THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. 8 S.1TUJtri.1Y, Jtf.VCJJIV 20', 1830. '.tfnoinrflicnfo &t his Excellency) GovcYhor W Vames Clarke, of Indiana county, to be rnrie.r. Canal Commissioner tn the rooili and place of Thliildpus Stevens', resigned. , , . Valentine Jhsl, Piotlionotary and Clerk bf the several cbllris pf Columbia county. ( rjixlip Bilmyer, Hcgistcr and Recorder of Columbia co'unty. Appointments by ?fie Attorney General. John Coohef, Esq. 16 be Deputy Prose cuting Attorney for the co.unty of, Columbia. Utargt Jf.. Jtoate, jsq. to oo Deputy rosccinlng Attorney for the county of Ly coming. JC7In consequence of the Pnblisher be ing compelled to be absent on business there will bo no paper issued from this office until 'aturday, February 9 H VALUABLE PROPERTY. . "We are. informed that Col. Mathcw Mc- owcll has sold his lower Mill and Farm, n Fishing Creek, in this township, for six- een thousand Dollars. Col. McDowell nc nrirititnr vnllhhii Mill nfiil Fiirrrl rif 112 liacrcs, situatcu on tno same ureci;, which ic offers .to sell. It is 1 first rate water jower, and Irbii Oro supposed to abound n the neighborhood. Wo understand it is lis intention to put these premises in good cpaii the coming summer. Iu connection with the above we would lentibri lH'at the Iron Oro in this vincinity, . ................. i. .1. s bemnmug to attract tnc aiicnuon oi apitalists abroad: A large company has lready been formed1 lo erect all extensive jcstabllshmcrtt on Fishing Creek for the pur pose df manufacturing iroir, and several ales of ore property have been made with- n a few months, at advanced pricc3", and lmost daily our town is visited by capltal- stg to examine the value of the ore for hemselvcs, and all are satisfied that no bct er exists in Uio world; and many do not eave until they have iuvested money in ore ands, believing it to be best and safest spec ulation now afloat. As an evidence of the ncreasing Value of property in this neigh- orhbotl', from its c'ontigubusiiess to these re lands we mention the fitcti that several raai'es of houses and lots in this village have $ately been made among others, a lot in Markat-Gtreet, about CO feet front, sold a Ifew days since, at an administrator's sale, I fbr 504 dollars, cash. Several brick dwell in? houses and stores will be built the com it ting Season, (d-GLORIOUS VICTORY-CO The Democracy of the 14th Senatorial i3trict, comprised of the counties of Ad- msi Cumberland an'd Franklin, have! rra- tiously triumphed at the late special elec ion to supply the vacancy occasioned by he death of Mr. Gassat. The democratic candidate wasTllo'sC.Millcr,and the federal andidato wa3 John F. McFurlanc. Miller is elected by a majority of 205, being a de- wn county. A more seveio rebuko upon e cohdiict of Stevens could not possibly a'vo been given. The Baltimore Republican, a slfohg lead- no wlilfr ninpr. cnnnl.'Jnrr j,P iUr. cidiilt rC the result. The' conduct of Mt. Stevens ml snmp rif life nrtnrlintnrc nt flin nnnnlnfr f the legislalurb of Pennsylvania, and af terwards, wna nnrinnli to i astrnv 1 in strniirr. st party. Wc foresaw the ruin it would l-lnrr lnrin lllh tHHv nllfl nlttirntrrli nt'Ar. t n i . .' ' a - ealous friends undortook to rebuke us for i eneo. want oi ica iv. in rciusin-r to an- ' most of them will agree with iis," Very lltllb busuiess has as yet been dono i Congress, Thb house is almost daily i w W t 1 ft .. 4 . Tin 1 1 im I ii v ii.iiiiii. ii v inn rimian in in kocii. 1 J I... I ll 1 . s the Swartwout defalcation. It ia proposed in the Missouri Legislature i make the circulation of notes under tho denomination of ten dollars a nntiitftntlnrv Uencfl; , "We bb'scrire hn article ffolna. the rounds bf the whig papers, from tho Pennsylvania Telegraph, headed, Art Infamous Slan- deror," disavowing the statements M Montellus ai the dinner eiven him in Uni'c r, ion County, and asserting that it ivas tlono by his authority. How much truth there is in tho aniclo will bo seen by the following which wo extract from, the Koystono. , .Mr. MONTELIUS' SP3EOH: ' Tho last Telegraph with, its usual re gard for truth, says, that Montelius lias disavowed his speech as copied from the ' Union Times,' and says that it is not true that tho speech is tho production of John Snyder, or some other