The Reception of the President in New-j'orJl-. The President of tlic United Slates arrived at New York on the 2d insf He yras received at -Castle Garden by the au thorities of the city, the militaty, and an iminenso llirong of citizens, amid the tre mendous roar of cannon from tlio Ports in the harbor. After rcviowing the troops, a procession was formed by the military and citizens, and passed up Broadway, and through several streets to tho City Hall. In speaking of tho reception, the N. Y. New Era says, thai, . President Van Duren was rcceivcd,ycs terday by tho people of the greatest city of the new world, upon his political principles and character alono with a degree of pub uttachnicnt and devotion, as evinced by tho countless numbers that expressed it, at least -equal to that which was displayed towards his truly illustrious predecessor. It was a proud day for the Republicans of New York, and as honorable to thctn as the faith ful Chief Magistrate whom it so emphati cally hpnnicdV" On the 4th, tho President attended at the Chatham street Chapel tho delivery of an oration by W. R. Maclay, and afterwards was present nt a Sunday School celebration on Slatcn Island, where from 15 to 18000 Rnhh.ith School children had assembled to celebrate their nation's birth day, accom onicil hv nnarlv G0000 citizens. This must have been a very interesting spectacle The Keystone says that the course pur sued bv tho opposition members of the late legislature added thousands of dollars to tho expenses of the state, and now their pa pers are charging this additional expense i . ... i PI.; : n upon tlic democratic pany i shallow device to mako votes, in the community knows that sition' had acted in conformity 1 ins is a Every man if the oppo to the laws and the constitution, there would have been no necessity for an extra session nor of the investigations which arose from the viola tion by them of all law and precedent. Drowning men catch at straws.' JUDGE COLLINS OUSTED. The Supreme Court on Saturday last, en tered a judgement oulsing and removing Judge Collins from office. A able opinion vra3 delivered by Judge Kennedy, in which he set fotlh the ground of removal and on the same principles Judge Darlington would have been removed from office also, had ho not died before the case was determined. It-is. understood that Judgos Gibson, Ro gers, Kennedy, and Sergeant assented to the opinion o"f the court, and that Judge Huston dissented. Keystone. Exploration. Silas E. Burrowes, Esq. an active and enterprising merchant of New York, has created quite a sensation by lit- ting out au exploring expedition, and successfully re-discovering in person the Aurora Groupe of Islands, that had been ox punged from the charts. The Now York Star, says. "He must be made an Admi ral." Electricity. In Lehigh county a Miss Ileilths, was struck down by lightning, and strange to relate, a child in her arms at the time, was uninjured by tho fluid. Jlrmy Worm. Tho army worm is doing great damage among the crops in the West. Whole fields of oats are dis trayed in one night. 1 Horses are now shod with intlian rubber in England.- It is said to be far preferable in every respect to iron. Panama Canal. The Republio of Gra nada, has empowered a company, lo mane a canal, rail road or macadamised road over the Isthmus of Panama. This was the work that the late Charles Diddle had in view. Emigration. It is stated by Toronto papeis that a great deal ot emigration is ta king place from Upper Canada, to the U lined .states, this is a natural result irom the tyrany of tho British Government. Military An impottant caso is about to be tried in Philadelphia, involving the rights and privileges of militia men on training days. It is a prosecution for as snult and batterry against a Captain of t Company for striking one of his men with his sword for disobedience on the day of training. Eminent Connsel are employed on both sides. ft i r i . stuvamages oj Jiaverimng. man in Philadelphia advertised for a situation, and in less than two days had no less than one hundred and soven notes left for him An act has passed the Legislature author ising (hopcoplo of Philadelphia to elect their mayor. On Wednesday of last week, the Mayor t?f Philadelphia gave his opinion in tho caso of Jacob Kidgway, Daniel Mann, and Sto phen Simpson, binding each of them over to appear at the next court of criminal ses sions on a charge of conspiracy to defraud we community, i lie two lormcr were held to bail in the sum of $5000 each and tho lattor In the sum of 1000. We hear that Messrs. Ridgway and Mann, aro reputed to bs twff of ' the wealthiest men in Philadelphia. JUDGE COLLtN'S CASE. Wc understand that the Supreme Court have pronounced judgement of ouster on tho quo warranto isscd out of that