'SIMBEBS AEJ THE subscriber grateful for past favors, returns hi sincere thanks to his numerous friends mnd customers, and would now inform them, that he has just received from New York, tho Report of tho a New "STork & London Fashions, tor Tns srniso asd scmmeu ot 1639, together with tho drafts of the numerous changes, both as regards tho stylo of Making and Trimming, as well as Cutting garments. Ho is thereforo ful ly prepared now to turn out work in tho most supe rior stylo of cut and workmanship ,and respectfully -solicits a continuance of public favor. BERNARD RUPERT JQIoomsburg, April 13. PIi ASTER Sale. The subscribers having taken tho Grist Mill, lately owned by Malhcw McDowell, have on hand about 10 Tm GB.OUN33 PIASTER, which they will sell on reasonable terms. MELICK & BROWN. McDowell's Mills, April G, 1839. f LOST on the 25th March, between my dwelling and Jerseytown, or in Jersoytown, a calfskin Pocket Book, containing, ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-FIVE DOLLARS m Bank Notes, together with eeveral other papers which will bo of no use to any other person but me. The a borc reward will be given for tho poekct bopk and money, or my grateful thanks for ,thc pocket-book and papers. JAMES C. SPROUL. April 19, 1839. A NEJV VOLUME Saturday Chronicle. INCREASED attraction, WE are gratified in being ablo to an nounce to our numerous readers that wo aro making arrangements for commencing our new vo lurao under the most favorable auspices. The con stantly incrcasingpatronago of tho Chronicle is well -calculated to produce corresponding efforts on tho part of tho publishers, and it is therefore that we aro determined to sparo neither pains nor expense in the determination to render this family newspaper at least equal, if not superior to any similar publica tion in this country. Tho fourth volumo will com mence on tho 18th of May ensuing, and for that day we have already secured contributions from sev eral of the ablest writers in the country. In evi dence of this we can promiso tho following articles. A powerfully written tale, of Domestic Life, by Robert Morris,editor of tho Pennsylvanialnquircr. A Pocra by Miss .Mary Emily Jackson. A Humorous Sketch, by Edgar A. Poc, Esq. Iato editor of tho Southern Literary Messenger. A Humorous Poem, by L. 1. Wilmer, Esq. An Essay by John Du Solle, Esq. editor of the Spi rit of tho Times. A Poem, by Willis G. Clarke, Esq. editor of the Philadelphia; Gazette. And also articles by Mrs. Lydia Jane Picrson, J. R. Hart, Esq. John Clarke, Esq. Chas. West Thorn eon, Esq. Dr.'AIoxander C. Draper, and others whoso valuable aid has been secured for tho next volume. But it is not alono in tho original department that wo intend to make improvements. Our resources for elegant und interesting extracts from European periodicals, and tho works of popular English wri ters, have been greatly enlarged. We aro now in the receipt of most of the leading London, Edin burgh and Paris periodicals, and from timo to timo shall avail ourselves of their 'contents, as they may seem calculated to amuse or instruct. In addition to these features, the new volum3 will contain a variety of inteiesting wood cut in Cravings, as well as all tho most fashionable ballads, melodic and songs, tctto music, so that the " gen tier' portion of our readers may feel assured of ob taining through this medium every thing that pos- wa mutual vi mem in mo musical worm. Our object in short throughout our future courso will bo to increase the claims and merit, and thus enhance tho reputation of our journal diligent from week to week to cull out every thing calculated to entertain or inform, and at the tome timo careful to exclude cvory thing calculated to offend propriety and virrue(l'or to weaken or insult tho moral tono of tho thousands of families to whoso tastes, curiosity ond amusement it is our business as well as our plessure io administer. Our list is already large but our expenses are by no moans inconsiderable, and whilo the former shall continue to increase, through the kindness ond partiality of our friends, wo shall nothetitatein relation to tho latter. It is the object of our umoi tion te render the Suturdaj Chroniclo just such a public journal as tho mother may delight in com mending to her daughter, tho father to the son, aud tho philanthropist to tho community at large. MATTHIAS & TAYLOR, Philadelphia. April, 1839. N Tuoaday the 12th Inst, lietwcen Blooms burg and Eapytown, or in Bloomsburg, a WAlrliET POCKET BOOK, contain ng One JO Dollar Hill on the Schuyl kill Bank of Philadelphia, and ono 5 Hollar Jtlll on tho Exchange Bank, Pittsburg. Tho subscri brrs name is written in the Wallet in four or six different places. Tho findor shall bo liberally re warded by leaving the abovo wallet with C. Dosbler in Bloom, er by delivering it to the subscriber in Danville. B. P. AliWOOD. Danville, Feb. 25, 1830. And all Kinds of country Produce, taken payment for IXewapapors, at this Office. Dr. Brandreth's VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS. f TffHESE pills have obtained a celebrity for cur JL ing most diseases to which the human system is liable, unexampled in tho history of tho healing 1 art. They expel by the action of tho stomach and and bowls, all bad humours from tho Dlood, causing free circulation of the fluids, and restores a sound state of health. Tho thousands who use and recommend thcm,is proof positive of their extraordinary and beneficial llects. Tho subscriber has received the appointment of Agent, for the sale of Dr. nrail.tctu'S Pills in Bloorashnrg. None are genuine that arc ollcred for calc, without a certificate of appointment signed by tho proprietor and countersigned by Branch Green, general agent; ana no ccrliiicato is ever given, io those engaged in tho Drug business. J. R. MOYER. Bloomsburg Aug. M 1838. Iyl7 J. HAWLEY'S Vegetable Anti-Bilious nils. These pills aro found to bo a most certain and af fectual preventive oricvcr,janndico bilious, anu oiu crcholics. and indeed, of all diseases caused by ob slruclion or afiVctions of tho stomach, liver spleen, or intestines. For liver and btomach complaints and all diseases connected therewith, such athypochon drics. hysterics, dispepsia or indigestion, loss of op- nctitc. headache, giddiness, and for fever and ague, theso pills aro a buio preventitive- Also, for salt rhcurae. They cleanse tho stomach, remove there- from all vitiated biles purify and refine the blood. Docs a person feel a loss of appetite and a bad taste in tho mouln, witn a laintness ol tno stomacn, a lew doses of these pills aro suro to remove all such dim culties, speedily set matters to right. Heaviness, dull, sleepy and tluggish inaction, with or without a yellowness of complexion, theso pills will buiely and speedily remove all such ailments, and timely uso ot these pills may prevent tne occurrcnco o any such formidable disease. Also Hawlcy 's Vegetable Salve, known through' out the Union. This salvo when used has a pecu liar duality in reviving an action of the olTcctcd parU, by softening and opening the pores and crcat ing perspiration, reducing fever &c. It dsolves, expels, and entirely prevents tho blood from scttlin: in the flesh of bruises, or wounds, of any descrip tion, and is a sure preventive of mortification, and may bo mado uso of for cuts, sores, burns, rheuma tism, pain in tuo back, breast or side. The above articles for sale by D. S. TOBIAS, Agent. BloomsburgOctober 13. UTERT AND EXCHANGE. a! "WTERY respectfully informs his friends and tho V public, that he ii -.w always on hand, ot Ins J vcryStablo inllloomsburg, for tho purposes of Hiro or ijxehange, a variety ot Horses, Sulkies, GIGS, WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS, which he will feel gratified to keep in readiness for Iho accommodation of cuMoincrs. Personal applicalion can bo made at his residence, when every means will be used Io render cntne sat islaction to thoso who may give him a call. NOAH S. PREM'IS. Bloomsburg, May 20, 1808, BR. LEIDY'S MEDICATED EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, having becomo so deservedly popular, on account of its superior strength to any other preparation of Sarsaparilla in existence, it is thought unnecessary to make much comment upon its virtues. Suffico it to say. oji boule ot tuo above contains twice as much of the activo principles of Sarsaparilla an other ingredt ents, as any extract in cxistecne, in tho same quan tity, and is equal to one Button of Syrup of Sarsa parilla, for making which druggists and others pur chase the above preparation. Price one dollar per bottle. It is recomended in all diseases of the skin and Bones; affections of tho Liver, Stomach, Spleen and Kidneys; Eruptions, breaking out of Dry and Watery Pimples on tho face, neck and body; ulcer ations of tho nose, mouth and throat; running at tho .Lars and hyeijhrysipilas, ocrofula.rhcuiiiatic pains, swelling or hardening of the Glands, constitutional diseases produced by tho use of mercury or other minerals. In short, Sarsaparilla is known to tbo world, as being tho most powerjul agent ever dis covered for mirifuineiha blood and Animals Fluids cousequcnlly the most valuablo specific for all dis eases, resulting trom impurities ot tuo Ulood, and other lliniJ.5 ot tuo body. Caution. Persons should be particularly careful in getting a preparation that may bo relied upon; there being many in existence, not properly prepar ed, unlit for use, and almost inert; possessed of no medicinal qualities whatever. Dr. N. B. Lcidy candidly doclarea his preparation to bo what it is represented to be, and is prepared 1 1.! IP T 1 A . .1 i 1 l.i ,,1P ...... I 1 A....1 . 1 tr. Iw'Knn.. i -nr. iw.. inn i Horner, liibson.&c. (bee directions and recommcn dations around each boltle.) Upwards of 3000botlels of tho abovo havo been sold, during tho past mx months, a strong proof of its good qualities, ccc. l ot salo in tins city a; Dr. Loidy's Health Emporium, 2d street, below Vine, No. 191. Frederick Klet'f'Drug store, corner of 2d and Callowhill streets. J, Smith & Co's. Diugstoro 3d street abovo No ble. J. Gilbert & Co's. Drug fctore, 2d btrcct abovo Vine. Aho by J. F. Long, Druggist Lancaster, Pennsylvania, ir. w. uauey, uruggut, Heading, do, J. B. Moscr, do. Allentown tlo, P.&W.H.I,omp,do. Easton, do, E. Bringhuvst, Drugeitt, Wilmington, Delewarc, And by tho principal Druggists and Merchants in tho United States. 37th ALSO SOLD Bl D. S. TOBIAS. Bloomsburrg, J an, 5 1830, IS hereby given to all who ore indebted to tho subscriber, either no Hook, Notes, or Judgements on Dockets, that they mutt come forward and settle off tntsir respective dues between now and tho iirst day of Fobuary, 1830, or thoy will bo severely dealt with. DANIEL GROSS. Bloomsburg Dec. 20th 1638, 36th zssta A HE Trtistccs'of'thifl Institution' aro happy to announco to tho public generally, that it is now in full tido.of successful operation. Tho win ter term has just closed; and tho semi-annual exam ination, have given moro satisfactory evidence of tho excellent qualifications ol tlicir teacher, li. W. CojiKLiNotlian any riiEVious recommendations could have done. Tho summer term willcommoncc on Wednesday tho first day of May, and continue twenty-three weeks. It is very important, that all who wish to, join tho institution, should bo present on that day, or as soon alter as possible. In ordci to make tile school a public benefit, by affording to all parents who desire tho opportunity of giving their children a first rato education, tho terms of tuition navo been given at tno lollowmij low rales. rr.n QOAnTEn, S3 00 Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, English Grammar explained and illustra ted, including tho above, ou Geography, with uso of Maps and Globes including tho above, 3 00 Natural Philosophy and Chemistry, with uscot Apparatus, including tno a bovc. 4 00 Latin and Greek Languages, including all tho above, ' 00 Tho German and French Languages will bo taught, but an extra charge of $5 00 per quarter will bo made for either of them. All tho members of tho school are required to exercise themselves in written compositions and declamations, and will bo expected at the closo of each term to give a public exhibition of their proficiency in all the branches they may have pursued, l'crsons al a distance arc informed, that upon ap- plication to tho President, board will bo furnished in rcspectablo pnvato lamilics. on moderate terms. lly order ot the Hoard. D. M. HOLLIDAY, Pues't. Joux O. DoTii, Sccr'y. Danville, April 10 1839. The Viciovy Won, ITER long tedious, and expensive experi ment, Dr. Leidy has discovered a method whereby tho t'r'Wiic of the Sarsaparilla is extracted so as to be formed into Pills without dcslroiing its tjjtcacy. innumerable attempts nave been mado toacconv plifch this impoitant object, but all failed. It is in portant, because the Sarsaparilla, as a medicine, in alt diseases to wliicli mankind is subject is product ive oj more real good, than tho wholo catalogue ot uiiruiciiiu in use. Ask all respectable physicians