The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, February 09, 1839, Image 4

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    PitaspJEOTtrS of
rTTVIE democratic party ofl'cmrvania has jus
JL passed through a iicry conmel, ana come oui
hot only unscathed, but completely Victoriott
another proof tf the purity and stability o
heir principles. Notwithstanding their triumph
ihey cannot for any length of time, repose in llio
kip of f Ictory, for their foes aro most insidunus, and
vcr watchful, and Although routed, will again rally
tinder somo new name, to oppose the principles of
democracy, fcnmity to which, being ttio only bond
that can even for a moment, hold then! together.
We must therefore remember, that tho price of free
tlom Is unceasing vigilance. .
In spite of the rankest corruption, and of frauds
Innumerable, wo have elected n. democratic Gov
ernor, and a majority in tho house of representa
tives, sufficiently lafgc,t6 gfvo us tho control in joint
ballot, and secure to Pennsylvania a democratic re
presentative in the United States Senate.
The fraudulcnttlections, which will probably bo
contested; thcunhcard of malpractices on tho public
works, which require a searching examination; tho
adoption by tho peoplo of tho amendments to our
atatc constitution, which will require important le
gislative enactments, to meet the changes thus mado
in tho fundamental law together with the concur
rent action of the scnato with the Governor, in ina-
HE) EADER, did you ever see a confirmed Dys
JAM. peptic, and learn his sufferings! If not, suf
lice it to say, ho is a pale, thin and ghastly looking
olject, his life apparently hanging by a thread t he
is miecrabloand unhappy, ills suircrings indiscriba
blc. Aro you mdeh troubled with flatulency, costive
nees, sour eructations arising from your stomach,
occasional want of appetite, Watcrbi ash, n bad taste
in your mouth, or foul breath, pain or n heaviness
at your stomach, sickness after eating, headache, dis
gust at your once favorite food, &c. If you are
much troubled with any of tho foregoing symptoms,
bring.bcforc you tho pictura of tho Dyspeptic, and
having resolved to remedy tho consequences, ira
mediately procuro
A never failing and efficacious remedy for
And tho whole train of affections resulting from dis
eases of the Liver, Stomach and Intestines
The nbovo medicine is warranted free from mer
cury or other mineral preparations; it is composed
entirely of vegetables, fcafo and easy to take, being
very pleasant to the taste. It may be safely admin
istered to young and old, requiring butmodcrato re
utrictions in diet only,
Numerous testimonials have been from time to
nyofhis important appointment, will an render
Iho coming session of the legislature perhaps tho
winc-f ImnnWat,) in 1'n n vl vntl I fl . find
muso their piocccdings to be unusually interesting time published; its reputation is so well known, Tur
in m,n in ihn mmrm.nitv. thcr comment upon its virtues is unnecessary, tuf-
'I ha editors of tho Keystone, inlenil to give iri-
i . . , - - u r.t.:. ,Arnn
OULD resnectfuly inform the citi
zens of Bloomsburg and Ha vicinity, that ho
still carries on the above business, at his
old established stand, on Main-street. Hav.
iiig received the latest Philadelphia and N
York Fashions, in connection with his
Highly Improved Patent for Cutting
Garments to tit every shape wllbout a pos
sibility of failure, he feels assured that work
executed at his shop will never bo com
plained of, and by close attention to busi
ness, hopes to recetvo a share of public pa
tronage as heretofore.
attend to any business connected with the
Offices and in particular, tho writing of
JRci'tls, IWorfgngCS, and all other
conveyances ami articles 01 agreement, in a
legal and handsome style.
Bloomsburg, Nov. 17, 1838. au
treated attention to tho proceedings of this session,
and note every movement of interest to the, public.
They will have competent reporters in both houses
Of our legislature, as well as at "Washington city,
thus enabling them to give as full reports of all im
portant legislative proceedings as their columns will
Tho Keystone is tho largest paper published in
Harrisburg, and being printed on small typo, regu
larly gives In itd columns nearly onb Tinnn moro
wading matter than any other political paper in tho
state. This we have been enabled to do from the
very great encouragement we havo received from a
Cencrous public. Thankful for these favors, tho
editors hereafter will spare no pains or expense to
render their paper interesting and valuable to tho
public, and serviceable to tho great and triumphant
auie of Democracy and Freedom,
For the Keystone yearly, twice a week during the
session of tho Legislature, and once a week for tho
remainder of the year, - - $3 00
During the session of the! Legislature only, twico
week, - - - $3 00
For six montliSj'not including any part of tho sos
teon of the Legislature, - , 1 00
pers sent in one packet and to ono direction, for
the price of five as above; or fifteen papers sent as
above for tho price of IS) or 26 papers sent as above
for the price of 20.
