'.'.IV AAA t T Uvlf A I i I have sivorn upoh the Altnr of God, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Mind of Ma'n.'Thoraas j'efferson. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY H. WEBB1 Volume EE. I51L,ddMISBURO, COOJMBIA COUNTY, 3? A. SATURDAY DECEMBER 8', 1838 Wumlicr 33 OFFICE OP THE DEMOCRAT; Next iJdon to Roihson's Staok OfcncE. fhttiOLUMltfJl D$jWCRAT will be ' ptiolUhed every Saturday morning, at .TWO hOfJ.AHS.vpr annum, payable half yearly inaJvttflce, or Two. Dollars F'il'lxi Cents, if not paid within the year. Ko sitbscriplioh will be, takeif of a s!ibr,le'r period than six mchths j nor.'any discpn limumcc pehnitted, until all arrearages are discharged. VWFERTfSEMfiXTS not exceeding 'a square wi'.l be conspicuously inserted at One Dollar for tfie first three insertions, and TivcnUi-ihexmts for everysubse quent nsrr'Ki. izjr?A liberal dis'tfuflt made to those who a-frcrfisc.by the year, LETTERS addressed on business', must be post paid. , sue u-osiE .? witE.mi or ltosvs. A DAI.Lill! Bho wore a wrr nth of roses, , The niht thai first we met; Hot l6voly face was smiting, Beneath her cprls of jel; Her footsteps Imj the lightness Her voice the joyous tone, The token of a youthful heart Where soirow i mikrlovrnj I nv her hut a moment! Yet me'thinks I see her now With & wreath of summer flowers, Upon hof snowy brow. A wreath of orange bloom When next we met she wore The expressioh of he,r features was Morci thoughtful than beforu And standing & hci side was one, Who strove md not in vain, To soothe her, Icivinj,' that dear horaej Sho ne'er migiit see ngoiri: I saw her but a moment, yel Methinks I see her now, Withu wreath of orange bloisoms" Upon her snowy brow. And once again i?co thai bfbw, ' , No bridal wreath is there, Tho widow's sorrlbrc enp conceals Her once luxuriant hair; She weeps til silent solitude, And there U no one near To press tier hand within his own, And wipe away a tea'; I soc her broken hearted! raejhinlw I see her now In the prtdo ofOuth and beauty, With ft garlarj.d on her brow. From tile Baltimore fitonumeril, for October! Af FOLLY CURED. BY MISS A. 71. F. BUCHANAN. "What care ij.maidens though hii name Ms all unmeet tor song br story 1" Ketu, Sons. . "Ned I brother Ned ! just listen here ! HatrietT; ai , on Jenkins, Esq, to Miss Helen Scott;' Jonas Jcnhings! ha! 'ha ! who would ever have dreamed that a lgirl of Ilei'erl Scott's taste could marry a 'roan with & iiame like that 1 Jonas Jenkins ? 'Mrs. Jonas jilnkins ! how it sounds !" "Well, Clara, 'what's, in a name t" "Shocking if there's anything I do de test as much as n vultjar.hame, it is a luwk iieyed quotation!" 'Humph ! 1 wes gb'ing to add, however, that your friend Helen has made what her Virclo would call an excellent match. I know Jenkins well. He is a man of fine person, fine abilities, and, yet moro, fine fortuno.1, "Arid! wht bf all that with such a name? " I woul'd noi many an Apollo; endowed Villi Fortunid's purile if ho bore1 a name like that!"' "Ahem!" "Ydu need ijb't look ho quizzical." "So wkatt" "You ktfew my notibft about namcs.long ago, Edward." "I thought I liad cure'd you of thorn long igo, Clara." "No, indeed ! I don't intend to bo curod . so long oa I have reason on my sido. Such flames a Johnson! Jackson, Thomson, to iif MotWffg dl Sinltfi; Orwn.Dro wnfTnaelt," which can bo so readily traced to theft sour- ' t'l.i i . , ces, are my aversion; Ihey are so vey par venu." , it "Parvcn.u'1 what a word for an Amort- ean girl, I I suppose, then, that such as Dclmont and Morltmer, and Mohtague, and Fit; this, and St. that, would suit your fan cy qetteri" , 'Nonsense 1 1 arn not so silly, as to go to trashy old novels for names. , I would as soon think of selecting Belinda and Portn da ami Melissa for Christian names. 1 lillc those that bear .something consequential m them, somethtng respectable, something aiiiiimii.ii j: t "Aristocratic, that's tho wprd you are -1 ashamed, to let put; somethin,like Howard, 5'r idney', or Ilerbcri would do I ha ! ha 1 ha!" . , 4 .....,, .... "Exactly !" and Clara Calvert ran out of the room to escape her brother's rail eit' .i i.. .. . -.I.., " -mi . "We must rid her of this foible," roirinrk cd Edward, gravely, lo his elder sister, Ger trude, whd was now at ,iiomc for the first tirii'9 lcr leavillg.it s a bridej arid who sat smiling at the cbllorju)'! Clara re-appeard. , , "I had intended' Clara," said Edward, "lb inyitemy friend William Benson to visit mc this Siimjnpr, but am now induced to change my mind. "You mean tlie young irlan tvho tooR half . i l ' r ' K l!,f irir. I.. , the honors from you at college, and who delivered that bralion so full of every iiiing sublime and beautiful, and original, which I adrnired so much, when I read it ?" "Tlie very same, but I have concluded that his common place name, might prevent you from receiving him as. he deserves. Your etymological skill might make the dis agreeable discovery through it that one of his ancestors was the son of a man named Ben." Claia looked a little confused; ."You know I vdtilU'ht mind that in ybiir friend, though." , , . . "Notwithstanding, I shall not subnit film to your cbndescentionj" returned Edward, as he left her. 