The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, July 13, 1839, Image 2

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TOOL. Tivcnly day's later from England.
By the Steam Ship " Liverpool," which
arrived at New York from Liverpool yes
terday morning at 11 o'clock, we have Lon
don and Liverpool papers to the 13th ult.
Armed Associations for Protection of
In consequence of Lord John Itusscl's
circular, offering arms to any associations
of house holders, who volunteered their
services to protect the lives and property of
the neighboring inhabitants, a communica
tion was made from tho Mayor of Bath to
his lordship, asking certain questions, to
which his lordship replied on Monday, that
tho government did not contemplate associ
ations of n military character, and that there
fore they had not taken into their consider
ation points referred to of tho uniform, or
choice of officers, by tho members of such
association. His wish had been only to
supply arms to well disposed porsons in dis
tricts whore illegal meetings had taken place,
and called upon the mayor to say if such
necessity existed at Bath. It was resolved,
at a meeting held to hear Lord John Ris
scl's communication, that the enrolment for
the association should continue.
Bath Gazette.
"War, it is rumored, has sprung up in Sy
ria between the Sultan of Turkey and the
Pacha of Egypt. It has. been tho aim of
'the European Powers to prevent this, but
the passions of the Turks and Egyptians
are too much roused to admit of peaceful
arbitration. Ambition vulgar ambition
that ambition which inspires conquerors,
cores not for human life or human misery.
The Pacha of Egypt. is fired with desire to
found a kingdom; the Sultan is rcluctant-to
part with what once formed a portion of
iiis empire : and in this contest millions of
human boings must be subjected to the hor
rors of war. It is difficult to foresee the
part likely to be taken by the French and
English Government in this emergency.
Russia will, of course, fan the fame. Of
the fact that a collision has taken place be
tween the Egyptian and Turkish armies
;there can be little doubt, tidings having ar
rived from two sources. It seems to have
arisen from the approach of tho Turkish
army' under Hafiz Pacha, to tho Syrian
frontier, but whether the collision is seri
ous, slight, or accidental remains yet to be
Wc learn from our correspondent at Tou
lon, that considerable actiyity prevails in
the arsenal of that port, and that all the
workmen are in full employ. Order had
been received by the Telegraph for several
vessels to repair to Levant. It was stated
at Toulon, that the Mediterranean squadron
would bo composed of 11 ships of the line,
with six frigates, and and ten corvettes or
brigs. It was supposed that tho squadron
would be commanded by a Vice Admiral,
and that it would form two divisions, one to
watch tho Turkih fleet, and tho other to ob
serve the Egyptian squadron. Our corres
pondent intimates that Sir Robert Stcpford
would probably ask for a reiuforeement of
English squadron in the Levant, so lhatlhn
combined English and French squadrons
might amount to 50 sail the force which the
combined Russian and Turkish Jleet would
.present. N. Y. Paper.
The southern and western parts of Swa
bia have beeu this winter infested by nu
merous band of robbers and swindlers, un
der a leader named Baarfuss, whoso ex
ploits have been of a daring description.
According to tho information laid before the
magistrates, the murders.robbcries and other
offences of this band, amuuntto 590. Baar
fus, before he was discovered used to par
ade the twnn of a splendid landua,
dressed in the height of fashion. When lie
left that place he carried away with him
jewels to the amount of 37,580 francs, of
which ho had swindled a jeweller, and at
Fatichkau, seduced the daughter ot a rich
brewer, wnom no prevailed to run away
with him, taking with her jewels, notes and
bills belonging to her latlier to a consilient'
ble amount. This ill gotlen wealth he
squandered with great prodigality. He
kept a . young actress at Patichkau, to whom
he presented a rich set ot diamonds, and al
lowed 15,000 francs a month. In every
town and village he used to deposito large
sums in the charity boxes, and when he
met a priest on tho road, used to gie him
money for the relief of his indigent parish
ioners, lie lias been at length arrested by
the Uailifl ot Johannisber. He is repre
eented as a tall, handsome man, about 35
years of age, with black hair, and a conn
tenance expressing great energy and acute'
ness. His manners are polite, and his lan
guage is said to denoto a good education.
On the 4th of June, Lord John Russell
took occasion to say that tho Government
would not now pursue its plan of national
education, that it had given up the idea of
founding a normal school, and that ho now
meant to propose the funds originally in
tended to be voted should be distributed for
the purposes of education, under tho super
intendenoe of the National Society and the
British and Foreign School Society. This
abandonment of the plan brought out some
violent complaints against the Ministry.
Mr. Editor,
A notice has appeared in the " Danville
Intelligencer" and "Berwick Sontinel," in
forming the people that it is tho intention
of tho speculators in and about Danville, to
apply at the next Legislature for a charter of
a BANK to be located at DANVILLE,
After the repeated expression of tho public
voice in this county against banks and all
other chartered monopolies, it is a matter
of surprise that any one should attempt
bringing the issue of bank or no bank be
fore the people at an election. Those who
now biing up tho project of a bank calcu
late too much on the possibility of hum bilg
ing the people, and are foolish enough to
believe that they can induce the democracy
of Columbia county to renounce their prin
ciples in order to cnablo a few reckless spec
ulators to got possession of capital by law
which they never can possess by means of
their labor or industry. It is well worthy
of the attention of tho people to inquire,
who the real projectors of this bank are, and
what are their motives. The persons who
sign tho notice are not the active persons
in the plot, but their names arc used in the
same way that lawyers use the fictitious
names of JohnDoe &RichardRoe,to conform
to the forms of law. The few active projec
tors of this bank project will, on inquiry, be
found to bo men without actual capita, who
by means of bank credit, havo embarked in
wild and extravagant speculations in coal
lands, iron ore, &c. and who wish by an
increase of bank credit to obtain the pro
ceeds of the labor of the farmer, mechanic
and laboring men without expense or exer
tion or men, who without principle, wish
to obtain relahi tho political control of
the county by means of bank influence.
Are the people of Columbia willing to
countenance such a project, founded on
such mo'tives ? It is for them to say on the
2d Tuesday of October next, when they
will be called upon to cast their votes for a
member of the Legislature, whether they
are or are not willing to ratify the opinion
hold by a majority of the banic speculator,
that bank notes can govern the people when
reason fails.
Let the Democracy of the county take
this subject into early and candid considera
tion, and vote for no one for member of the
legislature who refuses to give a written,
pledge to oppose the chartering of a bank
in the county. A DEMOCRAT.
It is profitable when wc are about selecting
new agents to look back upon the acts of
those whom we have heretofore had in our
employ, that wc may see whulhor they
have been faithful in tho discharge of the
duties intrusted to them, m sustaining the
interest of their constituents generally, or
whether they have taken advantage of tho
powcis conferred upon them, to enrich
themselves and their friends at the expense
of tho many: Tho Democracy of Colum
bia county are decidedly opposed from prin
ciple, to the banking system as it now ex
ists in this state, and to tho granting such
an innumerable number of corporations as
every legislature for years passed have
fastened on the vitals of tho community.
This opinion has often been expressed
both at public meetings and through the bal
lot box. One of the greatest objections
raised against the continuance of tho admin
istration of Joseph Ritncr, and tho anlima
sonic whig party in power, was their being
in favor of unlimited and unrestricted banks
and incorporations. In this county, in par
ticular, we elected our representative, and
gave a tremendous majority in favor of
Gov. Porter upon these grounds, and it was
expected that, at least, measures would be
taken to restrict, if not put a stop to the fur
ther increase of the number of theso evils.
But how wofully have the peoplo been dis
appointed. Instc?d of curtailing tho pow
ers of incorporations, or refusing to increase
the number, every charter that was asked
for, no matter for what purpose, or however
unlimited the powers wished, was readily
granted. Every attempt that was made,
(for attempts wero mado by some stern and
unyielding Democratic members,) to make
stockholders liable for the debts of the com
pany, or to place other wholesome restric
tions upon them, was voted down, and our
representative was always found on the side
of corporations, opposing restrictions, and
granting unlimited charters, Indeed, so
far lias this system been carried during the
laet session of tho legislature, that out of
215 acts passed, 124 are incorporations, or
elate to private companies, and 01 for th-
cr purposes. Out of this 91, but 4-1 are of
a public nature, tho remainder arc mostly
for individual benefit. Thus six months
has been spent by the legislature in granting
extra privileges to speculators, that thoy
might control tho Agricultural and Me
chanic interest of tho country, and suck out
their very life blood to enrich their coffers.
No bank charters were granted, it is true,
for thoy had not time before tho first of Jan
uary, when the new constitution went into
effect, which required six months previous
notice. But it seems that the speculators
are now determined to make up for lost
time, for in addition to notices of applica
tions for the charter of two bauks in thi3
county, one to bo located in the borough of
Danville, aiid the other to bo located " any
whei-e," we have already six or eight others
in di lie rent parts of tho state, with capitals
of from 200,000 to 1,000,000 dollars, and
it now devolves on the peoplo to decide at
the next election, whether they will be
governed by banks and other incorporations,
or whether they will take tho government
into their own hands, and protect their in
terest against their grasping avarice.
Mr. Webb,
A late Register contained a communica
tion signed a " Sugarloaf Whig," repre
senting the Whigs of Sugarloaf as being op
posed to tho agitation of the removal ques
tion. I was somewhat surprised to sec
this, and should havo been more so, had I
believed that it was written here; but upon
examination I found it bore strong charac
teristics of tho editorial ai tides that occa
sionally appear in that paper, and am, there
fore, satisfied that it was the production of
one of the trio who figure in its columns.
That communication wholly misrepresents
the views & feelings of the whigsof this sec
tion. We havo suffered too much from the
evils arising from the present location of
tho courts, not to embrace every opportuni
ty that may present itself of obtaining our
rights; and you may be assured, that if a
removal ticket is brought forward this fall
wo shall, to a man" sustain it. although it
be democratic. I am as strong and decided
a whig as there i3 in the county, and will
go a3 far ip all honorable measures to sus
tain the party as any other member, but I
am not prepared to continue tho burdens
under which myself and my neighbors now
labor, for the uncertain prospect of sqmo
twenty years hence rendering our political
party prcdominent in tho county, or to fulfil
a contract made by a few individuals for
their own immediate private interest.
That we can do nothing now as a party is
evident from the fact, that we number less
than one third of tho legal voters of
tho county, and I soo no prospect of an in
crease at present, Then why should we
oppose the attempt making by tho Demo
crats to effect that for us which we arc un
able to do for ourselves ? I havo no notion
of cutting my own throat to gratify my whig
brethren of Danville. They always to a
man sustain tho anti-removal ticket, let it
be composed of whom it may, while no
stone is left unturned that is calculated to
divide tho friends of tho removal, and I am
strongly inclined to believe that the oppo3i
tion of tho Register at this time, lias an in
fluence bearing upon it from that quarter.
I am no longer to be humbugged in this
way. I go for a removal through thick and
thin, and so will every other voter in this
section of the county, whether ho be Whig
or Democrat.
I havo waited with considerable impa
tience for some movement in the removal
question, as I am very anxious it should be
agitated this fall, and I find that every per
son m this section of tho county,with whom
I have conversed upon tho subject aie equal
ly determined with me, to have the ques
tion fairly tested. It is outrageous that the
populous county of Columbia should be
made tributary to a village in an extreme
corner of the county, and where we are
compelled to consume tho provisions of
another county while attending our own
courts, as we have heretofore had to do.
Let tho courts be removed to the most cen
tral position, that the whole county may
havo equal access to the county seat. It
is but justice, and justice let us have; and
all that is wanting to obtain it, is for the
removal interest to wake up, and every man
put his shoulder to the wheel, and givo a
"long pull, a strong pull, and a pull alto
gether," and the cause is as safe as it is just;
and we shall soon rid ourselves of the heavy
burthen we endure.
SJtTUnnjiY, jrurjY leao.
Appointments by (he Governor.
Benjamin Palton,jr.Esq. President Judge
of tho 5th Judicial District, consisting of
tho county of Allegheny; inplacoofT
B. Dallas, resigned.
James M. Porter, Esq. President Judge of
the 12th Judicial District, composed of
the counties of Dauphin, Lebanon and
Schuylkill, in the place of Calvin Blythe,
John F. Smith, Esq. of Berks county, In
spector of flour in- Philadelphia, in tho
place of George Smith, resigned.
Benjamin Champncys, Esq. to bo Pres
iden Judge of the second judicial district
consisting of the county of Lancaster, in
the place of Oristus Collins, REMOVED
by the Supreme Court.
A right feeling is beginning to bo felt
and expressed, among all classes of people,
in opposition to the increase of bank char
ters. Indeed, so general has it become,
that oven tho whigs find themselves com
pelled to follow tho wake of popular opin
ion, and acknowledge that wo have already
more banks in existence, than is necessary
for tho solid and substantial business of the
country ; and wo should not be surprised if
they found it necessary to come out in favor
of tho special deposit system before the next
Presidential cleciion. As an evidence of
the change of opinion among the whigs up
on the subject, wc copy the following arti
cle from the "Bucks County Intelligencer,"
the leading Whig paper of that county. It
contains truths that every elector should
ponder upon, especially at this time when
charters for two Shaving Shops aro asked
for to be located in this county, and several
others in the adjoining counties.
"There speculation in.thpse eyes,
which thou dost glare with," said Macbeth
to the Ghost of Banque; but that was in old
times, long before Bank Slock was run aficr
or tho Moms Multicaulis fever raged.
Whether it would be correct to tell even a
Ghost such things now might perhaps ad
mit of an argument. There is in these
"latter days" a blind speculation abroad
that dashes into every bubble as it rises for
a moment to the surface, however evane
scent may be its nature. Man is naturally
an anti-hard-work animal, and we are all
too ready to embark heedlessly in some pa
tent labor-saving" scheme, newly invented
for getting rich. The old-fashioned way
of acquiring wealth, by industry, temper
ance and economy, is despised, in these
modem days of new inventions. Evory
thing must be done at a blow every thing
must go by steam. The road to riches
must bo a rail road or no ono will make an
effort to reach tho place of destination. The
consequences we have before our eyes, in
the disasters that are continually happening
around us, and shaking the community lo
its centre. Yet wo will not learn wisdom;
but take a fresh start after the next ignis
fatuus that shows itself. We have daily
proofs of the credulity of the publin, and
of its bitter fruits, in the successive explo
sions that arc taking place throughout the
country among the Hanking Institutions of
tno day. scarcely lias the excitement
caused by ono blow up subsided, before an
other follows suit. Ono day wc hold a
note of an Institution, whoso promises to
pay are consideied as good as gold ; and
on the next perhaps it becomes so much
waste paper. A low individuals associate
together for the purpose of speculating, and
it generally happens, that banking poweis
are resorted to for effecting the object that
is, to enrich tho speculators. Boiers aro
forthwith sent to tho seat of Government
to gouge an act of incorporation out of the
Legislature. It succeeds, and the bubbles
rises to view beautiful asadream and bright
as the tints of hopo can make it. Liko a
floating island, it emerges at onco from no
thing, to be a firm foundation whereon to
build tho superstructure of fortune and
wealth. The capital stock is a capital joke
formidable indeed on paper; but visible
perhaps no where else. Bank notes aro is
sued without stint the land i3 filled with
what seems to be money, and every ono
seeming to get rich accordingly, the legili
mate sources of wealth, which' aro to be o
pened only by industry, are neglected, and
many under the delusive influence rush into
expense, speculation, and ruin on the credit
of a fictitious capital. The peoplo aro
duped. Some touch of reality breaks the
charm the dubbin Imrstc- itm cnll.l IV,i,m,i
tion gives way, and sinking, carries all the
superstucture with it down into the votex.
4h Of .Tilly.
The following Toasts wero drank at the
celebration, on the 4ih inst. by the Blooms.
uurg Ariiuery uompany. Each toast was
accompanied by the discharge of a field
belonging to the company.
By II. Webb-Tho Volunteer Corns-,
A foe to tyrants Tho friend or freemen
By M. Rissel-Washington, tho falilcr
of his country, and a Volunteer in the
cause of fieedom a bright example for
us to imitate. 1
By Win, Kelly The Blonmsi,., a..-.
lery when our country calls let it obey
and discharge something more than powder
By E. Armstrong 4th of July All hail
thee as the day that gave birth to tho fac
est nation on earth.
By Geo. L-1. Painter-Tho Bloomsburrf
Ladies 1-air May the managers receive the
reward, which they so justly merit, iho
encouragement and applause of all.
By M. Weaver Tho Ladies of Blooms,
burg Always foremost in the cause of m.
inanity May thoy add lustre to their other
virtues, by distinguishing their patriotic
zeal in presenting the flag of their nation to
tho Blomsburg Artillery.
By E. Barton The members of the
Bloomsburg Fair 'VUo fairest of the fair
May their fare always equal the fair
they arc now furnishing us.
By G. Beets Tho Ladies Fair now be
ing held in this village May this compa
ny shew their gallantry by giving them a
By S. Slater -May the Ladies of Blooms
burg retain tho same spirit of enterprise,
that has produced tho fair, until the Blooms
burg Artillery shall bo furnished witn tho
glorious flag of their country.
By B. Rupert When tho tocsin of war
is sounded, may every member of the Ar
tillirv company be leady to fill his station.
By W. S. Sloufer Tho BloomsburgAr
tillery may they be over ready lo stand
by tho side of their common country,
when her liberty is in danger.
By G. Brown The young Ladies, pret
ty souls, Althogh not admitted members
of our military companies, vet wc hope all
will soon bo volunteer members, of our do
mestic associations.
By J. C. Poller May tho Ladies of
Catawissa and vicinity unite in peace, in
remembrance of virtue, liberty and Inde
pendence. By S. Hagcnbuch May the Bloomsburg
Artillery be as brave as tho patriots who
fought in defence of our country.
By S. Wells The Bloomsburg Artillery
May their characters, behaviour, and ar
mour so shine, that their enemies may fall
at first sight.
By Wm. Stoufer Tho citizens of
Bloomsbnrg and vicinity may they ever
bo united in their social meetings upon prin
ciples of truo democracy.
By A. Rittcr lih of July '70 tho birth
day of our nation, millions yet unborn
shall hail tho day with enthusiasm.
By L. Measel Thelloomsburg Artille
ry May its march bo onward.
By J. W. Bomboy The Bloomsburg
Artilltry May its members never dishonor
its breast piatu.
By C. Lchr Life, Liberty and Indepen
dence, pretty girls and plenty.
By J. Birchfield May tho Bloomsburg
Artillery never back, when it comes to tho
By W. Crothcrs Washington, Green,
Putnam and the host of volunteers of the
Revolution Although tho most of them
havo "gone to that bourne from whence no
traveller returns," yet their memories will
never be effaced from the hearts of their
By C. Kram Layjfhyclte though a
born subject of a foreign king, yet he was
ono of tho noblest of tho volunteers in our
Revolution may tho members of tho
Bloomsburg Artillery, like him, fly to the
assistance of tho oppressed.
By J. Mover Fellow Solders May
wo every remember General Jackson tho
Hero of New Orleans.
By B. II. Clymer May wo novcr for
get for what our fathers fought, as long as
freedom has a resting place.
By J. Long Tho heroes of '70 May
they ever bo bright in tho remembrance of
their posterity, who now enjoy tho fruits of
their patriotic trials and sufferings.
By L. Moyer The Bloomsburg Artille
ry Long may its flag "wave o'er the land
of tho free and the home of tho bravo."
By Z. Ruggles May the same spirit of
harmony continuo to exist among us, that
filled the hearts of the worthy signers of
the declaration of Independence.
By S. Ilartman II. Webb, M. Rissel &
W. Kelly, the officers of this company,
may they never fail to do their duty.
By Wm. Beers Col. Daniol Fulmcr,
our Brigade Inspector A worthy citizen &.
good soldier the military of Columbia
Couty will delight still further to honor
Tho whole batch of Philadelphia Loan
Companies havo gono by the board, and
mado assignments. Thoy had issued a
largo amount of paper during the suspen
sion, which thoy are nowunablolo redeem,
and which of coursois now worthless trash.
Four Banks in Georgia have stopped
payment and refuse to pay their notes either
in specie or other bank notes. This is go
'ng the whole hog.