TUB COLUMWA. DEMOCRAT. "TKUTII WITUUL'T rr.iu 8AT0KU.1Y, JtTA'K , 1830.. THE CORNER STONE, Of the OKANGEVILLB UNION CHURCH will be laid on Sunday, the Otlf of June next, with appropriate ceremonies. Orange ville, May 18, 1839. CANAL CONTRACTORS. Several contractors on the Noilli Branch CaiLil, who had taken contracts at the last all letting, and who afterwards throw them Aip, and again took them, contrary to law, at private contract, of the old Commission ers, at n great advance of former prices, have memorialised the legislature, com plaining of " oppression" on the part of tho present canal Commissioners, because they will not fulfil these illegal contracts. It -does appear to us, that it required the most consumate impudence in these contractors to complain, in this case, for they know, whon they entered into theso contracts, that the Commissioners had no lawful au thority to make them without jjrcuoMs;j& lie notice, and that if such were made they were null and void; and certainly every rea sonable man, to whatever party he may be lling, will say that they ought not to take advantage of their own wrong, to rob the state of exorbitant sums, for work which they had before agreed to do at fair prices. The Commissioners have sent to the house a communication upon the subject of this petition, in their own defence, in which they mention three (or four favorite petrtizens who were to receive about $50,000 more for doing the same work than they had orig iaally agreed to do it for, and that much moro than other responsible persons had proposed doing it for, whoso bids were re jected. The memorial has been referred to committees in both branches of tho legis lature, who will no doubt do them justice. We hope they wilt rip up all private con tracts,let them be made by whom they may. Tho State has been heretofore filched of 4 immense sums, to enrich the pockets of un principled parlizans, while the honest yeo manry have been robbed of their hard earn ings to pay tho bills. Governor Porter's administration came into power under a pledge of reform. Let us have it m deed, and not in name only. The people demand it. "Wc are glad to sec that the message from Cover Porter, vetoing the Local Appropria tion Bill, receives the cordial approbation of almost all tho democratic newspapers throughout the state, while it receives the unanimous condemnation of the whigs. This bane of legislation, this ruinous sys tem of log-rolling had attained a fearful height during the three years of ' Ritncr folly," and it required a succession of bold ,and vigorous blows to defeat it at the com Wncemcnt'of the present Democratic Re form Administration, and it is well for Penn sylvania that they have such a man at the helm of state, as David R. Porter, who will thus fearlessly do his duty to his constitu ents, and prevent every trifling object from thrusting its grasping clutches into the treasury of tho people, while the great ob jects of State pride and interest, aic left to dwindle for want of encouragement and Protection. Tho " Iron Grey," a spirited democrat ic paper has lately mado its re-appcarance n the theatre of action. Wc say re-np-l'eared, because tho same paper was pub lished for some months during the lrmt full wninaiiin. after whinh it wn cncnnmlmi !t is now published at Harrisburg, once a week, at $1 f0 per year. It is of course, a c'ieap publication, and wo cheerfully recom mend It to the patronage of our democratic friends. The following is a condensed stntnmflnt w xjuimo in uic uimeu aiaics lroin rM""'""j uau uuch rcceivuu, January i 'i838. Umbcr of brinks nnil limnnl. na GOO - f aim uiauutims, ? 10a,OU 1 ,UB7 Pcie. 35,181,112 -ii kiiuuiuuuu, iio.iaj.uiu 84,0111, 184 'PH 317,830,778 With snch an immense banking capital lilt AAtinrtl tan N Vrt lr-.A . Tho Ilarrisburg Reporter, in speaking of Mr, Steven's Convention, says: ' The failure of Mr. Stevens to muster oven a " corporal's guard," in his Harrison and Webster convention, should admonish him to " bowaro how long he abuses' the pa tience," even of his friends. That tho " sceptre has departed" from him, and that he can no longer say to his' party, " thus far shalt thou go and no further," this candidate shall bo supported and no other, the thin and spiritless group who met to register his presidential nomination, clearly evinced. Tho convention was called at a most favorable season for a general attend ance from the -different counties. The le gislature was in session, and strangers here from all parts of the commonwealth some as witnesses before the different committees of the two housc3T-others, his own faithful and well rewarded contractors, choice spir its for an anti-masonic convention were here in great numbers to demand liberal es timates, and remonstrate against further appropriations to the public vnprovemcnts, and yet the convention was not more than half full, and many of tho delegates who were in attendance, we believe were with out constituents and without authority to act for any body else than themselves. Under all these circumstances, the conven tion may be considered tho death and buriel of General Harrison's prospects. The chills of the coming winter will not be more fatal tu his success than this conven tion." The Rcgis-Zirce man continues mightily vexed because he cannot prevent an action upon the lemoval question, by the Demo cratic party at the approaching election. His reasons arc best known to himself. Perhaps he has effected, what he has often declared he could do, " make the best bar gain with the Danville interest." By tho official report, wc learn that the whole amount of tolls received upon the Pennsylvania canals and railroads, from tho 20th of March to .the 15th of May, 8 weeks, is $313,088 09 Whole amount received -8 weeks, 1838, ending May 19. 2G7.797 71 Increase, $10,191 28 The committee in the case ofThaddeus Stevens, reported to the houso that he had forfeited his seat. The report was accept ed by the house, by a vote of 54 to 31, and a new election ordered by the Speaker. A proposition was made a few days since in the legislature, to elect the Canal Com missioners by the people, for tho term of three years. It was sustained by tho uni ted voice of tho federalists, and some few of the democratic members, but the propo sition was voted down. Nothing of importance has been accom plished in cither house since. From pre sent appearances, it appears to bo the de termination of the opposition to embarrass the administration as much as possible. Tho Lancaster Intelligencer says, that crops in that neighborhood have advanced at least two weeks, before tho usual time. Such is the case in this vicinity, and wheat-and rye crops never looked more promising. Tho New Hampshire Argus states, that a Mr. Ezekiel Towers, of Corydon, of that state, has had three wives, the last of whom is now living. By his first wife ho hai eight children, by tho second six, and by the third, thirteen, tho last of whom is an infant six weeks old. Mr. Powers 13 sixty eight years of age, has kept houso fifty years, forty-eight of which ho has taken a democratic newspaper, and what is mere surprising paid for it too. VIRGINIA ELECTION. DEMOCRACY TRIUMPHANT. The election in this Slate took place on the 23d ult., and from the latest intelligence it is confidently asserted that thero will be a democratic majority, over both Whigs and Conservatives, on joint ballot in the State Legislature. Not democratic gain so far as heard from, 9. It is already ascer tained for a certainty, that Senator Rives cannot be re-elected. The Legislature talk about adjourning on the lllh of Jutu next. There is a vast dcil of business to do between this and that time. i nc ureal speculator. There is Dutohman who attends tho lower market and docs a thriving business by purchasing umuuL-ii cocks irom me country negroes anu retailing them at a profit. Ho is now as well known among the darkies, as Rotchs child was on change in London. He regulates tho chicken broth.just as Nicholas Biddlo did the currency, and controls the price .of a plate of broiled fowl, as Rotchs child did tho funds of Europe. Ho is there fore ntllfn nn imnnrhnt nnronnrurn in liio "1 i'u(tui JH1UW111I0 III II1Q own sphere, and his monopoly, in his par ticular line of business, exceeds the great beef monopoly of which we hear so much in northern cities. We oven learn that he writes to his country friends, informing them of tho changes in llin tliinknn tnnrknt with all the technipality.witha cotton factor wumu use wncn writing a business tetter to a planter. nn tti- -t . mcn limomy enters the market ot a morning the sable venders of chickens arc "monstrous" polite to him. They recog una nun among me greatest Kind ot a crowd, and cry gut, one to another, 'look IlCCa. PctO. Gllllllio ! lnnk linnn T llcca cum do great speculator I's shun uiiichcns is ns, anu uat ducks is down." Thus it will be seen that tho great chicken speculator is no oruinary individual. N. O. Picayune. DO NT FORGET TO INQUIRE FOR Tofoias' Apothecary on McaHh Emporium, Lower end of Main-sir eel, Bloomsburg, Where you can always obtain IFl'CSSl Goods and Chcan Articles. Be very ciuunu anu noi get cneaico anu uuy (Joins lerlcil articles for Genuine. RAISINS I RAISINS I RAISINS ! TOO pounds for Pics. 93 Boxes bunch, 25 kegs of Smyrna, i 5 boxes Prunes, All For Sale at Tobias' Health Emporium, Bloomsburg. INDIAN DYE, ' For coloring grey, red, and light hair, a beautiful brown or black, in ton or twelve hours, without staining the skin, for sale by u. s. ruiilAS, JJloomsburg, Jlgcnt. COLD CREAM, For Chaps, Tan, Sunburn, Soro lips,&c For sale at Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! YEAST POWDKHS, THESE Powders are an admirablo sub stitute for Yeast in making all kinds of bat ter cakes and bread that do not require much knepding, and has the advantage over that article in making them perfectly light anu reauy lor baking tho instant they arc rnixcu. ror saie uv ' D. S. TOBIAS, Health Emporium, Bloom&bug- 12 dozen Glass Boxes, 12 dozen Lockets, 12 dozen Lead Pencils, 12 dozen Toy Prints, 12 dozen Sand boxes, with the sand, 12 dozen Fifes, 12 dozen Doll babies, 12 dozen Conversation Cards. 12 dozen Toy Watches, 12 dozen Brass Watches, 12 dozen Hair Pencils, 12 dozen Breast Pins, 12 dozen Finger Rings, 12 dozen Spoons, 12 dozen Pass Books, 12 dozen Tooth Harps, 12 dozen Steel Pens, 12 dozen Tea Setts, 12 dozen Everpoint Leads, 12 dozen Head Bands, 29 dozen bunches beads, 25,000 Fish Hooks, 12,000 Slate Pencils. Just received and For Sale at tho cheap ucaiin emporium, liloomsburg, by D. S. TOBIAS. June 1. William ISahler, 'OUfiD respectfully inform tho citizens of Mil-114ft VII, hE, ana tho odioinimr vl- ciniiy, mat no lias opcncit n shop in said village, where ho intends to prosecute the above ImsinoM in all its various branches. Thu best of workman ship and a perfect fit will bo warranted on every garment intrusted to his care. Miillinville, April, 183U. Mew Supply AT THE HEALTH EMPORIUM THE subscriber has just returned from Phila delphia, and is now opening, a general assort ment of froBh Druggs and Medicines, and a new supply of Confectionary, Ntils,R(tisins, Lemonsc. tho wliolo comprising a complcto assortment in his line oi business. D. S. TODIAS. Bloomsburg, May 3. New G-omls. JUST STEP INTO THE BLOOMSBURG ARCADE if you wish to obtain GREAT EAR GAINS, as tho subscribers have teceived a largo and splendid assortment of NEW GOODS, selected with care, for the present and ap proaching season, and presenting to the consumer as large a variety as can bo found in most country stores. Their present stock embraces almost every article in de mand in this market in the DRY GOOD - LINE. They have also an extensive assortment of ASHD MOTORS, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Spices, Molasses, Jlrandy, Gin, Rum, IVinc, and If his. key, in every variety of quality and jirke. CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASS, QUEENS AND CEDAR WARES. Fish, Salt, Iron, Steel, Paints, Drugs,, Jjyc-sivjs, yc. oyc -c, all of which they offer to sell very cheap, for CASH PRODUCE. RUPERT & BARTON. Bloomsburg, May 18, 1839. IRON FOMDRY, AND Threshing Machine, AND PORTABLE HORSE POWER MANUFACTORY. THE Subscribers take this method of informing their friend, that thevrnntinnn Alnii.if,.nii,r. ing Thresh In? .Vitellines and J'ortablc Home 1'ini cm, on the most improved plans, made of tho best material and in the innst wnrl-mnnlilrn ma iler, and which they will warrcnt to stand with faro u6v, mm urn. injure mo grain by breaking it. They have surpassed all others where they have been introduced, in Pennsylvania, Virginia and tiujui uuruuna. 1'raffs Patent Smut, OK, GRAIN HULLING MACHINE, Improved. An nrticln for cleansing the crain for nrpmrinir it (Vir rtnnrlnn.' These machines aro niaiiuf'ac.ured of cast and wrought Iron, and aro supposed to last an hundred years. They are in general use in tho stato of New j. oik uuu in pari oi J'ennsyivania. AND and all kinds of Machinery, cast and fitted up.and all sorts of IIOLIiOW WARE kept on hand, and sold by wholesale Ml of which will bo sold on tho most reasonable terms, by LIS WIS II. MAUS &Co. liloomsburg, May 25, 1829. 3ml FRE3VCH BURR Against the World for good Mill-Stones and JJolttng Cloths. U)lil.JiS wielung tho above articles, arc requested to call and cxamino my Slock, at Danville, Columbia County, Pa., or at Lew- istown, on tho Jumatta. Danville, May 25, 1839. SADDLE & HARNESS E2ii5S,1JJIFii(SIF!airo ' ALEXANDER HITTER, RESPECTFULLY informs tho public that ho has removed his establishment into tho shop lately occupied by C. Kahler, Esq. where ho intends Keeping on hand all kinds of DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS, AND SADDLES AND BRIDLES, made of tho best of material, and good workmanship. He manufactures, a now and approved Patent Horse Collar, acknowledged by all to bo superior to any over before mado in this county. He also manufactures LEA I HER and HAIR TRUNKS, of any description that may be required. All of which will bo sold on tho most reasonable terms, and ho will also bo ready to do any work in his line, on short notice, and solicits a sharo of public patronage. moomaburu, Way 1, loav, New roecl$. THE subscriber returns his thanks to. custom crs ror-tho patronage which ho has received irom them sinco he commenced business in Hlooms uurg, Ho hopcs tloy wia etill continue their usual support; and ho has now the pleasure of offering to Hicm a Larco and Fashionable Assortment of Seasonable SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, which have been carefully elected, embracing tho latest stylo of French, English and American IB"! S3 among which will bo found Cloths, Cassimcres and Sattinelts, of dif ferent styles and colors, Silks, Fig. tired Lawns andJuckonelts, Eu ropean and American Call coes and Ginghams, J'cstings, Dam- ask Table Cloths, Ho siery, Glovcs,Bonnct Trim-mmgs,$-c. yc Aho, Ladies Morocco Shoes and Slippers, and Men s thick and thin SJwcs and Hoots. Together with nn assortment of Hard-ware & Iron, China, Glass and Queens Ware, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS; ,ciar ware, Groceries, Li quors ami Salt, &c All which will bo sold on the most reasonable terms. Persons wishinrr In nnrlin M .. , . ' . l " aix. luiiui-siuu 10 caii, Uienvcs'0 t0ck of Good!S "ljulgefor them- (rJ-AII kinds of COUSTKY PKODTJCE will be taken m exchange for good. GEORGE WEAVER. liloomsburg, May 4, 18UU. i Ti THE subscriber grateful for past favors, returns las sincere thanks to his numerous friend and customers, and would now inform them, that Jw has just received from New York, the Kcport of New "STork & London Fashions, ron TnE srnr.va and sum.meii op 183a, together with tho drafts of tho numerous chance both as regards tho htyle of Staking and Trimmine! as well as Cutting garments. He is therefore ful ly prepared now to turn outwork in tho most sune. nor style of cut and workmanship ,and respectfully solicits a continuance of public favor. BERNARD RUPERT liloomsburg, April 13. New Store, AND NEW GOODS. THE subscriber informs tho public, that ho has taken the store lately occupied by C. H. Fish er, at tho lower end of Maine street, whero ho in tends to permanently locato himself, and has jutt opened an extensive assortment of NEW GOODS lately purchased in Philadelphia, embracing almost cvcrvarticlo usually kept in a country store. A rnong which are, Consisting of Broadcloths from course la the finest of superfine, Kersemeres,Sat tinetts,Silks,Giughams,C'alicocs Cambrics, Mustins,Riblands Factory Cotton Cloth, bleached and tin unbleached, very cheap and of the best quality, and eve ry variety in tho Dry Goods Line. Also, a general assortment of 1 AND IiIQUORS. Crockery, Glass, China ami Queen's Ware. All of which he will dispose of as cheap, if not cheaper, than can be purchased at any other store in the county. fCT All who aio desirous of purchasing good and cheap roods. aro renuasind tn nail and examine, for themselves before they buy elsewhere, as ho feels assured no one will go. away dissatisfied with his prices, or tho quality of his goods. All kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, including CASH, will bo received in pay ment. JOHN HORTMAN. Bloomsburg, M&y IS, 1839. And all kipda of country Produce, taken in payment for Newspapers, at vhu Ollieo.