Mqs&ectus of ISTOYHnpOiOi. Lj HE democratic party ofPennlvania has just Jl passed throuoh a fierv conflict, and conic out toot only unscathed, but completely victorious another proof qf tlio purity and stability of hr principles. Notwithstanding their triumph, they cannot for. any length of time, rcposo in the lap of rictory, for their foes are most insiduous, and ever watchful, aud althoush routed, will annin rallv ttndorsomo ntu name, to opposo the principles of nomocracy, enmity to which, being the only bond that can even 'fcr a moment, hold thefn together. We melt thbrcforo remember, that the price of free dom is unceasing vigilance. In spite of the rankest corruption, and of frauds Enumerable, wo have elected a democratic Gov cmor, and a majority in the houso or representa tives, sufficiently large, to givo us the control in joint ballot, and securo to Pennsylvania a democratic re presentative in tho United States Senate. rho'fraudulent elections, which will probably be contested; the unheard of malpractices on tho public works, which require a searching examination; tho doption by the people of the amendments to our Vtate constitutionwhich will require important le gislative enactments, to meet the changes thus made In tho fundamental law together with tho concur rent act'on of the senate with the Governor, in ma ny of his important appointment?, will all render tho coming ecss'iou of tho legislature perhaps tho most important ever held in Pcnnsvlvania. and tauso their pioceeuUngsto be unusually interesting io every maniu tho community. Ths editors of the Keystone, intend to give in creased attention to tho proceedings of this BCfsion, hod note every movement of interest to tho public. They will have competent reporters in both houses "of our legislature, as well as at Washington city, thus enabling them to give a3 full reports of all im portant legislative proceedings as their columns will admit. Tho Kevstono is the largest rancr nublished in Danisburg, and being printed on small typo, regu larly gives in its columns nearly one Tiiinn moro leading matter than any othsr political paper in the etatc. This wo havo been enabled to do from the Very great encouragement we have lcccivcd from a generous public. Thankful for theso favors, the editors hereafter will sparo no pains or oxpenso to irender their paper interesting and valuable to the public, and serviceable to tho great and triumphant sauae or democracy ana t rcedom. TERMS. Tot tho Keystone yearly, twice a week during tho itsaion of the Legislature, and once a week for tho lamaindcrof the year, - - $3 00 During tho session of the Legislature only, twice fcweek, - - - $2 00 For six monlhs, not including any part of tho sos Voa of the Legislature, - , $1 00 TO CLUBS OR COMPANIES. Six pa pers sent in one packet and to ono direction, for the price of five as above; or fifteen papers sent as fcbovo for the price of 12; or 28 papers sent as above 'lot the price of 0. OtAll Postmaster, and other democratic citi iens, are requested to receive and forward subscrip tions to us. PACKER, BARRETT k PARKE J Harrisburg.'October 25j 1835; . TO f HE PUBLtG; THROUGH a lingering and irremctiia ola desease, my health at length became so Impaired, that I became unable to attend to jill-the requirements of my official duties. ?y persuation of my numerous fiiends, consented at last to keep an apothecary, thinking it would be the most becoming, ea siest for trie "to engage in at'the present time; and since (or while) I haVe established a hop. I would humbly solicit the support of fay Mends and the public in general, on ac count of my great sickness. And especial ly, would I request the merchants of this Jilaee, to give me all possible chance ofsell ng those articles belonging