court on the relation of tho Attorney General a gainst Orisius Collins, Esq. who was ex ercising tho functions of President Judge of tho Common Pleas of Lancaster county, under one of the bargain and sale appoint ments of Governor Ritner. Divesting this caso of all legal phraseology it amounts to this, that the resignation of his old commis sion by Judge Collins after tho adoption of the amendments to the Uonstilution and tnc acceptance of n new commission before the first of January when those amendments went into operation, was in fraud ot the Constitution and therefore illegal. This is a most righteous decision and is another re buke ol the high handed and uncostilulion al measures of that party which is always prating about the supremacy ol the laws. This result ol his Honor s grasping love of office reminds us of the fable of tho dog, who, having a picco of meat in his mouth, was crossing a creek, tho clear surlaco ol which reflected a perfect representation of his nnzo JNot content with what ho had, ihe greedy hound ralaxetl Ins jaws to snatch at the delusive temptation when, lo! tho meat and tho shadow vanished and were lost forever. Jefferson Bern. THE PRESIDENT. The opposition appear to bo in a quan dary about who among their great men shall have the honor ol contending lor the Presi dential chair, against Mr. Van Buren, the Democratic candidate. The Anti-masons, or, what is left of them, and the modern Abolitioiiistc go for Gen. Harrison, inas much as he is considered tne most uueiy a- mong those named, lo carry out their mcas ures. The Whigs, as they lerm themselves go almost in a body for Henry Clay; these two seem to constitute the prominent op position candidates. Messrs. Wcbstcr,Scott &u. are spoken of, but wc think not scii ously. To the democracy of the Union, it matters little who the opposing candidate may be, as there cannot bo a doubt of Mr. Van Buren's re-election for another term; but for the honor of the country, it is de sirable that tho opposing candidate may be sucli an one as may havu respectable preten tious to such an office! As to the fitncs3 of Gen. Harrison to preside over the destinies of this republic, we presume none will at tempt to claim that the possesses the icqnis qualilications. That he would make just such a President as such a man as Thad deus Stevens would like lo have, we do not doubt. But a true to this. AH wc ask is that our opponents may furnish a candidate who can lay claim to some ability, in order that our victory may be entitled to some merit. Nbrristoivn Democrat. The Easton Sentinel says that, the anti-masonic piints aro complaining loudly that ihe democratic members of the legisla ture refused to vote for giving the election of Canal Commissioners lo tho people. How circumstances alter cases. During tho last threo years, not a word was said, by the party then in power, about giving the elec tion to the people. It was all right that Governor Ritncrshould appoint Canal Com missioners, but as soon as he and his friends are out of office, then it is all wrong that their political opponents should have the same privilege; and even our intelligent neighbor of Ihe Whig has made the discove ry. The proposition lo have the Canal Commissioners elected by Ihe people, was introduced in tho Senate by Fraley, a feder al member from the city of Philadelphia. I his is truly a great source lor a proposi tion to popularize the government, to come. The city of Philadelphia gave some live thousand majority against the new constitu tion, which proposed to take patronage Irom tho governor, and now before the people have tried it, an cllortis made to givo them that which never was asked or petitioned for. Some years ago, a law was passed providing lor the election ol canal Uommis sinners, by a joint vote of both branches of the legislature. This was dono one year, but it was found not to work well, and the next year it was repealed. Keokuck murdered bj young Black uawlc. l ho uinchago Democrat says : "During the absence of a nephew of young Black Hawk, Kcokuck got his wife drunk and passed the night with her. Be ing thus detected, it fell to Black Hawk, as tho nearest relative, to avongc his neph ew's injury, which he took ihe earliest opportunity to do, anil stabbed Kcokuck, at tho entrance of Ins nephew's wigwam. IveokucU, it will bo remembered, was al ways the friend of the whites and opposed tho celebrated Black Hawk of Sac war and was promoted chief through the instrumon tally of tho United States Government. He was about CO years of age and at the time of his death was this side of the Des Moines river, about 125, miles, (four days journey, the Indians navo it west ol the Mississippi, l oung ulacic Hawk is now chief of the Ssacs and at last news, was al tho head of 