W3&RCTS b rrwTHl3 KEYSTONE f THE democratic partjf of Pennsylvania baa Juh . -B. Pod thrpugh a fiery c&hilict, and come out "' ,W unscathed, but completely Victorious another fcrdof of, the purity and stability pf , . principle. Nptwithstamlihg their triumph, n8y .rannot for ifjy length of tirho, rrposo In the lapr victory, for their foes arc mostthsiduou's, ad ever watchful, fcud "afthough routed, will again raTly u"ltriiorad tiew hltnie, to oppose the principles of vfvir i ?Jt &mltjr wWch, being ho onfy 6om Vjat cftr) cyeA Tor a Moment, hold them together. We must th'ercforo remember, that tho price 6T free uom Is "Unerasing vigifanc'd. , t In spite of tho rankest corruption, ahd of bauds innumerable, We fciivo elected a democratic Gov ernor, arid i majority in tho house of reprcacnta Jivc, sufficiently large, to gYvoUs the control in joint oallolj and ftfetfro to Pennsylvania a democratic re presSntativo in, the United (States Senate. y . Phe fraudulent elections, which will probably bo eon'tcsicd; jrre unheard of malpractices on Iho public works, which require, a tedrching examination; the woption by tho pcoplo of tho amendments, to our lata coriStifution.Jwhich will rCqWe iniportan't Id rfslaUve enarthicnWjtft meet the changes thus mado in tha fundamental law together, with the concur rent action of tho senate with theXJov'ernor, ih ma by of his important appolntmcntsi will a render Ihi 'coAinjr session 6tho legislature perhaps tha inert important ever held in Pennsylvania, and eause their proceedings to bo unusually interesting o every man iu tho community. e jThe.cditorS bf the Keystone Tnlerid to giVo in creased attention to tho proceedings of this session', juid .note every movenient of interest to tho public .They will have competent rep9rters in both houses of odr legislature, as well as At Washington city, thus enabling them te givo as 'full reports of all im portant legislative proceedings as their columns will 'bdmih , , . The Keys'tojio Is Iho largest jpapcr published in llahisburg, end bcTAg printed on small typo, regu larly giVes in Its columns nearly owk Tninn mora reading maiter'than any other pofiUcal paper in tho htatev This wo Eavo been enabled to do front tho Very great en'pduragcm'eht we havo received from a Renarous public Thankful for .these favors, tho iditors hereafter will spare no pains or expense to render their paper interesting and valuable to tho public, and serviceable to the great and triurnphant VauseoffJemderacy and Freedom. TERMS. For the XeySorio yearly, twice a week during tho Motion of tha Legislature, and onco a week for tho TMnainderortueycar, - - $3 00 During tho sejsAori of tho Legislature only; twice & week, j - - - $2 00 For six month, riot including any part of thq feis- 'sfon.arthaLegislaiure, - , $ 1 00 TO CLUBS tiR CdMPAfnES.Six pa rs sent in one packet andtQ.orio direction, for e price of the as .ahMvej b& fifteen papers sent as above for the price of ife; or 26 diapers c'rtt as above Ibr the price of 20. (E)-A11 tmasterl, Irld Bther demijeratic ciii Sens, are re'ddestid ,ti receive and forward subscrip tions to us. PACKER, BARRETT & PARKE. Harrisburg, October 35, 1835. TO f Kfi TUBLIfJ: THROUGH a ll.Hgering and IrreHiedia Jb desSdie, my health at length becahie so 'lmpalFed, that I became