The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, May 11, 1839, Image 4

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    11Z subscriber grateful for past favors, returns
his sincere thanks to his numerous friends
ami customers, and would now inform them, that
ho has juat received from New York, the Report of
New "STork & London
Ton TnE svntsn jlxii si-mmkii or 1839,
together with the drafts of the numerous changes,
both as regards tho style of Making and Trimming,
as well as Cutting garments, lie is therefore ful
ly prepared now to turn out work in the most supe
rior stylo of cut and workmanship ,and respectfully
solicits a continuance of public favor.
flloomsburg, April 13.
. Sale.
Tlie subscribers having taken tho Grist
Aim, lately owned by Mat new McDowell,
have on hand about
which they will sell on reasonable terms.
McDowell's Mills, April 0, 1839.
LOST on the 25th March, between my
dwelling and Jersey (own, or in Jersey town,
a calfskin Pocket Book, containing, ONE
DOLLARS in Bank Notes, together with
several other papers which will be of no
use to any other person but me. The a
bove reward will be given for the pocket
book and money, or my grateful thanks for
the pocket-book and papers.
April 19, 1839.
Saturday Chronicle.
WE arc gratified in being ablo to an
nounce to our numerous readers that wo aro
mating arrangements for commencing our new vo
lume under the most favorable auspices. The con
stantly increasing patronage of the Chroniclo is well
calculated to produce corresponding efforts on the
part of the publishers, and it is therefore that we aro
determined to spare neither pains nor expense in the
determination to render this family newspaper at
least iqunl, if not superior to any similar publica
tion in this country. Tho fourth volume will com
xnencq on tho 18th of May ensuing, and for that
day wo have already secured contributions from sev
eral of the ablest writers in tho country. In evi
dence of this we can promise the following ariitlcs.
A powerfully written talc, of Domestic Life, by
Robert Morris,cditor of the Pennssylvanialnquirtr.
A Poem by Miss Mary Emily lackson.
A Humorous Sketch, by Edgar A. Poe, Esq. lata
editor of the Southern Literary Messenger.
A Humorous Poem, by L. 1. Wilmcr, Esq.
An Essay by John Du Solle, E6q. editor of ths Spi
rit of tho Times.
A Poem, by Willis G. Clarke, Esq. editor of tho
Philadelphia Gazette.
And also articles by Mrs. Lvdia Jane Picrson, J. R
Hart, Esq. John Clarke, Esq. Chas. West Thom
son, Esq. Dr. Alexander C. Draper, and others
whose valuablo aid has been tecured for tho next
But it i3 not alono in tho original department that
we intend to mako improvements. Our rcsouiees
for elegant und interesting extracts from European
periodicals, and the works of popular English wri
ters, have been greatly enlarged. Wo are now in
the receipt of most of the leading London, Edin
burgh and Paris periodicals, and from timo to time
shall avail ourselves of their 'contents, as they may
seem calculated to amuso or instruct.
In addition to these features, the new volume
will contain a variety of inteiesting wood cut in
grav'nigs, as well as all tho most fashionable balhda,
melodies and tongs, fcUo music, so that the " ren
tier" portion of our readers may feci assured of ob
taining through this medium every thing that pos
sess interest or merit in the musical world.
Our object in bhort throuchout our futurs course
will bo to increaso the claims and merit, and thus
enhance the reputation of our journal diligent from
weak to week to cull out cvory tiling calculated tn
entertain or inform, and at tho same timo careful to
exclude every thing calculated to ofi'eiSd proprNy
and virruc'or to weaken or insult the moral tone of
tho thousands of families to whose tastes, curiosity
and amusement i' is our business as well as our
pleuuro io administer.
Our list is already brge but our expenses are
by no means inconsiderable, and while tho former
shall continuo to increase, through tho kindness
and partiality of our friends, wo shall notherilatoin
relation to the latter. It is tho object of our amni
tion to render tho Saturday Chronicle just such a
public, journal as tho mother may delight in com
mending to her daughter, this father to the son, and
the philanthropist to tho community at large.
MATTHIAS ii TAYLOH, Philadelphia.
April, 1820.
Tuesday tho 12th inst. between Blooms
burg and Espytown, or in Bloomsburg, a
contain ng One 1Q JfJlar mil on tho Schuyl
kill Bank of Philadelphia, and ono 5 Hollar JUll
en tho Exchange Hank, 1'iltiburg. Tho subscri
bers nams is written Jn tho Wallet in four or fix
difleront places. Tho finder shall be liberally re
warded by leaving tho above wallet with O. Docbler
in Bloom, or by delivering it to the subscriber in
Danville. B. P. ALWOOD.