miserable loco loco ; &c. &c." .... Wo have seen Mr. Montelius; who says thai lib had read the speech .in the Keystone as copied by us from the Union Times and that there was but one word', which was not exactly as ho had given it; This he Wished us to c6rrcet, by subsisting at tti'n head of tlid following sentence, the word ' some" oi "several" for "all." as folldws: " All sonic or several" di the heads df uupnnmems euicr qamq to iim personally or sent for him, informing him that the . par ty hpw depended on liiji going, with flichi that he daronot think of holding back, now. One of them stated, that if ie did fly the course, they would write to his district and have him broken 'down." y'e advise Governor Ritner and the heads bf Depaiment, arid others concerned as movers 'and actors in the late conspiracy to client tho people, to keep tbbl, for the truth will tome, and 'matters will tie revealed that are vastly more serious and alarming than those mentioned by Montelius; The opinion of the people as to the conspiracy, aiiU the truth of the statements given by the Gov; Messrs. Stevens, Penrose, Ctirrowcs, Fenn, and others, has been recorded in the in the change of 1300t;oe.s in a district laying within the sight of "the capitolj and among the friends and neighbors of Messrs. Stevens and Burrowes, Lcl them remem ber tho fate of Benedict Arnold iihd Aa ron Burr, and' tremble before thejncilled indignation 'of an honest community. THE DYING STRUGGLES. The Ilarri'sburg Reporter says : It will bis seen by the debate in the House of Re presentatives, that the leaders of the Feder al party die bxtremcly hard. Conscious that their acts of attempt usurpation, which gave rise to the lain excitement m Pennsyl vania, arc viewed with strong disapproba tion by the people they seem determined, like drowning men, to catch at straws to save themselves from sinking. Tho simple propbsition to pay the individuals employ ed by the Sergeant-al-ArmSj under the di lection of the speaker, to maintain the rules of thb House, and prevent when it was not in session, any other body from holding ses sions in the Hall, was rather imprudently claihied as an evidence that Gov. Ritner was justifiable in calling out aii armed force lo suppress tumult. This exultation was, how ever, of short duratioii. When it was dis tinctly shown that the additional deputy Ser-geauts-at-Arms were employed in conse quence of the expressed determination of tho disorganizes composing what has been denominated tho Cunningham house; back ed as it was known to be by a number of the Halifax rioters, to meet ill tho Hall of the House when it wa3 shown that this was the only mob from which violence was apprehended thb Federal members, who, from an over-heated zeal in get out bf a scrape,broughtoii the discussion, were over whelmed with confusion. They saw that the bait would not take with the people, and exhibited exideht symptoms that they had comilienced "barking up the wrong tree." NEW JERSEY AROUSED; A tremendous meeting oi tho people bf New Jcrsoy, was held at Trenton on tho 8th of January inst. to express their horror at the atrocious frauds committed by the federal governor and council of that State at tho late election, and tn aroudo the democra cy to a just senso of their duly to themselves and to posterity. The proceedings are of a high order, and breathe the purest patri otism. It would seem as if there had been a general understanding among tho federal ists, to make at .the late elections, in eveiy part of tho Union, a desperate attempt to bring into disrepute the elective franchise, and break down the right of .free suffrage, which they so much despise, and which is always eo formidable to them. Keystone. Thb Commissioners of the Edinbtirg Poor House, have lately been detected iu Bending to this country n lot of paupers. THE FINANCES' OF Tltti STATE. From tho lato report of tho Stato Trcas urcr, it appears that about ono millldn two hundred thousand dollars will bo necessary lo meet tho demands, upon the Treasury! which arc not due,and will bo in a very fow days. '1 his stale of affairs, with a Treasu ry drained by Governor Ritner, until not a slnglo dollar is left, is giving rise to c,onsid- cral exultation upon tho part of the Feder alists; arid they are al ready feasting them selves on the hope, that tho administration of Governor Porter will borrow the money required by tho exigencies of the, State,from inciianKoi uio unitcubtatcs. Hut as "mis fortunes never come single," wo would say to these gentlemen, that, in this matter, they will bc.againMisappointcd. Governor Por ter will borrow no money from thb United Slates Bank. Ho will be driven to no stick alternative. J. ho democratic members of the House of Representatives, will pass no law requiring the Governor to mako such a load; and if thoy did, he would not ap prove t. We are anxious a3 any other citizens of the Commonwealth can .be, to maintain sacred and inviolate the plighted faith of the State, oil all occasions, and we are desiious that immediate provisions should bo made, by which the heary liabili ties of the State can be liquidated. Wc arc also equally desirous that the position of uncompromising hostility to the Bank of tho Unithd States; assumed on all occasions by the tlgmocracy of the State, shall be ri gidly and honorably maintained) and wo are glad to learn') that all tho money neces sary for the demands of tho State, can bo obtained by Governor Porter, from other quarters, and we believo upon terms equally favorable lb the Stale. lul)sloiic. The Ilcpuhlti of HaiitiAhout which so much fuss was bade the other dev in CongrcsS has a population of 953,235 nearly all blacks and mlilatloes; 40,000 re gular troops and ,113,000 militia. The President is elected by the Senate for life diid receives asalary of 40,000 dollars. Its Legislature is composed of a Senate, elect ed every nine yedrs from a list presented by the President and a liousc of Representa tives elected by the people every flvb years. Lost Munuscripts of Napoleon discov ered, It is said that A large mass ofletters and other documents, the production of Na poleon, when between the ages of 15 and 21, have been recently discovered at Ajac coi, Coisica, containing much curious mat ter; and are preparing for publication1. Na poleon's " history of iho revolution in Cor sica," alluded to by Lucien in his memoirs, are supposed to constitute part of the collec tion. These manuscripts were thought to he consumed when1 Madame Bonaparte's house was burnt dowii by the troops of Pa- coll. A gentleman of the western conntrv. who had received an university education and farmed his own estate being desirous of availling himself of the judgement of an experienced yeoman, took him over his farm and the methods he had ptlrsrie'd in oilier respects directed iho yeoman's atten tion to a large accumulation of manure, ob serving ihat that was sine qua non. 'Yes, quoth the yeoman that be a sign ri'gwaln, on, to be sure, Texas has a territory of 800 miles in ex tent in one direction, and 700 in another. It encompasses land enough to afford ac commodations to twenty millions of inhab itants'. Tho Now York institute for the deaf and dumb, on the 25th of November last, con tained bne hundred and forty-five pupils; a hundred and twenty of these are educated at the public expense; A man at East Macon, Geo., recently cut his wife's throat, causing her death. Ho justifies himself by saying he had proof of Iter infidelity. The Pialrio Beacon sayS that Mr. Potter, of St. Clair county, Illinois, has discovered a mode of making mud walls fpr buildings or fences, which in a little time become almost hard as brick. A Census of Georgia, taken within the present year, diqeloses the fact that the pres ent total population of the Stale is 002,173, of which number 303,100 are whiles, 208, 542 colored, the increase on the first class of population being 83,505 on tho latter class 44,031. Mr. Michael Grant, of Mauch Chunk, Pa.' for many years a rail road constractor, was blown up Dec. 31st, while tamping a eand blast, and instantly kiLed.' The Siamese Twins are said to have made upwards of 100,000 clear, by exhibiting tncmsclves in this country It appears by a recent debate In tho 111! ribis Legislature, that it is not Unusual for contractors on the public works to supply .t.