unable tb atteiid to 11 the reuirem'ent'a 6f my ofllcial duties. -By pdfJUati'on df my numerous friends, I consented at last to keep an apothecary, WmWnjjptvrouldbe the most becoming, ea elit rdr mo tr erigage jri it iHe' preseflt time; irtdsir6e (or Vhile) I KayS established a hop( I wdiila htimbly solicit the support of fay frietids ahd Ulfe tiiiblic in general, on ac count of my great sickness: And especial ly, wbtildl retltiesl the merbhants bf this felace, Id give me all'Pessible" thance bf sell ing those aiticles be'longing to my line of business, for which they niay receive my kincere thanks; A few articlbs only which are id b'e fotlnd ift my Health Emporium are advertised; Thero will be kfebt a con stant supply of sttch articles as niay be call ed for: but i per chance, a call should be frtade for such as I am not in possession of immediate preparation WiU bb matle in order lo obtain them: Furthbr, do I 8arHe'st1Jr invite Physibians oi tnts puce ana us vicinity, to give mc ball, aa I intend to sell verV reasonable. There will be ,ke'pt constantly on hand, all kinds bf Medicines, Patent add others, warrants to be genuine, All kinds of Paint, Glass, Dye-stuff, &c: &c. Alsd yariety of.Confectionarles, liaisons, Nuts, Herringv 'Sugar and Wa,lbr CracKerSj Or anges, Iifembna-, Figgs, Prunes, Perfume Yiea, &c. &c. All articles in. tlib Health Emporium, I intend to sell cheaper than Ihey can be bought al any blHef place In Ihe bounty: Your Fllehd and. well wisher. D. S. TOBIAS: Health EmpOriilm.Blbomsburg Sept. 22 IJXdHAlSfGE; i!fffERY fespectfully Informs his friends and IKe T public, that he has always on hand, it his Li very Stable in Bloomsburg, for the jtnf poses bf Hits it Exchange, a variety of Horses Utilities, ..u GIGS, WAGONS, AND SLElbilS. ivhichH5will feel gfatified to keep in reidincss for (he sccomiSodatioh of customer: Personal tfppUcaUofjlcan benlade a'tfesfesldertce, trhen every meafls will b5 iliSi to render enklrB sat- wacuoa ui uiose wns may give bim a cjtll. 26 lM8AU & i;ilENTIi,i w Blp&burg, Utj CM ALARATU3; Glauber titlii, Epsom silt, ibr Cheap Health ErApoxhtm. JlUSft'fAN SliiSSELS ii hMh BALLS For Bale, at , Tobiav Health Emporium1 Blobmsburs. NIGHT CANDLES, By the Box, and one box will lati a whole yis'ar; Far sale by AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION. It Jicolt BADER, did you cVer, see a confirmed Dys- 1 t rr ?a t f r.- -i r jn jmi,) uuu icurii 1115 suucniigsi ,U uui, sui 'to sav.ho is a nntt. thin ami irhastlv looMnfr object, his life opparcntly hinging by thread ; ho o iiiicciuuiuauu uiuinppy, ins suueruigs inuiscriua' lilf. Arc you much troubled with iitulcijcy, bstivjO ncss, BOttr eructations insing "frpm your .stomach, occasional want of appetite, wafefbiosh, a bad taste in your mouth, or foul breath, pain or a heaviness at your stomach, sickness after eating, headache, dis gust at your onco iavorfto rood, &C. If you aro much.lrpubled with any of tho forcgm'ng symptoms, bring before you .the picture .of tho Dyspeptic, and having resolved to remedy the consciences, im mediately procure A never failing and efficacious remedy for DYSPEPSIA 6ft INDIGESTION, Arid Iho wftdYo train of altcctions resulting from iiis bascs of tho Liver, Stomach and intestines, tflifl abovo mcdicino is warranted free from mcr- cury or other minoral preparations; it is couiposcd entirely of vegetables', fafe and easy to take, being very pleasant to tho laste. It rnay be safely admin istered to young and old, requiring but rn'oUer'dle re strictions in diet only. Numerous testimonials havo bceh irom titrio to tuilo published; itsr'cpnlation is so wbll known, fur jh'cr comment upo'ti its virtues is unnecessary, suf fice It tO say, IT HAS NKVEtt FAILKD IH A SINOLK instakcb. Further rcc5mmendatioiiS accompany tho directions around each bottle. (Cj'Prico One Dollar per bottle. . . Prepared and sold Wholesale and Retail 'at -W. Lcidy's Health EmporiuirJ; 3d streetl beldw Viiie", Also Sold by, ,,. D. S; TOBIASj Jl'gbii; Bloomsburg, May 261 ly5 mlies look at this; , g"i IVV Book Boxes; .feilk do. Paper do. Glii Beads, Fancy do. but do. plain do. Ladies' Waxes, Gilt Thimbles, Htfoks & Eyes, Necdlo ca (fes, all kinds of Smelling i3ottles, very Handsome; Breast Pins, Ear rings', Finger rings, Pomatum, S'nufT Boxes, Hair Bruett'cs, Pocket combs Lead Pencils', black and red; for sale at TOBIAS' Health Empor'tM, MILLINERS, Wil you be so kind as lo look at this ! ! WHITE Glue; Flako White; Oxalic Acid fdr sale Ut the Health Emporium by D. 8. TOBIAS. S'TARCH, 8nuffBtyns,8and paperof all klHds, Spirits Terpentine, Crlcb'd prepared Chocolate for sick people A fresh supply ibr sale at tho Health Emporium in Bloomsburg, by , , t): S. TOBIASi ItCURtAL Ointment, SUIpiiur do. Simnlo do. Pcrcipcdato do. Red: CclriH do. Tartar limctic do. and all other kinds df blHliheiits. for sale at tho Health Emporium, by 0IL of Spflice, for making Sprncb' Beer. Extract of Sdrspanlla. Tooth Powder. Spatula. Emery. Castel Soap. Lady's Palm Soap td Wash. Distilled Verdigries. Oil of Soap, for taking fcut of cloths Spots, owns, urease: xc, ah lor sale at , TobtW Health MipoHuirl: TIDINGS!.' BROWN'S 'LOTION', RECtfOMBIENDED by Doct, Wllsb'n as a i certain .euro for Blicumatismi Alsbi RED LINIMENT, cccothlriendcd by Doct. SavLs, of Philadelphia, for ho following corri plaints . Rhourdatism, Weak nos and stifTricss bf tho Joints, &c. For salts at 2'obias' Health Emporium, BloohiSburg. FOR SAE BY D. S. TOBIASAgeni: Blobhwbfarg, Jbne 23, 188., WHY WILL YOU DIEi INDIAN SPECIFIC; A Certain Cdrofor the following complaints: Colds, coughs, asthmas, consumptions, spit ting of the blood and all disorders of the breast and lungs. It is extracted, from herbs, rook plants and flowers, by a Physician who raided Upwards of four Indians,, ind with unwearied diliircnce used everv means In his power, to acquire knowledge of tho oiucrcntrem(-uies,Ueii uy them lor the euro of ccn sumptions and complaints df tlio brcas$ and lungs, to which they aro more subjected than any other na- : . f ,. . i J r i . , uuu, hi uktuuiu ui juio luuuti di living, anu ocmg exposed to the jnclemency of all weathers. Tho above medicine for sale at Tobias' Health Emporium in Bloomsburg. CARPENTER'S Fluid Extractor Sdrsa'parilla, for purifying the blood, and rumovmg all dis eases arising from excess or mercury, exposures and imprudences in life, chronic constitutional diseases arising from an impure state of tho blood, &c. drc. and is especially recomrnended for rheuftiatism, scrofula or king's e,'vil, tlcration of the throat and leg, pains