The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, February 09, 1839, Image 2

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    ng In Viat undertaking, until our fiscal con-1
elate, I respectfully Busuest to- the legista
. - " ouuuu uuv ..w...v
turo tlio impolioy of applj ing tliQ funds of
the commonwealth, at tlio present time, to
any other works than tlio main lines, and
their immediate tributaries. It cannot be
long before tho increasing ordinary revo
nuo arising from the tolls of tlio canals and
niiftSads of the commonwealth, Will defray
all the expenso necessary to keep them in
repair, and pay tho interest of tho money
expended in their contruction. Then will
the state for all practical purposes, bo freo
from debt, and be fully ablo to undertake,
without fear of embarrassment, the exten-
feion and completion of her noblo improve
nient system, until it lunches every coun
ty within her oxtonsive limits, and returns
to their citizens tho entire sum of their
contributions to thd syStont in its commence
nrcnt and nronxessivd advanno towards
their own homes.
I cannot close this brief refcrenco to our
system of public improvements, without
inviting tho attention of the legislature to
two subico'ls.which, thouirh not immediate
ly connected with tho leading object of this
communication, are yet, so essentially no-
ccssary to tho full fruition ot tho benclits to
de uerivcu irom our mam lines ui cauais
And railroads between tho eastern and west-
ern sections 01 inc cominunwuaiui, us iu u
waken the earnest solicitude of every true
Pennsvlvanian. I alludeUo tho removal of
tho obstructions to steamboat navigation in
tho Allegheny, Ohio and Mississippi rivers,
from Pittsburg to tho Gulf of Mexico, and
from Pittsburg up the Allegheny as far as
the- same may be found practicable, by the
survcv authorised under direction of the
treneral government, and to tho construc
tion oMa continuous rail road from the city
of Pittsburg, through, or near tho capitals
of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, to somo point
on the MississiDpi river, at or near est.
By the completion of those important un-
dcrtakings, a great amount of business
would bo at once thrown upon our improve
ments. The merchandize qf various kinds
from the eastern stales, and tho agricultural
and mineral products of the rich and flour-
ishing southern and western states, that
wouiu paas mruugii -rci.noi.a.m.,
far beyond anv Dresent computation. The
raDidlv increasing trade of the lakes, too,
which is fast outstripping tho hopes of the
most sanguine, would descend tho Alle
gheny river, and contribute largely to swell
the business of our canals and rail roads.
The tolls on our main lines would be so
much increased, as to amply sustain the
less nrofitable portions of our system with
dut rendering it necessary to make the
lightest addition to tho stale debt, or to
anv of thc burthens imposed on the people
The trade of the growing and prosperous
cities of Philadelphia and Pittsburg, would
be immensely multiplied, and the southern
and western states themselves, now feeling
the want of such mediums of communica
tions to an unparalleled extent, would re
ceive an impulse of no ordinary influence
unon their prosperity and greatness. A
elanee at thc map of the Union, will eon'
vince every man, of the importance of theso
improvements lo Pennsylvania, as well as
to tho vast regions of unsurpassed fertility
and mineral wealth which would find tho
canals and rail roads of the states, their di
rect hichwavs to market. In order to car
ry into ettect ine views nerein cxprcsscu
ry into euoci me vww .
respectfully recommend the prop ety of
auopung me proper ep8 iu
feral government itt the project of deling
out the obstructions to the navigation of
the Ohio and Mississippi rivers by steam
boats from Pittsburg, which is a port of en
try, to the gulf of Mexicoj and also, from
Filto burg up tho Allegheny to such point
is rriay be fixed in the survey authorized sidcr!llions, respecting her credit and resour
byact of congress, as the termina on of c08 necessary pr?)per, to prevent misap
ateam boat navigation. 1 he prosecution of ,,, ' , ' . ' ' , ,,,
such works as these, by the national govern
racnt. falls directly and properly, within its
legitimate power, according to the strictest
internretation of tho constitution. And I
would also recommend tho adoption of
measures, either by appointing a committee
of the legislature, or by such orther mode,
as may be thought expedient, to secure tho
joint and united action ot mo sevoiai staies
interested in the nrotect ot constructing a
continuous rail roadxommunication between
Pittsburg and St. Louis. This may be ef
fected bv the toinf incorporations ol a com
pany, ot of several companies, with author
h for tho purno3C, or by tho states through
Which the road would pass, undertaking it
themselves, upon terms mutually assented
to by aU. It would attorn mo great pleas
ure to transmit to tho legislatures of theso
mates, such resolutions or information, as
will tend to bring about this desirable result
It may not bo amiss to add that tho bold
nnd gairacions policy of our southern and
northern nciehoors, to securo tho trade of
south and west, Is well calculated to ad
monish Pennsylvania to bo on the alert.
When tho countless advantages, to which
I havo barely adverted, may bo firmly and
securely grasped without tho slightest ex
pense or inconvenience io ino peopie, ;iei,
them not be surrendered by legislative pro
crastination. Thc day for action has already
thrived. ,
In roference to the mode of obtaining
funds to suonlv tho present wants Of the
treasury, I ni in possession of no further
information, than is aireauyiucioru yuu, in
the report of tho stato treasurer, and in tho
message ol my predecessor, no outer ai
tf rnativo seonis to bo presonted, than taxa
tflfo dr Joaus of Che tvD, rhe latter appears
least objectionable, because prodlictlvo of I
juasi iiarusnip 10 we people is icss cxpen-
sivc, and can be carried in to cilect with
greater facility. That tho ctedit and resour
ces ot the stale, aro amplo to oxtrtcato her,
in tho present crisis, from embarrassment,
is a (act which no intelligent citizen ot Penn
sylvania justly looks upon the common
wealth as second to none ol tho sister states,
In tho industry, frugality nnd integrity of
her citizens in the extent, quality and the
accessibility of tho boundless resources,
which nature has scattered throughout her
borders with a prodigal hand in her coal
Holds her iron ore her agricultural pro
ductions, and in her stupendous system of
internal improvements, connecting together
her remotest cxlrcmiticsunlocking her rich
est resources, and marked, in it conception,
by the comprehensive rcaeh of mind, which
entitles its projectors and founders, to rank
with tho hrst statesmen of the ace. The
creditof Pennsylvania losling on this foun
dation, can be shaken by no convulsion, thai
does not overturn tho government itseir,
and dissolve sotioty into its original ele
ments. Pecuniary embarrassments, it u
true, may ariso from ill judged measures,
extravagant expenditures or ohort sighted
policy, but they must of nocessity bo of
temporary duration. Timo soon detects fal
iaciCS( exposes errors, regulates dcrangc-
mcnts, and corrects misgovernment. One
failure to comply with her engagements, on
tho part of tho stato, becomes tho parent ol
future precautions against like occurrences;
and serves but to show, tho faithful fidelity
of the people to their obligations, because it
is stamped with the seal ot universal con
demnation or regret.
It ts with no ordinary Icelmgs ol state
pride and sctlsfacttnn, that 1 express my
turn confidence, in the abundant means
now possessed by tho commonwealth, to
pay her public debt by the sale of tho pub
lic improvements in tho construction of
which that debt was mainly contracted, if
such measure was deemed necessary or
wise; and also niy conviction, equally firm
and gratifying, in the increasing value of
her means, to meet all luttirc liabilities cre
ated by tho entire completion of our ays-
of thig t undoing, we f0n0w thc
dictates of prudence and experience. Woth
ing but the improvident or corrupt misman
agement of her rulers, can mar the bright
prospect that is opening on thc destinies of
Having recently passed through a period
of unexampled excitement and agitation,
the people of this great commonwealth are
anxious for repose. Social commotions
produced by political, pecuniary or any oth
er causes, arc destructive to tho best inter
ests and substantial welfare of thc commu
nity. Thev ciinnlo business of all kinds;
retard public improvements; deprive the la
boring portion of our fellow citizens of their
means of support,and tend directly to unset
tle the loundation ol our republican institu
tions. Let us hope that this condition of
things is at an end; that henceforth, a spirit
of undeviating regard for the public weal,and
of unswerving respect for the laws of the
state, may bo chetished, both by her rulers
and by her people. Public opinion, tho
unfailing corrective of all abuses in a free
government, call loudly on every depart
ment of ours to direct their strongest efforts
to the restoration of that state of tranquility
and commence in the intelligence and patri-
otism of the people, that distinguished tho
Ldminj8to,ionlB of our early republican pre-
decessors. Let this be done, and repose,
prospcrilv and patriotic concord will again
, V ,', . ... , . ,
and forever abide in our' beloved common
In connection with tho statement, I have
felt it my duty to give of the financial con
dition of the state, I have thought these con-
prehension, and to show, that thoueh mon
etary embarrassments do exist, yet the'foun-
dations ot her prosperity and glory aro nei
tner cnaKen nor impaired.
