The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, February 09, 1839, Image 3

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    ' .... .
Hie proceedings of the Lcgieralme for
ld&t two weeks are almost entirely with
gcneral inienst, ii' U-e cxcrpi tlio jpjec-
. n rrsrillilinH In rnlnw ihii Vif
Inion bill was hanging between the two
ylmtnctm uoucges. mora aro at pre-
Kit eighty-eight college's in tho Union, di-
led ralhcr uirtcjually lirhong tho Statea.
tsiucs nieso mere aro la juuw ounuuia,
Medical Schoo'.s.and 33DivihitySchoola.
ie number of Students Iri 11 of tlio Law
,)&), is 227, in SO of tlio Mcdical.2489,
fjO of tho Divinity Schools, 1058'.
General Stephen Van itchsclaor, mo
111 known Talrooii bf Albany, died sud-
).. . .,o..i!..-u...r.iJ. ... i
iniv, a; ins iiiiinur iauiu, a icw uaya since.
i was atl agSd man', immensely wealthy',
I every way distinguished for his liberal
I patriotic character'.
Extraordinary Phenomenon. The St.
Jui's Gazelle of the 1 1 ill tilt, contains the
Blowing extraordinary account !
We are informed uii'ori the bc3tatiihor-
, that on Mf ii lay morning last, the water
the lake, on the American Bottom, "oppo-
thi3 city, called the Grand Marais, cov-
g more tliati-one thdtlsahd, acres, sudden-
disappeared, leaving iiino tenths bf it?
entirely bare. It has filled up' gradual-
bnt, oil Thursday, was aboiit oric foot
ow its ordinary height; Tlio fish In tho
e appear to liavo bcrin all destroyed, thou-
;Js of them being now floating oh thb
fce of the lake! While the water was
:t, a huge fissure was discovered in the
th at the bottom bf tlic lake, extending
m bank to bank.
'An Albany Cdrresnondent of tho N. Y.
recent freshet in the neighborhood of
jany, jit 61,000,000;
Fhe limited partnership hill ria3 boon re
ted in tho Missouri Legislature,
rhe Missouri Lcgidaturo arc aboiit to in
duce a liberal system bf common schools
that Slate. It is high time;
young mart who attempted bri Tuesday
et on ti turlhen tram passing tho Oak-
d Hotel; Delaware couiity, Pa., was
ght by tho railing of the bridge and
own down and run over by eight of the
s, mangling and fracturing his limbs in a
eking maimer and causing doath in three
young femalo bf Now York city was
cued from a stream near Auburn, in an
nipt to drown herself, owing to remorse
having joined a company about to open
new theatre ifl that town.
Tho Petersburg (Va ) Intelligencer nay
b rail-road thence to tho Roanoke, has
fide viore m'oiYcy and hilled more people
n any in the United States.
Tho snow has been five foot deep in Jcf-
on county, Ohio.
resolution has passed the House of Re-
scntalivcs of Michigan, without a dissent-
voice, instructing the Judiciary Commit-
to bring iii a bill abolishing imprisonment
iTlid Lowell Courier describes a girl fivo
iars of age, who has arrived there frorri
arlow, N- II., on her way to Boston.
e is said to be 4 feet in height, 4i round
waist, and to weigh 1G5. Slio is morc-
:cr ' quite playful and sprightly."
IMARRIED Qrt thb 5th inst. by tho
Bv, William J. Eyor, Mr. Isaac Hurler,
Cattawissa township, to Mrs Sarah
felz, of the sarno place
Jtty tho Rev. D. S. Tobias, nn tho 6th
st. Mr. Joshua ft ebb, to Miss Eltzu
tVer, both of Espytowu.