and swellingsp'f the bone's, tetter, pim ples on the race p nd coly. jc'ruptio'rts of he skin, all of which will yield under the use of this preparation. Carpenter's Compound Syfup of Sarsaparilla. This compound contains all the properU'es of the Lisbon diet drink in a concentrated degree, and is a valuable mcdicinco for purifying the blood, and re moving all constitutional diseases' arising frorh' ari impiyc state of that fluid: All for sale at Tobias' DrU'gg Stork, BloMsbufS: HO WANDA TONIC MIXTUttE. HhHIS well known mixture throughout tho U 1 nion, is a sure jSmcdy, for depraved Appetite, liartburn, Wat6r Brash, Flatulency, Jaundice, Night Sweats, Dysenlary, Bowel Uimjilaints, and otlier afTections of sith'ifar origin and especially for the Fever aitd Agfie F6r sale at Tobias' Health Empo'rinm. TO PARENTS. CARsflNATlVE Oil INFANT DROPS. rBlHI8 valuable Medicine is a certain cure for JL young children, in cholic, convulsions, rest Iciwnesi, griping, disordered bowels, tgroen stools, sour vomitings, ice. For sale at 7WW Health Emporium; Btoomfbitrg. respecVV in'rm the cltf zens oTBIootnsburgand its vicinity, that, ho still carries on the above business, a't, his old established stand, on Main-street. Hav. ing rVceivcd the litest Philadelphia and N York Fashions, in connection with his Highly Improved PatcnttfpY Cutting r Garm'cnt3 to fit ovcrv nhane wUhnut a tins. sibilily of failure, ne feelshsstlred that work executed at his shop will never be com plained of, and by c&se altenlion to busi ness, hopes td receive a sharb of nublfc pa tronage as nerctolore. ALSOl . As JUSTICE OF THE EAcE', Will attend to any business .connected with the Office; and In particular, the Writing of Decdte, IUbHffn&rcs, and all other conveyances and articles of agreement, in a legal and handsome style; Bloomsburg, Nov. It, 18381 3D , . 3bri BrsLndrth's , VEGETABLE UNIVEBSAIi THESE pills havo obtained ft celebrity for enr ing most disease's to which tho human system Is liable, Uhcxaniplcd.jn tho history of tho healing art. They expel by the action bf the stomach and and bowls, all bad humours from the Blood, causing a freo circulation of the fluids, anu restores a sound state of llcaltlij The thousands who Ufa and rScpnimend thfcfri, is proof positive c'f their exlraorduidry and beneficial fleets. 1 he subscriber has Tcceivcd the appointrttent of Agent, Tor the salo of UK llraliaetn's Pills in Bloomslmrg. Nono aro genuine that ara offered for sale, without ft certificate of appointment sighed by tho proprietor and countersigned by Branch Green, general agent; and no certificate is ever given, to those engaged In tho Drug business. J. B. MOYER: Bloomsburg Aug". 14 18381 lylt The Pcnitsylvhiiia Ubportcr Is published at Harrisburg twice a week during the session of the Legislature, and once a week during the recei'sl THE Reporter will co'ritinue to bo (as it hereto fore has been) an unyielding advocate of the principles of the Democratic party a supporter of the gftat and vital questions of freo government identified with tho.Shcccss of tho Administration of tho General Gove'rrimeht and an untiring onpo- tinnf nf llin W I .:l-.iyiJ. .u:.t- i-Ti.- . . .(I vMwwt cuiBkyuiuuy, WUIVll liVCKSj in mO nlnrttnH nf nnn f i nn.tln it .l counlty Iho curse of a National Bank, to bo govern- vu ojwrauons Dy no otner views man Uio ad vancement of the Ihtcrcsts of a favored few at tho expense b'f tho interests, thnrir-lilsi nml ttin lilio'rttno of the riiiiHv. Arrain.it such a nilHv nnd sniAi rift on. gine cf polJfUcal evil, tHo Reporter will bo found act ing with thbbody of IHe peUplb: As the ensuing scssion'orllib fcegisliituro will bo one of more than ordinary interest to thb peonlB, Iho T!.no P.l. r, ii , 1 . -uiw.ou, uiu avifiunur jiavo raauo arrangements whicll will enable thelri tn (rivA n mnrd full tn.l complete histoij' of tHo proceedings in both houses than they havo heretofore been enabled to do. Ev erv .CXCrlion will lie . tiM in mnVa ihn Rmrl n meilililh through which tho people shall recrivo a flill nFll,n Mill ill .... " muihjo ui uiuii ivprcdc'iiiiiuvcs. x milium j,j .. For the session , a 00 i becoming responsible therefor, shall have six copies forwarded as may tie directed, diirlh'g Tho session of the Lcgisliilllte. Persons forwarding nanies of subscribers ara re- nUCstftlt In tin nnrtinilni- in ctnttnty i.Ut.- .1.'. .1. scripUons dro to coiltiridb for tlie year or for the ses sion. . BOAS & COPLAN. iov. o, jaua; Take Notice etibscfiber has left his Book ac counts ahU Notes in iho hands of Iddings Barkley.Esq.for colleciion.- All person's in debted will please call immediately and set tle, or theie will bb tost, as delays, are dan gerous 0, B. FISHER. Foi Sale One Two Horse Wrifrnn.nnil n RUA Cast Shoes.both nearly new, which will be sold Cheap on easy terms, by calling on ljjmwua jja.hk.IiHY. J. HAWLEY'S , Vegetable Anti-Bilious PiHk Th'eso pills afe found to bo a mst certain arid af fflrtnnl nrnvMiftv. rf fnvao t.nnJi.A 1.3IS i .i T wl . V ""'J-"'"u"- uiuuuB, anu om ercholics, and Indeed, of all diseases caused by ob o.ui-Liui. ui ui.miun. ui uic biuinacn, liver spleen, or intestines. For liver and stomach complaints and all diseases connected therewith, such as hypochon. .v..w; uioj.i.Bia ui lllumuMluIl, 10SS 01 0P- peUto, hcrulaclie, giddiness, and .for fever and ague, these pills are a sure preventive- Also, for salt rhcumes (They, cleanse the stomach, remove there from all vitiated biles purify and refino the blood. Does a person feel a loss of appetite and a bad taste in the mouth", with a faintness of the stomach, a few doses of these pills are sure to remote all such diffi culties, speedily set matters to right, Heaviness, dull, sleepy and sluggish inaction, with or without a yellowness of complexion, these pills will surely and speedily remove all such afl'ments, and timely use of theso pills may prevent tho occurrence o any such formidable disease. Also-TIawlcy's Vegetable Salvf, known through', out tho Union. This salve when used has a pecu liar quality in reviving an. action of tho' affected parts, by softening arid opening tho pores and creat rntr rwtrui'iirfltinn Tji1ii.7nf ri - t. d .-p....., u,t, lt usoives, expels, and entirely prevents the blood from settling if! tllfl flAHH nf li'rillua Ai unlink, nf i.,. .t- J; . , 1 wwwiiv.o, u.. mijr uraenp- tion. nml In n Elirs Arnvonltu. nr , , . ,....w.u.w u. uu.uni.auuii, anu may bo made use of for cuts, sores, burn's, rheuma tism, pain in the back, breast or side. " The above articles for sale by , t D.S. TQBIAS, Ant. Bldoroaburgi October 13; WINTER ARRANGEMENT Between Wilkesbarre Northumberland. THIS Lino Will ledvo Wilkcsiajcre allorllmar rival of the Slagcs from Montfq Tunkhan nock, Towanda, pwego, Binghamplon, Carbondalo and Honcsdulci fpd arrivo at Northumberanjli tho foljowiHg morning in time to toko the cpach at Klorth'b and drrivo at Hatrisburg samo evening. Passengers by thfs.lipo will nrrlvo at Hahisburg .fromMont'rpso !J4 hours-in. advance of the mall coming up on tho arrival pi tho HftfrlsbUrg stage at North'd passengers will take this line, orrivo nt Wiikcsbarrtj on tho following tnornlng by 7 o'clock, and will reaci Jpntrpso sami;, evening 24 hours in advanco of thojnijl.that leaves Harrtsbhrg with tho silme coach. This,l'nb also,.,conncctsj. nt Berwick, with iho Mauch Chunk, Bearer Mca)lpw, ltitzle ' ton, Towanda and Elmira co'aphcs. The propjio. Jprs havo stocked thb rputo m goocj. teams -.nij coaches, tihdfer tho cjlo of carcfij drivers. These advantages, it is expected, wilHnduc'o tHo travelling community to givo th'ci'r lino a trial'. Fare through $3. . . , ' P. MCi GILCHRIST, tVilkcsDarrc, yVILLIAM bOLT, Danville' J. C. HORTON, NorthumberlDnd, vr - i . .. , , , Proprietors. Ni B. All baggage at thb owner's risk. dec. 22tf. The Victory WoiU A FTER long, Icdioui, and oxpensivo cxiitri tanicnt, Dr. Lcidy has discovered a method whereby tho virtue oftht Sarsaparilla Is.cxlractcd, so as to bo formed Into Fills without drib 'oiling ih ejlcacif. , . Innumerable ijJUciiipts havo been nia'il'd to accom plisli this important object, but all foiled. It is im pottant becausoWeiStownanVJrt, as a medicine, in all dixcises to wliich mankind la sbbjcct.is product ive ofmorereal goad, than tho wholo cdtdlogrio of meihcirio in use. Ask iill rcspcctablo physiciaHa Iho question, ' What is the most effectual purifier of tHo blood, and tho most popular mcdicino uscdl" they will answer unanimously, Sfirsoparilla. What better rbcom. mendation can bo asked I ..DR. LfeiDY'S BARSAPAItiLLA Oil DLOOD PlLlJS, .t Price, Tw'chty.fivo Cents a Box THfty rrisl wjrcly command a prolcrcnce, for they aro not composed df Sarsaparilla dlono, but contain, in a conccntrauil stale, in the form of a pill, tho virtues of tho principal ingredients contained In Iho compound fluid, oxtracts, syrupsj and other prepara tions of Sarsaparilla. . f Hoy jiro highly recommenced by numerous phy siciins, and others; (seo directions around each bot- -"j . i .. ... Rheumatic Affections, Schrofula Erj'sipclas, Jaundice, Hcartb'iirh t Diseases of the Iilvrr.skin bones and glands Pain of tho sides, alorij thd back and spine o ver (ijfa region of lll8 heart and stomachy Inward fevqrs, bad taslb in the mouth,foul breath Flatulency. Iridirrcstionl uej in UIccoussotch of thonoso throat ahd body. Scaly Eruptions and blotches of tho skin. Dry and watery pimples and pojtulcs df the face and body. Tetter and ringworms. Swellings and hardening of tho glands of tllo litjcti, in tho groins, breast- &c Stomach CQpghs, Liver complaint) Sour cnictatioiia and acid itics of tho stomach. Want of appculc, and all tlio wllbo train of diseases icsultlfig from impurity of tho blood, constllUb'hal 31803808 pro duced by Mercury, or other minerals, or tlio conse quence of8yphiIii,Lues Venereal, &c For convenience of takinir. as well ns maltinrr but Waterbrasji. small bulk, being in flat square boxi'i convenient iui tauj mij in uiu pucuci or lor travelling purposes, thcymu-t.bb preferable to all other nrenarations nf SarHaparilliU , J-or sale, Wholtjsalb and Retail at Dr; Leidy's IIcalthEmporliliii; 2nd ncarVine strcc'q'liiladelphla, For sale by D. S. TOBIAS. PROCLAMATION; 'HEREAS, the honorable ELLIS' LENVIS Ppn.t.tnv.1 ril,. O i- f n " m y -oiuiiM,ui uio courts oi uyeranu rer miner and General Jiill Delivery, Coiiit of Quarter Sessions of tho Peace, arid Court of Common Pleas, vrijiuaii B oouri.in mo cightn Judicial District, composed of the counties nf Northumborland.Union, Columbia and Lycoming ; arid tho Hon'; Willi xm MoifTooMEnt and Liowmii Remit'; Esquires, associate Judges in Columbia county, have issued their precept bearing date the 20th day of Nov. in the year of our Lonl on6 thousand eight hundred, and thirty -eigHt, andfo mo directed for holding A Court of Oyer and Tcrihiner arid Gin- ml .Tml 7),,u-i, 3 n i... Sessions of the Peace, Common . FMs, ahd Orvhan's Court! IN DAN II,LE,lri the county of Columbia, on r .th.!f? Mnday of Jan. next, (being tho 21st day) and to conUnuc one week. NOTICE is therefore hereby given to tho Cor: oner, tho Justices of, the Pcucc, and Constables' of the said County of Columbia, that they bo then and thorp in their proper pfcrsotw, at lerf oVlock, in the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions andpthcr rcmernbran'ccsf lo do those things which to their offices appertain to bo done. And those Who Ore bound IiV nvnfftii.nnnl i . ' againut tho pnsorfcrq that are or niay bo in tho jail of said county of Columbia, are to bo then and.trTero to prosecute acmnst ihnni ncc,nii i. , . .j-uuuju.il. jurors aro cequestcdto be punctual fn their attendance, a grccably to their notices. uateu ot uanvillo, tbd 21st day of December, in itio year of our Lord one thousand eight hurtf dred and tlurty-eight, and in tho 03d year of theiiidepcndcnceofthe Uni led States of Amer ica. . WtLLLtM KITCHEN, Sheriff) Slicriff's Ofllce, Danville, ' DecJ 21, 1838. $ A Certain cure' for Frost bitten Limbs, which I can pf ovri by pcoplo in this Town. For sale Tobias Health Emporium in Bloomsbufe PRTnTIrtv in'pnitnn vlSn?t .fo l0'b ?00d' al'LOCO F060 Mh. r9.n':'?i e00 For sale at xopias Jieaim Emporium Bloomsburg. Dr. Weaver's Wn Tw0" "flW'dM Unoi only to ex pel Worms, but by iu tonic powers, to pre vent a return of them, by removing Ihe weak of the digestive organs on which their pioduction mamly depends. For sale by 1 wu,'"'", P. 8. TOBIAS, fumt Bnovkra, DfoowAwo, tear 3,0,0 wSd qdality good ftnd.chcap. , CO 0 'N htnch box rril'sdris good and clteop. . 100 'S European curtants first quality and ii 4 common cjieap. , jlOru1" "f f'SB very good article and cheek tO bushels European. grpund huts. )) lbs. English, walnuts. lbs. cream nuts. . ,, 2f)) lbs filbertsipr English HertjaW. lO boxes Scotch herring iraokcil. 3 baric!?- water; crackcre. 3 barrels sugar lscuit i ,. c - f . Arid hundrcds.nnd.Ubousandsof .other article frti goods nndchcaij, lustfrhrrvthecitytof Philadelphia and for sale at tfjo , wcH,,krovfluchop .Drug 8t0ra and Health EmporluW in tho town of BloomsburJ Kjou cd Ta ADMINItRATO'-NbTlbir A,"" . "uiiiiiiiouuuoii naving i Been Jl (rraiitcd unon tho rstntn nf Al,;i, (ICC it. fit. Picliitirr rtrnr.tr ln. r.A , r m i y""""v vrommuia count ty. , i II pcrsonjindcbtcd to said estate, aro rcquea ted lo mako immcd ata lisvmpnt m,,i -n having demands, against $1$ tfcstato must preseoi them lo llin cnl.cprll.f.).- .1iu .1 1 i , , I ,.m ; , .-v., uu.ji uihiuu, or pe oatrta tritrw tf'lllfc MATl'MKs if'flNE, . tMi- , ; i Executor!. FisHing Creek Junb 23, 183S.J Genilem'tii and Ladies come arid looks ihe handsome JsJ-l 35 US A R-.! flTTl"3'' RSN9 n douWa rttliflcJrt'l rented with tha uiw ui avosV ior sua at Tobias's Health Emporium. JiOSE OINTMENT " cMlaVcurjofcr tcfjcrs, ringwSrnli;,p'kp'ie ow tho face, anil cHhcr cutaneous rrut)lioti.i kfor , 1 fi Tobias1 Health Emporium, Bloomsburg Imuroved A, oty. Aperient Seidlitz Powder.. irarELD n 1 ELD tn limhVstimation for Inilmnsiinn ),.- M( burn and billwus affections. For salo at as1 Health Emporium. Blonmshuro' ' D. TOBlA ih Bloomsburg. IbLISHING POWDER, tocjeanond polish! all kinds nf Mhlnl. nml llntn.. sale at tho cheap Drugstore, in Bloomsbiifg, by IX & TOBIAS. ii3ns OPtSN your eyes. BW?m sPMs lo- Verdigries, blue Vitnal; White do. for salo cheap and good, at tlio Bloomsburg Waro House, by D. S. TOBIAS. TgLUE. SMAlra , White Frostirig, Iceland J r?'0??. nurfhS People; Scgars, Com,' mon, Spamsll and Half Spanish- and a thousand hcrarticlcl toc tedious to mention, for sale at Tobias' HealthlEmporium. While, Lilian rfiiH)crry, . for Sale jt Tdm.is m:.ix,0t rjiponicx, IN BLOOMSBURG. Physician Sc burgeon, Informs the citizens of Btoom and vicinN V . i locaica inmseii m the village of Blomsbtifg; -ivheie he will alvyays bd ready to attend to all fMl Cnr 1,; n.nrrf..:.. J , . ..w IJIUIUSBIUU- al services; Office next do'tir lo RoblSbns Stage Offioe. Oct. 13 1838. Oysters! Oysters! THE Subscriber has just received a sn, ply of Ambdy Oystei fresh mi nne, lie has mado .irmnn-AmAnia M a regular supply during the .winter. Tvr 'J."'. A J- MOYER. November 24, 1836; ai. Evans' Cammomile Pilh, Waranted to bo genuine'.' Anderson's Pills, & all other funds of Pills1 Fly Stone, to! kill Flies with. Fish Seed, to catch flili with: TRUSSES; Spungei, for salo at TOBIAS' Health Emporium. Tobias' Health Emporium, Bloomsburg . WATER COI.OTIUH f,toi.. , ma box. For sale at Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg. D'oct. Godbolds Vegetable BalmoJ Life; 1710 R tho euro of Consumption. A certain cme-' ; dy for it which can bo proved by people not' ten miles from this place For salo af 1 oblas Health Emporium in Bloomsburg.' COCOA PREPAIRD CHOCOLATE ccommendod. by Physicians especially ftr sfck i people For ial nt Tobias' Health Emp'6'nnm Bloomsburg. F aImo1t immediately rcmovs the pains andal- lays tlio inflamadon, and by attending to the ml! directions, the BiifTprir iill v r,-.j:i X Irom the nnpleosant affection. Call at Tobias' Health Emporium, Bloomsiintgl Alcohol, ollonetta, aque forties, block tin, clovM,' ginger, camphor, gum copal, window class, J spice gum shcllack, isinglass, mu.tard, nipple shell, do. shields, supking bottels, stoden bitters, wafer .oaI,gw.x,.toveb.ack,adper. ForsaUa? Rimini import tun. 400 lbs. ruisons, for plos and Precoma frooil nnd cbnnn. BLACK INK, Rod Ink, Blue Ink, DuraWoIidC for salo at tiw cheap Health Enjvoriuin, by ; e. TOBIAS.