to throw suspicion on the son ol tuts count; and this really turned out as he anti cipated, though the unexpected opening of the old well had subveitcd that-part of tho expected issue. Darancourt had doomed De Valmont to death at the nrst opponuni- ':: This fearlul revelation lrom trie mur derer's own hand filled the minds of the people of Brussels with the deepest horror. Had the packet been returned to tne guiuy Darancourt, mystery it seemed probable, would have permanently hung over the fate of tho St. Maures; for the accomplished hypocrite, who had shed so much blood, seemed to know naught of conscience or Us slings. .When he was again taken 10 tho scaffold, it was amid the execrations ot wretch -to eternity. His crimes had been committed wilh as little remorse, and under as unnatural circumstances, as any that ev er disgraced the annals of mankind. Theodore de Valmont was restored to the arms of his beloved Emily, and enjoyed as perfect happiness as ever falls to human lot. In the close conceal ment which he was compelled to prcservo afer his flight, ho had not heard of tho ac knowledgement of the marriage, otherwise he would probably have braved all danger, and returned earlier to Brussels. This nar rative, as the Oriental Herald (from which, wo derive the materials of this arliclo) in forms us, is founded upon the facts which really occurred. Singular Anecdote. And here wo heard a little anecdote, so pretty, so much in your taste, that I would not, upon any ac count, omit relating it to you : About ten days ago, one of the farm keeper's wivc3 was going home through the wood, when sho saw a roebuck running toward her with great speed. Thinking that it was going to attack her with its horns, she was considerably alarmed, but, at tho distance of a few paces, tho animal stopped, and disappeared among the bushes. Tho woman recovered herself, and was proceed ing on her way, when the roebuck appear ed again ran toward her as before, and again retreated, without doing her any harm. On this being dune a third time, the woman was induced to follow it till it led her to the side of a deep ditch, in which she discover ed a young roebuck tinablo to extricale it self, and on the point of being smothered in the water. The woman immediately en deavoured to rescue it, during which the other roebuck stood quietly, and as soon as her exertions were successful, the two ani mals galloped away together. -Life and Correspondence of G. M. Lewis. A Good Deed. Miss Sedgwick, in her " Means and Ends," a book which evorv one should read, montions as an illustratiou of tho advantage of acquiring a legible hand writing, that one winter, when an unusual quantity of extra copying was required at one of the departments government, Gen. Jackson ordered the work to be given to such needy women, as were competent to executo improperly. This ant of judicious charity carried joy to many a dcsolato heart. A woman who uniformly makes good coffee and doe3 not scold even on a wash ing day and would not bo ashamed to bo seen before breanfast timo, will certainly mako a good wife. Giving to tho poor 'toro. lessons no man's