2Gth January, 1830.
From thc Chicago Democrat.
Council Bltjpks, Oct. 15, 1838.
ifl Little Sioux Girl burnt at the
siatcc oij ina rawnees. i no oioux
and Pawnees, only ICO miles from
here, are in constant hostility. This
war has continued for about 200 years
So thc Indians hero (tho Pottawata'
mies, say. Thc Pawnees, in a war ex
pedition into thc Sioux girl only 14
years old, whom they kept nbout two
"months, until corn planting, and fat
tened nor as they would a hog. Tlicy
then determined to make a sacrifice of
her. This they kept to themselves.
Two days before the sacrifice, a coun
cil of eighty of tho warriors and head
men of thc nation met to see whether
they would recieve the offers of two
trader. of tho American fur c'omnanv.
who offered them valuable presents if
they would release her to them, so that
thev might let her return homo. But
all would not do. A majority of the
council was lor a sacrifice ol course
those in favor of her release could do
nothing. At the breaking up of the
council, thc prisoner was brought out
and accompanied by the whole council,
and was led from house to house;
when thev cave her a small billet of
wood and paint, which she handed to
1110 warnur uuxiio nei, uuu nu jjubsuu
it dn to tho next until every wigtvam
had contributed some wood and paint.
On thc 12th of April she was led out
to ho sacrificed, hut not until she camo
upon tho ground did she conjecture
hot- fate. They had chosen the place
between two trees, which grow within
five feet of each other. They then
made her ascend the three bars tied a
croes from trco to tree, her feet resting
on tho bars below where a slow fire
kindled beneath, would just reach her
feet. Two warriors then mounted the
bar?, & there standing one on each side
ofherhcltl fire under her anna pits until
she was almost dead. Then at a given
signal they all shot nrrowd into her
body so thick that hardly a pin could
be placed between them. The arrows
were immediately taken from her flesh,
and it was all ciU from her bones in
pieces not larger than a half dollar, and
put m baskets All this was done be
fore she was quite dead. Then the
principal chief tool; a niece of the flesh
& squeezed it until a doop of blood fell
upon thc corn that was just pldnted, and
tins was done to all they had m thc
I his is tho way they treat onsoncrs
of war out here. The foreiioing was
told by a trader of undisputablc verac
ity, who was on thc ground at the time.
In Juno last, thc narrator's wife's
brother was taken prisoner by the Si
oux and treated in the same manner.
- I have visited the Ottoes 8 miles
from here, and havo been forcibly
struck with their superstitious burials
of the dead. When a warrior of note
dies, thoy kill one of the best horses
of tho nation on his grave, and then
cut oil the tail and tie it to a pole 15
feel high and" there leave it. They
believe thc stunt ol tho horse will
serve the spirit of thc warrior in the
next world.
Tho Colnmbia County Temperance
Society met Jan, 3, 1839, pursuant to
adjournment in the Presbyterian
Church, in Washingtonville. Thc
President being abseut thc house was
called to order and the meeting organ
ized by Mr. Win. KiUlIAUT, one of
the Vice Presidents.
The reports of thc different auxili
aries were then called for and the del
egates present admitted lo their scats,
Danville Tern. Societ
James Donaldson.
Liberty and Chillisquaque T. Society
John Wilson,
James McMahon,
Joseph Wilson,
James Simington,
Williamsburg Tern. Society
Daniel Melick,
Azima Vallerehamp,
New Columbia Tom Society
Not Represented.
Jersey Town Tern. Society
Clark Dildine,
Thomas Barber,
Wm. McVicken
Bloom Tern. Society
Not Represented.
Mahoning Tom. Society
Not Represented,
Fishing Creek Tern. Society
Not represented.
Washingtonville Tern. Society
Stephen Brcarlcy,
Thomas Robertson.
Prayer was then offered by the Rev,
Mr. Barber, after which the Wash
ingtonville Society was unanimously
received as an auxiliary lo this society
Thc reports were then read and adop
ted, Thc president not being present
and having provided no alternate; On
Resolved, That the society request
the Rpv. Mr. Barber to address- tho
meeting which was done in an inter
esttpg and spirited manner, and fol
lowed by Mr. Vallerehamp.
1 he society then proceeded to thc
ejection oi oniccrs lor tho ensuing
year. Hie tollowing persons were
nominated and duly elected.
JAMES C.SPROUL, President.
John Voms, )
James Donaldson, V. Prcsl's,
James Mahan. )
Steiiien BniiAnLV, Treasure
Azima VALLEnciiAMi,
Wm. MoVicken
Resolved, That each auxiliary be
requested to tako into consideration
the expediency ofattempting toraisc
a fund, to defray the expenses of n gen-
neral lempcrance Agent, lor Colum
bia County, and that each auxiliary be
requested to report on tho subject at
the annual meeting of the society.
Resolved, That one person be op
pointed in each auxiliary, as foreman
of n reporting or executive committee,
oppotnicuoy cacn atixiuaryio report io
this society.
Resolved, That tlio noxt annual
meeting of this society bo held, in thc
Methodist Church, at Mooresburg, at
12 o'clock, nbon, on the first Thurs
day of January , A. D. 1840. Tho
president to address tho society, or
furnish an alternate.
RnsoLVi:n, That thc proceedings of
this meeting, be puhlibhed in all the
papers of the county, friendly to thc
Cause ot lempcrance.
On Motion ThcSociely adjourned.
Wai. McVinKEit,
During the great freshet onSaturday
last, a small frame store house, situate
near the canal at Conshohocken, was
swept off by the torrent, in which
were five men, who it is said were en
gaged in attempting to save the goods.
Thc house floated about one mile and
lodged upon a small island in thc river
near bpnng ftlill. J' earful that thc
current would carry the house down
the stream, the inmates left it and as
cended somo trees growing upon the
island, where they remained somu
time; when a large canal boat lodged
and became fixed ; they then descended
and entered the boat, where they re
mained, until rescued on Saturday
morning. At the time they were ta
ken off, but one, a M'Car.n, was able
to speak; thc other four wore stiff with
cold and badly liozen ot one it ts
feared airiptilation of the feet will be
Jlwful and Destructive Flood and Repor
ted Loss of Lives.
Reading, Jan. 20, 1839,
On Saturday last we were visited with
one of theiinoBt awful and destructive Hoods
which has occurred since tho year I7U1, as
we have been informed by somo of our old
est inhabitants. It commenced raining on
thc nig'il of tho 25th, and continued with
out intermiissinn until thc evening of the
26th during which time a large quantity
of snow which had fell a few days previous,
was washed irom tho adjoining lulls and
valleys, into tlio river Schuylkill, which
soon rose to an alarming height, so as to
. . . . - .
rtrni am ImUi mir pnnn d. It wn! thmifTlit.
as the water ranidlv rose, that tho Reading
Bridge which crosses thc river at Ponn
Street would bo wRshcd away by thc flood,
ice anu canal boats, which nau orono loose
from their moorings and came floating down
tho river, all lodging against the Bridge,
causing it for a length of time to dam up to
a fearlul height, and jarring the bridge great-
ly. But it fortunately weathered all, and
was saveu wi n sustaining out inue injury.
M'lirt liKiilrrfi itMiirtli nricanu tlio rn nil it 1 L 1 1 1 1 1
the old ferry, known as "Blroheker's terry"
ceiving considerable damage. This bridge"
was built but a few years ago, and was con-
sidered by all as a good substantial bridge,
im.uuuu.ui u..IC,D ..u ...... ..u. w..
Wm. High's, and known as tho 'Popular
Neck Bridge, was entirely demolished and
carried oil by the Hood. o great and ra-
IJ1U wua hiiu iiDiiiu ui uiu nuiui mat it. una
with Treat difficulty for manv of our citi-
zciib to rescue the inhabitants upon Water
and Front streets from their perilous situa-
Hon. Many of tho dams havo sustained
concidoraule injury. 1 ho "big dam' we
are informed has been washed more than
half away, and upwards of one hundred
canal boats have either gone to pieces or it
is thorn? it to uc renuorcu entire v useless.
Tho damage which has been sustained by
iho canal must uo immense, and it is sup
posed by many that it will take the greater
part of tho next Spring to repair them. We
also learn that many of tho bridges which
crosses the Maidcucrcek have been swept
It has been rumored here by Passengers
arriving from Philadelphia upon tho rail
road, that fifteen persons wero drowned
nrnr PhmniYvdln. mill thnt nnn nr two linns
cs wcro washed away wilhVamilics in them.
Wo however cannot givo credit to it yet, as
rumors aro sometimes found to be untrue.
rjlf "S!l",bc u:
iLllUUll 1..11I11U. Jb UU UOUI.1 1U111V.U, UUV 1I1U
loss to our county has been very heavy.
We shall ctuloavour to givo the particulars
moro lully m our next weeks paper.
Jtjjerson Democrat,
Jl Fatal Duel with Rilcs. Oncis more
the moral feeling of tho community has
been shocked by a barbarous appeal to tho
bloody practice recommended by a false and
criminal codo 6f miscallod honor. A duel
has boen fought with rifles only forty paces,
near Vicksburg between Mr. Menifee and
Dr. Clung, the former has since died;
An accidont occurred on Tuesday morn'
ing, on tho Ilaleam Rail Road, by which
Mr. Daniel Fisher, a valued citizen, lost
his life, and several othors were mote or
naa initirpil Mr Fifthpr u;n nun nf iIir
proprietors of the New Haven Lino of Mail
sjtronn.iv, jpsnair.inY o, i83o.
Oh Friday tho 20th Ult. tho democratic1
members of the Senato and House of ReS
presentatives gave Mr. Hell a dinner oil
prcssivc of their respect for his character
and approbation of his public services whilai
a member of tho Senate of Pennsylvania.
I ho dinner was served up in iho Saloon of
the Fixchange, and about eighty sat down1
to the table besides tho members who gave
the entertainment. Among tho numerous1
toasts given on tlio occasion, we select tho
following well deserved compliment to our'
old friend Woodward, of Luzerne.
By C. W. Hcgins. George TF. Wood
ward, of Luzerne: A rising star of the first
magnitude, whose rays will shed now lusJ
tro upon tlio indomitablo democracy of tho
Thclnteliigencer publishes n bill introduc
ed into tho Senate by Mr;Frailey,of Schuyl
kill, for the establishment of a Poor Houia
in this county, and calls upon the inhabit
ants to suggest such alterations a3 they may
wish to jhavo made to the bill. AVo will
suggest an alteration that wo think will ren
dot the bill satisfactory to a largo proportion
of tho citizens of thc county strike out all
after tho enacting clause, and insert " Nil
Poor House wanted."
In another eclumn wojublish sn advertJ
isement for a now Threshing Machino, and
having seen it in operation, we can bear ItgZ
timony (o the Utility of the invention. Ths
advantages of a Machine of this description
consists in its being propelled by one horso
wjm tWo or three men to tend, thorofors;
I nvnrv larmfir who nnssftsflfta nne or thena
I J 1
luacl,incs' can thresh out his grain at hi
leisure, or as he may wish to make UEe of
the straw. A horse and fhrco men will
ucah from 800 to 1000 sheaves of wheat
. , ... r
in Wo unde stand from the ownow
of this power, ihnt they have had it m use
for tho last ten months, and proven tne use
fulness of it not only to their own eatisfac-
. butt0 a,m09t n who haa
I ' "
" - "2 ""L
The Supreme Court has decided unam-
mousty in tavor 01 mo appomimeniB maao
by Governor Porter. Thus has the lait
olticial embarrassment auempieu oy:uor.
. rr,tlf.,i
' ' -
The Legislature have authorized a tern-
PorarX ,oa" ol U,,"'UUY ".
i . nnrv nnrt nnLla
the Treasury to mecct tho payriont of tho
interest on tho public debt which toll quo
on me first inst.
a TMnlniinn has mssed both houses of
,h3 j islaUlr0 suspeding operations on
k(tvlir ' TJml IlL
" b .
with but few dissenting voices
Ex-President Jackson was at NashTllIs,
on the 10th ult.. His health has improved
within tho last few months.
Thaddeus Stevens has avowed his detsr-i
mination not to lake his seat as a member of
tho house of Representatives.
Gov. Rilner appointed the 20th of March
noxtas thc timo for tho execution of v in:
Dunlap, jr. who was convicted by the list
court held in Lycoming county, of the mur-
Lycoming county,
dor of his wife,
The nconle of Pennsylvania will leorn'
4 . ,
with surpriso that they havo been saddled
with a debt of $Jl -17,000 lucuxred by
tho late Administration, in calling out tho
troops to sustain them in their foul conspi
racy against the Constitution nnd the laws
of tho land.
Tho Governor transmitted a Message to
bolh houses on Tuesday, enclosing a state
ment of Col. Pleas'anton, tho paymaster of
" tho Army," by which it appears, that the
expenses of Ritnor's War against tho peo
ple, amount to tho above stated sum ol
$147,000. What will tho people say to
this ? Reporter.
Tho message was refetrod to a joint com-
mittco with power to send for persons and1