2000 warriors marching from tho Sioux country." OBITUARY' dicjU in am. ncasant township, on Thursday last, Mrs. Catharine Melick, at an advanced age, wife of Mr. Andrew Mel iek. Medsteuds. THE subscriber has on hand, and will keep an assortment of PATENT WOOD SCREW French Bedsteads, a superior article, which he will sell cheap for cash or countryproduee. J. M. UIIbJMUEULIIN. Bloomsburg July 13, 1830. Carpenters Attend. PROPOSALS will bo received by the subscribers, in tho afternoon of Saturday, the 20th inst. at the house of Daniel Sny der, in Bloomsburg, for I Teat her Boarding, Jtepairing, ami Building a Tower, on the German Reform and Lutheran Church, in Bloomsburg. The Contractors to find Ma terials, and complete the work by the first of October. Plans and specifications will be exhibited on the day of letting, and the day previous. JACOB BEIDLEMAN. CHARLES LEIIR. DANIEL, SNYDER. Bloomsburg, July 13, 1839. Notice. N pursuance of tho Constitution of tlic Com monwealth of Pennsylvania iNoticc is hereby given liy the subscribers, citizcii3of said Common wealth, that they and others, will inako application to the next Legislature, for the creation of a corpo rate liody with Hanking and discounting privileges, of the named and style of tho Farmers and Mechanics Bank of Colum bia County, to bo located at such silo or place within said Coun ty of Columbia, at shall be fixed upon by Com missioners appointed in such manner as tho Legis lature fliall direct for fixing tho location of taid Rank, and with a capital of two hundred thousand dollars. Said corporate body to bo created for tho object of seeming to the citizens of the Comraon- ucalth, and ot tho County ot Columbia, the bene fits of a banking Institution, with the rights, pow ers and privileges of the Rank of Northumbeiland. A. B. SHtLUAM, a. E. CRAIG. DH. LEIDY'S SAJiSAPAltlLLA 1JLOOD PILLO, gNHOULD reccivo a preference over all Pills now 3 in existence: First Because they aro composed of Vegetable extracts, free from minerals; and may bo taken at all limes with pcifcct safety by young and old, with out restraint from occupation, temperate living, or fear of taking cold. Second Because they are composed of such medicinal extracts, as havo been employed by all the mot celebrated and respectable Physicians for morothm n century pat, m puutyin the Blood anil Animal Hum ot the body. limit liccausc they may be employed ns a mild or active purgative, according to tho quantity taken, and their operation will not lie attended Willi nping ol tho bowels, Mckncss at the ftomnch, prostration of tho system, &c, as are produced by other pills. r ourth Because they possess a combined action, not possessed by any oilier pills, mixtuie or prepar ation whatever. Their first clfect is in correctins all impurities with which tho blood and fluids of tlio body may be aflclcd,and by their gently opera tive eflccl, removing such impurities from the sys tem. Fifth Bccauso they aro tho terror of Quacks and Impostors, for most persons arc obliged to take the Sarsaparilla Blood Pills, afler taking their vilo and destrucjivo nostrums, lo counteract and prevent uicir mischievous and banclul cllects. Sixth Becau-o they are the only pills in which Physicians havo sulficicnt confidence to recommend to their patients, and employ in their practice, as lliey Know they aro Anil ljuack, Ami Mcrcurnl, Anil Uillious as well as a good and safe purgative and purifier of tho Blood and Animal Fluids. isevcuth and last But not the least important. bo becauso they aro prepared by a regular Apothe cary and Physician, attested ny Drs. Physic, Hor ner, Chapman, Dcwees, James, Gibson, Jackson, Coxo, Hare, &c., tec., which alono is (.uificicnl to entitle them to great confidence. Ccrtiucatos and Recommendations from Physi cians ami others accompany tho directions around cacn uox. $C7Pricc Twenty Five Cents a Box3$ Prepared only and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, No. 101 North Second St., a few doors below Vine street, Philadel phia, also, sold by J. Gilbert & Co., North Third street ahovo Vine. u. h. Clemens, do 3d do do Wood st J. It. Smith & Co. do 2d do next tho Bed Lion, and all reepectablo VVholesalo and Retail Druggist s in Philadelphia. They aro also sold by: J. F. Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. J. W. Itolucr, do do . W. Eberman Litiz. J. W. Oakly, Reading.' J. B. Mozer, Allentoivn. P. Pomp, Easton. And tho principal Merchants and Drugists in tho unucu states. For salo at tho Health Emporium Bloomsburg by D, o. TOBIAS, Agent. Bloomsburg July, 13, 1S39. 11. 1TOTICE. The Subscriber, in April last.gavo a Note to WILLIAM EDGAR, of Greenwood. Columbia county, payable tho first dav of Anril next for One Hundred and five Dol lars. All persons are cautioned against purchasing the same, as the titlo to the land for which it was given, is incumbered and in dispute, and I am determined not to pay the same till the title is clear. HENRY ANDERSON. Dallas, Luzerne county, June 13, 1830 COLD CREAM, For Chaps, Tan, Sunburn, Sore lips,&c tor sale at ) Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg, The life of the flesh is in the blood," so sailh the scriptures.' Leviticus c. xvii. u. It. LEIDY'8 DLOOD TILLS. What belter than scripture testimony can wc have of the hto of the flesh denendimr upon tho condition of tho blood I If impure or diseased, the flesh must of course bo diseased thereby, and the whole sys tem partako of such disease. If the doctrine be true, and there is not a doubl of it f for it is a fact accce- ded to by all, that tho scriptures, are truo beyond a uouL't,) ihcn it behooves us to guard against tho consequences of such impurities, and thus preserve mo ucsii healthy. 11 tlic llcsli bo heallliy, consti tuting as it docs tho principal portion of tho human yody, then must tho whole body bo healthy. in vegetables onlj can wo find the medicine where by all impurities of ihe blood may bo removed. Upwards of one hundred years experience of tho most celebrated, tho wisest andbctt physicians have proved ccitain vegetables to possess purifying prop erties. These vegetables will not hero bo named, and Dr. Leidy wishes to remunerate himself, and profit by tho long, laborious, and cosily experiments necessary to bo made, that the active princ'nlcs of those vegetables might bo retracted and reduced to such form as makes them easy, safe and pleasant to bo tuken. Tlieso vegetables nre contained in the justly cel ebrated B'ood Tills, manuianturcd only by Dr. N. Leidy, a regular Druggist and Physician, attested by Drs. Physic, Chapman, lacksoi , Horner, Gibson, lievtecs, Jamcsj Hare, Cox, &c. The above Pills may bo employed as a mild or active purgative. Their action is easy, and may bo employed by all persons under all circumstances. They will at all limes bo found serviceable, when tlio least sickness is present. They require no change of die', restraint from occupation, or fear of tal.ingcolu lioin tlicirusc. They aro daily present cd by numerous physicians; certificates of the fact accompany tlio duections. They are tho most allec tivo purifier of the blood and other fluids of the hu man body ever discovered. Persons having once used, will ever after, as occasion may acquire, have rcsourse to them. Price 'Twenty Five Cents a box. Sold by all respectable Druggists and Mcrchanst throughout tho union, and in tins city only at Dr. Leidy's Health Emporium, Second street be low Vine. J. ft. Smith & Co.'s 2d st. near the Red Lion J. Gilbert &, Co.' 3d above Vino. C. Clemens' North 3d above Wood. F.IClclt's 3d and Callowhill. For tola at the Health Emporium Bloomsburg by U. iS. TURIAS Agent. Bloomsburg July, 13, 1833. 11. TIOMMUNICVnON. How few they are that happen to bo alihclril with Uoughs or Colds pay attention to them. How many thousands irom such neglect shorten tueir days, and hasten their fi nal dissolution. Parents neglect them in their chil dren, and thus form tho foundation for Consump tion, and Hundreds ot parents annually follow their own children to the grave, havins died from somo alTcctiona of tho Breat and Lungs, which wcic neg lected in their first stages. Coughs and Colds, whether existing among vounc or old, ought at all limes be attended to early, and not Biilitrcd to continue any length of time, for tho ljung3oncoallcctcd,dtscasesoon makes rapid strides. ending in tho most fatal of all diseases, namely Con fcumption. Da. UUUJITER'S PULMONARY PRESER VATIVE for Coughs, Colds, Catarrhs, Influenzas, Shortness of Breath. Whooping Cough. Pain in tho Breast or Side, all affections of lhoErca-t and Lungs, and arrel of approaching Consumpt'on, is tho most popular mcdii-ino used throughout all Ger many is becoming equally popular in the Pnitcd otates, and has established lor itself n reputation not possessed by any other medicine for the same class of di-icasos. (See certificates and recommen dations fro'iii Parents, Physicians, and others, acrom- paning tho dncclions.) It u a preparation perfect ly safe and harmless, pleasant to the taste, and may be given to the youngest infmt. It is warranted free from mercury and tho minerals, and is a prepar ation of a regular Apothecary and Physician, attes ted by Urs. 1'hysic, Chapman, Gibson. Jackson, Homer, Dewccs, Coxc, James, &c. a ciicumslanco alone sufficient to induce a trial of it Dr. N. B. Leidy, Proprietor of the above medi cine, confidently recommends it to all, and assures all most positively that it is an invaluable medicine, and would not himself recommend it, but for its known efficacy. Prepared only andlorsaloWholesaleand Retail at Dr. LlilDY'S Health Emporium, No. 191 North Socond street a low doors below Vine street, Phil adelphia also, sold by J. lulgeit oc lO., r orth I lu-d street ubovo vine, G. S. Clemens, do 3d do doAVoodst. J. It. Smith it Co. do 2d do next the Red Lion, and by all respectable WhoIcsnJo and Retail Druggif-ts in rhiladelphia. 1 hey aro sold by: J. F Long, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. J. W. Itohrer, do do. W. Eberman Litiz. J. W. Oakley, Reading. For fcalo at tho Health Emporium Bloomsbur: by D. S. TOBIAS, Agent. $2 SEWARD Will be paid to any person that will give information ol tho person or persons tna broke the subscriber's Flat loose immediate ly below McKelvy's dam, in Falling creek so that tho scoundrels may bo brought to justice. UAmtih ukuoo, June TJ. BOOT AND SHOE THE subscriber informs his friends and tho public generally, that he continues to carry on the BOOT and SHOEMAKING BUSINESS, at his old stand, in Blooms burrr. and that besides tho hands ho has employed on common country work, ho has a first ralo Citv workman on fine Boots and Shoes. Those who favor him with their custom, may depend on good work, and neal fit insured. J. R. WOYER. Jnne 13. 8 Wmgom MANUFACTORY. A NEW ESTABLISHMENT, UPON AN OLD FOUNDATION. MIFE Subscriber hereby announces to his friends and the public, that ha has purchased that old and well known COACH AND DEARBORN WAGON MANUFACTORY, lately owned and occupied by STOUFER iy ujiuiiMJlJS, situated m Bloomsburg, Columbia County, whore ho has com menced tho business, and intends to carry it on in all its branches. He will shortly have a number of elegant light BUGGIES and DEARBORNS, of various patterns, finished for sale; and will make Stazc Coaches, Coaches, Coachces,Giggs, Sulkies, Ihtggies, Dearborn Wagons, Sleighs, eye. .$-c. c. iyc, of every variety of pattern to order, on short notice. tCT'Renairs of all kinds will be nromnt- ly attended lo He also manufactures ELIPTIC and other CARRIAGE SPRINGS, and will warrant them to be equal to any made in this country. As ho has made arrangements for pro curing tho best material, and will employ none but first rate workmen, he hopes to bo able to turn out good work, and thereby obtain the confidence of those who may furnish themselves from his shop. Orders from a distance respectfully soli cited. ZIBA RUGGLES. Bloomsburg, June 4, 1830. G if. Notice. ALL persons are horeby cautioned a gainst purchasing TWO NOTES of hand, for dollars each, given by us to Ithiel S. Richanlson, dated the Gtk day of De cember, teas, as wc nave rccciveu no val ue for them, and are determined not to pay them unless compelled by law. GEORGE VANSICKLE. CHARLES PRICE. Bloom, June 22, 1839. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office at Blooms- uurg, July 1st, lSiiU. Elia, Meyer L. Dr. Baylor Bittenbender John, McDowell M. Philips G. W. Poor overseers of Montour township. Fetrikin Winslow & Co. Rosenbergcr Bej Ritter William, Smith George or Daniel, Smith Abm. H. Baker Aseneth, Barns Mr. Crcssler John, Drehei Frederick Davenport Ira, verott Oheil, Emmons Mr. Firman Capt, Fleck Daniel, Gaskins Rachel, Ilowcr John, Hagebuch Mr. owner Squire E. Squire Ebcn Squire Mr. Smith George, Shiptnan Jacob, Stono David, Thomas Charles 2 Thatcher John M. Vallarchamp A. Wertman John, Workman John 2 Wells Henry, Waller Rev. Mr. 50. of Boat Superior. Hefiey Charles, Keller John Esq. Kcanda Jacob, Kcndig C. Ivromer l'olly, Long Joseph Sr. Larshy Ruben, Mellick Andrew. Mendonhall John, Morton John, M'Intosh Alexander, Mier Lewis Dr. B. RUPERT, P. M. Persons calling for letters on the abovo list, will please sav they are advertised. Bloomsburg, July 0. 1839. TEIITGS IN AN IMS 3S3:2'iil33L3ISEISSS5!rs'9 (Corner of Main and Market-street.) BLOOMSBURG. HE Subscriber informs his old cu.slom- ers and menus, anu mc puuuu guuorauy, that he has added i . i .i i.i ii. DRUGS AfVD MEDICINES to his TOY AND CONFECTIONA RY Shop, and having just returned from I'lnladolpius, no ouurs mr saic, a general assortment, consisting of almost every arti cle rnado use of in Families, or by Physi cians; as also, almost every description of patent medicines. Ho ha3 also, DYK-STUli-lL-, PAINTS, ORANGES, 1.13 JIOXS, UAISINS, I'lGS, TOYS AND COXFECTIONAKY, and various kinds of PERFUMERY and SHAVING SOAP, together with almost every article usually kept in a variety store. Having made arrangements for a constant supply from the city, he llatlers himself th-it he shall at all limes be able lo furnish his customers with every articlo in his lirte, that may be called for, of as good a quality, anil upon as reasonable terms as any of his neighbors. JOHN R. MOYER. Bloomsburg, June 15, 1839.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers