yffi T'- y?rffy w fn'rw THE fJOLUMMA DEMOCRAT. SJtTUHVJIY, JIPIZIL 20, 1833. No. lQ will complete one year since .the " Columbia Democrat" came into the Viands of the present publisher; antl to such asfrtve complied with the terms of publica tion, his thanks are due, a3 they have as sisted to lighten the burthen of a prinlcr'n "houbles, which are, at best, almost too ""heavy to be bornn." Thoo who liave "not, will confer a favor, not only on the pub lisher, hut on his crcditotH, by handing over Hhc ready in dud season. REMOVAL. The Office of the 'Columbia Dmiocr.AT' 'is removed into the building opposite St. Paul's Church; Main-street. DEMOCRATIC VICTORY.. NEW YORK CITY REDEEMED ! ! The election held in the eity of New York last week, for City officers, has ter minated gloriously for tho democratic party. Varian, (Dcrriocrat) has succeeded over tho present iucumberit, Clark, (Whig) by a lhu .jority of upwards of 1000; and the demo 'crats have carried twelve out of the seven teen wards, and have therefore elected a large majority of the Common Council. 'I' his is glory chough for one day. An Alabama Bank. On the 26th ult. the branch of the State Bank, at Decatur, had no less than 29,000 specie dollars in its vaults, while the notes in circulation rcckon od no less than one million threo hundred and fifty-five thousand dollars. Oh how wo banks do swim. . DR. T. W. DYOTT. The great notoriety of this individual as a banker, says the Doylcstown Democrat, lias given his case much interest; as it is at present before the public. The creditors "met on Monday of last week, in public meet ing, for the purpose or hearing the report of their attorney, Wm, S. Hirst, Esq. as to ihe liability of Mr. Ridgway, to pay the ' debts contracted by T. W. Dyotl. Mr. Hirst read a number of cases to prove that Mr. Ridgway was liable for the debts, and reported that his opinion Mr, Ridgway was liable. After Mr. Hirst had delivered his opinion, the rriccting adopted resolutions, 'authorizing Mr. Hirst to proceed against Mr. Ridgway for the recovery of said dues. Mr. Ridgway is one of the most wealthy Merchants of Philadelphia, and is frequent ly ermed a " second Girard," In point of wealth. The Supposed Murderers. The Lan ' caster Intelligencer says " AVo were mis taken or rather our informant was deceiv ed in the belief that Kobler and AVilman 'had confessed themselves the niuiderers of Zellerbach, and we hasten to make the cor- rcction. Our informant is a gentleman of great respectability, and an officer of stand jug under the State government. It seems they confessed tho goods found in the trunk to be theirs hence the error. AVe have visited these two men severa times, am! havo been present at their exam' ination. Kobler is loud in protesiing bis innocence, and tells a pretty straight story AVilman seems to be uu innffonsivo creature, and pretends entire ignorance of ihe mur der. Of course wo cannot prejudge, their case. There is now a train of measures on foot that will lead to something definite. Revolutionary Arm. The following is extaacted from an old A'crmonl paper The number of regulars furnished to the Revolutionary army were, by Now England U7,M1; by the Middle Suites, 50,571; by the Southern States, 50,001. It appears by the above, that New England, consisting of Now Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut, furnished more troops for the defence of the country, than the otiier nine States, 23872' The number of troops furnished by South Carolina was -0,147; Massachusetts, 07,907; Georgia 2, 6J7; Gonncctieutj 31,030 Buried Alive. A New Orleans paper ' of Ihe 5th instant, says, " Yesterday, im mediately after the remains of Lieutenant Gamier were consigned to tho tomb, and tho concourse of persons who had assembled to witness the ceremony; were preparing to return to their homes, their attention was attracted by the noise or groans of some poison in distress, which appeared to come from a coffin that had just been deposited in tho earth. It was immediately opened, and on examination, found to contain the body of a negro woman, who had, it is supposed, fallen into a lethargic sleep and considered dead, but was awakened by the onlrnrico of water into the coffin. She wai taken out ;ind brought to the city in find spirits, and there is now every ptospcetof her recove ry. Mrs. John Cozzens, died in Now York a few days since, anil the result of a post rnorlum oxamihalinn held by Drs Nichols, Griscom, Ellis, AValteis and Lobstein, in duced tho following verdict: that the de ceased came to her death by violence in flicted on her person by Septimus Hunter while in attendance upon her as a physician. Ho was ill consequence arrested and com- milled to prison. Prudent Stipulation. An elderly mai den lady, with a pride r-.bovc being depend ent upon wealthier relations, retired daily to her chamber to pray for a ' comfortable competency,' which she always explained in these Words, with a more elevated voice: " And lest, O Lord, thou should not under lain! what I mean, four hundred a year, paid quarterly.' 