'l'he next evening Clara and her 3i3ter were se.liing together in the parlor, "In dusk, ere stars were lit or candles brought;" iho latter looking musingly out upon the twilight, and the former thought lessly twanging her. guitar. "I'll play that old drawl, "Days of absence' for you Gr, said slit; "I know you're thinking about Henry, a'n't you J" , . ,, As she spoke, Edward ushered a gentle man into the room, introducing, "My sis- ters nirs. liunuer aim anss uaiveri, mv friend Mr. Demijohn." .. , Clara sat. for a moment as if thunder struck, and then gave a nudge of unmistake abe import to Gertude, who with her usual ladv-liko comnosure had commenced ad- (lftissing the stranger. "I wonder what he can look like;" thought she; "his voice at all events, does not sound as if it came out of a demi-j.ohn'J' It was very melodious, and h'. 'f reply to her sister particularly grace. fill, yet sdli she feared to speak lest a word might bnng her, jll-supprcsseU laugh alto nether oul with it; At lencth the lamps were lighled and Cla- ta cageriy surveypii in,c viauct. ud m what her" vounrr ladv. friends would have pronounced, "decidedly a very elcgant.look ing fellow;" a phraso of course (do hapkney ed to be taken tip by her fastidious" lips. His features were remarkably haodEOme.and wore an exnression wnicn proved .me. uumps of mirth conspicuous on his well develop ed forehead by no . f'neans misplaced, and which could not fail to be attractive to a damsel as vivacious as the one engaged in the scrutiny. The conversation .of the" visit6r was so fascinating that Clara's risibility soon yield ed to it, and befo're anhouiyshc caught .tier self wishing ft'om the .bottom of her. heart that there Bhould have been cause so jtist to give it rise. "Poor nvn I how much he is to' bo pitied I" she paid to herself; "with conceptions and sensibilities such as he must have to talk as he docs, how well ho must bo awarp of the ludieroti'snefls of his riarac,' ami jiow keenly ho 'must feel ill" and when he liad taken leave for the niht, her com passion would not allow her to finish the jest she had thought it necessary to attempt at his expense. The gentleman called again the next morning, and, Clara was yet moro pleased with him by day light than sho had been the evening Ibeforo, and by no .raeans dissat isfied when her brother told her that he had invited his friend to pass a few days in the family, "lie is a very interesting man," said she, and she fell into a deep' study.. A ray of hope shot across her miri'd. Per haps his first iiame might be more agreea ble. She questioned Edward accordingly. "Name agaiii !" returned he raising his fingei. , "I am suro I have an excuse.for it how;" replied Clara, almost seriously. "Well, here isjiis card." , Clarsi snatched it eagerly; "John M. Demijohn '! forgive me, Edward but, really; I can't help laughing? it is such ver absurd name 1 you must confess that yourselfl" ., , 1( . t: , Edward and Gertrude both smiled. , , Mr. D , for so Clara arranged his name m her reveries soon became dome3ti eated among them' Edward, a competent judge in matters of that kind, held his tal- l ... ... 'i ' -. .1 " urns ami attainments in msti estimation. Gorlrude believed him to be as superior in character as intellect, and Clara herself thought him the most polished gentleman she had ever seen. He accompanied her muii'c to her utmost satisfaction; read ex quisitely! was in admirable horseman, in short he possessed innumerable attractions, and with these jn vieivj the consequences may be. guested Mr! ) D 's visit had been lenghthen- to better, than a month when one morn ing whe ho had been idly screwing the keys of, Clara's guitar for some minutes whilst she sat working near him, he stop ped suddenly, and announced his intention of rhakring his deprture me next day. Clara started and endeavored to raise Iter eyes to his face but .they , would not obey her, and then as ineffectually she attempted to speak. The gentleman arose, struck the guitar against the table till the sitings vibrated; picked up a sheet of music and threw it down again; opened his lips as if there was something to be said, but did not succeed ; L 1'jJ. 'j -i .i. i j r. in guiwiig ii qui an u aurupuy iiurncu irom lhe ?W. i , t ... -"Oh.i,IlQW,I wish Gertrude were here!" half sobbed Clara. Gertrude has left the week before. Edward entered. "Why Clara, child," exclaimed he, what's the matter ? , Look up here; why, upon ray word, your eyes are quite red ! how could you have so little taste as to sit with a gentleman, in that trim ? let's hear what ails you I" "Nothing, .brother Edward." ( , "Is that all ? Oh then 1 need not con cern myself about you; I. ha've. reason to do so about something else though; Demi john intends leaving us to-morrow did he .ll i ii r.t ' ) ' . ieu you so i reaiiy, viara, you seem as much agitated at my .news as any young la dy could be who had, serious aspirations lo become Mrs. John M. Demijohn !" Clara burst into tears.' . tUward paused a moment, am nd them went . i .. i 'f. r on; "You don't usually let my teasing distress you so, Claia, I beg pardon. But to our subject. I have not asked him to prolong his stay; I think it best to allow the poor fellow to go whilst ho has a little rem- nant of his heart to take with him, which would certainly not be the case if he re mained much longer with you; As it is, found it necessary to eive him a hint of your prejudice about names; Slid left him to infer .that,, of course, his cause would be hopeless." A -ii - 1 ,""' ' "Oh ! Edward I how could you !" inter rupted Clara with a sob; don't I beg, thinli of my folly any more !" "I must, and will, Clara, till I know you arc cured of it." "So r am; ifc&:!!i "Aie ypu sure ? nuitesure ?" , "Dear Edward, for pity's sake don't jest now. "Well, I Jlave rio objection to believing you, but therotare others to be convinced of it besides myself," said het brothqr beckon ing through a window, tobjsguestyho Im mediately joined .them; "and first of ajl, Benson, here, my old friend, William Benson; don't feet, so pale, Clara, why, what frightens you ? this name is surely not more terrible than John M. Demijohn, is it ? You may debate that point between yourselves, however,(and iri half an hour or so I will be in again to hear your conclu sion.' . . A week or two after) .Gertrude received a letter from Edward, ofwhjch a passage ran thus:-''And lastly, dear Ger. qur,(p!ot succeeded 'admirably. Benson endured tjie sounquet until l was convinctu she would gladly have shared it with him, and now, though of course she is not sorry that he is rid of it, as who would be t I think the whim is pretty fairly eradicated. You and Henry must hurry back, as soon as possi ble to instruct the young folks in the duties 11 , t ' I i o,i- , of married life, for B: -is urgent lo as sume them, and, inspite of my iseijj'udge- meni, nas persuaueu our.ijiiipiOis.jnaj a; eighteen she is quite advanced enough in reason and years for their comprehension ana imminent. - FEMALTrBlTt:.. Sl, , From the diary of a country Physician- 'Twas on a Sabbath morning in the month of June, eighteen hundred and twenty eight; I was summoned to visit a young Lady, re siding a few miles distant from the beauti ful village of Port Elizabeth, New Jersey, in hich place I then resided. , She was one whom I had . kriown from infancy and had long been intimately bc quamted with her family.) .She' ,was her father's only child, tho idol of., his aged heart, and the node and solace of h'is latter days. Joist entering her, seventeenth year with a mind highly cultivated, and a eensi- unity anve to every amioie impression, sne became a fit object to love and.be beldved. Her youth. had been passed in Quietness 1 . ! . Ml! ' ... I and seclusion in a celebrated Female Semi nary at Burlington. Grief and sorrow were unknown to her, and she Knew not or the trials and troubles of this weary world of woe. Because Mary was innocent. The communication I received, strondv excited my apprehensions ; that without immediate liaste," myprosence or services woutu oe entirely ljnavanauie. Accoruing- ly, without delay ,( I was soon fast approach ing the object of my visit. The light of an-, other.day, Jiad just began to dawn upon the world. The calm and quiet hour of morn ing twilight, when the dark shadows of night are fast mingling with the rays of ap proaching day.j It .was bewitching and en chanting period of tirpe, when , all, creation seems to,Ieel,and acKnowieuge.tne supreme and overwhelming power of Omnipotence. All nature smiling in reaaimatcd beauty, paying homage and adoration to Him who is its great Divine Creator. Whether the iiign mountain pcau tuai.mingics wiwi mc clouds clothed with eternal snows of. the low sequestered glen beneath, carpcted( with the verdure; whether the tall sturdy tower ing oak that decks the forest, or the tiny b'i'rd that warbles among tho branches; all eloquently proclaim the wisdom and power of that hand which has been tho author of them all. , .; ( , . , , , , A thousand reflections hurried through my mind as 1 travelled along the lonely road which led to the abode of Mary, and her aged parents. Can it bo possible, thought I again and again that she wliom, i had seen so recently, flushed with health and beauty the charm of cheerfulness upon her family was now, the victim of disease and prqbably death? ltelentlesss, Cruel Spoilci J how dost thou love to revel and ri ot among the charms of female loylineas withering like an early blight the rose, that blooms on beauty's cheeks; dashing at one fell blow to tho grave, all their hopes and eyjectation'i tore; theif to lio ftfld title and perish.? , How dost thou with thy sturdy foot Jovo.to.. tramplo over the fair fragile forms of those we onco loved, but now can love no more for ever, t . ..i,.,,,,, Indulging in this sad train of molancholly, musings,. I.oundI had approached ihei house witliom being ,-cqnscipus. of, Jhe dis: tance passed over. I ws.tt.shed.JnV? tbe uhamb.er of tho sick. There iaVjHe wreck of, one, who but. a. short time sinco.j.was glowing with health and vigor, exulting in the buoyancy of youth, and the "conscious ness of, existence.?' .peath, dpingpj ,,Tver depicted on her, countenance., I advancer) to the bed, she se,ized my hand.wilh'a con vulsive grasp (which I can , never forget) pressing it with a power as if all her expi ring energies at that moment were concent trated in her fingers; she exclaimed, "Doc tor, am I not dying ? I have not sent for you professionally, , ( , u, .. ,t I well know it is now too lata to derive any benefit from your skill. I have ssnf for you as an acquaintance, as a friend, and. especially so as tho esteemed friend odFrank IFqodville. You knpw him Doctor?" r Intimately well, Mary. He is now I re marked, absent on a visit to his friends in ftlassacnuaeiisv, , ,i . , i ,. "Xps," she replied, "X know it, ana im mediately after his return we were to bo lied m iriafrlace. H, is rhaking the pre paratory arrangements for that ,nticipatei oyful event and 1, must make prepara; tipt for ihs splemntlies of death, and tho gravji, wi jh()ail tiie .dreary . appendages I" , I endeavored (ito( potholier by stating sho might not be so jysar her end gs she ap-f prehended. And if she ,bieved(lite to dq so nearly at its close, her mind her affections should be directed and fixed upor. Him only, who is able and willing to sup port and sustain her in the hour of aflletiori and distressi , m, She. bestowed tin me an inexpressible look of calmness and, composure a faint smile playing rqund-her mouth remarking "Doctor,' thisjiave 1 attetded to long before sickness brought my head tfj this,pilow. -Arid I can now say I'thlte.Psalmist of old 'thoughji walk throtigh the. valley of death, I will fear, no evil : for thpu art with me ; thy Tod arid thjr stair they comfort mei'w . .! " ' 4 ' "Doctor, I hate a fe w words to say to you, and I feel by increasing weakness that they must be said soo'n ,.. " "Listen carefully and attentively." , Vith an earestness of expression whieh I shall iver remember, she said, "You will see Frank Wo'odville again 1 never shall! Tell. him, lajyoim dearly. andsincerely He .has' made that avowal times without number. I never have., ( This has not aris en from a want of .affection but from my ypqtl; and the natural diffidence and tiraidy of my sex. "Doctor, please remove this lock of hair." , . . r- 1 J t1' I immediately separated tho large black ringlet which she held in. her hand,' over shadowing her brow and contrasting beauti fully with tho marble whiteness of its sur face. . . " , . -j "Cive this to Frank Woodville, and telt hint a 'gift from Mary !', fi Tell hint 1 love him! Oh ! could I only sound those few s hort words in her hear ing I would leave tho world contentedly, yea, triumphantly. Tell him tho last words RIary,cver uttered the last accent that quivered upon thej cold, pulselesr lip of Ma ry, was the endeared hanio of Frank Wood ville r. ., ,' , r JIy feelings had now completely over come me, , I sat beside her wjlh my faoo concealed with my.hardlwrchief. , j She seized my jiiapd again and within death-liko gasp; uttered in a feeble, indie ti'nct lone, "Toll Frank -Weed " , t A momentary pause ensued, I looked a round one short, suppressed, Bpaspodjc, ga.sg terminated tlie struggles of the Joyely. Mary. fAll Jrajs over. The spirit had fled. and Us flight had left impressed upon her C t . . T 1. . I am!i mT Annul Almnfiu UlaciducM ot cipxwloiuiS if the souf hail