Cj-All Postmasters, and other democratic citi
ens, are requested to receive and forward subscrip
tions to us. PACKER, BARRETT &PARKE.
Harrisburg, October 25, 1835.
THROUGH a lingering and irremedia
ble desease, my health at length became s.o
impaired, that I became unable to attend to
all the requirements of my official duties.
By pcrsuation of my numerous friends,
I consonted at last to keep an apothecary,
thinking it would be the most becoming, ea
siest for me to engage in at the present time;
and since (or while) I have established a
shop, I would humbly solicit the support of
my friends and the public in general, on ac
count of my gfeat sickness. And especial
ly, would I request the merchants of this
dace, to give me alltpossible chance of sell
ng those articles belonging to nty line of
r , ., - :
business, tor wntcn iney may receive my
sincere thanks. A few articles only which
are to be found in my Health Emporium
are advertised. Thero will be kept a con
itnnt supply of such articles as may be call
ed for; but i per chance, a call should be
made for such as I am not in possession of
immediate preparation will be made in order
to obtain them.
Further, do I earnestly invite Physicians
of this place and its vicinity, to give me a
call, aa I intend to sell very reasonable.
There will be kept constantly on hand,
all kinds of Medicines, Patent and others,
warranted to be genuine, All kinds of
Paints, Glass, Dye-stuff, 5ic. &c. Also a
variety of Confectionaries, Raisons, Nuts,
Herring, Sugar and Water CracKcrs, Or
anges, Lemons, Figgs, Prunes, Perfume
ries, &c. Sic. All articles in tho Health
Emporium, I intend to sell cheaper than
they can be bought at any other piano in the
county. Youi Fiiend and well wisher.
Health Emporium.Bloomsburg Sept. 22
VERY respectfully informs his friends and the
public, that he has always on baud, at his Li
ery Stable in Bloomsburg, for the purposes of Hire
cr Exchange, a variety of
Horses, Sulkies,
which be will feel gratified to keep in readiness for
Die accommodation of customers.
Personal application can be maao at his resjdencc,
when every means will be used to render entiro cat
Jaciou to thufe who my giw Mm a call.
DIoomsborg, May 26, 1838,
ALAKATJJ8, Glauber Baits, Epsom aalU, for
aula at um
Cheap Health Emporium.
For sale at
Tobias Health Emporium Bloomsburs,
ficc it to say, it has nevkii iuilkii is a sinhlk
instance. Further recommendations accompany
tho directions around each bottle.
rXPrice One Dollar per bottle.
Prepared and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr.
Leidy's Health Emporium, 2d fctre'et. below Vine,
No. 191.
Also Sold by
D. S. TOBIAS, Agent.
Bloomsburg, May 26. lyO
ILatlics look at this.
ILT Book Boxes, Silk do. Paper do. Gilt
Beads. Fancv do. cut do. plain do. Ladies
Waxes. Gilt Thimbles. Hooks & Eyes, IScedlo ca
ses, all kinds of Smelling' Bottles, very handsome;
Breast Pins, Ear rings, Finger rings, Pomatum,
Snuff Boxes, Hair Brushes, Pocket combs, Lead
Pencils, black and red; for sale at
TOBIAS' Health Emporium.
Will you be so kind as to look at this ! !
-IIITE Glue; Flako White; Oxalic Acid
for sale at tho Health Emporium by
(TARCH, Snuff Beans, Sand Paper oi all kinds,
JSpints Terpentine, (Jocoa prepared Uhocolato
for sick peoplo A fresh supply for sale at the Health
Emporium in Bloomsburg, ly
ERCURIAL Ointment, Sulphur do. Simplo
do. Pcrcipcdatc do. Red, Cetrin do. Turtar
Emetic do. and all other kinds of Ointments, for
sale at the Health Emporium, by
Dy the Box, and one box will last a whole
year. For sale by
'lobfe Hoahb Emporium BloaraSburflv
1L of Spruce, for making Spruce Beer.
Extract of Sarsparilla. Tooth Powder.
Spatula. Emery. Castel Soap, Lady's
Palm Soap to Wash. Distilled Vcrutgries.
r c c. c .. r ..iii, o
wii ui ijuuii, tut umiui; uut ui uiuiiis uijulo,
Stains, Grease, Sic. All for sale at
Tobias1 Health Emporium.
EC COMMENDED by Doct, Wilson as t
JXfe, certain cure for llhcumatism. Also,
cccommcndcd by Doct. Davis, of Philadelphia,
lor ho following complaints. Rheumatism, Weak
nes and stillness oithc Joints, &c. I or sale nt
Tobiaa1 Health Emporium, Bloomsburg.
D. S. TOBIASAgent.
Bloomsburg, June 23, 1698.,
Certain Cure for the following complaints:
lolils, coughs, asthmas, consumptions, Knit
ting of the blood and all disorders of the, breast and
lungs. It is extracted, from hcrlw, roots plants and
flowers, by a Phj f ician who resided upwards of four
years among the muercnt Inlies oi lVitlli American
Indians, anil with unwearied diligence used every
means in his power, to acquire TTnowledge of tho
diuercnt re medics, used by them for the cuie of cen-
sumptions and complaints of tho and lungs,
to which they are more summed than unv other na
tion, on account of the mode of living, and being
exposed to the inclemency of all weathers. The
above medicine for sale at
Tobias' Health Emporium in Bloomsburg,
dARPENTER'8 Fluid Extract of Sarsapaiilla.
VLy for purifying the blood, and removing all dis
eases arising irom excess or mercury, exposures and
iinprudcnres in life, chronic constitutional diseases
anting Irom an impure otate of the blood, cVc. &c.
and is especially recommended lor rheumatism,
scrofula or king's evil, ulceration of the throat and
leg, pains and swellings of the bones, tetter, pim
ples on the fico and caly eruptions of the skin, all
of which will yield under tho use of this preparation.
Cariieittcr's Compound Syrup of Sarsaparilla.
This compound contains all tho properties of the
Lisbon diet drink in a concentrated degree, and is u
valuable medicinco for purifying the blood, and rc
i moving all constitutional diseases arising from an
unpuro .:t'jto of that Huid
All M sale at
Tobias' Drugg Stor6, BloomsUirjf.
PTJIIIS well known mixturo throughout tho U-
J3 nion, is a sure icmedyfor depraved Appetite,
Hurtburn, Water Brash, Flatulency, Jaundice,
Night Sweats, Dysentary, Bowel Complaints, and
other affections of similar origin and especially for
me t ever turn Ague r or sate at
Tobias' Health Emporium.
jBHIS valuable Medicine is a certain euro for
H young children, in chohc, convulsions, rest
IcMnees, griping, disordered bowels, ;grecn stools,
uur vuniniiiKv, oca. r or saie a
7mut' Imlh Bntportwfi, Bkomtbutfr
33r. Brandrefcli's
T'EHHESE pills havo obtained a celebrity for cur
II ing most diocafcs to which tho human nystcm
is liable, unexampled in the history of the healing
art. 1 hey expel by tho action ol the stomach and
and bowls, all bad humours from the Mood, causing
i frco circulation of tho lluids, and restores abound
stato of health.
Tho thousands who use and recommend them, is
proof positivo of their extraordinary and beneficial
licet e.
Tho subscriber has received the appointment of
Acnt, tor Uio ealc of Ur. urnudctirs l'llls in
Bloomsbmg. Nono are genuine that aro offered for
sale, without a cerliticnte of appointment signed by
tho proprietor and countersigned by Branch Green,
general agent; and no ccrtifieato is ever given, to
thoso engaged in the Drug business.
J. R. ftlOYER.
Bloomsburg Aug. 14 1838. Iyl7
Tlie Pennsylvania Heporlcp
Is published at Harrisburg twice a week
during the session of the Legislature,
and once a week during the recess.
PlTiHE Reporter will continue to be fasit hereto.
H fore has been) an unyielding advocate of the
principles of tho Democratic party a supporter of
tho great and vital questions of free government
identified with the nucres of tho Administration of
tho General Government and an untiring oppo
nent of the Federal aristocracy, which seeks, in the
election of one of lla favorites, to inflict upon the
country the cursn of a national JJunk, to bo govern
cd in Us operations by no other viewe than tho
vancemcnt of the interests of a favored fey at the
expense of the intercuts, tho rights, and the liberties
of the ninny. Against such a parly and such an en
gine el political evil, the Krporter will bo found act
nig with the body of the people.
As the ensuing session of the Legislature will be
one of more than ordinary interest to the peoplo, the
Editors of the Reporter hive made arrangements
which will enable them to cite a more full and
completo history of the proceeding in both houses
than they have heretofore Wen enabled to do. Ev
ery exertion will lxi uso.1 to make tho Reporter a
medium through which the people thall receive a
tun record oi the doing oi their rrprt'rcnutives.
rcr annum til uu
For the session 2 00
Any agent or other person fonrardinc ?10, or
becoming responsible therefor, shall havo Fiv copies
tonvardeu as may be directed, during tucioiNonol
the Legislature.
Persons forwarding names of subscribers nro re
quested to be riarticular in staling whether tho muV
scriptiori are to continue for the year or for the Mis
sion. UUA &. COl'LAH,
Nov. 6, 1838.
Between Wilkesbarre ' itorthumbcrland.
PBIHIS Line will lcavo Wilkcs-barro aflor the ar
ia, rival of the Statrcs from Montrose. Tunkhan-
nock, Towanda, Owego, Blngliamplon, Carbondalc
and llonesdalc; ttnd arrive at Northumberland tHo
lollowlng morning in tunc to take the coach at
NorthI) and arrive at Harrisburg same eveninc,
Pnstcngers by this lino will arrive at Harrisburg
Irom -Montrose 2-1 hours m advance of tho nnul :
coming up on the arrival of the Harrisburg stage at
iorth d pusscngcrs will take this line, .arrive at
WilUcsliarro on the following morning by 7 o clock,
and will reach Montrose same evening " i Hours in
advance of the mail that leaves Harrisburg with the
same coach. This lino ulso connects, at Berwick,
with tlicMauch Chunk, Beaver Meadow, Hazlo
ton, I owanda and Elmiia coaches. 1 ho propric,
lorn have stocked the route with good teams and
coaches, under the charge ofrarcful drivers. Those
advantages, it is expected, will induce- tho travelling
community to give thtir line a trial.
r are through SX
P. MC. GILCHRIST, Wilkesbdrrb,
J. C. HORTON, Northumbcrlnnd,
N. B. All baggage at the owner's risk. dec. SStf.
The Victory Won,
l rbK long, tedious, and cxrwnsive bxpen-
mcnl, Dr. Leidy has discovered a method
wheicby the virtue of the Sanaparilla is extracted,
so as to be formed into Pills without destroying it
innumerable attempts have liecn made to accom
plish this important object, but all failed. It is im
portant, bccauseAe .Sunaparilhi, ax amcdieine,'m
all diseases to which mankind issilbiect u nroduct-
ive of more real good, than the whole catalogue of
nit'uicinc in use.
Ak all rcspcctablo physicians the questlon,-
1 What is the most puriiie r of the blood, and
tho most popular medicine used!" they will answer
unanimously, Sarsaparilla. What better rocom.
mcndatiou can be asked 1
Price, Twenty-five Cents a Dor.
They must surely command a preference, for Ihey
are not composed of SursepanlU alone, but contain,
in a concentrated state, m the form of a pill, the
virtues ot the principal ingredients contained in tho
compound iluul, extracts, iiyrupts, and other prepara
tions of Sarsaparilla,
1 hey aro highly recommended by numerous phy
sicians, and others, (tee directions around each bot
tle; in
Anfi 11m. misnna. fn t ...I r,
" good and cheap, 1 j
300 11"- 21 quality good and cheap.
300 bunch box reitoris good end choan.
14tf lbs. Kurntinah riirro, ... 1 .
eon7mon cheap. 4nd
JO drums ottiggs very good artlelo tnd chent
tO bushels European groundnuts.
00 lbs. English walnuts.
2(H) Ilia, cream nuts.
atX lbs filberts br English llnsielnutsi
i uoxes scotch herring smoked.
3 barrels of water crackers;
3 barrels of sugar biscuit
And hundreds and thousands of other article f
goods and cheap, just from tho city of PNliibn?
and for sale at tho well known cheap Druv l.
and Health Emporium in the town of BloonM
LETTERS of Administration bavin,, k,
granted upon tho cstato of AbrahJ , vr
sh,ngUtcektohthip, Colnu
dee'd. of Fi
ty. 4 11 persons indebted to said cMnto
led Jo make immediate payment, ond'aulS
having demands against said cstato
mem io l lie sutu
ccording to law,
them to the subscribers, duly attested, or l0Q
Fi.b do. f!1, t. on 1bo .
- vivwi wuug Jt 4Ou0J
Gentlemen ami Ladies come
the handsome
mid hid
RENCH double rectified
Otto of Rose, for ralb at ul
Tobias's Health Emporium.
Hose ointment,
ut ""s, ringworm. pirniiiciJ
tho face, and othe't cutaneous
Ask for rMV'
Tobius' Health Emporium, Bloomsbvir
Rheumatic. Affections,
Schmfula Erysipelas,
Jaundice, Heartburn
Diseases of the Liver,ftkin
bones and glands.
Pain of the sides, along
the back and cptuc o
ver the region of tho
heart mid stomach.
fnwurd fibers, bad taste
i n the mouth.foul breath
Flatulency, Indigclion.
Sour eructations and acid
ities of the stomach.
Want of appetite.
Ulcc-ous fores of the nose
throat and body.
Scaly Eruptions and
blotches of the skin.
Dry nnd watery pimples
and pcstulfd of the
face nnd body.
Tetter nnd rinirworms.
Swellings and hardening
of tho glands of tho
neck, in the groins,
breast. &c.
I Stomach Coughs,
Liver complaint.
noved Aperient Seidlite Patmbr,
"ELD in highrcstimationforindiL'Cftion.f.
R In burn and billiniiAairrtfMn r.v...i. .1
Tbbias1 Health Emporium,' Rlbomskil
D. S. TOBIAS, in Bloomsbuq,
lOLISHING POWDER, io clean n,l
all kihds of Metal, and Hotsn Pmv.Cil
sale at the cheap Drustoro, in Bloomsburg, ij j
u. . 1'UliIAS.
ENGAL Inditrn; Spanish do.
iVitrial; White do. for ealc cbcan an J matt 1
the Bloomsburg Ware House, by I
n. s. ToniAi
BLUE SMALTZ, AVhite Frosting, IcriJ
0 Moss for consumptive People; Segars, Ctj
mon, Spanish and Half Spanish; and a thouii
uerariictes too tedious to mention, for sale at
Tobias' Health Emporium
l nc suoscnoer nas jeu ma uoor ac
counts and Notes in the liamls of hidings
Barklcy,Esq.for collection. All pajsons in
debted will pleasp call immediately and set
tle, or llicie will bo cost, as dc.ays are dan
gerous. U, U. FISHER.
One Two Horse Waiton.and a Sled with
Cast Shoes.botli nearly new, which will be
sold Uheap on easy terms, by calling on
Vegetable Anii-Iiilious Pills.
These pills aro found to lie a most certain and af
fcctual preventive of fever, janndice bilious, and oth
ercholic, and indeed, of all diseases caused bv oh
fctruction or affections of the stomach, liver spleen,
or intestines. For liver nnd stomach complaints and
all diseases connected therewith, such as hypoehon
dries, hysterics, dispepsia or indigestion, loss of op-
l" im, iiiuuiicuc, giuuiurss, aim lor lever anil ague,
these pills are a sure preventitive- Also, for salt
rhcutne. They cleanse the stomncl, remove there
from all vitiated biles purify and refine tho blood
Does a person feel a loss of appetite and a bad taste
in the mouth, with afiintnets of the stomach, n few
doses of tltese pills aro sure to remove all such diffi
culties, speedily set matters to right. Heaviness,
dull, sleepy and elug-gish inaction, with or without
a yellowness of complexion, these pills will surely
and speedily remove all such ailments, and timely
uso oi iucso pins piay prcvcni me occurrence o
any such formidable disease.
Also JIawlcy s vegetable balve, known thronzh--
out tho Union. This salve when used has a pccuJ
liar quality in reviving an action of the uffectcd
narls, by softening and opening tho pores and creat
ing iuisjiiinuuii, luuucing lever etc, u usoivcs,
expels, and entirely prevents tho blood from settling
in the floJi of bruises, or wounds, of any descrip
tion, and is a suro preventive of mortification, and
may be made use of for cuts, sores, burns, rheuma
tism, paui in the bade, breast or sido.
The abovo articles for sale by
D. S. TOBIAS, Agentt
BldOBtolmrff, October 1S,
and all tho whole train of dfceaws resulting from
impurity of the Mood, constitutional diseases pro
duced by mercury, or other mineral, or the conse
quence of SypVilii, Luew Venereal, Ac.
For convenience of takimr, ni well as making but
small bulk, being in flat square hoxp-), convenient
for carrying in tlio poeket or for travelling purposes,
they nnift bo preferable to all other preparations of
For s lie, Wholesale and Retail at Dr. Leidv s
IlealtliEinporium, ZndncarVinestreet.Philadclphia,
for sale by JJ. a. TOBIAS.
Jfholtsak Dealers and Retailers of For
ctgn Merchandize.
fUnilAT in compliance with an act of the Gen-
j3 cral Assembly, approved tho 7th day of April,
ATI). 1H30, the Associate Judges and Cummisfion.
cm of the county of Columbia, will meet at the
Commistionci' office, in Danville, on Wednesday,
the 23d day of January, 1830, at one o'clock 1'. M.
Ur the impose ot taking up the returns of the ocv-
cral Constables of iiaid county, thai are to bo made
to tho Court of Quarter Sessions on or before the
first day (Ulet) of the Janunry term 1839, and to
place each of die Merchants that may then be re
turned, dealing as aforesiid, into that class that may
appear io m right and just, as provided ior by the
3d section of said act, hen and when: each of you
may attend if you think projxr either in person by
ageni or attorney.
Jlssoclalc udqes.
January 6, 1830.
Certain cure for Frost bitten Limbs, which I
can prove by eop!o in thitf Town. Forsalo
White Italian Iffiilberrj,
ronrsiB' nE.iTjTn i.vpomrx
Tobias' Health Emporium in Bloomsburg.
Warranted to be cood, also LOCO FOCO
nIA 1 UIl'.b, cood, I'orsaloat
I obiasVUealtlr Emporium Bloomsburg.
Df. Weaver's Wotm Tea and SalVe.
njHE acUon of this Mcdicin'e is not only to cxt
pel ivnrin1,, uui oy lis ionic powers, to pre
vent a return of them, by removing tho weak stac-
of Iho digestive, organs on which their pioduction
m ainly depends r or eaie by
Health Emporium, Bloomsburg.
B hereby given to all delinquent tar Collectors,
that unlets they BCttlo up their Accounts, on or
bctoro the ZiUx day ol January Inst, they will be
piocoedodagamst oa the Luw In such cases dirocto.
Hit. iati, I8M.
Physician & Surgeor
Informs the citizens of Bloom and vici
iy, mm nu nas tocatcu nimse in trie vi
of Blomsburg, wlieio he will always i
ready to attend to all calls for his profesj.
al services.
Office next door to Robisons Stage 0Et
Oysters! Oysters!
THE Subscriber has iust received an
piy oi y&iiartov 8vser. fresh
line. He has made arrangements to hi
a regular supply uurme the winter.
j 4 u, muisk.
November 24, 1838; 31.
Evans' Cammomile Pills,
Waranted to be genuine.
Anderson's Pills, fc all other kinds olTn
Fly Stone, to kill Flies with.
Fish Seed, to catch fish with.
Spunges, for sale af
TOBIAS' Health Emporim
HORSE LANCES best nualitv. For sale,1
Tobias' Health Emporium, Blooimbiti
WATER COLOURS, for 124 cte.pcr box M
in a box. For sale at
Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsbiffji
Doct. Godbolds Vegetable Balm oj I,
FOR the cuv of Consumption. A certain.'
dy for it which can bo proved by peP!l
ten miles from this place For sale at
Tobias' Health Emporium in Blooms!';
ecommended by Physicians especially Wl
. ne.nnln For unlft nt I
Tobias' Health Emporium BloomsM
Silcs Ointment. .
F' almost immediately rtmovs the pain
lays tho inflamaiion, and by attending
lull directions, tho sullcrer will bo (peeunj
from the unpleasant affection. Cull at , ,
Tobias'. Health Emporium, Bloom
lcohol, alloncttar. anuo forties, block AtM
ginger, camphor, gum copal, window P . I
Bjiice, gum ehcllack, isinglass, miistard, n'li' i
do.fhlelds, sucking bottcls, stoden ltw.'
scaling wax, atoyo black, and pepper. F ,
TOBIAS' Health Empori
LACK INK, Rod Ink. Blue rnir,
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