tho question, 'What is the most effectual purifier of the blood, and the most popular mcdicino used!" they will ansncr unanimously, Sarsuparilla. What better recom mendation can bo ukod 1 DR. LEIDY'S SARSA PARILLA OR BLOOD PILLS, Prico, Twenty-live Cents a Box. They must turcly command a preference, for they are not composed of Sarsuparilla alone, but contain, in a concentrated stale, in the form of a pill, the virtues ot the principal ingredients contained in the compound fluid, extracts, syrups, and other prepara tions of Sarsaparilla. I hey aro highly recommended by numerous phy sicians, and others, (sco directions around each bot tle) in Rheumatic Affections, Sehrofula Erysipelas, Jaundice, Heal tburn Ulcc-oussorcs oflho noso throat and body. Scaly Eruptions and blotches of the skin. Dry and watery pimples and pcstules of tho face and body. Tetter and ringvorms. Swellings and hardening Diseases oflho Livcr.sliin bones ond glands. Pain of the bides, along the back and spino-o-ver tho region of the heart and stomach. Inward fevers, bad taste of tho glands of tho ncrk, in tho groins, breast. &c. Stomach Cough3, Liver complaint. in themouth.foul breath Flatulency, Indigestion. Sour eructations and acid ities of tho stomach. Want of appetite, Walcrbrash. and all tho wholo train of diseases resulting from impurity of the blood, constitutional diseases pro duced by Mercury, or other minerals, or tho consc quenco of Syphilii,Lucs Venereal, See. For convenience of taking, as well as making but small bulk, being in flat square boxes, convenient for carrying in tho pocket oi for trnvcllinjr purposes, they must be prclerable to all other preparations of sarsaparilM. For sale, Wholesale and Retail at Dr. Leidv s HealthEmporium, 2nd nearVino strcet.Philadelphia, J''or sate by D. H. TOBIAS. PREMONITARY HINTS, AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION. EADER, did you ever sco a confirmed Dys , peptic, and learn his sufferinRsI If not, suf lico it to say, he is a pale, thin and ghastly lookina object, his life apparently hanging by a thread ; he is miscrablo and unliappy, his sufferings indiscnba' ble. Are you much troubled with flatulency, costive' ness, sour eructations arising from your stomach, occasional want of appetite, watcrbiash, a bad tailo in your mouth, or foul breath, pain or a heaviness 6"1. at your once lavonto food, &c. If von aro much troublod with any of Ibcforcsoincr svmntoms. uring ueioro you mo picture ot Hie Dyspeptic, and navmg resoiveu to remedy tno consequences, nn mediately procuro Dr.Leidy's Tonic SyAnti- DyspepticCordial A never failing and efficacious remedy for DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, And the wholo train of affections resulting from dis- .1. T i r.. . . , . . uusu oi tuo jjiver, otomacn and intestines, 1 ho abovo medicino is warranted free from mer. cury or other ininoral preparations; it is composed entirely of vegetables, safe and easy to take, being very pleasant, to tno taste, it may bo solely admin, istorrd to young and old, requiring but moderate re- buiL-uuuH in uiri uniy. ISumerous testimonials havo been from timo to timo published; its reputation is so well known, fur ther comment upon its virtues is unnecessary, suf- lltu ll io Buy, IT HAS MEVEll FjtlLKI) IN A M.NOLF. instance. lurlhcr recommendations accompany uiu uirecuuns arounu oacu uoillo. (TPrico Ono Dollar per bottle. Prepared and sold Wholosalo and Retail at Dr Lcidy's Health Emporium, 2d street, below Vino no, 1U1, Also Sold by D. S. TOBIAS, Agent. Bloonuburg, May 20. iy5 DY11HS OPKN YOUll KVES. lENUAL Indigo; Spanish do. Verdigrics, blue iVitrial; White do. for sale cheap and cood. at uie uioorflsbui'g ware House, by D. S. TOBIAS. A Desirable Opportunity for New Sub scribers. THE rOURTH VOLUME 01 THE GENTLEMEN'S MAGAZINE, AND AMERICAN MONTHLY REVI3 W, Commenced on the first of Jan. 1830. TERMS per annum, payable in advance. Two large volumes of nearly one thousand pages aro published every year. rmillS popular work is now printed with a new H typo cast expressly for the purpose, on fine iiuut paper, wen siuciii'u 111 a iicai. cuvui, v uiuu blo Enrrravings aro iiiven in ever oilier number. J ho Gentlemen s Magazine aiidAmci'icanMonlli- ly Review has attained a landing that ensures its continuance; and tho commendatory notices of tho most respectable porlion of tho press oltcsls its mer its and popularily. Each monthly number con tains Seventy-two extra sized Octavo pages, and presents moro rending matter than a volume ot a novel. It is published nt little more than half the prico of-any other Magazine in tho United States, yet contains as many ORIGINAL PAPERS as any other monthly publication. WM. E. BURTON, Editor V Proprietor, 1'Ml'a. Tho Review Department of the Gentlemen's Mag azine, which has elicited notices from all points o tho literary cilclc.will continue to prescntu complete account oi mo popular lileraluic ot the day, with liberal extracts from mre and popular workr. Translations from tbclishlcrportions of the French, German, Spanish und Italian authors, occur in eve ry number. Copious and Anccdotablliographics of eminent men ol tuo il.iy, wilu engraved likenesses, will trequcntly ornament tho pages oflho Gentle men's Magazine, FIELD SPOI2TS Ami MAftXY PASTIMES. Arrangements havo been made with r writer of acknowledged ability to produce in tho pages of The Gentleman's Maga zine, a monthly scries of articles, descn'p live of all subjects connected ivilh the vari ous Manly sports anil runtimes, embrac- nir a lunu ol intormaiion not elsewhere at tainable, and illustrated, in its course, by several hundred engravings on wood. A- mong others, the lollowmg subjects will be particularly cxemplilictl. J he IJorsc and the Jog, in all their vari eties, with every rcqtiisito information rcjj spooling Purchase, Breeding, Breaking, and Keeping. J he Art of uunmng, in all its branches, including Rifle and Pistol Shooting, with ample directions and valuablo hints to young gunners. Tho Natural History of American Game Birds. Angling, with an account of American Fishes. Boating and Sailing, with a full de scription of the various fancy crafts, and an interesting account of the princ.iplo Clubs, Jircticru, witn its L-usloms, kc. anu a History of its Rise and Progress. oiuimnung, okaling, wuoits, Cricket. Racket, Fives, and other Ball Games. Forming, in the wholo, a valuable Cyclo pedia of useful and agreeable knowledge. FUBLISHED BY WM.E. BURTON, Opposite the Exchange, Dock-street, Philadelphia, Whcro all ordeis and communications, postorre paid, arc requested to be directed. LIST OP LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office at Blooms- uurx, JJnm 1st, 1831). Allen Ebenozer Petrikin,Vinslow,&co Brink Joshua Quick Rozelta Biggs Peter Rurrgles Ziba Coleman Jesse Richerd John Eyer Jacob Rupert & Barton Fry Jacob Squiro Ebin 2 Uruber John Smith Daniel or Gtrton Matthias George Smith 2 Haley John Stroup Jotham llarday Arthur Sleller Samuel Hardman Jacoby Sladler. John Howell Sarah Ann Slctlcr John Esq. Ileimbach Henry Swaby Thos. M. D. Daniel Jemison Jeybert Barnard Ikeler Andrew Esq.Rchrem Nicholas Kitncr John Taylor Polly or Krum Henry Winncgar Abraham Mcndcnhall John Unangh Philip ilelick Daniel Vanhorn John Aclick Peter Welzler Jacob -Jouser Joseph Wagoner Catharine May Afichnol Winters Lewis Clino Acndcnhall Lvdia WellinoRusscI PotrikinW.H.ilUJ. Washington Charles Pelrikiu B. F. Witte Godfrietl Prentiss Noah Willits Thomas B. RUPERT, P. M. Persons calling for letters on tho abovo list, will please say thoy aro advertised. PSiysiciasa & Surgeon, Informs the citizens of Bloom and vicini ty, that ho has located himself in tho village ol Hlomsuurg, wheto ho will always bo ready to attend to all calls for his profession al services. Office next door to Robisons Stage Office. uct. u IU15U. ESTATE OP ERR HARDER, Late of Caltawissa township deceased, J otire is hereby given that letters of administra 4 tion on tho abovo mentioned Ektalo bavn Iwwn granted by tho Register of Columbia rountv in llin subscriber roBiJingin Callawiaaa. All pontons having llaniltn.le ni!nu aai.l T.V...- ...III ..I . . .1 ....MMW muovpaiu AJIUIU wm )TCBCUl 111001 uuu mow iwjcuiou io sam ustate will maka immt uiuiu payment to M achSS 1630, REGIMENTAL OUBEHg,. THE Enrolled Inhabitants rcsidin IT Willi. in the bounds of tho 7 1st Regiment, P. Itf. aro hereby commanded to meet, agreeably to law, for the purpose of Training, Exercising and Inspection, in Battallions, to wit: All the VOLUNTEER COMPANIES attached to the 1st Battallion of the 71gt Regiment, will meet at the public houio of Robert Ilagenbuchi at McDowell's Mills on Thursday, the 23d day of May next. ' J he 1st Battallion of the 71st Reuimcn to meet at Orangcville, on Friday, the 21i uay ot May next. The ad'Hattallion of the 71st Renimcnt to meet at Cattawissn, on Saturday the2i)tji day of Mav next, aud the Volunteer Oof pauy attached thereto is to meet at the saimffl time anil place. ma i hew Mcdowell, col. April 20, 1839. sct-Coi. Mcdowell will bopicw' to meet any of his brother officers at ,' Hagenbuch's at 7. C. Johnson's, Oratme ville and at Brady's Hotel, Catiawissa", A NEW THRESHING MACHINE. STABLY & HOWARD'S fSIIWJffilE E3&St3 POWER Upon the Principle of a Leather Belt J dined Plane. The advantage of the Machine over all others is, that it can be operated with smglo horse, and requires but two men t work it, while it occupies but a small spar in a barn. The power can also be applic to wood sawing, turning, or to operate in ny other kinds of machinery for Median: cal purposes. Any person wishing to pc chase the right of a sinclc power, or f townships, can obtain it upon application tuo subscribers, living in Aluncy townsliij Jjycoinmg county, i'n. HAINES, THOMAS & Co, P. S. Letters directed to the subscribe on the subject, to Muncy P. O. will I romplly attended to. Muncy, Feb. Olli 1839. Prospectus for tlic Uxli-aWioI; or 1839. &7SrR 'ay 'lcfore our Republican friends a a.' r 3 wnption paper for our cheap pen publication, the" Extiia GtonK." During the months whon Uont;rp;s l? m ees-ii we publish the" Cosohf.ssional Ciioiik," vV gives a condensed report of iU proceedings tveel tor one dollar. In tho interval between the t.cssu of Congress, wc pubKh tho "ExTni Gniiu, mx months, containing the news, politics, put documents, anu whatever clso ol interest appear tho Daily Globe, for tho samo price. Tbe-e t. publications aro printed weekly, in book forei render them convenient for preservation ond encc. Each number contains 1G royal quarto gcs. The important elections which will tako i1 during tho approaching summer and fall, mil f peculiar value to tho information to be denied fr this nuartci, during tho canvass. The new nbn of parties in tho North, and the troubled a wnicti loreign agitation gives to our natioi.ttl fairs there, will also impart to the country fori six montlis preceding the meeting oftiie ncxtti gross, moro than ordinary interest. 1 he publication of tho "Extka Giobl t commence the first week in May, and end the i wcck in ixovemticr next. TERMS. For 1 cqiy - - $10') -For 0 copies, - - 5 Ofl For 13 ' . . 10 On For 25 . . 20 0'i For SO " . . 40 Oi For 100 . . 75 Oi' 1'ayments may bo transmitted bv mail, ror:! paid, at our risk. Tho notes of any incorporrl bank in tho United Slates, current in the section country whcro a subscriber resides, will be recci" Rut when mbscribcrscan procuro tho notcsoflu in the Northern and Middle States, they will ps-i send them. To insure all tho numbers, tho subscript should bo here by tho 7th of May. ULAIlt Sc itivt. fXjNo attention will be paid to orders un!c money accompany them. ' TO THE PRINTERS OF THE U- J- SPITHALTi, Wood Letter Cutter and Engraver, ? 21, Franklin Place, Philadelphia, TJBESPEOTFULl.Y annonnces'to (he I'-" SaJ&j of the United States, thai ho has commcr. the manufacture of wood letters. Wood Letters of overv descrintion. from lou thirty four lines Pica, or upwards, mado to onl" the shortest nhtice. Ornamental r,etlrrof '"W new mifl meat fiT.lnmltil n.Hn.n dp lit. .it. nl .. ...... (.vu BJI11IIUIU J'dttl.lia, IUI ,11.4...- H papers, title line,&c.fioni two lines crcat pnut any size larger. His typo will ho made of materials of the 1 assortment, well' seasoned and prepared by m.'rli' ry, invented for the purpobe which insures ihu exact aujubimont. specimens will bo publihscd ai early as poi'J Executodwith neatness and promptitude. H' for nowspapers, farvsimiles, ornamental and rules, &c.&c. cut with tho greatest uccuracy m i metal or wood. Old cast lnctal cuts, ornamcnti. &c. en- ever, ar.d mado cmial to new for half their on; cost. A liberal dircounl for cash. Six months r on tho most approved security. Orders friVi country promptly attended to. All letters iw postpaid, OCjEditora of papers in tho country who will tho abovo advertiwmont a few inscitions, ward a paper containing tho rane to the "' tiscr, will bo paid therefor in any of tho abovi tlonod materials. April 27, 1830. JAI.ARATUS, Glauber Salts, Epsom sal" i eale at the Cheap Health Emporium