The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, March 02, 1839, Image 2

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    v n'Sucii was tho assumed haraa t bore on'l
the occasion of Eu'dOra s ruin my tea!
no may be heard in every village Hear
ne, thou child of ho slorm, and heir nf
fehamo I It was whilst the rankling Revenge,
'engendered by the falsehood of Delia, yet
savaged my heart, that thy mother- became
my victim. I was then an ambassador,
sent to negociato some import trA business
with a foreign power I was wrecked in a
roaring tempest was rescued from a wale
Ty grave by the romantic Eudora, and your
tolU Adam was nursed by her, and recov
ered under her kind offices. I plighted my
love, and promised to return in a few weeks,
but had no intention of fulfilling tho pro
mise ; frown on, yet hear mo in silence.
A few years afterwards, I was goaded with
remorse for the crime, and urged by the
love sho had inspired, Wished to return and
make reparation. I demanded another mis
sion, and embarked With the resolution of
making her mine for ever. But when t
reachsu the wcll-rcmcmieied scene of my
base ingratitude, I learned that her father
was no more, and that site was gone for ev
er, no one knew whither. 0 ! my child,
could you but know the amouut of my suf
ferings then, you would pity me 1 For five
Jong years, I travorsed different countries,
in quest of her, and expdrienccd all tho
pangs that she endured. O ! that wo could
have met On high seas ! had it even been
On a perilous wreck ! But tho guilty has
been punished; and kind heaven has taken
to itself the innocent sufferer J Thus, Eu
dora, t liirdw myself upon your told grave,
and kiss the earth that hides thee 1" Here
the unhappy man prostrated himself, writh
ing in fearful agony.
"My father fatherl Mother blessed thee
with her last breath 1" cried tho distressed
boy, falling Upon his parent's neck, and sob
bing aloud;
" Ferdinand !1' Said tho sire, fondly em
bracing ht3 boy, " I will prdve a liberal pa
rent to thee. 1 will bestow all the comloris
that the world affords on thee Lucille shall
be thine, if wealth is only watiting tb gairi
her father's consent. Yo'u shall reside with
rae, and have an honorable post "
No, father ! I must never behold your
family, for your sake as well as mine. I
would hot barter my accustomed enjoy
ments of uneontaminated nature, for all the
honors the highest office could bestow. Let
me return to Sicily with Lucille,of live near
the remains of Eudora, whose spirit Will
speak to mein every storm, and I shall
dsk nd btherbliss in life.''
The Stofirl Child's" reddest was gran
ted; after the usual time allotted for men to
live, ho was interred with his faithful Lu
cille,, beside tho broken hearted motllcf.
The Despertador, a paper published at
Rio Janerio, contains a long account of the
"pTaciiseu on tne ignorance and fanaticism
of the people of the interior of limM
He professed to have discovered an enchan
ted kingdom -in the forest of Inhaman, and
in May, 1838, sent a confederate, Joao Per
reiro, to the village of Pedro Concta, who
there announced himself as the sovereign
of the enchanted kingdon, and promised to
Drcan tne spell in tavor or such as would
dtclaro allegiance to him and assured them
that immediately after tho operation, Don
Sebastian, the long lost King of Portugal,
Would arrive with a numerous army, Wash
their sable completions white, and tender
tlrem all rich, happy and immortal. As the
condition, however, on which the spell was
10 do oioKcn lie declared thai it was inuis
pensable to massacre a certain number of
men, women and children whom he promis
cd almost immediately afterwards to resus
citate. Perriero obtained belief from n num
ber of credulous fanatics, who became his
-devoted adherents. The impostor then of
ms own auinority, married each of Im par-
tizans to two, three and even Tour wives,
and took eight helpmates to his own share.
jib nexi commenced tho 'sacrifices, and at
the expiration of four davs. his victims m.
mounted to twenty-one adults, and an equal
numuer oi ennuren, who had been given
up to him by their lnlatuated parents. This
wholesale butchery Was at last suspended
by the assassination of the impostor him
self, by his own brother, Pedro Antonio
Perriero, who proclaimed himself his suc
cessor. Tho commissary of tho district
was at length informed of tho sannuinarv
scenes enacted in the village of Pedro Bon
ita, whither lie lost no time in proceeding
wiwi an arrneu loreo to attack I'edro and
his adherents, wlio barricaded themselves
in a barn. After a desperate struggle, 29 of
luuuuta aim uicir icauer kiiicu, anu xi
others, including 4 women, taken prisoners
unu junceu in me nanus ot justice.
Atrial B amal Inn. Tlio ftnoinn
Uentmel of the first of February, lias the
following paragraph:
Disgusting. For tho first time in our
life -and we hope it may bo the last Wo
yesterday saw two females, both fashiona
bly dressed ono of them was white, appa
rently the daughter of a substantial Essex
- t "
larmer, and the other ' black as the ace of
ciubs' waiuing arni in arm, through Milk,
Federal, High, Summer aud Washington
Blreets, towards tho Marlboro' Chapel.
What are we coming to ?
A Mrs Keely died in Lancaster a few
ways eince, of that fatal and horrible disease
hydrophobia, communicated by a dog about
4 months previous in the city of Philadel
phia, where she then resided.
At 'the time of the invasion of Canada at
SandWhich from Miehie'a'n. it was stated
that after the defeat of the Patriots, two of
tho prisoners wore shot in cold blood by
order of Col. Prince, of 'the Canadian Mili
tia. The cowardly o'olrage excited much
indignation at tho time-, bit in, stead of two,
it appears that the blood-thirsty Colonel ac
tually caused five -helpless prisoners to bo
shot without trial, and ordered seven mqro
to be shot, but that the execution of the
latter was prevented by tho interference of
some humane person present, wo havo
no doubt that the British Government will
yet bring this Col. Prince to punishment.-
The lacts have been ascertained by a iom
mittce of tho most respectablo citizens in
tho Vicinity of Sandwich, some of whom
weto eye witnesses of the bloody deeds;
The Committee has made a detailed report;
which had been published in the Canadian
papers. This report discloses the ioiiow-
inir astoundimr lacts. isoslon dent.
"Helore leaving tho held, Atijuiani
Chccscman of the 2d Essex, brought up a
nrisoncr whom he had taken. Ho surren
dered liim to Col. Prince, who ordered.him
to bo immediately shot on tho spot, which
was nccdrdirtgly done.
" This man, says the examiner, was first
shot in the shoulder, severely tho' not mor
tally wounded ; a second shot carried, away
his cheek a third wounded him in the
neck, after which he was bayoneted to
deaths The second prisoner Who was
wounded was brought into the town of
Sandwhich at least two hours after tho bn
tracementi and was ordered to bo shot. It
was afterwards proposed to give liim 1 a run
for his life,' which barbarious propositibn
was acceded to. In an instant a dozen
muskets were levelled for his execution.
At this moment Col. Elliott of the second
Essex, exclaimed. " D n you, you cow
ardly lascal, are you going to murder your
nnannn. I" flile nvulnmfllinn fnr nnn in.
stant retarded the fire of the party, but in
the next thd prisorter was brought to the
ground ; he sprang again to his feet and
ran round the corner of a fence, where he
was met and shot through the head
" It is to be regretted that this painful af
fair took place in the most public street,
and in the presence of several ladies and
" 'Phis man was a British subject and
fesidcilt of London district.
Another prisoner nahted Dehnisoh wtiutt5
ded and unarmed, taucn alter the action,
was brought in during the morning. Charles
Elliott, Esq., who was present when Col,
Prince ordered this man to be shot, accor
ding to the laws of his country: but Col
Prince's reply was, 'D n the rascal, shoot
him; and it was done;
When Col. Prince reached Windsor,
ho was informed that one of the brigands
tered by a ball, had been removed to John
son s lor surgical assistance. Col. Prince
ordered his immediate execution, and he
was dragged out of a house and shot accor
" At this time the regulars and Indians
were iri advance of Col. Prince. Tho ene
my had escaped from Windsor, and only
uue man maue prisoner, who presuming
mm iic nau laucn inio me nanus ot lJrincc,
made an earnest appeal for mercy; to which
Captain Broderifckian officer of the regulars;
nobly replied, you have fallen into hands of
a uritish olhcer. I ! !"