By thd samei .on tho 7lh inst. Mr. John
i, Aiilin, tb Miss Susan Event of Or
pville. JBy thosamo, oh tiic same dav, Mr. Jdhn
ramm, to Miss Elizabeth Mauser, of
!:mlock, all of Columbia co;
On Tuesday tho 0th tilt, at Franklin,
iox county, Ohio Dr. Lewis II. Cary
I mount Uilcad, to Miss Martha Chern
rlin, daughter of tlio lato John Chern
rlin E(i. deb'd. and formerly of this
he Gth ConrcTenco district, of the I'enn-
n:. ci l :n . . .
tho Luthcrian Church in this place.
vine service may bo expected in tho ovo-
fTl HI l ift 1.1,1. in tUn ItmlidT. 1.
i aiso on tho two Euccoeduij; days.
IVITTUJI t ri'vnr
Bloorasburg, Feb. 5th 1839.
vpon the Principle of a Leather Belt In
clined Plane.
Th? 'advantajro of tho Machine over all
olhors is, that it can be operated with a
slnglonorsc, anil requires but two men to
work it, while it occupies but a small space
in a barn. Tho power can also bo applied
to wood sawing, turning, or to operate ma-
.... it p i?: p.
uy umui miiua ui inuciiuicry ior iueciiaui'
cal purposes. Any person wishintr to per
cha.'t thb right of a single powor, or for
townships, can obtain it upon application to
tho subscribers, living in Muncy township
Lycoming, county Pa. .
. . , HAINES, THOMAS & Co.
P; S. Letters directed to the subscribers
oh the subject, to Muncy P. O. will bo
promptly attended to.
Muncy, Feb. 9th 183!. 41
Hereby informs all those indebted to hini,
cither by NOTE or BOOK, that ho in
tends to leave this place, and wishes that
they would settle their accounts before tho
25th of February next. ,, After that date.Iiis
Books ' be put jnto the hands of a Jus
ticc of the Peace for collection. Ho will
be at home every Wednesday aiid Satur
day. Blobmsburr, Fcb. o'tli 1839'. 4l
Arrangements havo been made with a
writer of acknowledged ability to produce
in the pages of 7Yic Gentleman1! Maga
zine, a monthly series of articles, descrip
tive of all subjects connected with the vari
ous Alanly Sports and Pastimes, embrac
ing a fund of information not elsewhere at
tainable, aiul illustrated, in its 'course, by
several hundred cngravinga on wood. A
moii'g others, the folldwiyg subjects will be
particularly exemplified.
TJic Horse and the Dog, in all their vdri
cties, with every requisite information re
specting Purclias'o, Breeding, Breaking, and
The Art of Gunning, in nil its branches,
including Rifle and Pistol Shooting, with
ample directions and valuable hints to young
. The Natural History of American Game
Birds. ,
Jingling, witH ah account of Arhcriban
Fishes. ,
Boating and Sailing, with a full de
scription of the various fancy crafts, and an
interesting account of tho principle Clubs.
Archery, with its Customs, &c. and a
History of its Rise and Progress.
Sivimming, Skating, Quoits, Crichcl,
Racket, Fives, and other Ball Games,
Forming, in tlio whole, a valuable Cyclo
pedia of useful and agreeable knowledge.
1 llgar
N the night ofthft7th inct. the house of tlio
subscriber was broken open and lua ucsit rob
bed ofaboutSO dollars in money and some valuable
papers, by a boy nnmcd WASlllMi TON alias
GKOKGE WILLIAMSON, from Mifflin county,
aged about 19 years). Said boy jg about 5 feet 0
inches high, (andy hiir, full face, mid had on a bluo
frock coat and bluo pantaloons. Thonbovo reward
will be paid for his apprehension nml conviction.
Said boy had been an apprentice to tho subscriber
to tlio bhcUsmithiug btuiricss, and had left his scr
vice the same evening.
IJIoomsburu, Jan. 15, 1839.
A iaaastisoaaac young1
K fin 111 Subscriber offers for sale cheap, a hand
jjj, some young bay Mare, well broken to cither
saddle or harness, together with a handsome sleigh
with harness, all nearly new and in good order.
Hoinlock tp. Jan. IS. 1839. 08 tf.
PA'S W&i
ALL persons indebted to tho subscriber, are re
quested to malio paytnentonorbeforo tho first
day of March next. Those who noglect thii notico
may expect to bo. called on by a Constiblo, without
fail or further notice.
Hemlock ip. Jan. 13. 1839. 38 tf.
wanted by tho Subscriber. A Boy, who can
cotno well recommended, between 10 and 18 years
of ago will receive good encouragement upon imme
diate opplication to tho subscriber.
Jdn.' 12 1839.'
S am in' Earnest
ISK WABB 1 1 1
few months sinco I gave notico that I wanted
my -RnOTv ACCOUNTS settled
and but very littlo attention was puid to it by thoso
intercHtod. I now give further notice, that all per
onfi hnving open accounts with me, must call and
settle then, cither by Noto or Cash", within TWO
MONTHS from date, or they will bo remured to
settlo witli a Justice of tho I'oaco. No mistake thki
Bloomsburg.Doc. 8, 1838.
N, U. I havo also on hand eoveral ?.'OTE9,
which must also bo exchanged for OAS1I, within
hB aboTO time, or tho signers will have to f'1 ot
On Salurdaylast, supposed in the village
of Bloornshurg, a
botilainihg two SO Dollar bills pn tho Uni
ted States Bank, one 5 on Northumberland
and ttyo S'b on the Schuylkill blank, and
several papers of no cons'cqucnce to any
one but the nwnnr. Thn nnmo nf i ilnliio
Appioman, ji." was. written in tlio i'nsido of
uiu uuci iwicc, , ino.iinuor win uc Hand
somely rewarded by returning it to. tho sub
scriber, or leaving it at the Democrat office.
Bloomsburg, Jan. 5.
Remaining in the Post Office at Bloorns-
ourff, ,ian. 1st, 183'J.
Bddnc Benjamin Esq.
uugur uamci
Cri cling Andrew
Davis David M,
Davis Cathcrino
Draycr Frederick
Dim William A. B
Fisher Caleb B. 2
Gaskius James 2
Guild Aaron D.
Gross Daniel Esq.
Hand Patrick
Hoats Daniel
Hefler Hannah
Herring Christian
lCnous rheba
Kncrr Georgo
Kclchlicr Georgo
Afclk Andrew
.Mclick Andrew
Mouscr Joseph
M'Carty Alexander
Naglo Michael
Naalo John
Philips Georgo W
JJcifer Uharlos
Painter Wra. P. I.
Iioaupard Henry A'.
. Itamsay Mary
EscJ. Kudy Daniel
ltiswick Jacob
Strawn Jamcd . ,
. Silvcrlhorn Marshall
Shipman Mathiai
Squire Ebiu
Scmiro T3. .
Swarlz Peter
Sloan Margaret
Tomlinson Samuel J.
Talmadgo J. K. Rev.
Vunderslicc Hies'ter
AVinech John U,
White 'Samuel
Waller D.J. Rev. .
Persons calling for letters on the aboVo
list, will please say they aio advertised.
IS hcrdby given to &U wlio aro indebted to the
subscriber, cither no Book, Notes, or Judgements on
Dockets, that they must como forward dial settle ch"
their respective due3 between how and tho first day
of Febuary, 1839, or thoy will bo severely dealt
Bloomoburg Dec. 29th 1838. 3fith
FrcJBCh I2kcr.Ejaalli93Ja iDocioa-,
. From Reading,
Informs the public that ho lias returned
to Bloomsburg, after an abscencc since Ju
ly last, and can bo found at the Hotel of
Daniel Snyder, where he will be at all times
ready to attend to pations who are afllictcd
with Rheumatic pains in the limbs or body.
