The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, January 12, 1839, Image 1
iIllEAT. ul'hate sworn upou ilio Altar of God, denial hostility to eiory form of Tyranny otcr the Blind of Man.Thoma8 Jefferson. .OOMSBljRG, COIiUaiBIA dOTTT, FA. SATUBJBAYj- JANUARY 158, 1839. Volume II. Bli IViinibcv 38. H I Nkxt poor to Robison'3 Stage OffIce. sanxfis:, 'TAc CdLUMlUA DEMOCRAT will be published every Saturday homing, al Tiro nOLLJWSper annum, payable Jalf yearly in advance, or Two Dollars , Fifty Cents, if not paid within the year. 'No subscription will be taken for a shorter period than six months; nor-any discon tinuance permitted, until all arrearages 'are discharged. ; ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding a square ivilibe conspicuously inserted at One Dollar for the first three insertions, and TwenUj;five cents for every subse quent nserllon. fcC7V liberal discount made to thdse who advertise by the year. LETTERS addressed on business, must be post paid'. BLoosignuHo, pa. SATURDAY, JANUARY 12. For the Udlumbia Democrat. . DIALOGUE . Between a Teacher dnd.his Pfipils, on the NATURE OF LIGHT. scene .1 School-room at the close of a Holiday. JPutor.Wcll my young friend you have been to see the strolling Necromancei ! William. Yes Sir.wc saw him perform several very amusing exploits, but the whole pleasure of the jaunt has been destroyed by an unfortunate quarrel between CSeorge and James , Tutor. A (Juarrel ! how so t I thought you belter taught. It grieves me, but let me hear the particulars. James. I will tell you and when I have done, I presume you will bo surprised at the unprovoked wickedness of George. E v en he does not pretend to say I did any harm to hirti., -'. , Ocotge. tadmit he did no mischief to mo.arid 1 did nothing to mm. v James.'--If he did no injury to me, then I must believe in witch-craft, apd you sir, have always told us tliat no such thing ex ists; and that all things can be accounted for on rational principles. Tutor. I told you so: but moderate your anger and tell your story, and William and Levi can eay say whether you state the case fairly: jamts, Aa wbcaffle home from the vil lage, we took the path across Mr. Joncj's meadow. A littlo before wc came to the creek, tve crossed over the the mill-race on a 1aH which lav close to,the water. While ire stood on trio slab 0 TSV (id ho saw a orab crawling along tho "bottom amongst the tonefl and esked mo to let hitn have my long Cossack Bpear to catch it with. I gave, it to liirij, but told him to be very careful and not brook it, because my Uncle gave it to me, and would bo offended if it were bro ken. "The moment he hod the spear in his hoods ho thru6t it into the water and I ex pect it must have truck the bottom, for it bent Tery much. George. It did not touch the bottom. James. It must have struck something for I eay it bent and we do not see straight iticks bend of themselves. Well Sir, The farther the crab moved from him tho more violently he forced my spear in tho ground for it bent almost double. The more I hed ged him to quit, the more determined he ecemcd to break the spear. George. I say again it did not touch the ground, and when I had done I returned him the shear straight and sound. When I gave it to htm he struck me on the head whli It and said I was a wicked wretch. , Tutor Vc Levi, has James stated the cose fairly t ert. Yes Sir. "Tutor. Was tho spear bent! , rti- -U was : And the louder James begged to save his spear the more George bent it Until the crab got under a big stone and thus escaped from him. Qcorze. I nroiosl it did not touch the bottom. ' f i'. I did not seo the spesr. hit any thing but it was certainly voiy crooked, and grow VTOrsU'lho idugor'Goorgq had it. . OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, George. They may say what they will, Li I did pot sec that the spear was bent at all, arid I'll enrage If James produce it now, it is neither broken nor bent. , , . (Sppar produced and examined by the Tu tor and all tho boys) lulor. The spear is both sound and straight. , , James. It is not through George's care fulness or goc-d will if it is. Tutor. Hush ! James. Perhaps George learned so much slight of hand from the Showman that ho witched it crooked; James. Then Sir, Wo have learned your lessons in vain, if every wicked fel low nau play tricks as tic. pleases. William. I thought it very naughty to heiui the stick so', because it might break and then Jamc's Uncle woiild bo angry with him. , . Tutor. George has done nothing wrong. Tho spear was not bent. I will explain this matter as well as I can, and when you understand the scienre of natnp al philosophy better I will explain it more fuy- , . Levi. I shall be glad to hear it cxplain edf(, Tutor. Every thing we see is brought to our senses by means of light. Light comes from the sun or from a flame. It mav come in a secondary way 'by reflec- lion. That is, a dark body such as a piece of metal or.a looking-glass, may throw back the light (if a candle or the sun so as to make it shine in a place which is in the shade of some object which stands between that spot and tho body from w.hich the rays of light come. The moon shines only by re flection. THat is', the light whicli we call "Moon-ligtit" is really the ligiit of the sun thrown upon us by the modrt. Intercepting the sun's rays and throwing them back, or to one side on us. Lisht or Rays of light fly Straight and never bend except when turned aside by striking something. The rays may be turned'precisely- taeL. io tiie object whicli gave them out, or more or less to one side, according to ihe position in winch you hold the looking-glass that is to reflect them.. If you hold the glass square across the straight lino of rays, it will throw them exactly back to the point that gave them; bill if you turn the glass to onb side, then the light will be thrown to that side. The more obliquily you hold the glass' the more the rays will ho, cast to one sido. This you can provo when you please by means of a looking-glass; and by using two a boy may see the back part of his owji head; Levi. This subject is very pleasing and I shall be glad if you will assist us in try ing the experiments; but I do not seo what this bending of light has. to do with giving George a right to break Jame's spear. Tutor. It gives no sucli right. Lnt lis ten. Light passes straight except when turned aside. ,Now if something crosses a straight line drawn from your eye to any object at a distauce you cannot seo that ob jects; Levi. That I understand very well. If Williani goes behind the door I cannot see him, Tutor. Tho cause of that is, that the rays of light thrown off or reflected by his body pass in a direct lino and hence strike the door and come no further. But when these ray3 pass through a medium that is dense they are more obstriictPif than if the medium be more rare. By medium I mean any substance of matter which lies round about tlio object seen! or between you and that object as air! water &e.'. Deiisc means thick or more easily perceived and Hare means (hin or less easily perceived, thus water is more easily perceived if you pass a stick thro' it than Air and honce it is said to be more dense. Now the rays of light in passing from a denso to a thinner medi um are bent or as philosophers say refrac ted siid Ihe more obliquely or aslant they pass from one to the other tho more they bend. William. I begin to seo now what you will make of it. f?vior. Goorgo thrust ihe spear into the ' ...I ' I . .. Ml I f II- . . - I wilier nimosi perpendicularly ai nrsi, you say, and at that timo the spear was not much bent. James. So it appeared to me, and I sup pose tie did not push so hard at firsL ITilliam.-As the crab ran away he leaned the staff'ovcr more and then it bent very much'. Tutor. True. The light In passing from so much of the staff as was under wa ter passed through the water in passing to your eye; and when it came to the top of the water :t"ariiito the air (a thinner medi um) nnd hence, though the stick remained perfectly straight, the rays sent off (rpm it were bent, conforming lo the image of a crooked stick all seen through one medium Tho more you leaned the slick the erook- eilcr it seemed to be, became the rays min ing passed fio.n the one medium in to ihe olhei more obliquely. This fact can be proved by laying a piece of silver in a bowl, then walk backwards from the bowl until the silver totally diiapcars behind the edge of the bowl. Let some one poiir water inlo the bowl and the silver will rc-appcar. James.-l see how it is now. When George first put my stick in the water il was straight dow.n and Ihen appeared straight because all the rays came out of the water from the stick at once; but when the crab run away of course he reached after il and then some of the rays had to pass further through the water than others, and so represented or re flected , it crooked. I now perceived that the stick scented to bo bent owing to its po aitionj but was really straight as ever. This singular matter is now accounted for with out witch-craft. Gcoigc, 1 ask your par don, and am sorry I struck you. George. It is granted. I knew it did not touch tho bottom, but I was puzzled to accounUbr the bending which you all declar ed took place, and therefore did not believe you. 1 did not notice it myselt because l orily watched Hie crab. iitfu.-. ij!f? Vonelusicn' is cV?rcc.' James, thoug!- your reasoning differs from received opinion and is somewhat errone ous. (Enter TfiJlicm with tt bucket of clear water and a straight slick.) Trillium. Seo hero James; this stick is straight or crooked according as I hold it upright or inclined. Tffor. I am happy to see you reconcil ed. From ibis incident we may learn to de liberate before wc decide. 