to my line of business, for which they may receive my 'sincere thanks. A few articles 6nly which are to ba found in my Health Emporium aro advertised. There will be kept a con- Iftlnnt snnnlv nf enh iHitlno me win. u "g;1 for: but i nfir cruinri. n nnll climil.l t, toiade for such as I am not in possession of immediate preparation will be made in order uj iniiiiiii mem. Further. do t Mrnwllu invito Plivnim of this place and its vicinity, to givo me a call, aal Intrtnd to sell very reasonable. There will bfckept constantly on hand, "nil kinds rvf Merlininnc Patent -..,1 il,,, . wu.w.i.uw, u.w.i. nnu UlllttO) warranted to be genuine, All kinds of uimo, vjuira, ijfu-aiuil, OiQ. CC. AISO a variety of Crinfeetionaricsj Raisons, Nuts, Herring, Sugar and Water Craciters, Or anges. Lemons, Figgs, Prunes,- Perfume ries, &c. fcd. All articles in the Health Emporium. 1 intend to sell cheaper than they can bd hour-lit at any other place in the i..,,. n,. v...,. t?.:.i i ii '! vwwuta auui iiiuuuauu wen wisner. D. S TOBIAS. Health Emporitim.Bloornsburg Sept. 22 AND EXCHANGE. VERY respectfully informs his friends and thf public, that be has always on hartd. at his Li. very Stable iu Bloomsburg, for the purposes of Hiro w Mcnange, a variety ox Horsed, Sulkies, , GIGS, WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS. vhieh he will feel gratified to keep in readiness for re accommodation of customers, i'fsanal application can De'mado at his residence, n .1 i-very means will be used to render entuo eat- si-ri. n to tiioso whu may give turn a call. . NOAH 8. PKBNTI8. T! "-smsbtirg, May 30, 1838, LARATU8, Glauber Baits, Epsom mIU, for oj at the Cheap Hehllh EmpatiwA. ni r JHAN BtSSEIiSSi HEEL BALLS For sale at Tobus' Health Emporium Bloomsbura. NIGHT CANDLES, Py the Bos, and ono box will last a whole cor. far gale by Thws' JLLjolih' EtnparJom BiboiO&urg. PREMONITARY HINTS, AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION. EADER, did you ever sco n confirmed Dys- (i, peptic, and learn his sufferings! .If not, mif lice it to say, he is a pftlc, thin and ahastlv Ioo!;lntr objert, his life apparently hanging by n thread; lio is miserablo and unhappy, his sufferings indiscriba bio. Aro you much troubled with flatulency, coslirc noss, sour eructations arising from your stomach, occasional want of nppctile, walerbiAsh, a bad tttsto in your mouth, or foul breath, pain or a heaviness at your stomach, sickness after eating, headache, dis gust at your onco favorite food, &c. If you arc much troubled with any of the foregoing symptoms, bring beforo you tho picture of tho Dyspeptic, and having resolved to remedy tho consequences, iin mediately procure Dr.Lctdy's Tonic fyAnti-Dyspcplic Cordial A never failing and efficacious remedy for DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, ni tho wholo train of affections resulting from dis eases of tho Liver, Stomach and Intestines. The above medicine is warranted free from mer cury or other mlnoral preparations; it is composed entirely of vegetables, safe and easy to take, being yery pleasant to the taste. It may bo safely admin istered to young and old, requiring but modcrato re strictions in diet only. Numerous testimonials havo been from time to timo published; its reputation is so well known, fur ther comment upon its virtues is unnecessary, suf fice It to say, it HAS NKVEIl riltF.II IX ASIXOLK ixbtaxck. Further recommendations accompany tho directions around each bottle. ut"Prico One Dollar per bottle. Prepared and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr. Lcidy'a Health Emporium, 2d street, below Vine, No. 191. Also Sold by D. S. TdBIAS, Agent. Bloomsburg, May 26. Iy5 lirtdicH look at this. jpi ILT Book Boxes, Silk do. Paper do. Gilt XJT Bends, Fancy do. cut do plain do. Ladies' VaIcs, Gilt Thimbles, Hooks & Eyes, Nccdlo ca ses, all kinds of Smelling Bottles, very handsome; Breast Pins, Ear rings!, Finger rings, Pomatum, Snuff Boxes, Hair Brushes, Pocket combs, Lead Pencils, black and red; for sale at TOBIAS' Health Emporium. MILLINERS, JVill you be so kind as lo look at this ! 