- i. : .i. . . . . . a. :. no Wurman wiiu wmsuey, ana cliargo it under the name of fuel I HYMENIAIi. MARRIED On the 19th inst. by tii'o Rev. William J. Ever. Mr. Daniel Jimirr. to Bliss Hannah Miller, botfi of Roaring 1 , t On tho 22d inst. by the same, Mr. Jon athan Hauct, to Miss Lucinda Troy, both of Mifflin. , FIE1LB SPORTS AISfD ftiTAIWir PASTIMES. Arrangements have bccii made with a writer of acknowledged ability to .produce in tho pages, of The Gentleman's Maga zine, a monthly scries of articles, descn'p live of all subjects connected with the vari ous Manly Sports and Pastimes, embrac ing a fund of information not elsewhere at tainable, and illustrated, in its course, by several hundred engravings on wood. A mong others, the following subjects will be particularly exemplified. . The Horse and the Dog, in all their vari' eties, with every requisite information re specting Purchase; Breeding, Breaking, and Keeping. , , J ne Jlrtfj Gunning, In all its branches, includinp: Rifle and Pistol Shootinsr, with ampip.dlrections and valuable hints to young gunners. , , The Natural History of American Game Birds. Jingling', with an account of American Fishes. .; , . Doaling and Sailing, with a full ,de-1 scription of the various fancy crafl3, and an interesting account ol,lhe principle Uluus. .qrchcry, with its Customs,, &c. and a History of its Rise and Progress. . . , , Swimming, Skating, Quoits, Cricket, H'ackel, FiveSf and other Ball Games. r arming, in the whole, a valuable Cyclo pedia of useful and agreeable knowledge. 1 liilf8 jjOvN the night of tho 7th inst. the house of the mibsciibcr Wds broken open and his deek rob bed ofaboutSO dollars in money' and some valuable paper.", by a- boy named WASHINGTON alias GUOIIGB, WILLIAMSON, from Mifflin county, aged about 19 years. , Said, boy is about 5 feet C incited Mgli, (andy hair., full face, and had on a hlue frock coat and b!uo pantaloons! Thcabovo reward will be paid for his nppfchepsioir, oud, conviction. Said boy had been an apprentice to lire subscriber to iho.blacksmithiiig business, and had left his Scr vice the sanlb evening. . i JACOB BEIDL'EMAN. Bloomsburg, Jan. IS, 18391 1 A handsome (5'ong MARE AND SLEIGH. THE Subscriber oilers for salo cheap, a hand some young bay Mare, .well broken to cither saddle or harness, together with a handsome sleigh with harness, all nearly new and in good order. GBOKGK W. DUEISnACIL Hemlock tp. Jan. 1". 1839. d8 tf. FAIT OT. ' i . ... u ALL persons indebted to tho subscriber, arc re quested to make payment on or beforo tho first day ot Juarcu next. Those who neglect this notice may expect to bo called on by a OonsUblo, without fail or further notice. GEOHGE W. DREISDACH. Hemlock tp'; Jan. IS. 1S39. 38 tf. rmO the DLACKS,MITHING BUSINESS is jjj wanted by tho Subscriber. A Boy, who can come well rccoinmcndcd, between 10 and 18 years of age will rcceivo good encouragement upon imme diate application to tho subscriber. JACOB BEIDLEMAN. Jan. 13 1839: On Saturday last, supposed in the village of Bloomsburg, a SHEEPSKIN WALLET; containing two !D Dollar hills on the Uni ted Slates Bank, one 5 on Noithumbcrland and two 5's on thb Schuylkill bank, and several papers of no consequen'cp to any one but the owner. The ilamo of " Baltis Appleman, ji." was.written in the insidoof the Wallet twice. , l ncjtinucr will uoiianu somoly rewarded by returning it to tho sub scriber, or leaving it at the Democrat offlcc.' BALTIS APPLfiMAN, jr. Bloomsburg, Jan. 5. TONS Of superior Stone Coal, received and for sale by RUPERT & BARTON. Dec 22ii ft ani in Sarnei BEWARE III A few months eirico I gdvo notice dial I wdnltil and but very lutlo attention was pfldUo it by those interested. I now givo further notictf, that hll per sons having open accounts with me, must call and. nnM' citllcr blr Noto or Cash. wilhiri TWO MUNI H8' from date, or they will to required (d XT" "a uu&uwjui mo 1'caoD. vio rnistaim this,8,s 8lbU . . y . . wlSiti ho abPTo time, or the signers will have to pay coe ,To Bi'idge StUildtix& E PROPOSALS will bo rccciicdat tho Commis . doners Office in Danville on Thursday (hq S4th dty of January ntat until 13 d'clock nt noon of a!d daj! for rebuilding tho wood work.of a bridge, and repairing tho abutments, across thp Cptawissa Creek, on tho toad leading from Mifllinburg to Tott" villo ot or near Brobst's Mill. . , N. B. Tho plan arid specification can bis seen lifter the ICth of January at tlio office. . . . . CORNELiUS .CLAOKNEK, JOSEPH BROBST, JOHN McHENRY, - ', . C'oirmjisjioner. -January, S, 1830. - .3 LIST OF .LETTERS Jicmaiiting in the Posl Office at Blooms- burs, Jan. 1st, 183?. Boono Benjamin Utq. Bogar Daniel Crivclinir Andrew IVugle John , Philips Gcorgo W. Pclfer Charles Pointer Wm. P. I. , Boaupard Henry A. Ramsay Mary Davis Davjd M. Davis Catherine Draver Fredcrii-It Dun v illiam A. B. E311. Rudy Daniel Fishfer. .Caleb B. Jtiswick Jacob. Gasliin3 James 2 Strawn Jamca .;. Guild Aaron T), Silvertho'rh Marshall Shipman.AIathiai Gquiro J3.bin Squire Ei., - Swartz Peter 2 Shclliammar Jesso feloan Margaret 1 Tomlinsoii 85mucl j'. Talmadgc J R. Rev. vimderslicc Hiester Winsch John B, White Samuel Waller D. J Rev; ' -i ,. ., 48. Gross Daniei Esq. Hand Patrick Hoats Daniel Hefler Hannah , Herring Christidri Kuous Phcba ICncrr Gcorgo . , ICelchncr George Melk Andrew Mclick Andrew Mouser Joseph M'.Carty. Alexander Nagle Michael ... B. RUPERT, P. M. Porsons calling for letters on the, abovel list, will plea'se say ihey are advertised T . .(s-iiUEs;. . ,1 T&TONE better in the known world, for sale ni JLJ tb.3 cheap Ware liousc, by ... , , TOBIAS in Bloomsbv.; urg. IS hereby given to all who aro indebted to tho subscriber, citticrno Book, Notes, or Judgements oir Dockets, that they must come forward and settle olf their respectivo dues between now and the first day of Fcbuary, 1839, or they will be severely dealt with. DANIEL GROSS. KloAmsburg Dec. 29th 1838. 30th BOOT. CAEBEKf IflOTEK, French ISIteiuiiafisiu itoctoi . yFrom Heading, t . Informs the public that he has returned to Bloomsburg, after an abscencc since Ju ly last, and cm bo found at tho Hotel of Daniel Snyder, where he,will be at all times' ready lo attend to pations who are' afflicted with Rheumatic pains in the limbs or body.'. Bloomsburg Dec. 20th 1338; &6 R; LEIDY'S1 MEDICATED EXTRACT, OF SARSAPARILLA, having become so deservedly popular, on account of its superior strength to fiuy, other preparation ot oarsaparwa in existenpe, it is thought unnecessary to make much, comment upon its virtues. . Suffico, it . to say, oMq bottle of the above contains twice ds much of thoj active principles of Sarsaparilla atll other ingrcdir cuts, ns any extract in cxistccrte, in tho samo quan tity, and .is equal to one gallon of Syrup of Sana-, parilla, for, making whic.h druggists and others pur-i chase tho above preparation. Price one dollar per bottle. , . ( '.J ft is recomended m all diseases of the skin and Bones, -flections of tho Liver, Stomach, Spleen, ami Kidneys; Eruptions, breaking out of Dry and Watery Pimples on tho face, neck and body) ulcer alions.of tho nose, mouth and throat) running at tho Ears and EyesjErysipilas, Scrofula.Theumatic pains, swelling or "hardening; pf the Glands, constitutional diseases produced by tho uso of mercury or other minerals. In sho'rtj Sarsaparilla is known to tho. world, as being the most powerful agent over dis covered htjmrtfy'mg the blood and Animals Fluids, cousequently the most alnablo specific foralldisi case'), resulting from impuriu'es bf tho Blood, and other fluids 6f tho body. . , , Caution'. Persons should bo particularly careful in getting a preparation that may bo relied uponj there being many in existence, not, properly prepar ed, unfit for use, and almost inert; possessed of no medicinal qualities whatever. -, ... , , Dr. N. B. Lcidy candidly dechres his preparation to be ivhtit it is represented to he, and is prepared by himself, n regular Druggist and Apothecary, and is besides a regular Phytichn, attested byDrs.Phys ic, Chapman, Hare, Co, Dewccs, Jackson, James, Horner, Gibson.&c. (See directions and recommen dations around each bottle.) ,.-...,.-) Upwards of.3000boltels of the aboTchavabcea sold, during tho past kix months, a strong proof of its good qualities, For salo in this city aj Dri Lcidy's Health Emporium, 2d Btroct, below Vine, No. 191. . - . . J Frederick Klctt Drug store, corner of 2d and Callowhill streets, , J. Smith & Co's. Diugstoro 3d street above No-' bio. . s J. Gilbert k Co's. Drug store,' 2d street above Vine. Also by . , , ",',' J, F. Long, Druggist Lancaster, Pennsylvania. G. W. Oakley, Druggist, Reading, dp. J. B. Moser, do, Allentown do. P.& W. H. Eaton, do.. .. , E. Bringhurst, Druggist, Wilmington. DelewarOj And ly the principal DruggiU and Merchant in the United States. 3i ALSO SOLD BY D. S. TOBIA'SJ BloaelurS J on. 0 1833 A '1