VfoncoVoid of offence," anil 'who had cou rage enough to look out of door?, that thero flaB been the slightest indications of "mobs," "riots," or " rebellions" since that day, which required military force to suppress hcm. JIt is generally fldinitlcd that not' more 'than three hundredjersons wore present in the senate chamber at the time when the al leged outrages occurred, and Mr. Speaker Penrose states in his deposition taken be fore Judge Blythe, on the 12th inst, on his "solemn oath, tnat'Trom "07te to two hundred persons" omy, took part in the commit aion of the outrages. The temainder of tho persons present in the senate chamber Nvas composed mainly of Hallifax rioters and other officers, contractors and liando employed by the Canal commissioners 'bn 'the public improvements, and among th'em Were "several, well known Vo the criminal 'ixmrVs. Tins strtalt assemblage of unarmed men, presenledjsuch a formidable army of rebels" and " rioters" to Gov. Ritncr's fears as to require a thousand "soldiers to put them down 1 The High Sheriff of Dauphin county, lias publicly stated, that he possessed at all times, abundant civil means to keep order and maintain the peaco at Harrisbnrg. The Requisition for military forces not only on the militia and volunteers of Pennsylvania, "but on the President of the United States, "rnade by Gov. Ritncr, must therefore bo 'regarded as a deliberate movement to com pel the people to yieiu 006010100 10 iuc fraudulent and treasonable plans of Seetcta Vv Rurrowcs and his comneprs. As such history will record it, and, as such, all hon teat candid men, will.Btamp it with the brand 'of moral treasohi These forces, so assdmhlcd, vert with drawn from this place, but not until it was found bv the Governor and his friends, that their presence had failed to produce tho in tended result. Instead of silenceing the voice of condemnation, they added deeper lhunder to its tones. Instead of inspiring the friendd of the administration with great tor conlidetice,thcir preseuce convinced them that its lawless acts, woilld find little sup. port from the bayonets of "citizen soldiers." Instead of reposing that confidence in the soldiery, which a commander in chief should feel, Govt Ilitner did not, and as he asserts, dated not review them. So gioss were the contemplated outrages of his ad ministration, that he distrusted the. fidelity of the baltalhorts He had Called around him to enfored theni. In this desperate state of his affairs', he dismissed tho military forces and abandoned to his fate, by nine patriotic hiembers of the legislature; he and his con fidential advisers, were hurled headlong down the precipice, to. the verge of which they had dragged the republic. Now lie they low, and "none so poor as do them .reverence." Their frauds are detected, their schemes frustrated and their treason rebuked. Let impartial justice mete out "to'thetn, tho reward due to their crimes. The. conspiracy of Cataline tho traitor stands no longer nlonc. His coiruptions deep and damning as they were, sink- into insignificance, when compared with those of his Pennsylvania rival. tt becomes our unpleasaht duty to notice and refute the following statement made by the governbr in his late message to the legis lature. After'asserting that the penplo assem bled at Harrisburg.'whbm he denominates a " mob," and a bodv of" rioters,' com mitted various outrages, he proceeds to say "In the meantime, a body called a " bom 'rnittce of-safety." had beert anhoinled bv tllo rioters, and seemcd to exercise unlimit ed ednirol over therm-'-'Phey made the most ijiflamitory appeals to the citizens of the state at a distance, and. when a small guard had been placed by the "keeper and by my -orders in th&' arsenal, to prevent 'the public arms from falling into the hands of rash or indisposed persons, they were com pelled to evacuate the building under terms dictated by tho mob, with the concurrence of the "committee of safety." Durintr the occurrence of these disgraceful events net mer branch 01 tne legislature could hold a regular session the executive Chamber and State Department were closed, and. confu sion and alarm pervaded the seat of government." In this paragraph, the envernor, withnut intending it-, has paid to the committee of safety a compliment ot the most honorable kind) Ifjl was in fact true as alleged, that tho otfmmilteo of safety "exercised unlimit fed control" then it was peaceful judicious,& ealatary.foTnot nn outrage was perpetrated, nor a single act Of violence done in the cap jtol. by any person after the appointment of the 'committee of safety. This fact So c source of honest pride la its, not because tho committee of safety exerted the "un limited control" spoken of by the govern or, hut because it proves that the people v here assembled, wore melt who respected the laws who loved peace and order, and vcre not the lawless band of "desperadoes" .they are declared to bo by Gov. Ritpef. It js not true, as stated by the governor, 'that we have made the most "inflamma ory appeals" to the citizens of tho stats at a din' lance, vve conlidently appeal to the peo pie of this commonwealth, fur tho refutation of the govdrnors charge Head oUr ad dresses consider tho ciruumatancfes uiider which they werd issued recollect that a thousand arriied soldiers were quartered at the s"eal of unvernmeili mat tneir cannon . tot- hi: nlcd within musket sliot of the cap. itoj that they insolenlly slopped and r-earched" representatives of the people, as hey were pass'mgalong the public foot wolk the hall of thcpeople; recollect the public I rirtiiinpio!nna ftf a rrtVirnnrftTr.StVmB.ik: . Knrrtrtml 'hnd Persia nth daicl to 08 rifeCatl- oux. noiumir ccnain, is kiiuwii. ma- whire the Emperor of Russia seems to be IOIICU III 1113 UllUUUVUra lO BUUUUU hiu. - other members of the cabinet, that We were a "mob, "robcls," vfec. Are. together with THE COLUMBIA. DEMOCRAT the fact that tho most auda'ciou invasions of the constitution and laws in the legisla ture, were sanctioned by the governor and then say our appeals were " inflamma tory," or improper it you tan. wo mauo no "inflammatory appeals to tne leetings of the people." Wc simply stated the facts and called unon them to decide what should bo dono tor the preservation ot their lrcciUmn We unhealed to the iudffcmcttt of the fiCemeh of Ponsylvania cahnly, fearlessly and firmly made our appeals, and they wero answered in a spirit becoming the cit izens of this great state. We scorned to make "inflammatory appeals" to unworthy passions for the TRUTH was on our side atid 'wc relied updn that alone for our our triumph. 1 hut reliance, thank God ! has gloriously sustained us, and covered the Gov. and his fedarates with eternal defeat, shame "and dishtfhbt; As to the interference, with the keepers of the arsenal, wo pursued the course dictated by dutv, and a sincere 'respect for tho laws, niHl we lcel the happy consciousness, tliat 'our interposition is approved by all good citizens. It is proper to add that the menus ot uiQ'Uov. nave puunciy uenicu inai incy entered into terms at all with the corrihiittce of safely. We leave them and tho Gov ernor to settle the dispute amonir .them selves. Tho gravo. allegation of the governor, that during tho occturence ol these events "neither branch ot the legislature could hold n regular session, and the executive chamber and state department were closed," is conclusively disproved, by rclerence to the Journal of the House ot Keprescnta lives which has met dailv while so far as the Seriate, Governor and Secretary of state were concerned, It they did not meet or attend in their respective olhces, it was owing to a cowardly desertion of their posts, without tne slightest cause to jiistily it- save their own groundless apprehensions, How mucli tlio admonitions ol their con sciences contributed to alarm them, is nut for us to decide. This account they must settle with the people, whose laws and con stitutiun they have Violated, and with that God, "who tneth the just and the unjust, whose solemn injunctions they have des piscd and set at naught. On reviewing the IryinC scenes; through which we have passed, we find abundant reason for reidicintr in the evidence afford ed by thtisc events, Hint the people of this favdrcd state aro dntirelelv capable of self- go'vtirnmcrit. Called into existericcj in the midst ot perils, plots and dangers; which would have overthrown any other govern ment on earth, the committee of safety has witnessed the rescue of the public lilier- troin all these lmpending.cvils, without its suffering the least abridgement without a singlo.outrage being perpetrated, which pro duced the destruction ot a dollars worth o property, or the shedding of a drop of blood 1 he crisis is over, peace and safety are restored. Let history record the transac tions' of these times, as a beacon light and example for posterity. Let us ltopo that tHe stern lessons we have learned during the last three years, may not havo been dearly purehased, if thcy'imprcss upon the people this great wholesome truth, that lion esty ability, and a sincere devotion to the cassians. I hat people, aitnougii not nu mr-rnm. have boldlv thrown dovn Hie gauntlet of defiance, and declare that peace can no longer subsist between their people and the Empcror.ol ail the. Russians. unroiucic, A MALQUGE. behttuble arid JJctnontlr'tttitil. "Isaac, have you paid the printer!" in quired an old lady of her husband, who was delighting the family circle by reading to them a fine nokinc naner (excuse our blushes, for editors aro as modest as maidens. "No, Rebecca, I have not, answered the old gentleman, adjusting his spectacles "but you know it is only a trifle. The printers. I sec, civo a very polite dun, but they cannot moan me, as I am one of their political friends, and at all events, my two dollars would be. butd. trifling moje'ty to therri." . '' ' IT "TftUTII WITHOCT JXll 'gjfUKVAV, J.iA'iT.mv tit, isaiV. A NEW COUNTY'. It will be perceived by tho proceedings of a meeting held at Columbus published in another column, that measures aro being taken to netitiuii tho Legislature for the Crection of a new county out of parts of Co lumbia, Lycoming and Luzerne. Among the names of gentlemen attending, wc ob- "Well, Isaac, if all their subsribers were serve some residing in the upper tritvnship unoamen ai principles ot democracy, are our r'ead Ul3t 0UI pocket8 rang ,vith .the first, tho last, tho only nuahftcaliom :, ,;u. rnne r rriomi !,,,.' nml.iiv that should entitle those men, in whose .i i. r..:i ... ..i j.n, to say the same thing, the poor fellows would starve unless they" could conjure their tvnes into corn, mill their pressman a flour mill, and surely you, as their 'friend should be more punctual in paying them man u .you were uicir ponucm ciieniv, ue- sides it would show your attachment to them,, and the good cause, which they ad' vocate. I thou'shl of .settling hiv subscription whpn 1 was in town last ," said Isaac, win- chiiur from the rub, "but the money which I received for produco was better than u sual, and I disliked to part with it." "Why certainly, you would not pay them in had money, Isaac. "No, mv dear, but sometimes I aril obh gpd to take unciirrent paper, and preler paying my debts with that, when I can get off O, these banks, these banks! Any way, that sort would suit the printers just as well, as they dont keep it long. My neighbor Jenkins said he parsed off tome to them which nobody else would take, and they did not refuse it." "bhaine an von, Isaac'. ' exclaimed the good old lady uyou would not, I hope imitate tho example of that miserable fellow Jenkins why, ho would Jew the parson nut of half his stipend, and pay the balance in trade. Yet ho paid tile printers, crandma," in tcrrupted a little flaxen hatted luiss who stood beside her arandfather's knees. Well, well, I'll call and pay them," said the old gentleman, not a little nettled "for an article 1 read m their paper the other day, was worth twice tho amount of the subscription. "And you know, grandpa, you said that Piece about tho.eoHnrcrh'is saved you 20 dollars, which you would have taken from tho, Yankoe.pcdler, ajauiiintcrrupted the little girl. "Yes, it did so, Mary, and ftir that when I go to. town, I'll pay oil" my old score and next year in advance, inm the bargain. Mr. Isaac kept his word, like an honest man. And whether because his conscience smote him about the uncurernt moneu, or because he was convinced of the excellence of thu arguments of his amiable hspoujc arid rosy cheeked grandchild, we cannot sav: be thai as it may, we assure of this county. We are not surprised at this; That the inhabitants ot the northern section of this county havo long had' reason to feel dissatisfied with )ciug compelled to travel the whole length of it to attend court cannot be denied; their grievances arc heavy and there is no reason why they should be continued. But wc do not thing it is neccs sary, however, that a new county should he erected to obtain that relief, because if the courts of this county were removed from the extreme south part whorb they arc now located, to a central position, they wouidbe much belter accommodated thaii they 'could bo with a new county. Their business and their associations lie in this direction, and the course of trade never can be changed, ifrot even by the erection of a new county Wc say then, to bur friends above, do hot dispair of having redress from the right quarter. Hold on yet for a little while Ion gerj and make one more trial to procure your just rights, and our word for it, the courts of your county will bo removed to a more central position, if the proper rrieas urcs aro taken. But should the Lcgisla. ture not crant vou a relief from the bur thens which you are now compelled to en dure, then wc would say have a new coun ty, and we will join with you in advocat ing your cause as an act offjuslice to the op pressed It is stated that Judge Darlington has fol lowed the example of Chief Justice Gibson, by resigning his scat on tho bonclj previous to the first instant, and accepting an inline diato reappointment. hands, the faithfdl execution of the laws is placed to their confidence and support. Without 'these sterling qualifications, our rulers must be wealr tools; or dangerous knaves, but gifted with them, thev would spHfh from their counsels, unworlhy advi sors, who dare suggest the practice of such monstrous frauds, and Usurpations, as seem to haye found especial favor in the eyes of our present executive. bigncd Oy the Commilttt of Safety. EtfGLAftD, itUSSIA AND TURKEY. It will not be aniiss to take a brief slance at.mattereln the a"slern part of the old World, whre B vents hre transpiring which threaten td disturb the- oeaco bf nallonu. The progress of Russia towardd thd brit- tsh possessions m India, and the attempts of the Northern Autocrat to establish a pre dominating influence &power over Turkey. are the first grand causes of the hostile feel' mtr generated between theCzar and theGov. eminent of Great Britain. The lant arri vals from Europe state thai the' Russian Ambassador at the Porte hid addressed a remonstrance to the Stiltdri) irt Which his Excellency emphatically observed; that dn lesshisHighncss disannulled thd commercial treaty between Great Britain and Turkey, the Emperor his master would regard it as a violation of tho treaty of Unkiar Skellessij and Consequently as a declaration of war. against Russia. By the Sth article of the Commercial Treilv, the Porte throws onen the Dardanelles to British shipping, without anv restriction Whatever; consequently. fherd is not only an end put to tho treaty of 01 unKiar okkiicsui, uih jvussiuis ucpnveu, by a single stroke of pacific policy, of the chonshed object ol the intrigues ol her cab and patronage, Now, wo feel assured, that if the good ladies in the town and country, and through out all creation," as that vetcraule ndudc sennt mainr Jack Downing would sav. on ly knew how the heart and hand of the poor printer is gladdened and warmed by tlie welcome salutation of such a man as Isaac, they would read this naraeraph to their husbands, and say in the language of me coou out oook " Uo t ion ana do like- wise."-franklm Telegraph. Distressing Event. Thaddeus Stevens has gfven notice to hia constituents, of his intention to withdraw from the Legislature, and await their decision upon his condnct The Speaker of the Senate, Mr. Penrose, has issued his writ ordering a new election of a Senator; in Adcms district, in the place of Mi. Cassat, deceased, to tako place oh Tuesday next. L.. . miilbjbB Tho inaugcration of Governor Porter will take place at Harrisburg on Tuesday ufext, fhe New York coronor was called to witness an appalling scene on tho night of oaiuruay last; namely tne Uead body ol a child five months old, wio had been smoth ered by its father, while in a state of drunk enness. He drank nearly a quart pf rum in the coursd bf tho evening, drove his wife out of the house, aud tumbled into Imil u lili his jnfantj which he Atfaiigled, by lying up on it, iciorc morning. It i3 stated in the Augusta. Chto'rijcje ihat the frec'banking law, (which is "similar in its punciple provisions to the New York law,) passed the Senate of Georgia ori the 22d inst. having, previously4 passed the House; , It wants but the signature of the Governor to become a law; Mammoth CViA-e.Christrriss arid" New Year brings with them llleir novelties and fancy. Wo see advertised in New York by Peter Amclli, an imperial plumb cakd, weighing 3000 pound?,got up in tho most costly stylo. Ho charges 25 cents admis sion to seo iti ThoGon'stabloorthelinrouirh hf Sbih. pensbufg was tried at the last court in Cum in- iflRlpnil nT quite In war-lilib style ajainst Russia, and lA He w'os fotirid guilty, and sentenced i a ttne ol 850 and tho co inot for upwattJs bf a century. In condition berland county, for havirig- opened tho to this, the Ktiglish Tory papers Write" specter's election at ten o'clock insteai costs of prose- fnorC than, one" Bf the Whig journals follow thd example'. , 'i'lioy affirm that Russia, had interfered irl a treaty between England and Turkey, i'hp siege of Herat had been niised, andthe uegociations between to pay' cution, Shad made their appearanco at Savannah, 10th inst.- t The French Consul General residing in New York, has been authorized to offer a reward of 30,000 francs for the discovery of a paper that will nbt admit of any altera tion in what is written oil il. This is well worthy the attention of paper makers. The trial of the Great Presby teriaH cause in the Supreme court of Pennsylvania, is postponed to the first Monday in March Indiana, one of the newest of our States. is now making a canal 4H!miles long. The inhabitants of Syracuse are discus sing the expediency of askitlg for a city, charter. A Company is said to be forming in Mis souri, with" a capital of ten millions, to make a permanent settlement on the Columbia river. Major Noah says that a history of tho Mormon troubles in Missouri, i3 about to be published by one intimately conversant with all tho facts. It came out, tin tho trial's of thfi patriot prisoners at Kingston, that a great combina tion of Patriot Cliibs exist all along the A nifirican Canadian border from Michigan to Maine, known as thd Hunters Lodgers, aftd that they Uiie pass words, &c. The present population of Georgia Is 002,173,-303, 100 whites', and 208, 512 blacks. A large number rif criminals havo recent ly been" executed iff Canton. Their suppos ed crime smuggling opium, From September 4th to November 27th 30,155 bushels of Wheat and 11,317 barrels of flour arrived at Dotroil by way of tho Central Rail Road; s At a meeting of the democratic citizen bf Columbia county held at tho house ot Daniel Snyder, in Blpomshurjj, on Wednes-. day, Jannary f). 