1 HITE Glue; Flako White: Oxalic Acid for sale at tho Health Emporium by D. S. TOBIAS. i 1TARCH, Snuff Beans, Sand Taperof all kinds, gSpiritsTeri)cntine, Cocoa prepared Cliocolato for sick people . fresh supply for talo at tho Health Emporium in lllnomsuurg, by D. S. TOBIAS. "raETERCURIAL Ointment, Sulphur do. Simple JJr JS.10' Percipedatc do. Red, Cetrin do. Tartar Emetic do. niul all other kinds of Ointments, for sale at tho Health Emporium, by 'IL of Snnice. for makinir Snruce Beer. Extract of Safsparilla. Tooth Powder. Spatuta. Emery. Castcl Soap. Lady's Palm Soap to Wash. Distilled Vcrdigries. Oil of Soap, for taking out of cloths Spots, Stains, Grease, &c. All for sale at Tobias' Health Emporium. ' GLAD TIDINGS!! BROWN'S L.OTIOK", fEO COMMENDED by Doct, Wilson as a rla certain cure lor HhcurnjtiHm. Also, RED LINIMENT, cccommendcd by Doct. Davis, of Philadelphia, lor netoiiowing complaints. KUeumatiifm, Weak nrsq and fetidness of the Joints, ic. Tor sale at 7'o6j'(m' Health Emporium, Bloomsburg. IjEIDY'S M13B2COTES FOR SAE BY D. S. TOBIASAgcnt. BloomsbuTg, Juna 23, 1838., WHY WILL YOU DIE. INDIAN SPECIFIC. Certain Cure for the following complaints: Colds, coughs, asthmas, cousumplion!. spit ting of the blood and all disorders of the breast and lungs. It is extracted, from herbs, roots nlsnls and flowers, by n Phytician who resided upwards of four yesrs among ineiimrrcnttri'jes of Worth American Indiriis, and with unwearied dilicence used cverv mcails in his power, to acquire .knowledge of tho different remedies, utetl by them for tho euro of cen- sumptions and complaints of tho breast and lungs, to which they aro more sub'octed thin anv other na tion1, fin recount of the mode of living, and being esposcd to the inclemency of all weathers. The above tnf ujcine for solo ut Tobias Health Emporium in Bloomsburg, MARPENTER'S Fluid Extractor SarsapVrilla, HL for purifying tho blood, and removing all dis tates arininff from excess or mercury, cxnbsuros am! imprudences in life, chronic conlitutlonal diseases arumg irom an impure state of the blood, &c. Ac, rind is especially recommended for rheumatism. scrofula or king's evil, ulceration of the fliroat and leg, pains and swellings of the bbnes, tetter, rim- pica On tho face and caly eruptions of the skin, all of whith will yield under tho U3e of this preparation. Carpenter's Uompound Syrup of Sarsaparilla. i ms compound contains all the properties of the Lisbon diet drink in a concentrated degree, and is a valuable medictnco for purifying the blood, and re moving M constitutional diseases arising from an impure state ol lliat Quid. All foraalo at Tobias' Drugg Store, Bloomsburjr. ROWANDA TONIC MIXTURE. inRHHIS well known mixture thromrlinnt TI. H nion, is a sure lemedy, for depraved Appetite, Iliirtbiirn. Water Brash, Flatuloncy, Jaundice, Night SWeats, Dysentery1, Bowel Complaints, and other affections of similar origin and especially for mo r ever anu Ague r or sale at Tobias' Health Emporiunn TO PARENTS. CARMINATIVE OR INFANT DltOPS. HIS valuable Medicine is a certain euro for younar children, in cholic, convfllslons, rest lebsness, griping, disordered bowels, ,grcen stools, sour vomitings, &c For sale at Tobiat' Iltalth Emporium, Bloomsburg. OULD resncctftlly inform tho cill- ?.cn of Bloomsburg and its vicinity, that ho still carries on tho above business, at his old established stand, on Main-street. Ilav. ing received the