' D democratic party ofl'ennajlvania hasjnst JL passed through a fiery conflict, and come out hot only unscathed, but comnlctclv VlctoriAna -another proof of the purity and stability OT ....... ,.i .nwinco, u uimuuunuiiig incir inumpn, they cannot for any length of time, repose in the lap or Victory, lor their foes are most insiduous, and ver Watchful, aud althoueh routed, will under tftino new name, to opposo the principles of democracy, 'cirimity to which, being the only bond - ktsh iur u luumcni, nuiu uicrn logetner. "We mult therefore remember, that the price of free dom U unceasing vigilance. Inpiteofthera7iA:e4f corruption, and of frauds innumerable, we hlave elected a democratic Gov crnor, and a majority in tho HoVse of representa tives, sufficiently large, to givo us the control in joint ballot, and secure to Pennsylvania a democratic re- prescniauvo in lite United States enale. The fraudulent elections, whithwill probably be 'contested; the unheard of malpractices on tho public work, which require a scarcAiH examination; the Adoption by the people of the amendments to our state constituudnJwJfich will require important le gislative enactments, to meet the changes thus rriadc in the fundamental law together with the concur rent action of the senate with the Governor, in ma ny of his irriportant appointment, will nJ render tho coming session of tho legislated perhaps the taost important ever held in Pennsylvania, and "cause their pioneerings to bo unusually interesting w every man iu tho community. The editors of the Keystone, intend to eivo in- 'creased attention to tho proceedings of this session, bud ncle1 every movement of interest to the public. They Will have competent reporters in both houses bf our legislature, as well as at Washington city, 1 1.1! .1 . ! it . A . , uiu cuuuiuig mum 10 givo as mil reports ot an im portant legislative proceedings as their columns will emit. The Keystorleis the largest paper published in Harrisburg, and being printed on small type, regu larly gives irt its columns nearly one Tiiinn more reading matter than any olhw political paper in tho etato. This we have been enabled to do from the very great encouragement we have teceived from a generous public Thankful for these favors, tho tditors hereafter will spare no pains or expense to endpr their paper interesting and valuable td the public, and serviceable to the great and triunijihant cause of Democracy and Freedom; TERMS. r Fot tho Keystone yearly, twice a week during the session of the Legislature, and once a week for tho remainder of the year, - $3 00 During the session1 of the Legislature only, twice it week, - . - $2 00 For sit months, not including any part of the sas eion of the Legislature, ' $1 00 TO CLUBS OR COMPANIES. Sir; pa pera sent in .one picket arid td one dircctldn. for the price of live as above! or fifteen" papers senl as ttbove for the price of 12; or 36 papers seiit as abdve for the price of 30. fjAU Postmasters; and other democratic citi 2cns, are requested to receive and forward subscrip tions to us. PACKER, BARRETT & PARKE. Harrisburg, October 25, 1835. TO THE PUBLIC. THROUGH a lingering and irremedia ble disease, my health at length became so impaired, that I became unable to attend to fell the requirements of my official duties. By pers'uattori df my numerdus friends, I consented at last td kedri an apothecary, thinking it vVbuld be tho most becomirig, ea siest for rri'e M 'engage in at the present time; and since (or while) I have established a shop, t would humbly solicit the support of iny friends and the public in general, on ac count of my great sickness; And especial ly, would I request the merchants of this place, to give me all possible chance of sell ing those articles belonging t'd my lino of business, for which they may receive mv oincere thanks. A few articles dnly which are to be found in my Health Emporium are advertised. There will be kept a con etant supply of such articles as may bo call ed for; but i per chance-, i call should be made for such as I am not in possession of immediate preparation will be made in order to obtain them Further, do I earnestly Invite Physicians 'of this place and its vicinity, to give nte a 'call, aa I intend to sell very reasonable. There will be kept constantly on hand, all kinds of Medicines, Patent and others, warranted to be genuine, All kinds of raints, ulass, Dye-stull, &c. dec; Also a Variety of Confectionaries, Raisons, Nuts, Herring Suaraf and Water CracKers. Or anges, Lemons, Figgs, Prunes, Perfume ries, &c. &c. All articles in the Health Emporium, I intend to sell cheaper than they can be bought at arty other place in the county, x oui menu anil well wisher. D. S TOBIAS,. , Health Emporium,Bloorrisburg Sept. 22 ANrj EXCHANGE. "IfftERV respectfully informs his iriefids and the V punnc, mat ne nas always on Hand, at Ms hi ... j umum in uiwuwuurg, lor uie purposes 01 Hit br Exchange, a variety of Horses, Sulkies. GltiS, WAGONS. AND SIiEIKtffl Which he will feel gratified to keep in readiness for the accomrhodnlin'n rtf piulimora Personal application cart be made at his residence; Tn-. i.ciy means win ie used to render entire sat- .r.fhnn a '.U l. r . . .. " uuiio wao may give rum a can. , x , . j NOAH S. PRENTIS. Bloomsbdi'g', Slay 5rj, 1838, JNALARATUS, Glauber Silts, E'psom salts, for yj mis a uiu Cheap Health Emporium. iuSHlAtf BHISSELS & HEEL BALLS For sale, a! Tobias' Health Enipoflnm Bloomsburs NIGHT CANDLES. By (he Box, and one box will last a whole jr'wtr. For sale by Tobyta Health Emporium Bloo msbarg remonitaIiY tiifcTs, ' and Important information. B EADER, did you ever eeo a confirmed Dys Jt. peptic, and learn his sufferings! If not, suf lico it to eay, he is a pale, thin and ghastly looking object, his lifo apparently hanging by a thread he is miscrablo and unhappy, his sufferings indiscriba bio. Are you much troubled with flatulency, costivc ncss, sour eructations arising from your stomach, occasional want of appetite, watcrbiash, a bad tasto In your mouth, or foul breath, pain or a heaviness nt your stomach, sickness after eating, headache', dis gust at your onco favorito food, &c. If you are aiiUch troubled wilh any of tho foregoing symptoms', bring before you tho picture of the Dyspeptic, and having resolved td remedy the conseunences, im mediately procuro Dr.Lculy'sTonicfyAnti-DyspepUcCdrdial A never failing and efficacious remedy for DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Arid the whole train of affections resulting from dis eases of the Liver, Stomach and Intestines. The above medicine Is warranted free from mer cury or other minoral preparations; it is composed entirely of vegetables, safe and easy to take, being very pleasant to tho taste. It may be safely admin istered to young and old, requiring but moderate re strictions in diet only. Nurricrous testimonials have been from time to timo published; its reputation is so well known, fur ther comment upon its virtues is unnecessary, iuf fice it to say, it hs xxven FAiLin i?r a single instance. Further recommendations accompany the directions around each bottle. (Jj'Pricc One Dollar per bottle. Prepared and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr. Lcidy's Health Emporium, Sd street below Vine, Nd. 191. Also Sold by D. S. TOBIAS, Agent. Bloomsburg, May 20. Iy5 Wonderful cures Have been performed in this city, and throughout the country. DP.. LEIDY'S MEDICATED SARSPARILLA. EINO a concentrated fluid extract of Sarspa rilla, combined with other vegetable extract, which renders it as a medicine of great utility in the cure of all diseases arising from the impurities of the blood from indiscretions and imprudencics in life, and constitutional discascsformed or produced by the injudicious use of mercury, arsenic, bark, or quinine. In short, it U un invaluable remedy for all Rheumatic Affections, General Debility, Ulcerous Sores, White Swellings, Diseases of the Liver and Skin, Ulcerated sore throat! Ulcers bf thd Nose, Ca ries of tho diseases of the Bones, fccrdfula or King's Evil, Erysipelas or St, Anthony'B Fire, and all un olensant and dangerous affections consequent to Syphilis, Lucas Venereal, &. So effectual has this medicine been in the cure of various diseases for which it is recommended, that it is far superceding all other preparations of Sarspa jilla, Panacea $rc. It 'b now employed by numerous physicians and has been introduced by them into many hospitals, nfirmarics, &c. throughout the United States. It is a preparation of greater strength (conse quently of grciter eflicacy) than any other extract now made, is also much cheaper, being but one dol lar per bottle; which is sufficient to make one Gal lon of Syrup of Sarsparilla, and is bought by dif ferent druggists for that purpose. Numerous certificates have been received and published from time to time, but in consequence of the great expense attending newspaper publication of them, the most incredulous ran be convinced of the superior efficacy of Dr. Leidy's medicated Sars parilla, by calling at " Leidy's Health Emporium," No. 191, North second strce, below Vine, sign of the Golden Eagle and Serpents, where certificates and references can bo given to hundreds of instances of tho most remarkable cures ever performed by any medicine. Prepared only and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr. Leidy's Health Emporium, 2d street, below Vinci No. 191. , ALSO SOLD BY D. S. TOBIAS. Bloomsburg, June ft, 1838. liddics look at this. GILT Book Boxes, Silk do. Paper do. Gilt Beads, Fancy do. cut do. plain do. Ladies' Waxes, Gilt Thimbles, Hooks & Eyes, Ncedlo ca ses, all kinds of Smelling Bottles, very handsome; Ureast iJins, Lar rings, ringer rings, Pomatum, Bnulf Boxes, Hair Brushes, Pocket combs, Lead rcnciU, black ana red; for sale at TOBIAS' Health Emporiunt. MILLINERS, TFill you be so Jcind as to look at this ! I WTTTHlTE Glue; Flako White; Oxalic Acid Y Y fr 4dle at the Health Emporium by D. S. TOBIAS. TAROH, Snuff Beans, Sand Paperol all kinds. IBniritsTcroentine. Cocoa Drenar'eJ fihnlntn lor sick people irrsn supply lor sale at the Health emporium In llloomsuurg, by D. S. tfOBIAS. TBiTTERCURIAL Ointment, Sulphur do. Simple lyJLdo. Percipedate do. Red, Cctrin do. Tartar umetic uo. ana an otner mnus ot umtmcnts, for 1 i it.. ITk.liL T !.. 1 uiu ut iug jivuiiu jjiupuimui, vy Oil ofSpruco, for makihn Spruce Beer Extract of Sarsparilla. Tooth Powder; Spatula. Emery. Castcl Soap. Lady' Palm Sttap to Wash. Distilled Verdigries Oil of Soap, for taking out of cloths: Spots Suits, Grease, Sic, All for sale at Tobias Health Emporium. GLAD TIDINGS!! iMOWX'S LOTION KOCOMMENDEP by Doct, Wilson as certain cure lor Mheumaturm, Also, RED LINIMENT, eccomniended by Doct Davis, 6f Philadelphia, or hefollowiugcoruplaints, Jtbeuuatisra, Weak flm and stiffness of the Joints, SU. For sale at Tobiait Health Emporium, Bloomsburg. 032BY'S MEDICINES FOR SAE BY D. S. TOUIASAgent. Bloomsburg, Judo 33, 1838j Br. Brandreth's VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS. THESE pills have obtained a celebrity for cur ing most diseases to which tho human systchl u liable, unexampled in tho history of the healing art They expel by tho action of the stomach and and bowls, all bad humours from tho Shod, causing a free circulation of the fluids, and restores a sound state of health. The thousands .who use and recommend theni Is proof positive of their extraordinary and beneficial fleets. The subscriber has received the appointment of Agent, for the sale of Dr. Mrandctli's Pills In Uloomsbnrg. None dre genuine that are offered for sale, without a certificate of appointment signed by tho proprietor and countersigned by llranch Green, general agent; and ho certificate is ever given, to those engaged in the Drug business. J. R. MOTfER. DIoomsburg Aug. 14 1838. Iyl7 J. HAWLEY'S Vegetable Anti-Bilious Pills. These pills are found to be a most certain and of fectual preventive of fever, janndico bilious, and oth crcholics, and indeed, of all diseases caused by ob strbction or affections of the stomach, liver splecn, or intestines. For liver and stomach complaints and nil diseases connected therewith, such as hypochon drlcs, hysterics, dispepsia or indigestion, loss of ap petite, headache, giddiness, and for fever and ague, these pills ore a sure preventitive- Also, for salt rheumc. They cleanse the stomach, remove there from all vitiated biles purify and refine the blood. Does a person feel a loss of appctito and a bad taste in tho mouth, with afuintness of the stomach, a few doses of these pills are sure to remove all such diffi culties, speedily set matters to right. Heaviness, dull, sleepy and sluggish inaction, with or without a yellowness of complexion, these pills will surely and speedily remove all such ailments, and timely, use of these pills may prevent the occurrence of any such formidable disease. Also Huwlcy's Vegetable Salve, known through out the Union. This salvo when used has a pecu liar quality in reviving on action of the affected parts, by softening and opening tho pores and creat ing perspiration, reducing fever &c It dsolvcs, expels, and entirely prevents the blood from settling in tho fleJi of bruises, or wounds, of any descrip tion, and is a sure preventive of mortification, and may be made use of for cuts, sores, burns, rheuma tism, pain in the back, breast or side. Tho abdve articles for sale by D. S. TOBIAS, Agent. Bloomsburg, October 13. CHARLES IS.AI1LER, OULD rcspectfuly inform the citi zens of Bloomsburg and its vicinity, that ho still carries on the above business, at his old established stand, on Main-street. Hav. nig received the latest Philadelphia and N York Fashions, in ronnection wilh his Highly Improved Patent for Cutlinsr Garments to fit every shape without a pi- sibility of failure, he feels assured that work exeeuttd at his shop will never be com- plameil of, and by close attention to busi ness, hopes to receive a share of public pa tronage as heretofore. ALSO-: As JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, will attend to any business connected with the Office; and in particular, the writing of JUCCUS, iTiiorigngCS, and all other conveyances and articles of agreement, in a legal anu nauusome style. Uloomsuurg, INov. 17, 1838: SO The Pennsylvania Reporter AND STATE JOURNAL. Is published at Harrisburg twice a week ,7....'..,. tl,. s.o..- . jT. r. f . uui nig .iiu ecaotut vj inc juegisiaiure and once a ivctk during the recess. THE Reporter will continue to be (as it hereto; fore has bcC nn linviplilinrr uAvnfita nf ilio principles of tho Democratic parly a supporter of the trreat and vital IIHRHI innfl of lVf A rrYivorn mnn identified with tho success of the Administration of tne oencral Oovernment and an untiring oppo nent oi mo r euerai oristocraey, whlcli seeks, in the L-iccuon oi one ui iu lavurues, to mllict upon the i:uunirv mo enrse oin innnnni n.inir tn i.Mnm cd in its operations by no other viws than tho ad vanccmeni oi me interests ni a hivnuM nm at ih. expense of tho interests, the rights, and tho liberties oi me many. Against sucn a party and such an en biiic ki puiuicai cvn,ine reporter wul bo lounu act inir With the bodv of tba tiennlr; As the cnsuirlir sessio'n nf thn f.otri.lniMro ..,:n t,. bno of more than ordinary interest to the people, tho fuiiuio ui iuo neporier nave mauo arrangements which will enable them tO frlvM H ITinrA futl nml complete history of tho proceedings in both houses .! .1 I t . r i .... wan vuey iiau nerciuiore iicen cnatileu to do. JSV' cry exertion will bo used to make the Reporter i medium through which the people thall receive t full record of the doings of their representatives. Per annum 553 00 For the session 2 00 Anv aircnt or other becoming lesponsiblc therefor, shall have mi conies" forwarded as may be directed, during the session of tho Jjcgulature. Persons forwarding names of subscribers aro re quested to bo particular in statinir scriptions are to continue for the year or for the tcs- Nov. 0, 1838. Take Motiee The subscriber has" left his HnnV no counts and Notes in tho hands of Iddines llnrMn.. T? T. ll..: 111 u.in;,uiiiiui tuwi:wiiuj, pfljsnns in' debted will please call immediately and set' tie, or theio wilf be cost, as demys are dan' geroua. u, U. F1SHEK. . Onq Two Horso Wggon.nnd a Sled with Cast Shoes,both nearly new, which will be sold Cheap on easy terms, by calling on IDDINGS UAItKLEY. Te the Distressed & Afflicted! TOBIAS'S HEALTH EMPORIUM And Family Drug JFareliouse. HKALTll, ''The poor man's riches tho rich man's bliss." KjJHE suscribcr.would respectfully announce to ft his frichds and the public that he has opened a general assortment df Drugs & Medicines. at bis Drug and Chemical Storo in Bloomsburg and that he will bo happy to supply tho wants o, thosb who nitty give him a calh Among his as sortment arc t Alcohnl, Mustard MuriatoofTirt Mace Nippcl Shields do Shells . Opodeldoc liquid do Steers Pills German Guinine Radix Calcicurri do Senega Snake do Squills Resin plaster Steel Powder Stodcn bitters' Storte yellow do rotten do black Sand paper sordlo Solution of tin Spt. Esther Sulph: do Kite Eathcr do Hntshorno Vials all kinds Wafescd and black Kcosute Window Glass oil sorts Whiting Sandct Salts Cologne Water lllack Ivey Aqua Amonial Aqua pepper, Arsenic whito do. yellow Allonatto Arrarric Aqua Fortis Blue Mass Block Tin Barlev Dcalcd Borax Bronze white do vcllow Carb Ammonia Cinnamon Cochineal Crab's eyes Cloves Draggon's blood uniger Gum Assafcctida do. Opium do. Aloes do. Arabic do Barbado6s Aloes Camphor . Gum Copal do Myrrh Horse Lance Isinglass Russid Lamp black ALSOi Black Pepper, Red Pepper, Allsnice: Iron Host. , . D. S. TOBIAS; Bloomhurg, May 10, 1833. The Victory Won FTER long, tedious, and expensive experi ment, Dr. Lcidy has discovered d rncthod whereby the virtue of the Sarsaparilla is extracted, so as to be formed into Pills without destroying Us tjicaey. Innumerable attempts have len made to accom plish this important object, but all failed. It is im portant, because the Sanaparilla, as a medicine, in all diheascs to which mankind is subject is product' ire of more real good, than lite whole catalogue of medicine in use. Ask all respectable physicians tho nuestion. 'What is the most effectual purifier of the blood, and tho most popular medicine uscdl they will answer unanimously, Sanaparillat What better recom mendation can be asked 1 DR. LEIDY'S SARSAPARILLA OR BLOOD PlLlM, Price, Twenty-five Centa a Box. They must surely command a preference, for they are not composed of Sarsaparilla alone, but contain, in a concentrated state, tn the form of a pill, the virtues of the principal ingredients contained iu the comK)iind fluid, extracts, syrups, and other prepara tions of Sarsaparilla. i hey are lutthly recommended by numerous phy sicians, and others, (seo directions around each bot tle) in Rheumatic Affections, (Jlec-ous sores of the nose throat anu body. Scaly Eruptions and blotches of the skin. Dry and watery pimples Schrofula Erysipelas, Jaundice, Heartburn Diseases of the Liver,skin bones and glands. Pain of thn sides, along and pcstules bf tho the back ami spine o vcr the region of the tace and houy. Tetter and rincworms, heart and stomach. Inward fevers', bad taste' in the mouth,foul breath Flatulency, Indigestion. Sour eructations and acid itiesof the stomach. Swellings and hardening of tho glands of tho peck, in tho groins, breast, dec: Stomach Coughs; Liver complaint. Want of appetite, Watcrbrash, and all tho wholo train of diseases resulting from impunty 01 the Wood, constitutional diserises pro duced by Mercury, or other minerals, or the conse quence ot Hypliilii, ljucd Venereal, &c. For convenience of taking, a's well as makitig but small bulk, lieing in flat square boxes, convenient for carrying in the pocket ot for travelling purposes, they must bo preferable to all other preparations of Sarsaparilla. For sale, Wholesale and Retail at Dr. Lcidy's HcalthEmporium, 2nd near Vino strect.Philadclphia, jor saic uy JJ. a. TUU1A3. SALVE A Certain mro Prnst tuftsin T.lmTui T 2 can prove by pcoflo in this Town. Vcr sale at Tobias' Health Emporium in Bloomsburg. FRICTION MATCHES, Warranted to be good, also LOCO FOCO MATCH l'S, good, For sale at Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg. nYEUSUPEN VOUlt KY1SS. "CTTSENGAL Indino: Rnanish ,l,v Vmi;.;. m.. JSLlpVitriuli White dd. for sale cheap and good, at .w uiwjuisuuiy y uiu IIOUSC, uy D. S. TOBIAS. iLUE gMALTZ, White Frosting, Iceland jcj u. ,.v..ouihhj v0 i vujiitf oegars, worn moii, Spanish and Half Spanish; and a thousand herdrticlea too ttid Ion a tn mnntinn - - lviltlll 4UI DUIU UV Tobias' Health Emporium. White Italian Mulberry, FOR SALE AT Tonr.is jiejix.ru tmvoiiiu.v, IN BLOOMSBUUG. '.Dr. It'cuver'a IForm Tea and Salve. THE aclionofthut Mc-dicino is not only to ox pe Worms, but by iu tonie powers, to pre vent a return of them, by rerrioving the weak stato of the digestive organs on which their pi eduction mainly depends. For sale by jiut.u.i D. S. TOBIAS, Health Emporium, DloonwbUrrr, NEW GOODg AT THE Uloomsbnrg: Arcade, fMIHE subscribcrA respectfully announce to tht JL public generally, that they have just rcceirtd' ndnow opening, their ' FALL SUPPLY bP 'GOODS, which, with their former stock, cmli!'.!... St. ' . . , . , .iiVAim sivo4assortment of seasonable Mcrcharidlre for (ha HvwMuuuuauuu ui juitiiu3aB l. llcir StOCllOf rlow consists Of all the varieties of coarse, firis x sujwflno , , Cioths, Cassimcrs, Sat tinetts; Sjlks; Metinoes; Ginghams, Calicoes, Shawls, Ribbands, Laces'. Linens, Mousse lino de Lian, Muslins, Vest ings, Blankets, Stocks,' Umbrellas, and! Parasols. LADIES' BONNET, o 2! to 05 P CO s 3 a 03 and a lanrc varictv of other miliEtantinl n.l j .JU i;jtT articles in tho Dry Goods Lino too numerous to mention in an advertisement. Fur, Cloth and Seal Skin Caps( of all sizes; a 9- 6? o or Male and Female, large and small. Groceries fk Liquors, Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Spices. Ghcese, Mh lass'esi Brandy, Gin,Rum,JVint, -e. Assorted In prices and quality. HARDWARE, IRON AND NAILS, assorted, from tho smallest dtlicle to a smith's inrij from a nail rod to a crowbar ( and from a spkubli to a spike; Gig (feCoaehMakers'Finding &Trimminjl Saddlers' Finding and Trimmings. Wood Stoves,Coal Stoves and Stove Pifi Steel of all kinds. TIN WARE, AND CEDAR WARE. WILLOn AND OTHER BASKETSi China, Glass, Queen's and Crockery WAKE. Salt, Cod Fish and IWaclicrcI. Oilg,'l'amts, Drugs, Dye Stulfij In great variety. Arid generally all articles called for in country storesj which having been carefully selected snd pur chased at the lowest prices, will ho offered at lo rates for cash, or in exchange for country product. The highest price in CASH or GOODS, lwji paid for country prpduce. RUPERT & BARTON, November 10, 18118' 29tf. Improved Aperient Scidiitz Powders, tJTELD in high estimation for indigestion, hetr IH. buta and billions affections. For sale at j. bbias1 Health Emporium, Bloomsburg: D". S. TOBIAS, in Bloomsburg. POLISHING POW;DEH, to clean and poA all kinds of Metal, and Horse Powder, for sale at Uje cheap Druir store, In Bloomiburg, by D. S. TOBIAS. ADMINISTR VTORS' NOTICE. TT ETTERS of Administration having been 4M B?"1 .uPn luo cs'a'o of Abraham Kline' dec d. of I ithmg Creek township, Columbia coun ly. All persons indebted to said estate, aro rciue. led to mako immediate payment, and all persosi' having demands against said estate mustprewiri them to the subscribers, duly attested, or b tend coord inir to law; ' JOHN KLIND.-1 MATTHIA3 KLINE, FitKing Creek June'23, 1838.J Gentlemen and Ladies come and hakd . . - 1. i . iie namisome K NHHn doubJ9 rcct"'W,a'nd scentwl with l!i . ""i w DUIU HI TobiUs's Health Emporium way j uitjjy i , certain cure for tetters, ringworms, rimptrtrt' the face, and ntlicr .nr,.. .J...L. lUKlor ' Tobias' Health Emporium, Bloomsburg . vuwwvua UUUUHU"