fcCjTho rimn who slanders his neighbor, I while under llio inilucnco of passion, in con sequence of somo real or supposed injury1, finds somo oxcuso hi llic frailties of human iiaturc, but he vho, iii llio sober moments of reflection, attempt's to injure another, by 'base insinuations, is unworthy or being classed among men, and should bo shunned and detested as a' nuisance in society', as 'an only fit associate for the vip'or that crawls on the ground, and 3ccks every op portunity thai presents itself to inflict a wound wilti its poisonous fangs. v it is slated that Admiral Douglass, of tlio English fleof, has mediated Successfully be tween France and Mexico, aud hostilities have ceased. Tho Mexicans are to pay one-sixth of their revenue as interest for Hnoney due to British cubjects, and the (fx Iienscs of the war to the French amounting to about $7,000,000; The branch Bank of the Slate of Alaba ma, located at Mobile', lids for the second lime suspended specie payments. A bill incorporating an u American At lantic Steam Navigation company" in the city of New York, with a capital of 8500, 000, witii the privilege df increasing it to $2,000,000 has passed the Senate, and is now before tho House of Representatives of that State A company for a similar purpose, is being formed in the city of Philadelphia, witii a capital df 8500,000: The New York Transcript estimates the amount of damage dono all over the country by the late storm at about ton millions of dollars: The School Fund of Ohio, the interest ..of which is paid by the State, amounts to 1,1G6,043. 'JThe thermometer at Quebec,on Wednes day, January 23d, ranged from 20 to 30 degrees below zero. . The Pension List, The number of Pensioners who receive pay from the Navy pension fund is 838 amount paid out,103, (W0 dollars. The privalecr pensions num ber 30 According to tho report of the Secretary of War, there are 41,870 pensioners of that Department! preat Sickness in Maine tinder this liead the Belfast Journal announces the death f four Federal newspapers, within a very few days of each other. Peace to ilieir maues; and buiicl to their nr.-mains. A bill has passed the Legislature of Mis sissipi authorizing the Governor to purchase at an expense of $25,000, a marble statute of Washington, to be placed in the rotunda of the capitol at Jaeksbn; Tie Way ilWorks In conformity with Ihe late law of Congress, making owners li able when accidents occur by negligence and occasion loss of life, Captain Carter was recently arrested at New Orleans, and held to $50,000 bail, as one of the owners of tho steamboat General Brown, blown up sonic time ago in the Mississippi. A tempest accompanied with a trcmen flious whirl wind swept over a part of Georgia on the 8th ult. Thrco persons were taken up from the ground and carried several hundred yards. They found no difficulty iii ."riding upon tho whirl wind," but could not direct the storm. A chap in Vermont seventeen years ol dre cently courted a girl of thirteen, six daya, and then married her. Mary Murray,wifo of Robert Murray.re sidingin 19th street, N. Y. was burned to death by her clothes accidentally takng fire on the night of tho 0th inst. A Hard Shake. Tho Buffalo Mercury pays that tho ague has been so severe in them parts' that a person afflicted with it, shook the toe nails off his finger ends. The territory of the State of Maine claim ed by Great Britain, comprises about ten thousand square miles of the most valuable land in "the State. . Methodists The whole number of the Methodists Episcopal church in tho United States, is 720,025- Total increase last year, from Dec. 1837 to Dec. 1838,-59,-572. A man dressed in female attire, was arrest rxl in Nnw York on Saturdav. taken lo the watch house and fined. A number of young men of color of Clove land, Ohio, havo formed a literary associa tion; A girl of eleven years of ago was brirnt . to death last week in Ilagerstown, in con sequbnee of tier cloths taking fire. Wo learn from tho Hnrrisbntg Telegraph that an agent of oi of tho Car lino was 'suddenly crushed between two .trains of cars, on Monday last at Middletown, and survived the accident but a few hours, Tho bones of his chest and body were mostly broken; but ho was not mangled. . Flour at 'cincinntfti oh tile 4th inst. 80 pc-r bbl. , Mr', Pope, agent of tiio Decatur Bank of Alabama, has written homo from England that ho would shortly ship 8500,000, being tlio proceeds of tho sale of tho Stato Bonds belonging to tho Bank. . Two men wore killed on Wednesday last, by the falling of earth on tho rail-road a fow miles north of the borough of Reading. Tho contractor; Mr. Duffie,and another man.nar- rowly escaped. 