The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, April 27, 1839, Image 3

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SI'PilZ).JV, JtPMZi 4T, 1830.
1 tCJTTo our Patrons
P 'This No. S3 completes one year since
Jjte " Columbia Democrat" came into the
liands of tho present publisher; nnd to such
5s rrave complied with the terms of publica
tion, his thanks are due, as they have as
sisted to lighten the burthen of a printer's
Koublcs, which are, al best, almost too
''heavy to bo borne." Those who have
ot, will confer a favor, not only on the pub
isher, but on his creditors, by handing over
the ready in due season.
? The Office of the 'Columbia Dkmociut'
Paul s Church, Mam-strcot,
We publish in another column the pro
ceedings of the Court of Dauphin county, in
ithe " conspiracy case." It appears from
cso proceedings that the prosecuting at-
irney was silly enough to disclose the ar
rangements which had been made by him
and his masters, to" convict the democratic
Irebels, right or wrong," by packing an an-
timasontc jury. Asati evidence of the truth
oi ni comession, u u: staieu mat oi tne io
, . ... ...... , .,
'jurymen summoned, 40 were antimasons,
"and but 8 democratsjand this, too, in a coun
iy whore the parties are nearly equally di
vided. Could this be the work of chance,
time tt o rinrtnrl n i o a tt rnn Inn
fSby Mr. Fisher. Every one must be satis
fied that the latter was the case, and had it
the secret, the rights and liberties of the
defendants might have been sacrificed to
complete this deed of villainy.
At th Election which took place in Rhodo' Island
llast week, no choice of a Governor was effected, it
f quiring ft majority of all the votes to elect. There
String three candidates for Lieul. Governor, there is
fulso no choice. Thi following is tho result of all
Uhe counttes in the state, three towns noc heard
ifrom. In some of the counties (he whole vote is
I taken, and in others only the majorities.
Sprague, (Anti.) 5003
Bullock, (Dem.) 2019
K Uurgcss, (Whig.) 438
Democratic majority lost year m tho remaining
Eithrce towns, 07
It therefore appears that tho rcnegado Sprague,
Bwaiitj moro than 327 votes of heing elcctrd. His
Ernaiority last year 381 over all. Three democratic
k-and two whig Senators only have been elected.
JLas t year the whole Senate was whig, being elected
ttby general ticket. The democrats have aUo gain
Bed several Representatives in tho Assembly.
At the next trial for Governor a plurality will
A child, six years old, was recently burnt
lo death at Kcnnebutilc, Maine.
At Cincinnati, on Wednesday last week,
Who Ohio river was twelve feet above low
Kwater mark,
The Penobscot was still closed at the last
Jates. I ho weather was quite cold.
The stoiy of a negro woman having been
lined alive at Now Urlcans, is contradic
The Upper Canada Legislature have re
solved that that province is in a wretched
The Canada Patriots recently held a pub-
Ilic mcctiiiir in Detroit,
An Awful Plunge. Tho St. Catharine?
(U..C.) Journal of tho Cih, states that five
ten went over INiauarn falls on the previ
Thursday. The Journal savs, "Tho
jnly particulars which we have been ahlu
to learn are, that just before sunrise on
I-Thursday morning last, a boat with two
Inien in it was discovered in the middle of
the river above the falls vainly endeavoring
to make their Way through the ice with
which they were enclosed, to the Canada
Itdiore. J he utmost exertions proved una
I'vailinj, and in a short time they were to
enter the cascades, whim tbev disappeared
In half an hour after, another bunt with three
I men in it, wasfdisenvcred in the samo awful
situation, and trying to "am the Canada
riide; but in a few moments shared tho mcl-
nni'linlv fatn of the Other. Ycsterrlnv tlin
body of a man was picked up in tbq whirl
pool supposed to be one ol these unfortunate
men, having about his porsou two hundred
dollars, aim 3 vaiuaota gom watcn,"
Animal Flower. The inhabitahls of
St. Lucia have discovered a most singular
plant. In a caverij of the isle near the sea
is a large basin of water, which is brackish
and its bottom composed of rocks; from
these proceed beautiful flowers of bright
shining coln,& nearly resembling our mar
igolds. These seeming (lowers, on the ap
proach of a, hand, retire like the sudil out of
sight On' examining their substance close
ly, there appears in the middle of the disk
four brown filaments resembling spiders'
legs. Tho legsjhave pinchers to seize their
prey and upon seizing it, the yellow petals
immediately close. The body of the ani
mal is about the size of a raven's bill.
Literary Chronicle.
.Rohan Potatoes are about as much 'the
rage' as mulberry trees. They are rarely
bought by the bushel, because that would
involve too great an expenditure, but by tho
dozen or single one I ftlr. Augustus Olarli
in this town is selling them as high as 0
pennies a piece or 06 cents per dozen, at
wlncli any reader can tell better than we
can, what tncy would reach by the bushel.
t . . . . 1 1 . i .
mu aner an, tnese potatoes at sucli prices
are doubtless profitable potatoes. Every
thing of this sort is valuable in proportion
to its capacity for re-production, not leaving
out oi sigiu us goodness. Hence, it one
Kolian will produce more than a bushel of
good sound nutricious potatoes, is it dear at
a sixpence! Many experiments have been
tried winch establish the character of this
potatoe for an enormous yield. Aside from
ts use tor man what a capital root for cattle!
But perhaps we only waste ink and paper
by trying to persuade people to " feather
their own nests" by cultivating Rohan po
tatoes. North. Courier.
Fatal Accident. OnlSaturday night last,
about 9 o'clock, two boys one about 11 and
the other 12 yeais of age, sons of Mr- George
VV. Uilloru and Win. Uook or this place,
were found buried in the sand bank a few
rods cast of the Unitaiiau Meeting House.
The circumstances, as near as we can learn,
are these: The boys were playing in a hole
from which so mo individuals had, during
the day, been carting some sand. They
were lest seen in this place about 5 o clock
P M. In consequence ol their not return
ing homo as usual, the parents of the
childicn became alarmed, and went out in
pursuit. They tracked to the sand bank,
and observimg' that the sand had but recently
caved in, commenced digging, tearing lliey
might have been covered up. In a lew
moments both were discovered and taken
out lifeless. It is supposed that they must
have been buried about four hours. Fall
Hives Patriot.
Se. fjouis, March 27.
There was a murder committed on our
Levee, durinc Monday nicht attended with
some singular ciicumstances. A man by
the name of i liomas Berry came to tins
city some two or three days since in a ranoe
from the grand Iliver, and from his singular
costume and strango actions, attracted at
tention, and was considered by many as
insane. 1 lie tirst particular notice taken
of him, we trace to the National Hotel where
he dined on Monday. He sat at the table
till most of the boarders had left, occasion
ally changing his scat, and finally left with
out eating any thing paid his bill and de
parted. About 12 o'clock on Monday night, the
watch on board tho II. L. Kinney ob
served a man running towards the boat, and
as lie approached tbe river bank faltered and
fell partly into the river. On raising him
tho poor man only exclaimed, 'I'm killed !
I'm killed 1' Just at this time Berry came
up, much excited, and inquired, 'what's the
mailer?' and from his actions, the watch and
others who had been called; suspicioned
him as the murderer, and on accusing him
of it,aftcr a little hesitation he acknowledged
the, but said he was mistaken in tho
person. He then went into the cabin of
the Kinney, took a light uncovered one of
the cabin boys who lay asleep, and examin
ed closely the face, holding his already
bloody steel in his hand, with evident in
tention of using it again should lie recognize
the person as tho sought for victim.
This excited .the fears of the officers of
the boat, when they called in theciiy watch
and took Berry to the Calahouse. ' He,
however, resisted the officers with great
violence; and not until he was severely cut
& knocked down, could the officers succeed
in securing him. Yesterday he was exam
ined before Justice Sheppard, and commit
ted for trial in the Or mural Court at the
May term. The name of the murdered
man is Georgo Gardner formliy of New
York, where, we understand, ho has a
mother, two sisters and two children.
Wc held a short conversation with tho
prisoner yesterday: previous to his commit'
incut, 'and found him a man of tnine inlelh-
oenre and evidently laboring under insanity
lie says he was burn in dark county,
Ky. where his father now resides. His
father's name is John Berry, lie says he
lelt Kentucky last about live years since and
has since been in this State. Among bis
papers were receipts from the Land Office
at bpringtieiu, ftio. lor land in Kives co.
Also letters from Capo Girardeau, Mo. La.
Grange, Mo1 and Morgansville, Ky. Ho
says ho has two brothers in Rives county,
in this stale one named John, the other
Deafness. Tho vapor of acetous ether
has been recently direpvered by Kramer,
a German artist to bo a most effectual rem
edy for a species of this distressing malady
hitherto considered incurable. Wc per
ceive by the last number of Dunglison's
Medical Intelligencer, that it has bceu lc-
cently employed by Dr. Bolton of this city
with tlio remarkable success.
Richmond Whig.
A New Gretna Green. The Buffalo
Commercial Advertiser says, " Buffalo is
becoming tho Gretna Green of the Cana
das. Scarcely a day passes but that some
Canadian lad takes his fair Dulcinca and
trips it over the border to cousumate in our
city the rites that make them twain one
flesh. This arrises we presume not from
the fact that runaway matches become ne
cessary to avoid parental injustice or intcr-
fcrernce, but to escape a heavy larift upon
matrimony." To get married in Canada
it costs some ten or fifteen dollars, in yan
kee land it is done fof one dollar.
Federal Garbling and Falsehoods. An
extra from the Intelligencer office the size
of a half sheet of that paper, was issued
yesterday, filled with a perverted account
of the proceedings on the indictment againnt
Messrs. Barton, Diller, and others. Ste
vens, Burrowes, and co. and their counsel,
feeling that they had been signally over
thrown and disgraced by the superior talent
ol Mr. Barton and the rottenness of thci
cause, have no doubt resorted to this dis
honorable expedient to savo their rcputa
lions abroad. They have written speeches
for Mr. Fisher which ho never uttered; put
language into the mouth ot Mr. Barton,
which he never used, and garbled and falsi
fied the entire proceeding of the court and
counsel. Such conduct is only worthy of
the vile traitors ot December, and their in
famous abettors. It is well that their de
pravity and baseness is so generally known,
that none will be imposed upon by their
malicious lubrications. Acy stone.
Cruel Hoax The Lincoln Gazetts, (an
English paper,) slates that a voung lady in
that place, having a pique against one of her
acquaintances, a M ss Uarrv, procured
suit of men's clothes, and an introduction
and under a pretence of a love induced
iliss 15. to receive her as a lover. She
carried on ibis hoax successfully for nearly
throo months, the two lovers wandering
lound the banks by moonlight almost every
fair evening; and the time was actually set
for their nuptials. At last, a mutual friend
discovered the cheat by accident and ac
quainted MUs B. with the hoax. Wheth
er a suit for breach of promise be Iho result,
we cannot say; but at last accounts the par
ties had not become reconciled.
Washing Trees. The following may
prove a useful hint io those who pro anxious
that their trees should possess a beautiful
appearance. The Boston Cultivator recom
mends lie from wood rshes or from potash
as the best wash for trees. It should not
be applied until May or June when it will
kill the moss and all the insects that adhere
to the bark. There is a small animal re
sembling a louse to b,c found on most young
trees. They never appear to move except
ing in the rnonlli of June, and then they
are not great travellers. The lie above na
med, if put on in Juno, effectually clears
the tree of this insect.
ESPECTFULLV informs tlie Ladies and
Gentlemen of Columbia Couutv, that ho has
just returned fiom Philadelphia with a fresh sup
ply of the latest improved silccious, mctalic or por
celain Teeth, which ho inserts, in most cases, with
litllo or no pain, to look as well as the natuial.
Ho also cleans, files, and plugs or Alls tho cavities
of Mecnycd teeth with gold of the finest quality,
with silver or tin, as the case may require.
A good supply of tooth brushes, and an invalua
bio vegetable dentrifrico for bale on the most rea
sonable terms. His Medicines on hand and for
sale as usual.
Mt. Pleasant township, near McDowell's Blills,
April 27, 1839.
Wood Inciter Cutter and Engraver, No.
21, Franklin Place, Philadelphia,
mESPECTrULLY announces to tho Printers
of the United States, that he has commenced
the ruanulaciuro ot wood letters.
Wood Letters of every description, from four to
thirty four lines Pica, or upwards, made to order on
tho shortest nhtico. Ornamental Letters of enthely
new and most splendid patterns, for headii of news
papers, tillo liucs,&c.fioni two lines great primer to
any size larger.
His typo will be made of materials of the best
assortment, well seasoned and prepared by machine
ry, invented for the purposo which insures tho most
exact adjustment.
Specimens will bo publihsed as early as possible.
ExccutcdjWilh neatnesi and promptitude. Hcjds
for newspapers, fac-similcs, ornamental and plain
rules, &C.&C cut with the greatest accuracy in type
metal or wood.
Old cast metal cuts, ornaments, &c engraved
ever, and mado equal to new for half their original
A liberal discount for cash. Six months credit
on tho most approved security. Orders fiom tho
country promptly attended to. All letters must bo
post paid.
(Editors of papers In tho cuntry wllu will givo
tho above luhcrtlsenicnt a M insrtions, land for
ward a paper containing tlmmo- to tVi adver
tiser, will bo paid therefor in any of the above men
tioned materials.
April 27, 1833.
THE subscriber grateful for past favors, returns
his sincere thanks to his nulnerous friends
nnd customers, and Would now Inform them, that
no iiasjustrcceivcil irom JNew York, tho Kcport of
New "STork Bl London
ron the srnlNo aitd stuuixn or 1830,
together with the drafts of tho numerous changes,
both ai regards tho stylo of Making nnd Trimming,
as well ns Cutting garments. Ho is therefore ful
ly prepared now to turn out work m the most supe
rior stylo of cut and workmanship ,and respectfully
solicits a continuanro of public favor.
Bloomsburg, April 13.
WILL be held at the house of GF.Ji.
LOCK 1WMBOY, h Bloomsburg, on
Saturday, the 27th day of April, inst.
where will be sold the following property,
to wit '
One Cow,
One Clock and Case,
Curl Maple Plank,
do. Cherry do.
do. Walnut do.
A lot of square Timber laying at the
Bridge near I Sivaby's.
Carpenter's 7'ools of all descriptions,
One Corner Cubboard,
and a variety of other articles too numerous
to mention.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, in the
forenoon of said day. Reasonable credit
and attendance will be given by
April 20, 1839.
LOST on the 25th March, between my
dwelling and Jersey town, or in .Terscvtnwn.
a calfskin Pocket Book, containing. ONE
DULLJIRS in Bank Notes, together with
several oilier papers which will be of no
use to any other person but me. The a
hove reward will be civen for the Docket
boo!: and money, or my grateful thanks for
me pocket-book and papers.
April 10, 1830.
THE Enrolled Inhabitants residing with
iu the bounds of the 71st Regiment, P. M,
are hereby commanded to meet, agreeably
to law, tor the purpose ol
Training, Exercising and Inspection,
in Battallions, to wit:
attached to the 1st Battallion of the 71sl
Regiment, will meet at the public house of
liobert Hagenbuch, at McDowell s Mills,
on 1 liursilay, the 23d day of May next.
The 1st Battallion of the 71st Regiment,
to meet at Urangeville, on l-nday, the 24tl
day ot Alav next.
The 2d Battallion of the 71st Regiment
to meet at Cattawissa, on Saturday the 25th
day ot Alav next, aud the Volunteer Com
pany attached thereto is to meot at the same
time and place.
mathew Mcdowell, col.
April 20, 1S30.
fOCol. McDOWELL will be pleased
to meet any ol Ins brother officers at Jt,
Hagenbuch' s at . C. Johnson's, Orange-
villc and at JJrauy s Hotel, (Jattawissa
THE Members of the
nro notified to meet at the house of S.
Sloppic, in Cattawissa, on Monday the Gill
day ol May next, properly equipt lor pa
indc aud drill.
The Secretary is requested to have the
accounts of the (Jompany ready for settle'
ment also to hand in any accounts that
may have been out for fines.
An Election for Sergeants and Corporals
will be held alter training, agreeably to
resolve of the Company, adopted in 1837
to elect them yearly. An early and punc
tual attendance is expected.
By ordei of the Captain,
F. B. SWABY, 2d Scrg,
April 10, 1839.
ARE wanted upon Bridges No. 1 and on
the Catlawissa and Little Schuylkill Hail
Road. Carpenters that nro ncquainled with fram
ing and raising Lnttico Work Bridges will receive
good wages. From 14 to 50 dollars per month
will bo paid. Tho country is very healthy.
March 0,1830.
Tlio MilUminn, Milton, will give tho nbovo three
insertions aud charge this office.
BENOAL Indigo; (Spanish dn. Verdigries, blue
Vilrial; White do. for sale cheap and good, at
tliu Ulooiusburg Ware House, by
5rospccte:s for the Sitra Min'i
WE lay before our "Republican frlen-u pi.
scriptlon paper for our cheap periodical
publication, tho " Ejctxu Giode,"
During Iho months when Congress is in session,
wo publish the" ConohissiosAt GiObk," which
gives a condensed rcpoft of its proceedings weekly,
for one dollar, In the interval bctwecntho Bessi""'
of Congress, wcpubUh tho "Extiia. GLont," .
fix months, containing tbe news, politics, public
document?, and whatever else of intcrctt appcurs in
the Daily Glebe, for the samo price. These two
publications are printed weekly, in book form, to
render Ihem convenient for preservation nnd refer-,
encc. Each number contains 10 royal quarto pa
The important elections which will tako placo
during tho approaching summer and fall, will give
peculiar value to the information to be derived from
mis quarter, during the ennvass. The new pliaw
of parties in the North, and the ttoublcd-asport
.....,. iiMi-igu .u;iiaiion gives to our national fJ
fatrs there, will also impart to tho country for tha
six months preceding tho meeting of the next Con-
gross, more than ordinary interest.
The publication of tho ExrrtA Giobe" will
commence tho first week in May, and end the first
week in iVovenibcr next.
1 copy
0 copies,
5 00
10 00
20 00.
40 00
75 00
Payment? may be transmitted by mail, postaea
paid, at our risk. Tho notes of any incorporated
bank in the United States, current in the section r.f
country where a subscriber resides, will be receive!,
But when subscribers can procure the notes of bat: l-a
in tin. Northern and Middle Stales, they will pleaca
send them.
To insure all the numbers, tho subscnDtions
should be here by the 7th of May.
(C'No attention will bo paid to orders unless the
money accompany them.
In compliance with the law. we. the undersigned.
publish the followine- statement, na KiiirfrRstcl in-
" Superintendent of the Common Schools" of Penn
sylvania, with information that it contains the a
mount to which they (School Di.tricts) arc entitled,
u, me iwu nuniireu tnousanu dollars lor the present
C' .1 1 . n .
otiiuuj; year 1B1U.
Commissioners of Columbia Covtv.
Attcet, JACOB HIBLER. CVe k.
Commissioners OJicc,
Danville, March 5, 1839.
lag S&g-I'H-'S 5 Sg-o
3 o
ar 52 3 5 3
- a Q
F 3
o u
(5 11 U H 13
Ot M cn l Ci cn u m 3
13 13 o n IS m CD Ul CD
The subscribers having taken tho CJusl
Mill, lately owned by Mathew McDstrell,
have on hand about
which they will sell on reasonable terms.
McDowell's Mills, April G, 1839.
Laic of Cattawissa township deceai td.
Motice is hereby given thatlettrrs of mlmmlrtra
lion on tho above mentioned Estate hu e Iwu
granted by the Register of CohimMa fount" to tho
subscriber re'idingin Cattawissa. All persons having
demands against said Estate ill please preseiit 'lii
and indebted to said Kstato will make imme
diate payment to
Mach23 1839.
And all kinds of country Produh ',,,n
tn pnyjneiit for Nswsvtapvrs, al this Oft-?