Danville, Feb. 25, 1833.
And all kinds of country Produce, taken
in payment for Newspaper) at this Office.
"Dr. Sfrandreilrfs
rT?HESE pills havo obtidncd a celebrity for cur
J3. ing most diseases to which tho human system
is liable, unexampled in tho history of the healing
art. They expel by the action of tho stomach and
and bonis, all had humours from tho Blood, causing
a free circulation of tho fluids, and restores ti sound
stato of health.
The thousands who use and recommend them, is
proof positive of their extraordinary and beneficial
The subscriber has received the appointment of
Agent, for the salo of Dr. Ilrniidcth's Tills in
Blooinsbnrg. None .no genuine that are offered for
sale, without n certificate of appointment signed by
tho proprietor and countersigned by Branch Green,
general agent; and no certificate ia ever given, to
those engaged in the Drug business.
Bloomsburg Aug. H 1838. Iyl7
Anti-Bilious Pills.
These pills arc found to bo a most certain and af
fectual preventive of fever, janndico bilious, and oth
er cholics, and indeed, of all diseascn caused by ob
struction or affections of tho stomach, liver spleen,
or iiitstincs. For liver and stomach complaints and
all diseases connected therewith, such as hypochon
drics, hysterics, dUpepsin or indigestion, loss of ap
petite, headache, giddiness, and for fever and ague,
theso pills nro a sum prcvontitivc- Also, for salt
rheume. They ch'anso tho stomach, remove there
from all vitiated biles puiify and refine tho blond.
Docs a person feel a loss of tippctito und a bad tusto
in the mouth, with a faintness of the stomach, a few
doses of theso pills arc sure to remove all such diffi
culties, speedily set matters to right. Heaviness,
dull, sleepy and slug-gith inaction wwith or without
a yellowness ol complexion, llicse pills will surely
and speedily remove all such ailments, and timely
use of these pills may prevent the occurrcnco o
any such formidable disease.
Also Hawfcy s Vegetable oalve, known through
out the Union. This salvn when used has n pecu
liar quality in reviving an action cf the all'cctod
parts, by softening and opening the pores and creat
ing perspiration, reducing fever &c. It dsolvcs,
expel3, and entirely prevents tho blood from settling
in the flesh of bruises, or wounds, of any descrip
tion, and is a sure preventive of mortification, and
may be mado use of for, cuts, sores, burns, rheuma
tism, pain in tho back, breast or side.
The above articles lor sale by
D. S. TOBIAS, Agent.
BloomsbunjOctobcr 13.
c&fea EXCHANGE.;
"WTER.Y respectfully informs his friends and the
y public, that he has always on hand, nt his Li
very btable in Uloomsburg, for the purposes of Hire
or Exchange, a variety of
Horses, Sulkies,
which he will feel gratified to keep in readiness for
mo accommodation ol customers.
Pcrsojal application can be made at his residence,
when every means will be used to render entire sat
isfaction to those who may "ive him a call.
Bloomsburg, May 20, lb38,
JLP OF SAKSAPARILLA, having becomo so
deservedly popular, on account of its superior
strength to any other preparation of Sarsaparilla in
cxlstence, it is thought unnecessary to mako much
comment upon its virtues. Suffice it to say, rwie
bottle of the above contains twice as much of the
active principles of Sarsaparilla anl otherMngredi
ents, as any extract in cxistccne, in the same quan
tity, and is equul io one gallon of Syrup of Sarsa
parilla, for making which druggists and others pur
chase tho above preparation. Price ono dollar per
It is recomended in all diseases of tho skin and
Bones; ifrVctions of tho Liver, Stomach, Spleen
and Kidneys; Eruptions, breaking out of Dry and
Watery Pimples on the fice, neck and body; ulcer
ations of tho nose, mouth and throat; running nt tho
Lars and hyos;brysipilas, bcrofuh.rheumatic pains,
swelling or hardening of the Glands, constitutional
diseases produced by the uso of mercury or other
minerals. In short, Sarsaparillu is known to tho
world, as being tho most powerful ugunt ever dis
covered foipurifyinglho blood and Animals Fluids,
cousequcntly the most valuable specific for all dis
eases, resulting from impurities of tho Blood, and
other fluids of diu body.
Caution. Persons should be particularly careful
in getting a preparation that may bo relied upon;
there being many in existence, not properly prepar
ed, unfit for use, and almost inert; possessed of no
medicinal qualities whatever.
Dr. N. 1J. Lcidy candidly declares his preparation
to be what it is represented to be, and is prepared
by himself, a regular Druggist and Apothecary, and
is ucsiues a regular l'liybici-in, attested Iiy JJrs. 1'Iiys
ic, Chapman, Hare, Cox, Dcwces, Jackson, James,
Horner, Gibson, &c. (See directions and recommen
dations around each bottle.)
Upwards of 3000 bottcls of tho above havobrcii
sold, during tho past six months, a strong proof of
its good qualities &c. For salo in this city aj
Dr. Leidy'ii Health Emporium, 2d street, below
Vine, No. l'Jl.
Frederick Klet's Drug store, corner of 2d and
Callovvhill streets.
J. Smith & Go's. Diug store 3d street above No
ble. J. Gilbert & Co's. Drug store, 2d sticct above
Also by
J. F. Long, Druggist Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
G. W. Oakley, Druggist, Reading, do.
J. B. Moscr, do. Alleutown do.
P.&. W. H. Easton, do.
E. Bringhurst, Druggist, Wilmington, Deleware.
And by the principal Druggists and Merchants
in tho United States. 37th
Bloomsburrg, J an. 5 1839.
IS hereby given to all who are indebted to tho
subscriber, cither no Book, Nottvt, or Judgements on
Dockets, tliut they must come forward and scttlu off
their respective dues between now and tlie tirst day
of Fcbuary, 1031), or they will bo severely doult
lilooxtburg Dm. 20th 18S8, afith
PHllli Trustees of this Institution nro hnppy to
J dnnouui'O to the public generally, that it is
now in full Ud! of successful operation. The win
ter term has just closed) and the semi-annual exam
ination, havo given more satisfactory evidence of
tho excellent qualifications of their teacher, E. V.
Cunklino, than any mkvious recommendations
could have done.
Tho summer term will commence ou Wednesday
the first day of May, and continue twenty-three-weeks.
It is very important, that all win) wish to
join thn institution, should bo present on that day,
or as soon after as possible.
In ordei to make the school n public benefit, by
affording to all parents who desire the opportunity
of giving their children a firtt rate education, the
terms of tuition havo been given at tho follow injr
low rates.
Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, 2 00
English Grammar explained and illustra
ted, including tho above, 2 CO
Geography, with uso of Maps and Globes
including the above, 3 TO
Natural Philosophy and Chemistry, with
ueo. of Apparatus, including tho a
hove, 4 00
Latin and Greek Languages, including , ,
all the above, 5 00
The German and French Languages will bo
taught, but un extra charge of if5 00 per quarter
will bo inuJo for cither of them. All tho members
of tho school are required to exercise themselves in
written compositions mid declamations, und will be
expected r.t the close of each term to gio a public
oxtiibiliun of their proficiency in all tho branches
they may havo puroiicd.
Persons al a distance arc informed, that upon ap
plication t? the President, board will bo furnished
in respectable private families, on moderate terms,
lly older of the Board.
1). M. 110LLIDAY, Phes't.
Jims' C Ddyd, Secr'v.
Danville, April 10 1839.
TZkc Victory Won,
AFTER long, tedious, and expensivo experi
ment, Dr. Leidy has discovered a method
whcicby the virtue of the Sanaparilla is extracted,
so as to be formed into Pills without destroying its
Innumerable attempts have been mado to accom
plish this important object, but all failed. It is im
portant, because the Sarsaparilla, us a medicine, in
all diseases to which mankind is subject is product
ive of more real good, than tho wholo catalogue of
medicine in use.
Ask all respectable physicians tho question,
1 What is tho most effectual purifier of the blood, and
the most popular medicine uscdl" they will answer
unanimously, Sarsaparilla. What better recom
mendation can bo asked 1
Price, Twenty-five Cents a Box.
They must surely command a preference, for they
nro not composed of Sartapanlla alone, but contain,
in a concentrated fctate, in the form of a pill, the
virtues of the princip i! ingredients contained in tho
rompound fluid, extracts, syrups, and other prepara
tions of Sarsaparilla.
They are highly recommended by numerous phy
sicians, and others, (see directions around each bot
tle) in
Rheumatic Affections,
Schrofnla Erysipelas,
Jaundice, Heartburn
Diseases of the Li cr,skin
bones and glands.
Pain of tho side3, along
the back and spine o
ver the region of tho
heart and -stomach.
Inward fevers, bad taste
Ulcc-ous sores of tho nose
throat and body.
Scaly Eruptions and
blotches of tho skin.
Dry and watery pimples
and peitules of tho
face and body.
Tetter and ringworms.
Swellings and hardening
of the glands of the
neck, in the groins,
breast. &c.
Stomach Coughs,
Liver complaint.
in thcmoulhjbul breath
Flatulency, Indigestion.
Sour eructations and acid
ities of the stomach.
Want of appetite
and all tho whole train of diseases resulting from
impurity of tho blood, constitutional diseases pro
duced by Mercury, or other minerals, or the conse
quent of Syphilh , Lues Venereal, &c.
For convenience of taking, as well as making but
small bulk, being in flat square boxes, convenient
for carrying in tho pocket oi for travelling purposes,
they must be preferable to all other preparations of
For sale, Wholesale and Betail at Dr. Leidy's
HcaltliEmporium, SndncarVineslicct.Philndelphia,
For sale by D. S. TOBIAS.
EADER, did you ever teo a confirmed Dvs-
VeK. peptic, and Icnrn his sulleringsl If not. suf
lieu it to say, lie io a pain, thin and ghastly looking
object, his lifu apparently hanging by a thread i he
is miscraoio anu unnappy, 1113 bulienngs indiscribu'
Aro you much troubled with flatulency, costive
ncsf, sour eructations arising from your stomach,
occasional want of appetite, waterbiash, a bad taste
in your mouth, or foul breath, ruin or a heaviness
at your stomach, sickness after eating, headache, dis
gust nt your onco favorilo food, &c. If you aro
much troubled with any of the foregoing symptoms,
bring before you ttie picture of tho Dyspeptic, and
naviiig riwmcu 10 remedy 1110 consequences, im
mediately procuro
A never failing and efficacious remedy for
Vnd tho whole train of affections resulting from dis
eases of tho Liver, Stomach and Intestines.
The ubove medicine is warranted free from mer
cury or other tumoral preparations: it is comnosrd
entirely ot vegetables, safa and caiy to take, being
very pleasant to tho taste. It may bo safely admin
istered to young und old, requiring but moderate re-
eiriciiuns 111 uici only.
JNumcrous testimonials havo been from timo to
timo published; its reputation is so well known, fur.
thcr comment upon its virtues is unnecessary, euf-
111-0 ii iu Bay, it has nevkii paiieii i.v a ki.nole
instance. Further recommendations occompany
iiiu uirrviioiis nrouuu cacu Homo.
djPrico Ono Dollar per bottle.
1'rcparcd and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr
Leidy's Health Emporium, 2d street, below Vino
lo. l'Jl.
Also Sold by
D. S. TOBIAS, Agent.
Bloomsburg, May 20. Iy5
ENGAL Indigo; Spanish do. Vcrdigries, blue
Vitrial; White do. for sale tbcan and cood. at
me jjioonuuurc waro nouso, by
A Desirable Opportunity for New Sub
scribers. THE rODKTU V01.UHH OL THE
Commenced on the first of Jan. 1830.
TERMS $3 per annum, payahlo in
advance. Two large volumes of nearly one
thousand pages aro published every year.
P kaIIIS popular work is now printed with a new
j5l typo cost expressly for the purpose, on fine
thick p.ipcr, well stitched in a neat covca, Valua
ble Engiavings are given in ever other number.
Tho Gentlemen's Magazine andAmericanMoulh-
ly Bevicw has attained a standing that ensures its
continuance; and tho commendatory notices of flic
most respectable portion of the press attests it3 mer
it and popularity. Each monthly number con
tains Scventy-lwo extra sized Octavo pages, and
presents more reading matter than a volume of a
novel. It is published at litllo more than half tho
price of any other Magazine in tho United States,
yt contains as many ORIGINAL PAPERS as
any other monthly publication.
WM. E. BURTON, Editor $ Proprietor, Phil'a.
The Rev icw Department of tho Gentlemen's Mag
ozihe, which has elicited notices from all points of
tho literary circlc,vvill continue to picsenta complete
account of tho popular literature of tho day, with
liberal extracts from rare and popular workr.
Translations from the lighter portions of the French,
German, Spanish and Indian authors, occur in eve
ry number. Copious and Anecdotal;Biographics of
eminent men of the day, with engraved likencsaes,
will frequently ornament tho pages ofthe Gentle
men's Magazine,
Arrangements have been made with a
writer of aeknowlcdgcd ability to produce
in tho pages of The Gentleman's Maga
zine, a monthly scries of articles, descrip
tive of all subjects connected ivith the vari
ous Manly Sports and Pastimes, embrac
ing a lunu ol information not elsewhere at
tainable, and illustrated, in its course, bv
several hundred engravings on wood. A-
mong others, the lollowing subjects will be
particularly exemplified.
lie Jlorse and the Hex, in all their vari
eties, with every requisite information rcj
specting rurcliasc, Urcetiing, Breaking, and
The Art of Gunning, in all its branches,
including Rifle and Pistol Shootintr, with
ample directions and valuable hint3 to young
1 lie Natural History of American Game
Angling, with an account of American
Douting and Sailing, with a full de-
scnpiion of tlie various lancy cralts, and an
interesting account of the principle Clubs
.'irciicn , witii its uustoms, szc. anil a
History of its Rise and Progress.
swimming, skating, (uoils, Cricket,
ilackel, lives, and other Ball Games.
Forminir. in the whole, a valuable Cvclo
pedia of useful and agreeable knowledge.
Opposite the Exchange, Doch-streel, Philadelphia,
Where all orders and communications, postage
paiu, urc requcstcu io no directed.
Remaining in the Post Office at Blooms
uurg, jjpru isi, laa'j.
Allen Ebenezer Pctrikin.Winslow.&co
UriiiK Joshua Quick Rozctta
Biggs Peter Rugglcs Ziba
Oolenian Jesse Richerd John
Eyer Jacob Rupert & Barton
Fry Jacob Squire Ebiu 2
G ruber John Smith Daniel or
Girton Matthias George Smith 2
Haley John Slroup Jotham
Ilaiday Arthur Stutter Samuel
Ilaiuman .Inroby Stadler John
Howell Sarah Ann Stetler John Esq.
Ilcimbach Henry Swaby Thos. M. D.
Daniel Jemison Jeybert Barnard
Ikeler Andrew Esq.Scbrcm Nicholas
iUtncr John Taylor Polly or
Krum Henry Winncrar Abraham
Mundunhall John Unanuh Philin
ilelick Daniel Vanhorn John
Afrliek Peter
Wetzfer Jacob
Wagoner Calharino
Winters Lewis Clino
.flimser Joseph
.i.'oy Aiehatl
iueniicuiiaii Jiviim
71 r I a 1 .
PelrikinW.II.J.;. Washington Charles
Petrikin B. F. Witte Godfried
Prentiss Noah Willits Thomas
11. RUPERT, P. M.
Persons calling for letters on the above
list, will please say they are advertised.
Vt - - n a "
-K-iiysicaaia surgeon,
Informs the citizens of Bloom and vicini
ty, that lie lias located himself in tho village
of Blomsburg, wheio ho will always bo
ready to attend to all calls for his profession
al services.
Office next door to Robisons Stago Office
WCl. It) IDdD.
Late of Vattawissa township deceased.
Notico is hereby given that letters of administra
tion on tho abovo mentioned HstniP Wn i,n.
granted by tho Register of Columbia county to tho
suoscriucr rcsitiingin Uattawissa. All persons bavin?
u.iuio win juciit-o present tliein
and thoso indebted to said Estate will mako immc-
uiuio payment 10
THE Enrolled Inhabit
.1.- I. I . .-...It U
UIO UUIU1U8 01 1110 -TlSt llfi.n mnMl l
arc hereby commanded to nmnt .,n.L.'.i"i
r .1.. ' -&---uui
Training, Exercising and Inspection
: t-...ii: ....
111 llUUUIUUIIS, in wii:
All the VOT.ITNTP.rcn
uuuuiieu iu mu isi uaitaiiion of tlie. 71
Rniiiinnnt. will mpi.t nt ,
i) i Ti I "'c noiise o
Robert Hagetibtich, at McDowell's Mills
un i iiuiouiiy, me sou uay ol May next
The 1st Baltallion ofthe 71st Itcrim'en
to meet al Orangtrville, ou Tndav, tl'1G "j,
day of May next.
The 2d Baltallion of the 71st Herimm
UaV of Mav iiH-t. ntn I m V
pany attached thereto is to meet at the sam
iiiuu miu piaci'.
mathew Mcdowell, coi.
April 20, 1839.
Ecj-coi. Mcdowell win ,, iM. j
to meet any of his brother nflln. 'rf
Ilugcnbuch'sm I. C. Johnson's. Or J
,uiu auu a; vraay's Hotel, Cattawissa.
upon tlie I'rinaplc of a Leather Belt h
clincd Plane.
The advantage of tho Machi ne ovfsr -
others in, that it can be operated with
single horse, and requires but two men ti
worK it, wliiie 1: occupies but a small spae
111 u inn 11. 1 im power can also he applies
iu vuou auwing, turning, or to operate ma
ny other kinds of machinery for Mcchani
cal purposes. Any person wishing to mil
chase the right of a single power, or
Imt-nulitnff ff.t-i nlilrt.n !, I! 1 a
. iiq,iij-7, i,uu uuLiiii it upun .ippuuaiioi! (
tho subscribers, living in Muucy townshi
ljycoming county ra.
P. S. Letters directed to the subscriber!
on the subject, to Muncy P. O. will hi
roinpuy niienucu to.
Muncy, Feb. Oth 1839.
Pa-ospccttis for the ISxtruttlcbf
For 3183.9.
WTHTE lay before our Republican frienda a eu'J
V V rcriiition paper for our chcan rcriodirfi
puDiicauon, ine " kxtua Utoni:."
. .. ... H
Dunng the months when Concrcs3 if in sc.fio-
we publish the " CocnsssniNAL GiouK,"nbu
gives a condensed report of ns proceedings week!
for ono dollar. In the interval between t!i sesio
ol congress, we pub!h tho "Evtjia WLonr," fl
six months, containing tbo news, politics, mil'
uocumenta, snti wnatever else ol interest appears
I ho Daily Globe, for the Eamo price. Tbcco t'
publications aro printed wccklv. in Imnk fum
render them convenient for preservation and ri
ence. Dach number contuins 1G royal quarto pi
Tho important elections which will take pi;
during tho approaching summer and fall, will
peculiar value to the information to bo cccivcd fro
this quarter, during the canvass. The new pita?
of parties in tho North, und the troubled asun
which foreign agitation gives to our national el
fairs llipre, will also impart to tho counlr' for tin
sis months preceding tho meeting of tho next Con
grcss, more man ordinary interest.
Tho publication of tho "Extaa Glome" w
commenco tho first week in May, and end the fit
ivr 1 . J
1 copy
$ 00
5 00
10 00
20 00
u cojucs,
12 "
25 "
60 '
40 00
75 00
I'aymcnb! may bo transmitted by mail, peM J
paid, at our risk. The notes of any fucorpornsl
bank in the United States, current in tho section J
country where n Fiibscribcr rci-ides, will bo rcceivt 1
But when sutaenbers can procure tho notes of kt I
in the Northern and Middlo Statcsj they will plejj
seuu mem.
Io msnro all tho numbers, the subscripts!
snouiu uonero i.y mo illiol jVlav.
(Xj'No altcntion will be paid to orders im!es t
money accompany them.
TO Tim PiifN'rp.TiK nv nnw. v. M
Jf ood Letter Cutler and Engraver, Vr.
21, Irankhn Place, Philadelphia,
TfE) ESPECTFIJLLY announces to ihe Prir.K
XLli of 'Im United States, that ho has corumenct
Uio manufaciuro of wood letters.
Wood Letters of everv descrintion. from four
thirty four lines Pica, or upwards, mado to order 0
uio enortcst nritirc. JrnamentalLcttersorrnlirci
new and moot splendid patterns, for heads of nrn
papers, titlo lincg,&c.fiom tno lines great primeri
miy rru larger.
His typo will lio made of materials of the fcc
assortment, well seasoned and nrcoared bv madam
ry, invented for thnpurposo which insures thorn1)--
oxaci aujustmcnt.
Specimens will be publihscd as early as poisM
"WO Oil
ExccutediSvith neatness and nrnmntilniln. He:
for iiewsii-ipcrs, fac-t-imile?. ornainnnlal nrd i-'i
rules, &c.Scc. cut with tho greatest accuracy m tjf
iiii iat or woou.
Old cfct metal cuts, ornament. enzrsw
ever, and made equal to new for half their origin-
A liberal discount for cash. Six months cti
on tho moit approved security, Ordr-rs from.J1
country promptly altcuded to. All letters iniu-t !
Orrt-iutors ofpapers in the country who vvtll p"
tlio ahovo advertisement a few insertions, and to'
ward a paper containim? t'.n cmii tn tlip. adf-
tiser, will lie paid therefor in any of tho above Ej
April 87, 1839.
i ALARATUS, Glauber Salts, Epsom naif, 'I
t titiV BV UIO
Cheap Health Emporium-