The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, January 05, 1839, Image 3

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    1 t i ' . .1. . ...
j ' 1 ' 1 o ji cieocea in iiiu iuu(iyc jjuwh-
fund, turned into annual excesses.
Tlic permanent stale debt which was
$21,330,000 32, in l&35,is now $24,230,.
000 52; and though there ate trtnporan
Joans to the amount of one niilijon now
due, vet they were forced on the slny; in op
position to the exertions of the. Executive,
will will sinli to a small amount, when the
sums of a similar kind due at tp com
menccment of the year 183d, are deducted
from them. . . .i .
. The state tax, which was then in exis
tence, wiihotil jho,pc of termination, has
ceased to be collected, , and nothing but the
uimosi prolusion can mauc u.iguiu uttLtaa-
ry. .,, .
The slate credit which was at rt low ebb in
1835. is now raised, anil ilie commonwealth
lobtaini even her temporary loans with case
ft ot four per cent.
, .The. Currency, which was onlhe ovo of
,a lc:irUi,l con viiisipn in iddo, has been ear
jried through it willi leas injury Ulan, was
"experienced in any other Stale, is rio'.v re-
alnroil in "lis nxiiiil siillhllr.pco. nnri bus Sf!-
,cun d to it the aid of an Institution wlufcj
-w 11 hereafter preserve its 'dniformity, if no
further ruinius experiments sire tried.
And finally, tlic i3.tat'e has been made to
occupy her proper position in tlic, National
'family and in reiatioh to the General Gov
ernment, on all occusi.irs.
I now approach the end of the term .for
Twlliuu 1 was eiKi'iL-u, huh iiiu iimim;ujiilj
uks thiil I have nerformed the duties of the
E.!4tiv,0 Department of the droyernment
with Udelity,,.ficcordin to the best- hi, .my
judsjemi'rH and ability, and the profoundest
gratitude lor ilie.coiifiye.u:e and support of
my rellow-cUlZSP.',, aj) lerveimy nopo
that the Divine Ajitl'o'r- of .all. things will
wiitimie indefinitely to WW. 1" favors
Wtn-Sm and our bolovcd r-ourtimv
Executive Chamber,
Hatrisburg, December 29, 1S38.
Jlfftclin Trial. An old man, almost
a ceiilenaiian, Was tried in ,tlb circuit court,
Tlobile, on S ilurd.iy the 1st tilt, for the
murder of his gtandson, a young man of
abont 10 years of age. His own daughter,
the mother of the murdered young man',
was the only witness on the pah of the
State against him. In the course of exam
ination she said it was her ".own dear faiher
who had killed liet belayed child." She
eaid her father1 had been diiiiking)--tlial he
was lying on lits bed asleep, that the young
man came in niid made a considerable noise
that the old man sprang from his bed, drew
his knife from pocket, and stabbed tier
son to the heart I .
While she was giving her evidence", the
tears plentifully trickled down the furrowed
checks of the sorry ing and enfeebled old
man, and excited much sympathy. A vct
dict of manslaughter was given, and the
prisoner sentenced to twenty days confine
ment, cvideicc having heeu adduced of hon
esty and industry through life. He had
been a revolutionary soldier and served un
der Gen. Alarloii, in South Carolina. Be
ing in his dotage; ardent spirits, no doubt,
produced insanity for it is evident in
more sober moments he would ri'usiead or
depriving his jjrandsnu of his Ijfe. prntert
It at the sacrifice of hN own. Phila. Gaz.
From tho Graim . u , ., ' d ' T'tSv. 2 3i,
Thbre never has been a more lieart sick
ening narrative of murder, than is contained
in the last Jackson (MisS.) Sun. A man
by tho name of John V. Carter, alias Col
lins, has been taken in Lauderlale cudhiyi
who, it is believed assisted in, the murder
of Silas D. Rives, near Harrl.burough, in
Scott county, in last September. Another
villain of the name of Johnson Cook, is
also implicated, who has gone to Texas.
Carter hits given a statement which ho ava
lie had from Cook's lips, truly horrible.
According to this, he (Cook has perpetrated
as many as thirty murders, all in cold blood;
and was the instigator of the Seminole war,
liaving assisted tho Indians in massaereing
the whites on the frontier of Florida. He
lias been wandering about, to and fro,
throughout tile sOutherrt country, on the
system of Muriel, seeking vhojn he might
mdrder. Circumstances go to fix tho mur
der of Mr. Rives upon those two worthies,
tfho were about Hillsborough at that time
in the character o'f well-diggers in search of
employment. Some provisions belonging
to them have been' i'oiiiid 111 the swamp
where Rives was murdered. Carlo,- denies
knowing anything about this, al
though he acknowledges the fieudinh char
acter of lils companion. He says that
Cook has gotio to Texas avowedly to pur
sue a life of crirfic'i und that he has no
more feeling iii killing ri human being than
in hutchcring a llrtg. Wc trust that this
monster in human form may bo caug'u in
Texas-attd that he may expialo his bloody
lecds on the scaffold before he i:ah have
the opportunity of adding to thenii
Johnson Cook is between 20 and 80
yenrsof age; weighs about 1-10 pounds,
lias keen blue eyes; and is very narrow be
tween the eyes, his face and hands are bad
ly scarred with dirks and knives, which he
got by righting, ha been stabbed through
the muscle of his left arm twiec, with u
Uirk, also in his hip, his hair is sandy, and
qne of his fingers is broken.
Cook has two friends in Toxa?, named
Augustus and Willis Austin, who are linked
yith him iu a desperate Career of crime.
The citizens of Texas (fkmld kuop a look
toil for tluvtrillaludi'
Hi- tii,t 12?i,'JLCTf i il f j -i-iT
"tiiutii without tzi "
, . To ConncspoNDiiNTS,
A ." Dialogue between a Teacher and his
Pupils, on the nature of Light," is received
and shall appear in our next.
A meeting of the Democratic citizens of
Columbia County will be held at the house
orb aniel SnVder, je, Ulooms'nirg. on Wed
nesday next, tho 6th inst. at 1 o'clock, P.
M. to express their views and foelings in
nlationlo the into disgraceful proceedings
at llarrisburg, nnt also to take into consid
eration the expediency of recommending
some suitable pc on a3 a c.tndidate for the
ofilcb of United States Senator.
- . The whig papers, with that unblushing
cfTrdiitery and regardlessncss of truth wliieh
has always chi'racterised their cuursoJh po
litical controversies, assert, that after the
democratic house was acknowledged by the
Senate to be the legal ope, the house "held
a .new election lor bpeauer and oilier
(jfiicersi unci wctc all sworn 'again."
T.te rHCt'i.are these. After the house was
recognised" by the Siinate, and about jtwenty
of the seceding whig niemliurs liad cbmts
in and were sworn by Speaker Hopkins',
he resigned for the avowctl purpose of giv
ing1 the whig members an opportunity of
participating in an election. Btlt not a sin
gle democratic member was re-svv'orn by
Speaker Hopkins after his re-elcetion nor
were any of the other officers of the hoiire
displaced or rcehoscn. So much for whig
The Legislature adjourned on the 29th
ult. to meet again on tlic 12th i'n'st. Pre
vious to adjournment, about twenty-five of
the whig meuibeis had come ill to the house
and taken the oath.
North Eastern Boundary. The Editor
of the New York Courier and Enquirer has
seeu a letter by the Gladiator, dated London
9th November, to a highly respectable gen
tleman in New York, which says:
' I aiti enabled to assure vou from a
source which inay be relied on, a new con
vention in relation to the rsoriheusicrn boun
dary, was concluded, ye-'terday by our
Minister and this government, which will
probably be forwarded to the United Stales
by the Gladiator."
, , Naihville, Dec. 5.
Fatal jljftay at Columbia. Intelligence
reached this city yesterday of the death of
Richard II., Hayes, Est). Attorney at Law
dj' Columbia', and son of Oliver II. Hayes,
Esq. of this eity, in a rencounter in Colum
bia, with a Mr., William l'o'lk. of Maury,
brother of the Hon. Jqineji, li. Polk, The
parlies met on the' public square iiliout 4
o'clock on Monday evening, each armed
with pistols, and exchanged shots almost
simultaneously, a buck shot fiom Polk's
pistol piercing the braid of hid ill-fated an
tagonist. Hayes lived through Monday
night hut expired at an early hour yester
day morning.
The circumstances which led to this rash
and melancholy meeting are wo understand
us follows: On Friday u diiuYnliy origina
ting in a jest oeeurrud between the patties
at the dinner table of the Columbia Inn.
Hayes having iiuinlenlionally.and in a spor
tive' remark, woufjded the feelings of Polk,
a sliglil altercation ensued, which ended iu
the tender of an apo)ogy from II. Wheth
er it was accepted if'r not, we cannot Bay ;
But infer nnt as Poll; prjn-eeded'ou llie saino
evening to Haves' olltee and after calling
him out, inflicted personal, chastisement
with a whip. On Mfmtaj' evening iho
parlies again met in tho street niid with tho
fatal result just iheiuioiied. .
Thus idosed the fifth bloody slroet trage
dy in' Tennessee, for 1838, How many
ilj'irvve, may b&eallpd npen to record in the
few liricl ilays (hat are left to the year it is
not easy to ioretel. . In tho case bef .re us,
ihii circumstances are eucli tin to ultock the
public mind beyond any event of (he kind
that oocuired iii this section of tho State for
a number of years. Tho principals and
their connections aro highly respectable;
while the unfortunate victim has been hur
ried to u prcmitun grave in tho first years
of manhood, full of promise, and indulgen
ces of life that a fond and independent fa
ther could bcatoiv.-
its Pmt$$M9
Out upon time it will leave no more
Of the things behind than the tlunus before;
Out upon time for it does hut leave
Enough of the past for the future to grieve.
So felt the Austrian reuogado when musing by the wail
From wiielr Alp saw the hungry dogs hold their grim carnival;
'So feci tve. (i..w he'n o'er our hearts the sad conviction come
That this is..nol our lesting place, nor our abiding home,
I5ut far beyond yon western sky, we jump tho world to come,
And stand creel or- dcrclicl-r-mnw does not know his doom.
But down with care, 6j T,r forth tie hore, we tide through town to-day;
To chronicle the old year's fetes, and drive dull care away;
To chant a requiem at the tomb of him whose, wintry blast,
O'er man and beast and seedling gem, his withering influence cast,
f,nd take the boon, kind. Patrons, ww with gen'rous hearts imparl;
..tgoes, you know, to light the load from widowed mother's lieart
And'.e lad; her only son, wJioJiopefl some future day.
To lake the load from olf Iter hands, 'and be hct prop and stay.'
v- .
Tim 3 i j -grown old. Ha must ha gray with ago.
"When one is fourscore, - men aecnunUiim old.
But Time is drawing nigh lo teu time!: thirty. ...
I'haro eomes no weakness with ota age. Each year
lie niotilts his wings and renovates his youth.
He (lies as swift as when he first began,.
To wing the circles of each current year. ,
How much of good and ill has old Timo neon.
If seeing much makes wine, how wise is he.
Who can compete with him in what he knows?
tWheu Time was born the world began. He saw
Cication in its freshness in its, earliest glow.
'Y;ien ehaos yielded to the voice of God,
Ai'irj dHgels shouted with their shouts of joy.
Since that prime hour, how many changes pass'd
Upon the earth hag Time beheld. What states
Have ri-'n yea fall'n. To rise, but not to Ml,
Our own Republic, spreading out its. arms,
Like come deep rooted tree both hiijli-auil broad; . .
To shelter and refresh oppressed man;
"Esfo iierpetua" O our country,
Long let Time wail ere he shull see thee fall.
? 'i'owns, cities, villages, rear'd by interest
nijv,enience or ambiuriii,..has he seen
Upliirjl'd in his eventful life, In these
How strong has been of good with ill the stiuggle. -
Vice oft has seem'd to have, the upper hand,
White virtue has been vanquished in the strife.
What one, more dear to us, atnong thpm all,
jjian .thou. delightful Bloomsburg. Not tho place
Qi'.ooV.oaiivity, but lov'd withal. ,-. -,.i. , .
'J'holi.nrl our choice abode. Time smiIes;upon Ih'ee,
And j-uijfj.U? wjien we say forever blooni.
Let not fc'-rruptun gnaw "thy inmost heart.
Nor vice liriijC .virtue far away, the salt
That slays the secret course of putrefaction.
But Time, has seen the flow of human tide,
People and realms liive sunk beneath his eye.
And gone, like shadows, from the earth. , . , ,
-The great, the learn 'd, thc-rieh, the proud end vam,
Has Time seen iiumber'd with the dead.
He has a sevthe the world'fl.his field his swathe
Aro ranks of men. He mows" them down without
Distinction. 'Soon and we must meet.-liis coming.
Long, long may that dark advent be deferred.
But whciut c.rime;i, O may the genial light ,
' That immortality throws back to cheer
Tho pathway to' the grave of those alone i
w ho have been jrrcai as uiuy are gouu, uc uw9
. V
Jlemaining in the PoehOjice at Blooms
otr?. Jan. isi iojv.
Buono Benjamin Esq.
Uo,rr Uaulel
MARRIED InCaitawissa.on Thursday
J. I..... tlm iimio., iC Mr. .fficMnli
uiciuiij; inoi, uv r - ivrieiinx,Anure
Brobst. hv the Re . Mr, Drake. Mr. George jja,M vjtUu M.
77. Stenr'ncK, of this place, to Miss Deliah Davis Catherine
... t n t : I ft L' ...I...:..
Mlnaivla J qylor. lately o.i llie same piace.
. In this low'rj, by the Rev. D. S. Tobias,
on the 1st inst. Mr. Josc'phltnrhnan, fron
the stato or Indianna, to Miss Ciluic J fill
town, of Bloom township.
On Saturday last, opposed in the village 0
of Bloomsburg. a .. Kolc'auer Oeoi
noiilainini two 1 Dollar bills. on the Uni
ted Stales Bank, one 5 on NottHumberland
and two 5's on the Schuylkill bank, and
several papers of no consequence .to any
one but. the owner. The name of 'Biii
Annleiiiaii. it." mis written in tho tiisWi.' ot
VVntlr.1 ni-iH. Tim finder will be hand
somely rewarded by returning it to the sub
scilber, or leaving i't at the office.
Bloomsburg, Jan. 5.
That I h'iv.1 opplicd to t!iC Juili-cs c'f the Court of
Coniaifai l'ltaa in anil for llio county of Columbia,
for the licnefit of the Insolvent Laws of tliU com
inonwealth, and that they liavo nrroiutcJ tho thirJ
Monday of Junuarj- inst. (K-ing tho 2Ut Jay of
tho month,) for hearing nioniimycro-Jitow at tho
court hmio in Danville; nt which tlaio und placo
you can oltcud if Vou think proptr.
Jart.G, 1838,
Naolo 'John
Philips 'tieorgo W.
r-ctler Charles
Painter Win. I'. I.
IJoaucard Henry
Uaaieay JIary A.
Itudy UJiiiel
Hiswi'k Jacob
fJtrawn James
Eilvcrthorn Marshall
Shllinma .Mathiu
Bquiro Eiia
Bqutro K. . ..
BwortiPoterS ,
Shelhamniar Jesse
Sloan Margaret .
Tomliutou tiamuc! J.
Ttihnadgo J. K. Kov.
V'underslivo Hietcr
Winsch John U,
Whito "Samuel ,
WaUer D. J. Kov.
- 48.
Persnni calling for letters on tho. above
list, will please say they arc advertised.
Tlnirr lr-il"Tilr
Sun William A. B.Ei'
l-'ishcr Caleb Ut"
GaskiiK James 2
Guild Aaron D. .
Crojs Daniel Keq.
Iland Patiicli
JIuaU Daniel
Ilefler Hannah
Herring Christian
Kelcbner Oeorgo
Melk Andrei
Melick Andrew
Moujor Josoph
M'Carty Alexander
Nala Miclistl
To Bridge Builders,
iROPl-i.U.S win ho received at tuo Ooauim- in linfllU n.1 I M irSII.1V IIIU
V4lji d y of January "" ull" c,otK ul "00"
of said day. lor iduiljuig the wood woi k of a hriilgo,
und repairing the ahuttpcuta, arrows tlic Cat.nvia
Creek, on theroid lca.dihgriojn.MiQlml)urgto I'otts
illa ut or near Urobst's Mill. '
,N, 11. 'I'lia plan and sp wifiration can be seen after
tliS 16th of Jaiuury at the office.
Commitiloncr: .
. January, 5; 1830? " -j
IS hereby alven to all wht) aro indebted to tho
subscriber, either no Hook, Notes, or JudgcmcnUort
Dockets, that they tntitt corte fohva-u ortd settle 611
tlit-ir reapcciive dues betrtebn now and the first day
or t cbuary, IBJ'J, tr tuey wuriio tevorely Ccait
wilh. DANIEL GU08a.
llloomsburg Dee. 29th 1028. , 3Bth
French Rthcuniaiism doctor.
'from Reading,
Informs the public that lie. has rrturned
to Blpoinsnurc, after an absccncc since-Ju
ly last, -and can bo found at the Hotel of
Daniel Snyder, where he will be at all times
ready to attend to pations who are afnictcd
with Rheumatic pains iu the limbs or body.
Bloomsburg Dec. 2Dih 1838. 35
Of superior Stone Coal, received and for
sale by RUPERT &. BARTON.
Dec. 22J.
ITCATEDctlhocait end of tho villaie of
Hlooinsburg, .in llopkinsvillc. The abovo
property will bo sold cheap, and on reasonable
teims, upon application td tho Kubscribcr.
Bloomsburg, Dec. 22, 1828. 35
tux CA.ME inta tho inclosuro of tho
M "k Si subscribers, on or aboiit tho 15di of
aM July last l SHEEP (2 yews, 1
AAsBS&STj. latnb.and 1 weather,) marked with
a notch in the right car, and a elit in tho end. Tho
owner must prove property, pay charges, and toko
them away, cr uVy will be aold according to law.
Fishing Cree'i, Dee; 22, 1 038. 35
OF SARSAPARILLA, havins become so
deservedly -popular, on account of iu superior
sirengia io any otaer preparation ot oarsapanlla m
existence, it is thought- unnecessary to make much
cammcnt upon- i:s virtues. 8qfs ir to say. ens
bottle of the abave eftrilar'ris tu.J:e as" mbch of tho
active principles of Sarsaparilla anJ other ingredi
ents, as any extract in existecne, in thoeamo quan
tity. and is equal to oik gallon uf Syrup rfSana
parilla, for making which druggists and others pur
chase tha above preparation, l'ricc ono dollar per
tolkv fi ; .
It u fecoraend'ed in all diseases of the. skb and
BohCf! iffectlons cf tho Liver, Stomach, Spleen
and Kidneyr ; Eruptions, breaking out of Dry aud
Wateiy Tiaiplcs on tha face, neck and body; ulcer
ations of tha nose, mouth, and throat; running at tho
Ears and EyejjErysipilas, Scrofula.iheuraatic pains,
swellieg cr hardening of the Glands, constitutional
diseases prjduced by the uso of mercury or other
minerals. In short, Sarsaparilla h known to tho
world, as being tho most powcfal agent eier dis
coveted U-cpur fing the blood and Atiimala Fluids,
cou tqa:ntly tht! mt valual lo specific for all di
caw-, resulting f.-orn tmpurities of the Blood, and
other fluids of tho body. a , ,. ,
Cauticn. PerRons6houJd be.rirtiireiarly ca'eful
in getting a prej a.'ation that may be lelied upon;
there being many in existensOj not. properly prepar
ed, unlit for use, aad.almost utort; pcUcsscd of no
tncdicintl qualitiea Vvhttcver,
Dr. Jf. fi. Loidy candidly declarea his preparation,
to be whet it is represented to be, and is prepared
by himself, a regular Druggist and Apodiei.-ary,ond
isbesiJesareeulr-Pbysiciin, attested by Drs.Phy
L Chapman, iHare, Cox, Deuced, Jackson, James
Homer, Gibson. &c. (a'cc directions and lecjanccn
dations around each bottle.) t. ; ,
Upwards cf 3000 botieU of tho abovo heve bce'i
sol J, dilring tho past six liionlhs, a strong projf of
its gedd qualities, cVc. For sale ia thk city ur
Dr. I.oidv'd Ho.tlth JCaicoriuji, 2d street, bAm
Frederick KIctt's D.u.t soro. cornor of 2J cad
Callovvhill street-!.
S. Smith & Go's. Drugstore 3d street abovo Sta
ble. .
J. -Gilbert & Co'c. Drug ttore, 2d st ca abovo
Alu'o by
J. F. Lonj, D.-ujj'ut Liaoastir, Peaajylvaaia
G. W. Oakloy, Druggist, Reading, do.
J. B. Moser, do. Allcntown do.
I'.ec Eaoton, do.
E. Bringhurst, Druggist, Viiaitugton. Dclcwarc.
And by the .priiiciiol Drur. lists and JlercUsnUi
in the Uuitod Statw 37th
BlosrasburgjJ on. 5 18C).
Wl.olesale Balers and Rttailers cf Far'
eis;n uejnhaiidize.
THAT iu compliance with an act of iho Gen
eral Assembly, approioJ tha 7th day of April,
A. D. 163 J, tho Atax'wto Judgw sad Coanniiton.
or cf llie county of Columbia, will meet at tho
CommH 'unoi oaiec, in. Uaaville,- on Wedncs. Iy,
the 2 d dfy of January, Ifjqe, at o io o'clock P. M.
r tli- purpose, of taking .up the rcturnsof the te
em'. ConcUbloj ot'.sji I county, that are tu be tiuJe
t tho C.mrt of Quarter Sessions on or before tiro
llrft day (Sli-t) of tho January lenn 1830, and to
plico each of iho .Merchant-! that may then Lo re
lumed, dealing as afriexaid, in o tbuvlawthat nuv
ajpeur to be right and jubt, as provided for 1 t toi
3.1 section of said act, v. ton and hcro crc'i of your
miy attend if you think proper either in ji'rwi by
aj:nt orottorucy. . , , .
rtst'ocia'e 'itJzs.
january 0, 1839j'