The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, March 16, 1839, Image 4

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pTWIIE dcmocratio party of Pcnnsjlvaiiia has jus
J2. passed through n fiery conflict, and como cAit
not only unscathed, but completely victortait
i. uothcr proof of tlio purity and stability o
r4 principles. Notwithstanding Micir triumph
they cannot for any length of time, rcpos'o in the
lap of victory, for their lot are most ipsiduous, and
ever watchful, aud although routed, will again rally
under sonic new name, to oppose the principles of
democracy, enmity to which, being tho only land
'that can even for a iAoracnt, hold them togctlier.
We must therefore remcmbcr,ihaUho prico of free
dom is uriccasing vigilance.
In spito of the rankest corritplhn, and of fratids
Innumerable, wo. have elected a democratic Gov
ernor, and a majority in tho houso of representa
tives, sufficiently-large, to give us th6 control in joint
ballot, and secure to Pennsylvania a democratic le
prcsciftativc ih tho United States Senate.
llib 'fraudulent elections, which will probably be
tontcsted; tho unheard of malpractices oh tho public
Vorks, Which require a, searching examination; tho
adoption by -the peoplo of ihe amendments to our
stato constitution, which will require important lc
feinlalivc enactments, to meet the changes thus made
in the fundamental law together with tho concur
tent action of tho scnatO with the Governor, in ma
"iiyofhis important appointments, will all render
the coming sesion of the legislature perhaps the
inost important ever held in Pennsylvania, and
'causo their piocccdiilgs to be unusually interesting
to every man iu tho community.
Ths editors of tho Keystone, intend to give in
creased attention to the proceedings of this session,
aud noto every movement of interest to tho public.
They will have competent reporters in both houses
ttf our legislature, as well as at Washington city,
Uius enabling them to give as full reports of all in
portant legislative proceedings as their columns will
tidmit. ,
The Keystone is the largest paper published irt
Harrisburg, and being printed on small typo, regu
iarh gives in its columns nearly oxe thiiid moro
reading matter than any othr political paper in tho
state. This wo have been enabled to do from tho
'very great encouragement we have received from a
generous public. Thankful for these favors, tho
'editors hereafter will sparo no pains or cxpenso to
render their paper interesting and valuable to the
public, and serviceable to the great and triumphant
tause of Democracy and Freedom.
For the Keystone ycaily, twice a week during the
ession of the legislature, and once a week for the
Remainder of the year, - - S3 00
During tho session of the Legislature only, twice
'a week, - - gs 00
For sir months, not including any part of the ses
sion of the Legislature, - , $1 00
pers rent in one packet and to one direction, for
the price of five as above; or fifteen papers sent as
'above for the prico of 12; or Sfl papers sent as above
for the price of 20. J
CCAll Postmasters, anil other democratic cltU
Sens, aro requested to receive and forward subscrip
tions to us. PACKER, BARRETT & PARKE. '
Harrisburg, October 25, 1835.
THROUGH a lingering and irremedia
1)le desease, my health at length became so
impaired, that I became unable to attend to
all the requirements of my official duties.
By pcrsuatidn of my numerous fiiends,
I consented at last to keep an apothecary,
thinking it would bf! thr most becoming, ea
siest for me to engage In at the present time;
and since (or while) I have established a
shop, I Votlld humbly solicit the support of
tny friends and the public in general, on ac
count of tny gfcat sickness. And especial
ly, would I request the merchants of this
place, to give me alltpossible chance of sell
ing those articles belonging to my line of
business, for which they may receive my
sincere thanks. A few articles only which
are to be found in my Health Emporium
are advertised. There will be kept a con
stant supply of such articles as may be call
ed for', but i per chance, a call should be
made for such as I am not in possession of
immediate preparation will be made in order
to obtain them
Further, do I earnestly invite Physicians
of this place and its vicinity, to give me a
call, aa I intend to sell very reasonable.
There will be kept constantly on hand,
all kinds of Medicines, Patent and others,
warranted lo be genuine, All kinds of
Paints, (Jlass, Dye-stuff, &c. &c. Also a
Variety of Confectionaries, Itaisons, Nuts,
Herring, Sugar and Water CracKcrs, Or
anges, Lemons, Figgs, Prunes, Perfume
ries, &c. &e. All articles in the Health
Emporium, I intend to sell cheaper than
they can bo bought at any other place in the
county. Yout Ftiend and well wisher.
Health Eraporium,BloomsburgScpt. 22
"ttTERY respectfully informs his friends an J the
V public, that ho has always on hand, at his Li
very Stable in Uloomsburjr, for tile purposes of Iliro
er Exchange, a variety of
Horses, Sulkies,
Which ho will feel gratified to keep in readiness for
tho accommodation of customers.
Personal application can be made at his residence,
when every means will be used to render cntiro sat'
ufuction to thoso who may give him a call,
Bloomsburg, May 26, 1838,
N ALARATU3, Glauber Halts, Epsom salu, for
sale ot tae
Cheap Health Emporium.
For sale at
Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsliurs.
By the Hoy, and one box will last a whole
year. For sale by
Tobias' Health Emporium Dloorasburj
EADER, did you ever rco a confirmed Dys
. peptic, and learn his suflcriiiiisl If not. suf
Jico it to say, he is a pale, thin mid irhastly looking
object, his life apparently hanging by a lli'rrad ; ho
is mlscr&blonnd unhappy, his suliermgs indiscriba
blc. Aro y6u much troubled with flatulchcy, costivc
ncss, sour eructations arkhig from your stomach,
ftccasional want of appetite, watcrbiash, n bad tnsto
in your mouth, or foul breath, pain or a heaviness
at your stomach, sickness after eating, headache, dis
gust at your onco favorite food, c. If you Are
much troubled with any of tho foregoing symptoms,
bring before you tho picture of 'tho Dyspeptic, and
having resolved to remedy tho consequences, irli
mediately procure
Dr.Lculy's Tonic 'AnU-byspcpiicCordial
A never failing and efficacious remedy for
And the whole train 'of affections resulting from dis
eases of the Liver, Stomach and Intestines.
The above medicine is warranted free from mer
cury or other minoral preparations; it is composed
entirely of vegetables, safe and easy to take, bciilg
very pleasant to tho taste. It may be safely admin
istered to young and old, requiring but moderate re
strictions in diet 'only.
Numerous testimonials have been from time lo
timo published; its reputation is so well kndwri, fur
ther comment upon its virtues is unnecessary, tuf
ficc it to say, it mas nevek failed in a hinhle
instance. Further recommendations accompany
tho directions around each bottle.
fXjPricc One Dollar per botUc.
Prepared and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr
Lcidy's Health Emporium, 2d strecti below Vine
No. 191.
Also Sold by
D. S; TOBIAS, Agenh
Bloomsburg, May 20. 1yd
ladies Soolc at this,
ILT Book Boxes, Silk do. Paper do. Gilt
TT Beads, Fancy do. cut do. plain do. Ladies'
Waxes, Gilt Thimbles, Hooks & Eyes, Needle ca
ses, all kinds of Smelling Bottles, very handsome;
Breast Pins, Ear rings, Finger rings, Pomatum,
Snuff Boxes, Hair Brushes, Pocket combs, Lead
Pencils, black and red; for sale at
TOBIAS Health Emporiuni.
Will you he so hhd as to look at this ! !
WHITE Glue; Flake While; Oxalic Acid
for sale at the Health Emporium by
gTARCH, Snuff Beans, Sand Paper ol all kinds,
Inspirits Terpentine, Cocoa prepared Chocolate
for sick peoplo A fresh supply for sale at tho Health
Emporium in Bloomsburg, by
tH"ERCURIAL Ointment, Sulphur do. Simple
-L.-fiL1!0- Percipedato do. Red, Cctrin do. Tartar
Emetic do. and all other kinds of Ointments, for
sale at the Health Emporium, by
'IL of Snruce. for makino- Snruce Tinnr.
Extract of Sarsparilla. Tooth Powder.
Spatuta. Emory. Castel Soap. Lady's
Palm Soap to Wash. Distilled Vcrdigries.
Oil of Soan, for tnlcinfr out of clntliH Snrtts.
Stains, Grease, fee. All for sale at
lobias' Health Emporium.
liC COMMENDED by Doct, Wilson as a
i certain curd for Hheumatism. Also,
cccdmmcndcd by Doct iJavis, of Philadelphia,
(or hn fnllnwinnrpnTTinlfliiita hoiimitlciM W7nr
,a . nimuuticui, TllUtt
ness and stiffness of thd Joints, &c. Fdrsale at
J obias' Health Emporiuni, Bloomsburg.
D. S. TOBIASAgent.
Bloomsburg, June 23, 1838.,
why will you die.
Indian specific;
Certain Cure for tho following complaints:
CnMfl. Pnilfrtie. fielhmna inn.. ! ......
timrof tho blond nml nil iticnrdn.a nr I . i
a " , " -""."v.a tuu uitruni uuu
lungs. It is extracted, from herbs, roots plants and
flowers, by a Physician who rebided upwards of four
years among the different tribes of North American
Indians, and with unwearied diligence used every
means in his power, to acquire knowlcdgo of tho
different remedies, used by them for the euro of ccn
sumptions and complaints of the brcabt and lungs,
to which they aro more subjected than any other na
tion, on account of tho mode of living, and being
exposed to the inclemency of all weathers. Tho
abovo medicinn for cnln nt
Tobias' Health Emporium in Bloomsburg
CARPENTER'S Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla,
for purifying tho blood, and removing all dis
eases arising from excess or mercury, exposures and
imprudences in life, chronic constitutional diseases
arising from on impure state of tho blood, cVc. &c.
and is especially recommended for rheumatism
ecrofula or king's evil, ulceration of the throat and
leg, pains and swdllings Of tho bdncs, tetter, pim
ples on tho face and caly eruptions of tho skin, all
of which Will yield under tho uso of this preparation.
Carpenter's Compound Syrup of Sarsaparilla.
This compound contains all tho properties of tho
Lisbon diet drink in a concentrated degree, and is a
valuablo medicinco for purifying tho blood, ami re
moving all constitutional diseases arising from an
impuro stato of that fluid,
All for salo at
Tobias' Drugg Store, Bloomshitrjt.
mollis well known mixturo throughout tho U
H nion, is a sure icmedy, for depraved Appetite,
Hartburn. Water Brash, Flatulency, Jaundice,
Night Sweats, Dyscntary, Bowel Complaints, and
other affections of similar origin and especially tor
the Fever and AgUe For sale at
Tobias' Health Emporium.
THIS voluable Medicine is a certain euro for
young children, in cholie, convulsions, rest ,
IoarncM, griping, disordered bowels, green stools
sour vomtlngs, &c. For sale at
.Tobiai' Health Emporium, Btoomsburg.
"pOULb respectful inform thri citi
zens of Bloomsburg and its vicinity, that he
still carries on the abdvc business, at his
old established stand, on Main-street. Ilav.
ing received the latest Philadelphia and N
York Fashions, in connection with his
Highly Improved Patent for Cutting
Garments to lit every shape without a pos
sibility of failure, ho feels assured that vVork
executed at hib shop will never be 'com
plained oft and by close attention to busi
ness, hopes to receive a share df public pa
tronage as heretofore.
attend to any business comiccted with the
Office; and iii particular, tho writing of
I&CCls, ITI!orlaj?CH) and ell other
conveyances and articles of agreement, in a
legal and handsome style.
Bloomsburg, Nov. 17. 183B. 30
PrnilESE pills have obtained n celebrity for cur
,13. i"S most disearcs to which tho 'human system
;is liable, unexampled iu tho history of the healing
(art. They expel by tho action of the stomach and
itnd bov. Is, all bad Humours from the HUmd, causing
a freo circulation of tho fluids, and restores a sound
state of health.
Tho thousands whd uro and recommend tllcm, is
proof positive of their extraordinary and .beneficial
The subscriber hai received the appointment of
Agent, lor tnc salo ol JJt. Ilrandctli's rills in
Bloomstmrg. Nono are genuine that arc offered for
sale, without a certificate of appointment signed by
tho propncldr and countersigned by Branch Green,
general agent; and no certificate is ever given, to
those engaged in tho Drug business.
Bloomsburg Aug. M 1838. Iyl7
Tim Pcmnsjivaisifc ESeportcr
Is published at Harrisburg twice, a teeek
during the session of 'the Legislature,
and once a week during the recess.
HgIIE Reporter will continue to bo (as it hereto
JL fdro hjs been) an unyielding advocate of the
principles of tho Democratic, nnrtv n Rnnnnrffr nP
tho great and vital questions of frcb government
luenuuca wan mc success dt tlio Administration of
tho General Government nml nn untiring nnn.-v.
ncnt of tho Federal aristocracy, which seeks, in tho
election of oneofiti favorites, to inflict upon tho
country the curse of ii National Bank, to be govern
ed in its operations by no other views than the ad
vancement of the interests of a favored few at the
cxpenso of tho interests, tho rights, and the liberties
ui mo many. Against sucli a party and such an en
gine of political evil, the Reporter will bo found act
ing with the body of tho people.
As tho ensuing fcC33loli"of the Legislature will bo
one of moro than ordinary interest to tho people, tho
Editors of tho Reporter have made arrangements
which will enablo lliem in mvn n mnrn full nnl
complete historV of the nroccctlinn-q in hniU h
than they have heretofore been ennblcd to do. Ev
ery exertion will Uo used lo make the Reporter a
medium through which the people shall receive a
full record of tho doings of their representatives.
i cr annum jio 00
For the session 2 00
Any airent or other ner'son fnnv-mlmir in n,
becomine rcsnonsiblo therefor, shall IhivukIt
forwarded as may bo directed, during thb session of
me Legislature.
Persons forwarding names df subscribers arc re
quested to be particular in statin? whp.f lirr ttin u1i
scriptions are to continue for the year or for tho scs-
Nov. 5, 1838.
Thd subscriber has left his tfqbk ac
counts and Notes in the hands of iddings
Barklcy.Esri.for colleciion. All pojsons in
debted will please call immediately and set
tle, or theic will bo cost, as decays are dan
gerous. C, B. FISHER.
One Two Horse Wagon.and a Sled with
Cast Shoes.both nearly new, which will be
sold Cheap on easy terms, by calling on
Vegetable Anti-BilioUs Ritls,
Those pills aro found to bo a most certain and nf
fectual preventive of fever, janndico bilious, and oth
cr cholics, and indeed, of all diseases caused by ob
struction or affections of tho stomach, liver spleen,
or intestines. For liver and stomach complaints and
all diseases connected therewith, such as hypochon
drias, hysterica, dlspepsia or indigobtion.'loss of ap
petite, headache, giddiness, and for fever and ague,
these pills aro a suro preventive- Also, forsalt
rhcumc. They clcaiiso the stomach, remove there
from oil vitiated biles purify and refine tho blood.
Does a person feel a loss of appetito and a bad tasto
in the mouth, with afaintnessof the .stomach, a fciV
doses of theso pills aro suro to remove all such difli
cultics, speedily set matters to right. Heaviness,
dull, sleepy and sluggish inaction, with or without
a yellowness of complexion, these pills will surely
and speedily remove all such ailments, and timely
uso of theso pills may provent the occurrenco o
any such formidable disease.
Also-Hawley's Vegetable Salve, known through;
out thO Union. This salvo when used has a pecu
liar quality in reviving an action of the affected
parts, by softening and opening tho pores und crcat
mg perspiration, reducing fever &c It dsolvos,
expels, and entirely prevents the blood from settling
in tlio flesh of bruises, or wounds, of any descrip
tion, and is a suro preventive of mortification, and
may bo mado uso of for cuts, sores, burns, rheuma
turn, pain in tho back, breast or sido.
The above articles for sale by
u JP'S. TOBLAS, Agenh
Bloomsburg, Ootobcr 13i
The Commissioners of Columbia coun
ty, have tho pleasure to acklowlcdgc the re
ceipt of a very neat set of Meteorological
Instruments, consisting of a Barometer, two
Thermometers, a Self-Regisleiing Ther
mometer, and a Rain Giiagc; furnished to
this county by the Committee on Meteorolo
gy of the Franklin Instituto of Pennsylvania-,
out jf the stun of four thmisgnd dollars
appropriated by the legislature at their ses
sion in 1837, and placed at the disposal of
tho joint committee for the advancement of
Meteorology of tho American Philosophi
cal Society and Franklin Institute, with a
view of obtaining every information on tho
subject of climate that may bo interesting,
to the agriculturalist especially. Regular
reports are requested to bo made to llic
committee, and rolls furnished for that pur
pose, convenient to note all observations con
nected with the subject. Thcv have been
left for tho present with Dr. Magill, to whose
care they were directed for the usrj of the
Danville, Feb. 5th, 18c0.
brhc Victory Wohj
A FTER long, tedious, and expensive cxneri'
Jmcrit, Dr. Leidy has discovered a irlcthod
whereby the virtue oftte Sarsaparilla is extracted,
so as to be formed into Pills withbut destroying its
Innumerable attempts have been mado to accom
plish this important object, but all failed; It is im
portant, because the Sarsaparilla, as a medicine, in
all discrtscs to which mankind is subject is nroduct-
ive nf nwrc real good, than tho whole catalogue of
jui'MicniG in use.
Ask all respectable physicians thb rmoslion..
'What Is the most effectual purifier of the blood, nn.i
the most popular medicine uscdl" they will auswdr
unanimously, sarsaparilla. Wiliit better rceohV
mciidatldn can bu asked 1
Price, Twenty-five Cents a Box.
They must surely command n preference, fortllcy
are not composed of Sarsaparilla alolie, but contain,
in a concentrated state, in the form of a pill, thu
virtues of the principal ingredients contained in tlio
compound Hum, extracts, eyrtlps, and ether prcpara
tions of Sarsaparilla!
Thdy aro highly recommended by numerous phy
sicianS, and others, (seo directions around each hot'
uv) in
Rheumatic Affections,
Schrofula Erysipelas,
Jaundice, Heartburn
Diseases of tlio
bones nnd glands.
Pain of tho side's, along
tho back and spino o
vcr tho TCgion of the
heart and stomach.
Inward fevers, bad tasto
in thomouth,foul breath
Flatulency, Indigestion.
Sour eructations and acid
itiosof tho stomach.
Ulcc-ous sores of the noso
throat and body-
Scaly Eruptions and
blotches of the tkin.
Dry and watery pimplcl
and pcstules of tho
lace and body.
Tctler and ringworms.
Spellings and Hardening
oflho glands of tho
neck, in thb groins,
breast. &c
Stomach Coughs,
Liver complaint.
Want of appetite,
V atcrbrash
and all tho wholo train of diseases resulting from
impurity of the blood, constitutional diseases pro
duced by Mercury, or other minerals, or the conse
quence of Syphilii, Lucd Venereal, &c.
Fbf convenience of taking, as well as making but
small bulk, being in flat squaro boxes, convenient
lor carrying m tlio pocket oi for travelling purposes.
they must bo preferable to all other preparations of
For sale, Wholesale and Retail at Dr. Lcidy's
HcalthEmporium, SndnearVincslreet.Phildilelphia,
For sale by D. S. TOBIAS;
deservedly popular, on account of its superior
strength to any other preparation of Sarsaparilla in
existence, it is thought unnecessary to niako much
comment upon its virtues. Suffice it to say, o?ie
Loltle of tho above contains twice as mucli of the
active principlca of Sarsaparilla unJ other ingredi
ents, as any exiract in cxUtreuc, in thesamu quan
tity; and is equal to one gallon of Syrup nf Sarsa
parilla, for making which druggists and others pur
chase tho above preparation. Prico one dollar per
It is recomended in all diseases of tho skin rind
Bones; affections of tho Liver, Stomach, Spleen
and Kidneys; Eruptions, breaking out of Dry and
Watery Pimples on the face, neck and body; ulcer
ations of tho nose, mouth and throat; running at tho
Ears and Eyc-sjErysipilas, Scrofula.rhcumatic pains,
swelling or hardening of the Glands, constitutional
diseatcs produced by tho uso of mercury or other
minerals. In short, Sarsaparilla is known to tho
world, as being tho most powerful agent ever dis
covered fur purifying tho blood nnd Animals Fluids,
cousequcntly Iho most valuable specific for all dis
eases resulting from impurities of tho Blood, and
other fluids of tho body.
Caution, Persons should bo particularly careful
in getting a preparation that may bo relied upon;
there being many in existence, not properly prepar
ed, unfit for use, and almost inert; possessed of no
medicinal qualities whatever.
Dr. N. B. Leidy candidly declares his preparation
to bo what it is represented to be, and is prepared
by himself, d regular Druggist and Apothecary, and
is besides a regular Physlci-in, attested by Drs. Phys
ic, Chapman, Hare, Cox, Dcwces, Jackson, James,
Horner, Gibson, &c. (See directions andrecommen
dations around each bottle.)
Upwards of SOOObottels of the nbovo havebcfcii
sold, during tho past six months, a strong proof of
its good qualities, Ac. For salo in this rity aj
Dr. Lcidy's Health Emporium, Sd street, below
Vino, No. 191.
Frederick KletVj Drug store, comer of 2d and
Callovvhill streets.
J, Smith & Co'e. Drug storo 3d street above No
blc J. Gilbert & Co'e. Drug store, 2d street above
Also by
J. F. Long, DruggJst Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
O. W. Oakley, Druggist, Reading, do.
J. B. Moser, do. Allentown do.
P.&W.H.Pomp,do. Easton, do1.
E. Bringhurst, Druggist, Wilmington. Dclewaro.
And by tho principal Druggists and Merchants
in the United States. 37,1,
400 lua- raisons,, lor pioa and Preserves
good and cheap.
300 I'- 2d quality good and cheap.
300 lbs. bunch bbx raisons good, and cheap.
100 European currants first quality and ui
common cheap. ,
10 drums of figgs very good hrticle and chum.
10 bushels Europeah grouii'dhuts;
2(10 Ib3. English walnuts.
lOO lbs. cream nuts.
200 lbs filberts or English Haielnuli".
10 boxes Scotch herring smoked.
barrels of water crackl-rs.
Jj barrels 'of sugar biscuit
And hundreds and thousands of other articles freill
goods and cheap, just from tho city of Philadelphia
tind for salo HI the we'll known cheap Drug Stori
dml Health Eihporiuai In the town of Bloomsburii
Cdl. co I'd. , y
Gentlemen a)id Laittds come and look at
the handsome
Tobias's Health Emporium.
A certain ciirc for tetters, ringworms, pimples oii
Ask fijl cutantdus eruption..-;
Tobias' Health Emporiuni, Bloomsburg
Unproved Aperient Seidlit'z Powders, '
TOTELD m fiigh'cstini'alion for iiidiBc'stion, hei
fia 1,ur" nd bilhous affections. For sale ot
1 bows' Health Emporium, Bloomsburg.
D. S. TOBIAS, in Bloonisburg.
O-JISHING POWDER, to clean and VoM
all kinds of Metal, and Horse f owdcr for
salo at the cheap Dru5 slorc, in Bloomsburg, by
, m-Eits optik Ydun eyes.
MGAIAMnJi??! Danish do. Vcrdigries, blui
'Una ; W h.te do. for sale cheap and good, at
tho Bloomsburg Waie House, by
BLUE SMALTZ, White FrosFing, Iceland
Moss for consumptive People; Scgars, Cora
nion, Spanish and Half Spanish; and a thousand"
hcrarticlcs too tedious to mention, for sale at
Tobias' Health Emporium.
While kalian Mulberry,
FOR SALE AT UK.11.rn J.uroiiuvir,
Physician & Surgeon;
Informs the citizens of Bloom and vicinU
ty, that he has located himself in the villain
of BlomSburg, whiuo ho will always hd
ready to attend to all calls for his profession
al services.
Office next dobr to Robisons Stage Office,
Oct 13 1838
Evuns' Cammomile Pills,
Waranted to be genuine.
Andenon's Pills, & all other kinds of Pills!
Fly Stone, to kill Flies with.
Fish Seed, to catch fish with.
SpUnges, for salo at
TOBTAS' health Emporia,:
v1 iVv '-icT"
lobias Health Emporium, Bloomsburg
WATER COLOURS, for 12$ cts. per box 1 doi
in a box. For snln nl 1
,roba' Health Emporium Bloomsburg.
Doct. Godbolds Vegetable Balm of Lifei
-ET--anr .1.1 r. . . " J
Ji"u iiiucurcoi lyonsumption. A certain craf
' dv for it which I,. 1... t.
ten miles from th s nlariv-T.'nrio i
Tobias' Health Emporium in Bloomsburg.
COCOA pRepaird chocolate
TO) crommended by Physicians especially for sick
Hj peoplo I' or sale at
Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg.
t FMG ..Ointment.
1 almost mmediatcly removes tlio pail's andsl
lavs the,i.: .i 1 ...,. . .,
fTTi r . , uuu uy aucnu II g 10 win
(nil direclinna. (ho C(T. in ' .-. 0 .. ,
r.....i """ viu no epecauy rcucua
from the unpleasant afiction. Call at
j. ooias ueatth Emporium, Bloomsburg.
lcohol, allonctta, oquc fortirs, block tin, cloven
Sii; b 1 ,, 1 ".'.gum copal, window glass, al-
,U .1 i i '''"glass, mustard, nipple flu-Ill
r'Ji ' !' bUck"18 botU',s' stM" IHctb. wafers
Ecaling wax, slovo ack. am) n.., rv
Tnm a ji rrl' V.Vr ,V "V" .
LACK INK, Red Ink, Blue Ink, Durable In
-aw at mo rneap Jiealtn Enporium, by
Certain cure for Frost bitten Limbs, which i
can prove by people in this Town. For noli
Tobias' HcalthEmporium in Bloomsburg
Warranted to be rroorl. nlsn r.finn vnnti
MATCH US, good, For sale at
J oluas Health Emporium Bloomsburg.
Dr. Weaver's Warm Tm nnd Xnlup..
FTniin action nf ihi IU!.;.. . tai
JSL pi Worms, but by its tonio powers, to pre
vent a return of them, by removing ho weak !!.'
of Iho digestive organs on which their pi oductir-t
n. ainly deponds; For salo by
I), e. TOBIAS,
Health EmpoiJum, nioomsbirs-