1830, for the purpose of expressing their views' in relation to the late proceedings al .Harrishurg, JOHN DEITRICK, was called to tho Chair. Ste phen Baldy, Solomon iVyicViW, Obed Evr crct, and ucorge Uarmonu, appointed Vide, Presidents, Daniel lirelvcr am Ltoii ard ItupcYl, Secretaries. On motion, )t was Resolved That tlio chair appoint a com rnittce cT tw'ctiiv to draft and rcporl rc'solil tions for the consideration 'of tho meeting. Whereupon the following named gentle- men were appointed: Henry Webb, Frederick Drelier. Charlef Doebler, William Pctrikin, Daniel GrossJ William Snyder, Dariiel Snyder, Chorle ICahler, James Emmet,-Ep'iraim Arni strong; Simeon Wcrtman, Joseph Furman Jonathan Fnirnswbrth, Adam Straup, iri Noah S. Prentiss. William Snyder, jr; John Herring, Nathaniel Willetts, and Ad am Loigliu. Who reported the following preambla arid resolutions, which were adopted, Whereas', the experience of half a centu ry has ptoven that our system of govern ment, formed upon the principle of submis sion to the voice of the majority, when fair ly expressed, is one of the best ever yet de vised by man. And unless this fundament al principle is maintained, in its fullest ex tent, we shall soon either bb driven into an archy and confusion, or be ruled with the. iron hand of oppression, by a lew unprinci pled demagogues who may, by accident, galh a lilttle brief authority. And trhercaii the Secretary of the Common- mon wealth; through the did and countenance of a minority administration, and a minori ty of the return j'udges of the county of Phil- idelphia, in his attempt to force into tho le gislature, in defiance of all law and consti tutional restraint; a set of nlen who had but a nlino'rity of the votes of their district, and hy this means to control tho acts of the ma jority of the iednlly elected members, ha made a direct ihrd&t at this principle of our government, and a base and traitorous at tempt to usurp, and rob us of our dearost rights as freemen the privilege of " choos ing whom we will have to rule over us. And . Whereas, it is our duty, ns it should bo our pride and highest ambition to djfend this main pillar of out free institutions, from' the encroachments of desperate and political adventurers, and transmit it to posterity, oa unsullied and unimpaired as we have re ceived it from our brave and patriotic ances tors; even sMottld our lives he endangered in performing this sacirid ddty. Therefore Resolved That we heartily congratulate our democratic brethren throughout the State, at the successful termination of the late fearful struggle of our democratic re presentatives, to sustain their righ.s, and thdse ofjlbmubfeatituents, against the en croachments of a set of unprincipled politic-; al gamblers, and rejoice with theni, that tho laws and the cdnstittition have withstood the fire of the eneihies of the, democracy of the .state, and that fHey have como out of the ordeal unscathed and uhirij'ured. Revived That the six whig felurri minority judges of the county df JPhiUdelJ ntitn. in mnkinir out a senatate return ot l'"-- o I seven election districts out of seventen, W snahld their whig brethren, who had reced ed tut a minority of the votes of the county, to take spats in. tho legislature, in opposi tion to the ox-oreed will of tho majorltr and the aid rentfcre'd them Uy Secretary' Burrowesto carry out ; heif nefarious sohemo in refusing to send to tho .house any other return, thaii that of the minority, Js Jl falsc ificatiqii of their oaths of office, and sub jects them deservedly to tho severe penalties of tho law ; and if left to go unpunlsluvl will lead to measures hereafter, dc'strhctiro to tho glorious principles of our republican government, (hat ' the rriajdrity shall gov e.rn;" therefore the legislature should take' immediate measures to. bring the. secretary before the hoilsti td ariswor unto the people for his high handed usurpations of power. Resolved That Jdseph Rimer, In calling out the'military force to sustain this infringe ment of the rights of the majority, although ho acted as a mere tool to others, deserves and will receive Hie' just execrations of alt honest men of all parties, and his name bf handed ddwnto posterity" as, colatoror in the detestable? work of ,usurnipff 'M rgl&
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers