The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, June 22, 1839, Image 4

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For publishinga new paper inthe borough
of Harrisburg, entitled the
State Capitol Gazette.
HE Subscribers propose to publish e ncwBTm-
JL per in the borough of Harrisburg, -with 'the
"title of tho " Sttfto Capitol Gazette." The Gettc
will be devoted 'to the support and advancement of
uemocrsticpiinciplcs, based upon the .political and
.philosophical truths of universal equality of right;
and the sovereignty of the people's will designated
1 it. - - r 1 1. . ' . . . i . 11 i .
uy iuu vuitu 01 mu majomy--uiat ail civil guvcrii-
'mentand law cminate from the people, exist only
by their assent or peimission, and that they have an
unalienable right to remodel, alter or abolish eitiicr
at thoir pleasure, whenever they may deem it no
cessarv for their welfare andhapnincss. and that ev
ery thing- which 'tends to weaken or subvert those
principles, rocs 'directly to sap the foundation of our
republican institutions, and should be checked with
aprompt hand and vigorous energy.
Meanures and not men,' shall ever be the rule by
"which the political cour&o ef tho Gazette will be
gorerncd. We shall never quarrel with our pout
teal brethren about tho individnal whom the major.
ity may fairly select, to carry out any measures con
sistent with our democratic principles. Is he hon
est is 'ho capable, audwiil ho obey the voice of his
constituents, shall be the leading enquiries as to tho
qualihcations ot a candidate lor ottice. -If capable,
honest and willing to acknowledge the supreme will
ol the majority, every individual in society snail
have an equal claim. on us'for our countenance and
support. Wo abhor all faction and combination of
individual interest-to accomplish individual purpo
poses. JSvery thingof that sort, shall receive from
us a most hearty and decided opposition. Honesty,
economy and strict accountability in all public
functionaries, and their disbursements of the public
moneys, shall be treely examined and fully discuss
ed. The Gazette will sustain the administration of
'the General Government, upon tho principles pur
'cued by its present patriotic and enlightened chie
"magistrate Martin Van Buren, and will cheerfully
lend its support to his re-election, to complete his
measuio of two terms of office, in accordance with
the uniform practice exercised towards his republi
can predecessors. In discussing national policy,
we shall advocate at all times every measure tending
to strengthen the bonds of the common Union, and
to promote the peace, security and happiness of the
whole, so far as it can be done without compromit
'ting any rights that may belong to an individual
state as a separate and indcpcndcnl sovereignty.
The Gazette will also support the administration
'f our worthy Executive of Pennsylvania Gover
nor Porter, and its editors will ever cherish tire prin
ciples which triumphed in his election, and which
through all the desperate and dangerous machina
tions put in requisitiou to defeat Ids inauguration,
by a reckless and abandoned party, established in
the executive chair, as the land marks of ourrepubli
can safety and happiness. It shall also be the study
of the editors to promote tho best interest of our vast
chain of internal improvements, and urging to a
speedy completion all the links necessary to sccuro
its immense- connection, and to turn it to lasting
and profitable use.
Our foreign relations shall be attended to, and
tho public seasonably advised of every transaction
abroad, calculated to affect their political interests,
or awaken in privato life a spirit of enquiry and re
scarchn tho various fields of philosophy, mcchan-,
ics or literature.
The Gazette will be printed on a fine double me
dium sheet, and new type; and every attention be
stowed to render its mechanically execution perfect.
The first number of tho Gazette will appear on
or about the thirteenth of June. Persons holding
the proposals will be punctual to return the same by
the thirteenth of May. Letters by mail, post paid
will rcccive'prompt attention.
Harrisburg, "Starch 15, 1839
The State Capital Gazette will bo published twice
week during the sitting of the Legislature; and
once a wtek for the remainder of the year, the fol
lowing prices in advance :
The whole year, - - - $3 00
The session only, (twice aweck,) - 3 00
ytTERY respectfully informs his friends and the
puuiic, tnai lie nag always on uanu, iu iu
Tcry Stable in Bloomsburg, for the purposes of Hire
or Exchange, a variety of
Horses, Sulkies,
which hewtU-'fccl gratified to keep in readiness for
'the accommodation of customers.
Personal application can bo made at his residence
when every means will be used to render entire sat
islacuon to those who may give him a call.
Bloomshnrgr'Moy 26, 1838,
nn HIS line has commenced runninc reirularly be-
1 tween Wilkes-Barre, Northumberland, ViH
iarasport, Harriburg to Filadelphia and all inter
mediate places. The Boats leave Whilkes-Bnrre
dailv. at 2 o'clock "P. M. and arrive at Northumber
land next morning at 7 J o'clock A. M. and HarriB
burg the following evening at 9 o'clock; where pas
sengers will remain over night, and take tho rail road
cars at 8 o'clock; A. M. and arrive at Philadelphia
Vv 2 o'clock. P. M. At Northumberland tho North
and West Branch boatts connect : This lino arrives
at the junction of the Junifta in time to connec
with all the western lines for PitUburtr.
Returning passengers by this line will leave Broad
street, Philadelphia, every day at 8 o clocic A. ftl,
end arrive t Harrisburg at 3 o'clock P. M. North
umberland next morning 8 o'clock, Williamsport
by 7 P. M. and wilkcs-Barreby 7 o'clock the follow
ing morning' through In 48 houre.
To famlies moving west this lino offers great ad
vantage charces upon freight very moderate, and
persons with thcr families may rely upon having all
-tlieir goods taken with them.
Fare to Northumberland 2 00
Williamsport 3 50
Duncan's Island 3 50
Harriiburff 00
" Philadelphia 8 00
For freight or passage apply to . ..
Plucnix Hotel.
Waie.Barre,May 7, 1809 If
j 1 i
TIircsMng Machine,
THE Subscribers take this method of informing
thoir friends, that they continue Manufactur
ing ThraMng Machines and l'oriable Hone
l'oicers, on the triost improved plans, mado of tho
best materials and in tho most workmanlike man
ner, and which they will wancnt to stand with faro
usage, and not injure tho grain by breaking it.
They have surpassed all others where they have
been introduced, in Pennsylvania, Virginia and
Pratt's Patent Smut,
Improved. An articlo of great ntility to Millers,
for cleansing the grain for preparing it for flouring.
Theso machines are manufactured of cast and
wrought Iron, and are supposed to last an hundred
years, i ney are in general use in the stato of New
I oik and in port of Pennsylvania.
and all kinds ot Machinery, cost and fitted up.and
all sorts of
kent on hand, and sold hv wholesale. All nf
will be sold en tho most reasonable terms, by
Bloomsburg, May 25, 1829. 3m4
Against the World for good Mill-Stones
ana Jsolting Lloths.
TLLERS wishing tho above articles, arc
rnnpsfpit in rail nl drnminn rntr KlnM .
AIA 1 ' ' "V .w-.,
at Danville, Columbia County, Pa., or at Lew
istown, on tho Juniatta.
JJanville, May 25, 1833.
White Lead, drv and in heirs. Madder.
Verdigries, Indigo, Alum, white and blue
Vilriol; Sand Paper; Proof Bottles, Grains
of Paradise. All for sale at
Tobias? Health. Emporium.
O OF SARSAPARILLA. havinir become so
dojrvedly popular, on account of its superior
strength to any other preparation of Sarsaparilla in
existence, it is thought unnecessary to make much
comment upon its virtues. Suffice it to say, one
bottle or tho above contains twice as much of the
active principles of Sarsaparilla anl other ingredi
ents, oh any extract in cxistecne, in the samo quan
tity, and is equal lo one gallon of Syrup of Sarsa
parilla, tot making which druggists and others pur-
uiase tne qdovc preparation, rnco one dollar per
It is rccomended in all diseases of the skin and
Bones; affections of the Liver, Stomach, Spleen
and Kidneys; Eruptions, breaking out of Dry and
vvatery rimplcs on the lace, neck and body; ulcer
ations of tho nose, mouth and throat; running at tho
Ears and EycsjErysipilas, Scrofula.rhcumatie pains,
swelling or hardening of the Glands, constitutional
diseases produced by tho use of mercury or other
minerals. In short, Sarsaparilla is known to tho
world, as being tho most powerful agent ever dis
covered for) urifyingtiic blood and Animals Fluids,
consequently tho most valuablo specific for all dis
eases, resulting from impurities of the Blood, and
otner umus oi the Dcxiy.
Caution. Persons should be particularly careful
in getting a preparation that may be relied upon;
there being many in existence, not properly prepar
ed, unfit for use, and almost inert; possessed of no
medicinal qualities whatever.
Dr. N. H. Leidy candidly declares his preparation
to be what il is represented to he, and is prepared
by himself, a regular Druggist and Apothecary, and
is besides a regular 1'hysiciin, attested by Drs. Phys
ic, Chapman, Hare, Cox, Dcwecs, Jackson, James,
Horner, uibson.&c. (bee directions and recommen
dations around each lioltle.)
Upwards of 3000bottels of the above have been
sold, during tho past six months, a strong proof of
its good qualities, &c. For sale in this city a)
Dr. Leidy's Health Emporium, 2d street, below
Vine, No. 191.
Frederick Klet'eJJ'Drug store, corner of 2d and
Callowhill streets.
J. Smith & Go's. Drug store 3d street above No
ble. J. Gilbert & Go's. Drug store, 2d street above
Also by
J. F. Long, Druggist Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
G. W. Oakley, Druggist, Reading, do.
J. B. Moscr, do. Allentown do.
P.& W. H. Pomp,do. Easton, do.
E. Bringhurst, Druggist, Wilmington. Dclcware.
f And by the principal Druggists and Merchants
in tho United States. 37th
Bloomsburrg, J an. 6 1839,
Compound Sump of Prunes1 VirginU
anna, or Wild Cherry, for Coughs, Colds,
Asthmas, Consuraptions.&c., for sale at the
Tobias1 Health Emporium, Bloomsburg,
A preserved Fruit to eat.
PEPPER SAUCE, for sale at
Tobias' Health Emporium, Bloomsburg.
ALARATUS, Glauber Salts, Epsom talu, for
flaie at tne
Cheap Health Emporium.
THE Trustees of this Institution are happy to
announce to tho public generally, that it is
now in full tide of'succcssful operation, The win
ter term has just closed; and tho semi-annual exam
ination, havo given more satisfactory evidence of
tho excellent qualifications of their teacher, E. W.
ConKt!No,r than any riuvlocs recommendations
could have done.
Tho summer term will commence on Wednesday
tho first day of May, and continue twenty-thrco
weeks. It is very important, that all who wish to
oin the -institution, should bo present on that day,
or as"soon after as possible.
In ordci to make the school a public benefit, by
affording to all parents who desiro the opportunity
of giving their children a first rate education, the
terms of tuition have been given at tho following
low rates.
Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, $2 00
English Grammar explained and illustra
ted, including the above, 2 60
Geography, with use of Maps and Globes
Including the abovo, 3 00
Natural Philosophy and Chemistry, with
use of Apparatus, including the a
hove, 4 00
Latin and Greek Languages, including
all the above, 5 00
Tho German and French Languages will bo
taught, but an extra charge of $5 00 per quarter
will be mado for cither of them. All tho members
of tho school are required to exercise themselves in
written compositions and declamations, and will bo
expected at tho close of each term to -give a public
exhibition of their proficiency in all tho branches
they may havo pursued.
Persons at a distance are informed, that upon ap
plication to tho President, board will bo furnished
in respectable private families, on modcraco terms.
By order of tho Board.
D.M. HOLLIDAY, Phes't.
Jonrr C. Boyd, Sccr'y.
Danville, April 10 1839.
The Victory Won,
FTER long, tedious, and expensive experi
ment, Dr. Leidy has discovered a method
whereby tho virtue of the Sarsaparilla is extracted,
so as to bo formed into Pills witluntt destrouimr its
Innumerable attempts have been mado to accom
plish this important object, but all failed. It is im
portant, because the Sarsaparilla, as a medicine, in
all diseases to which mankind is subject is product
he of more real good, than the whole catalogue of
medicine in use.
Ask all rcspQctablo physicians tho question,
' What is the most effectual purifier of the blood, and
the most popular medicine used!" they will answer
unanimously, Sarsaparilla. What better recom
mendation can be asked 1
Price, Twenty-five Cents a Box.
Tiicy must surely commando preference, for they
aro not composed of Sarsaparilla alone, but contain,
in a concentrated state, in the form of a pill, the
virtues of the principal ingredients contained in the
compound fluid, extracts, syrups, and other prepara
tions of Sarsaparilla.
They are highly recommended by numerous phy
sicians, and others, (tee directions around each bot
tle) in
Rheumatic Affections,
Scbrofula Erysipelas,
Jaundice, Heartburn
Diseases of tho
bones and glands.
Pain of the sides, along
the back and spino o
vcr the region of the
heart and stomach.
Inward fevers, bad tatc
in tho mouth,foul breath
Flatulency, Indigestion.
QIcc-ous sores of the nose
throat and body.
Scaly Eruptions and
blotches of the skin.
Dry and watery pimples
and pcstulcs of tho
face and body.
Tetter und ringworms,
Swellings and hardening
of the glands of the
neck, in tho groins,
breast. &c.
Sour eructations and acid
Stomach Coughs,
Liver complaint.
iticsof the stomach.
Want of appetite,
and all the whole train of diseases resulting from
impurity of the blood, constitutional diseases pro
duced by Mercury, or other minerals, or tho coiue
quenco of SyphilU,Lues Venereal, &c.
For convenience of taking, a.i well as making but
small bulk, being in flat square boxes, convenient
for carrying in tho pocket or for travelling purposes,
they must bo prcferablo to all other preparations of
For sale, Wholesale and Retail at Dr. Leidy's
HealthEmporium, SndnearVinc strect.Philadelphia,
For sale by D. S. TOBIAS.
EADER, did you ever seo a confirmed Dys-
netltin. nml Inilm Ilia un(lrinrro1 rrnn ..r
1 i ' - . 1 HUIJ OUt
lice it to say, he is a pale, thin and ghastly looking
object, his life apparently hanging by a thread; he
is raiscrabloand unhappy, his suiferings indiscriba-
Aro vou much troulli1 with flatnlonoir
ness, sour eructations arising from your stomach,
uicusiuiim wuni oi appetite, waiermasli, a bad taste
in vour mniilli. nr fnnl liroafli i.n,r
j i - - - " 'u... ui n iiruvitiues
at your stomach, sickness after eating, headache, dis-
Ijuin, ui your unco lavorue ioou, ccc. 11 you are
much troubled with any of the foregoing symptoms,
bring before you the picture of tho Dyspeptic, and
having resolved to remedy tho conseqnences, im
mediately procuro
A never failing and efficacious remedy for
nd the whole train of affections resulting from dis
eases of tho Liver, Stomach and Intestines.
The above medicine is warranted free from mer
cury or other mineral preparations; it is composed
entirely of vegetables, safe and easy to take, being
ycry pleasant to the taste, It may be safely admin
istered to young and old, requiring but moderate re
strictions in diet only.
Numerous testimonials have been from time to
time published; its reputation is so well known, fur
ther comment upon its virtues is unnecessary, euf
fico it to say, it his nzver vailed in x sinoie
instance. Further recommendations accompany
tho directions around each bottle.
(jj'Price One Dollar per bottle.
Prepared and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr
Leidy's Health Emporium, 2d street, below Vino
No. 101.
Also Sold by
D. S. TOBIAS, Agent.
Bloomsburg, May 20. Iy5
"BjTsENGAL Indigo; Spanish'do. Verdigries, blue
JtPVitrial; White do. for salo cheap and good, at
rue uioomsuurg ware House, ny
tcpA 1TEV SEPJES.-cn
A Desirable Opportunity for New Sub
scribcrs. THE FOUimt VOLUMU Ot THE
Commenced on the first of Jan. 1830.
TERMS $55 per annum, payablo in
advance. Two largo volumes of nearly one
thousand pages are published every year.
KnlHIS popular work is now printed with a new
H typo cast expressly for the purpose, on fino
thick paper, well stitched in a neat cover. Valua
ble Engravings are given in ever other number.
Tho Gentlemen's Magazine andAmcricanMonth
ly Review has attained a standing that ensures its
continuance; and tho commendatory notices of the
most respectabto portion of tho press attests its mcr
tt und popularity. Each monthly number con
tains Seventy-two extra sized Octavo pages, and
presents more reading matter than a volume of a
novel. It is published at litllo more than half tho
prico of any other Magazlno in tho United States,
yet contains as many ORIGINAL PAPERS as
any other monthly publication.
WM. E. BURTON, Editor Proprietor, PMVa.
Tho Review Dcnartmcnt nf tlm Rrnilfmm'i un
ozine. which has elicited nntiroa flYim nil nnmfa n
tho literary circle.wil! continuo to picscnta complete
account of tho popular literature of tho day, with
liberal extracts from raro and popular workr.
Translations from llioliirli
German, Spanish and Italian authors, occur in eve
ry riumucr. copious and Anecdotaljlliographics of
eminent men of the day, with engraved likenesses,
will frequently ornament the pages oftho Gentle
men's Magazine.
Arrangements have hrpn nimln wiiU n
Writer of acknowledged nhilitv tn nrndnen
in tho pages of 7'Ac Gentleman's Maga
zine, a mommy series oj articles, descrip
tive of all subjects connected with the vari-
,7 J ' ' ' ...... mu. ... .itj , utHUlUb-
ing a fund of information not elsewhere at-
tainauio, anu illustrated, in its course, by
several hundred enexavinirs on wnnrl. A-
mong others, the following subjects will be
. , i ..A .
particularly cxempiitieu.
The Horse and the Dog, in all their vari
eties, with every requisite information rc9
specting Purchase, Breeding, Breaking, and
J he Art of Gunning, in all its branches,
incluuine Kiflc and Pistol S hootinrr. with
ample directions and valuable hints to young
Tho Natural History of American Game
Analina. with an account of Amnrinnn
, i '
Boatinsr and Sailimr. with n full An.
scrinlion of the various fancv crafts, and nn
interesting account of the principle Clubs.
yjrencry, witn us customs, &c. and a
History of its Riso and Progress.
Swimming, Skating, Quoits, Cricket,
Racket, Fives, and other Ball Games.
Forming, in the whole, a valuable Cyclo
pedia of useful and agreeable knowledge.
Opposite the Exchange, Doch-streti, Philadelphia,
Where all orders anil
paid, are requested to be directed.
S5r. Brandreth's
nSHESE pills have nhtniimil a rolMirWw
, JL mg most diseases to which the human system
is liable, unexampled in the history of the healing
art. They expel by tho action of tho stomach and
and bowls, all bad humours from tho Blood, causing
a frco circulation of tho fluids, and restores a sound
state of health.
Tho thousands who use and recommend them, is
proof positive of their extraordinary and beneficial
Tho Subscriber has rppPXVt-A llin nnnmnlmnnl f
Agenl, for tho sale of Dr. IJraiidetU's Pills in
Bloomsbnrg. Nono aro genuine that are offered for
sale, without a certificate of appointment signed by
tho proprietor and countersigned by liranch Green,
general agent; and no certificate is ever given, to
those engaged in tho Drug business.
Bloomsburg Aug. H 1838. Iyl7
Wood Letter Cutter and Engraver, No.
ill, Franklin Place, Philadelphia,
mESPEOTFULLY announccs'to tho Printers
of the United Stales, that he has commenced'
the manufaciuro of wood Icttcw.
Wood Letters of every description, from four to
thirty four lines Pica, or upwards, made to order on
tho shortest nhlice. Ornamental Letters of entirely
new and most splendid patterns, for heads of news
papers, title lincs.&c.fiora two lines great primer to
any size larger.
His type will bo made of materials of the best
assortment, well seasoned and prepared by- machine
ry, invented for tho purposo which insures tho most
exact adjustment.
Specimens will be publihsed as early as possible.
Executedjwith neatness and promptitude. Heads
for newspapers, fac-similcs, ornamental and plain
rules, &C.&C. cut with the greatest accuracy in type
metal or wood.
Old cast metal cuts, ornaments, &c. engraved
ever, and made equal to new for half their original
A liberal discount for cash. Six months credit
on the most approved security. Orders from tho
country promptly attended to. All letters must bo
post paid,
(XyEditors of papers inthe country who will give
tho above advertisement a few insertions, and for
ward a paper containing tho same to the adver
tiser, will bo paid thcrcfer in any of tho abovo men
tioned materials.
April 37, 1833.
"itLnra, 4jM
HE subscriber informs tho public, that he has
taken tho storn Infnlv nr-rim!.,1 . n it r:.i
- - i 1 i kj tll i jail"
cr, at tho lower end of Mamo street, whero ho in.
tends to permanently Inentn liiineolr. on.l I,--
opened an extensive assortment of NEW GOODS
i-.-i.. i , in -i ... . .
iim ijr imrcuuscu in i-juiaucipnia, embracing almost
everv articlo usually kept in a country store. A
mong which arc,
mir go,
Consisting of Broadcloths from course to
the finest of supcrJine,Kcrsemcres,Sat
tinctls, Silks, Ginghams,Calicoes
Factory Cotton Cloth,
bleached and uii
unblcached, very cheap and of the best quality, and ere.
ry variety in the Dry Goods Lino. Also, a
general assortment of
Crockery) Glass, China ana
Queen's Ware.
All of which he will dispose of as cheap, if
not cheaper, than can bo purchased at any
other store in the county.
JC7AU who aio desirous of purchasing
good and cheap goods, aro requested to call
and oxamine for themselves before they buy
elsewhere, as ho feels assured no one will
go away dissatisfied with his prices, or tho
quality of his goods.
including CASH, will be received in pay
Bloomsburg, May 18, 1839.
RESPECTFULLY informs the public
that he has removed his establishment into
the shop lately occupied by C. Kahlert
Esq. where he intends fcccninrr on hand
all kinds of
mado of the best of material, and good
worKtnansliip. He manufactures, a new
and approved
Patent Horse dollar.
acknowledged by all to bo superior to any
ever oeiorc made in this county.
Ho also manufactures LEATHER and
of any description that may be required.
All of which will bo sold on the most
reasonable terms, and ho will also be ready
to do any work in his lino, on short notice,
and solicits a share of public patronage.
Bloomsburg, May 18, 1839.
rospecfus For he Extra Globe
For 1839.
E lay hcforo our republican friends a sub-
Rrrintmn nif i i
nilllliratinn the l Pvt.. . n. m
Dunn? the months when Congress is in session,
we publish the" Cowonsssiojur. Giojie," which
gives a condensed report of its proceedings weekly,
for one dollar. In tho interval between the sessions
ofCongiess, wepublihtho " Extra Giobe," for
six months, containing tbo news, politics, public
documents, and whatcx-nr che of interest appears in
tho Daily Globe, for the samo price. Thctc two
publications aro printed weekly, in book form, to
render (hem convenient for preservation and refer
ence. Each number contains 10 royal quarto pa.
Tho important elections which will take placo
during the approaching summer and fall, will eivo
peculiar value to tho Information to bo derived from
this quarter, during tho canvass. Thp new phases
of parties ju tho North, and the troubled aspect
winch foreign agitation gives to our nationol af
fairs there, will also impart to tho country for tho
six months preceding tho meeting of the next Con
gress, more than ordinary interest
Tho publication oftho " Ext m Gionr." will
commence the first week in May, and end tho first
week in November next.
For I copy . . ?, 00
For 0 copies, . . c 0Q
,or I". " - - 10 00
For 60 ' - 40 Oil
.For 100 . till
I ayments. may be transmitted by mail, postago
paid, at our risk. The notes of any incorporated
bank in the United States, current in tho section of
country where a subscriber resides, will bo received,
i i .i ir" 8ul"icrbcrs ca Procure tho notes of banks
In the Northern and Middlo States, they will plcoso
send them. '
,il1. ui!".Ure ," ,tho ,num''8. the subscriptions
should be here by the 7th of May.
. . HLAIli & RIVES.
CO-No attention will be paid to ordora unlesithu
money accompany them,