latest Philadelphia and N York Fashions, in connection with his Highly Improved Talent for Cutting Garments lo tit ovcrv shano without a nos sibility or failure, he feels assured that work executed at his shop will never be cbm- plained of, and by close attention to busi ness, hopes to receive a share of public pa tronage ib heretofore. ALSO As JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, will attend to any business connected with tho Office; and in particular, the writing of Deeds, Mortgages, and all other conveyances and articles of agreement, in a legal and handsome style. liloomsuurg, Nov. 17, 1838. 80 Br. Brandreth's VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS. rETWlESE pills lavo obtained a celebrity for cur M inir most diseases to which tho human svstcm is liable, unexampled in tho history of the healing art. They expel by tho action of the stomach and and bowl3, all bad humours from tho Blood, causing a freo circulation of tho fluids, and rcutorca a sound state of health. Tho thousands who use and recommend them, is proof positive of their extraordinary and beneficial ffects. Tho subscriber has received the appointment of Agent, for the sale of Dr. UralidetU's IMUs in Bloomslmrg. None are rxenuino that arc offered for sale, without a certificate of appointment signed by tho proprietor and countersigned by Branch Green, general agent; and no certificate is ever given, to those engaged in the Drug business. J. It. MOYER. Bloomsburg Aug: 14 1830. Iyl7 The Fesarasyivnnia Meportcr AND STATE JOURNAL. Is published at Harrisburg twice a tecek and once a week dtmne the recess. PTnHE Reporter will continue to bo (as it hercto f l fore has bcen nn nnviplilinir mlvnmtn nfilm principles of tho Democratic pnrty a supporter of juu gn-Ji ami vuai qucsnoiiB oi ireo government identified with the success of the Administration of tlio Ucncral tiovernment nml nn untiring nnnn. nent of the Federal aristocracy, which seeks, in tho election of one of it favorites, to inflict upon the country tho curse of a National Bank, to ho govern ed in its onrrntion liv nn nllii-r vipun (linn ilm ml. vancemcnt of tho interests of a favored few at tho expense oi tho interests, tho rights, and the h!crtics of the many. Against such a party and such an cn- cinc cf nolltiral evil, tbn Ttnynrtpr tvill hn fntinfl nrt. ing with tho tody of tho people. As the ensuing session' of the Legislature will be one of moro than ordinary interest to the people, the Editors or thft Ilnnnrtor linvn mmln which will enablo them to give a moro full and complete History ol tho proceedings in both houses than they havo heretofore .been enabled to do. Ev ery exertion will bo used In mnltn tbn Tlprtrirtrr a mrdium through which tho people shall receive a jun recoru oi ma uouigs oi their representatives. j rr annum f j uu For tho session 3 00 Anv ftlrpnt nr nlhnr nnrunn fnrnrtVtnr. ftlfl itvn air mnnu forwarded as may lie directed, during the Bcasionof me Jiegisiature. Persons forwarding names of subf cribers aro re quested to be particular in stating whether tho sub scriptions are to continue for tho year or for tho see- Nov. 6, 1838. The subscriber has left his Honk nr counts and Notes in the hands of Itldinjrs uarKiey,isq.ior couocuon. All poisons in debtcd will please call immediately and set tie, or theie will be cOBt, as deiays arc dan gerous. C, B. FISHER. 