THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. Vino-rn wItboct run " WPrntlhlYtJlPItlTj 13, 1830. ' SCPTo our Patrons No. CQ will complete one year since 1hc ' Columbia Democrat" came into the liands of tlio present publisher; and to such as have complied with the terms of publica tion, his thanks are due, 03 they have as sisted to lighten the burthen of a printer's ttoubres, which are, at best, almost too "heavy to bo borne." Those who have rot, will confer a favor, not only on the pub lisher,, but. on his creditors, by handing over the readv in duo season. REMOVAL. The Office of the 'Columbia. Democrat' is removed into the building opposite Su Paul's Church, Main-street. MILITARY APPOINTMENTS. The following list of Stall Officers have been appointed for the 71st Reg. 1st Brig. 8th Division of Pennsylvania Militia, and are to be obeyed and respected accordingly. ALEXANDER McCARTY, Adjutant. ALEXANDER EMMET, Ser. Mujer. MILTON KERR, Quarter Master. THOMAS H. SWADY, Surgeon. D. W. MONTGOMERY, 5 aur- Jutaa' CHARLES KAI1LER. Drum Major. JONATHAN FORTNER, Fife Major. Those persons heretofore holding these offices, will consider themselves as super seded by the above appointments. ma TiiEw Mcdowell, coi. Several banks in Georgia, illssissippi, and Michigan have again suspended specie payments. It is rumored that the New York Uanlis, in secret caucus, have also re solved to suspend. Notwithstanding this ruinous policy of deranging the business of the country to fill their own coffers with usurious interest, is pursued by the banks, yet we have men among us, and those too, who claim to belong to the democratic par ty, who are straining every nerve to locate one of these leeches within the bounds of Democratic Columbia. Will it be permit cd? We think not: Some four weeks since great excitement was created in Wilkesbarre, by the attempt of an abolitionist to promulgate his mis chievous doctrines in that quiet community; and the excitement was greatly increased by the indictment of twenty four of the citizens of that Borough for parti cipating, in what the abolitionists termed a riot, but what we should denominate an act of pure justice to any individual who will set at defiance the expressed will of a com .munuv. even 10 41 Hiding on a Hail." Unfit seems by the following article from the Advocate, that the gentleman prosecutor has thought that discretion was " the tielter part of valor,1' and therefore not appear be fore the -court to support his charge " for viilirwrtiv irtmniil(inn. Whplhnrnn rv.imn to this conclusion through a desire to avoid taxing the liberality of the citizens for a not; out we. mum tnai me warm wcawier must have admonished him that an overcoat would not feel very comfortable. The Affair of the Uth and 12. tilt. A bill of indictment for liot was preferred and found on Thursday last, againt 21 of our citizens as principal aiders ami abettors of the transactions of the 11th and 12lh of March in this Borough. On Saturday 19 . i i :i i.-r .!, .,.. .,.,,1 pear and stand trial. On Monday afternoon the prosecutor, at the solicitation of a num ber of respectable citizens, declined to ap pear, and the Prosecuting Attorney, with the annrobation of the Court, entered a not- It proscqm,hn defendants were discharged, and theie the matter rest!." Unwards of two thousand barrels o Hour was sold at Wheeling, on the loth ult Tho American Farmer states that n crop of'tho Jiorua iluliicaulis trees, which was raised in North Carolina, and Irousht to Baltimore a few days since, was sold for tl- ty thouisnd dollars ,GENTLEMENS MAGAZINE. We have just received tho April number of ttiis valunblemiscellaneou9 ilfonthly.nnd it far surpasses any of its predecessors in interest and variety. It is embellished with a fine steel engraving, representing an alli gator defending tho carcase of a dead ele phdnt from the avtacks of the vultures, be sides containing two other plates. This is one of the most valuablo and cheap miscel lanies now published, some of our most able writers are contributors to Its columns, and we cannot too often recommand it to the attention of the public. The number of daily papers published in Philadelphia is fourteen weekly seventeen and monthly periodicals fourteen. Theroarc said lo be no less than 150 pa triots still remainingunder sentence of death at Kingston, Upper Canada. The Connecticut Election has terminated in favor of the whigs. Governor Fairfield, of Maine, is up again for re-election it is thought there will bo no opposition to him. The April Court for Columbia County, commences its session at Danville, on Mon day next. Presidents of the United Stales. Ez- President Jackson completed his 72d year on the 15th of March, having been born on the 15th of March, 1707 General Wash ington died in his GSlh year John Adams in his 91st Thomas Jefferson in his 8 1th James Madison in his 80th and James Monroe in his 73d Ex-President John Q. Adams is now in his 75th, and Mr- Van Bu ren is 5G, or thereabouts- Important if true. Wc learn by a gen tleman direct from Brunswick, Maine, says the Bcstou News, who arrived in this city last evening, that an express passed through that place on the day our informant left, from the frontier, with a message to Gov. Fairfield. The report runs, that the docu ment contained intelligence, that an invasion of the disputed territory by a large armed foicc of the English look place, and drove off our land agent with the civil force sta tioned there to protect our rights, took pos session of all the timber belonging to us, and killed two of our men ! A new Fanny Wright has sprung up in New York. Mrs. Rose, a Polish woman, divorced from her husband, doubtless for sufficient reason, is lecturing on Sunday evenings at lammany null. ne is oppo sed to marriage, and all such monopolies, to tiicir fullest ezlenb The Columbus Democrat thus briefly sums up (under the head of " matrimony and its awful consequences,") a few of the most important events in the life of a cili- sen of that place. He was married on Tuesday evening I on Wednesday evening his bride presented him with au heir I on Thursday he got drunk I and on Friday he was committed to Jail of Lowndes county for debt ! t Facts beat this who can ! It appears from the report of the Board of public works lor Illinois, that the inter nal improvement system in that state em braces 1312 miles of rail road, estimated to cost SI 1,000,000. The canal fiom the Il linois river to lake Michigan will cost seve ral millions, audit ha3 been in rapid pro gress for sonic time. Spring Business. It is said that a much larger amount of business was done, during the month ot March, by sonic ol the pun ciplc houses in Market street, than during the same month lor several years past. Pouhon. The New York Canals are lo be open cd on the 20th of this mouth; moio than a month later than tho Canals of Pennsylva uia. The first native born citizens of Ohio, John Mcintosh, is now 49 years of ace. Ho was born in a fort, near tho mouth of the Muskingum. JiO I There arc now live thousand scholars in the schools, between the ages of 4 and 21. Two Americans named Graham and Bai ley, have been confined in jail at Niagara lor enticing souuers 10 ucseri. Louis Philippe was described as in much difficulty at the last dates irom Paris. A few inches of snow fell at Montreal, on the evening of the 28th ult. A mad dog was seen in the neighborhood of Germautown a day or two ago. The Mayor of Detroit having moved in to tho suburbs out of the limits of tho .city. an uiereoy lonetwa m omce, The Baltimore papers of yesterday an nounce the death of Ilezthiah Niks, Esq., long known as tho editor of Nilo'o Regis ter. It is said that five dollar notes of tho Gi- rard Bank, altered to tens, are in circulation in this city. The prohibition law airainst Kduor. limit ing the sale of spirits to 15 gallons', wetot into force in Massachusetts ron Mtfnday.- The Boston Courier says it is totsumpttut ry and aristocratic to be enforced; allowing the rich wine, and debarring the poor from spirits. Suicide A woman named Lvdin Simn- son Rundoot, committed suicido in New iorkafew days since by taking aisenic. She was induced to the fatal act, by tho brutality of a drunken husband, who beat her until she escaped from him and conceal ed herself in the cellar where she remained all night, and next morning took a teaspoon inn oi u i e poison. Horrible. A female in fairfux county, Va. is said lo have been arrested last week, on charge of killing her two children by throwing them into a well. Erskine gave a very lively illustration of the text, " Union is strength," when ho said of a place where he had slept very ill, that if the (leas had been unanimous they would have lifted him out of bed. Islands of fee. Capt Pell, of the Havre packet Utica, arrived this morning, reports that on the 21st March, in lat. 44,45, lonir 48, he fell in with large quantities of ice, in fields and bergs, the former in great ex tent, and the latter of mountainous dimen sions. He ran southward 90 miles and westward 100 miles through these fields and islands of ice, some of the latter being from one to two hundred feet in height. N. Y. Com. Adv. HYMENIAIr. MARRIED In Mount Pleasant, on Thursday afternoon last, by the Rev. Mr. Diakc, Mr. Abraham IV. A'. Kline, to Miss Rebecca, daughter af Mr. Peter Omak, all of that township. In Bloomsburg, on the same day, by tho same, Mr. If 'iUinm Miller, of Mount Plea sant, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Mr Peter Everett, of Madison- AtFarlow's Grove, M(.rccr county. Illi nois, tin the 7lh tilt. Doctor Jasenh S.Maus of Mackinaw, Tazewell county, Illinois, to Miss Suian Boon, daughter of Mr. James lioon, of the former place, and all formerly of this county. On the 11th instant, by the Rev. William J. Ever, Mr. Daniel Lea, to Miss Ilebccca olumbach, both of Cattawissa OBITUARY- DIED On the 5lh instant, at Wilkes- barre, after an illnes of onlv half an hour. Mrs. Sarah Helme, wife of Oliver Helme, jr. of that place, and sister of Rev. G. C Drake, of this town, aged 27. COXMUNICATED. DIED On Sabbath afternoon, March 31st. at the residence of his father in Bloom township, Mr. CHARLES M'CLURE, aged 20 years, after a protracted illness. Having given evidence of an interest in the peace speaking blood of Jesus Christ, death was no doubt, a joyful release, to his long fettered soul; yet affection prompts tho its mg sigh, while tears of regret bedews his remains. This is ihc third time, within a few years.that his afflicted family have been called to follow a beloved child to an early grave; yet they sorrow not as those who have nit hope. Let this he their consola tion, the prospect of being resuscitated, a redeemed family around the throne of love, LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office at Blooms burg, April 1st, 1839. Allen Ebenczer Petrikin, Wihslow.&co llrmk Joshua Quick Rozctta Biggs Potef Riigglcs Ziba Coleman Jesse Rieherd John Ever Jacob Rupert & Barton Fry Jacob Squire Ebin 2 Gruber John Smith Daniel or Girton Matthias George Smith 2 Haley John Slroup Jotham Harday Arthur Stetler Samuel Hardman Jacoby Stadler John Howell Sarah Ann Stetler John Esq. Htimhaeh Henry Swaby Thos. M. D. Daniel JemUon Jeybcrt Barnard Ikeler Andrew Esq.Schrem Nicholas Kitner John Taylor Polly or Krum Henry Winnegar Abraham Mendenhall John Unaneh Philin Mehelt Daniel iVelick Peter Abuscr Joseph Vanhorn John Wctzier Jacob Wagoner Catharine May yriinhafcl Winters Lewis Clino Aendcnhall Lydia Wellino Russel Petrikin XV.U.M.D. Washington Charles Petrikin B. F. Witte Godfrie fried Prentiss Noah, WillitsThnmas B. RUPERT, P. M. Persons calling for letters on tho above iirt will please say lhey are advertised. THE subscriber grateful for past favors, returns hU sincere thanks to his numerous friends and customers, and would now inform tliem, that ho has just received from New York, the Report of the New ITork & London Fashions, TOR TUB SriINO XXK SUMMtH OT 1839, together with the drafts of tho numerous changes, loth as regards tho style of Making and Trimming, ns well as Cutting garments. Ho is therefore ful ly prepared now to turn out work, in the most hupc rior style of cut and workmnnBhm .and resrwrtrjitlv solicits a continuance of public favor. BERNARD RUPERT Bloomsburg, April 13. liist of Causes For Trial at April Term, 1839. Margaretta McDonald et al vs.- Josenh Mans. Alexander Montgomery vs. Jonathan Lodge et al. Jacob Lescnrinnct al vs. Henry Fisher's Adm. Adam Crtill vs. Henry Easton et al. William Adams' Administrators vs Marv Adams et al. Mary Slrawbridgo vs. Jesse Funston. A. & E. Eves vs. Joseph Pursel. David Davis vs. Isaac Davis. Polly Ilartman vs. Michael Hartman's Executors. Andrew Eves vs. Joseph Cavence et al. Mary Campbell's Administrators vs. Ja cob Shoemaker' Executors. David B. Inman vs. Joseph Fulmer. Philip Stetler vs. Noah Drake, et al. Archibald McCall vs. Abraham Goulder. ct al, Grand Jury For April Term, 1839. Briercrcek Gcorire Kelchner. James Evans, Robeit McCurdy. n..., : !,. i ,r... . . t . . juaivieau uamei vougiu, jacoo let ter. Deny Robert Clark, Benjamin Buck. Greenwood Abraham Moore, Ezra Eves. Limestone David Krownover, Joseph Dean. Madison John Christian, James Allen, Daniel Welliver. Mahoning John Blue, Michael Gricr, Joseph Maus, John Dean, Win. Cook. Montcur George II. Willitts, Peter Ru pert. Liberty John McWilliams. Sugarloaf Reuben Davis. Hemlock Charles Ilartman. Traverse Jury. Bloom John R. Moyer. Briercreek JohnBowman.ThomasCox, .baton llowmaii, John Connor. Cattawissa Casper Ilartman, C. A. Brobst. Dei ry Jonathan Lodge William M Brailey, James C. Sproul, John Stanner. Fishing Creek Abraham Robbins, Dan iel Stucker. Greenwood Charles Eves, William Shultz, John Hess, jr. Hemlock William Girton, Daniel Moy cr, Adam Slroub. Liberty James McMahon, William Campbell, James Perrv, Robert Carr. Limestone David Davis, James Cald well. Mifflin Henry Harregar. Monteur Thomas Ilartman. Madison Richard Demolt, John P Eves. Mahoning Henry Sechlcr. Mt. Pleasant Isaac Musgrove, Jacob senile. Roaring Creek John Bear, Daniel Kel ler. Sugarloaf Benjamin Petemian, Oorne lious Coleman. GROUND Fur PLASTER Sale. The subscribers having taken the Grist Mill, lately owned by Mathew McDowell, have on hand about GROUND PIiASTEK, which they will sell on reasonable terms. MELICK & BROWN. McDowell's Mills, April 0, 1830. ESTATE OF ERR HARDER, late of Cattawissa township deceased. "jfoTotiro is hereby given that letters of administra tion on the above mentioned Estate havo been granted by tho Register of Columbia county to the subscriber rcsidingin Cattawissa. All persons having demands against said Estate will please present them and those indebted to said Estate will make imme diate payment to EZRA S. IIAYHURST, Adm. Mach23 1889. re Hilt Trintcd at this Office. ' TRAEE I-TRADE ! TRADE A FIRST RATE XZrccdin? Marc, For Trndo forn good IToric, or a 2 yoar old bowa Colt. Tho Mare- is gentle and quiet, and world well oillicr In mnglo or double harness. D. S. TOBIAB, Bloomsburg, Mar$h 0, 'IS hereby given to nil who ar indebted to t subscriber, cither no Hook, Notes, or Judgements on Dockets;. that they must come forward atid sottle olT their respective dues between now and the first day of Fcbuary, 18l!9, or they wifl be bovcrely dealt with- DANIEL GItOSS. Illoomsburg Dec 29th 1838. 3filh FOPw SALE, VERY CHEAP, A Dearbon Waggon, Almost New and a One Horse Sleigh. Enquire of PHILIP STETLHH. Bloom, March 9, 1830. N Tuesday the 12th inst. between Blooms burg and Espytown, or in Bloomsburg, a WAMjBT POCKET BOOK, contain'ng One Jf) Vullar Bill on tho Schuyl. kill Bank of Philadelphia, and one 5 Hollar ltlll on the Exchange Bank, Pittsburg. The subscri bers name is written in the Wallet in four or six, different places. Tho finder shall be liberally re warded by leaving the above wallet with C. Doeblcr in Bloom, or by delivering it to the subscriber in Danville. TJ. j. ALWOfin. Danville, Feb. 25, 1839. Notice ALL persons within tiie bounds of the 71s rtegimcnt of Pennsylvania Militia, who hava wijr uviuuiuKagainKois as urigaue inspector of thn I?t Brigade, 8th Division, are requested to present Ihcni to me for settlement, at the house of William lienry, in Danville, on Monday, tho 15th day of April next, being first day of Court week. DANIEL FULMER. Limestone, March 15, 1839. 100 LA130EIS, 50 MASOIVS, 50 CABPEITEES, ARE wnnted upon Bridges No. 1 and , on. the Cattauma and Little Schuylkill Rati Road. Crpenters that are acquainted with fram ing and raising Lattice Work Bridges will rcceivo good wages. From 14 to 50 dollars per month wilt be paid. The country is Tery healthy. SCHUYLER, FRICK &. Co. JOHN F. MANN & Co. March 9, 1839. The Miltonian, Milton, will give the aboro thre insertion! and charge this office. o all persons not to jmrchasoixPTotefor tho turn of oks iiB.ioiJi) noLum itiven bv ma to Alexander McCrty, due the first of April 1839 an the said note was fraudulently obtained of me, and I am determined net to pay it unless compelled by law. GEORGE RICE. Bloom, March 33 183?. DYER3 OPEN YOUR EYES. BENGAL Indigo; Spanish do. Verdigries, blus Vitrial; White do. for sale cheap and good, at, tlie Bloomsburg Wire House, by B. S. TOBIAS. LlJE SMALTZ, White Fretting, Iceland .Moss lor consumptive People; cegars, Com mon, Spanith aud Ilalf Spanish; and a thoutand hcrarticles too tedious to monuon, for sale at Tobias' Health Emporium. White kalian Blullicrry, FOR SALE AT TOHT.1S' JXE.ll.Tir, IN BLOOMSBURG. NIGHT CANDLES, By the Box, and one box will last a whole yoar. For sale by Tobias' HerJtb" Emporium Bloomsburg IVHYWIhL YOU DIE. INDIAN SPECIFIC. Certain Cure for the following complaints Cold', coughf, asthmas, consumrtions. snil. ting of the blood and all disorders of tho breast and lungs. It is extracted, from herbs, roots plants nod flowers, by n Phjrician who resided upwards of four j cars among the different tribes of North American Indians, and with unwocried diligence used every moans in his power, to acquire knowledge of tho different remedies, ufed by them for the cure of con sumptions mid complaints of the breast and lungs to which they are more subjected than any other nal Hon, on account of thu mode of living, nnd being exposed to the inclemency of all weathers. Tha above mrdiriuo for tale at Tobias' Health Emporium iu Bloomsburg. FOR SAE BY D. S. TOBIASAgcnt. Bloomsburg, June 23, 1839., GLAD TIDINGS'! Also, RED LINIMENT. BROWN'S JLOTrOW, T5TB EC COMMENDED by Doet, Wilson a, J3 Q certain euro for Kheumati.m. Also. eccommcndcd by Doct. Davis, of Philadelphia, for hofollowingcomplaints. Rheuraatifin, VVpalc nesa and stiflhejia of tho Jpinta, &r. For sale at' 7cfT, HcrM Emporium, Rhomsburg