"This officer left his prisoner in charge
of a Dragoon. Col. Frinc'e.Jsoon came up,
ordered him to be taken from his guard and
shot, which was done.
" We learn also from the narrative that
the party cf Indians who were sent into' the
woods succeded in making seven prisoners.
When they broucht them Out. a crv urn
raised, Bayonet them, but Martin, one of
tne Indian liraves, replied, No, wo
Christians, wo will not murder them.
11 When these men were delivered to Col-
i rince, he had them placed in a wagon
and when they reached an open spot op
posito tho barracks ho commanded the pris
oners to be taUen out of the wagon and
" At this critical moment, Charles Elli
ott and Charles Mercer. Esors. tli
M. Johnson, and Samuel James rushed for
ward and entreated Col. Prince not to "rntn.
mit murder" by shooting tho prisoners, but
begged him to leave them to the laws of
uie country, in making this appeal, Mr,
James made use of this emphatic language:
-ror iiou ssane, ao not let a white man
murder what an Indian ha3 spared I Col.
Prince yielded, remarking that ho should
hold Mr. Elliott responsible for his inter
ference as his ordeis were to destroy them
Manners and Cusloms of Louisiana.
The Picauno tells a story of a clergyman in
his neighborhood who lately read the fol
lowing announcement after the sermon.
" I am requested to state that Immediate
ly after service this evening, there will be a
race just back of the church, two rnile heats,
for a purse of $300 two nags entered and
some hopes of another; I trust you will
all he there,"
The Rev, Dr. Osgood, of Springfield,
Mass. lately delivered a discouisa to.liis
congregation, on completing his thirtieth
year of his ministry there. Ho has follow
ed to tho tomb ono thousand of his people,
baptized aevcu or eight hundred, and united
over five hundred couple in marriago.
Called Capt. Cook( hai lately bden arres
ted at the South : Tho following ate a few
of his crimes
Cbok painted himself like, an Indiariiund
! leaded a largo riumbV of Stminolcs, and
uUiihered ono of the rhbst Wealthy families
of win to people on the frontiers of l'londa.
After killing the whole family, except a
young man, who stood over and fought for
his Bister until he was wounded by a shot
from an Indian; Cook then stuck an axe in
his head, and left it there sticking robbed
the house of $li00 in paper money, and
seventy or eighty 'dollars in specie. He
kept the paper himself and gave the Indiana
tho silver;
Cook then Went to Apilaeh'icola Bay,itnd
ftdm thenco to Brainbridge, Decatur cdiin
ty, Ga. and in company with a Virginian,
with whom ho had been travelling in a stage
and supposing he had money, at Cook's in-'
stance walked to the spring, thero killed
iho Virginian, threw him in the river, and
robbed him of $11 it) two 816 pieces of
gold and three smaller pieces. This crime
was committed in Dee; 1820. From Brain
bridge he returned to Columbus; Ga. his
in TallahassedjFioridadie saw a traveller,
pay his bill. Discovering he had money,
he told the stranger he was travelling his
route, and as It wa3 a dismal road, he would
be'glad.of his company. The stranger thank
ed him, and they travelled about seventeen
miles, when Cook proposed they should
drink together, and while the stranger was
drinking out of the bdttle, Cook shot him
through the back of the head, and robbed
him of abcut $002;
Cook and his brdlh'er-in-law, Charles
Hollis, killed tho ferryman of St John's
river, on the Augustine trail, a Frenchman,
and lobbed him of 17 or $1800 and turned
tho fiat loose to avoid the possibility of per-
Cook murdered a man not far from Talla:
hasscc and robbed him of $2,-100.
He then went itit6tho; Indian cnuntr"J,
arid purchased, a pdliy 'and stole 17 mdre,
and liircd an Iiidiaii to assist him. When
he got into the while settlements, he then
made the Indian drunk ami cut his throat
Cook and Captain Minny, a celebrated
pirate went to Snake Island, understanding
that a vessel was cominir from Key Wc3t
mnrdered, the crew consisting of 7 or 8 men
and three ladies plundered tho boat of
$17,000 in specie; scuttled and sunk tho
Cook was tberi taken in irons to Talla
hassee, but' was released, by force, from tho
civil authorities, and the irons knocked off.
The names of his friends are Augustus and
Willis Austin of lexas.
Cook and Capt. Minhy came across
vessel cbiritr from St.-Marks to Almony
Lake, loadon with provision; murdered the
-iu mmi injiiueaSrnriTmiAinnnMyn:rfTff
sunk the vessel. Capt. Minney died at St,
Marks last witite'r. -
,Coofc then left for Columbus, Ga. his re
sidence, where he saw a traveller pay his
bill, headed him, took deliberate aim at him,
his gun snapped, which the stranger heard
and lied.
Cook met with an acquaintance from
Texas in May or June last, in Clark coun
ty, Alabama, whose name was Wm. Green,
told him that his old friends Augustus and
Willis Austin, were then in Texas, and
anxious that Cook should go there as they
particularly heeded his services.
Cook thought Ihcro was no more harm in
killing a man than thero. was in killing a
hog did not bclioyo there .was either hell
or heaven has killed'and robbed 40 or 50
men and would this wintermurder and rob
as many mote;
Cook is between 'SO'rid 'SO vcars old,
weight about 110 pounds, has keen blue
eyes ; arid is very narrow between the
eyes; his fade arid harids arO badly scarred
with dirks and knives, which lid got by
fighting; has been slabbed through the ihus
clo of tho arm twice, willt d dirk, also in the
hip; his hair is sandy and oh'e of his fingers
is broken.
Caution to those residing in old Build-ings.-A.Mts.
Forbes, of Toronto, (U. C.)
a short time since, left her infant, about two
months old in bed, and went out to look
after her household affairs. A short timo
after the child was heard screaming by a
young lady sleeping in the adjoining room,
(the bed room being some distance front tho
kitchen,) who went immediately to see
what was the matter, when to her astonish
ment and horror, sho found a large rat tear
ing at the infants cheek, Within half an inch
of tho jugular vein. On examination, it
was found that the rat had commenced with
the infant's hand, and tore it severely, but
not finding a sufficient quantity of blood, it
sought a more vital part. Had not tho
young lady thus fortunately come to give
her assistance, the child would doubtless,
have fallen a victim to this domestic mon
ster. We learn that although severely hurt)
it is niw doing well.
ii I i i m
The population of New York iri l80li
was about 60,00 of Boston, about 25,000
of Philadelphia, about 70,000 and of
Baltimore about 20,000 At this time, N.
York contains about five as many as
it did then; Boston about threo times as ma
ny; Philadalphln about three .times as many,
and Baltimore five times lis many. The
increase of American cities may well be a
subject of astonishment to those in 'Uie bld
In ti
town of Sturbridgo havo sctllc
cd what is the
exact amount in money which a marriage
promise is worth. In a case some short time
since a suit was brought against a faithless
swaiii', 'and tho jury gave the damsel $500
damage. Shortly after sho married J)r. Cy
rus Hutchins, who it appeals had payed
attentions previously lo Mrs. Laurlnda
Gibbs, and she in turn brought a suit against
the doctor. The jury gave her a verdict for
$545 84, being the principal and interest
which had occurred on the live hundred dol-
ars received by the fortunate Mrs Hutch
insl It will be well for Mrs. Gibbs lo keep
ler eye on the young men of tho town, or
she will lose her money the same way she
obtained it. Five hundred dollars is there
fore the surri which the JUry have fixed as
the true worth of a marriage promise, and
the promise carries interest from the day; it
is well to hdVe these things regulated;
Jlholhcr Murder. Wo understand that a
nother murder has been committed in Ly
coming county. A man by the name of
Donnclly,'killed another by the name al Do
novan, by striking him several blows on the
head witti an aic. The triUrddrcr lias been
arrested and confined in the jail of the boun
ty. This is the fourth murder that has been
committed in Lycoming wihin the last three
or four years. One man, under sentence
df death is now confined in the cdunty pri
son. Hurrah for the Maine Jioif's.lf the
Roman matron had children like the little
fellow snoken ofbelow, she micht well have
called thent her jewels but she would have
taken better care Ot them than this Maine
woman did!
The following fact Is related to ii3 by a
friend, who had it lrom the mouth ol a gen
tleman from Macluas; Mrs. , of Ma-
chias left her five children in bed, the cldcst
boy of nine years, and werit to a neighbor's
to spend the evening, lockiu? the door alter
her. Tlie eldest boy was awakened by the
roaring of fire, and the falling of cinders on
the bed. Ho sprang up, took the infant
from tho cradle, ran to tho door and finding
it fast stovo out a window, tumped out and
laid the infant in a place of safety then re
turned, and pulled the other children out of
bed by the tect and threw them in succes
sion out of tho wmddwj arid thcri got out
himself and began to cry fire at the tdp of
his vdice. The house Wa3 entirely destroy
ed. Bangor Courier.
Steam Power in the United States.
A late report to Congress makes tho total
number of engines 30 10,of which 800 arc in
steamboats, 350 in locomotives, and the re
sidue iu factories;
nece"nil5er, there were no less than one hun
dred and twenty-four vessels, English,
French Italian and .SnnnUli inc-inn- ,,..,,.
of wheat at Odessa: so at all the other parts
oi mu jiiacK oea. i no limperor of Rus
sia had loaned three fourths of the cram in
mo- uuveriiiueni reserves lo be divided a-
mong such merchants as had foreign orders,
and to be paid in six months, without any
uii&icai. -J. uuiSUUf
tve nave receiveu a lettter lrom Bremen
wliprnfn is nirtnllnnnrl il.if n
ing700 persons, are in Brcmenhnvnn rnnAv
to emigrate to theUnited States. They are
jjuiiiuuii,t,iyiing incmseives the old Lu
llmrnn Cnnrrrprrritmn " mlm 1,.,h lif. .!.-.!
..e.G....v.., nuu jiavu lull inuir
native Coufitry, Saxony, on account Of the
""b ....w.w.u. auu jihuiiu iu 5UIU
in one of tho Western States. They ar
.. . , uuu uic OUIU ID
bo in possession of rising half a million of
dollars. The patty consists principally of
-'" iut.biiuiii(.a, lliwiuuillg DIXICCU
ministers oi me gospel and lour schoolmas
ters. German paper;
A report was current at New Orleans
having come by way of Tamnico. thnt n.
COciations Were iroinfr oil in thn nltv nf lTiv,
ico which contemplate tne cession of the
piuvinL-eui i ucaian 10 ureal uritanin, in
payment of the debt duo fom Mexico.
North Caroiinrl ktlui-r Vh t.
-..vw " i, it in 1JU3
session of Mr. Koswcll King, of Davidson
vuuiuy a icw uays since, an ingot ol Silver
Worth about 40 dnllnr. ntitnnir.',! Frnm I.!.
mine recently discovered, the rich'hess of
-...--'J ww.u.i.wm IIUIII 11IO
which is almost unparalleled. Some of the
ore yields 98 per cent, pure Silver.
Raleigh Reg.
Msenct of Mind. .'flm latest instance we
havo heard, was that of a gentleman, who,
on retiritl!' atniirht nut liio ilnir into il.n l.n.l
and kicked himself down stairs.
Shin Buildinir. In WnliIMirifnifnli .!!.
trict, Maine, within the last year, have been
mini mree snips, three barks, nine brigs,20
schooners and one steamboat.
ii a man were 10 sei out, savs tiord Hali
fax, With Calling every thing by its right
- - , w...M ...lUwItwU uutvjj UU1UTU
he get lb the end of thiJ street,
A man named tfellv.
town of PenfiehL Wnvno
found dead on tho road
standing erect in the enow in front of his
lUdlll, 110 IS SaiU 10 liaVO hnnn inlnvipnlo,!
v? Marnast Promise. A
s.iTuitb.iil, vkikctr 2, isao.
We havo received tho proceedings of A
Democratic Me'etini? held iri Brier Cri-ofc
township, on Monday last. We hae only
room to publish this week the following re
solutions, which speak the sentiments of &
arge majority of the Democracy of Colum
bia county. They never will consent ti
have several townships forced to join a no (I
county against tho wishes and interests lr
the inhabitants residing within their limits;
that the Courts may be retained in Danville;
nor will they submit to have a largo portioit
or the democracy of the county disfran1
chisod to advance the personal interest
of a few individuals residing ih a small ex
treme section.
" Resolved That our Representative.
Mr. Colt, and our, Senator, Mr. Frailcy, bo
and they are hereby instructed by the voice
of Briercrcek township, to oppose in thei
Legislative capacity; any and every act that
may comebeforo tH'chi for, tlie formation of
any new county out ol Columbia, Luzerno
and Lycoming wilh tiid seat at Columbus.
Resolved That we altogether disapprove
of one section of Columbia county cither
claiming or receiving all the offices to tho
disfranchisement of the others. We are'
democrats, and as such, wo go for that great
cardinal principal of our creed, " equal
rights and a fair division of tlie spoils.
Resolved That we p'tdtest against hav
ing any of the offices of cither trust or profit
under the State or National government be
ing filled with federalists, whilst there are
democrats enough of equal qualifications tO
fill them."
Thc legislature.
No business of general interest has beeH
transacted by cither house during the past
week. The principle of making stockhol
ders liable for the debts of corporations, has
been voted down in every instance. Thero
arc too fnariy mcmbdrs intbrcsted in corpora
tions to permit tiu jut principle to prevail.
On the 22d the Farewell Address of Gen
eral Washington was read in the Represen
tative llall, in the presence of the Governor,
the Heads of Departments; the Senate, and
the member of the House.
On Monday last, Mr. Hegins from the
Militia Committee, reported a bill author
ising the payment of forty-five thousand
dollars, by tho State Treasurer, for tho ser
vice of the troops ordered to Harrisburg by
Gov. Ititnbr in the month of December
The House of Representatives have pas
sed a resolution for a temporary adjourn
ment on the 27lh inst. and to meet again
on the 7th of May; It is expected that thtf
Seriate will concur:
The Legislature of Virginia have hecri
unable to elect a United States Senator.
After balloting for several days, tho elcctiori
has been indefinitely postponed;
Great excitement exists in Maine, in con
scqu'once of the arrest of a land agent of
that State by an aimed force under the or
ders of the Governor of New Brunswick.
Maine hss brdcred out a large military force
to protect her citizens id the ficcunancv of
tho disputed territory, and the Governor of
New Brunswick threatens to repel by force
any such' interference, Tho present ap
pearances arc, that blood will be shed be
fore the difficulties aro settled, as both par
ties appear determined to adhero to their
We cut tho following front an exchange
Jl Sham Shantrr A Tamp fliva cima
Air J). Ililuebrand. nfltnrlin Art
. r ' "vhimi ituuiiis vuuh-
ty, in this state, made three shuts with ari-
110, at tuu yards, which have been
rarely enualled. Twinn hi hall i.i,.Ii.1-
the centre, and the third time, not mora
than the eighth of an inch thera from. The'
three shots measured I
v iawJ
Beat this who can;
We thn do that thine iust
Mr. John Wertman of this town, (tiloom,)
sometime since, drove the, nail thrco rifld
Bhols in succession, a distance of 1 00 vnrds.
Siring measuro O. It is now our turn td
exclaim" Beat this who can."