1 Necesily of Repetition. "I remember," says the celebrated Wesley, " hearing my father say to my mother, " How could you have the patience to tell that blockhead the same thing twenty tiuiua over V " Why," said' she, " if I had told him but nineteen limes, I should have lost all my labor." A gang of six desperate counterfeiters has been ferreted out in a cellar in Now Bed ford. Abundance of base silver coin, bank bills, machines, tools, Sec. were found. German silver was used chiefly for the coin. Cure for Corns. AVe are told rub these troublesome. rxArascetu'cswJl1' ..roasted, cheese, and let three or four hungry mice nibble them for a night or two. If the mice do their duly,. the remedy is hadi Iron Strain Boat. AAre are really grati fied to see, by a communication, which we extract from tho Advocate, that an iron steamboat is now in the course of construc tion by citizens of Pittsburg. We have long felt that our city should take tho lead in this mailer, and had begun to entertain some fears that some other place would manifest more enterprise and public spirit, than tho city of three rivers. Pittsburg Gazelle. Most of tho Maine troops have bectl paid off and returned to their homes. The Alexandria Gazette says that at the last term of the Criminal Court for that coun ty, in ilia case of ihe United Slates vs. R. 11. Randolph, for an assault antl battery on Andrew Jjckson, lale President of the Uni ted Slates, a nolle prosequi was colored by the District attorney, with the assent of the Court. The citizen's of Cincinnati! havo elected a council pledged tosuppoitlhe suppression of drinking houses. It is said that the British Penny Maga zine circulates 210,000 copies weekly. A few shad were lately taken off Dighlon and carried to the Boston iriarket. They weie sold for a dollar a piece. Tho Fayctlvillc Obscrvcrtof tho 27lh ult. fays a wagon frouiDavidson county, brought to that plaeo tho previous week, upwards of a ton weight of native silver ore, from the Washington Mine of A. King & Co. The following banks have recently sus pended specio payments: The Manufacturers hank.alBcllevile.N.-J. Bank of Darien, at Darien, Georgia. Bank of Daricn, branch at Augusta, Ga. Bank of Darien, branch at Savanna, Ga. Bank of Pansacola, at Punsacola, Pl'da. Commercial and R. R. Bank at A'icks burg, Miss. Creek Rail Road Company, Princeton, Miss. The Texians havo given a public dinnur to General Hamilton, lato Governor of S. Carolina A collision took place bctweeu somo vol- i tmleersautl Indians at Sandy Fort, Florida, on the 22d ult. Sevoral of the troops wero killed and wounded. The Indians retreat on leaving one dead. A strong fdrce went the next day in pursuit. Lewis Wilhor lias been sentenced to bo hung on the 23d of May next at Sulivan, New York, for tho murder of Robert Bar ber, who disappeared very mysteriously while travelling on the Eric Canal, histady being afterwards found in tho woods. AVit bor was convicted on strong circumstantial evidence. James AA'illiamson, who was arrested during ihe latter part of last summer for tho murder of James Kearney in Philadelphia, and who wa3 convidted of murder in the first degree, has lately been refused a now trial by the Court. He was afterwards sen tenced by Jiidgo Jones, to bo executed. lie protested to the last his innocence. A Buried City. The caplain of an A merican vessel, named R.iy, baa lately dis covered on the coast of Peru, in the envi rons of Ttiscillo, an ancient buried eity of considerable extent, rwlowii.'g the course of some cxcava.ions lie had made, lie found the walls of the edifices still standing and many of tbein in a complete state of preser vation. Ho inferred from the number and extent of them, that the population of the city could not havo been less than thice thousand souls. Great numbers of skele ton and mummies, in a perfect state of pre servation, were found among the private and sacred edifices, and a gicat number of domestic ulcusils. articles of furniture, coins and curious antiquities. The earthquake by which it was engulfed, appears to have surprised the inhabitants like those of Pom pci, in the midst of their daily avocations, and many of them wore found by Captain K;iy singularly preserved by the exclusion f atmosperic air in the precise situation of lnu moment when overwhelmed. One man standing up as if in the act of escaping Wi,s dressed in a light robe, in the folds of which coins were found, which have been sent to the scientific institutions at Lima for investigation. A female was also found sitting in a chair before a loom, which con tained a piece of colton stuff which she was in the act of weaving. The cotton sniffs which is of a gaudy pattern, but very neat ly fabricated is about eighteen inches in di ameter, and appears to have been only hall completed. A great number Of antiquities and curioslics found in the American Iler c.ulaneunigravc, have been sent to the mu seum at Lima. A Counterfeiter's Device. A fellow ar rested at Burlington, A't. on thc22d ult. fur uttering counterfeit notes. The sheriff ex amined his trunk. It contained only n few pieces of soiled linen mid several large lumps of mnple sugar. The sheriff, hav ing a taste lor sucn matters, proceeucu io appropriate to his own uso, a part of the spoils, and on breaking a lump, discovered in the inside u large roll ot bills. Proceed ing with his examination, he found several hundred dollars secreted in tho same man- ner. The ingenious counterfeiter was ex amined and committed for trial. Ledger. Tami'ico, March 17 By an express, which arrived this morn we havo an account of a signal victory ob tained by tho federal army over the hosts of our tyrants. II. Q., LinnitATixc Akmy. ? Tusi'an, March 15, 1839.5 I have the satisfaction to announce to you that just now at 1 o'clock, the federal afiny has obtained a most complete triumph over the division of the vanguard of the central troops commanded by General Cos. I have only time to slate that after three hours and a half of the hottest firing, tho action ter minated by a capitulation, in which it has been agreed that the whole army of assail ants shall fall back on Mexico by regular marches. During tho action I made 200 prisoners, and was joined afterwards by 150 of Ihe centralists; all their artillery, mules and baggage, 350 muskets and many other arlieles have fallen into our hands. I lost A officers and 12 soldiers killed. The eiicniy'3 loss amounted to 8 officers and 70 privates. JOSEANTONIA MEXIA. Honey Moon. Though this word is in common use, its derivation is little known as nothing respecting it is found in the dic tionaries! or encyclopedias. Its origin is from the custom of the Tuetaues, an ancient people of Germany, who drank mead, or mcthegl.n, a beverage made with honey, for thiry days after every wedding. While I:sB:.ijs jftfilbcwy, FOR SALU AT TODT.ir, m:.iirn imvorivji, IN BLOOMSIHJRG. NIGHT CANDLES, By the Box, and one box will last a whole year. For sale by Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg. DVIiltS Ol'EN YOUR EVIi. ENC5AL Indigo; Spanish do. Verdigries, blue Vitnal; Wluto do. lor sale cheap unit ijood, at lh iiloonisburg Ware House, by D, S. TOBIAS. jpttjbimjo VESSELS WILL be held at tho house of GER- LOCK BOMBOY, in Bloomsburg, on Saturday, the. 11th day of April, inst. where will bo sold tho following property; to wit One Cow, One Clock and Case1, Curl Maple Plank, do. Cherry do. do. Walnut do, A lot of square Timber laying at Ihe Bridge near F. Sivaby's. Carpenter's Tools of all descriptions, One Comer Cubboard, and a variety of other articles loo numerous to mention. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, in tho forenoon of said day. Reasonable credit auu attendance will be given by LILLYS & CO. April 20, 1839. 3h "WVTT 7IJ1H LOST on tho 25lh March, between my dwelling anil Jorseytown, or in Jerseytown, a calfskin Pocket Book, containing, ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-FIVE DOLLARS in Bank Notes, together with several other papers which will be of no use to any other person but me. The a hove reward will be given for the pocket hook and money, or my grateful thanks for the pocki't-book and papers. JAMES C, SPROUL. April 19, 1839. REGIMENTAL OltBERS. THE Enrolled Inhabitants residing with in the bounds of the 7Ist Regiment, P. M. are hereby commanded to meet, agreeably to law, for the purpose of Training, Exercising and Inspection, in Battallions, to wit: All the VOLUNTEER COMPANIES attached to the 1st Battallion of the 71st Regiment, will meet at the public house of Kouert Uagenbuch, at McDowell s Mills, on Thursday, the 23d day of May next. The 1st Battallion of the 71st Regiment, to meet at Orangeville, on Friday, the 24th day of May next. The 2d Battallion of the 71st Regiment, to meet at Caitawissa, on Saturday the 25th day of May next, aud the Volunteer Com pany attached thereto is to meet at the same time and place1. MAT HEW McUOAA'ELL, Col. April 20, 1839. THE Members of tho INDEPENDENT TROOP, are notified to meet at the house of S. J. Sloppic, in Cattawissa, on Monday the Gth day of May next, properly cquipt for pa ladc and drill. The Secretary is requested to have the accounts of the Company ready for settle ment also to hand in any accounts that may have been out for finest An Election for Sergeants and Corporals will be hekl after training, agreeably to a resolve of the Company, adopted in 1837, to elect them yearly. An early and punc tual attendance is expected. By order of the Captain, F. B. SWABY, 2d &erg; April 1G, 183S). 1 9 TU E subscriber grateful for past fjvors, returns his sincere thanks to his numerous friends ami ruiitnnu'rs. nml ivnnlil timv inform fliom flut ho has just received from New l oik, the Repoit of New "Stork & Saon&on Fashions, FOll THE Sl'll.Mt 1'C SCMMEIt OF 18C9, together with tho dinf(s of Iho numerous changes, bolh as icganls thq Mylcof Making and Trimming, us well ns Cutting gaiinetits. llo is therefore ful ly prcpj'vil now to turn outwork in tho most supc riorttylo of cut and .woikniunship ,und icspectfully solicits a continuance of public fjor. BERNARD RUPERT Eloomsburg, Apiil IS. 100 EiAESOMKRS, 50 MASONS, 50 OARS'EKTBES, UK woutod upon IMdgcs No. and 4, on llfp Cutawibsa and Little tickuylliill Hail JiJc.it. Cjriiciilcrs that are acquainted with fram ing and raising Lattice Y'ork Dridges will rcceio good wages. From 14 to CO dollars per mouth will be paid. The country is very healthv. SCHUYLER, FRIUIC & Co. ' JOHN F. MANN fc Co. March 0, 1839. The Miltonian, Milton, will give the above throe insertions and charge Ibis office. o all persons not to purchase a Note ftir the sum of one uu.ndiiki) ixiLLiits given by mo to Alexander McCnrty, due tho first of April 1830 tti tho said note was fraudulently obtainvd of me, and I am determined not to pay it unless compelled by law, GEOUGE RICE. DIoom, Mar'ch 53 1639, , Prospectus for llic Extra Cikilifc' For 1839. WE lay beforo bur Republican friends a eubi scrintion paper for Our cheap periodica' publication, tlio " Extka CJloiik." During the months when Congress is in scBsion, wc publish tho " CoNonissio.vAL G tour.," which gives a condensed report of it? proceeding's weekly, for one dollar. In tho interval between the sessions of Congress, wo publsh this "Ex-mi Gloiii," for Bix'months, containing tbo news, politics, public documents, arid whateTer clso of interest appears in the Daily Globe, for the same price. These two publications are printed weekly, in book form, to render them convenient for preserration and refer ence. Each number contairis 10 royal quarto pa gos. The important elections which will ta'ie placo daring the approaching summer aud fall, will give peculiar value to the information to be derived from this quartel, during the canvass. Tho new phascn of parties in tins North, and tho tioublcd aspect which foreign agitation gives to our na'.ftmal af fairs there, will also impirt to the country for tho six months preceding tho meeting of tho ncit Con gross, moro than ordinary interest. The publication of the "Extra Globe" will commence tho first week in May, and end tho first week In November next, . TEKMS'; For 1 copy - -' J I 00 For C copies,' - - 5 00 For IS " - - 10 00 For 5 " - - 20 00 For CO " - - 4U 00 For 100 " i - 75 00 Payments may be transmitted by mail, postago paid, at our risk. The notes of any incorporated, bank in the United States, current in tho section of country where a subsciiber resides, will be received. 15 ut when subscribers can procure the notes of banks in the Northern Mi Middle States, they will plcaso send them. To insurs all tha number, tho subscription!!" should be here by th 7th of May. BLAIR & RIVES. fXj'No attention will be paid to orders unless tho money accompany them. In compliance with, the law, we, the undersigned, publish the following statement, as suggested by the '' Superintendent of the Common Schools" of Penn sylvania, with information that it contains the n mo'unt to which they (School Districts) arc entitled,' of the two hundred thousand dollars for the present (School) j car 1S40. , JOSEPH, BROBST, JOHN MpUENRY, Commissioners of Columbia County.' Attest, JACOB HIDJjER. Cfcrfc" Commissioners Office, Danville, March 5, 1839. S a? --Off 7T O 70 a 3 B 3 5? 8" I I ad g H 00 H s C9 C i-jl f i-2 M (3 1) O -I 1 O 00 15 15 IS O . IS IJ 3 U 3 OjJOlO O91UO(0CIUOU -j . 1 Ci CS V g 1 CJI tn ts 15 om-r- ci cs cn j u cn ts 15 IS 15 o a IS - 04 01 15 00 ft 15 For Sale. The subscribers halving taken the Grist Mill, lately owned by Mttthcw McDowell) have on hand about which they will (toll on reasonable terms. MEI.ICK Si BROWN. McDowell's Mills, April 6, 1830; ESTATE OF ERR HARDER, Lale of Caitawissa township deceased. WotUe is hereby given that letters of administra tion on tho above mentioned Estate havo been granted by the Register of Columbia couny to tho subscriber residing in Cattawissa. All persons having demands against said Estate will plca?c present them' and thoso indebted to said Cstato wilt make inline-' diale payment to EZRA S. IIAYHURST, Adm. MachS3 18S9. . And all kinds of country Produce, taltei in payment for Newspapers, at tliis Oflice,' --wr as t-1 r a; o w w S ? S 2 e - f!.3 5 a 3 Si. S " E- ST A