1'rom the situation of the ground, wo understand, no accident could have been anticipated, nor was there conse quently any apprehension cxcitcd,oi caution used, Flour wa3 selling at $30 to $35 per bar rel at Houston, at the last dates. HYMBNIAIi. MARRIED By the Rev. D. S. Tobias, on the 17th inst. Mr. Elijah B. Cooper of llazelton, to Miss csusan E. Craig ot Ber wick. By tho bamc, ori tho 21st inst. Mr. Reu ben Kolph, to Miss Anna Hagcnbu'ch both of Briar Creek. By the same, oh tho same day, Mr. John Hants, of Orangcville, to Miss Jsubclla Shuck, of Stdlotown, In Honkinavillo on Tuesday morning last, by the Rev. Mr. Drake, Mr. William Ncal, Merchant.of tho firm of Win. M'Kel- vy & Co. of Bloomsburg, to Miss Catha rine, daughter of Mr. Casper Christman of the lormer place. OBITUARY- DIED Iu Mount Pleasant township, on Fiiday tho 1st inst. Catharine, daughter of Mr. Harman Kline, aged 2 years 4 montha and one day. AN APPRENTICE To tho PRINTING BUSINESS, wanted at this Office. A smart active lad, 15 or 10 years of age will receive good encouragement. More Bridges to Esefc. THE Commissioners of Columbia County will raccivo proposals and enter into contracts with the lowest and best bidders; at tho liouso of Isaac C. Johnion, Esq. Innkeeper", in' Orangcville, on Friday, tho 15th day of March next, (buldinija to bo closed nt 3 o'clock, P. M.) for building the following bridges in &aid county, aa follows: Tor building n Uridgo acioss Fishing Creel:, at tllo mouth of Iliiutinirton Creek, at or near Lazarus' Ford, in Fihiug Creel; township to havo stone abutments 21 feet lone, 10 feet thick,- and 12 feet high from low water mark, with wing walls to ox. tend into tho bank 20 feet. Tho superstructure to consist of a single wooden arch, 132 lect long, by 20 feet wide, from out to out. ALSO For IEebuilding a Uridgc across Fishing Creek at or near tho dwelling houea of Mosca Mc Ilcnry, in said township. Tho abutments and piers oi mo old unugo lo uo completely ripaired, anil a Uraco llndge superstructure erected thereon 121 lect long. Moth Bridges arc to bo put under good shinglo roof, to extend ten lect beyond tho lace of tho abnt mcnts. I'lans and specifications of tho work will bo ex hlbited at the time and place of letting. COK. CLACKNEIt, JOSE I'll BROBST, JOHN McIIENKY, Commissioners. Commissioners' Ofiico, Danville, Feb. 19, 1830. J To Bridge Builders. THE Commissioners of Columbia coun ty will enter into contract with the lowest and best bidders, for building the following bridges in said county as follows : A bridge to be built across Cattawissa Creek at the town of Cattawissa, will bo let at tho house of Joseph Sharplcss, Inn keeper, on Thursday, tho 28lh day of Feb ruary, inst. and is to bo of the following diminsions and materials, stone abutments, 21 fcet.long, and 10 thick, 10 feet high from low water mark, wing walls on the south side 50 feet long, and on thp north sido 00 feet long with a regular curve. Tho super structure an arch bridge 132 feet long by 20 feet wide from out to out. , And is to be built on the plan of tho Susquehanna bridge, at Cattawissa. Single track. The other bridge to bo built at Peter Klines, Esq.'s Mill, across Roaring Creek, in Roaring Creek township, will bo let by the Commissioners stt the same time and plane above mentioned, and is to be of the fol lowing dimensions'and materials s Stono a butments, 19 feet long, 0 feet thick, and 0 feet high from low water mark. Tho wing walls on the east side to bo 25 feot long, and on the west to bo 20 feet long. The super structure brace bridge 40 feet long between tiic abutments at tho foundation, and 10 feet wido from out to out. Both Bridges to be put under a good shifiglo roof to extend ten feet beyond the face of tho abutments. Tho plan and specifications will bu exhibit ed on the day of letting. CORNELIUS CLACKNER, JOSEPH BROBST, JOHN McHENRY, Commissioners Office, ? Danville, Feb. 12 1839. $ AIT APPEEHTICE jO tho ULACKSMITHING UUSINESS is ! wanted by tho Subscriber. A l)oy, who can coinowcll recommendod, between lOand 18 years of ago will receive good encouragement upon imme diate application to tho subbcriber. JACOU UEIDLGMAN. Jan. 12 1830. Noticed Tho Commissioners of Columbia coun ty, havo tho pleasure to acklowlcdgo tho ro coipt of a very neat set of Meteorological Instruments, consisting.of a Daromctbr, two Thermometers, a Self-Registering Ther mometer, and a Rain Guagc; furnished to this county by tho Committee on Meteorolo gy of the Franklin Iristijutc of Pennsylva nia, out of tho sum of four thousand dollars appropriated by the legislature at their ses sion in 1837, and placed at tho disposal or tho joint committee for tho advancement of Meteorology of tho American Philosophi cal Society and Franklin Institute, with a view of obtaining cvory information on the subject of climate that may be interesting, to the agriculturalist especially. Regular reports are requested to bo made to the committee, and rolls furnished for that pur pose,convenient to nolo all observations con nected with tho subject. Thoy havo been left for tho present with Dr. Magill, to whoso care they wero directed for tho use of the county. COR. CLACKNER, JOSEPH BROBST, Commissioners. Feb. Gth, 1830. Danville A NEW THRESHING MACHINE. STAXIjY & &OVf ARB'S SirctGIIilE EEfiKSS3 POWEES, Upon the Principle of a Leather Belt In clined Plane. The advanlago of the Machine over all others is, that it can be operated with a single horse, and requires but two men to work it, while it occupies but a small space in a barn. Tho power can also be applied to wood sawing, turning, or to operate ma ny other kinds of machinery for Mechani cal purposes. Any person wishing to per- chase tho right of a single power, or for townships, can obtain it upon application to the subscribers, living in Muncy township Lycoming county I'd. HAINES, THOMAS & Co. P. S. Letters directed to the subscribers on tho subject, to Muncy P. O. will be promptly attended to. . , Muncy, Feb. 0th 1839. 41 Dr. LEWIS MOYER. Hereby informs all those indebted to him, cither by JN OTIS or BOOK, that he in tends to leave this place, and wishes that they would settle their accounts before the 25th of February next. After that date his Books will bo put into the hands of a Jus tice of the Peaco for collection. He will bo at home every Wednesday and Satur day. Bloomsburg, Fob. 9th 1839. 41 1 IIollai?j KEWA11, RECEIPTS ,N tho night of tho 7th inst. tho houso of tho subscriber was broken open and his desk rob bed of about 20 dollars in money and gomo valuable papers, by a boy named WASHINGTON alias GEORGE WILLIAMSON, from Mifflin county, aged about 10 years. Said-boy is about 5 feet 0 inches high, sandy hair, full face, and had on a bluo trock coat ami uluo pantaloons. Jhoabovo reward will bo paid for his apprehensiou and conviction. Said boy had been an apprentice to tho subscriber to tho blacksmithing business, and had left his scr vice tho samo evening. JACOB DEIDLEMAN. Bloomsburg, Jan. 12, 1830. T. A liaiatlsemc young MARE ANJ SLEIGH. HE Subscriber offers for sale cheap, a hand some young bay Mare, well broken to either saddle or harness, together with a handsome sleigh with harness, all nearly new and m good order. GEORGE AV. DREISBACH. Hemlock tp. Jan. 12. 1830. 38 tf. fait up.- A LL persons indebted lo tho subscriber, uro re jJtLqucstod to make payment on or before tho first day of March next. Those who neglect this notico may expect to bo called on by a Constable, without tail orlurtlicr notice. GEORGE W. DREiSBACH. Hemlock tp. Jan. 12. 1830. 38 tf. IS hereby given to all wlio are indebted to tho subscriber, cither no Dook Notes, or Judgements on Dockets, that they muat como forward and settle otf their respecUvo duos between now and tho first day of Fcbuary, ltftfO, or they will bo severely dealt with. DANIEL GROSS. Bloomsburg Dee. 20th 1838. 30th TOOCT. ABIEft MOYER, Fi'csicln ISlicimmfism Doctor, From Heading, Informs the public that ho has returned to Bloomsburg, after an abscence since Ju ly last, and cm bo found at the Hotel of Daniel Snyder, where he will bo at all times ready to attend to pations who are aillicted with Rheumatic pains in the limbs ot body. Bloomsburg Dee. 29th 1838. 30 TONS Of superior Stono Coali, received and for salo by RUPERT & BAltTON. Dec. 221. AND EXPENDITURE OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, F& 183! HUGH McWlLLIAMS, Esq. Treasurer in account with the County of Columbia: jito. ungual uu uumuii uuu uic dui uuy vj jjtiixmuzr) iooo; uuiu uuys inclusive. Dl. Dolls. Cls. To balanco in the Treasury at last settlement, 774 95 To Cash received of tho sov- lieral Collectors during first quarter, 2520 12 do. do. 2d, 2070 49 do. do. 3d, 1011" 47i do. do. 4th, 2517 04i Tax on unseated lands, 301 42 To cash received of tho sev eral School Collectors, 340 35 10,132 35 Balanco in the hands of Hugh M Williams, late Treasurer, $1520 75i Cr. ,, Balanco duo theTrcasurer on last settlement, ByCash paidonCommission- ors' orders, By Treasurer's commissions! Balance ili Ihb Treasury; flails. Clt. 1703 07i 0954 Gli 253 80J 8011 59 1520 35 - i 10,132 35 WE, tho undersigned, Commissioners of the County of Columbia; have examined the above accounts, compared them with tho vouchors, and find them just and correct. Witness our hands this ninth day of January, A. D. 1839. We further certify, that there is the amount of six hundred and sixty-tluco dollars and forty-two cents of county orders in circulation. , COR. CXjACKNER, JOSEPH BROBST, Commissioners? Of the County of Columbia, as per orders issued by the Commissioners on Ihi Treasurer thereof , during the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty -eight. Assessors wages, Jurors vages and mileage, Constables attending courts, Constables making returns and mileage, School fund, Commissioners and Clerks wages, Views of road3 and bridges, State costs, Election General, Contingent expenses, includ ing two coal stoves and ptimp at jail, Carried up Bolls. Cts. 500 12 1208 48i 51 00 80 99 203 00 498 50 212 75 298 54 172 40 154 25 3540 03d Amount brought up, Printing and Stationary! Bridge building and repairing! Education poor, Auditors wages, Prothonotarys and Clerka wages, Coroners fees, Jailor's and Sheriffs fees, Court crier, Wolf, panther arid fox-scalps State costs, Bolls. Cls., 3540 03 271 44 2238 21 22 44 30 00 i07 57 92 74 375 44 48 00 147. 42S 52 24 0937 56 WE, the undersigned, Auditors, duly electod to settle arid adjust the accounts of tho" County of Columbia, do certify, that we have examined the foregoing accounts, and wo do report a balance in favor of the county, in tho Treasury, to tho amount of fifteen hun dred and twenty dollars and seventy-five and one-half cents. Witness our hands, this ninth day of January, A. D. 1839. JOHN BIDDLE, GEO. H. WILLETS, SEBASTIAN HOWER,' Auditors. To County Rates and Levies for 1835 67 8 8 from Collectors. Collectors' Names: Michael Sanders, John Moyer.jr. Jacob Rissel, jr. Christian Shuman, Jeremiah Woolever, David Philips, John Fiees, John Brown, Jacob Shultz, Isaac Leidy, Daniel Woolever, Thos. Mendenhall, Peter Simonton, John Riichcl, James O. Sproul, Thos. Barber, Daniel Gatigor, Charles Eves, John Kline. Charles Hartman,' Jesse Shannon, Peter Hotler, John Melcch, Elijah Price, Jesso Yocum, Daniel Pcclar, Hcnrv Dietrick, John'McWilliams, Benjamin Alwood, Townships. Mahoning, Derry, Mahoning, Mitllin, Madison, Mahoning, B. Creek, MilHin, Cattawissa, Hemlock, Madison, Greenwood, Liberty, Mt. Pleasant, Derry, Madison, Limestone, Greenwood, Sugarloaf, Hemlock, Bloom, Mifllin, Mt. Pleasant, R. Creek, Cattawissa, Fishing Creek, Brier Creek, Liberty, Mahoning,' ,, Whole am t. Paid. Balance due'. 1835 1418 35 1228 32 190 02 901 51 .325 43 570 09 183G 1359 53 i070 44 283 09 703 39 444 50 348 89 " 583 40 312 02 271 44 1837 1900 90 022 10 378 80 ' 935 03 670 25 159 7( 015 01 545 23 C9 7fcf 885 30 789 82 95 53 090 82 018 45 72 37 " 432 50 334 04 97 80 ' 428 23 311 87 110 30 " 424 54 353 90 70 04 205 73 177 12, .88 00 1838 013 35 250 G7i 350 08 401 37 HI 71 359 00 544 45 445 70 , 98 75 411 12 130 00- 275 12 210 14 ... 210 14 ' 703 G7 125 00 058 67 957 25 109 50 787 75 i 513 50 217 50 200 0Q 189 48 50 00 J39 48 410 07 175 40 271 17 555 09 131 00 424 09 212 70 .30 00 212 70 " 1201 7G 300 00 001 75 375 27 207 10 i08 10 ti 027 49 144 73 782 80 $8 732 89 WE, tlio undersigned, Commissioners, havo ascertained from the Treasurer's Books, the balance duo tho Connty of Columbia eight thousand sevon hundred ami thirty-two dollars and eighty-nine cents; (errors excepted.) CLACKNER JOSEPH BROBST,' Contniissioncri