Bloomsburg Dec. 29th 1838. 30
OF SARSAPARILLA, havintr becomo so
deservedly popular, on account of i(s superior
strength to any other preparation ol oarsapanlln m
existence, it is thought unnecessary to make much
conlmcnt upon ,ils virtues. Suffice it to say, one
hotlle of tho above contains twite aa murh of tho
active principles of Sarsaparilla an other ingredi
ents, as any extract in oxistccno, in tho name quan
tity, and is equal to one gallon of Syrup of Sana
parilla, for making which druggists and others pur
chase tho above preparation. Price ono dollar per
It is recomended in all distaccs of tho skin and
Bones; affections of tho Liver, Stomach, Spleen
and Kidneys; Eruptions, breaking out of Dry and
W.atcry Pimples on tho face, neck and body; ulcer
ations of tho nose, mouth and throat; running at tho
Ears and Eyos;BrysipiIas, ScrofuIa,rhcumatio pains,
swelling or hardening of tho Glands, constitutional
diseases produced by tho uso of mercury dr other
minerals. In short, Sorsnnarilla is known to tho
world, aa being tho most powerful agent ever dis
covered for purifying tho blood and Animals Fluids,
cousequently the most valuable; specific for nil dis
eases, resulting from iinpurhlej of tho Blood, and
oilier llmus ol tlio body, , .
Caution. Persons should bo particularly careful
in getting a preparation that may bo relied upon;
thero being many in existence, not properly prepar
ed, unfit for use, and almost incit; possessed of so
medicinal nualitic3 whatever!
Dr. N. B. Lcidy candidly declares his preparation
to bo what it is represented to lie, and is prepared
by himself, a regular Druggist and Apothecary, and
is bcsidc3 a regular Physician, attested by JJrs. ruys'
ic, Chapman, Hare, Cox, Dcwccs, Jackson, James,
Horner, Gibson, ice. (Sec directions and rccommcn'
dations around each bottle.)
Upwards of 3000 bottcls of tho above have been
sold, during tho past six months, a Gtrong proof of
its good qualities, &c. l or salo in this city ai
Dr. Loidy's Health Emporium, 3d etrcet, below
Vine, No. 191.
Frederick KIctt'a Drug etoro corner of 2d and
Callowhill streets.
J. Smith & Go's. Diugstoro 3d street abovo No
ble. J. Gilbert & Coa! Drug store, 2d street above
Also by
J, F. Long, Druggist Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
G. W. Oakley, Druggist, Reading, do.
J. B. Moser, do. Allentown do.
P.& W. II. Pomp,do. Easton, do.
E. Bringhurst, Druggist, Wilmington, Delowaro.
And by tlio principal Druggists and Merchants
in tho United Statos. 37th
Bloo'meburs, J an. 6 1S39.
Of superior Slono Coal, received and for
salo by RUPERT & BARTON.
Dec. 22d.
ONE better In tho known 'world, for salo at
tho cheap Wuro House, by
7VBIAS in Bloomsburg.
HUGH McTPJLLIAMS, Esq. Treasurer in account with the County of Columbia,
from the first day of January, until the 31sif day of December, 1538; both dayb
, . . ' Br.
To balance in tho Treasury
at list settlement,
To Cash received of tho sev
eral Collectors during first
do. dr. 2d,
do. do. 3d,
. do. do. 4th,
Tax on unseated lands,
To cash received of tho sev
eral School Collectors;
Dolls. Cls.
'in 05
2520 12
2070 49
1011 47
2517 fill
301 42
340 35
10,132 35
Balance duo thcTreasurer on
last settlement,
By Cash paidonCommission
, ors' orders,
By Treasurer's commissions,
Balaiicd In tho Treasury,
Dolls. Cls.
1703 07i
0954 01
253 30i
8011 59i
1520 35
io,132 35
Balance in the hands of Hugh
M'Williams, lato Treasurer, $1520 75J
WE, tho undqrsigncd, Commissioners of the County of Columbia, have oxamined
tho above accounts, compared them with the vouchors, and find them just and corrects
Witness our hands this ninth day of January, A. D. 1839. Wo further certify, that
there is tjio amount of six hundred and sixty-three dollars and forty-two cents ot
county orders in circulation;
Of the County of Columbia, as per
Treasure'r thereof, during the year
orders issued by the Commissioners on the
one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight.
Aes3ssor3 wages,
Jurors wages and mileage
Constables attending courts,
Constables making returns
and mileage,
School fund,
Commissioners and Clerks
Views of road3 and bridges,
State costs,
Election General;
Contingent expenses, includ
ing two coal stoves and
pump at jail,
Carried uji
154 25
3540 03
Amount broughl up, ,
rnnting and Stationary,
Bridge building and repairing,
Education poor,
Auditors wages,
Prothonotary3 and Clerks
Coroners fees,
Jailor's and Sheriffs fees,
Court crier,
Wolf, panther and fox scalp?;
Stato costs;
Dolls. Cls.
3540 03i
.271 444
2238 21
22 44
30 00
107 57i
02 74
875 44
,48 00.
147 42
52 24 i
0937 50
tVE, tho undersigned, Auditors, duly elected to settle and adjust the accounts of the
County of Columbia, do certify, that wphave examined tho foregoing accounts, and wo
do'reporta balance in favor of tho county, in the Treasury, to tho amount of fifteen hurt
drcd and twenty dollars and seventy-five aud one-half cents.
Wiluess our Hands; this ninth day of January, A. D. 1839..
To CJoimiy Rates and levies for 18356 tf Sir-1
8 from eolleciorsd
Collectors'' Names.
Michael Sanders,
John Mover, jr.
Jacob Rissel, jr.
Christian Shuman,
Jeremiah Woolovcrj
David Philips,
John Fices,
John Brown;
Jacob Shultz,
Isaac Leidy,
Daniel Woolcver,
Tiios. Mendenhall;
Peter Simonton,
John Ruckcl,
James C. Sproul,
Thos. Barber,
Daniel Gauger,
Charles Evc3j
John Kline.
Charles Hartman,
Jcsso Shannon,
Peter Heller,
John Mclcch;
Elijah Prico,
Jcsso Yocum,
Daniel Pcelar,
Henry Diolrlck,
Beujamin Alwood;
Townships. , Whole am'ti Paid. Balance due,
Mahoning, 1835 1418 35 1228 32j 190 02i
Derry, " 901 51 325 43 570 09
Mahoning, 1830 1359 53 1070 44 283 09
Mifllin, " 703 39 444 5Q 348 89
Madison, " 583 40 312 02 271 44
Mahoning, 1837 1900 90 022 10 378 80
B. Creek, " 935 03 070 25 159 78,
Mifllin, " 015 01 545 23 09 78
Cattawissa, ' 885 30 789 82 05 53
Hemlock, 090 82 018 45 72 3Tf
Madison, 432 5.0 334 01 07 80
Greenwood, ' 428' 23 311 87 110 30
Liberty, " 424 54 353 90 70 04
Mt. Pleasant; " 205 73 177 12 . 88 00
Derrv, i838 013 35 250 G7J 350 03
Madison, " 401 37 111 71 359 00
Limestone, " 514 45 445 70 08 75
Greenwood, " 411 13 130 00 275 12
Sugarloaf, " 210 14 210 14
Hemlock, 703 07 125 00 558 07
Bloom, " 057 28 109 50 787 75
Mifllin, 513 59 247 50 -200 09
Mt. Plcasaht, ' 109 48 50 00 130 48
R. Creek, 410 07 176 40 271 17
Cattawissa, 555 09 131 00 424 09
Fishing Creek, " 213 70 .3,0 0Q, 212 70
Brier Creek, ' 1201 70 300 00 001 75
Liberty, '' 375 27 207 10 108 10
Mahoning, " 037 49 . 144 73 782 86
S8 732 80
WE, the undersigned, Cominisstonarc, have ascertained from tho Treasurer's,
Books, the balance duo the County of Columbia eight thousand seven hundred and
thirty-two dollars and oiglity-nino cents; (errors excepted;)