3 Ono Two Horse Wagon.and a Sled with Cast Shocs.both nearly new, which will bo i.i ni - . aum unuup on easy icrms, oy calling on IDDINGS BARKLEY. J. II AW LEY'S Vegetable Anti-Bilious Pills. Theso pills are found to bo a most certain and af fectual preventivo of fever, janndice bilious, and oth cr cholics, and indeed, of all diseases caused by ob (.traction or affection nf lli ii.,. .ni. or intestines. For liver and stomach complaints and uiiu.osuoua cunnecicu uierewiw, such as liypochon dtics, hysterics, dispepsia or indigcstion.'loss of bj pctitc, headache, giddiness, and for fever and ague, thc3o pills aro a suro preventitive- Also, for salt rhcume; They clcanso tho stomach, removo there from all vitiated biles nurifw ami r.flnn l.l.i n , i J W U1UUU, Uoes a person feel a loss of appctito and a bad tasto 111 tllA mnnlli rtrilli n fi',,,t r .1... i i r ".iiim-fM ui mo siomacu, a lew doses of these pills aro suro to removo all such diffi culties, speedily ct matters to right. Heaviness, dull, sleepy and sluggish inaction, with or without a yellowness of complexion, thcec pills will surely and speedily remove all such ailments, and timclv use ol these pills may prevent tho occurrence of any such lormidablo disease Also-ttuwley 's Vegetable Salve, known through out tho Union. This salvo when used has a pecu liar quality in reviving art action of tho affected parts, by softening and opening tho pores and crcat- o , , .. .., ..b n,, ut, lk USU1VCS, oxpeld, and cntlicly prevents tho' blood from settling in tho flcbh of bruises, or wounds, of tmy descrir) tion, and is a suro preventivo of mortification, and may uu muuo ubooi mr cuis, sores, burns, rheuma tism, pain in tho back, breast or side. Tho above articles for sale by D. S. TOBIAS, Agenti Bloomsburg, Ootober 13, WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. Between Wilkcsbarrc ij Northumberland. ftp 1 1 IS tine will Icavo Wilkes-barronftcr tho ar il rival of tho Stages from Montrose, Tunkhan- nock, Townnda, Owcgo, Bingliamplbn, Carboudalo and iloncsdalc; and arrive at Northumberland tho following morning in timo to tako tho coach at North'b and arrive at Harrisburg tamo evening. Paskcngcrs by this line will arrive at Harrisburg from Montroso 24 hours in advance of tho mail ; coming up on tho arrival of tho Hnrrisburg stage at Notlh'd passengers will take this line, arrivo at VVUkcslmrro on tho following mornlpgbyv oclock, and will reach Montrose same eveliing 21 hours in ndvance of tho mail that leaves Harrisburg with the samo coach. This lino also connects, at Berwick, with tho Mauch ChunlV, Beaver Meadow, Hpzlo ton, Towanda and Elmiro coaches. The proprio; tors havo stocked tho route with good teams and coaches, under tho charge of careful drivers. These advantages, it is expected, willinduco the travelling community to give their line a trial. 1 aro through f.3. P. MC. GILCHRIST, Wilkerbam, WILLIAM COLT, Danville' J. C. HORTONJ Northumberlnnd, Proprietors. N. B. All hnggago at tho owner's risk, dec 22tf. The Victory Won, FTER long, tedious, and expensive experi ment, Dr. Lcidy has discovered a method whereby the virtue of the Sariaparilla is extracted, so as to bo formed into Pills without destroying its efficacy. Innumerable attempts have been made to accom plish this important object, but all failed. It is im portant, because the Sarsaparilla, as amedicinc,'n all diseases to which mankind is subject is product ive of more real good, than the wholo catalogue of medicine in use. Ask all resncctablo nhvsicians tlio auostion. 1 What is tlio most effectual purifier of the blood, and tno most popular mcdicmo used!" they will answer unanimously, Sarsaparilla. "What better recom mendation can be asked 1 DR. LEIDY'S SARSAPARILLA OR BLOOD PILDS, Price, Twcnty-fivo Cents a Box. They must surely command n preference, forthev ore not composed of Sarsaparilla alono, but contain, in a concentrated sttto, tit the form of a pill, the virtues of tho principal ingredients contained in the compound fluid, extracts, syrups, and other prepara tions of Sarsaparilla. They aro highly recommended by numerous phy- nicuns, and others, (see directions around each hot tie) in Rheumatic Affections, Ulcerous sores of the' noso Sch rof ula Erysipelas, Jaundice, Heartburn throat and body. Scaly Eruptions and Diseases of the Livcr,skin blotches of the skin. bones and glands. Dry and watery pimples and pcstulcs of the Pain of tho side, along the back and spine o vcr the region of tho tace and body. Tetter and ringworms. heart and stomach. Inward fevers, bad taste in the mouth,fnul breath Flatulency, Indigestion. Sour eructations and acid itiesof tho stomach. dwellings and hardening of tho glands of tlio neck, in tho grouis, breast. &c. I Stomach Coughs, Liver complaint. Want of appctito. Watcrbrnsh, and all tho wholo train of diseases resulting from impurity of the blood, constitutional diseases pro duced by Mercury, or other minerals, or the conse quence of oypmlii, Lues Venereal, Ac. For convenience of takine, as well as makinir but small bulk, being In flat wjuaro boxes, convenient tor carrying in the pocket or lor travcllinc rmrnoses. they must be preferable to all other .preparations of o. ' narsapamia. i or sale, wholesale and Retail at Dr. Leidy'a ucaunfciiiporium, ana near v mostrcet.fjuladclphia, or sate oy u. S. TOHIAS. TnWTTT I? VJT A a U . - LI T-T Tin rn wmtwt V rrcsident oi tho Uourta of Oyer and Ter miner nmi linnnml.lnt MM ivorv (n, f f i Se ssiona of the Peace, and Court nf Jnmmnn Plpa ana urphnn s lvourt,m the eighth Judicial District, . - ---- . ...... cuumusuu oi uie counties ni inrtiinmhpriiifi i i,iin Columbia and Lycoming; and tho Hon. William MdN'milMcnr and Lrnvinn llrrnrn Hum!... asociato Judges in Columbia county, havo issued . 1 . . ! . i . . . i . uiuir jiruccjn oeonng uaio i;ic sum day ol XVov in tlio year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, and to ino direrled for holding A Court of Oyer and Terminer and G.n eal Jail Delivery, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas, and Orphan's Court. IN DANMLLE, in the county of Columbia, on urn uuru iinnuay oi jan. next, tbcing the 2Ut dav and to continue our wiik. NOTICE is therefore hereto! eiven to tho Cor oner, tho Justices of the Pence, and Constables of tho said County of Columbia, that they be then and uiuru in uirir proper persons, at ten o clock, in the iurcmion 01 saiuuay, Willi uicir records, inquisitions and other remembrances in iln ilmmt il.innu ,..i,:i t .u.ilb " Hl.ll to their oflices appertain to bo done. And thoso. who aro oounu ny recognizances to prosocule naalnst tho prisoners that aro nr mav lm in il.a i,:i of said county of Columbia, aro to bo then and there to prosecute against them as shall bo just. Jurors uiu cuiucoirn iu uu punctual itiuicir attendance Kreeably to their noticra. Dated at Danville, tho SUt day of December, it tho year of our Lord ono thousand eicht hun dred and tturty-eight, and in tho 03d year of the independence of the United States of Amr ica, WILLIAM KITCHEN, Sheriff1. Sheriff's Offico, Danvillo, DccJ 31, 1838. 5 SALVE A Certain cure for Frost bitten Limbs, which ! can' prove by pcoplo in' this Town. For said' Tobias' Health Emporium in Bloomsburg. FRICTION MATCHES. Warranted to bo good, also LOCO FOCO iua i ijui'.es, gooti, i'orsale at Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg Dr. Weaver's Worm Tea and Salve. rCnilE fiction Of tills Meillrinn i. nt !.. H pel Worms, but bv vent a return offhcm.hy removing tho weak stato . .b.w w4tjuii ua wmcu mcir PJouucuon inalhln .1a ,7,. 0A 1 D. S. TOBIAS, Iloalth Eroporium, UlocurwbUrg, 400 lbs. ruisons, for pies and Proaervos vtr good and cheap. 300 2(1 quality good and cheap. 300 l"- bunch box raisons good and cheep. 100 'U3' European currants first quality and url common rhenn. JO'lru"1" f Jigs very good article and chenn. i()0 lbs. English walnuts. !2tMl lha. rrnnm nnt. 0() lbs filberts or English HoielniiU. iu boxes Scotch herring smoked. 