1'AUT SECOND. Jjtvi. The show-man performed some tricks that I think will puzzle you to account for. Tuor. That may bo, but it only proves my ignorance of that branch of science, but docs not prove any supernatural agency, but let us noro you uescrine one porlormance. Levi. He had a swan in a large basin of water; and though the fowl was only an image artificially mado yet it moved about the basin just as he told it or directed itj witll his wand; s . .William. I can account for that myself. There was a magnet in the Swan's bill and the fellow had a piece of iron fastened on the stick which he called his wand. Of course the swan drew towards the iron be cause of tho magnet. James. You have riot explained It after all. Why does a magnet run towards I- ron t Ttfor. -That is hard to explain; But it is true that a piece of steej,rubbed with a stone called "Load Stone" will attract iron or steel. A piece of Iron standing long on the same end becomes magnetic; and hing rubbing two pieces of iron together in a cer tain wnyf makes the ono attract other Iron. The steel when magnetised and hung on a centre pin immediately assumes a north and south position' . William. This is the way the needles for mariners and surveyors' Compasses ore mado I believe. Tutor. It is; but as the matter is hard to explain in words, here is a magnet with which you may try tho experiments. , (Magnet'producod and and William picks up needles &c.) walcr almost perpendicularly at first, you ucurzrc Another 0 George. 'A no th er of tils tricks is now explained. Ho caused a needle to dance on a pewter plate while he beat a time on the opposite side with a nail. That hail I suppose was a magnet. Levi. I suspect you will find tt pretty difficult to tell how he enabled us to see the timo of day by Mr. Jono's watch when a piece of Iron an inch thick was placed be tween us and the watch. James. That I think I understood. f You know we looked through a long lube, shaped somewhat like a carpenter's brace for boring. Tho tube went straight, about six inches and there went out a branch to tho right hand, which turned and run some distance parallel with the main tube and then turned a square corner and joined the main lube again about six inches from the end. The main tube was cut off in tlio middle and had about two inches of it taken but. The iron bar was placed in this gap, When any thing was held at the further end of the tube we saw it just as plainly as if the irdu were not there. When Mr, June's held his watch there we saw ihe time as well as if nothing had been in the way. . I heli'ovo however we did not see Mr. iohe's watch' at all, but saw another watch in the tube h'etwceii us arid the iron Levi. An that you are mistaken, fot the watch disappeared wheii Jo'ries tool; his away. Besides how could wo see any thing else if a watch had been ill the tube. James. True. I did not think of that, Vutor. 1 lie sight ot tne watcli was in consequence of a looking glass placed ob liquely at each angle of the crooked tube so as to bend the rays and throw them along three sides of ihe square, you spoke of,' in stead of allowing them to pass straight ihro' the main tube as tticy would do if left un disturbed. Every object you saw through the tube was seen through tho three 3ides and not through the one; so that shuttng up the main tube made rio difference In fact it was shut all the time, because vqacannoi see through a looking glass. George. I have soine idea of it no.w But how miserably the fellow lied ! H said the power of ihat tubo was sucli that he could see things hid in the bowels of the earth, locked up in drawers, or at the bot tom of the sea, as well as when plainly in view.' He said he could see men's hearts as well as ihev codld see their own hands and that his ability to lellforluucs depended on that fact: Tutor. The tube is a simple instru incnt that any carpenter, with a lew nun utes instruction, can make, and with its aid either of you caritell fortunes as well as he As to his secinff invisible things, his asser lion Is a falsehood: And his fortune tellin is merely telling ignorant people any thing whicli he supposes will please them; for the purpose of swindling them out of their money. WMiayi.llv had a box into which wc put our heads, and ho covered ua up quite dark. When wo wcro ready to look he opened a hole by mentis of vrliich Wc saw persons walking, riding, working, &'c. and 3aw towns, woods! rivers, and many other things, He said he was showing us, the city of Jerusalem during the. building of Sol omori'sTemple.and I really saw men work ing at a very great building. Tutor. All ho showed you was the vil lage aid the people in it by means of re flected light. The building was the new clidrch, and no doubt the mystery he threw about the matter raised your expectations so high that you failed to notice that tho ob jeefs shown you were the same thut you saw before you entered the box. t Levi. Although the fellow has cheated us, I do not begrudge my shilling seeing it has led to ap explanation of tho matter so as to prevent being cheated again. 1 should like to have sonie fuiihcr explanation. Tutor. You shall havp it nt th? proper time It is too late now. , In the mean . i .!.... I... tune you may iTrtiu muu i .micjuuuiiuii " reading a (realise on natural philosophy. You will find a description of the way in which the city ami temple, was showu. un der the head of Camera Obscdra. HiiiinwissnJ January 1. 1839, A . .1 ' v. ispmssmiSMM .. . ADDRESS TO THE FREEMEN flF PENNSYLVANIA. Fellow Citizens . The Committee of Safely embtaces this occasion to announce to you, the peaceful ... i 'A c . ... . Lr.l.- .1! J nu sausiaciory termination oi wie uisuiucrs, surpations and'dangcrs, at the capitol of the state, which menaced the purity of ,1110 elective franchuc ihr'eateniid . lo subvert the constitution and laws, and to prostrate our republican government! at the dato of Is last address to the people. This happy' result, is the fruit of the firmness, union and moderation of the democratic members of f both houses of the legislature sustained y the approving plaudits of the entire de-i inocraeraey, and a respcclauie portion oi the federalists, of the state. The disgrace ful proceedings of the secretary of stale, nd other officers of government of .Pennr sylvaiiia, on the 4th ihst. in the senate and House of representatives, produced (a burs: of indignant condemnation from every coun ty and township within the borders of this ommonweallh, which struck the governor and Ins confederate conspirators against tho liberties f the people, with the deepest dis may. ( They, faultercd in their highhanded ustirpatiqna, but refused to recede, i nev nilitary forces were called here to stimulate the friends of the .Governor, as well as io overawe the people'. , it was hoped that the oice of censure would be hushed, and tho hearts of the wavering friends of ihe admin islralion be inspired with new courage by the gleaming of a thousand bayonets, and the intimidations of a battery of canhon. , , I IIP preicxi, inai an "lniuwaicu anncu mob," was in possession of the capita used to justify the assembling of soldiers in Harrisburg, is considered too idle and ridiculous for refutation, by all honorable and candid men even of the federal party. It is known to be false,, by every individual who was in the capital during the urttieudo scribed, and il is a subject of painful and mortifying, contemplation to all, that tho governor of Pennsylvania should have cotiilc sccuded to give Ins official sanction to such groundless attacks upon that portion of tho people, whom accideqt curiosityt or an anxious devotion to the cause bf the consti tution and laws, convened iiUhe borough of Harrisburg on tiie 4th of December! What ever violence of proceeding occurred in the senate on that day, is immediately atlributa-( ble to the lawless, unconstitutional andtieI sonable conduct of the secretary of statej, and his political friends and associates They .alono produced, and uro answerable for, ihe consequences. Tncro was "no mob," armed or unarmed, organized in the 6cnato chamber, to overawe the mem bers or subject their actions to his will. Tho confusions that followed the unscrupu lous usurpations of the secretary of elate and his political adherents in that body, oq the day referred to, were tho sudilen and uncontrolablu emotions of honest freumoti when ihey beheld tlio constitution and lawai trampled on and insulted, by the'tjiarty; whoso organ, the present printer oi tlio son ate, had proclaimed, a month before tho meeting of the legislature! that the minority federal candidates for the sehato end house of representatives front the coUnty of fhila dclphia, "would have their seats-fyeacea bly if they could,forcibly if (hey mutt?' It was manifest from the proceedings of tko senate, that this threat was ntelideil to be carried into execution, and if disappro bation was expressed,' everj iff the senate chamber, by the citizens thero ossembfefl,' it should no surprise those who oto proud to emulate ihe example of their ji'alriotic fathers and who hope if they err in so doing that "something will be pardoned io the spirit of liberty."' ,. , f1 ,i But if it was even true, as alleged, that the proceedings of the people in the senate chamber on tho -ith iiwt. were so rioious and violent as lu interrupt the action of tho senate, it would not justify the asscmb'tinj of tho military forces al tho capital, lor it is ;uti prolcudod by any matt who had a "con- if! (