The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, April 06, 1839, Image 3

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"TllDTO VlTnoCT TEill "
EC7To our F: J 1 101:3 !cD3
No. 52 will complete one year since
.he " Columbia Democrat" came into llio
hands of the present publisher) and to such
tos have complied with the terms of publica
tion, his thanks are due, a3 they have as
sisted to lighten the burthen of a printer's
ttoubles, which arc, at best, almost too
'heavy to be borne." Those who have
not, will confer a favor, not only on the pub
lisher, but on his creditors, by handing over
the ready in duo scaspit.
The Office of the 'Columbia Democrat'
is removed into the building opposito St.
Paul's Church, Main-street.
We learn from Harrisburg, that no im
provement bill passed the Legislature pre
vious to adjournment. The Senate refus
ing to take up the bill passed by the house,
as mentioned in our last, substituting an
entirely different one in which there were
no appropriation for repairs of the public
works, which all know were never in so
wretched a condition as at the presctulime.
This was done, no doubt, by the whig Sen-
.. ft I 1
aie, lor ine purpose ot emuarrassmg tuo au-
miiiistraiion, and creating a feeling along'.the
lines; but in this they will fail, as
the people will readily discover who is in
i. 1 ?ii 1 .1 1 11 .1 1 .
.ami, aim win piace me sauuie on ine rigni
By the correspondence, published in ano
ther column, between General Scott and
in diwprnnrti nf fninp nnrl TVIiv Urim.
wick, appears lo have been amicably set
tled for the present, and the question left
open for future discussion between the two
governments. The New York Commer-
ciai Advertiser upon me snujec.
says, " We speak not at random when we
nredict. that there will be a MEDIATION.
1 .1 ; 1 . . . . I. 1 .
France, if necessary, will proffer her ser
vices as mediator, as England did in the re
cent difficulty between the United States
in il iHa Mnnnopnr '
.Nicholas Biddle has resigned the Presi-
tdf.npv nt ma I'ennsvivama nan t ot inn u-
UILCU LiilLC3i tlMU ULJllllJkl lyuuiii l XtWa
The trreat Presbyterian case, which has
excited so much interest in the United
uiaLi;3. wua .giiihii.ili.i a iuw vtua siiii-w uw-
;forethe Sunreme Court of this State, in la-
vnr tC tli IM-ir Snlmnl.
Wo publish Gen. Scott's letter to the
-xtr... . ii.. 1..
r . . - i i . i ti .1: t
.1 .PiV ...I,!. .. . 1. l . .1
pur jNonticasiern Dounuary. -oinetiigu
character of Gen. Scott and Gen. Harvey,
fcT . f t I fll I I l
iiu uw.4Viuwv.w mi'-' itvcwuiuwuiii uuu iu tt.v
. .. -C 1 1 r
fricnuslnpanilrffffaruexislinsuetwcen the in
if. .. .. . - ii ? p
i wf.ii :im 111 1 1 1 1". it h 1 iit.nL 111 n 1 1 1: 111 11 ii vi:i 111 ir
.1 1 Ti-. i. i-: .i
1 . l .... . p.. .
hes of the Anclo-Saxon race, the countrv
M indebted for this fortunate result. 1 he
matter is once ao-ain in 1 uc nanus ot l ie
A CUCJUI JUVtJlllllGlll, lu 1 IIIVII lb llllllllllY
n i i . . -.!.?. .1. ii 1. .r.-n
hulnnir. nml nn ilntilit will ffli'flivrt t in snri-
, and prompt altentiou which its Imper
ii. ,e merits. Globe.
Headquarters Eastern Division,
Augusta, Me. March 20, 1839.
Sin ; T have tlio hannines to enclose here-
into through inv aecnev, between the Gov-
ernorot Maine anu ilia jjieutcnant Govern
or ol the rrovlnce ol New lirunswick.
m r rr . ' i , . . n T I
Harvoy, with his acceptance of the arranse-
nnni. is in mi; minus in mil in vprnnr n I
Maine, and another copy of the same ofii-
lal note, followed by the acceptances of ;
!tL.l....t rtii.tarnn. nrtil I V. . n I
1 . I r,,' '
s vuniciuav uuiiaiiiiiici uv iiiu iu r
'if i . .( . r t ...
f i ... i ..i . :
l .1. .L - .1 JJ.1.J I
ututuiug me uctsviicu lutmiu
wliwh hail boon hold in reserve at this place,
and the second recalling the military force
of the State from the disputed territory
and dirGC.titlrr tlip. nrcrniii7linti nf tlin mull
posse, that is to be held by the State in that
! till . .. -
ipiniory. , i no papers so transmitteu, ana
which bore the signature of the Governor
of Maine, or that of his Adjutant General,
were officially ceitified by me.
I trust that the arrangement between the
Governor and Lieutenant Governor, togeth
with my humble agency, in bringing it a
bout, will be satisfactory to the President
and the Department. The arrangement, I
have no doubt, will be executed by the par
ties to it in good faith and in cheerfulness.
In haste,
I have the honor to remain,
Willi high respect,
Your obd't serv't,
Hon. J. R. PoiNsnrT,
Secretary of War.
Headquarters, Eastern Division, tJ. S. d,
Auousta, Me. March 21, 1830.
The undersigned, a.Major General in the
Army of the United Slates, being especial
ly charged with maintaining the peace and
safety of their entile Northern and Eastern
frontiers, having cause lo apprehend a colli
sion of arms between the proximate forces
of New Brunswick and the Stale of Maine
on the disputed territory which is claimed
by both, has the honor, in the sincere de
sire of the United Stales to preserve the re
lations of peace and amity with Great Bri
tain relations which might be much en
dangered by such untoward collision lo
invite from his Excellency Major General
Sir John IIarvey,Liciitenanl Governor, &c.
a general declaration lo this effect :
That it is not the intention of the Lieu
tenant Governor of lieu Britannic Majesly's
Province of New Brunswick, under the
expected renewal of ncgocialionS between
the Cabinets of London and Washington on
the subject of ihe said dispitled territory,
without renewed instructions to that effect
Irom his Government, to seek by mili
tary force lo expel therefrom the armed civ
il posse, or lite troops of Maine.
Should the undeisiged have the honor lo
be favored with sucti declaration or assur
ance, to be by him communicated lo his
Excellency the Governor of the Slate of
Maine, ihe undersigned docs not in the least
doubt that ho would be immediately and
fully authorized by the Governor of Maine
to communicate to his Excellency, the
Lieut. Governor of New Brunswick, a cor
responding pacific declaration lo this effects
That, in the hope of a speedy and satis
factory settlement by ncgocialion between
the Government of the the United States
and Great Britain of the principal or boun
dary question between the Siale of Maine
and the Province of New Brunswick, it is
not ihe intention of the Governor of jlainc,
without renewed instructions from tho Le
gislature of the Stale, to attempt to disturb
by arms the said Province, in the possses
sion of the Madawa.ka settlements, or to
attempt to interrupt the usual communica
tions between thai province and her Majes
ty's U pper Provinces: and that he is willinr
in the mean lime lo leave the question of
possession anu jurisdiction as tliey at pres
ent stand that is, Great Britain holding in
fact possession, of a part of said territory,
and the Government of Maine denyinz her
right lo such possession, and lite Stale of
Maine holding in tact possession of anoth
er portion of the same territory, to which
her rights is denied by Great Biitain.
With the understanding, the Governor of
Maine will, without unnecessary delay, with
draw the military force of theState from the
said disputed territory, leaving only under
a laud agent a small civil posse, armed or
unarmed to protect the limber recently cut,
and to prevent further depredations.
Reciprocal assurances of the forgoing
fiiendly character having been through the
undersigned interchanged, all danger of col
lision between the immediate panics to the
controversy will be at once removed and,
lime allowed the United Stales and Great
Britain lo settle amicably the great question
of limits. WINFIELD SCOTT.
To a copy of the foregoing, Sir John
Harvey annexed the following:
Govurnucnt llousn,
Fredericklon, (N. B.) Match 23, 1839.
The undersigned Major General Sir
John Harvey, Lieutenant Governor of her
Majesty's Province of New Brunswick,
having received a proposition from Major
General Winlield Scollof tho United Slates
Army, of which the foregoing is a copy,
hereby, on his part signifies his concurrence
and acquiescence therein.
Sir John Harvey renews wilii great
pleasure lo Major General Scolt, the assu
rances of his warmest personal considera
tion, regard and respect.
To a paper containing the note of Gene
ral Scott a"nd tho acceptance of Sir John
Harvey, Governor Fariicld annexed his ac
ceptance in thehe words:
ExECUTigr. Dbparxiient,
Augusta, March 25, 1380.
Tho undersigned, Governor of .Maine,
in consideration of tho foregoing, the exi
gency for calling out the troops of Maine
having ceased, has no hesitstion iu signify
ing his entire acquiescence in ihe proposi
tion of Major General Scott.
The undersigned has the honor to tender
to Major General Scott the assurance of hi.
high respect and entecm,
At a meeting of the citizens of Blooms
burg and vicinity, held on the 2d day of
April instant, at the Bloomsburg Academy,
in pursuance of previous notice, Iddings
Barcley, Esq. was called to the chair, and
Dr. J. Itamsay, was appointed Secretary.
The object of the meeting was stated
from the chair to be to receive the report
of a committee appointed in town meeting
sometime since, to contract for, and super
intend the erection of, an edifice suitable for
a public' school house or academy and for
appointing a committee to procure teachers,
and introduce public schools into the said
The Building Committee being called
upon, submitted the following report :
That they had purchased a suitable lot
of ground in the town for which they had
paid (Title made to the School Directors
of Bloom School Disltict.) $05 00
That they had contracted with
Messrs. H oats and Rishelto erect
a building df brick, 50 feet by 20
feel, two sloiics high, to contain
two school rooms on each floor,
with an entry or hall in the cen
tre, with necessary stairs, cases,
&c. the whole lo be finished in a
workmanlike mariner, ajreeaby
lo the specifications of work at
tached, and made part of the con
tract, for which they engaged to
pay $1,380 50
That for extra work, not includ
ed in the specification, they paid
Messrs. Hoats & Rishel ihe fur
ther sum of 22 00
That for furnishing four rooms
Willi 'seals and desks, they paid
Iloals & Rishel $40 per room. 100 00
And for Stoves and pipe they
have paid 67 79
l,085 29
That to meet these expenditures
they have received from tho
School Directors of Bloom Dis
trict, the sum of $300 00
From the sale of an old school
house, 1G 50
And from individual .subscrip
tions the sum of 70G GO
$1,023 00
Leaving a deficiency of $002 29
which the committee have uo means to
discharge, and entirely rely on the liberal
ity of the citizens who constituted them as
their agents, tocoBlribute and release them
from their responsibility.
On examination, the report was unani
mously approved as satisfactory, nd on
motion, it was
Resolved That Daniel Gross, Dr. J.
Ramsey and John R. Moycr, be a commit
tee lo call on the citizens interested in the
iusiilution, and solicit an additional con
tribuiiou for defraying the expense of the
building already erected, and for such addi
tional buildings and conveniences as are re
quisite for the comfort of teachers and pu
pils in the institution the said committee
lo report their success, on Saturday, ihe
13ih insi,, at 3 o'clock, P. M. to which
time this nieeiing will be adjourned.
Resolved That the Rev. George C.
Drake, Rev. D. D. Waller, Rev. D. S. To
bias, Thomas Painter, Esq. and Dr. John
Ramsey, be constituted a commttlee to pro
cure teachers, and superintend the ichools
Resolved That ihe foregoing proceed
ings bo signed by the officers of this meet
ing, and published.
Resolved That this meeting be adjourn
ed to meet again at the same place, on Sat
urday, the 13th instant, at 3 o'clock, P. M.
John Ramsey, Secretary,
A potrolt paper of the lGtlt, mentions
the great activity, in a military point of
view, wliiih prevailed on the Canadian side,
Fort Maiden was being strengthened and
improved block houses were being erected
on Bois Blanc Island, and negociations had
been entered into for the purchase of two
American steamboats, for the purpose of
arming them. The prospect of" war with
this country is, no doubt, tho cause of these
precautionary measures.
Trade of the Wabash. The Terre
Hautc find.) Couner states that ninety
thousaud hogs were slaughtered on the Wa
bash during the lato season for tho South
ern market. Immense quantities of corn
are also shipped from that region for the
time Bwkt.
Imprisonment for debt in Michiir.m. who
abolished, immediately, totally, and forever
by the Legislature of that state, ou the 10th
MARRIED On the 4th inst. by th
Rev. William J. Eycr, Mr. John Fisher,
to Miss Sarah Hertzel, both of Cstlawissi
DIED In Hemlock, on Tuesday eve
ning last an infant Sou of David M. Davis.
East' or Causes
For Trial at April Term, 1839.
Margaretta McDonald et al vs. Joseoh
Alexander Monl?omerr vs. Jonathan
Lodge ot al.
Jacob Lcsenrin?et tl vs. Henrv Fisher's
Ad m.
Adam Crall vs. Henry Easton et el.
William Adams' Administrators va Marr
Adams et al.
Mary Strawbridgo vs. Jesse Funston.
A. to E. Eves vs. Joseph Pursel.
David Davis vs. Isaac Davis.
Polly Hartman vs. Michael Htrtman's
Andrew Eves vs. Joseph Cavence et al.
Mary Campbell's Administrator, vs. Ja
cob Shoemaker' Executors.
David B. Inman vs. Joseph. Fulmer.
Philip Sletler vs. Noah Drake, et al.
Archibald McCall vs. Abraham Goulder.
el al,
Grand Jury
For April Term, 1839.
Briercreek George Kelchner, Jimes
Evans, Robert McCurdy.
Cattawissa Daniel Vought, Jacob Yet
ter. Derry Robert Clark, Benjamin Bock.
Greenwood Abraham Moore, Ezra
Limestone David Krownover Joseph
Madison John Christian, James Allen,
Daniel Welliver.
Mahoning John Blue, Michael Grier,
Joseph Maus, John Dean, Wm. Cook.
Monteur George II. Willitts, Peter Ru
pert. Liberty John McWilllams.
Sugarloaf Reuben Davis.
Hemlock Charles Hartman.
Traverse Jury
Bloom John R. Mover.
Briercreek JohnBowman,ThomaiCor,
Eaton Bowman, John Connor.
Cattawissa Ctsper Hartman, C. k
Deiry Jonathan Lodge William M
Brailcy, James C. Sprout, John Stanner.
Fishing Creek Abraham Robbins, Dan
iel bluckcr.
Greenwood Charles Ere William
Shullz, John Hess, jr.
Hemlock William Girton, Dttiel Moy-
er, Adam ijlroub.
Liberty James McMahon, William
Campbell, James Perrv, Robert Carr.
Limestone David Davis, James Cald
Mifflin Henry Harregar.
Monteur Thomas Hartman.
Madison Richard Demott, John P.
Mahoning Henry Sechler.
Mt. Pleasant Isaac Musgrovo, Jacob
Roaring Creek John Bear, Daniel Kel
ler. Sugarloaf Benjamin Peterman, Corne-
Iious Uoleman.
CrltOWVD riiA.STJEia
Far Sale.
The subscribers having taken the Grist
Mill, lately owned by Malhew MclJowell,
have on hand about
which they will sell on reasonable terms.
McDowell's Mills, April 0, 1839.
Printed at this Office.
Late of Cattawissa township deceased.
TotIce in hereby given that letters of adrainistra
tion on the above mentioned Estate lmve been
granted by the Register of Columbia county to the
subscriber residingiaCattawissa. All persons having
demands against said Estate will pleaso present them
and those indebted to said L. state will make imme
diate payment to
ti&HA t), UAXilUKOi', Adflt.
Breeding: ITIare,
For Trailn fnr irmwl l.nru. or fk 1 vntu nM fiflr.n
Colt, Tho Mare h gcntlo and quiet, and work
Well cither in nngla or double harness.
DloorMbuTf, March 0,
IS heribV ciTen to all who ar Indebtea to tkel.
subscriber, either Ho Hook, Notes, or JudgemenUori,
Dockets, that they must como forward and stttlo olf
their respective .dues between now and the first day
ef Fcbuaiy, 1839, ot they will be severely dcul
liloomsburg Dec. 29th lBSBi, ' JCtk
A Dearbon Wareon
Almost New and it
Ono Horse Sleigh.
Biodm; March 0,1839.
N Tuesday the 12th inst. between Dloootas
burg and .spytown, or m Bloomsburg, a
contain'ng One 1Q Hollar Bill on the Schuyl
kill Hank of Philadelphia, and one 5 Dollar Bill
on itie -.icliange Hani., Pittsburg. The subscri
bers name is written in the Wallet in four or six:
different places. Tho finder shall be liberally reJ
warned uy leaving the above wallet with U. Uoebler
in Bloom, or by delivering it to tho subscriber lu
uanville. B. j. ALWOOD.
Danville, Feb. 25, 1839.
ALL persons within the bounds of tho 71
Regiment of Pennsylvania Militia, who hav
any demands against me as Brigade Inspector of th
1st Brigade, 8th Division, are requested to present
them to mc for settlement, at the house of William
Henry, in Danville, on Monday, the 15th day ot
April next, being first day of Court week.
Limcrton., March 16, 1833.
RE wanted upon Bridges No. 1 and 4, on
the Cattawissa and Little Schuylkill Rail
Jiuud. Carpenters that are acquainted with fram
ing and raising Lattico Work Bridges will receivo
good wages. From 14 to 50 dollars per month
will bS paid. The country is very healthy.
March 9,1839.
Tho Miltoniari, Milton, will give the abovs three)
Interliona and charge this office.
To all persons not to purchase a Note for tho sunt
of ose uuxdusi) 7IOLL1H8 given by me to
Alexander McCarty, due the first of April 1839 a.
tho said note was fraudulently obtained of me, and
I am detrtmined not to pay it unless compelled by
Bloom, March S3 1839.
ENGAL Indigo; Spanish do. Verdigrics, blurt
'Vitrial; White do. for sale' cheap and good, at
the Bloomsburg Wart House, by
LUE SMALTZ, Whito Frosting, Iceland
Moss for con.umntivo People; Segars, Com
mon, bpanisli and Halt bpanish; and a thousand
herarticlcs too tedious to mention, for salo at
Tobids1 Health Emporium.
While "talinu Hftilbctfry-
By the Box, and one box will last a whol
year. Tor sale by
ToWas' Health" Emporium B.oorasburg
A Certain Cure for tho following complaint!
Colds, coughs, asthmas, consumptions, spit
ting of tho blood and all disorders' of the breast and
lungs. It Is extracted, from herbs, rpots plants and
flowers, by a Physician who resided upwards of four
years among tho different tribes of North American
Indians, and with unwearied' diligence Ufcd every
means in his power, to acquire knowlcdgo of thd
different remedies, used by them for tho euro of con
sumptions and complaints of tho breast and lungs,
to which they arc more subjected than any olhcr na
tion, on account of tho modo of living, and being
exposed to tho inclemency of all weathers. Tho
above medicine forsulo at
Tobias' Health Emporium in Bloomsburg
D. S. TOBIAS A crnt.
Bloomsburg, June 23, 18DS.,
EC COMMENDED by Doct, Wilson is
certain cure lor Klictiraatism. Also,
eccomrneuded by Doct. Davis, of Philadelphia!;
for ho following complaints. Rheumatism, Wealc
riff and stiffness of the Joints, tc. For salo at
loom Health Emporntmt Bloomsburg