3 barrels of water crackers. Jj barrels of sugar biscuit And hundreds and thousands of, .other articles free! goods and cheap, just from the city of Philadelphia' and for cala at the well 1nnnm tir and Health Emporium iii tho town of Bloomsburg ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Vft IT ETTERS of Administration having, been JlU granted upon the estate of Abraham Kline dco'd. .of Fishing Creek township, Columbia coim ty. A. 11 persons indebted to said estate. ted to make immodiato payment, and oil persons having demands against said estate mustprcscni them to tho subscribers, duly attcstcuj or bo barred ivVVIUUIJJ tu U Y1 JOHN KLINE,1! MATTHIAS KLINE, n , . . . -Executors; Fishing Creek June 23, 1838;? Gentlemen and Ladies tome and look at inc nanasome BEARS QITJ B-Vvmiiu uouoie rcctiueu,and scented with the Otto of Rose, for su'o at Tobias's Health Emporium. ROSE OINTMENT, certain cure for tetters, ringworms, pimples en the face, and other cutaneous i-mm;. Ask for Tobias' Health Emporium, Btoomsburg Improved Aperient Scidlitz Powders, bl.U in inghrcstimation for Indigestion, heat burn and billions affections. For sale nt 'bbias' Health Emporium, Bloomsburg. D. S. TOBIAS, in Bloomsburg. OLISHING POWUEH. In rtonn n.l - - 1 u.iv. nil kinds nf Metal, nml Hnrn Pn,...1.. r.. jot, - . . u.tu.ij ,y( sale at the cheap Drug- storo, in Dco'msburg, by U. O. i UD1AS. DYERS OPEN YOUK EYES. ENGAL Indigo; Spanish do. Vcrdigries, bluo iVitrial: White do. for sale ehonn nml mniV l tlio Bloomsburg Wero House, by D. S. TOBIAS. LUE SMALTZ, White Frosting, Iceland I Mnt fnr rnnnmnllvn Ppfthl Rtrrre flnnj mon, Spanuli and Half Spanish; and a thousand iiuiuiuLiua iuu leuiuua la mcniion, ior sale ai Tobias' Health. Emporium. While talhan Mullicrryj FOR SALE AT TOBIAS uEJiz,Tjr, IN BLOOMSBURG. Physician &. Surgeon, Informs tho citizens of Bloom and vicini ty, that he has located himself in the village of Blomsburg, where ho will always bs ready to attend to all calls for his profession al services. Office next door to Robisons Stage Office. Oct. 13 1838. Oysters! Oysters! THE Subscriber has just received a 6np ply of Ainlioy Oyster, fresh and line. He has made arrangements to hava a regular supply during tho winter. J. R. MOYER. November 24, 1838. 31. Evans' Cammomile Pills, Waranted to bo genuine. Anderson's Pills, & all other kinds of Pill. Fly Stone, to kill Flies with, Fish Seed, to catch fish with; TRUSSES. Spunges, for safe at TOBIAS' Health Emporium. HORS E LANCES best quality. For sale at Tobias' Health Emporium, Bloomsburg' WATER OOLOU.RS, for ISjets.pcr box 1 J in a box. For salo at Tobias' Health Emporium' Bloomsburg. Doct. Godbolds Vegetable Balm oj Life, TqORthocurcof Consumption.' A certain erw ' dy for it which can bo proved by people not ten miles from this place For sale at Tobias' Health Emporium in Bloomsburg. COCOAPREPAIRD' CHOCOLATE "Era ecommended by Physicians especially for ride .B.Q people For salo at Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg. Pile Ointment. . . ST almost immediately remove iho pains ana w lays tho inllamoiion, and by attending to tno full directions, tho sufferer will be speedily icheu from tho unpleasant offcclion. Call at Tobias' Health Emporium, Woornsvnrg- Alcohol, allonetta, aque forties, block tin. .clove ginger, camphor, gum copal, window g IWi " spice, gum shellack, isinglass, mustard, nipple Hicw, do. shields, sucking bottels, stoden bitters, wm scaling wax, stova black, and pepper. For sow 4 TOBIAS Health Emporium. r 1.1a Tnk LACK INK, Rod Ink, Bluo ink, wuruu for Bale at Uio cheop Health Eniotium, bj D. S. TOBIAS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers