The greatest liar always cries liar fust, and our whig neighbor appears to act upon this adage to cover up his own iniquity and innate propensity to avoid the truth, which 10 strongly dcvelopes itsclCin almost every article which ho pens. Wo "do not know ns wc ought to blame him for a fault which lias becomo so nearly allied to his Very ex istence but wo do not think we are doing our duly as moral censors, not to point out occasionally, some of the most glaring false hoods that he weekly diseminates through his paper. For instance, as a specimen of liis tact, in this way, we would mention a singlo article published in his last paper, of about twenly lines, in reference to us, in which there are not less than seven or eight gross derelictions from tho truth, without the least particle of ground or evidence to justify himself in his assertions ; in fact tho whole articles is a tissue of falsehoods from beginning to cud, evidently the oflspring of a distempered and depraved mind, and must havo proceeded from his confirmed habit of avoiding the truth, and ilia determination never to publish, it. From this the public may judge how much credit is to bo attach ed to most of the articles that appear in that paper. TRe. Legislature is to adjourn next Tues day, the '25th hist. VIRGINIA ELECTION. The Whigs ctlll continue to boast of their great victory in Virginia, with the same te nacity that a drowning man clings to a straw, and with as much prospect of being saved from the tide that is now sitting a gainst them. In the last legislature they had a clear majority of 21 on joint ballot; now, if any majority at all, it cannot ex ceed four or five, including conservatives, with a decided majority of the delegates in Congress against them, as well as over 3500 majority of the electors opposed to the Whigs and Conservatives united. Not only this, but the Richmond Enquirer as serts positively, that neither Wm. C. Rives nor any whig, can be elected to the United States Senate. "STATE CAPITOL GAZETTE." Wo have received the first number of the 41 Slate Capitol Gazette,'" a new Democrat icpaper just started at Harrisbiirg.pnblished by Messrs. Holbrooh, Htnlock 5' Hatton We like much tho tone and charactei of their address and leading editorials. Calm and dispassionate, yet, firm and decided- free from all that low scurrilous personally abusivo matter which too frequently charac tcriscs the political presses of the present day. Such a paper has been long wanted at the capitol of the state, and we do be lieve that there is good sense enough in tho community to sustain it, and we hope that the proprietors will receive such a re ward for their labors as will enable them to " go ahead." We have received the June number of " Burton's Gentleman's Macazin-c," and i we find it a charming number. This work increases in value as it progresses' and we think the editor has fullv redeemed all the pledges ho has heretofore given in regard to it. On its first page is a splendid steel en graving of " The Rhinoceros in its natie wilds," and in the sporting department there te several first rate wood cuts of dogs. I lie literary contents are superior. A series of artcles, entitled " Sketches from the Log Book of Old Ironsides,' tin Congress Frigate," by one of her officers, will be commenced in the July number. A Tale from the pen of Edrrar K. Poe. Esn who will hereafter be a fellow laborer in the editorial field the life of a distinguish ed American writer Romanco of Ameri ican History Tales of the late War E ternal Fire on the Cnpian Sea, &c with ; treaties on Gymnastic Exercises, illustrated by engravings, with tho usual miscellany wHl form the contents of the July number which will be ornamented with a splcndu steel engraving, representing Shakspeare performing before Queen Klizabeth. The venerable editor nf thp TCnstnn Rn tinel, Mr. Hutton, has transferred his inter est in that establishment to A. II. Sun man, and it comes to us this week in a new dress and enlarged form. Splendid preparations are being made for elebrating the coming 4lh pf July at'IIar- mburg, by tho Democratic party. It is expected that President Van Bnren will bo present. Gov. Porters Message Tlie Public Im provement. Wo invite tho earnest attention of vrv man and woman in this commonwealth, to io very able.pomteil, and patriotic message f Gov. Portct, in our columns to day. 'lain, simnlo and comprehensive, lik thp message of JeiTcrsan, it cxibits in a few worus tuc luinous aim disgraceful conse quences of the course which the federal members ot the legislature seem resolved pursue. If anything can recall the lcg- ntnrs (n a ennqn it C rttiftr nrwl ninlmn it.n - " " 0W..UW V ...... UHV4 llltailbll tilt? people to the madness of their measures, ii.: . ...:n .1.. t. .i no uicaitu will UU II. 11 IUIS 1MB TUSpon- bility on the right shoulders, and leaves i those who are disnoscd to son the nuhlir. improvements go to destruction, no pretext for the act. The people will see, that the executive has done all in his power, to res cue the state from impending ruin : and if no docs not prsvail, on their heads be the responsibility, who do the deed. If tho work on the unfinished lines bnnl. lowed to stop, and tho business on the com pleted lines be arrested lor tho wantol time- I V rpnnirs. the CZi.vnrmw qnil Inn Triaiula tllv anneal to the nennle on tho rrrii. tilde of his course, and fearlessly demand a lavourable judgement. Will the federal cgislators dare to do tho same ? Keystone. Mams County Election. Thaddeus Stevens has been returned to the Legislature by a majority of from three to four hun dred I about thirteen hundred less than he obtained at his election a strong evidence of the change of opinion which has taken place in Adams county against the "zreal agilutor." The election of Mr. Stevens was not unexpected ; yet with the small majority he has obtained much less than even his opponents anticipated the Whig and antimasonic editors arc crowing as though they had gained "Another Glorious Victory. It won l do, aentlernan. vou can't render Mr. Stevens popular aain. anv how you can fix it. Stale Capital Gazette. Pardon of a young man, of Shippcnsburg, Pa. by the British Queen.. The Washington Globe publishes tlm nn. nexe J account of an occurrence which re flects great lustre on the benignity of the British Queen and the active bene'volence of Mr. Stevenson. The circumstances shew the high personal estimation in which nir. oievensoti is new by the young and popular sovereign of England. ' The particulars as furnished to tbn RlMm are, that some time during the Inst year. jvcynmus, anas uaviu ucal. o Nliinnpni. burg, Cumberland county, Pa., a promising yotun ni iu, visited llullalo, in the stale ol New York, where he was Dorsnmlm! m m. iisi-wun -company oi volunteers "to jrini tho Patriots in the invasion of Canada. Young Deal, with several others w.-is snnn captured by a company of British Lancers, was ineu, anu sentenced to dpatli. His situation was made known to his friends, by whose entreaty Sir George Arthur w induced to suspend the execution of the sentence lor a time, and the young man was sent to England and comm'iitml tn nri. son, there to await the annroval nf tlm sen tence passed upon him in Canada, anil its nuai execution. me Hev. Mr. Cookman, Judge McLean and Dr. Sewall, who were informed of the situation of VOIinir nnrl ui me uisircss oi me tamiiy, addressed let icrs to iur. oievenson. settine forth the n r. eumstances of the case, and requesting his hhiuviivu iriiu iiiu auinuriii!s in i in nrmuu Government to save, if possible, the young nun s me. wr. atuvenson made every ef fort in his official capacity, but in vein wiicu ne appiieu to tne liueen.and requested his release as a personal favor, unon which ...i i . . . ' she promptly granted a free pardon, and tne young man is now on his passage home. And thus an aged father and mother, and n large circle of other family connexion, urn mnuo to rejoice in tne restoration ol a tavor ue uoy; who, we nope, will learn a saluta ry lesson from tho consequence of his ia discretion, and long live to thank Mr. Sic venson for h'i3 disinterested exertions, anil bless Queen Victoria for the exercise of her clemency. i MARRIED Bv the Rev. D. S. Tobias. Mt.'DanielLeiby to Miss Esther Shtllhard. By the same, Mr. Reuben TFertman to Miss Rebecca Leiby, all of Monteur town ship. Oh Wednesday last, at Danville, Mr. AI. W. Jackson, Merchant, of the firm of Kaufman &; Jackson of that place, toMiss Afargaret, daughter of Jacob Gcarheart, bsq. OBITUARY- DIED In Mount Pleasant township, on 1 uesilay morning last, Mr. Archibald Everett, son of Mr. James Everett, of that township, aged 21 years, 5 months, and 10 days. Mr. Everett has thus been huriicd by consumption, to his grave, in the very spring time of Ufa, after seven weeks con finement, to the great grief of parents ard other relatives and menus. In Briercreek township, on Sunday last, Mary Jinn, infant daughter of Jacob Moy- er, aged 1 mount and 3 days. In Briercreek township, Mr. Jacob Kelch iur,agr.d about 30-yeats oi age,. MILITARY NOTICE. The BLOOMSBURG ARTILLERY will meet nt the house of Charles Doebler, in Bloomsburg, on Saturday, the 20th inst. at one ono o clock P. M. in full uniform and arms, for an excursion to Cattawissa. 1 he company will also meet at the same place on the 4th of July next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to choose officers for said company, under the proper Superintendant. liy order ot the COMMANDER. June 22. BOOT AND SHOE THE subscriber informs his friends and the public generally, that he continues to canyon the BOOT and 8HOEMAKING lJUSINESS, at Ins old eland, in Blooms burg, and that besides the hands ho has employed on common country work, he has a first rate City workman on fine Boots and Ejlwes. J hoso who favor him with their custom, may depend on good work, and a neat tit insured. J. R. MOYER. Jnne 22. 8 China Soap, OR removing spots from Woolen, Linen and (Jbllnn Cloths, of every description of cooJii. li is excellent for washinir lino linens, and also to cure all sorts of woutidj, contusions, hums, chil blains, ringworms, and tetters, paiticularly wounds on horses, It erases freckles, gives a lino and smooth skin, preserves tho hair and makes it grow, and is excellent for shavins, .Manufactured bv JA. C'OU LENTZ. For sale bv J. It. MOYER. Bloomsburg, June SS, 1830, 8 Just Peceived a Fresh-Supply of Brown's Lotion. l)r. Backer's celehralral V.vf. salve. Dr. Thompson's celebrated Eve-water And DIAMOND PASTE, a supeiior article for mending glass, china and queen's ware, l-'or sale by ij. It. MOYER. June 22, 8 HEW THI1TGS IN AN Hi ESSPillBIL'HSESfiaEJ'B'g ( Comer of Alain and Market-street.) BLOOMSBURG. HE Subscriber informs his old custom ers and friends, and the public generally, that he has added DRUGS AIVB MISDTOIKES to his TOY AND CONFECTIONA RY Shop, and having just returned from Philadelphia, he ofi'ers for sale, a general assortment, consisting ol almost every arti cle made use of in Families, or by Physi cians; as also, almost every description of patent medicines. He has also, DYE-STUFFS, PAINTS, ORANGES, LE MONS, HAISIN3, FIGS, TOYS AND CONFECTIONAUY, and various kinds of PERFUMERY and SHAVING SOAP, together with almost every article usually kept jn a variety store. Having made arrangements for a constant supply from the city, he flatters himself he shall at all times bo able to furnish his customers with every article in his line, that may be called for, of as good a quality, and upon as reasonable terms as any of his neighbors. JOHN R. MOYER. Bloomsburg, Juno 15, 1839. BKIFvCJES TO M3T. SEALED PROPOSALSwill berccciv cd at the house of Wm. DAN VILLE, until 0 o'clock in tho afternoon, of the 25th of this month, (June,) for re building the superstructure and abutments, or so much of the abutments as the engi neer shall deem necessary, of the FARM and ROAD BRIDGES, over the Noith Branch Division of the Pennsylvania Ca nal, between Paver's Lock and the town of Norlhimibrrland. The contractors to furnish all the materi als, and conipleto the work agreeably to the plans and specifications of the Engineers. Proposals will be received for the Super structure and Abutments, cither jointly or separate. Each proposal must state the price per foot, lineal for the Bridge Super structure, including the painting; a price per perch of 25 cubic feet for masonry, a price per cubic yard for excavating foundations, and a price per thousand feet, hoard meas ure, for the timber and plank for the foun dation of abutments. Plans, specifications, and bills of Iron, will be exhibited at the place of letting, for four days previous to the letting, and writ ten notice of the location of said Bridges will be given at tho same time and place, and at the houso of Frederick Nicely, in Berwick, Charles Doebler, it) Bloomsburg, S. A. Brady, in Cattawissu, and Mrs.With inglon, Northumberland. All the materials of the present Bridges to be the property of the Commonwealth, and such portions of it will bo used in tho new superstructure as the Engineer shall approve, and to be paid for by the contrac tor. DAVID KOWNOVER, Sup. Danville; June 11, 1830, ... Notice; , J ALL persons are hereby cautioned a gaifist purchasing TWONOTES of hand, for 417 dollars each, given by us to Ithiel S. Ilkha'dtoti, dated the Oth day of De cember, 1$38, as we have received nojral ue for them, and are determined not td'pay them unless compelled bylaw. GEORGE 'VANSICKLE. CHARLES PRICE. Bloom, June 22, 1839. NOTICE. The Subscriber, in April last,gave a Note to WILLIAM EDGAR, of Greenwood, Columbia county, payable the first dav of April next for Ojie ihndrcd and five Dol lars. All persons are cautioned against purchasing the same, as the title to the land for which it was given, is incumbered and in dispute, and I am determined not to pay the same till the title is clear. HENRY ANDERSON. Dallas, Luzerne county, June 13, 1839. MANUFACTORY. A NEW ESTABLISHMENT, UPON AN OLD FOUNDATION. HiPfilfB Subscriber hereby announces to his fricnus and the public, that he has purchased that old and well known COACH AND DEARBORN WAGON MANUFACTORY, lately owned and occupied by STOUFER iV tutu! LUJiss, situated in liloomsburg, Columbia County, where he has com menced the business, and intends to carry it on in all its branches. He will shortly have a number of eleeant light BUGGIES and DEARBORNS, of various patterns, finished for sale; and will make Slase Coaches, Coaches, Coachees.Giggs, oulkies, IJuggies, Ucarbom fragons, Sleighs, 'C. iyc. $-c. eye, oi every variety oi pattern to order, on short notice. ICfRepuirs of all kinds will be prompt' ly attended to He also manufactures ELIPTIC and other CARRIAGE SPRINGS, and will warrant them to be equal to any made in uus country. as ne tias made arrangements for pro curing the best material, and will employ none but first rate workmen, he hopes to he able to turn out good work, and thereby obtain the confidence of those who may lurnisli themselves lrom his shop. Orders from a distance rrspcctfully soli cited. ZIB.V RUGGLES. Bloomsburg, Juno 4, 1839. 6 tf. VALUABLE PROPERTY rOR sAL3. THE Subscriber offers to dispose of, at private sale, his valuable GRSSTXtEZLXi AND DISTILLER? situated in the township of Greenwood, Co lumbia Countii. fa. I he larm contains ICO acres, 80 of which are under im provemeut. There are THREE DWELLING HOUSES, A BARN, AND TWO APPLE ORCHARDS. There is also upon said property, ; GRIST MILL, upon a never failing stream of water: a STILL-HOUSE and FIXTURES, capable of distilling from 30 to 40 bushels of Grain per day, and a STORE-HOUSE. Tho wholo property is in a good slate of improvement. CP Terms made easy to the purchaser JOSEPH FULMER. Greenwood, June 8, 1830. DO NT FORGET TO INQUIRE FOR Tobias' Apothecary OR Health Emporium, Lower end of Alain-street, Bloomsburg, Where you can always obtain Eresli Goods and Chcai Articles. Be very careful and not get cheated and buy C'GUIl- lerieit articles for UcntUilC. SOAPS! SOAPS! Palm Soap, Rosin Soap, Wash Balls. Ladies' Soap and Healing Soap, for sale at i tbias Health ,mjtorwm. Mew rods, HE subscriber returns his thanks to custom crs for'tho natronnirn tvliicli ho hna rrcpivnd from them since he commenced business in Blooms burg. He hopes Uicy will still continue their usual support; and ho lias now the pleasure of offering to them a Large and Fashionable Assortment of Seasonable SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, which havo bficn carefully selected, embracing th latest style of French, English and American' among which will be found Cloths, Cassimeres and Satlinclts, ofdif- wmi jioim uu nuiuT3, oukx, fig ured Lawns andJackonelts, Eu ropean and American Cali coes and Cinghams, f'estings, Earn ask Table. Cloths, Ho siery, Gloves, Bonnet Trim mings,, fyc. Alto, Ladies Morocco Shoes and Slirmera. rind Mcn)t thick and thin Shoes and Boots. Together with an assortment of Hardware & Iron, China, Glass and Queens Ware, PAINTS, GILS, DYE STUFFS;. e;cclar Ware, Groceries, ILi- quavs ana gait, &c All which will be sold on the raost reasonable terms. Persons wisbin-r and examine his stock of Goods anJ judge for them- (TrAll kinds of COUNTnY PRODmn will be taken in cxchanz'br GEORGE WEAVER. Bloomsburg, May 4, 1839. I JUST STEP INTO THE BLOOMSBURG ARCADE if you wish to obtain GREAT BAR GAINS, as the subscribers have leceived a large and splendid assortment of NEW GOODS, selected with care, for the present and sp proactung season, and presenting to tho consumer as large a variety as found in most country ttores. Their1- nresent stock embraces almost every article in de uiuiiu 111 mis mantci in uie DRY GOOD LINE. They have also an extensive assortment cf (DASHES AND MOTORS, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Spices, Alolasses,' Brandy, Gin, Rum, Wine, and ffhis. key, in every variety of quality and price. CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASS, QUEENS AND .CEDAR WARES. Fish, Salt, Iron, Steel, Paints, Drugs,,' Dye-Stuffs, e. fyc. $-c, all of which thev oiTcr to sell very cheapi for CASH, or in" exchange for COUNTRY PRODUCE. RUPERT & BARTON. Bloomsburg, May 18, 1839. 12 dozen Glass Boxes, 12 dozen Lockets, 12. dozen Lead Pencils, 12 dozen Toy Prints, 12 dozen Sand boxes, with the sand, 12 dozen Fifes, 12 dozen Doll, babies, 12 dozen Conversation Cards, 12 dozen Toy Watches, 12 dozen Brass Watches, 12 dozen Hair Pencils, 12 dozen Breast Pins, 12 dozen Finger Rings, 12 dozen Spoons, "' ' 12 dozon Pass Books, 12 dozen Tooth Harps, 12 dozen Steel Pens, 12 dozen Tea Setts, 12 dozen Evorpoint Leads, 12 dozen Head Bands, 29 dozen bunches beads, 25,000 Fish Hooks, 12,000 Slate Pencils, Just received and For Sals at tho cheap Health Emporium, Bloomsburg, by D. S. TOBIAS. June 1. RAISINS! RAISINS! RAISINS! 500 pounds for Pics. 2$ Boxes bunch, QZ kegs of Smyrna, 15 boxes Prunes, All For Sale at Tobias' Health Emporium, Bloomsburg, TO MOTHERS. Soothing Syrup for Children TectKngi For sale at Tobias Health Emporium, Bloomiburg m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers