The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, April 27, 1839, Image 4

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    A Desirable Opportunity for New Sub
scribers. jfTiiE fourth voMnir. oi. the
Commenced on tht first of Jan. 1830.
TERMS $S per annum, payable fn
advance. Two large volumes of nearly one
thousand pages are published every year.
PTpHia popular work Is now printed with a new
J3 type cart expressly for tho purpose, on fino
iiucis. paper, wcu 6titciicd in a neat rover. Yalua
Wo Engravinrrs aro niven in ever oilier number.
Tin Gentlemen's Magazine andAmcricanMonth
ly Review lias attained a standing that cnsiirra its
continuance; and the commendatory notices of the
inoii rcspeciaoio portion ot tho press attests its mer
it and popularity. Each monthly number con-
tains e fiventy-two extra sized Octavo pages, and
presents more reading matter than n volume of a
novel. It is published at little mora than half the
price of any other Magazine in the United States,
yet contains as many ORIGINAL PAPERS as
any otner monthly publication.
1VM. E. BURTON, Editor Proprietor, PhiVa.
The Review Department of the Gentlemen's Mai?
azinc.wmcii has elicited no ticos from all points of
T. ill....... -! 1 ill '
uicjuuu.jr tiituywui conunuo to picscntn complete
account of the popular literature of the day, with
liberal extracts from rnro and popular workr.
Translations from thelighterporticns of the French,
Uerman, Spanish and Italian authors, occur in rrp.
ry number. Copious and Anccdotal-Diographics of
.,, , 1110 u;v' wul1 engraved likenesses,
will frequently ornament tho pages of the Gentle-
Arrangements have been niatlo with n
writer of acknowledged ability to produce
in the pages of The Gentleman's Maga
zine, a monthly scries of articles, descrip
tive of all subjects connected with the vari
ous Manly Sports and Pastimes, embrac
ing a fund of information not elsewhere at
tainable, and illustrated, in its course, hy
several hundred engravings on wood. A
mong others, the following subjects will be
particularly exemplified.
The Horse and the Dog, in all their vari
etiss, with every requisite information re5
specting Purchase, Breeding, Breaking, and
The Artpf Gunning, in all its branches,
including Rifle and Pistol Shooting, with
ample directions and valuable hints to young
he Natural History of American Game
ng, with an account of American
Boating and Sailing, with a full dc-
r. acriptiop of the various fancy crafts, and an
interesting account of the prinnple Clubs.
Archer;;, with its Customs, &c. and a
History of its Rise and Progress.
Swimming, Skating, Qlioits, Cricket,
Backet, .Fises,.and other Ball Games.
Forming, in the whole, a valuable Cyclo-
pema oi useiui anu agreeable knowledge.
Opposite tht Exchange, Dock-street, Philadelphia,
Where all orders and communications, postage
paid, are requested to be directed. "
1 am in Sarnest.
A few months since I gave notice that I wanted
and but very Ijltlo attention was paid to it'by those
interested. I now give further notice, that nil per
. sons having open accounts with me, must call and
rtAtmwIUthor by Koto or Ca"' w'hin TWO
. , fV5 from date' or tnc7 v-'ill bo required to
retllo v. ith a J ustice of the 1 Vace. No mistake this
Ioon3burg,Dee. 8, 1838.
Ii. B. I have also on hand several 7OTES
which must also be exchanged for CASH, within
''e aboYe Un. or the signers will have to pay cost,
atlfcUJjES ElOflSSii) power,
upon the Principle of a Leather Bell In
dined Plane.
'1 he advantage of tho Machine over all
otners is, that it can be operated with a
single horse, and requires but two men to
work it, while it occupies but a small spare
in a barn. The power can also be applied
to wood sawing, turning, or,to operate ma
riy other kinds of machinery for Mcchani,
cal purposes. Any person wishing to per
chaso tho right of a single power, or for
townships, can obtain it upon application to
tho subscribers, living in JMuncy township
Lycoming county Pa.
P. S. Letters directed to the subscribers
on the subject, to Muncy P. 0. will be
romptly attended lo.
