The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 08, 1838, Image 3

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to an elcetitfn. & vt-ns tho oenat 'Clowe, '
and lit) hoped H would bo pursued on tins'
occasion. .. ...
The motion of Mr. R. was then, disagreed
to, and on motion of Mr. Hill, the House
proceeded to trtakc nominations For CleiK,
Sergeant at Arms nnd Doorkeeper.
On motion, Messrs. Snowden, Stroheck
ernnd Yost wero appointed a committee to
prepare rules, and unti they, rilalic report,
the rules of thp last house, were adopted for
thp government of the house .
On motion of ..Mr- Hilt to-morrow vva's.spt
apart for, the ejection of Clerks Scrgca'rit-ot-Arms
and Doorkeeper. .
On motion of Mr- Hill, St was ordered
that when the jiotise adjourns, it adjourn to
meet at ten o'clock to morrow.
M. Prav chdjurcd wether it had been as
certained to. what hour the.mob.'hich met
here this morning had adjourned- .."I'here
seemed to he some. difference of opinion in
relation to this', and he would be glad to be
s..fnrmeil rtorrectlv on the subject..
On motion, the house adjourned to meet
to-morrow at ten o clock. t
For the Columbia Democrat. .
Early next mornirlg Duca departed, and
the company resumed their journey
About nouri,thcy. arrived at the Tamarack
yswamp, and after dinner,, commenced col
lecting balsam with which thp Tamarack
abounds. Tho balsont or oil peculiar to
this tree is found in slight protuberances in
the trunk of the tree, which resemble knots.
Tyro in his eagerness for novelty, cut
down a tree and carefuly took out.scveral
Tends and brought them to cainp. Vessel
.were prepared to receive the contents, anil
he proceeded to chip away the wood care
full v. He cut one of the knots all into
chips and found no ointment. A second
snd third followed suit with the same re.
suit. Ahorige laughed Ax6 declared him.
self an infidel concerning the whole matter
Potto doubted the existence of the medical
..'11" . , t
virtue of the tree and Confucius suspected
that there was some error In the descrip
tion, and that the tree in which the medical
Iriunhtv is fuund is a dilierent soecies. Ab-
- . . :...
orige then cut a tree and took out a block,
j - - i ,
which being opened yielded a quantity of
he balsom thp party were seeking. lie
then explained the nature of the lumps, and
pointed out the difference between them
and the common kno(ts.
Confucius asked Tvro what moral could
be daduced from this circumstance. I
'use nothing more in it," said ho, " than
that knowledge is essential to tile prosperity
'of man." , ( (. .-
" I trace tho moral .some further," said
Confucious, u and find in illustration
jof the doctrine of the poet where lie says,
a speaking of friendship, lhatj
" If either on forbidden ground,
Or .where it was not to be found,
,. , .. 3Vo 60Ught without attaining.''
jThn't is, I apprehend that there are few in
dividuals in whom we cannot find some de
sirable trait, if we seek on the 'right ground'
'and persist in the Tight search and yet we
may have a consicernbc. acquaintance and
conclude that an individual is destitute of
'everv attribute of genuine; merit."
racca smiieu, ana uoniucius proceeueu.
eaten, you would have found np virtue in
i . . . , . , ....
lt e... L'.i !..! ......
iv iiiif-fi n-iii Tin nprniiT ru vim.""
J - , ' ' . .l
ou would havo, proclaimed to llie worm
hat no virtue exists in themj and in this
ould consist vour error, and from hence
ou eari draw a rule of life."
The next day being the Sabbath, tho par-
tf rnfYintnnit in iiiimi oufnmnmint. . urtiprft
xo, Tyro, Pacca nnd Potto spent the day
n a thininrir!il mstMissinn. in which p.aim
efeniled thn tenets of his own nartienlar
ect. The. discourse, however able, cannot
. 1. i
v ,vwU.-.. ...... ,
The business of collecting sap or gum
Uill uic xuiliuim;jt ui u uuumiiicu litany
.1 M, A ,
3ys, at the end of which the party broke
' .1 . , ! , .
n inr,ir iiHini niinnn in vinw
VMilO WUI IVQtltVS Wi tlUVUlU tit Illt'U II T
,ne .... .
Having. turned their faces to the west, as
e end of Mount Yager receded, our trav
lers found themselves approaching a cave
tho Mjl-m,ountain, vulgarly called "Hell
itchen." After vle.wi.ig tho wonders of
wonders of
is famous place, which is on tho summit
the mountain near the western declivity
ereof. a convenient hlaeo for encampment
as found where the company abode for tho
rlglit. Alter stjpper it tell to tnq Io.t ot fl
ange to tell a talo. 116 complied in tho
uowing woruo ; . i .
i .
i'Whon young I often hunted hereabo'uts,
tl'V MiM !.: ? 1. t'llj'j l- 't yf'-'' 1 .i
t ... ., - , ,
truiiinrtrm a uumoranu usa aiun tnin
mo hitr aitTercht oriunala Will act. Onoe
however t went in company with somo oth
ers from aboilt Dolcwiiro wjio knew nothing
of hunting. After wa had Been but some
days. and kill?d several .deer and a bear, it
came on a great rajn nnd' we laid, by a day.
In the evening we went out and found a hol
low tree with a small hole at the but. frrnin
the hair round the hole we easily krtew the
oldfellow was in. "Huzza 6oys' says I,
bring fire and I'll soon stnoke hirn froni
that. Well; hey brought fircf and I put
it in the hole. , tho tree was well fil
led, "now my boys" says, I "close in and
catch him when he comes out." They all
closed tight round., Uut my gracious-! you
should have seen 'em. hop; arTur a bit he
comes but heller skelter, gives his bushy
tail a whisk and- bcspialtcred 'ciii all over.
It was a skunk, but they expected a wood-
chuck. I runhrid latight and such another
washing you never saw but they 1'iad to
throw their cloths away.
Well the next day as. wc were on our
way to camp. I shot an Opossum', over he
rolled, and I put him in my knapsack and
walked on. VJrlur a while wc came to the
i-rcek at .a high sleep baiikvhoic we had
to crawl down to get on a log to go over,
as tlio water was deep and com. I set
down with my back towards the bank and
began to creep down; the knapsack hit tho
slones behind ine a little', when tHc 'ia'rnal
'possum give, a kick against th'-iiank and
sent mo head foremost into the creek.
was wet as a droiciicd 'loon and the fellows
laughed as if they never would quit. All
there Was of it the darned 'possum was not
hurt a bit but only got sullen."
From here the party removed to the "nat
ural pulpit'; situate on Consul'ndgc some
times called tho "pulpit niountaut." The
stupendous pile of rocks which has obtain
ed the name of "pulpit" has some rude re
semblance to that sacred place. After the
curiosities of the place had been examined
sufficiently, it was concluded that as the day
was the fourlh of July, Confucius should
make ah extempore speech not occupying
less than five nor more than ten minutes
whereupon he mounted the pulpit and spoke
as follows'. ,. it.-'
Migfily Rostrum I whose foundation lit
covered with the surrounding liill', whose
picturesque ornaments received riot their
shaping froni the hand ormaii, for what
better use can thy Capital be first made vo
cal, than inrccommendjng that to man of
which thou art thyself the most striking
emblem, STABILITY". . ,
Thy foundation, laid deep and firm, is
oeyond the reach of ordinary elemental
strife and nothing less than the annihilation
of substances orthe changing of their na.
ture, can remove thy structure from its ped.
From this elevated and self supporting
position -then, let man stretch iiis vision to
the remotest bounds of visible creation let
him. extend his imagination over the fair
field of .this happy country) lcUiini recall
his mind from its tour of thought and froip
thy exalted summit of, eternal duration, ask
him what lie riibst ardenily desires- The
responsive aspiration suggested by thy un
changing magnitude is, that the liberty of
my country may thus also stand uncliangcd-
for countless ages.
That the pillars of liberty be supported
by the whole "people, that tlicy may be
made virtuous through knowledge, and
knowledge be disseminated so as if) reach
. i- . i'
tho rsmotest bounds of habitable nature. .
Whert the whole become wise there will
be nodiscdrdjiri'ce of parts' when there is
no disunion of parts then will the founda
tion of this republic .rpsemble in durability
thy unshaken base.- Tlien will the force
oT one component part cease. Jo exert its in
fluence to destroy the rest. When the parts
cease to detract each from the strength of
tho other, then by the laws of nature each
must add power to the restt because every
substanco must be cither ncgulivc or affir
mative. When art and industry sliull have remov
ed tho surrounding forests and man become
familiar with thy hitherto solitary seal may
tliy capital never bejpolluted byho tread of
those who deairo the overthrow of that go v-
l ; ...i.j-i. .. -r ii...
un'mcni which is uow uic cuuicu ui my
visitors, the atlmiralioij ot the world and
tho legacy bequeathed to us by Iho patriots
of tho past generation.
May the annual return of this day, in the
revolutions of oeasons, witness tho fair fa
brick of freedom which was ushered into
oxisleucojby the Apostles of liberty on the
saniQ day of tho .year 1770 remaining ever
f)erfoct ia U its pirU,'
As a memorial of the disinterested patri
otism of those sages, as an oxamplc to the
infant republics of the western world, as an
abiding proof of tho ability of men-to gov
ern thdmeelves, such n .consummation isde
voutly 13 be .desired, ylme we remember
that all the ancient republics have crumbled
to ruins', and, while wo know that modern
ones have been torn by intestine commo
tions, let us also rpmcrnber, that they were
the rc.sult of conquest and grew upon a spil
wrenched perhaps from one tyrant at the
bidding of another, nnd established, not qn
the principles "that all men have a right tp
worship God according to the dictates cf
their own concierices;" but on , the contrary
founded on tho solicicm that even' man is
bound to regulate his faitli according to the
government standard or Do forever uebared
Irom lils dearest rights.
Allhouj'ii the republic founded by a usur
per on a soil red With the blood of its right
ful sovereign'.was ,of iliort durationjanother
watered only by the tears of widows ren
dered such , by tlio loss of liy'ca iii defence
oi unancnaoie rigius, ruamcd py a name
lin.a Washington, a Jefferson or a HancocR.
may flourish under institutions planned by
their wisdom and defended by their sword.
Such are the institutions of our country and
such is the soil we inhabit and ds such may
they be tho objects of our affections and
thoseo'f our posterity for unborn genera-
,,ons! , '
The speech being ended the party pro
ceeded on their journey and that evening
pitched their tent on an elevated spot be
twecn the heads of three different streams,
The first flowed eastw.ard into Lchightthc
second westward into Cattawissa Creek', and
the third northward into Nescppeck'.
In the morning Axo asked Tyro what he
could say concerning 'such a 'circumstance
or what moral it suggested,
Tyro replied that he' saw nothing sur
prising in the .situation, though he admired
it3 bcautyl All that it suggested to his
mind was the confirmation of that law of
nature which has long been discovered, that
through the action of "specific gravity
or "attraction of gravity" water runs down
Confucius said that he felt this situation s
very good onejbecausc il saved majiywords
of urgumentl '1,'ho .party reniembcrc(i tiie
discussion wlilcli look place during the
Sabbaili passed ill the. Tamarack swamp on
religious subjects, and a full answer is fur
nished liy the place. ., ,
Hero are thrca streams flowing in fhree
adverse directions, yet each following the
course marked by the finger of .Almighty;
and though they flow in opposite directions,
by so following the path of duty, yet thy
eventually arise at one common receptacle,
the Atlantic ocean. Such may be the duty
of man and froni hence w'o mav learn char-
The party slnlck llicir tent and set out
for home, and so ended the journey to the
Tamarack swamp.
Officers tiittle and Albright, of the Nortil
em Libeties, on Wednesday morning ar
rested tw.o colored people, named James
Julius, and Mary If ollanJ, on .a charge of
having murdered Joseph Holland, the hus
band of .Maryi by administering arsenic to
lfmi. . Holland, the deccsed,dietl suddenly,
in a very suspicious manner, pn or about the
2Cth of September last, and Mary Holland,
immediately on the nrght succeeding hs
demise, remained with James Julius. . Sus
picions arose, and information,, was lodged
with.tho police, who have ever since been
engaged in collecting witnesses, and endeav
ouring to ascertain the irulh of the matter,
when,, a. few days ago, a train of circum
etances, developed themselves which itiey
thought would justify them in the arrest of
of the defendants, which, was accordingly
oxecutedt and .the parties, brought before
Mayor John Conrad. When there, .tho
woman was, placed, among a number of
people, and au.ajolhecary, who had previ
ously informed the police that he had sold
arsenic to a colored woman answering the
description of the defendant, some time last
September, was called in'i and requested to
noun oui uio woman, u present, to wnom
lie had sold the drug. He looked about
him for some time, until his eye rested on
Mary Holland, and then pointing her oiit,
he exclaimed, "That's her.!'. , Tho words
had hardly- passed his lips ere die fell down
in 3 fit, which lasted for near half an, hour.
Restoratives were immediately applied,
being soinevhat recovered, she .together
with her supposed paramour, wcresont to
Moyamensing until a further hearing could
be had! Ledger.
Tho Hritish Oorrtriiisariat at Toronto, Up
per Canada, jnvito Tenders , for Military
Clothing for 18,05-i men.
Logansport (Jndiaira,) on tho Wabash,
has purchased more canteen' goods lliis sea-,
ion,' than any oilier town on tho river.
Tan is said to hb a nreservatWe of Peach,
It is said there riro 8000 members of tho
Temperence Society in Edinburg.
A young lady of Sprincfield, Ohio, com
milled suicide by hanging, on Tuesday of
last week. The Pioneer, nrinted in 'that
town, states that she appeared to be in a
sane .stato of mind and in high spirits, but
an.hop'r, or. two previous to , the .melancholy
occurrence. There was no conjecture haz
arded, aa to the cause which led o the acl.
A flour mill driven by steam, has- recent
ly been erected at Batli, Maine'. tt-, turns
out as good flour from "down east'' t wheat
as tlie best Genesee, ,. .It is abundantly sup
plied with native w.hnat and so pressing
is the custom, that it.has been found, neces
sary to erect two moio itin of stones.
A respectable lady of Hartford Cpp., har
been sued for a breach of promise of mairi
are, and tiu gentleman has laid his damages
at 930,000. '
'' :, ' -m .
Tlio MArhlehejul fisherman have returned
with a ineagre jiaryest, and the yield falls
short a third) but the prices, are high.. ,
A heart-rending accident occurred
jn Jessamine county, Ky., a few uayssi,nco.
the course of a playful contest, between
Iwo little sons of Mr. , Samuel McDowdli
William and James, the former accidental
ly struck a haf-opened knife, which he held
in, his hand, into Uic breast of his brother,
inflicting a wound that, proved fatal in 15
minutes. rThe deceased was about 13
vears of age.
MARRIED On.Thursday the 20th ull,
at Sugar Loaf, by the Rev. Mr .Drake, Mr,
John F. Fritz to .Miss. Maria, daughter of
ine late jnnn Aloorc, all ol that township,
Col. county. ...
X am 422. Earnest
few months s'mcc I gaviyip'tire-that I wanted
my BOOK ACCOUNTS settled,
and but. very littlo attention wa;.paid.t6 ij-byahose
interested, t now give further nqtics, that all per
sons having open accounts with me, must call aiid
settle, them, either hv Note, or Cash, within TWO
MONTHS from, date, 'or they,, will ho required to
settle with a Justice of tlie l'eacc. tNo pijtakc this
llloimsuurg, Dee. 8, IS38,
N..D. I have alsa on hanil several NOTES,
vvhieh must also he exchanged for UASH, within
tho above lime, or tho signers will have to pay cost.
Love Sugar, Cloves, Cloves ground, and
. Spe'ltY'c or Zinc
For sale at ,
Tobias' Health Emporium, Bloomsburg.
TITtRECKUi: Wash. a..cumo1eto renudv for
.aJ freckles, pimples, 5:e. and other affections of
uic isKin. ' -
... m ALSO,- i
Dalm af Columbia, for restoring 'hair anil
venting It from falling out. For sale at
Tobias' Health Emporium, Bloomsburg,
.if-IARPENTEH'S Fluid Rxtractof Sarsaparilla,
for purifying the blopd,,and removing, oil disi
cases arising froni flxecjis ormrcuiiy, exposures nnd
arising from an impure state of tho t)looJ,.&c. &e.
and is especially fccofiimcnded for: rheumatism,
scrofula or king's eyil, ulceration of the throat and
leg, pains and swellingi of ,tho bones, .tcttcry pirn-
pies on mo iace anu caiy eruptions ot, the skin, all
of which will yield under the U30 of this preparation.
Carpenter's Compound Syrup of Sarsaparillj.
This compound contains all" the properties of the
Lisbon diet drink in a concentrated degree, and is a
valuable medicinco for purifying the blood, and rcT
moving all, constitutional diseases arising from an
impuro s.t.iteof that tluidi
All forfjale at.,, y , , i
, Tobias' JJrugg Store, Bloomsburit.
Pliysician & Surgeon,
Informs, the citizens of Bloom and vicini
ty, that he has located himself in the village
of Blnmsburg, whete he will always ho
r.eajly to attend to all calls for his profession
al services. ,. .....
Office next door to Robi'soris Stage Office.
Oct! ib 1833. -
400 lb. raii.ons, for pics aiid Preserves Tory
frntifl !nil -hr!in. . . . .
300 1'"- & quality good and cheap.
300 M"- hunch box rjisons good and cheap.
100 ")S- Europea,n curriaU first quality and un-
, , common clicap. , , ,
Q drurn of figgs very good articlo end cht'sp.
inbushcU European ground nuta.
2O0lb3. Kns.Ush walnuu.
00 lbs. crcarn nuts, .
200 lbs filberts or English' Hazelnut.
10' boxes Scotch herring smoked,
3 barrel of water crackers.
JJ barrels of sugar biscuit . r .
And nundrodd and thousands of other articles fresh
goods and cheap, iustfrnm tlie city of Philadelphia,
and for salo at tho well known cheap Drug Storo
and. Health Emporium ia the town of Bloomsburg
Uol. co- Va.
' . Oysters I Oysters !
. THE Subscriber has jiist received a snp
ply of .Aiulioy Oysters, fresh and
fine. He has made arrangements to have
a regular supply during the winter.
...... J. IC. MUYHK.
November 24', lfcT08. 81.
. . . mHsy9 . . . .
And all kinds of country Produce, taken
in payment for Newspapersj at this OfSee.
. . AT THE
5 . ' .1 A V
THE . subscribers respectfully announefcto th
public generally, tlht they havo just received,
nu now, opening, their ,
which, widi their fortaen rtock, embraces, .an cxten
sivcassorUuent of seasonable Merchandize for tho
accommodation of purchasers. Their stock of
now consists of all tho varieties of coarse, fine end
3upcriino r i,
f ...Cloths, ' .
Cais.imcrs, Wat- t,
f tineltsSilks, Merinoes, -.
! . Ginghaitls, Oalliipesj Shawls';
Ribbands, iLace3. Linens, Mousse '
line de Lian, Muslins, Vest
ing, Blankets, Slocks,
Umbrellas, and'
- , - . Parasols. '
liAUifis? bonnets;
and a largo, variety of other substantial arid fancy
articles in tho Dry Goods Lino too numerous to
mention in an advertisement.
Fur, Cloth and Seal Skin Capsj of all sides'.
or Male dad Female, large end small.
Groceriesi & Eaiqmors,
Sugar, Coffee, Teas', Spices,t Ghees'cr ile
lasses, Brandy, Gin, Itum.tfync', fyc.
Assorted in prices and quality.
Hardware, iron and nails, ,
assorted, from the smallest, apicle to a smith's anvil
from a nail rod to a crowbar and front a s'paiablo
to a spike. - (l,)ti
Gig diCoachMakers'Finding iSiTrimrhings!
Saddlers' Finding and Trimmings.
Wood Stovcs,Conl. Stoves ajtd SlovePipe.
i Steel of all kinds.
... " 1 f
Queen's and.
Salt, Cod Fish amd Mackerel.
OiiSjFaiails, riigSj Dye Stufis;
, , In great variety. ,
Arid generally . all, articles call;i"for in country
stores! which hvinjbeeii crirefully uclected snd pur
chased at tho lowest prices, will he olTcrcd at low
rates for cash, or in exchange for country produce.
..The htehest price in CASH or GOODS, alnavs
paid fiJr country produce. . .
November 10, 1838- 29tf. .
'Elilitary Election:
THE Enrolled Inhabitants of the 71st
Reprimcntt I', M. aro herfibv notified that
an EL'ESOTION wjll be held fertile ,
First Battallioniat.tho house of HENRY
BITTEN BENDER, in Orangeville.
Fprlho Second Battallion, at th,e houso
qf. JOSEPH SHARPLESS, in Cattawissa;
on. . . , ... ... , . ..,. . .
Saturday, the ISM fay of December next
between tho hours of 10 in the forenoon.
and 6 in tho afternoon, to elect, ty Daiiot,t
one person for Colonel for said Regimenti
in tho room of Eli McIIenry, resigned.
Tho Maiors of said Regiment will super-.
tend the ekctionts of their respective,. .battaV,
liqns, and make return to ine agreeable to
the Hilt section of tho Iliitia' jv. -i
. Brig.Insp,nt Brig. 8th Dh. P. M
Inspetor's Office, Lurtcstonc, Nov,I7,lC38.
Improved. Aperient Seidlitz Powders.,
jSl bun) and billiona.afTectu),ns, . For t-alo it. , ,
Tbbias Health Empor'mni, Bloomsburg.
For salo at. ; , .-.,, . . , , . ,,,.;
Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomobur?.
VTTT - ,
, By the Box. and one box will last a whols
year. lor sale by mvb.g,.
Tobias' Health Emporium uioorasDurg.