TnFc01AJMMfAI)?M0CItAT. " S.iTVtWJiV, JVIjY 20, 1S30. In compliance with tiin request of a number of Dcraocraiifl citizens, till' Dkmuciutic Staniuso JCoMMifrsn of Columbia County, recommend tho "TioWing of .a .DEMOCRATIC COUNTY MEETING .tt liic house cf Dauld Cross, in Bloomsburp;, on Saturday, the 10i of August next, 'for the pu'poio of mal ing arrangements for the fall election, and to take into consideration the situation of tho party, and adopt such measures as Khali con Juco to it bent intaicst, and that of tho County jcncraily. MICHAEL TOUNWALT. HUM DERII. DemocraUcStandingCommittec of Col Co' July 17, 1830. COUNTY MEETING. By a notice in our paper of to-day, of the Democratic Standing Committee, it will bo tccn that a County Meeting is to be held in this town, on the 10th of August. As eve ry democrat should tuko an interest in the primary arrangements for the" fall election, :mi r.s su meets ot a mini t' lmnnrtani nature to the wellfarc of lliu party, will probably come before the meeting, wo hope to sec a general attendance. j - - - - rj 1 - The " Berwick Sentinel" is out against the removal, and in favor of tho re-election of Maj. Colt. We think ho will find it rather an uphill business to sustain him in tho upper section of the county, at least. The people have too much at stake to elect a man-this fall who is decidedly hostile to their interest; and besides, a large. majority of the democracy of the county arc anti bank and anti-corporation men, and have no Idea of having a hank, or a stock-jobbing corporation in every nook and corner of the county. BRIDGE LETTING. The contract? for building Bridges on the lower division of tho North Branch Canal, have finally been awarded as will be per ceived by the following from the Danville Intelligencer. The hows, the whys ana tho wherefores, are best known to the select council. If 1C7 is more 225; and if no ex perience 13 belter than long experience, then it i3 perfectly fair and honorable in a public '.fr-srlo disfranchise a portion of the county, to gratify personal hostility. TV,- JYi'hrn to !.e rt.-l:ui!t this season on jt"' N..t!i Uranrn Division of tho IVnnsyl ,i una eruvi!. under 1I12 mmnrvisnrshin nf I) avid j. Kownover, have been allotted as 1 Ws : ios. 55. nn, GO, GO, CI and 73, to Ow ens ox r , , Bent irk. .us. 01, 07. 70, 7-1 and Snonebcnr; & co, Uri'iv (Vic-I:. N). u.i, to 1 '"i Fioa,, Briar Creek. No. f. i: M.t!o:i Hicks, Briar Crock, i.o. 05, t-i A. A. Bowman. Briar Crep!:. N nr. ! 0-, itonb mid wood, mid 03. C5, Q"j :inJ biiiierstrticture. to iam-"s C !'.-.". & co. Lknvlllu, N-- 03. ;)3 nad 102. stone, toltlarlin W'Alistcr, D'i.Mile. ho-. K 105, 100, 100 and 109, to L. iinem ''.i co. of Liberty. I Nos. 112, IIS, lid and 115, to Cook Ipf Danvilb, and Like of Northumberland. The Law. prohibiting under a penalty of p0 circulation of Denk notes of smaller Kcnomisation than 03 wcnl'mio opereartion i Ohio on the A., Any Bnnk that viu 'tea rhis law in its issues, forfeits its char It r. 'lost HtrribliTne Memphis, Ton- Btti'" fnnin-.-n- nf n ln! iltjlrt Btva . 'Plin J ' " '"V" " J'ly of a man was diseotcred on the 20th jjlt'i iing in tho Mississippi, about three 11 "i hclow Hits place, tied to a lojr, i Jiu rcat was cut from ear to ear, and the ub- fl'.ien open the bowls ripped out. Suicide from Joalouiy. A Miss Eliza- Icih Kobedeo of Brooklyn, aged 10, who ff js engaged to be married soon, on the 2d ' July in a fit of jonlousy 6wallowod a prtion of poison, which terminated her ex- ewe, VOH THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. THE REMOVAL QUESTION, The agitation of the removal question, as was to bo expected, has created quite a sen sation nmong the Danvlllo interest, and thoy are at their old tricks again, to " divide," aud by that means " conquer." To effect this, their game lias heretofore been to bring into tho controvcrcy, somo extrane ous mailer, wholly irrelevant, to prevent a united action, and a fair expression, of the people of the county, upon " this exciting question." And, if I am to judge from tho tenor of a communication in a lato Berwick Sentinel, the same game is to be played at the approaching trial of strength, with less scrupulousness, if possible, than heretofore. This writer, over the signature of " Epis copus," asks " Is lhi3 the proper time" for the question to be brought before the peo ple? and then very gravely answers, " It is not." This is such an answer as I should of cocrso expect from a man living in Dan ville, or from one of their "hired scriblers," whose interest it is never to have the ques tion agitated at all, much less at tho present limp, when the minds of the people are so much " excited" tpon the subject as they nrc now. It is not only not die " proper lime" now, but the " proper lime" never will arrive with them, because they well know that if the question was fairly brought before the people, it would be decided against them by more than three to one in tho county. It therefore remains with the friends of the removal to decide when is the " proper time" that this " filthy business," as H is styled by " Episcopus," should be agitated. When done, I can assure the ed itor of the Sentinel," and " Episcopus" too, that it will be neither a "useless," nor a " filthy business" on tho part of the friends of the removal, unless they use the same weapons of misrepresentation and de ception, as those used by their opponents, and adopt tho same method of hiring tools to advocate their cause. Of the far-fciched simple idiotic story of the wiiler about the next candidate for Con gress, I know nothing mid care less. The election nf member of Congress has nothing to do with the removal question at this time, and more than that, the i.ext candidate com ing from Luzerne, we are bound to sustain whoever the democracy of that county shall present to us for our support; and whoever they do regularly present to us, will bo uni tedly sustained by the parly here. If I am riijht as to the gentleman referred to by "E piscopus," I believe he once did act side by side with him in the federal ranks, but unlike him, has left the party, not for the sake of office, but in sincerity and truth. He now acts, and has for ears, with tho democrats, and is now the particular favorite and right waupporter of tho exclusive friends of " Episcopus" in Luzerne, and should he be brought forward as a candidate for Con gress, it will bo through their aid and coun tenance. Thus much for " Episcopus' " fears on this head. Hij .insertion that the removal parly wish to diido the democrats is equally unfounded. So fir from it, we are anxious 10 unite the party, by putting this " exciting question," which has al ways had more or less to do with every election since tho organisation of thu conn ry, at rest. And there is no other way lo do this, but to effect ihe removal, Thi done, and the party is united, and all the arts of the Danvlllo interest cannot again disturb its harmonious action. I now come to tho question, " IB THIS THE PROPER TIME ?" and I affirm, without hesitation, that " IT IS." All real friends ot the removal, will give the same answer. Why not ? Are wo hot now menaced by two projects for divisions of the county, which, if cither were effected, would take off a portion of the county, that will eventually be the richest and most pop ulous part i And is not the Danville inte rest aiding and abetting in these schemes ? And arc not the surrounding counties alike convulsed to ihe very centre, with similar projects ? all of which would to put at rest by tho courts of this county being re moved to the- Centre. Such aro tho facts. Then why fchould we delay? Why should we put oil' ihe trial to a more " convenient season;" or, until the Danville interest shall say " iioto is the timcV Tho horso will then bo stolen, and it will not be of any use to lock the stable. Tho county will then bo cut op and destroyed, for much r.uher would the anti-removal party hate this done, than that tho courts should be re moved from their present location. They care not for the interest of the county, or of the democratic party, any farther than the advancement of their own personal interest. Cvery act of theirs for years show it, and particularly those within the last few months prove it. They have done all they could to excito angry feelings in the party,and when ever they could give a afah at the removal causc.Jthcy hesitated not, They never stopt to enquire, Is this the proper lime ?" and that too, during the past year, in defiance oflheir sacred pledge that nothing should be done that should in the least have a bear ing upon this " exciting question." I say then, " NOW is the lime," " now is the day of salvation." The county is threaten ed with a division that will eventually take place unless a removal is eflccled. Our limits aro already sufficiently contractsd and were ifje Courts removed to the Centre, no county in tho Stale would bo more con veniently situated for doing their county business; but as it is, none arc more wick edly and basely imposed upon, and none labor under greater inconveniences. I say then, lo the true and real friends of the removal, go ahead in the righteous cause of asserting and maintaining your rights. Let none of the far-fetched and cunningly de vised fables of your opponents divide your ranks, or enfeeble your acts bo united and harmonious in your action and my word for it, you will comeolf victorious. SUGARLOAF. The Register man calls upon the whigs of Sugarloaf to disavow the authorship of my communication published in your last, and calls it "calumncy" fdr a whig to be de nominated a removal man. No doubt he considers it so when applied to himself; but the whigs generally in this portion of the county, do not think it such a " filthy bu siness," I would advise the certificate men to give us the veal name of iho Register's eorrespoadent, before they attempt to aseci tain mine. If they, or the Register, will ilo that, I will not put them to the trouble of procuring certificates to prove a nega tive. A WHIG OF SUGARLOAF. From the icw Haven Herald. Fitty Ykaiss Aoo. In these degenerate days it is sometimes useful to review the past and compare the present with our for mer state. A fiiend has handed us a file of the " New Haven Gazette, aud Connecticut Magazine," for the year 1787, published by Joseph Meigs, lormerly Professor ol Mathematics in Yale College which con tains a great many curious rcniinhcouces. Among others we observe the following. " TO BE SOLD, " A healthy, strong and active Negro Boy, about 1 1 years of ago. Inquire of the Printer." V TO BE HANGED, " A likely young Necro about 18 years of age. He is banged for no fault, but for want of employ, and lo preserve him from the greater evil of being sold as a slave for life." MEXICO AND TEXAS. The Rumors which have brer, afloat of a new invasion of Texas by Mexico, now that the French difficulties are tcitled, anil the Federal parly crushed, ore beginning to assume a mure definite shape. The Now Orlciim True American lias received intelli gence, from a quarter declared lo be enti tled in credit, of Hie inteniibns uf Mexico towards Texas in small detachments simul laneoiuly, and lo rendezvous on tho R;2 ikazi3 until die grand body thall number nboui H.000 won. Tim centre is lo be sup ported by a detachment of cavalry, strctcli vd to ihe right and left, s-o as to'uwecp the whole country. Tho invading force is not lo bo less than 12,000 men. An extermi nating war is to be waged. No qumierM to man, woman, or child will bo tho watchword; not a house to bo left standing in the conn try. Universal pillage i3 to be allowed, lo incite the soldiery to action. The whole command is to devolve upon Biislamente; and should ho be wore ted in his march by the Texan?, Santa Anna is to take thu fi?hl in pcrtou, at the head of 10,000 men. The campaign is to begin in September. JJullimorc American. Old Times. The following is extracted from nn old number of tho London Maga zine, of October 1775. It shows the march and piogress of matrimony amidst the tur moils, battles aud strifes of '70 : " Fairfield, Jug. 2Dlh. Last evening, was ma.ried, the Hon. John Hancock, Esq. President of the Continental Congress, to Miss Dorothy Quincy, of.Bonlou," TO PENSIONERS, Jlaiding in Columbia County. Their money duo them on the fit day of July 1830 in ready. It can bo had at any time by cal ling or sending. JEREMIAH WELLIVERjTfM. MILITARY NOTICE. THE Bloomsburg Artillery will meet at the hose of Charles Docblc'r, in Blooms burg, on Saturday tho 3d day of August next, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon in com plete uniform, lor exercise and Drill. By order of the Captain, E.' ARMSTRONG, O. S. Julv 20. Mew Supply OF FRESH Bruggs and Medicines, CONFECTIONARY FRUIT, Wilis and Toys, and numerous othi r articles in my line of business, which again renders my osaoitmcnt complete. I. ft. MOYER. July 20. Es it possible! YES INDEEb ! J WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I1USINESS. THE Fifth Now Supply for tliis summer, in tho highly recommended Drug Store, with ttuj suitable iiamo HEALTH EMPORIUM. TI10 subscriber has made arrangements with all tho Importers of Medicines, Patented and others, Toys, Perfumery, &c. in tho city of Philadelphia, anil lias received an appointment of Agency fot most oi the Patent .Medicines now in existence in Pennsylvania, which ho oilers for sale as cheap as they can bu obtained in tho State, at the Health Emporium and Family Warehouse, Uloomsburg,. Columbia County. D. S. TOI3IAS. July 0. DOST. PFIF-PSHj SNFORMS tho public, that ho has located him self in Liloouisiiurj.;, at the house of Air. L. l.ijht, where ho will at all times be ready to at-tv-nd to all calls for his professional services. July 20. FW0 all Legatees, Creditors, and other persons X2 interested in tho estates of the respcciivo de cedents and iniiiurs. that the Administration ac counts of the said estates, havo been fded in the Uf- lico ot the ltegister ol thu County ot Columbia, ami will be presented for conlirmaiiou and allowance to tho Orphans' Court, to bo held at Danville, in and fjr tho county aforesaid, on Tucsdjy tho 20di day of August next, at 2 o'clock, P. M. 1st. The account of John Ycttcr and Jacob Yct tor, administrators of tho estate of Samuel Yctler, late of CatawLsa township deceased. 2d, Tho account of Thomas V. Iddinjs and Sydney Kreijher, administrators of the estate of Oeorge KrcUher, late of tho borough of Berwick, deceased. 3d. Second supplementary account of JohnFoust and Christian Duahl, executors of the last will and testament of Peter Deahl, sea. lato of Mahoning tovhi deceased. 4.h. ri;st supplementally account of Casper Hurtman, uxecutor of tho last will testament of John Toruhnson, late of township, de ceased. 5lh. The account of John Mench and Peter Hine bach, administrators of tho estate of .Michcal Hine bach, late of .Montour township, deceased. fith. Tho ncciuntof James Strawn and William Hartman, administrators of tho estate of George llartmau, lato of Hemlock township, deceased. 7th. The account of Jacob and John Fry, exec utors of the last will und testament of David Fry, late of Montour townsnip, deceased. 8th. The account of Samuel and John Rcichard, administrators of tho estate of Frederick Rcichard, late 01 Madison township, deceased. 9th, The account of David Uochcr, administra tor of the ebtato of Joseph Hans, lato of Briar Creel: township, deceased. 10th. Tho account of Henry &. Daniel G:r;pr, Administrators of the estate of Henry Giger, latoof Hemlock township, deceased. Illh. The nrcount of William Cirton, Admin istrator of tha csUto of Thomas Girton, late of Mad ison township, deceased. 12th. Tho account of John Pitncr and Ellis Hughrs, administrators of tho estate of Isaac Tom liuson, Lite of Cattnwisa township, deccai-cJ. PHILIP IULLMEYER, Register. Register's O.Tice, Dauvd'.c, July 12, 18U0. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Ofirr. at Blooms burg, July st, '1830. Baylor Elia, Meyer L. Dr. Bittcnbendcr John, McDowell M. B..ker Aseneth, Philips Cf. V. Barns Mr. Poor oterscors of Cresslor John, Montour township. Dreher Frederick Tclrikin Wiuslow & Davenport Ira, Co. Everett Obed, R-isenherer Bej Emmons Mr. Rilter William, Firman Capt, Smith George or Fleck Daniel, Daniel, Ciaskins Rachel, Smith A bin. II. Ilowcr John, Squire E. Hagohiieh Mr. owner Squire Ebon of Boat Superior. Squirn Mr. llefioy Charles, Smith George, Keller John Esq. Shipmati Jacob, Ktauda Jacob, Stonn David, Kendig C. Thomas Charles 2 kromor Polly, Thatcher John M. Long Joseph Sr. Y.ili.ircharnp A. Larshy Ruben, YV'ertmnn John, MelliJk Andrew, Workman John 3 Mandchll John, Wells Henry, Morton John, Waller Rpv. Mr. M'lntosli Alexander, 50. Mier Lou is Dr. B. RUPERT, P. M. Persona calling for letters on the abovo list, will please say ihcy aro advertised. Bloomsburg, July 0. 1830, THE subscriber has on hand, and will keep an assortment of PATENT WOOD SCREW French Bedsteads, a superior article, which he will sell cheap for cash or countryproduco. J. M. CHEMBERLIN. Bloomsburg July 13, 1839. Carpenters Attend. PROPOSALS will bo received by tho ubscribers, in the afternoon of Saturday, the 20th inst. at the house of Daniel Sny der, in Bloomsburg, for Weather Hoarding, Repairing, anil Building a Tower, on tho German Reform and Lutheran Church, in Bloomsburg. The Contractors to find Ma terials, and completo tho work by the first of October. Plans and specifications will be exhibited on the day of letting, and tho day previous. JACOB BEIDLEMAN. CHARLES LEHR. DANIEL SNYDER. Bloomsburg, July 13, 1839. fX pursuance of tlic Constitution of tho Com monwealth of Pennsylvania Notice k hereby wealth, that they and others, will make application iv. uiu iiuAi j.cisiaiuiu, mr iuc creation oi a corpo rate Dody with Banking and discounting privilege, of the named and stylo of the Farmers and Mechanics Bank of Colum- bia County, to bo located at such ito or place within said Coun ty of Columbia, as shall bo fixed upon by Com missioners appointed in such manner as the Legis lature shall direct for fixing tho location of said Bank, and with a capital of two hundred thousand dollars. Said corpnrale body to bo created for tho object of sccminij to tho citizens of tho Common wealth, and of tho County of Columbia, the beno fils of a banking In-titulion, with the rights, pow ers and privileges of the Bank of Northumberland. A..B. SUUMAM, S, E, CRAIG.. ' Sfotice. ALL persons aro hereby cautioned a (rainst purchasing TWO NOTES of hand, for JL7 dollars each, given by us to Ithiel S. Richardson, dated the Gth day of De cember, 1838, as we have received no val ue for them, and are determined not to pay them unless compelled bylaw. GEORGE 'VANSICKLE. CHARLES PRICE. Bloom, June 22, 1839. $2 Will be paid to any person that will givo' informaliti?. of Ahg.nprsor' or persons that 'e-BitosUiriiMdatc ly below McKeFvy's dam, in Fishing creek, so that tho scoundrels may be brought to justice. DANIEL GROSS. Juno 29. MIOTICS. The Subscriber, in pril last, gave a Nolo to WILLIAM EDGAR, of Greenwood, Columbia county, payable the first davof April next for One' Hundred aad five Dol lars. All persons aro cautioned against purchasing the same, as the title to tha land for which it was givon, is incumbered and in dispute, and I am determined not to pay the same till the title is clear. HENRY ANDERSON. Dallas, Luzerne county, June 13, 1S39. IN AN IMS) ESE&S&SSESSISSrePa (Comer of Main and Market-street.) BLOOMSBURG. j HE Subscriber informs his old custom ers and fticmb, and tho public gonarally, that he has added to his TOY AND CONFECTIONA RY Shop, and hating just returned from Philadelpiiic, he oilers for sale, a general assortment, consisting of almost every arti cle made use of in Families, or by Physi cians; as also, almost every dcrc-Ipiion of J9!e3:l E!ied2CL2iCS. ' He ha3 also, DYE-STUFFS, PA1ST3, ORAXGE3, DE MON'S, RAI3IX3, FIGS, TOYS AND COKFliCTIONAZIT, and various kinds of PERFUMERY and SHAVING SOAP, together with almost every article usually kept in a variety store. Having madn arrangements for a constant supply from the city," ho flatters himself that ho ihall at all times bo able to furnish his customers wi'h every article in his line, that may be called for, of as good a quality, and upon as reasonable terms as any of his neighbors. JOHN R. MOYER. Bloomsburg, Juno IS, 1839. DATES 1 DATES I A preserved Fruit to cat. PEPPER SAUCE, fur sal at Tobias' Health Emporium, Bloomsburg. DYEltS OPEN YOUR EYE'S. ENGAL Indigo; Spanih do. Vordigric-s, bluo Yitrial; White do, for salo cheap and coed, ai the Uloomsburg: Ware House, by U. S. TOBIAS.