Muncy, Feb. Oth 1839. 4
Physician & Surg on,
Informs the citizens of I)loom and vicini
ty, that lie has loenif-d himselfiu the village
of Illomsburg, whue ho will always be
ready to attend to all calls for his profession
al services.
Office next door lo Robisona Slage Office.
Oct. 13 1833.
(JULARATUS, Glauber Salts, Epsom salts, for
kj jmio at we
Cheap Health Emporium.
Tire Victory Wen,
A FTER long, tedious, and expensive expert
C went, Dr. Lcidy has discovered a method
whereby the virtue the Sarsaparilla is extracted,
eo as lo bo formed into Pills without destroying i!s
Innumerable attempts havo been made to accom
plish this important object, but oil failed. It is im
portant, became tne Sarsaparilla, an a medicine, in
all diseases to which Mankind is subject h product
ire of morertal good, than tho wholo catalogue of
medicine in use.
Ask nil rcspeetoblo physicians tho quostlon,
' What is tho most effectual purifier of the blood, and
tlio most popular medicine used!" they will answer
unanimously, Sanapanlla. What better recom
mendation can bo asked 1
Price, Twcnty.fivo Cents a Box.
They must surely command a preference, for they
aro not composed of Sarsaparilla alone, but contain,
in a concentrated state, fn the form of a pill, the
virtue? of tho principal ingredients contained in the
compound fluid, extracts, syrups, and other prepara
tions of Sarsapatilla.
They are highly recommended by numerous phy
sicians, and others, (sec directions around each bot
tle) in
Rheumatic Affections,
Schrofula Erysipelas,
Jaundice, Heartburn
Diseases of tho Livcr,ekin
bones and glands.
Pain of the sides, along
tho bark and spine o
vcr the Tcgion of the
heart and stomach.
Inward fevers, bad taste
in the mouth. foul breath
Flatulency, Indigestion,
i'our eructations and acid
ities of tho stomach.
Ulco-ous sores of the nose
throat and body.
Scaly Eruptions and
blotches of the skin.
Dry nnd watery pimples
and pcstules of the
face and bod'.
Tetter and liimwonnj.
Swellings and hardening
of the glands of tho
neck, in the groins,
breast. &c.
Stomach Coughs,
Liver complaint.
Want of appetite,
and all the whole train of diseases resulting from
impurity of tho blood, constitutional diseases pro
duced by Mercury, or other minerals, or the. conse
quence of Syphilii , Lues Venereal, Ac.
For convenience of taking, as well as making but
small bulk, being in Hat square boxes-, convenient
for carrying in tho pocket or for travelling purposes,
they must be preferable to all other prcpar.tions of
For sale. Wholesale and Retail at Dr. Leidy's
HealthUmporiuin, 2nd near Vine strect.Philadelpliia,
For sale by U. S. TOBIAS.
gB EADER, did you ever sco a confirmed Dys
JOM. peptic, nnd leam his sufferings! If not, suf
lice it to say, ho is a nalc. thin and ohastlv ImAim.
object, his lifo apparently hanging by a thread ; he
is nuscrablo and unhappy, his sufferings indisoriba-
Aro you much troubled with flatulency, costive-
ncss, cour eructations arising from your .storrach.
occasional want of appetite, walcrbiash. a bad taste
in your mouth, or foul breath, pain or a heaviness
at your stomach, sickness after catin.f, headache, dis
guat at your once favorite food, &. If you are
much troubled with any of tho foregoing symptoms,
bring before you the picture of the Dyspeptic, and
having resolved to reracdv the conseniipnrn.s. im
mediately procuro
Dr. LciJy'sTon ic S'Anti- Dyspeptic Cordial
A never failing and efficacious remedy for
nd the whole train of affections resulting from dis
eases of the Liver, Stomach and Intestines.
The nbove medicine is warrantcd-froe from mrr.
cury or other minoral preparation; it is composed
entirely of vegetables, safe and easy to toko, being
rrj yirasani to me nsin. u may be safely admin
istcred to young and old, requiring but modcrato re
strictions in diet only.
Numerous testimonials havo been from time to
timo published; its reputation is so well known, fur
ther comment upon its virtues is unnecessary, uf
fico it to say, it ii is nkveii faileii is a sisom:
instance. Further recommendations accompany
the directions around each buttle.
(CPricc One DolUr per bottle.
Prepared and sold Wholesale and Retail ot Dr
Lcidy' Health Emporium, 2d street, below Vine
No. 101.
Also Sold by
D. S. TOBIAS, Agent.
Bloamsburg, May SC. jy5
THROUGH a lingering and irremedia
ble desease, my health at length became so
impaired, that became nimble to attend to
all the requirements of my official duties.
By pcrsuation of my numerous fiientLs,
i viiiis-nmeuai iasi lo Keep an apothecary
Ihinkiiirr it would hr tlm ,.,.-, i,
P " """" "1-i.uilllllg, I'U-
SICSt lor me to engage in at the present time:
",u "r wnnei i nuvo estah & bed n
shop, I would humbly solicit the support or
mv frinn.te .in. I ll. ....t.1 '
...j mm mi. (uiuiii: iii general, on ac
count of my great sickness. A ml especial
ly, would I request the merchants r.r
place, lo give me all-possihle chanco of sell-
iSiuio .inicics tieionging to my line of
uuuesK, ior which they mav receive mv
Ulcere thanks. A few articles only which
aie to ho found in my Health Emporium
are airvcrtised. There will bo kept a con
stant supply of nidi articles as may be call
nd for; but i per chance, a call should he
made for such as I am not in possession of
immediate preparation will be made in order
to obtain them.
Further, do I earnestly invito Tliv
of this place and its vicinity, to give mo a
call, aa I intend to sell very ii.!1Sn,v,Mo
There will be kept constantly on hand,
all kinds of Medicines, Patent and-others,
I . , ' u ecin"". All kinds of
i-aints, uiass, uye-slu I. etc. Ate ii.n ..
variety of Confeclionarics, Raisons, Nuts.
Herring, Suirar nnd Water CJmpirMM. n,.
anges, Lemons, Figgs, Prunes, Perfume
ries, &c. Ac. All articles in the Health
Emporium, I intend to sell cheaper than
they can ho bought at any oilier phu'o in the
county. u-i.o-
Ir . , T, . D. S TOBIAS.
Health Lmponuiii.Bioomsbiirg Sept. 22
For Kale at
TobiaV Health Emporium Bloomsburs,
Remaining in the Port Office at Blooms
htr g, Apritlst, 1830.
Alien Ehcnezcr Petrikin, Winslow.&co
Brink Joshua Quick Rozettd
Biggs Peter Rngglfis Zilu
Colenian Jesse Richerd John
Eyer Jacob Rupert & Barton
Fry Jacob Squire Ehin 2
Oruber John Smith Daniel or
Girton Matthias George Smith 2
Haley John Kirmip Jotliain
Hatday Arihur Stciler Samuel
Ilardman Jacoby Stndler John
Howell Sarah Ann Sietler John Esq.
Hcimbach Henry Swaby Thos. ftl. D.
Daniel Jemisnn " Jeyhcrt Barnard
Ikeler Andrew Esq,Si-hrem Nicholas
hitncr John Tnvlor Poll
ill v or
Krum Henry
Winncgar Abraham
iMendcnhall John
Mchck Daniel
ilelick Peter
ilouscr Joseph
Unangh Philip
Vanhnrn John
Wetzler Jacob
Wegener Catharine
Winters Lewis Cline
.')oy Aiehntl
ylendenhnll Lvdia Welline Kussel
Petrikin W.H.'l.yj. Washington Charles.
Petrikin B. F. Witte Godfricd
Prentiss Noah Williis Thomas
Persons calling for letters on the above
list, will please say they are advertised.
Dr. Srandreth's
PTTV1ESE pills have obtained a celebrity fcr cur
. JtL '"S most diseases to which the human system
h liable, unexampled in tho history of the healing
art. They expel by the action of tho stomach and
and bowls, all bad humours from the Blood, causing
a freo circulation of the fluids, and restores a sound
stale of health.
The thousands who uic and recommend them, is
proof positive of their cxtr?ordinary and beneficial
The subscriber has received the appointment of
Agent, for the sale of Vv. Urandctli's Pills in
liloombimrg., lVono are genuinr tint arc offered fur
sale, without a c-erlilic.ilo of appointment bigncd In
die, proprietor and euuiimrsigned by Branch O'r.cii,
general agent; and no certificate' is ever given, lo
those engaged in Ihe Drug business.
J. R. iMOYEI?.
Bloomsburg Aug. H 1838. lv!7
Vegetable An ti-Bilious Pills.
These pills are found to be u mn-it certain and af
fectuul prci entive of fevrr. jaundice bilious, and olh
crcholics, and indeed, of nil diseases caused by oh
struclion or affections of the stoimch, liver spleen,
or intosliiics. b'or liver and stomach complaint-" and
nH diseases connected therrnvith. such as hp k-Iioii-dries,
hysterics. disprpia or indigestion, lo'ss of ap
petite, liead.ichc, giddiness, and for fever mid ague,
theso pills arc a sure prcventitiie- Also, fnr n!i
rheume. They cleanse the stomach. i-L-movn ilii.n..
from all vitiated biles purify and refine the blood.
Does a person feel a loss of appetite mvl a Ind lacto
in the mouth, with a fnhitness of (he sioma'eh, a few
(iom-s oi tiu-sc puts aic t.ure to remove all sin h difli
eultiet!, speiWily pet mailers to risbt. Hf-m-innu
dull, sleepy ami shi!:gih inaction, ith or without
a yellowness of complexion, theso pills will cutely
and Rpccdily remove all such ailments, and timely
UI- inv-v rim may preic i tno occurrence
any such formidable disease.
Als'illuulry'j Vegetable 6alvc, known through
out the Union. This salve when usrd has a pci-u
liar quality in reviving an actum of tins nffectod
parts, liyholleningand opening the pores and creat
expels, and CiUiiely prevents he bloo.l from settlin .
........ iiiiustiip ur wouuns, oi any incrii-
uu.i, anu is u hurt jirevenuvo oi morlilication, and
inay uc ihjui? use oi i-ir cuts, sores, burns, rheuma
nam, pain in me nacK, I reast or side.
The above articles for sale by
I). S. TOBIAS, Agent.
BloomsburgOclobor l.'I.
Tl. n :..: -.-..
. iiu wwuiiiiuaigiiurs OI V,0lllinl)l.l COUIV
ty. nave the pleasure to acklowledge the re
i-eipt of a very neat set or Aleteoiologiea
Instruments, cousirftinff of a Barometer, twi
Tliermnmcier-, a Sclf-Rei-isteiin.r 'ror.
moniPter, and a Rain Onage; liiriiishcd (o
mis county ny tne Uoinnuttco on Meteorolo
gv oi the Pr.inkliu Iiistilule of Pennsvlv
nia, out of the Mini of four thousand dollars
iippropiiaini oy inc legislature at their sos
siou in 1837, and placed at the disposal o
Ihe joint committee for tho advancement o
rticieoroway oi tne American Philosophi
cal Sociely and Franklin Instiiute, with :
view of obtaining every information on the
sunjeci oi climate that may bo intercslino-,
fn ilia nr.?. ...Ii. ' II . "
"B"1 i'i"ii9i fspceiauy. JCCL'ulnr
.tjd.iia .11 d n ijiii-sii-u 10 uc innuu to the
coininitiec. ami rolls loriifulir-d for that pur-pose.i-onvenient
lo nolo all observations con-
nccieii witli the subject. They have been
Jolt for ihe present with Dr. Magill, to whose
caie they were directed for tho use of ihe
Danville, Feb. Cth, ISgO.
7"EKy- respectfully informs his friends and tho
V public, th-it he has always on hand, at his Li
very ratable in Illoomsburg, for tho purposcsof Hire
or hxehange, a variety of
Horses, Sulkies,
which hewn!, feci sratiticd to keep in readiness for
the accoiiimodation of customers.
JVrnal applicant can be made at his residence,
when et-t-fiMieans twt lie used to render entire sat
UfdCtian to ihoso who may give him a call.
Bloomsburg, Jlay 20, 1838, j
Breeding JESarc,
i or 1 rado for a good Horse, or S year old horse
von. j no mare is grntlo and quiet, and wor
Ivell r.ither in single or double harniHs.
D.?. TOMAa.
IS hereby given to nil whs nre indebted to the
sufscriher, cither no Uook, Notes, or .ludir.'incntson
uocicets, that llicy must cdmo forward and f ttle off
film- r.annnll.Tn t. . ... J
...... ii,,.,; uiitu uuiwccn now nnu llie lifsl ilay
of 1-cbuafy, 18JU, or they will bo severely' dealt
IJIoomsburg Dec. SOIh l838i 30 Hi
is ear b on Waggon
Almost New and a
One Horse Sleigh.
Bloom, March 0, 1830.
N Tuesday tho 18th inst. between Bloom;
burg and Espytown, or in Bloomsburg, a
comn,uii vne J) JhiUar Jllll on the Schuvl
Kin uniuc ol riiiladclphia. and one fl Jollar llill
on tne uxcliango Uank, Pittsburg. Tlie subscri
liimn i. .1. . tar t . .
"""UL" "iiiio wauct in lour or fix
dillircnt iiIjccs, Tho finder almll I
warded by leaving the nbove wallet with 0. Docblcr
m uioc-m, or ny delivering it to the subscriber in
a"v"";;, B. d. ALWOOD.
Danvil.e, Tcb. 23, 1833.
EJ) OK 'a
uthurviuiy popular, on account of its superior
sirengiu to any other preparation of Sarsaparilla in
existence, it is thought Mincccsrary to make much
comment upon hs virtues. Suffice it
bottle of the nbove contains twice as much of the
juivo principles ol Baraparilbi an other ingrcdi
ents, as any extract in cxistecne, in the same ijnan
tity, and is equal to one "ulltr.i offiimtv nfSarui.
panlla, for making which druggUts and others pur
chase tho above preparation. Price one dollar ncr
luitll.. 1
It is recomended in "all diseases of the skin and
uoncf ; -mcctioiH or the Liver, Stomach, Spleen
nnd Kidney; Eruptions, breaking out of Dry and
atioiis of tho nose, mouth and throat; running at the
Earn and EeijKrysipiljn.Scroriila.rheurnalicp.iins.
f .-'lints un uiu nee, uccx nnd hoily, ulcer-
H.iei.iiig or iiaruciiuig ol lhoOl.imls, constitutional
diseases pro.lueed by llm uso of mercary or othei
inmeraU. In hhoit, Sarsaparilla U known to the
world, as being the moft powerful agent cer dis
coverdl for purifying t!,c blood and Animals Kluids.
coarjiieutly thj most valnablo specific for nil dis-
imwjs, rcsuuing irom unpuriliea of tho Uload, and
other fluids of tho body.
Caution, Persons (.hoiild bo particularly ca'eful
in getting a preparation that may be relied upon;
there being many in existence, not properly prepar
ed, unlit for use, and nlmoit inert; possessed of no
midicinal ipialitics hotccr.
Ur. IS. Lcidy i-.indidly declares his preparation
bo whut it h (presented to be. and is prepared
by himself, n regular Uruggi-,1 and Apolhcearv.and
is bo-ides a regular Plivsiciiii. a I tested bv Dm.'I'Iivk.
ic, Cliapman. Hare, Lov, Dences, Jackson, James,
iiuniL-r, vinisuii.ctc. (ore directions and recommen
dation around bottlo.)
Upwards of 3000 bottcls of the above have beci
soiu.uuringtiie past six months, a strong proof of
ijuaiiups, ew-e. r or sale m tins city aj
Dr. Lcidy's .Health Emporium, 2d street, below
Vine, No. I ill.
Krederitk KlctV; Drug store, corner of 2d and
ivailouiiiu slrcets.
J. Smith &. (Vs. Drug store 3d street above Xo
ble. J. Gilbert & Co's. Drug btorc, 2d sticct above
i ine.
Also by
J. K. Long. Druggist I.ancastcr, Pennsylvania.
O. V. Oakley, DruggUt, Reading, do.
J. a. Moser, do. Allentown do.
P.& W. H. Pomnalo. Ea.lnn. ,l
E. Bringhurt, Druggifct, M ilmliigion. Delcwarc,
ujr ,no principal uruggiats and Merchant
in tho United Slates. 37m
, , n. S. TOBIAS.
Bloomsburrg, J an. 0 1830.
Hereby informs all those indebted to him.
illl,..r. I,., Mrt'l'l? nnni. .... .
w..... . iiu, ,)r Duiuv, mat lie in-
icniis to leave tins place, nnd wishes that
ihey would settle their accounts before the
25th of February next. After that dale his
uoom win Do put into the hands of a Jus
lice of tho Peace Tor collection. lie wil
lie at home every Wednesday and Satur
day. Hloomsburg, Feb. 9lh 1830.
NONE better in tho known world, for sale at
tho cheap Ware House, by
TOBIAS in Bloomsburg.
Br. Weaver's Worm Tea and Salve.
THE action of thU Mcdieino is not onlv to exl
pel Worms, but by its tonic nou-nrs." tn
ven: a return of them.
olth.j digeMivo orgnua cn which their inoductioj
iu omlytlcpcnJa, Tor t-alc oy
Health Emporium, Bloomsburg-
Warranted lo be good, also LOCO FOCO
MATCHES, good, For sale at
J ohjas Health Emporium Hloomsburg.
TfiTERCURIAL Ointment, Sulphur do. Simplo
7 M do. I'erciocililj. ln n.l .1- ,n.'.
Lmctic do. and all other kinds r nin.,.,..
i . -ww , , ----- ' w fc44btiLD mr 1
HE democratic prfrty of Vtmiu
. PcdfliroughaV conflK
-a iiothcriroof of tho purity ar, f . ,T!,C
!e It principles. NotwiilL,. Si
e.V cannot for any lertgtl, of timeT 7" lr!UmI'
lap of wtorv.fUrlboirfi,rnJ ..Icln.F "n tl
cv'r watchful, nm! ah!,,. .t. , 1 "'""uous.
unucr soino new name, to oppose ibn 6 . " Ml'
, ..wmui iuuiL'U. Vam '
. ci.iucracy, enmity to vWi ch, brin il.V TM '
ban can even for a moment 1 i
WC IllUkl lhnrnr.l 1 tOffCt'lfr
.vuicji ucr. nini m.-. .. w . i
uuin is unceasing vigilance. 01 ,Mt
. 'a spue oi tne rankest corr,,n!., we havd elected a , lJL IrJD
ernor, and a majority In ti,0 Lu r "atlc Go
' u, lo i ennsylvan an ,l "
presemativo n tho United -Hates Senate
I be fraudulent elections, which wli L m
..w.iws, riiicn rcniine acor-,i,..... ri'u"
adoption by the people of xt $nc, T' T1
stale constitution, whic-h J ' , rtnt o oof
Riativeenactmen,; fncf hw'4,
in the fundamental law- 0 S
.ent eclion 0f Ulc 8(!J)at0 witf,
n ofhw important oppointmcms, wIluVrcnN
tho coming session of tho Ic-isla ur(. L"i nt'
most impoitant ever held h 'S lgj
causp their ptocccdings to bo unusualh inlt
to every man iu the community; "CfCsUt
... . vi mo iveystonc. inlrnil i .
creased attention to tho procredi, g, of .1 isg C-'"'
aud note, every movement of In I: t
Tbey will havr competent rer , icrs both
of our legislature, as' well asat WariiSL "f
thus enabling lo give as full rvZZ Z i?'
portant legislat re r)roror,i;, ' , SPrtf pra'1 V'
admit. u-"rcomiwaBiiI
l nrwheystone is tho largest pancr nnMM i
Harrisburir. and !!. r,,;...-.i "r arcr PU''CJ m
l-ly gives in it, cohmlns carW
reading rimtler than m.v oil,., r. V!""'.m"
state. 'Phis wo havo U " .'T," ' ? " ?
ery great eneouragemen wo bZ ..1"
generous public. Tlmnhr.,1 r... Ti... ,;la "om.1
editors hereafter -!!! ' " "c ,u,orf.
render their . ' u.rK -psc ,
puuuc, and serviceable to the creat and i,;,m. V
cause of Democracy a,d Freedom. aMUlW
..or,1,!: yloneyear)-, tivice n week dminr ,y.
...!., r., " v.iic a WCCK larifti
tsMon oi Hie l.ems alnrf n..,l . . 1 '
During tho session of tf, T o,.:,'.. , r
a week, . . w
Por fiSf tnnnllu ...I !..!.. T " $ I
s;.,r ' i,. 73 -""uu'sanyrartoft;,ci.
to oLLBo or coMPirss,-; :."
7 ' '7" "r ldteen papers sralia
(0AI1 Postmistcrs, nmj other .Irmo,.;,
zeus, are re.uested to receive, and f.-rwanl , nWrin.
lions to us. PACKER, 3JARKETT c
Harrisburj. October 2.",. lsnr.
Indies look t iiiia
ILT Book Boxes, Silk do. Paper do. GS
or" Cr.-," ,',anev do- rut l'!i '' I.uW
Waxes, Gilt Thimbles. ir.inLa A- P.. ....
h's,..! kinds of Smelling lUmles. 'cry l,.,,,!, I
I reast Pms, TW y . ' H ' .
bnufl Doic. Hair, I-oAct coaU, lul ,
TOBIAS' Health Emporium. J
Tf'ill you be so kind as lo look at this!!
WHITE Glue; Fluke While; Oxalic Aril
for sale at the Health Emporium )v i
T'V.10" Snuff IJcani, Sand Paperolall lirA
JSipinls Irmeiiline. (
for sick pcojilc A fresh supplv for sale at lliellcalii
t-mporium in iJlonmaburg, by
I L of Spruce, for makinjr Spruce Beer.
Extract of Sarsparilla. Tooth Po-.vdcr.-
Spatula. Emerv. Castel Sonn. J.mly'j
Palm ooap to Wash. Distilled VertlijriM.
Oil ofSoan. for taliinrr out of einil.s SjoU,
Stains, Grease, tc. All for sale at
Tobias' Health Emporium.
Certain Cure for the following cemplaintc
('olds, couahs. asthmas, consumnliona. spit-
ting of the blood and all disorders of the brof t nl
lings. It is extracted, from herbs, roots nlanN ir,(
flowers, by u Physician who resided upward of foil
years among the different tribes of Korlh America
Indians, mid with unwearied dilieenri! used cicj
means in his power, to ncouire knovvledce ofjli
different temcdios, utcd by them for the cure of l
sumptions and complaints of the breast anJ Ire
to which they nre moro subjciled than any otlifrwi
uuu, on account oi tne mode ol living, ana lot,
exposed to the inclemency of all weathers. Tl
above medicine forsulo ut
Tobias' Health Emporium in Dloonisbur'.
EjEIDY'S mbdicixes
Bloomsburg, Juno 23, 1838.,
EC COMMENDED bv Doct, Wilson
certain euro for Riienmali(,ni. Also,
cecommended bv Dnct. nra. of Pliiladeipb' I
lie following complaints . Rheumatism, Wwl I
nrss nnd stiffness of tho Joints, CvV. Forraleal
',i.a rr1.i,L n Hi..-,tf.i,n I
Evans' Cammomile Pills,
Waranted to bo trenuine.
Anderson's Pills, & all other khids ot?h'
Fly Stone, to kill Flies with.
Fish Seed, to catch fish with.
briunucs. for sale t
J -"
TOBIAS' HtUth EmptriM.